RIGHTS OF CHILDREN. ENTITLED TO A SOUND MIND SOUND OODy'. IN A Our Overworked und Underfed Uoj anil Glrli llniirt of Slutlj Irregular Knllng llalilts Disastrous P.OMilt of Ignorance, j Ileal '.fliicittli.il. I Children havo uot only a right to tho . wisest education, but they have a right to bo such by birth and heredity that they ' can bo educated to sotuo purpose It fs astounding, as ono walks through a low , neighborhood, to seo what u vast number I offioada of u truly inferior sort aro bo j gotten Or if you will rido with mo up a j bad; country road you shall find an im 1 nienso preponderance of badly shaped facos and peaked or pinched brain caps 1 There aro neighborhoods whero this is I not so Uu-go heads, well shapeu, and handsome features aro tho rule. What makes tho difference? lliology will tell you that tho thoughts of parents and , their emotions in other words, their habits and habitual feelings shapo tho child. Not only do sudden frights go to mark the unborn, but tho every day thoughts and ways of living do tho same. . Responsibility runs far back, and somo 1 day tho matter will pet a full and popular I discussion Physicians of intelligence ' understand It. Hvcrv onoshould bo mado to understand it. Every child has a moral right to enter lifo under at least fa vorablo eirc iuntunces. ovi:itwoi:Ki:t and undi:i:fkd. Overworked and underfed chihlrou aro far moro common than is supposed. And this occurs in families above tho averago in this country moro often than in thoso under tho averago. I do not bcliovo ono half tho dannigo is now being dono by overworking bodies that is dono by over working brains Tho factory for children under 12 is not so dangerous as the school house. 1 am now sneaking of tho school : linn sin fnr vnmiir MmilmTi tvltli n-nml KmIho and fine nerves that aro capablo of very I lurgo attainments. No child should ever be compelled to undertake book learning; before it is C or 7 years of ago. ami until 12 ono hour at a time is all it should bo allowed to study Set your boy down to an interesting book, a story, or whatever ho enjoys lxt him read it for three hours, and then call him off. Vou may now diagnose him. Ho is dazed as ho walks. Ho is very liKoiy irntauio witn oilier eliiluren. Kx ammo his tongue, and you will hnd his , .It.rrtt irtt, it. !,,r.riir..l !,,- ........ .... iwbt.oi..,.. .........v... . .... ,u,u mum uu ; his head; it is hot. His eyes aro full, and ! touched with inflammation. ,.... ot. :.. i mumy iui i wealt 111 llisl along time, ho has grown back, and is leaning in his shoulders. Tho boy every day is tired and unstrung. If this is a habit, or if ho i3 accustomed to five hours in school, with possibly! stuuy anil rearing out ol senool, ho is already au invalid ho is on tho road to a breakdown. Mark you, 1 do not say ho will become diseased; ho is diseased. In stead f being built up to his best ostato physiea.lv he is being pulled down. And this is true f tho majority of our schol arly boys and girls. Almost at tho be ginning of life thoy aro started on inva lidism. ir.UKoi i,.it ii.nrrs op eati.vo. But I said tney aro underfed. So they aro, tho children of our best families; they aro overstuffed and underfed. They bo gin lifo almost at ouco on cookies and meat and other foods that do not nourish them at all, and servo only to destroy tho digestive organs. Thoy eat at all times tnd whatever they choose, and aro thereby underfed even when gorged. It Is weil known that only that food which is assim ilated and used by tho blood becomes nutrient or nourishing matter. 