TIIUKSDAY, JULY 9, 1891. UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE. No. 1 Fast Mail, West.. 7:0.) p.m. No. 7 Pacific Express. West 7:5."i a. m. No. 2 Fast Mall, East . .11:35 a. m. No. 8 Pacific Express, East. 11:00 p. in. -otici:. On account of the change made in the management of this paper, all accounts due up to Jan lfi. 1&91. must be settled without ' delay. Those knowing themselves indebt ed to the paper are requested to conic in and pay up without further urging. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. A Paragraphic Record ot Recent Happen ings In and Around the City. Lawn social Friday night. E. E. Clough, of Sparta. was in town Monday. Dr. J. 15, Mahanna arrived in town Tues day evening. Jno. S. Clark, of La Grande, was in the city Tuesday. Corvallis is to have u $50,000 carriage and wagon faetury. Angus Shaw, of Summervllle, was in the city yesterday. II. L. Daugherty. of the Cove, was in the city Tuesday. Caldwoll. Idaho, is said to have free pos tal delivery now. A largo 'lot of circuit court blanks on hand at. this oiiiee. Gracie Wright, of Medical Springs, is visiting!iu the city. J. D. Slater, of La Grande, came oyer Monday on business. Messrs. J. T. Jones and Dion Keefe arrived in town yesterday. Don't forget the lawn social at W. T. Wright's on Friday evening. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods at Mrs. Kinehart's. Jesse Inibler, Union county stock in spector, was in town Tuesday. AV. J. Townley came down from Sanger on Tnesduy evening's stage. Geo. Q. Johnson and wife will occupy the residence of John Per Icy. Messrs. Dully and Tice are down from Cornucopia on legal business. G. W. Huckman and family came in from Sunimervillo yesterday. All kinds of millinery goods at cost, for cash only, at Mrs. Kinehart's. Commisoners court convened yesterday. Proceedings will be published next week. Don't forget to call at Tan Scout ollice if you are in need of job printing of any kind. Miles Carter, who has been attending the Willamette University, returned home Sunday. Before purchasing railroad and steam ship tickets, consult agents Union Pacific System. . 7-9-0-1 It is reported that there will be a large amount !' huckleberries in the mountains this season. The town lias been billed for Forepaugh's circus which will appear at La Grande on September 17th. A fine and well selected stock of printers' stationary, inkx and new typo just received at Tun Ht'ouT job office. Hall Brothers, of Union, will now carry tho full line of Frank Brothers' Implement Company's machinery. 3-12-lm Tho west hound train Tuesday evening, duo here a 7:0), was delayed several hours on account of a land slide. Tin: Scout job office is now prepared to turn out all kinds of printing on short notice and at very low prices. Justice Summons, Warrant of Arrest, Executions and Writ of Atrachment blanks for sale at Tiik fc-'coirr job office. Geo. Q. Johnson and Mike Woodward have opened a new saloon in the building foimerly occupied by Win. James. Administrators or Executors Bonds for sale at this office. Every attorney should have a stock of thi-so blanks on hand. There will be no services at tho Presby terian church next Sunday except Sabbath school, as thi; minister will bo at Bakur City. S. D. Townley, brother of W. .1. Town ley, superintendent of the Sanger 11111104 arrived front Madison. Wis., on yesterday's train. Milos Carter and Will Wright, accom panied by Fannie Wright and Mabel Car tor left forisuugor Tuesday to be gone about a uotik. L A. l'iliert-on called on us this week and hubwrihi-it for another copy of Tiik Swim to be .-cut to W. T. BoberUo::, Wad dell, Mo. Itomoiober tho alliance picnio at tho Cove next Saturdny. Preparations are being made for a grand time. All are invited to attend. Tho agents of the Union Pacific Systom are provided with railroad and steamship tickets to all points cast, as well as to and from foreign ports. 7-9-0 1 A. N. Hamilton, accompanied by his dauKhtor, Minnie, and Miss Cordio Norval, passed through Union a few days ago on Ids way to Portland. Mattle Parry Krekol will be in Union shortly and deliver a lecturo on "The Do Inands of Secularism." The exact date will be given later on. You can always Und a good supply of stationery, school books, novels, etc., at tho postolllctore. A tine lot of garden and tloww mU jiut received. -1-2-wl Now type" and material just received at Utliiotlloe, which bettor enable tu te exewile flue Job work 011 ihort notice. Give in a gall if yon want a good, noat job. The Indie of the M K. ehuirh will give a Uwn'wx hil at the residence of Jlr. W. T. Wright on Fri lJV evening "f thi' We-k. he cr-ni .ind ;ikj w II n- . at the Uiililuln it' ll I" ' 11 -V-J'" oral luviuiiau u tteuOtxi twl " I Uuped a i4iaiit lime will be hud. The Union Pacific System have on sale excursion and single trip tickets of all classes, to all points, which arc soid at reduced rates daily for regular trains. The usual morning and evening preach ing services and Sunday school, at 12 in., will be held at tho M. E. church Sunday. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The council met Tuesday evening and granted a license to Duke Woods to soli spirituous and malt liquors in less ipianti ties than one gallon in the city ot Union. A. M. Benson ami wife and Frank Bid- well and wife, accompanied by Geo. Gig nac, took their departure Monday for a week's recreation in Pine and Eagle val eyes. Marlon M. Kerehcval, of this county, and Miss Elizabeth A. Sinclair, of Uma tilla county, were united in marriage July 3rd at the Golden Uulc parlors in Pendle ton. Tuesday morning an elderly woman traveliug on tho west bound train had the misfortune to fall from the car near IIll gard, breaking her leg. Name could not be ascertained. Frank Bros.' Co. will sell good Manilla Binding Twine lor 11 cents per pound at La Grande, and fully guarantee the quality of tin' twine. See their celebrated "M. N.'' twine before buying. 7-9-wt Tho Union Pacific System offers un equalled facilities to tourists en route to all points east. Vcstibuled Sleepers. Din ers, Free Chair Cars through to Missouri Kiver and Chicago without change. 7-9 o-l Leon Levy zetumed home from Umatilla county Tuesday, where he has been on a visit. Some of the boys say he went over to deliver the oration to the Umatilla Indi ans at their celebration on tho Fourth, but 1 we think this is a mistake. Sirs. Isabella Sheets, of Naples, Scott county, Illinois, has a son somewhere in Oregon from whom she desires to hear. Please report the gentleman if you know his whereabouts ami confer a great favor upon an anxious mother. A teamster known ns "Dutch George" was instantly killed Tuesday morning nt seven o'clock at Stoddard's mill near Haines. Two heavily loaded wagons passed j over ms uouv. -ii tieieoiive oruKo wincii gave way on a down grado caused the acci dent. P. B. Wilson and family anived in Un 'Vm Sunday from Chemawa where Mr. Wilson has been for some time, acting as overseer in the wood working department of the Chemawa Indian school. He will make Union his future home and his many friends arc glad to welcoino him back. A man .by the name of F. G. Sopcr was arrested at Colfax last week and brought back to Union bv Deputy Sheriff' Glidewell, charged with the larceny of a saddle from J. M. Phy. The trial came off before Jus tice Wilson, .Monday, and the defendant was found guilty and sentenced to fifty days in tho county jail. Wm. Sheriden, a young man who lias been herdingsheep in High valley for somo time past, skipped out Inst Friday morn ing leaving behind a few unpaid bills, in cluding a board bill at Mr. L. A. ltobert son's where he had been stopping for a week or so. He was accompanied by an other young man by the name of Oscar Breeze. They were headed towards Uma tilla county. Ye editor, accompanied by his wife and a patty of friends, spent Sunday in tho mountains cast of town in quest of recrea tion and fish. In the course of three hours wo succeeded in catching two baskets full of good sized irout over one hundred in number. If any one person has beaten 1 this record on Catherine creek this season wo have not heard of it and it wasn't a very good day for fish cithot. The Baker City base ball team was de feated at La Grande on tho Fourth by a score of (i to 1. al.-o ai Baker on the day following by a score of 11 to 4. AtPondlo ton on the Fourth Walla Walla defeated tho Pendleton team by a score of 7 to 8, and on Sunday by a score of 12 to 2. The game at North Powder on the Fourth, between the third nine of Baker and tho Nortu Powder club, resulted in in a victory for tho foruior by a More of 13 to 2. A man by tin n.mieof W'ostfall, living on Indian creek near Vale, Malhour county, was dragged t d.;ut.h last Friday by a wild ho se whieh hp h.ns lassood The lope be came entangled on his arm and the fright ened animal ran .i:-ound the corral amongst other wild horses which kicked and tram pled on him. 1 1 i -t grumlxoii, Leu Mullius, wiiia-s.