0 I B. Chanoey, Publisher, Union, Or. ACIFIC COAST. r The Utah Legislature is Democratic. AL-'ASKA AND PROHIBITION. The Wild Wan of Arizona Delivers an Address to His Fellow Pris oners at Tombstono. Txm Angeles is to have a $CO,000 ice plant. Fine native strawberries have appeared in the Juneau (Alaska) markets. The nalrnon pack in Northern British 'Columbia is a failure. It will reach about a three-quarter pack. The next Territorial Legislature of Utah will be composed of 23 Democrats, 12 Liberals aim I Republican. King county, Wash., must pay the ex penses ol the militia that was ordered to the mines to suppress riotous -strikers ionic weeks ago. The contractors on the Tintic Range railroad line in Utah have struck three bodies of ore in tunneling in the mount- sins at Ilomansville Pass. Tho saloonmen of Spokane have gnnixed a society to protect and uphold all personal, civil ami religious li lourucH of its members and to be known as the League of Freedom. A cowboy killed nn Indian in a dis pute at tho Navajo reservation in Now Mexico, and the Indians are in hot pur isuitof the murderer and his compan ions. A deadly encounter may result. After working for somo months and expending several thousand dollars tho World's Fair Commission from the State of Washington discovered that its mem hers were irregularly unpointed. Thev will reorganise at once. At Silver Row Basin, three miles from Juneau, Alaska, the old abandoned placer mines have again proved their richness. Hydraulic machinery has been placed in the old diggings and put to work, and the first clean-up realized $30,- The steam scaler Eliza Edwards has returned to Vancouver, R. C, from Hohr iug Sea. The captain says that steam sealers are no longer an experiment in the Retiring Sea, and predicts that next season will -see a grunt many more of them. The bill to be introduced in Congress . at the instance ol the War Department providing for San Diego's fortifications will cover the oxpenso of five military cntaoitshmeniB at uoromulo Heights, North Island, Point Loiim and Rallast Point. The fifth, which is not located, win uo tno miiiuiry post proper Darius NorriB, who mysteriously dis appeared from Astoria, and whoso prop erty was subsequently claimed bv other parties, writes from Dunkirk. Franco, that ho had been shiuighied, and ttiere in possibly an interesting story yet to tie ioiu aooiii ine man and tho reasons lor his sudden and unlooked-for departure. Ncwh has boon received from Onilneca district, R. C of tho deatti of two vet eran miners of California and Rritisli Columbia John RobiiiBon, a native of jiarnor uraco, N. i, and Uidoon 1 Hathaway of Taunton, Mans. Roth went from San Francisco in 1858, and were -well-known chaructora in Cariboo ami Gusaiar. The California express waH ditched tho other evening by running into a nteer at Riordau, seven miles west of i'lagsUir, A. T. The engine, mail and Riuoker went down the embankment twenty feet, causing a delay of fourteen V , I. II.. jiuiun, riruuiHii lxjwiien was imuiy I 1 .. . ...... camou aim nurnod. Allot tho passen gers escaped injury. Tho Portland Southern Hallway Com pany has filed articles of incorporation at Portland, Or. The capital stock is $10,000,000, and the ohjectH of tho com pany aro the buying, building, establish ing and maintaining of nil ways and means of transiiortatioii and cominuni cation, both by land and water, and the producing ami dealing iu light and power. O. Homo, as tho wild man of Aruona Igns himself, delivered an address to his jouow prisoners at lomlwtone rocuntlv His discourse showed tho traits of good -scholarship. Ho walks tho corridors of "the jail in n perfectly nude condition. ins only clothing is his skull cap. He I is n great favorite with his fellow orison- in on account of his ability. Ills iden- tity is still surrounded in great mystery. ml... . i. . .. in" Kuverniiiuiii mill, against, the wagomroad company in Oregon has lie Ctiii at Portland. There aro four grants to wagon roads, comprising several hun dred thousand acres, which tho govern moiit seeks to recover on the ground that tho roads were not constructed and that tho certificates of such construction is sued by the government were fraudulent Kx-Mayor Pond of San Francisco is pres ent as an interested party. 