Enteral at the poftnjjice at Union, Oregon, at tecond-ctuti vuiil matter. B. Chancey, Editor and Proprietor KATES OF HUllfOIlll'TIOJt . One copy, one year One c-ipy, sdx month nun n.mv. three months $1 50 . l do ts Invariably CVm Advance. If !, chance tHltoeripthm are not paid (ill end ofiicar, tuo dollar will lit- charged. Kates ol advertising made known on ap plication. ay-Corrtpo:nl'iice from nil parts of the country solicited. THURSDAY. KEPT. 10. 1891. HIITOKIAI. NOTK.S. Kkank Lkb, of Centcrvillo, Wash., iornicrly editor of tho Klickitat Leadur, has purohasud the Pacific Fanner, of Porlland, and assumed control. A iti:i'OUT comes from Garfield coun ty, Washington, of a fanner beginning his threshing ns fast as he cut his grain, and that at noon he ate biscuits tnado from Hour ground" from the wheat cut and threshed in the morn ing. Washington sets a pretty hard pace, but it is well enough to wait for tlio returns from Oregon before award ing the palm to Garfield county. Ex. Tiik president's talk of "an honef-t dollar" is all very well, but in addition to the dollars being honest in thum f elves they should be honestly come by. A dollar taken out of the pockets uf a poor man, or for that matter, of a rich man either, by the operation of the robber tarifl' and put into the treasury to bo squandered by a billion dollar congress is not an honest dollar, whether it bo made of gold, silver, paper or wampum. Albany Democrat. A man said the other day that de mocracy had done nothing fur him since the war. It ought to bo remem bered that the democratic party has not been in power since the war and therefore has not boen in a position to shape the policy of the country and its legislation. Tlio democracy has done the country good service by prevent ing extreme and oppressive laws. The democracy has been a successful barrier against much vicious legisla tion sought to bo enacted by the other party. Tin: fact cannot be made too em phatic, says the Kt. Paul Globe, that the issue at the front next year must bo tariff reform. In a recent inter view .Senator Carlisle dwells upon this as the great fact to bo impressed upon the democratic mind. Ho would have all other questions kept in aboyance, and the light made equally on this line. This policy should commend itself to all democrats. It is the plat form upon which there is entire una nimity. East, west, north and south there it) like enthusiasm and determi nation to press this question. Other measures can wait. Danger attends any multiplication of the purposes sought. It is the Hag to win under, and the fact can hardly be imprinted too strongly on the mind. It ik quite significant that the re publicans of Ohio are now attempting to relegate the tarifl issue to the shade and to bring the silver question up as the loading one. MoKinloy and Kher man in their speeches opening the campaign devoted nearly all their time to silver. The republican editors of the state the other day held a meeting at which it was resolved lo push the silver question and to remain mute on the tariff issue. This shows that they are afraid of the growing sentiment in favor of tarill' reform. Uut these gen tlomeu will not be permitted to make tho issue alone. It takes two parties to make an issue, and the democrats of that state will compel those honoii ciarios of tho robber tariff to defend themselves on the case they have made. Albany Democrat. It ih very important that our county bo represented at tho Portland Exposition and "Oregon on Wheols." Only a few more days remain in which our farmers can prepare an exhibit for tho car and we trust they will not lot this matter pass by unnoticed. Mr. G. V. Ingalls, the agent, will be in Union ami tho Cove Friday and Sat urday of this week for tho purjvoso of galhoring ui'il flipping specimens, if you have any thing worthy of bond ing, bring it in to the Centennial hotel or take it to the Cove and leave it in charge of James Hondoisholt who will soo (hut It forwarded. Amjilo space U net uftido In the oar for the Union and Jlukoroounty oxhiblt and we hope to ee H well II I led with (he pitxluuu uf Ihu ooiuily. Jinny in your K'uiii, veg Huhlos MHll frOll