The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 09, 1891, Image 1

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Sf-ie Oregoij) eoui
Is recognized as the leading
GI?e pgon Seoul
Has double the circulation of
any paper in the county.
paper of Union county.
Horo Will tho PrcBn tho Pooplo'n Kllits Mnlntnln.
NO. '.I.
Attorneys ac Lav,
Special attention given to all business
entrusted to lis.
Otlico two doors south of bank.
Attorney at Law,
Promtt attention inl to all business en
trusted to me
Oflicc one door south of (hardware.
store of Summers & i.avnc.
Phvsician and Surgeon.
All calls promptly attended to. day or
Ofticc one door south of the hardware
store of Summers A I.ayiic. Residence on
A St., fourth house west of Wright's store.
Physician & Surgeon,
CeT"Prompt attention given to all profes
sional calls, day or night.
Physician & Surgeon,
J3ff"All calls promptly attended to, day
or night.
Ho m 03 p a t h i c
Diseases of Children n Specialty.
Can be found at the residence of G. W.
Ames, north of town.
Physician ami Surgeon,
All Calls attended to day or night.
Has the finest anaesthetic for extracting
teeth without pain known to the profession.
Will practice in al thej brunches of modern
dentistry. Silver and gold work a specialty.
Fine sets of teeth always on hand. First
class work and satisfaction guaranteed.
Oilice. Main street Union. Oregon.
City Meat Market,
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Hams
Lard, Etc,,
Cornucopia Saloon,
Finest of tines, Liquors and Ci
gars Kept in Stock.
C-Lirjuors for medicinal purposes a
Good billiard table. Drop In and be so
ciable, LUMBER for SALE
at the High Valley
Saw Mill.
All kinds of lumber constantly on hand
or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap
as the cheapest.
Patronage - Solicited.
5-30tf WM. WI LKINSON & SON.
L. J. Boothe, Propr.
Opposite tho Court House, Union, Oregon.
Having again assumed control of this
popular liouso, I cordially Invito tho
public to give me a call.
Tables Furnished with the Best
the Market Affords.
'F1rt-olawi 'Iodgtug. lCvarythlng no ly neatly fitted up.
Meals, Cercs,
Becls, Cents,
Nuim but hlU atMik WllpluY!, I Ifl.
(nM Atfeuu i" " ur ijMitM'td ol
Munhaudu. N.i i-dJuux AMe aUry
JVllj Im) I" ' ll.i UtftHil.
Kjt Iiii ilu r iiifurmtiduii ad iru.
. Alt MiU til;jAl; IT1'I V 00.,
lis SWt Vt'. Jturmht .
Jtf.yJ t Iim fa.
Dealer in-
Drugs anftMeflicines
A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall
Paper on hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
A full supply of school books con
stantly on hand.
Care and attention paid to
Shoeing Trotting Horses, In
terfering and Contracted
Feet a Specialty.
TjeVTlow work, Laying of Cylinder
Teeth, Balancing, etc., given special
Shop, Main St., Union, Oregon.
Livery and Feed Stable.
(Near the Court Ilnusc.)
Hulick & Wright, Proprietors.
Good Teams, Buggies and Hacks
for the accomodation of customers.
'Bus to and from the depot to con
nect with trains. G-d-tf.
Can now cure himself of the deplora
ble results of Early Abuse aml Perfectly
Restore his Vigor and Vitality by our
Home Treatment. The Remarkable Cures
of hopeless cases of Nervous Debility ivnd
Private Complaints arc stamping out
quackory everywhere. Treaties and
Question List, a physician's gift to
humanity, will be Sent Freo to thoso
afilicted. Address with stamp
105 Kearney St. Room 2
5-7-yl. San Francisco, Cal.
Wait For Him.
G. W, Maclcoy has rented
Jones Bros.' photograph
gallery and will open up
the same on
All View and Portrait
work hy tho Lightning pro
cess. "Will be at La Grande
till afCer the Fourth.
Do You Want to
On Every Dollar You Spend?
If so, write for our Illustrated Catalogue,
containing illustrations and prices of every
thing manufactured in the United States,
at manufacturers' prices. 10,000 illustra
tions, al lines represented. Catalogue
mailed free on application. Address,
178 West Van Uuren St., Chicago, III.
Union and ' ornncopia
Stage- Line!
Quickest and Cheapest
Kouto to tho Pino Creek
KAiiK, rtiriuiiT.