1 he dropping of twenty-one teachers from tho pay roll of the publlo schools of Mis Angeles In order to replace them with others has given rise to a perfect storm oi opposition among the teachers in question ana their mends. The Roanl itself has boon divided on the question, UmdliigO to 4. unit to further compli. cato matters President Khafer has re- signed, havP'g U'como dissatisfied with the maimer in which aiTaim had iwen conducted. Indians continue to roach Yuma and tell awful stories of their experiences during tins earthquake la thoCocopah region. They say they were thrown Hat on tho ground uiid threatened with burial ullvu in the crevices, while vand and gravel raliifil down upon them, Volca noes and geysers worn nlurte.1 Into un usual activity, throwing mud mid water to great ilMance. The Indian are mi badly frightened by this river miming Into the ili'Mirl and the imrtliquuko (hut It In doubtful II they will ever return, THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. rin, lEii.sinn .Inwn Will Itf Allowed to Keiiittiu In th' lulled Sluice It has Ix'on decided to allow the Rus sian Jews detained at Ioton under the immigration law to remain in the United States upon the filing of bonds in the sum of $2,500 for each person that such person shall not become a public charge. Navy Department officials pay the stutenrent published that the Mohican has been ordered from the Retiring Sea to China is incorrect. The .Mohican will remain in the sea until the season closes, after which she will return to ban tran cisco. The President upon the recommenda tion of the Civil-Service Commission has made important chances in the rules imverninir the classified service;. Under these amendments all promotions here after made in the classified service will be unonstrictlv competitive examination conducted under the direct authority of thr Civil-Service Commission. Promo tions, like appointments, will be made Upon mem oniy. in uxaumimiuiia lor promotion much weight will be given office records of clerks as to punctuality, diligence and eihciency. Commissioner Rauin of the Pension Rureau in an interview with a United Press reporter emphatically denied the published statements that" no original pension certificates hail been issued dur ing the month ol July and the eleven working davs of the present month. He submitted figures showing what the pen sion office was accomplishing The work for the fiscal year just ended shows that there were 144,5fJ7 more certificates is sued tlian for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1888. During the past month L'.HoJ original certificates were issued under the laws, while 25,494 original certificates were issued under the act of June 27, 1890. The issue of original certificates in July, 1888, was 3,444. The Commis sioner said: "There is no understand ing nor agreement between Secretary Foster and myself that no more certih cates shall be presented for payment un til after September 1. On tho contrary, all the agents are provided with fund to make daily payments of all pension certificates entitled to payment during the month of August. The work of and iting the pension claims will go steadily forward, it is mv expectation mai me office will issue 120,000 certificates from Aumist 1 to December 1, or 148,000 for the Unit live months ol the present nnan cial year. CABLEGRAMS. An Attempt to Cllml, tlie llliunlnynii If Acalu Tulk.-d Of. Smallpox is epidemic in Lima and Callao. Socialists are plotting to overthrow the Chinese dynasty. The settlement of Jews on unoccupied land in Italy is proposed. Kir John K. Gorst will make an official tour of Ireland and report on tho condi tion of the lalwring classes tlior?. Tho present financial crisis in London has forced the suspension of work on tho ship-railway canal at Halifax. The edict has gone forth from head quarters in IiOiulon that tho women ot the Salvation Army must no longer wear owclry. Alio WUCI1V OI lotlia is so nrnsnprniiH it... . i . . . . ' mat a mu nas ueon introduced suspend ing all taxation for a poricd of three months. Tho fourth centennial of the discovery oi America is io ue celebrated at lieuou. 