'I ho child may havo far too little of this when con stantly ctitiu'r This is peculiarly true if allowed to overtax tho brain. Tho child has nouo too much blood to do tho build ing work, but this is taken away to tho brain to do a vast deal too much thinking and imagining That is what I mean by underfeeding and overworking I sin cerely believe that at present wo aro moro In need of laws forbidding tho overbrain tasking of children than of laws forbid ding their employment under 12 in facto ries and for undue hours. Wo shall shortly como to seo that our educating process neud.saieguaixis lor ino children instructed to It. It will bo well when wo como to Her bert Spencer's Idea that real education shows "in what way to treat tho body; in what wax to treat tho mind; in what way to manage our affairs; in what way to utilize all the sources of happiness which naturo supplies; how to uuo all our facul ties to tho greatest advantago to our selves ami lo others; how to live com pletely." In all these respects tho rights of children etend, and if tho state, is right in intertering at all to sccuro com mon education it is obligated to interfere to tho extent that will secure for tho child all that atruo education involves. Does our prest it system cover tho case, or oven pretend or purpose, to cover it? Take, for instance, the ono item, "How to treat tho body." Is it not a fact that 99 out of 10U cht'ldren aro left to find out whatever they do iind out about tho body and how to u.-o it by stumbling upon facts through bitter eip'erieuco of diseaso and pain? And when, after a wretched and miserable career, they dio, what Is dono to mako another generation wiser than tho last? M. Maurice, M. D., iu Globe Democrat. UU rirst Night Out. Bride (of a month) My husband seems to bo out very lato to night. Maid Yes'tn; it's after 11 o'clock. "Mercy on mo! Do you suppose ho could havo met somo former sweotheart, iind" "No, indeed, mum: tho butler tells mo your husband is at tho club, having a good time with his bachelor friends, and I think, ma'am, you ought to do somo- j imngauoui it. "Why, of course. How thoaghtless I ami (Jet mo that box of phosphorus from tho cabinet." "Deario niol Vou ain't going to com mit sulcldo?" "Suicidol Vou must bo crazy. I'm going down to tho front door to rub phos phorus on tho keyhole." Philadelphia itecord. Turkey In Winter. Torkoys do not requlro as warm quar ters in winter as do other fowls. How ever cold tho weather, they should bo al lowed to run out of doors overy day, ex cept, perhaps, iu very stormy weather If confined In warm quarters and not al lowed to run out of doors, they usually bhow signs of Indisposition, lose their up petite, become dumpish and iuuctlvo and not unfrequently dio. They aro Tory hardy birds and cully wintered. About all thoy require U a place to roost at night whore they will bo out of tho wind, plenty to eat and drink and thfclr liberty during tho day. Poultry Yard. A Terstan Ilnaar. In tho baznnr. Tehcnui, there aro tho silversmiths fusing the metal into ingot ami km?, liainuicring nt the plates, dr signing, engraving, chasing and solder ing: tho work is scon in progress from tho very leginning, ami woo bo to tho unfortunate wretch who shall bo dt tcctctl in using alloy or an unnecessary quantity of solder. Tho workers in leather. in copiKT, m iron, tiio manu facturers of textile fabrics, all give a continuous industrial exhibition of their own, which is open to nil tho world, "free gratis, for nothing." Tho confec tioner produces his sweet ttoc-k in trade under the eyo of tho purchaser. 'I ho Persian likes to havo everything mndo specially, and Bits by to seo it done, to mako sure that what ho buys is fresh, and that he isn't cheated. It is uot to bo wondered nt that the bazaars aro tho favorite loungo of the middle and lower classes. All daylong tho irreat arches of tho bazaar nro thronged bv a noisy, pushing crowd, hurrying and gesticulating, but all ia Willi tl4a III 1 M high good humor. - llereconio tho iiiouit- tcbank, the lniiFoons, tho proprietors of dancing lxirs iind monkeys, tho street conjurors, and tho man with the tamo lion; the itinerant venders of llowern. lettuce, pipes and hot tea; tho sellers of eggs and poultry; the dealers in wenpoiw and second hand clothing, and innu merable hawkers. It is not to he wondered nt that tho European traveler finds it very difficult indeed to tear himself awav from the in numerable attractions of