lit Olice, INDIVIDUAL. OPINION. Allen Thorncroft. Grovcr Cleveland, while possessing many peculiarities, is without doubt the strongest democratic candidate for president. He enjoys a wondeiful reputation among the people and they are the ones to be pleased in the elec tion of a president. Democratic suc cess in the next presidential election is almost assured and while the nomina tion of a candidate not having much strength would cripple the chances of success to a certain extent, the princi ples of the democratic party and the present issue between tho two great parties are tho things that will elect a democratic president. The people of this great republic have great faith in Grover Cleveland; they have tried him and have not found him wanting. Tliev know that he is opposed to ex travagance in the administration of tho government and against tho mo nopoly interests of the country, be cause ho lost tho the presidency in 1888 in a courageous attempt to save the people from tho oppression of monopoly and the exactions of the tax gatherer. Whether or not he be the candidate cannot bo settled until the deleuates assemble in convention. In them the people must put their trust. The democratic party can not afford to imperil the presidential contest of 1892 by running the risk of carrying New York in 1891, therefore, the World's project of running Grover Cleveland as the democratic candidate for governor of New York this fall in order to test his popularity is ill ad vised. His popularity is such that this is not needed to demonstrate it. Thin seems to be one of the deep laid schemes of Hill to head the great democrat off. Tho World is a pro nounced Hill paper and anything of this nature coming from it must be taken with a grain of allowance. Hill of course is oho of tho presiden tial possibilities, but he is not as popu lar with tho peoplo as Cleveland and if he is nominated it will bo because of the influence of Now York. He is tho great political chief of the state, and while the peoplo recognizo him as a great man in politics, they seem loath to trust the a Hairs of this great nation to his keeping. Tlio popularity of a person in Now York, so far as shown by the vote, is largely controlled by the political bosses who aro out for tho money there is in it, so that tho mass of figures givou by the Albany Times, showing that Cleveland is not popular in New York, can not bo taken to mean much in the coming presiden tial struggle. The inlluonco of Now York in tho presidential struggles of the future will not bo as great as in tho struggle of tho past. The last election made a great change in the center of political strength and in the coming campaign the battle field will bo moved to the west. Tho groat light will bo made in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa. Tho battle field is now being thoroughly looked over by tho generals of both parties and all the positions of advantage aro being taken. The struggle will bo one of tho greatest in political history, and should tho victory go to tho democratic party thoro will bo a now party organized upon the ruins of the republican and it will take years for it to become a polit ical force. In this struggle lies the salvation of tho supremacy of tho com mon people of tho country. There is no denying tho fact that the republi can party has founded a system of aristocracy based upon tho monoy taken from tho eiruings of tho com mon peoplo by the monopolistic tarifl". This has made the theory of American liberty almost a farce. It ts estimated that tho damage to the crops of Union county this season, by rust, will bo about a half million dollars. This is tho first time in tho history of the county that our farmers have been bothered with rust, and while it will go pretty hard with some, it should not discourage them in the future. It may never occur again. Crops that a few weoks ago promised over an average yield will not turn out more than one-half what was expected. In some sections rust did not damage much, hut taken altogether there will not bo much more than half a crop of marketable grain in Union county. At Tin: last meeting of the council the