Dion ui rrw $1 w
" lsMiuMr . 3 00 1
OflriHisopItt 0 GO 8
W AW Jill j aiiravullujj HHu.iued fur J)rt
tda ( i,j8r (Joiuphny. Mut gir good rf
wi'M Y 0 I' rMiAJUM,
i 4Hw dem, ii l
V r,
l!i3 M to I
Ci-. i'.t i uctlf Hy truelcd with
... , .. i..iVrt. Tt ;ic't ne-tlth or ftny
1 -. v U 11 rrqulrce tho lull
yjiv 4 , ,i (nrll(irt it til the fao
.1 .x.uit S Ci'0Cd Mt lth.
t jsJI'.ltm cnnot exist unlets the
ph)5lil Vilaj l lit ptrfect orkIng
ttior, .1-..' ihU It lmpo.tlblt chen tho
V,w i.ii 5pln tr teri'U, thus obstruct
Inj ths KCtttni, ctuilng Indigestion
and 3tpilt, vltk ill ol their tccon
ktrror. DR. HENLEY'S
English Dandelion Tonic
sxtrtt a tptcldc Inlutnct cvsr the titer,
ucltst It 1 kMlthr action, tisolvos Its
chronic ngorgiinU, ind promotes the
tecrttloni ; curM Indlnutllon and consti
pation, shtrptns th appdllc. tones ud
the entire eystia, asd oakos lite worth
WIIEItKAS. on the 22nd dav of J.inu
ary, tvS7, by considi'ratf.n of the
Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the
Couuty of I'uion. I.. Hester ami I.. May,
partnurs Uoitii; business mi lor Hie tirin
name of Hexler it May, und Ctiarles II
Dodd, plaintiffs, recovered iudumeut
agalust Daniel Cbitpliu, defeudaiir, tor the
sum of $331)i.00 with interest from August
23, 1882, les $2000 paid Januarv 1, 1SS5.
which judgment was enrolled ami docketed
in the clerk's ollice of said court in said
county on the 19th day of Kebruary, 188",
on which judgment there was made on ex
ecution in September lit, 18V7, f37(.31 ; on
May 10. 18S!), $300.41; in September, 1SS!),
$133.00; on September 23 181)0, $25.00, leav
ing a balance due at the present time,
counting interest, of $2502,80, and whereas
an execution was issued out of said circuit
court, to me directed and delivered, bear
ing date June, 18, 1801, commanding me
that out ot tho personal property of said
defendant, Daniel Chaplin, or if "sulllcient
cannot be found, then out of the real prop
erty of said defendant I make the suid sum of
$2502.80 and also the costs of and upon this
writ, and whereas no personal property
was found, I did, by virtue of said writ, on
the 20th day of June. 1891, levy upon all
the right, title, interest or claim of the said
defendant, Daniel Chaplin, on or alter the
19th day of February, 1887, in and to 10
acres in a square from out of the SIC corner
of the NW'i of the NKJ of See. 18, Tp. 3
South, of Range 38 ,E, W. M., situated in
Union county, Oregon, together with the
privilege for a ditch and tho right of wav
therefor 10 feet in width running through
the said KW'A of tho SKX of said See. 18
in the place, and as the same is now occu
pied and used by the pipes and ditch of the
La Grande Hydraulic Water Company.
And by virtue of said execution and levy
I will sell at public auction at the court
house door in Union, Union county, Ore
gon, on Saturday the 2,rth day of July, lhOl,
at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, all the ri'lit,
title, claim and interest that the said de
fendant had on or after the said 10th day of
February, 18S7, in or to the above de.-eribed
premises, or suiliciunt thereof to satisfy
said judgment, costs, disbursements and
accruing costs.
Terms of sale: Cash to me in hand in
gold coin of the United States.
Dated June 23. 1801.
Slieriirof Union County, Oregon.
Hy V. It. I'slIEit, Deputy. 0 25
x by virtue of an execution and order I
of sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit '
Court of the State of Oregon for Union
County, bearing date the 5th day of June,
1S91. and to mc directed and delivered, up
on a judgment and decrea of foreclosure
and sale of heretofore attached property
entered on the 18th day of May, 1891.