the Persian ba zaar. Tho bric-a-brac hunter may como upon a priceless piece of faience, which ho may possibly hecuro for a few pence. Here ono may occasionally pick up a muul wtic treasure, which tho owner is glad to part with for a little moro than tho price of tho metal; but here tho stranger must beware, for skillful for geries of old coin are not unknown, even in Persia. But there i:i ono honest cus tom invariable in tho Persian bazaar: if a purchaser is dissatisfied with his bar gain tho seller is always ready to return Jmn 'n3 money if ho brings back what he has bought within twenty-four hours. iiua is i craumiiotcruuiiunuu num. Mexican anil Spaniard. The average Mexican, like the average American, is free with his money neg lectful to those little economics which Europeans understand so well, and. therefore, when a rich Mexican hind nwiioi iu in nwil oF n Tit:in!in.er fnr nil os. tato ho look: about for a frugal, thrifty I . . .... . C . Spaniard, wiu. it no noes mauo money v,,. i,;n.,.ir .i.v t.,.t i.,.-Wt hiu ..m.ilnv. ..'V ... er8 interest. It is a common error .imniur Ainnripnn.s tn fnnpv till" Rnminril as ii boasting, proud fellow, averse to toil and preferring gentility in a faded velvet coat to hard work anil comfort. A witty Sicinia'nl has said somewhere that all Spaniards nro either Don Quix- ( otes or Sancho Pair-.as. and there is somo measure ol truth in tins saying. 1 no Sancho Panza class of Spaniard lias tho hard, homely sense of the New England fnrtT.nr riml lint ti litfln .if till, ilrv Illtmnr which t!io Yankco possesses as by birth-' right. The Spanish languago has thou-' Kinds of sharp and racy proverbs availa ble for every day use, and tho hard working Spaniard makes free uso of them Another Anglo-Saxon misconception is that tho Spaniard is a man who is ever seeking a quarrel and whoso temper is i liery and uncertain. I hero nro streaks of romanticism in the Spaniard, and any amount of good qualities that wear well in every day life. He is patient, good humoreil, and will share his meal with an unfortunate countryman. Thero is much sturdy liber left in tho Spanish nation, winch, we must not forget, dis puted tho control of this heuiisnhero with ourselves for centuries, nnl left never to be erased marks of Spanish domination. Tho Spaniard resembles tho Anglo-Saxon in his propensities for colonization, his willingness to emigrate, his capacity for hard work and a certain arrogance tho Anglo-Saxon or Spaniard never loses. Cor. Doston Herald. Odd Kevlres for riiotinruli. There are various ways for providing surprising results in photography, things that in one age would have been called magic, but in ours recognized as scien tilio tri' ks. Tho ghost picture, for in stance, in which a shadowy ghost through which material objects nro visi ble is peon between natural attitudes and occuiKitions. This is produced by an almost instantaneous exposure of' tho figuro that is to do duty as tho ghost, followed by a full exposure of the tigures and properties that nro to appear nat ural. Another novel trick was shown recently in a photograph reproduced by a prominent trade journal, which pre Rented tno niiotognipner, seated at a table, nlaving diets with himself sitting . ,i s . i t x ii id ' i... i- u! t i .... !,. i. i v.; .i JIV mm?. II niuuu ujr ii .uu i iq! vituil looking nt hi.! two selves playing. Tho figures worn all on tho negative, which was produced by throe successivo exjwsures of the plate, parts thereof i being masked each time by a black vol- j yet Bhutter. Still another trick is that by which a person who likes that sort of thing may appear to bo photographed ' riding upon a living goose, or a fish, or ' nnv other desired ttvlo of ridiculous lo- comotion. This is dono by tho subject ' holding upon his (up a huge piece of white or sky tinted card with tho fanci ful figuro drawn upon it. His face nit- pears auove tne ttpiwr eugo or tiio card fnnnv little lodv mounted on the. looso r tt c r-- it iai I hit tOnMlt'ii trill tt I