-oxl the horrible accident, but boforo h- i-ould cut 'he rope ami llboruto tho old m 411 ho was nuarlv d.;ad and lived but a sii'. rt lime Saloon keeper- und others who deal in cigars would d 1 well to closely study tho law enacted by the lam congress in -regard to tho sale of cigars, (Section 2(502 of the llevised Statute nays that cigar must bo sold to customers direct from tho properly stamped box. A dealer who takes out a handful of cigars and lays them before tho buyer to choose from or a saloon keeopor who brings a customer a cigar on a plate or in a glass, makes himself liable to a fine of $100. West Cont Truto. A novel experiment nas been devised for tho entertainment of dinner parties, tho serving of salad grown undor tho cyos of tho guests who partake of it. 'I ho secret of performing thin magic feat lies in soak ing good germinating lettuce sued in alco hol for about six hours and sowing It in an equal mixttiro of unslaked limo and rich soil. After tho soup has been sorved, sprinkle the seed with hike warm water and they will prout Immediately. Tho lettuce grow about the size of hazel nuts before the time for serving the salad arrives. Exchange. NOTICE. God's Blosilng to Humanity So Say a;i Oregon Pioneer, Ninety Yearn Old. F011R8T Giiovk. Or.. Mnruli 10. I have need the OltliGON KIDNhY TflA and obtained liiuifodtalo relief. It It God'e bleiainp to humanity. I take pleuwuo In r. . iiiiliiieiidim.' it to the alilu U-d. I Ml iii m neurl ninety tirx tdtl , (inn-in lire. 'i 111 I1J in '! t- ni.'oy ot 'in- Hud on I ' .V I 1111. 1. 111., . II 1 .!'.! T 1.1 ..II 1I..I1L' tilt olHiAiOh KlUJuhY Thk I wyuy mad hua. imvTd MUNiufiT THE FOURTH. iiow It AVns Celebrated at Union. A SIG BLAZE AT LA GRANDE. Another Disastrous Fire Visits the City and Destroys Nearly Four Blocks List of the Losses. Although Union was nearly depopu lated on tho Fourth, those who re mained nt homo wore not at loss for the want of umusoment, nnd wo doubt if there was any set of people who enjoyed themsolvos better than those who remained at home in Union on that dny. Our citizens were awakened early in the morning by the loud re ports of Chinese bombs, anvils ami the ; festive lire cracker, but from 7 to 9 o clock the town looked pretty dead hardly 11 soul appearing on the streets save now and then a small boy with a lire cracker which he hntl been for tunate enough to find. All this time, however, fun was in the minds of a few of our young men, and at about 10 o'clock when the mock band ap peared on the street seated in tho elegant now platform truck of the milling company, drawn by Tom Ficklin's lino team, it looked as though Foropaugh's circus had struck town. The band was composed of various instruments;, such as tin horns, triangle, tenor drum, bass drum, cym bals, tuba, trombone, etc., but tho most outlandish ana comical instru ment was the "stomach pump" made !vn(i operated by Fred Mallard, the tinner. The band was driven all over tho city and our citizens were treated to this most excellent music until about noon. In the afternoon the fun was again resumed, and sack races, wheelbarrow races, hurdle races, mulo races and various sports indulged in, interspersed with music by the band. The ladies also took an active part and tho after noon soon passed away amid the en joyment of all. After supper the crowd was consid erably swelled by parties returning from tho mountains where they had been spending the day in rest and fishing, and the festivities again com menced. Tho band again appeared on tho trucks followed by Cofiinberry's trucks loaded with a jolly crowd of young ladies who favored us with sev eral stirring songs. Quito a lot of tiro Works were sent up from tho bridge and our streets presented a lively ap pearanco by the large number who had congregated to witness the festivi ties. Tho band wagon and the one in which tho choir was seated were illu minated with Chinese lanterns and about train titno they both proceeded to tho depot to welcome homo our La Grando visitors, AT LA GltA.N'DK. Those who visited La Grando report a very pleasant timo, although prepa rations had not been made for such a large crowd and tho town was unablo to accommodate them, their being about G,000 or 7,000 pcoplo present, lion. J. N. Dolpli delivered the oration. Many attractive sports wore indulged in, including baseball, wrestling matches, etc., and the day passed oil' very pleasantly. At about 8 :30 in tho evening, however, when all was joy and merriment and tho young people wore repairing to tho hall for tho dance, tho town was suddenly thrown into excitement by tho cry of "Fire!" Tho streets were crowded with anxious peoplo waiting to witness (ho display of firo works, but not tho kind that now threatened to destroy tho town. Tho firo was soon located in tho rear of tho Blue Mountain houso and was under considerable headway. A strong breezo was blow ing from the northwest and tho wholo building was soon under flames. Tho firo spread rapidly, and boforo it was under control had destroyed nearly four blocks in tho heart of tho city. Snodgrass' storo ami tho Gazette ollico wore destroyed, including tlireo fine presses and other machinery, with no insurance. We understand tho pub lication will be resumed as soon as now material can bo procured. Tho total loss is estimated at about $125, 000, divided as follows : Loes. Ins. Jamoti llislop $ 800 .