wherein J. II. ltinchart it Son are plaintiffs
and G. W Mcintosh is defendant for the
hum of One Hundred and Twenty-nine and
15-100 Dollars, with interest thereon tit tho
rate of 10 per cent per mmum from the lftth
day of May, 1891, and the further sum of
Thirty Dollars attorney fee, and Thirty live
and 10-100 Dollars for costs and disburse
ments, which judgment was enrolled and
docketed In the clerk's ollice of said court
on tho 29th day of May, 1801. and ordering
the sale of the following described hereto
fore attached real estate, to wit: All tho
right, title, Interest ami claim that the de
fendant, G. W. Mcintosh, had on tho 22ud
day of March, 1891. or has since acquired
in and to the following described real es
tate, to wit: Lots (1) one and (2) two in
llioclc (11) eleven In Coggan's Addition to
tho town of La Grande In Union county,
Oregon. Now, therefore, under and by
virtue of said execution und order of sale as
aforesaid, I will sell at public auction at the
court bouse door at Union, Union county,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 28th day of July,
1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. all the
right, title, interest and claim that the said
defendnt. G. W. Mcintosh, had on tho
22nd day of March, 1891, or since acquired
in or to the above described real estate, to
satisfy said judgment, feet-, costs, disburse
ments and interest ns aforesaid and accru
ing costs.
Terms of sale: Cash to me In hund in
gold coin of the United States,
Hated this sJru day ot June. ihui.
Sheriff of Union County, Oregon.
siini.o notici:.
Union County. Oregon. April 10, 1891.
To William H. Fowler, or to his heirs ox-
ecutors, adminlstratori- or assigns:
we have expended $200.00 in labor
and improvement upon the Forest Queen
Lodo, nituatcd in Granite Mining District.
Union county, Oregon, In order to hold
said prrmUcs under the provisions of sec
tion 2321 Revised Statutes of the United
States, bcimr tho amount required to hold
tne same lorine years ending ucceiiioerimi
18S9. and December 3Ht. 1890. to-wit: the
of sum $100. during each of said years, and
if, within ninety days after the tlrnt publica
tion of this notice, you or your personal
representatives fall or refiine to contribute
your proportion of such expenditure m a co
owner, your Interest in said claim will he
come tho property of the subscribers under
said section 2321.
An BxttMitor of lJstatu of liufiu I'urklmt.
One sorrel msrti. wriulit about in pound,
branded ttllli a ItuurS iiulutt In u tiir.
oJe, on rllu iouldr und right stifle, ultu
pu CMiti mi? inu'li irouWu, M(f ry
iriuciity ')')' uwiir wil yUmu null fur
oafth I
Doings at the National
Candidates tor tho Speakership of tlio
House Trie Farmers' A11I
ancp In Ohio.
M'asiunotos, Jui'e2(l, 1801,
Editor Oi:i:(to.v .Scout:
Jlr. Hurrison bus boon qttito luisy
sinco his rut urn to tho Wliito House
Tuesday, und today ho presided over it
longthy cabinet meeting, at which
linaneial matters wore the pciticiiiul
8ubjcet of consideration. Very little
bas so far leaked out, hut it is prolm
blo that tho course of the adininist ra
tion during tho fiscal year beginning
July 1, was mapped out, and a sort of
agreement made as to ways and means
of making both ends meet and making
as creditable a linaneial showing u
possible in the presidential year.
Neither Mr. Harrison nor his advisor
are idiots, therefore the democrat who
thinks his party can got an issue out
of the condition of the U. S. treasury
next year is doomed to disappoint
ment. Mr. Harrison is a far shrewder
politician than many of his opponents,
both in and out of his party, give him
credit for being; some of them have
already found this out, and more will
do so before November of next year;
and there are few, if any, abler politi
cians than Secretary Foster, to say
nothing of Secretaries Ulaino and
Tracy. These men know that n bank
rupt treasury would inake republican
defeat a certainty next year, anil they
will see that there is no bankrupt
treasury. Seo if they don't.
The news-paper men hero are all
agog to find out what Col. Kobt. G.
Tngersoll and Bonanza J. M. Maekay
paid a mysterious visit to the White
House for, but as yet no one has suc
ceeded. It is more or less amusing, to thoso
who have no personal interest in tho
outcome, to seo how closely tho candi
dates for speaker of the bouse watch
each other, particularly when in Wash
ington. Mr. Springer first came bore,
a few weeks ago, and proceeded to get
a little advertising for his boom by
moans of interviews with tho Wash
ington correspondents; then Mr. Mills
came on, ostensibly to engage in liter
ary work, and got some advertising by
refusing to bo interviewed and by pro
nouncing all recently published inter
views with him to liavo been fraudu
lent; next Mr. Bymun dropped in,
"just to look after a littlo department
business for my constituents," as ho
puts it. Mr. Wilson, of West Virginia,
who while not an avowed candidate is
regarded as one of the numerous "dark
horses," is also favoring Washington
witli a visit, and it is staled that it is
hero that ho will writo thotariir roforin
editorials for which tho St. Louis He
public lias agreed to pay him 1,000 a
year. Mr. Wilson has gotten consid
erable advertising by means of his
statements that tho rank and file of
his party in tho Northwestorn States,
through which ho 1ms recently trav
eled, are for Cleveland. Tho last
speakership candidate to arrivo is Mr.