Republican was allowed $'1.75 for printing MM) letter heads; $2.fi0 for 600 envelopes and $7.20 for 200 assess iiiuiiL blanks. We would like to in quire if this is 60 per uuntlnts than thu going rate! Wo never pietund to ohaige more tliuii $11.60 fur 600 latter heads; if-'26 for 600 envelope, or!) iumiU upline for u tinall ordur of a ( muni blank, "! that iwjwr ruovivm $18,16 fur whii'h Ihvy rluuild, uimjumI- illg (O lllfll HWII ItKIOOllltfllt, riHItHVU hut f6.b7J. JJu ttUwul it, riiiuiMU (lOliuiillltior CHANGING TUNE. In the campaign of last year in eup- ( port of the McKinley bill the republi- j can leaders insisted that tho tariff is I not a tax upon the consumer. i Now they are pointing to sugar j made cheaper by removing the duty ' and predicting a largely increased sale j of our products in South America, Cuba and San Domingo, because the peoplo of those countries have been relieved of the tariff taxes upon various American articles of export. Last year President Harrison and Mr. McKinley inveighed against cheapness, and declared that "a cheap coat means a cheap man." This year all the republican speakers and organs are trying to show that pretty much everything, including a coat, is cheaper than before the new tariff was passed. Last year every protectionist news paper declared that a higher tariff was necessary in order to prevent tho "flooding of the home market with foreign goods." This year they are boasting of increased importations. The voters will make short work with these fallacies and fables this year, as they did last year. Ex. FROM ANTELOPE. A.S'TKLOl'B, September 1 1, 1831. What smoky weather! Hurrah for tho Hoot Owls! A ton of gold is $002,799.27. Are you going to the circus? Nothing is impossible to industry. Mr. Frank Levitt's crop is all in tho stack. Tho Fraziers are about through harvesting. School commences next week in Pylc canyon. Harvesting grain is the order of the dayjnow, in Antelope. Mrs. Frank Levitt has gone to Pino valley on a visit to friends. Mr. Bert. Huffman and lady visited tho Telocaset mines recently. The thermometer stood at 100' in tho shade last Sunday in Tyle canyon. Mr. John Cates is busy hauling lumber and timbers for the Telocaset mines. Mr. liaison, of Uig creek, will com mence threshing for Mr. Jasper Mitch oil Monday. Mr. Oliver McKeover is reaping Mrs. John Dobbin's crop of barley at her Antelope farm. The Union Pacific is working a crowd of men now on the section, pre paring tho road bod for winter. Mr. William Cates and lady were enjoying themselves greatly yesterday down on Powder river, catching fish. Thay Yowell cut off a colt's leg with his now binder. Ho has mado a wooden log for it and expects it will work all right. The Tombleson boys' crop is ready for tho threshing machine, Rob is going back to Old England this win ter, on a visit to tho old folks at home. Mr. Joseph Yowell broke his binder, Mr. George Thompson broko his reap er, Mr. Win. Huffman broko his har vester and Mr. C. E. llinklcy broko his header. Wo will all go broko if wo don't look out. Mr. William Frazior, Sr., has bought him a farm over on Snako river. Tho ! Fraziors are cutting ovorything for hay this year on their Antelope ranch. Thoy will have to bring their cattle homo from Snake river whero they have boon for several years let out on shares to winter. of the shaft and they have put in air boxes. Thoy aro working night and day shifts and concentrating their work sinking this shaft. At a depth of one hundred feet if it looks as woll as at tho presont depth, thoy will run levels, put on more men, and erect a quartz mill with a Fruo vanner. Tho Dierks prospect over in the Hinckley mining district is looking line. Thoy are down fifty feet in tho shaft and have five foot of solid quartz between tho walls that nverages abttut $10 to the ton in gold No silver. Tho foot wall is porphyry with limo streaks through it. Tho hanging wall is of soft granite, with a two inch talc streak on tho foot wall. It looks now as though it would make a mine. Tlio air was getting bad at tho bottom There is considerable interest mani fested in Antelope as to who has the fiieUwt running horse. Guorgie