tlin , or fish. Tho stattio picture i,j mado by about' tho bumo device. Photographic Review. Illff Sloney Mude by Tiir. "V1i.it is tho most money over mado bv a tug in ono tripV" wns asked of nn old tug man in South street. I "The very largest money ever obtained ' was when two tugs picked up a derelict n(T R.indv Tlonlf. .Sliii u-nn In infwl froti. dition, but had lieen abandoned by hoi 1 crow, who wore panic stricken. Sho was drifting ashore, and tho courts al lowed n Kilvagt of S2S.000 for tho two or $1-1,000 for n day's work each. But that wasn't n towing job. Tho biggest firico over paid by n ship for towing at his port, so far na I know, was when a fillip captain had beat his way up to tho lightship nfter a long winter voyngo from Manila. Reaching this point, with tho harbor loforo him, tho northwest wind became n galo ho could not face, nnd ho saw tho shores of Stuten Island fade, nnd begun to think ho had Ber muda hard aboard. Ho couldn't stand that prospect, and was compiled to jwy $1,500 by a heart lets tug captain of about my eizo and disposition, Tlwt is n Boberfoct, You will hear tug men tell Dtorlca of larger f.umn, hut wen thosw men were Intended by naturo for fisher wen." Now York Hun, T1IK MEXICAN MULE. DISSERT r ION SCHWAi ...VS INSPIRED BY EXPERIENCE. M. Some t'erulliii'ltit'N Wlilih MmIo the Ani mal tlui 31nt Intrre.lliii: Specimen nf 111 Itaru Mo May Hp Indolent, lut He Industriously !" Old Scores. The Mexican mule is a sort of cross between a mountain goat and a (lying squirrel, with tho distinct difference that its surplus electricity Hows off from tho negative pole instead of tho positive, us with the goat It is in Its meanderings .w.:i.. ,i.. :. ..i. - on the mountain trails that it shines re-, splendent, but with a lus;er wholly its , .'lib ..till II IU34t'l . IIUIIJ I . o rM, lltut n .... iitm-n lu.nnmK.ir.ul Willi ru,v 'other than . an il, Hash of tho dia- niond bo computed with tho tiro of tho opal A UI.OOD CUKUl.INO WAY. On the mountain trail this distinct species of mule was never known to fall, although ho has an exasperating and blood curdling way of stumbling along over it that would raise tho hair on end of a li'ilil he.-uleil mmv Mrmv n time I have watched the mule I was compelled to rido with a view of discovering his methods of trying to scare ino to death, as payment for past injuries. Often times the trail would lead past dizzy heights or cliffs, whero ono could look sheer down far enough to bo deadjbeforo ho reached the bottom should ho fall, and every few feet along tho trail, of a foot to a foot and a half in width, it would have tumbled in a foot or so and again taken up the original inclination of the mountain, or about that of the leaning tower of Pisa. Here tho initio would always bo sure to stick ono foot and stumble a little bit, but always re gain its equilibrium at tho next step, having clearly done it intentionally, and for no other purpose than pure cussed ness. One can-imagine tho cool Alpino zephyr that is wafted up tho dorsal verlebno with sufficient forco to blow tho hair straight up on end. If you have touched tho beast during tho last throe or four days with tho whip or dug into its sides with thu spurs when it was absorbed in melancholy rellec- tions. it will bo suro to remember it when ...... you aro climbing over the comb of a cliff i D.OOO feet high, and nt the least move-! incut of your feet or twitching of your fingers it will throw its head high in tho ! air like a hound on the scent and go stumbling over every pebble and bladoof grass on the dangerous wav, evidently trying to make you regret that you had tried to punish so delicate n creature. At punish any other time you can turn double somersaults on its back, or act liko n rav ing maniac, and it will not increase its funereal march a foot a day as a result of your actions. Whenever a trail leads exceptionally near a cliff, boforo it turns on the reverse grade down or up hill, the Mexican mule never fails to go within an inch of tho