4 , . I i tho birth place of Columbus, with many festivities. A Chinese imperial decree calls for tho arrest and infliction of capita! punish ment upon tho leaders of the recent mis sionary riots. Tho modest sum of 150.000 marks is asked for the recently discovered corre spondence between tho poet tioethu and l'rau von Stein. It is announced that the French (lent will visit Kngland, and that no ollort will bo Hpared to make tho occasion a memorable one. President Carnot's chateau at Presles has Iwoii ransacked bv huri-lars. whoirot away with everything valuable that the house contained, including plate. William iMillcrton. a vounir American graduate of Harvard, replaces M. do Rlowitz in tho head Paris otlico of tho Indou Timet. Rlowitz will continuo special contributions. It is Said that Mum. Itntilnni'nr nml her daughter have abandoned tho r re cently cherished purpose of entering a convent " in order to liuhten tho burden oi exile homo by tho Cieneral." At tho Hygiene ConizresH in T,onilnn the suhiect of tuberculosis will 1 Ml U'llllllv discussed, and papers will Ihj read on tho means of conferring immunity from tuc- icnoiogicai aueciions. Tho suuject of rabies will receive close attention. Turkish brigands havo captured n Frenchman named Raymond, and have demanded a ransom of $23,000 from tho French Ambassador at Constantinople, who in turn has demanded of ihn Nnli.m protection and release for Raymond. Dr. Alice McLaren of I-ninlmi iTnlvnr. itv has been annolnted in l ti iim.. pital, Edinburgh, this being 'tho first unit! tnai a woman has heeu elected to the stall" of a general hospital iu tireat Britain, and tho first time iu Scotland to any hospital. There Is talk of a fresh attemnt in climb the Himalayas, and tho plans for tno great project aro now being laid by nn. viiuiTuy, uiu manor oi " rne zur- matt Pocket-book," and Harold Tophant, woo mis ciiiiim-u several oi iiui mount. ains iu Alaska. i ue uutiumcui is miuio on what ntt. in. ....... .. i i . pears to bo good authority that, owing to tho critical condition of atl'airs in tho l-.ast. l'.nglanil will add ten war ships to her .Mediterranean fleet and bold tlm Channel squadron in readiness to rein force tho Mediterranean tleet at a mo ment's notice. The A'or German Gmelie. Monii-nltl. dally declares that (iermauy Intends to conclude commercial treaties with all the Hiwers, including Franco, insisting that all ICiiropeaus must com 1I no in Bolf-defenifo against America. Tim arti- cle asserts that Germany will aim at Iso- lining the united Mutes commercially rather than France, The enteiiccM of Hennmittv. brother of the Urgent nf Manipiir. India, and Coiiimaiider'lu-chtef of this Maninur urmy, and Tongal, the (ieiieral who gave the nider for tho imiHcacre of Uoininis- Honer tuintoii and oilier UrllUh nlthnis lunt .March, huvn Ihiou confirmed by Viceroy, mid limy will Ik) executed. EASTERN ITEMS. American Exports Venezuela, to THE CHESS TOURNAMENT. Hie Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Restrained From Running Dining Cars. A five-ton meteor will be exhibited at the World's Fair. Trains will run through the Hudson river tunnel in three months. The remains of a mastodon have been discovered near Oakfield, N. Y. Tho new poll-tax law in Mississippi assures the whites a clear majority. A disease among the cows threatens a milk famine in three Western States. Colored people will erect an emanci pation monument at the World's Fair. The constitutionality of the alien landlord law of Illinois is to be tested" in the courts. The only country in the world which will have wheat to sell this year is the United fctates An Knglish syndicate has bought up nearly all the leather-board factories in .1.,. T . t'i.. uie ryiiniur n cjuuen, Gold has stopped moving outward, and the indications are that the return cur rent will soon set in. In spite of previous statements the Florida orange crop has turned out to be the largest on record. A New l ork lawyer, who three vears ago lied to bpain wun sfiiw.uou stolen money, now inheritfa $200,000. Rrooklyn is to have a fine new theater, to be operated by Charles Frolunan, At 1 layman and Manager Knowles. Roston Aldermen propose to raise the atrical licenses to $1,000 and deprive themselves of dead-head passes. There is considerable suffering in the Itio Grande Valley among the Mexican population, owing to the drought. Of nearly fifty papers of all shades of opinions in rennsyivania out eleven na"o declared in favorof a constitutional convention. American exports to Venezuela are aM to be now ahead of all others, their aggregate in the last fiscal year having been $10,000,000. Aluminum in ton lots haB been reduced 50 cents a pound, making it as cheap as copper, considering the difference in bulk of the two metals. James R. Keone, the California spec ulator, is making his presence felt in Wail street. He is said to be rapidly retrieving his losses. The investigation at Ottawa into the briberv cases