Hull man thinks his caddie liars is "cock of tho walk." Mrs. Kmnk Levitt's little pinto mart) in hard lo boat, aUo Mi. Itttttitf Lou's two year old roan ouh. Mi. Mry ToinbWm ami Mu Clam Yowell are graceful and during rhlitra and have fust Iwtwm, ami mvmuI utlir in AuUilujw have Hymn, m thy think or Mty I hao an old bhuk imiiv Unit uuii inn away fiuiu Ilium nil If you don't believe it, put up your money and run me next Sunday at Tclocaget, one mile, free for all, gentle men riders, and the devil take the hindmost. We aro the crankiest set of people in Pylc canyon and Antelope of any place in the United States. So out siders say of us. Hardly any two fam ilies agree, but at the same lime aro good friends. What makes us so cranky I do not know, unless it is try ing to farm ranches set on end, or living in a region where the wind blows so constantly that it aflW-ts our brains if we have any. According to Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, wc should be highly llattered by outsiders calling us cranks. His defi nition of the word crank is a smart, energetic person, too full of business cares to be polite and talkathv to every idle person that buttonholes him on the street. He givo? them a short answer and hurries off about his busi ness, and then they turn away highly indignant because he can not stop to gossip with them, and inform all their friends that he is a crank. Then hur rah for tho cranks of Antelope and Pyle canyon 1 We came here when this country was a hole in tho grouud and full of Indians and have helped to make it what it is, and have a perfect right to be cranky on our old camping ground H. rvernincotln.-clal)a3'iimcntol'th:lirsti)aperon the bay ol Son I'rancUco, which xvc believe was the "AUn," removed Irotu Monterey la 18 Wj the inhabitants ofthc Coast generally have been inter rs'.ed in the news from Sau 1'ranclsco. The "Alia," like many other pioneers of M3, has succumbed to the incvitablcand E--ne over to the great majority, and, like olhcr pioneers, has been succeeded by younger generations. The " Examiner" has taken perhaps the most prominent placa in the newspaper field of late years, and Us Weekly edition is very generally taken by those who want an Interesting and reliable paper published at "The Bay." Kreryona is iamiliar with the I'remlum Offers made by Mr. Hearst, the " Kxamlner's" enterprising publisher, and It is only necessary to say that this year the aggregate value of the premiums of which there are 5,000 is fVVi.OK), which nre distributed among all the subscribers to the pajicr. In addition to these pre miums, which range in value from 50 cents to $T,.r,33. every subscriber receives one of the lour great premium pictures, which will be mailed to h:-u in a tubs direct from the ' Kxaminer" office a j noon as the subscription is received: " Tie Retreat from Moscow," of MeissoMer. " T13 Roman Chariot Race," 07 1 Wagner. V.ach of these pictures is 21x2? inches, ud they nre e"..-;jntly reproduced in fac simile, showing txeryti.it and color of the great originals, either om-tt xhich could not be purchased for f:oo,ooo. " Ycnea Ed Children First," oy C. Napier Hemr ":::r!:t Leaving the Pratorlm," 17 Gnstare Dore v.,.-, r f nlhiwc ! 1-pnrn.lnrnl 111 TlhotO ' ,..ivuie, s,:e JUJS, and eminently fitted for fram ing, ai:u xvni imoru ine xvauaoi me muti icuucu limine. i he subscription price of l'ie " Weekly Kxntnl n r " i). f 1 lO.aiul su!?eriplii'iismay be sent either duoi-t t ) V. K. Hearst. ruXisher, San I'r&acisco, through the Local Agent of the " Kxamiirrr" uj the I'ostmnsler. Ilelsai toloiifiii Zzur.ox b3 sucessjfuily traveled with out coscl hcriiih. To ro:oh wealth or any r cxs:ou posi.u.i in i;.'o requires inaiun M pjscesclcn .i.:J operation of r.ll tho fac pg utiles Uird ruluro haj endowed us with. 3 TI16SO coniiticpj ennot exist unless the ' Bh.!r.nl hr.tnii Is In "trfccl worklnn r 1 j 1 crier, and this Is l.pi-alb!o ithon tho liver and spleen aro lor,-.;:, thus obstruct ing tho secretions, causing Indigestion end dyspepsia, with all o' their accom panjlng hcrrcrs. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion. Tonic exerts a specific Influence oor the liver, excites it to healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes the secretions; cures Indigestion and consti pation, sharpens tho sppotlto, tones up tho entire system, and makes lite worth living. SHHKIFK'S hAI.K ty vi in JU) issued out of tho llononililti Circuit Court of the. State of Orecm for th? County of Multnomah, bearing date tlio 10th lav of July, to ino directed and delivind j upon "a judgment entered therein on tlio j 10th day of Mav, lfi'.ll, which judgment I was enrolled and iiocKetcu in mo cierK's till and (ieorne Hock and Adolph Gioe are defendants fur tlic Mini of One Thousand Dollars with Interest ut the rate of per cent per annum from the ltith day of May, ISM. and the further Mini f Seventy Six and 10-100 Dollars cost, mid nlo the costs 1 of ami upon this writ, I have levied upon the following described real estate situated in Union Countv, Oregon, to-wit : I.ots 11 and lLMn 'Woek Lots S, 0, 10 and 11 in l!lock4: hots V. i:i and 14 in Ulock 7 in Kehronlweh's addition to the town ot ha (I ramie In I'nion county. Oregon, ami bv virtue of :iid execution and levy. I will sell at public auction, to tlio highest biddor, at tho court houe door in Union, Union Countv. Oregon, on Friday tke 11th day of September. 1SI)1 . at 2 o'clock p. m. of bald day. all the right, title and lutorttst of. in uud to the above described premises that tho defendant, heroin. Goorge Hock and 1 Adolph tinise, r either of thoni, had there i In on the 2lst day of July, ISM, or has since I been aecipiired bv thoni. or eltlior of them. i to satisfy aid judgment, costs, interest and accruiiiK costs. Terms of sale: Cash in gold eoiu of the ' U.S. to me in hand. Dated AiiKUs to. InOI. J.T. HOI.I.KS. Sheriff. ' Hv V It 1'mikk. Deputy liw Thinii A INi !-! aiv attfiiu for the xi h hiHti .1 f vilt'iie WindMlll, and lla tilt pll' O oil thoill IlKVehtHMI tfieut- 1) rmlured Ihev Hiu now within the nM.hii(ll Smitide mill to be n nl llu ir plmii i in North 1'itUin. ('nil Htul fiaiiih" ii Summers -RETAILERS OF- Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Farmers' Steel Goods, Pumps, Saws, Wedges, Sledges, etc. A Full Equipped TIN SHOP is run in Connection with our Store, Sp3We make a Specialty of this Line. Call and see us. SUMMERS it LAYNE. one door south of Jaxcox's store, Union, Or. -DEALER IN- BOOTS Latest Styles. Just Ecceived, Direct from the East, a Largo Invoice of LADIES' and MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Best Ever hrought to this Market. Also a Fine Assortment of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -:- GOODS. My Prices will suit the times. Drop in and sec ine. C. VINCENT. Main Street, Union, Or. Dealer in- STATIONERY, , Cigars and All KMs of Fruit, Tobacco Candies, Nuts, Novels, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBER SHOP In Connection. 4-30-tf. First ATTENTION:- I have just received an FURN Comprising everything of the latest style and pattern in that line, also Carpets, Window Shades, Mats, Rugs, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Reed and Rattan Goods, Upholstered Rockers, Easy Chairs, etc, of all descriptions. Nov is the time to get your Furniture, while you can be suited, in style, design and price. Constantly on hand, a tull stock of CT A CITT 8. O. miLU c 0 Carries .t full line Harvesting Machinery rS rOFFINB j -p , j , iiiii t-i i Engines and Vibrator Threshers. , O niwx-mwi I I SlUTl will .-ell as cheap as any dealer in the vallev. 3-26-tf " J , . . manT-m j i The Centennial Hotel, Union, Oregon. . JB GOODBROD, - Proprietor. i Recognized by all as the Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon! FINK L.AHOI SAMl'LK KOOMS l'or the Accomodation of Commercial TrnTelerJ CHARGES REASONABLE. III LIVERY d Fl ffllE lOlTOSlTA CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) Wm. E. Bowker, - Proprietor. rtvrythiut? Pint iHuiw. Turin Very llwauiiiljU. 'Hus to ami Imoih the Depot Making Connection with all Pass. uMwr ruins. k Layne trier Oak Stoves. All Kinds SHOES, door north Centennial hotel, Union, Or. immense shipment of TURE 'nion- Oregon- ERRY, Union, Oregon, ot nil kinds of - and Agricultural Implements,