crest and let a hind leg over with a slight quiver as it turns around ah ineso ni( Ml these mountain trailsaro full of little. I round, nam stones about tho size of mar- bles and larger, hidden underneath a car peting of pino needles. Theso aro liable to make n mule stumblo if two feet aro on stones at once; but this is very rare, although they always go sliding over them on the steeper trails. It is wonderful how theso rotund rocks, hidden under tho pino needles on tho trail or oil of it, will throw a human be ing prostrato if ho dismounts u few iiiin utes to take a walk on a sloponnd stretch his stiffened limbs. Of courso tho mule, under headway, walks over them boforo it can stop. Hobnails in shoes, nor anything of man's make, help to avoid them. A PLEASANT PASTIME. There is another pastimo in which tho Mexican mulo delights, and in which you won't. It likes to doviate enough to go under overy low blanched treo on the trail, and so universal is this trait of character that the trail seems to lead from ono low treo or vino to another, just as the mules seem n mind to mako it. The dodging of limbs and branches among the pines, cypresses and oaks in tho highlands was not so bad, but down iu tho tierras calientes, or hot lands, whero bratnbly mosquito and thorny vines were tearing crescents out of your clothes until you looked liko a group of uinioii iith uot y ' ta iuulii luuiu monotonous I'ho boast I was compelled to ride had ono car cut off near tho head and looked topheavy in tho extremo. As a mule's ears mako up a goodly portion of it, as Been iu elevation from thu saddlo on Its back, I was always frightened when ho approached a cliff on tho unabridged side and instinctively leaned in to counter poise tho heavy weight that 1 thought might drag us over the precipice. Ho was familiarly known by tho party as "Old Steamboat," "Old Lumber Yard, and other names indicating his charac teristics, but he was largo and so was I, al,tJ llc feli to ' lot- W1,cn 1 first Baw liis abbreviated auricular appendage, nsu member of the society for tho prevention of cruelty to mules, I felt Incensed when I heard that it had been lost by tho cut of u whip in tho hands of a previous dri ver; but beforo wo had been acquainted a week 1 had transferred nil my sympa thy from tho mule to tho man, whoever ho muy have been. On tho love) ground ho was slower than the cook, who took fifteen minutes to wash a soon', but on u perilous path of u half u foot in width 3ii u dizzy precipice tho way ho could box tho compass with tho lono car, so as to catch somo faint sound at which ho could get frightened at this inopportuno time, mado mo wish I could cut olf tho other ear at tho third cervical vertebra). Frederick Bchwatka's Mexican Letter. IIU Only Hope. Ilenry (married six months) I fear my wife's iovo is growing cold. Sho used to como to tho ofllco two or three times a day, but eho never comet) now, What hall I do? Frank Have you a typewriter? "No, but I can get ono cheap." 'Do o, Tlien get a pretty girl lo oper ate It nd your office will be full ot your wife, "-New York flun, Mmmtftwmvr Old tiu.vptlan KiicuiiMIe I'mrm. J In tho older I'gyptian tnuiuniies the face of the outer casing is usually mod ' eled in relief, in a purely conventional I way, but in tlii latest form of burial under the Roman empire a portrait of j the deceased was painted v a very thin J piece of wood ami then . d over tho dead face. It is very remarkable to linil Midi line coloring and skillful drawing j in work ol this late date, which must I havo been turned out of an ordinary ' undertaker's workshop The oi'tr:iits, I both male ami female, are most vivid I and lifelike; the ladies aro mostly i dressed in n purple garment, and tho men in white, with a red orphrey. I he . . I I:.. e .1 1 . I llf..l ) mo " ,,HIS ' "w ry hM . 