McMilhn, who is now credited with
being backed by Mr. Cleveland. Ho
says ho is horo simply for recreation.
To beliovo what theso gentlemen say,
not ono of them is here for tho pur
pose of obtaining votes for theniBolvos.
Of course they ought to know bettor
than other people why they aro horo,
but it nevertheless seems a littlo queer
that they should have all happened to
come here at this season.
Kcpresentativo Oatcs, of Alabama,
has tho farmers alliance nightmare
very bad. It stays by him sleeping or
waking. Ho wants his party to fight
tho allianco in tho South, as ho has
been doing in his district. Allianco
men convonmnt witli affairs in his
district nay that Mr, Oatos will nwvor
bo olooted again to congros, and that
ho knows it, ami that is why ho is o
rabidly opposed to tho ulllanou. Hi
ideas liavo not boon openly ondurxod
by any ilumoonU of promlnomw.
Southern (leiiiuoraU, as a ruin, would
nuigli prufor joining timuis with tliw
allium to Duhling H.
Tito tclMuuiiclM )ireiloi)(iiI boviu
of Honulor ('iilloi)i i iM oi'iioiuly iu
g.irded hero. His record in the son
ate, while clean and on the whole
creditable, has never even approached
brilliance. One gentkMintn aid in
speaking of him : "If Cullom resem
bled Abraham Lincoln as much innidn
his bend ns he does in his face, ho
might, stand a chance of being nomi
nated for president."
The looal Federation of Ltibur is not
satisfied with tho answer made by the
commandant of the Washington Navy
Yard to itfl charge that ho had em
ployed two Swedes as machinists in
violation of the alien contract labor
law, and it has requested Secretary
Foster to order an investigation.
At the furiners alliance headquar
ters in this city they will give no
information as to what the alliance is
doing or propo.-os to do iu tho Ohio
campaign; but. it seems to he the gen
oral opinion that it will make a fight
against the re-election of Senator
Shormiin, whether it takes any part iu
the gubernatiuial campaign or not.
There are hints that it may put up a
full stale ticket. J. II. C.
Nowa Itonis and Hoto The Alllauoo
Celobration of the Fourth.
I'ini: Vam.kv, July 0, 1891.
Crops look well.
Haying just beginning. Eagle is
somewhat ahead of us in that.
Three Sabbath schools in piogress
in the valley. Ono at Pino by South
M. K. church, one at Fairviow by M.
10. church people and one at Halfway
by Christian church people well at
tended. Kev. Sibley, of lite Christian church,
held services at Halfway on tho tb
inst. We thought, him quite an able
and pleasant speaker, one who can
defend his faith firmly but kindly, and
though his hair and beard are touched
with tho snows of many winters, old
Father Time docs not seem to have
impaired his reasoning t'aoukios. Wo
hope to hear him again.
Pino Valley alliance ib increasing
slowly but surely. Somo accessions
at each mooting and wo expect
more after tho bay diggers get iu
their crops. Tho following officers
wero olectcd at the last meeting: .).
A. Denney, Pros. ; J. O. Hrooks, Vice
Pres.; W. W. Stalker, Treas.; C. B.
Loop, Sec; H. If. Uoyles, Lecturer;
H. It. Loop, Steward; Mrs. It. H.
Uoyles, Chaplain; Wm. Ii. Leep,
Doorkeeper. Delegates elect nro H.
11. Boylos, C. 15. Loop and Mrs. Alice
Quito a numhor ol people, many
from Kaglo and Sparta, wero in atten
dance at tho celebration in Pino. Tho
Eagle band was employed. Dr. Jay
Guy Lewis, of Sparta, and lion. Cal.
Hydo wore, wo beliovo, speakers of tho
day, and we have no doubt their hear
ers wore well entertained. Wo have
beard Mr. Hyde doliver more than ono
ablo address in "days of old" and
would have boon pleased to hear him
again bad circumstances been favora
ble. Somo 00 tickets wero sold at the
danco in the evening.
Thero was a division in Pino again
this year in regard to tho celebration,
although wo boliovo there was no
Hpecial opposition. Tho people of
Pino and vicinity undertook to colo
brato, but it is scarcely conducive to
union that such remarks wore made
and sot afloat as that "they did not
want any of tho Mormons and 'water
dogs' (tho term 'water-dog' bolng ap
plied to tho members of tho Christian
church, of whom quite a number ro
side at the upper ond of tho valloy,
although wo think that if they would
consider carefully tnaybo thoy liavo
some members ot that church iu their
near vicinity.) Also that "thoy did
not want any Odd Fellows and Hap
tists" and "the people up thoro wero
no account any way." Such a spirit
does not lend to union ami tho conso
quonce was that a number of people
"up thoro" had a social time of their
own iu tho grovo near the rosidauoo of
Mrs. Btulkor.