between tho ofiicials and contractors continues to Bhow a very cor rupt condition of affairs. Colonel Olcott. tho New York theoeo- nbist, will go to Japan in October, where lie will lecture beforo a meeting of the high priests of theosophy. There has been an exodus of tratnns from Mount Hollv. N.J. . since tho Ron rd of Freeholders has had them sent to tho almshouse and mado to work. Diphtheria in its most maliirnant form has broken out in tho South Dakota asy lum for the insane at Yankton. There aro ."00 people in tho institution. A tremendous movement in favor of early retiring has been inaugurated in Chicago. The jolico havo decided that all saloons must close at midnight. n excursion of 5.000 persons went from Cincinnati to Niagara Falls one day last week. It is claimed as tho largest excursion over carried on a railroad. Sovoral largo loans have been made in New York recently, in which tho lend ers insisted upon a gold clause, accepting lum-i iim-ii-ai hi cousKierauon ineieoi. Tho Catholic Total Abstinence Union has adopted resolutions favoring tho passage of Sunday laws and tho prohibi tion of liquor-selling at the World's Fair. The organized marble dealers of Ohio are asking for legislation permitting them to remove from the cemetery any already erected monument that is un paid for. According to tho census reports the total value of tho church property in the United States, including edifices, ground on which they siand, furniture, etc., is $118,381,510. Underground conduits for electric wires for various purposes havo been a perfect success in Philadelphia. The first experiment with them was under- laaen six years ago. It Is announced that the company or ganized to build a bridge across the Hud son river to Now York citv has completed its organization and will commence work actively iu October. a Biiver vein oi marvelous richness is rejKirted to havo been discovered on Pomerov Mountain. Colorado, near Cur. Ihou. This is In the midst of the rich silver districts of Colorado. In the chess tournament at Lexington, ky.,Showalter defeated l'ollock in play1 ing on tno tie, inns winning the cham pionship of the I'nitod State Chess Association tor tho third tune in succes sion. The President has commuted the sen tence of Charles F. Amentum of Sun Francisco, who was convicted of tamper ing with the mails. A pardon was de nied, but a $l.r)0 fine was commuted to $100. A proclamation calling an extra ses sion of tho Tennessee Legislature to convene August 31 will bo issued soon. The principal subjects to Iw considered are revision of the convict lease system and the World's Fair appropriation. A movement has Wen sot on foot bv a nuuilierof Sons of the Revolution look lug to the making of Diecovorv day, Oc tober II, the F.iuith of July of the world A meeting wi.l he held at Phila delphia on that day this year to further the object, Rev. Dr. Sherwood, the colored evan gelist, " ho htiM Ixton holding camp mwet ing in Smith Omaha, has hn iirrwdod mid charged with horilblv mUtriuiiiur a niiiiilHir of itnlimtd link whom lie bail PERSONAL MENTION. Thfc Oovprnor of South Carolina l"ilalm AVIir He Vnen ItMllrnail l'aiscp. Governor Tillman of South Carolina, who has been taken t3 task for using railroad passes, explains that he saved money for the SUte by their use, Philip D. Armour is said to be the jargest individual commercial operator in the world. His transactions last year reached the enormous aggregate of $03, The Shah of Persia ia developing into a KoaaK iienu, and his courtiers all sav that his pictures are wonderful 8UcccseH it wouldn't be healthy lor them to sav anything else. John A. Riley, brother of James Whit comb Riley, has been appointed Super intendent ot the liradstreet Uornpany for the Pacific Coast, with headquarters at J os Angeles The Czar is one of the few living ban nneters, it is said, who can "drink a toast" according to the old stvle. swal lowing toasted apple, liquor and all from the brimming cup. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Packard, who re side on a farm near New Hartford, Ia are the parents of twenty-nine living children. The eldest is '49, and th youngest is 10 years of age. Mile. Darnova. a wealthy and refined Russian lady and a relative of the Czar's Minister of tue Interior, has commenced tier tig task ot walking from kielT to Moscow and thence to Paris Robert T. Rarker of New Redford, Mass., read the Rible through for the first time in 1808. Since that date he has read it ninety-nine times. It usually lakes him two months to read it from beginning to end. President Diaz is again well enough to attend to executive business, but he lears traces of recent suffering. His wife wishes him to go to Europe for a rest, but his ambition keeps him at home and will for some time yet. uenerai nooin now has a large num ber of the Lonaoti poor at work on his " home farm " at Hadleigh, Essex, and as soon as accommodations are ready the number w ill be increased. Tho scheme is watched with a good deal of interest The Pope docs not speak English " bet ter than many Englishmen," as is stated in a paragrapn now going ine rounds. He does not speak the language at all, and noius converse with English-speak ing people through an interpreter in Latin. Lady Aylesbury is one of the most ex traordinary figures in London societv She is nearly 80, and wears a wig of corkscrew curls. She is noted as the possessor of a sharp tongue, and her language is at all times picturesque and vigorous Rismarck cince he lias retired from his official dutL? in Berlin has devoted him self largely to developing his business enterprises. In Iriedrichsruhe, espe cially during the last vear, his factories have been enlarged and run to their full capacity. Mis potteries have had more orders than they could fill. John C. Calhoun, grandson of the South Carolina statesman of that name. declares that alternate generations in his family smoked and eschewed amoking He never touches a cigar hunelf. and ho says tho great apostle of nullification never did. either: but his father and treat grandfather were invelrate smok irs. Ex-Speaker Reed has apparently been retting gay during his trip abroad. A .Vew York paper records that on his re- urn " his suit of clothes was distinct- Trely American in cut. wherever it wai mule, but his silk hat, with a narrow .de brim, block. was plainly built on a Rrttish Ho wore it on the back of his lf.Ol t'rincess .Miiena, wile ot the reigning Prince of Montenegro, has subjected aerself to a i-evero surgical operation in tho clinic of Heidelberg. The Princess is now 45 years old, but she has beet, married thirty-one years. Aa Miiena IVtrowna Rukotitisch in 1847 she was called the loveliest and most beautiful woman in Europe. Secretary Foster's fondness for base ball is said to be developing into a mania He goes out to the Washington ball grounds whenever there is a game on. and when tho Cincinnati team was play ing at the capital promptly on the stroke of 4 every altemoon the Secretary would make a ieo line for his hat and coat. A moment later he could in) seen chasing a car with the agility of a schoolboy. CRIME AND CRIMINALS. A Dospornto fliinir of Crlmliinla Arreetml fur .V Ixlui't Ion. The Atlanta Journal printed a story to tho effect that J. O. Wynne, business agent of the Georgia State Alliance Ex change, was over $L),000 fhort in his accounts. At Griswold, Larimore county, N. I)., William itnolter killed his daiuhter-in- law, .Mrs. Herman Roelter, set lire to the house and then took his own life. Roth bodies were found in tho ruins. The body of Cora Farthing of Lowis n, N. V., an unusually handsnmo ton young woman, was found iu the Niagara river at Lewiston under such circum stances as to give rise to the theory of murder. Francois and Rosalie Schneider, living in the suburbs of Vienna, have been ac cused of decoying servants to their house by advertisements and murdering thoin. Seven Unlies were found buried Iwneath the hoiiEO. Jennio Anderson lives alono in Gal veston, Tex. She was startled by tho appearand) of a negro in her boil chain tier. She snatched a revolver from a bureau, and after inflicting a flesh wound on herself killed tho negro by shooting bim through the heart. Wolf Falk, tho theatrical agent, ar rested on complaint of Hermann, the magician, who charged him with steal- Ing $:!0,00 from him while Treasurer of the Rush-street theater, San Francisco, has Irmmi discharged from custodv bv Uovurnor Hill of New York. A picnic of colored people at Hunt's Grove, twenty miles west of Cincinnati endel in a bloody riot. The trouble lo gau by a tight Ivuseen two women a .nt lover, I hey looght each other wall riuor till both were exhausted fnuu los of blood. Ma Griffin, one of Hot combatants, was di onerously wounded. The night of hlol infurintml a niimlMir of negroes, iiuut of whom were drunk. mid a general Ult.euiu Uuii, In which Q!)d wun I liurtully wijunilcd, mm Ullwi I Iwdlv