7 I and in some eases the coloring reminds ono of the Venetian school from its rich i , If t UCptll Of tOUO. A MHVIul lH,i,lt of Inten-M about these l'uiings is meir lecuuicui o.eciuum in mo not wax, or encaustic process, as u was called. The pigments were mixed with melted wax, and then fixed in their place by holding a charcoal brazier near tho surface of the painting, as is described by Vitruvius The somewhat lumpy impuslo of the surface is due to the hard ening of the melted wax when the brush touched the cold surface of the panel, n"ll owi" lo lh? "on-ulisorbcnt nature of the wood, the subsequent application of heat was not able to drive tho wax below the surface, as wits tho case with encaustic painting upon sti"'co. Ono of these portraits is noticeable from its or namental training with a (lowing pat tern, formed by pressing wooden stamps upon soft stucco, which was afterward gilt, a process exactly like that which was soot ten used to docorato tuedhuvul nirt tires on oanel. osneciallv retnhles. or I ancone, as the Venetians called them. Saturday Review. Tho Charm of a Sweet Voire, I met tho other day one of tho most fashionable women in the city, and tho thing about her that charmed mo most was her perfectly trained voice. It was low and melodious, never raised abovo a certain pitch, but her enunciation was perfectly clear. A sweet, low voico is one of the most boduelivo charms iu a woman, and yet how seldom ono is found. Tho majority of women do not seem to realize this, and one's ears aro constantly being tortured by tho sound of loud, shrill voices. At a restau rant where I frequently (lino comes ! very often a pretty young woman with her mother, and when I see her coming I want to go She .has a high pitched, cracked, old woman's voice, that takes away my appetito and sets my nerves on edgo. At a recent afternoon reception n handsome lady entered and began to talk. As soon as sliu began overy ono elso stopped and listened, for her voico was so loud and harsh that it drowned every other She was clever, and what she said was worth listening to, but it was torture to the sensitive ear. Tho spell of a beautiful face is often broken by a harsh, uncultivated voice, while a sweet voice almost makes a plain face pretty I would turn round iu a crowd to discover the owner of an attractive voice, but I would not (urn round iu the street to c:.tch a second glimpse of a pretty face Pretty faces aro common enough, one sees them everywhere, but n thoroughly rcliucd, cultivated and sweetly modulated voice is indeed rare. New York Star. To Make Wood fireproof. if this could bo cheaply and effectual ly done thero aro few Improvements which would be more largely conducive to the welfare of mankind Tho follow ing paragraph, therefore, which has been lately in circulation, may bo fairly pronounced "iuiporttiiit if true, and in teresting at any rate." It is slated that ii New limglundcr lias recently discov-, crcd a cheap method of dissolving zinc by combining it with hydrogen nml pro ducing a solution called zinc water. This liquid, if applied to certain woods, notably whllo wood, makes It absolutely fireproof, and at a low cost. Mr. lid ward Atkinson, tho Boston economist, in speaking of it at Cornell university, says ho regards this discovery as ono of tho most important of tho ago, nnd one that will surely revolutionize firo insu rance, as well as immensely decrease the losses by lire. Tho invention is kopt se cret for the present. Only ono foreign er, Sir Lyon Playfair, tho English scien tist, knows of it. He corroborates all that is claimed for tho invention, nnd says that tho iuvetftor is a bungling chemist, but that ho has a faculty of blundering into tho choicest secrets of nature's laboratory. As soon as patents aro perfected and capital interested, zinc water will become an article of com merce Safety Valve. A Telegraph .Mini Outfitted. A few days ago several men from tho electric light station dug a holo for an olectric light pole opposite ono of the finest residences in Maiden, Mass. The owner of the residence iu tho meantime secured a man and told him lo go up into the woods und dig tho first treo he could find, and hurry back und