$ fiOO W..T. Snodgrass J50.000 Mule Mountain Houso 0,500 Nono. .'1,500 Nono, 250 Nono. 2,500 1,600 3,000 1,000 7,000 5l00 Nono, None. Uuzotto Pub. Co .V00 J. K. Komig 1,000 Kleolrio Light Co J, 500 0. O. Uunto fi.OOO It. IS. Iiryan .'1,500 Nowlmi & Vuhmr (5,000 McJCwnnou A Ilolmei 0,500 Young it Dart ... 11,000 J Diamond 7,000 It. J. Ctflltumi 600 J'Mclflo ISxproeit Go. . . 500 Haws it Co 2,000 1. A. Moskowitz. 1,500 William Noble 1500 Mrs.Mahailev 000 I. O. O. F. .' 2,000 IC.ofP. 1150 tfrandv it McCrcarv. . 1,(300 ' Summer it Ilium 7,000 ! C. S. Dumphev -1,000 I Mrs. Parker MO i Mrs. McCrearv 1,000 1,000 1,000 None None. 1,000 250 S00 .2,000 '2.S00 None. None Jo. Uaker 1,500 S00 Besides tho above a very heavy loss was occasioned by the removal of goods from buildings that were not buni'jd, and goods stolen, besides valu able wardrobes of guests stopping at tho Blue Mountain House, including two fine silk dresses and 11 diamond necklaco belonging to Mrs. Senator Dolph, valued at fGOO, and a gold watch and chain. Win. O'Btyant was run over by the hose cart and had one of his legs broken. La Grando lsjindeed unfortunate in the way of fires, this being the third since the new town was started, and the meagre means which the town has to fight tho destructive ilames should be a warning to the citizens of Union. Although wo have plenty of water in tho creek and ditches throughout the town, it is only a matter of time when we will meet the same fate. The sys tem of water works should bo pushed to early completion and tho fire com pany equipped with plenty of good hose and a curt. We would then stand some show. As it is, if a lire was shitted on a windy night we would bo powerless, and tho wholo town would be reduced to ashes within an hour's time. Take heed. THE NEW SCHOOL noUSE. The Work of Construction will be Com linencod Early Next Week. Contractor Keefe and J. T. Jones arrived in the city from Walla Walla yesterday. Mr. Keefe informs us that tho work of preparing for tho burning of brick for the addition to our school building will bo commenced next week and that the building will be pushed to early completion. Mr. Keefe also has tho contract for putting in tho system ot water works here and will also commence work on them as soon as tho right of way is secured. Theso two contracts will give employment to quite a number of men and con siderable money will bo expended in our town, which will bo of great bene fit to our business men. Tho Installation The public installation and ball given by the Odd Fellows of this city last Friday evening was very largely attended. Dis trict Deputy Grand Master Thomson in stalled tho following olllcers for tho ensuing term: S. C. Miller, N. G.; A. Levy, It. S. N.IG.; G.F.Hall, L. S. N. G.; L. B. Uinehart, V. G. ; C. S. Miller, It. S. V. G. ; A..I. Goodbrod, L. H. V. G. ; 15. N. North, Sec; A.N.Gardner, Trcas. ; J. A. Gallo way, W.;;D. J. Davis, L. S. K.; J. W. Minnick, it. K. S. ; A. K. Raton, Con.; A. M. Benson, I. G. A number of songs were rendered by the choir, and an excellent and able address was delivered by Hon. J. N. Dolph. About 10:30 o'clock all ropaircd to Wright's hall where tho dance was to be given. A largo number of tickots were sold and a yery good timo was had, al though there was some dissatisfaction on account of the lute hour at winch tho dance was started. A number of couples wcro patiently waiting for tho hall to bo opened, as they could not possibly get seats in tho lodgo room to witness the ceremonies there; but taken altogether wo presume general satisfaction was given anil tho affair was a financial success. A Wonaor Worker. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who huvo used Klectrlc Bitters ting thesamesoug of praise. A purer med icine docs not exist and it is guaranteed to do nil that Is claimed. KIcctric Bitters will euro all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and pro rent as well us cure all malarial fevero. For euro of headache, constipation nnd in digestion try Klectrlc Bitters. Hntiro satis faction guaranteed, or monoy refunded. Price 50 cts. and fl.OOperbottloat Brown's drug Etoro, Union Oregon. Nearly a Firo. During tho celebration nt Stimmcrylllo on the Fourth the parties having In chargo tho fire works took thorn up on thp top of Wndo Bros.' store In order to firo them off. Tho box containing tho firo works was placed on top of the building and when they commenced firing them oil' tho wholo business caught lire, causing great excite ment. Tho box was kicked off and landed in front underneath n span of horses hitched to a rack. One of the horses was burned In a frightful manner und it is thought will die. They wcro finally re leased und taken to a livery stublu to bo put away and during tho excitement a lantern wits broken in tho ham and another fire started. It wan noon extinguished, however, und all wont oil' smoothly. Presbyterian Church, Preaching every Sabbath at'll a. 111. nnd 7 p. in ; Sabbath school at 10 a. m; ChrLs tlftn Mridofiyor Society. Ttioeduy tit 7 p. m, All nr eordlully invited to attend. Wo urge purwita to bring tholr children to olitiruh thai (hey mny ba nurtured In mor ality and piely. J. IIuaiiHO, Puntor. A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. It will Build Roads on the Single-Rail and Saddle-Truck Company. Tho organization of a construction company to build roads on the single rail and saddle-truck system of Dr. Mahana's is now in progros. The now enterprise will have tho same capi talization, .fGOO.000, as tho original company, which controls the pateut, and tho par value of each share is fixed at $100 Although money is scarce at Union, whore the original company was organized, as it is now at everv placo in the Northwest, the people there quickly subscribed .$10,000 worth of stock in the construction company, which evidences their faith in the new plan of railroading. The company as soon as organization is effected and plans arranged, will build tho initial ingle-rail and saddle-truck railroad in Oregon, probably in tho Willamette alloy. Some of tho original com pany's stock is being sold at Portland for fifty cents on the dollar. Dr. Mahana was in tho city today en route for Union. Ho leaves soon for Portland, to remain somo time. East Orcgonian. A newspaper in Ohio recently roui:ht suit amiinst fnrt v-t.hivn mon 7 ! ------ - - - - - - who would not nav their subscrintion and obtained judgement in each case for tho amount of each claim. Of theso, twenty-eight made affidavit that thev owned no more than tlin law nl- lowed. thus nrovoutinu' attai'linimit. Then, under tho decision of supromo court, lliey wcro arrested for petit lar cenv and bound over in tho sum of $.100 each. All but six gave bond, wiuie six wont to jail. The new pos tal law makes it larceny to take a pa per and not pay for it." Toledo Blade. It is not the intention of Tiik Scout to force tho paper upon anyone but if thero is a person now taking it who does not expect to pay, cr is owing us on subscription and thinks tho same will not have to bo paid some day, they aro badly mistaken. Tho dav of settlement will como and we will have our pay. Wo aro in hopes wo have nono of this class of subscribers, and that wo will not have to resort to such means as tho abovo in order to net our money, but if wo should, tho olnims will be pushed to tho fullest extont of tho law. Electrlo Bitters. Mr, Frank Hull'man, a young man, of Burlington, Ohio, states that ho had been under the care of two prominent physicians, and used their treatment until ho was not able to get around. They pronounced his case to bo consumption and incurable. Be was persuaded to try Dr. King's Now Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds und at that time was notable to walk across tho street without resting. Hu found before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that ho was much better; lie continued to use itand is today enjoyiuggood health. If you huvo any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. Wo guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottlofreo at Brown's drng storo, Union, Or. . Footprints of tho World's History. It Is a relief to pick up a now book that !h at once thrilling, romantic, wholesome, puro and true. Such a woi-k Is "Foot prints of tho World's History," tho latest and greatest work of tho two celebrated historians, John Clark Uidpath and Wm. S. Bryan. These distinguished gentlemen, having won laurels by Independent writ ings, havo co-operated on lids work nnd produced a "gem of tho purest ray serene." It is not a dry, uninteresting