Mounded. mid nuvera FOREIGN LANDS. Phylloxera Destroys the Tokay Vineyards. A GOVERNOR TO BE BOILED. Lord Salisbury on the Continent Emperor William to Visit the World's Fair. Tho projects to draw Switzerland into the dreibund have failed. Dillon and O'Rrien are meeting with good receptions by the Irish people. The German budget for the fiscal year shows $3,OLI"J,040 over the estimate. The famous Tokay vineyards in Hun gary have been almost " destroyed by phylloxera. France will paint all her gunboats a dull sulphurous gray to render them in distinguishable. Prince Rismarck thinks the reduction of the corn duty in Germany a disaster for that country. Italy has concluded a 'loan of $10,000,- 000 with a Rerlin syndicate. Triple alli ances come high. Chili threatens to declare war against Rolivia, because the latter has recognized the Congressionalists. The government has prohibited gam bling in the casinos at the watering places in the north of Spain. Sir William Gordon-Cumming's rela tives and friends are being socially ostra cized for their loyalty to him. The Dominican government has mado no olfer to the United States in regard to the leasing or cession of Samana Ray. The Governor of the Rank of England says there is no basis for the report that financial disaster is impending in Eng land. Lord Salisbury has departed for the continent, where he will spend part of his vacation in interviews with conti nental statesmen. If Euione is at peace at the time of the Columbian exhibit, it is behoved at Rerlin that Emperor William will come over and see America. The adulteration in coffee in France has reached such alarming proportions that it has become a subject for investi gation in tho Chamber. Cuba's total production of BUgar and molasses for 1800 was 708,550 tons. Of the exports from the island over 90 per cent, came to the Uhited States. It is reported that General Propheto has sailed from Kingston with a body of men to inaugurate a revolution against President Hyppolite of Hayti. Several Rritish vessels which harbored refugees during the Congressional attack on I'isagua havo demanded compensa tion from the Chilian authorities. It is suggested that the whole of Eng land's 100 first-class torpedo boats, which have been replaced by larger boats, be turned over to local volunteer crews. M. do Frevcinet. French Minister of ar. has decided to cashier all officers of the French army who act aa agents tor hrms manufacturing war materials The Rritish government is said to bo taking active steps toward learning from the inhabitants of Wales where thev wculd like to have their national capital. The Indian government has notified its intention erecting a memorial at tho public expense to mark the sjot where the victims of the Maninur massacre are i i 1 uurieo. A charge of drunkenness and disorder ly conduct againit Lady de la Zouche, a society lady in Lmdon, was dismissed by the Court amid great applauso by the Tisuors. Moltke's diary will appear seriallv in a liouuon iimsiraieu weekly, i no priv i , . . . " . ilege oi making extracts trom the diary was first offered to the London Timet for 1,000. A letter from Teheran savs that the biian, having become enraged against MHtuuah ivhan. uovernor of Mmamler- lan, has condemned that ruler to be boiled alive. vueen victoria nas caused some sur Y . 1 . . 1 prise by tho emphatic demand that tho greatest honors shall be shown to tho French naval visitors when they arrive at Portsmouth. This year tho population of London has increased in a somewhat lower ratio than that of England and Wales nn n whole, tho first time that such a circum stance has occurred. A report from Paris savs much concern is felt in Rerlin at the bad health of the Kaiser. It is stated the abscess in tho Emperor's case is continually growing worse and is gradually developing in tho brain. Tho London lYitit savs it is not nmnv years sinco Europe was practically Inde pendent of American supplies. This season it is clear that without America's help Europe would bo on the verge of starvation beforo next harvest. No rainfall in Chinglonut and Nnnh Arcot districts in India has caused Ilia loss of crops and many cattle. Many of 1 tho people also have died from starva-1 tion. In most of India rain has fuitn i and other districts have been relieved. ' The meeting of Dillon. O'Rrien Mn. Carthy and Sexton to deliberate on the future leadership of the Irish National partv resulted in an aureenient tli.it Ion should be formally ''ivested with the leadership when Parliament reassembles. riirllles tho lll.OOD, Cures ( OXSTIPATmv iviiicl-opwin till. nil iVPS l.ivi-'li rnxiiti .lVi . 