placo ft whero the hole for tho electrio light jiole was. Before the men commenced to raise tho electrio light iolo tho owner of tho residence invited them to como into his cellar and lake a drink, which they all did. There the owuer detained them long enough to allow tho man sent for tho treo to come back ami plant it. The others did not dare to reiuovo treo, so thoy put tho kjIo into their wagon and drovo off. Scientific American. ICinbrucrd uml Thru Stubbed Her. I iiuvo nut by thu hour In HI I'ravo, the faaliionaWo thoroughfuru of Madrid Spain, and watched tho dark oyed bean tiea of that celebrated city in all their lovelincba, but they were always usbocl atcd iu my mind with treachery and do celu Whllo thu bitting ono beautiful evening, thu thnmugfuro thronged with iu tiHiial gayety, I taw two Bjilondldly dr eased I ad lea meet and ombruco with grout enthiiblamn, when, with n chili of horror, 1 saw one of tlicui stealthily draw Htttllotto and plunge it deep into thu back of thu oilier A ihrlek, a full, u viiddeii rustling of dreattiH thu murder to quickly mingled with the crowd, nnd 11 wwi over, l oi wt mid WtrwwB. Ilci:lti: Mole uad l.lvln Illsh. i There's n man nt tho Auditorium who two days ago paid gold for an ' $S a day room, and today is digging post holes on tho lake front for tho World's fair bulldm"-. His appearance, if not eccentric, at i -ast attracts n vast, amount of attention around the cara vansary on Michigan avenue. Ho is tall and spare, wears his hair and board long, and his blue jenns tucked inside of his coarse rawhide boots. JIoi is nothing if not independent, and walks around tho rotunda as if ho; owned the block, lie walked into tho dining room on tiio first tloor, and sat' down for his breakfast, but a waiter! was instructed to ask him to step into tho cafe. With smiling face ho com plied, and ordered a pot of coffee, which wiis served only after ho had deposited twenty-live cents with tho cashier. In reply to tho question if ho! thought dining nt tho Auditorium nnd digging post holes wna good policy ho said : "Well, I have lived hero before, und why can't 1 do so now?" ! His story is somewhat disconnected, nnd ho gives evidence of being mildly J insane. Ho claims that his name is i Will Graham, und that ho owns a house and lot on tho north sido worth j "J,lM)0, and tiiat lio has just como from ) Colorado, whore lie .has been for some j time. Yesterday morning, after drink- i hig hi1 co (Tee, he took a 11 vo cent piece j that ho had been holding in his mouth i and left it on tho table. As ho went ! out of tho door he turned and said to tho bartenders, waiters and cashiers: "Say, you fellers, there's n tip you can wrangle for among you. Good day." Cliie.igo Herald. Ititboo lncllsh. One man during au examination was told to write tin essay upon tho horse, which ho did in tho following brief terms: "The horse is a very noble animal, but when irritated ho ceases to do so." An other hail to write upon tho difference between riches and poverty, and ho ended by saying: "In short, the rich man ,vel tcrs in crimson velvet, while tho poor man snorts on (Hut. "Lady DuO'erin'd Viceregal Lifo in India. After the I'hiiIo. Miss Neverpay Why does paw look so glum, maw? Did tho bank ho keeps his money in fail? Mrs. Neverpay Worse. The bank he is supposed to keep his money in didn't fail. Good News. A Safe Utile. Now Cook Do ye put pertatles on to boil in cold water er hot? Oi l Cook (trained by her mistress) Phwich iver way is th' most throublo do be th roight way. New York Weekly. It's sometimes said patent medicines are for the igno rant. The doctors foster this idea. " The people," we're told, " are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are ! What a sick man needs is not knowl edge, but a cure, and the medi cine that cures is the medicine for the sick. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures the " do believes " and the " don't be lieves." There's no hesitance about it, no "if" nor "possi bly." it says " I can cure you, only do as I direct." Perhaps it fails occasionally. The makers hear of it when it does, because thev never keen the money when the medicine fails to do crood. Suppose the doctors went on that principle. (We beg the doctors' pardon. It wouldn't do ! ) Choking, sneezing and every other form of catarrh in the head, is radically cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Fifty cents. By druggists. wail m iiiii.wii hi..i ni ni mm Mji mni mmiitmn ;Wgrow feir in Yhe light of- Vthev use"sy- PQLI : 8v TUBt&mMs.a'0X Iris asolid ca.Ke of scouring soewp used -oro.il clea.ningf purposes. Ai! grocers keepir. corrmiHr. LOVES LABOR'S LOST to please her hMMttioM mJ werkj licrtell to death In the effort. II the house does not ton u bright m a pbi, gets tho blame If things are upturned while house 'Cletntnf goes m why btame her again. One remedy Is within her reach, II the uses SAPOLIO everlhlfl wM toek clean, and the relgn el housecleanlng disorder will be quietly ever. CmcHtHUR'a FNQiisti. th( amaiNLNQ oinuihi. MPHIIin.. HMWI CIIANHKS Of UI.IMATi: Kill more fieoiilo tlinn Ik r iipriill know - Pur tleulHrty N tills the ea.e tti Iiietmire t r -r. tho conMltiitlon In ilellente, and nmoim oe- muni uriuit jxmulntloti KtekhiB new hotnen n ttaifO imrtioii of the Wet, nml where imiliiru ' nml tyihnM feer prevHll nt eertnlll m-iimh i (ho yenr The het iireimrdthe for n c liuiii; .if rll inule, or of diet nnd wider M lileh th.il rh.t 'ne at ri'lttite, N Ilcis'tetter't Stomach. Hitter-. Ahlch Hot only fortlflpo till" (.yotoni uciiititt tie: Tin, iv Vnrlidile teuiiierHtiire, tliiinp, mid thedehi ' .Uittnjr elleit.nof trupiciil heut, hut Is iiImi the .'Hrtltiic remedy for eont(Kitioii, itvyiietixfii, llw r com ihillit. Nxilly irotiliU fiwhilly lift l - ntUitc eiiiiprontx Hiid vii-ltord to rettloiti ne.ir th.- e'im tor, imrii:eo und tolir'tK. Whether r in it Mifei.Mii.r.1 liv voynvers traveler t.s Htul. miner, or of HKi1eiiltiiritj In nonU u i!ntl dltrirt. thN fine (.K-eltle hns elielteil Hi 'noi-t fnvondile ti'tlniony. lirokon reimtBnhnn St. HVe a hrol"U , limy tie mended, but nluiir Mious h hraKe . It iho At least once a week the hens should have a fee Mug of charcoal, or nubl-ins of corn on the ear niny Ihj burned and fed. At. this season, after a long wir ter'a confinement in small pens and before an abundance of green food can boobtuinod, the charcoal will be found a good alter native, and au improved ccnditici. will follow its use. Throwing Switch Is touch work m stormy wealhcr, nr.i! the switch nun cannot be too well protected if he vushd to. itresctve his health. Every railroad man's life i lull of hardship and exposure. The ouly garment that will fully protect Ike man whose bur.tiesi call. hint out in stormy weather is the "l"ibh lit and Slicker." They are liilit, hut stron;; as iron, hand made throughout, and pood (or years of service. They are north ten times their cost, aid will sv jou many a tickness. No oilior article of clothing will stand the v.c.ir and tear. Kubbcr is fruit, will rip, tear, and let in the wit. Therefore Ret ths right sort of coat. Thi " Kish ltrand Slicker " is the only onj for your purpose, llcwa-e of worth less Imitations, every girment stamped with tha "Fish llrand' Tradj Mark. Don't accept any Inferior coat when ynu cm have the " I'ish llranj Slicker " delivered without extra cost. I'articuUts and illustrated catalogue free, A. J. TOWER, - Doston, tVlaoa. DON'T. Don't cheat yourself out of a good omoke by taking a poor imi tation for the genuine Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.' jj "take it" W.PFUNJDER'S. fORCCON Blood Purifier. z. i i nn? tKIDNXY LIVER DISEASCS. DYSPEPSIA.. . PIMPLtB.BLOTCHES ANOSKIH DISCASES, JHEADAChE COSTIVENESS. Season Opens for Trout April 1st TACKLE: as o D CO 5 Uu H. T. HUDSON, 03 First Street, l'ortlnuil, Or., UEALKn IN ARMS, REVOLVERS & SPORTSMEN'S GOODS. Bend for nevr Illustrated caulogno. JS. l N. II. No. JWfi H. K. N. J. No. 172 rhetr works, especially if Rco Crow iuhuI