' Hltt'OllTJltt.
Uueklcn'a Arnica Salve.
Tim: JlMr Kai-vk In tliu wrld for (Jills,
llriiWM, MofM, UUwr, Mall Itliwim, Fever
(tor, TelUr, 'liMpmd Hand, Chilblain,
Corn, Mini nil MfciM Itmiittuiu, mid m
Alvtdy tiirtM 11mm, or no pay required, It
l uuraiiltu to I'vrfwt iilltfauligii,
or nmiiuy rril&! I'fbu mints jior
box J'or ui Mrinviidronlon
Huiiim From Tho Groat
Health lUvsori,
Brief Faraonal Montion The Hay Crop
Visitors at the Springe.
Tlio Fourth.
MHiuru. Si'itiNtm, J, ilyfl, I8UI.
Mrs. IUtbe Smith ot Lemhi, Itlnho,
is visiting nt the Springs.-
Frank Motion is rapidly improving
and will bo oil for Itis mine shortly.
The Fourth bus con'ie and gone with
a dance, a picnic and an enjoyable
Dr. Deering of Union and O. II. Fay
of Salem, with their, families have
struck camp at the Springs.
Haying has coiumonced and our old
hay seeds are jubilant over the pros
pects of a heavy yield.
Mr. Davis, Martin and Benson threo
of tho jolliest boys of Sanger are rusti
cating at tho Springs.
The recent heavy rains aro likely to
damage hay that is already cut. Some
thing unusual in hay harvest.
T. B. Martin has moved to Haglo
valley lo remain during hay harvest.
Ho will put in tlio stack several hun
dred tons of alfalfa.
Miss Myrtio Kicker of Malheur is
visiting her many friends at the Springs
and vicinity, this being her old homo
in childhood's happy days.
.1. W. Murphy of Cove was on our
streets this week, lie says Oregon
against tho world since his recent trip
to the states of the Mississippi valley.
Big creek alliance still booming'. It
now numbers ill members and still
thoy come. A hall of sullicient sio
to convene in is the next tiling on tho
MiBs Laura Murphy of Cove is in
our midst visiting rolativus and frionds.
Sho has secured the services of an' ox
pert cherry picker aa hor father owns
a fruit farm in Cove.
D. W. Uniolo of Lower Powder has
the boss alfalfa patch. Ho bus hardly
room to shook tho hay aftor it is cut.
In a fow years Lower Powder will not
play second tiddlo to Euglo valley as
an alfalfa producing country.
Lou Simmons was sido tracked at
tho Springs. Stages aro loaded with
through passengers and Lou will not
stand to bo crowded. Ilu sconis easy
and contented as he has justcomploted
his assessment work for tho year on
the famous Simmons group of mines
at Cornucopia.
Lyman and Geo. Wright liavo just
returned from the queen's dominions,
where thoy took a car loud of fino
horses which wore disposed of at satis
factory prices. Tho boys have boon
shipping horses thoro for three years
and by fair dealing draw tho full con
fidence of tho Johnnies. Hut Oeorgo
had to give them to understand that
he was an American citizen and if ho
stopped with thorn thoy would havo to
cover their houses.
Goal Doponlto,
Last week, says tho Elgin Hccordor,
while Thomas and John Mcllroy wero
digging a well on their ranch about
two niilos above Holdridgo tfs Farley's
saw mill, at a depth of 35 feet thoy
discovered charcoal and wood iu largo
quantities, sdmo of tlio wood boing in
a sort of petrified state. Tho woll is
situated at tho foot of a small moun
tain and tho probabilities aro that
hundreds of years ago a land slide has
taken place iu the mountain in which
this partially burned wood has been
buried, although in the near vicinity
thoro is no depression iu the moun
tain's side that would indicate such.
Should this coal not liavo gotten thoro
in a similar manner thero is no doubt
but that it precious discovery has boon
made. Thoro aro several indications
of coal iu tills section and wo should
not be surprlbod to hour of u yahmblo
illbuovory being made nt any timo,
Hd OcdariMKilM,
Hull llrov. havu jtut received it m' (4
Ir.l-plm Itod CVdur HMttfU (m lk
Hoimd. Coll wlwMrbMHi Tk4itfMi
ckvap'ot. MUi