1 ..A1'" llHlr.STION 1111, 1111 ai:, ut i.K I OMI'L.tlNTS.SM K UPADAflM' nn ik 11 iikihu)i:ki:i) ktomaoii. The (Jtuuine IfAHlWUG TV A it vul uu in Yl'I I nil in-1 mn ;v with Fut$twilt Xuiwvur, oKMUWm!! )J'ltl'n '. MOI.U H AM, DKIMililNTM AMI UMlMT. PORTLAND MARKET. A Reiame of tlm Condition of It Dif ferent DepurttiieutH. An unusually heavy amount of trad ing was done in" the wholesale line. Rui ness in every line was very good. Receipts of fruits were heavier thnn at any previous time this season. Water melons, cantaloupes, grapes and peaches are plentiful. Produce is coining in freely, and the market is in much better condition than it has lieen. Eggs are in sufficient supply to satisfy the demand. Rutter has declined 5 cents all around. The drop is occasioned by large receipts of Eastern stock. From "now on Eastern butter, owing to the superior way in which it is packed, will Ihj carried in heavv supp y, and the Oregon product will be forced into the background. If farmers would use more care in putting up their butter, it could easily control the market instead of inviting Kas-tern competition and thus lowering prices. WHEAT. The local market has a firm tone in, sympathy with foreign advices, but trading as yet is very quiet. Public ca bles report cargoes firm, but not quotably higher. Liverpool spot wheat is firmer and options fractionally higher, with the exception of October. Produce, Fruit, Ktc. Wheat Valley, $1.45; Walla Walla, $1.3o per cental. Flol'k Standard, $4.86; Walla Walla, $4.00 per barrel. Oats Old, 4550c; new, 42c per bushel. Hay $1214 per ton. Millstcfks Bran, $2223; shorts,, nominal, $2526; ground barley, $J.0 82; chop feed, $22(iC2G per ton; barley, $1.201 25 per cental. Rutteh Oregon fancy creamery, 25 27c ; fancy dairy, 25c ; fair to good, 20 224.c; common, 1520c; California, 22el24o per pound. Cheese Oregon, 1212c; Califor nia, 12c per pound. Egos Oregon, 20c per dozen. Poi'WKY Old chickens, $(J.OO0.50; young chickens, $2.504.00; ducks, $4 0 ; geese, nominal, $8 per dozen ; turkeys,. 15c per pound. Veoetahles Cabbage, $1.00 per cental; cauliflower, $11. 25 per dozen;. Onions, lic per pound ; beets, $1.25 per sack; turnips, $1.00 per sack; new pota toes, 50G0c per cental: tomatoes, 76c 90c per box; lettuce, 12!ac per dozens green peas, 3(l4e per jiound ; Ptring beans. 2G?!tc per pound ; rhubarb, 3c per pound ; artichokes, 40c per dozen ; cu cumbers, 10c per dozen ; carrots, $l(f 1.25 per sack; corn, 15((t20c per dozen; sweet potatoes, 3uMe per pound. FiiriTH Riverside orange?, $3 50; Sicily lemons, $78; California, $5(ii(. per box ; apples, 75c$1.25 per box ; ba nanas, $3. 504.00 a bunch: pineapples. $5.00(g7.00 per dozen; cherries, $1.10(id 1.2o per box ; apricots, boc(i$l per box; peaches. Alexander, 75c per box:, California Crawfords, 90c$l ; blackber ries, G(rt.7o per pound ; plums, 25('t)0c per box ; w atermelons, $2.00(i 3.00 per dozen : cantaloupes, $1.501.75 per dozen, $2.00 per crate; grapes, sweetwater, 7ocf($l per box, u.UOuel.lO per crate; muscat and black, $1.25 per crate; pears, $1. 25; lartiett, $l.o0 per box; nectarines, $1.2 per crate. ;suti- California walnuts, 11 4ml26c; hickory, Gc; Rrazils, 10tfM le; al- monus, tuociHc; filberts, 13(fl4c; pine nuts, 1718c; pecans, 1718c; cocoa nuts, 8c; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per pound. Tho Moiit Market. Reef Live, 3c; dressed, 5Gc. Mutton Live, sheared, 33lc ; dressed, 7c. Hoos Live, Gc; dressed, 89c. Smoked Meats Eastern ham, 13. 1334c; other varieties, 10(ffil2e; breakfast bacon, 1213c; smoked bacon, 10 HKc per pound. Laku Compound, 1212'4c; Oregon, pound. 0ll?:fc; pure, 10X,12ic per Hides, Wool iinil Hops. Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 8Z 0c; i less for culls; green, selected over 55 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; sheep pelts, Bliort wool, 3050c; me dium, G0S0c; long, 90c(u;$1.25; shear lings, 1020c; tallow, good to choice, 3 (SS'i.o per pound. Wool Willamette Valley, 1719c; Eastern Oregon, 10JlGl..c per pound, according to conditions and shrinkage. Hoi's Nominal; 20c per pound. VEGETABLE PANAGEA PREPARED FROM ROOTS Be HERBS, wn ink wunu u r AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE orTHE STOMACH OR AN .INACTIVE LIVER. Tor? sale: bv ah. DRUGGISTS $ GENERAL DEALERS. HW,