statement of plain factu, hut rather eacli of the most Im portant events in history has been taken up and described by a master of language who holds tho reader entranced as ho wends ids D-PR1GE Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard JOB $ pRINTING! Tho facilities having been increased by tho addition of a fine assortment of now typo and a largo invoico of tho finest papcra and matorial, ia now battor prepared to oxecuto THIS FINEST WOBi: on short notice Call at onco if you want anything in tho way of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Shipping Tags, Legal Blanks, I'osters, Constitutions, PRICES REASONABLE. Siitisfttotjati CJiuirantUQd in Kvory Inntimco. Ordora by Mail Promptly Attended to, Addieas: way nlniig th path of history, following cnri'i'ully In the footprint of progress. We are delighted witli this suporb vol ume. Perfect in thought, "Uperb In stylo, and magnificent in execution. The bind ings are sumptuous, as are aNo tho many Illustrations and colorod nlates. Tlu nub- lishers have rightly concluded that -.ich a gem .should have a rich setting. It is a valuable addition to literature. It is a book for the old as well as tho yoting; the married as well its tho siiiielp; the cay as well as tho crave. Kvcrvbndv will read it with equal- onRcrnoss and profit. It is sold only through agents, and the publish ers' advf rtisoment appears in another col umn. 7-9-wl School Report. Following is the report of district N . 10, I'nion county. Oiegon, for the mouth end- lug June II), 1M)1 : Number of pupils enrolled, 10. Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy: Lou Per in, Kddio Perin. Harlow Foster, Uov .Sutherland, Walter Sutherland. Floye Sutherland. Names of pupits absent, but not tardv: F.llie Miller, Mary Miller, Johni Miller, Delia Sutherland, Lemuel Perin, Curreti Farloiv. Names of pupils neither nb.'-ent nor tardy during tho term: Lou Perin, Harlow Fos ter, Ivddie Perin. Names of pupils absent but not tardy during the term: F.llie Miller anil Delia Sutherland. Lvnt.i Bk.nn. Teacher. Specimen Cases. S. II. Cltllbrd, Now Uaswl. Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, ills liver was eil'ected to an alarming degree, Hppetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced In flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. KdwardShephurd, Horrlsburg. III., had a running sore on Jliis leg ',of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Klectrlc Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklcn's Arni ca Salve, and his leg Is sound and well. John Speaker,; Catawba, 0.,;had five largo fever sores on Ids leg, doctors said he was incurable. Ono bottlo F.leetrio Bitters and 0110 box Bucklcn's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at Brown's drug store. Agents Wanted. Ouragents mko?t00 to 1300 a month sel ling our goods on their merits. Wo want county and general agents, and will t ko back alt goods unsold if a county agent fails to clear $100 and oxpenses after a thirty day's trial, or a general agent loss than $250. Wo will send large illustrated circulars and letter with a special oiler to suit territory applied for, on receipt of threo ono cent stamps. Apply at once and get in on tho boom. Address, llKNKUK MANlTl'-AUTUltlNll Co., l-a-ly Pittsburgh. Pa. Tho Pulpit and tho Stage. Uov. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brotli crn Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to toll what wonders Dr. King's Now Discovery lias done for mo. My lungs wcro badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could livo only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am (-omul and well, gaining 20 lbs, in weight. Arthur; JLovo, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a tho rough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em nil, ami cures when everything fails. Tho grcatost kind ness 1 can do my many thousand friouds is to urgo tlicin to try it." Free trial bottles at Brown's drug store, Uegular size 50 c. and $1.00. Subscribo for and advertise in The Ohk (ion Scout. .MAKitir.n. .IOIINSl)N-MKItD0CK..Vt tho Depot hotel, July 0, Mil, Mr. Geo. (. Johnson, of (Ids city, and Miss Lola Mordock, of Shasta county, Cal., C. L. Blakcslco, J. P., fillleiating. FIH1IKH SY. At tho IContonnlal hotel, July 3, 1891, Mr. Henry Fisher and Miss Augusta Sv, of La Grande, S. Albcrson, J. P., officiating. Powder Circulars, Business Curds, JJuvolopca, Society Cards, Buooipts, Visiting Cards. Tickots, Wedding Cards, StatumoiitB, Mall TrogramB, My-lawa, Mrjufs, TII13 0IU2G0N SCOUT, Union, Oregon n