The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 18, 1891, Image 7

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A riemlMt ferocity Guided by an Al
roost Ilumnn Intelligence An AntURo
nLst Uurlcil from tlio frrrlplro by
Bull with lu in-atli Woutul.
Thomas S. Mooro, a well known ami
substniitial citizen of Garrard county,
Ky., tells a graphic story of a desperate
cncounler that occurrel on the crest of
a knob of his neighborhood Utween a
couple of enraged bulls, in which both
wero killed. The animals had wandered
to those bights, and, upon bighting each
other, at once engaged in a duel to tho
death. Those unacquainted with the in
stincts of such creatures cannot easilv
imagine what extreme ferocity they
tometimcs display. In speaking of the
incident Mr. Moore said:
"Being interested in the study of
geology, I happened to bo on the knob
at the time, and was startled about 4
o'clock in the uiterocxm by a fearful bel
lowing. Looking some distance ahead,
I saw the animals advancing toward
each other with their noses on the
ground, turning this way and that, and
casting dust into the air with their foro
feet. When only a few yards apart
they suddenly leaped to tho attack with
a frightful noise mul began to gore each
other with a frightful encrgv. Above
tho lien e and noisy trampling" could be
heard the grinding of their interlocked
bonis and the iolent biiorting of brutal
nonxfi i n like n.vooEns.
"The breeze blew aside the dust and re
vealed the tigerish character of tho on
tet. as with wide set limbs and tails
curling in the air they charged again,
t-tabbing with their oiuted horns. Tiny
streams of blood shot down their necks
and sides, while their distended nostrils
emitted a reddish loam.
'The prodigious strength of these
magnificent animals thus brought into
violent activity afforded a spectacle both
tumultuous and thrilling. The exertion
of tho encounter, added to tho pain of
each newly indicted wound, inllamed
their conilKitivo spirit to the pitch of
tempestuous fury. One of the bulls, fol
lowing up a temporary advantage,
plunged his horns into tho chest of his
anUvgoni-t, and. with a quirk upward
jerk of tho head, ripped open tho llesh
to a depth of several inches, while from
tho gaping wound jets of arterial blood
began to spurt. In a towering passion
and with gleaming eyeballs, charging
furiously upon his adversary, the
wounded bull drove his horns into his
abdomen, making a horrible opening
through which the entrails gushed.
' ' he impetuous and stormy nature of
tho ciiitcst had carried tho combatants
to tho vi. ;eof the cliff, but, blind with
deadly fur,. . they saw no danger. Each,
mortally wounded and weakening mo
mentarily from profuse loss of blood,
waged the battle with that iiendish des
jieration shown only in wounded ani
mals. It was evident, however, that a
crisis was near at hand. The situation
had resolved itself into the grim condi
tion of a death struggle. With lowered
heads they backed away a few yards,
defiant, implacable, and again collided
with a forco that seemed to split their
ti:t. Tr.m:ir.i.r, ending.
'This terrible shock staggered tho bull
with the chest wound and forced his
eyeballs from their sockets. Ho sud
denly plunged forward to his knees on
the brink of the piceipice and remained
in a quivering stupor, with his open
mouth burrowing in the dust. The other,
tottering and covered with blood, but
still terrible in his weakness, charged
heavily upon his kneeling and senseless
foe, struck him on tho flank with tho
forco of a ponderous projectile, and
hurled him headlong over tho precipice.
The body executed a somersault in mid
air, fell with a noisy crash through tho
trectops upon the rooks below, where it
was subsequently preyed upon by vul
tures. "The remaining bull seemed to realizo
in a stupid way the danger to which ho
himself was exposed. Ho drew back
from the brink over which his hideous
muzzlo had been momentarily thrust,
and with entrails trailing tin tho ground
staggered a little distance off, fell prono
to tho ground, rolled over on his t ide,
shivered a moment, and then lay still in
the embrace of death. The buttle lasted
nearly an hour, and in point of sanguin
ary details and tragic horror has no
parallel within the limits of my recollec
tion." Philadelphia Telegraph.
'JinHTattiif of I.lvlnir Koonis'.
There is a change of lale years in the
winter heat of American homes. With
almost universal substitution of letter
forms of heaters for old time stoves, and
totter understanding of ordinary health
law bv the people, has come si cooling
down "of the suffocating temperature
that made our In noes dry forcing houses
and sent our people out into wintry
cold about as well fitted to fuco it as if
they were naked. Except in rooms where
tick are or aged por.-ons, mercury should
never rise atovo 70 dogs., nor full below
05 dogs, A narrow range truly, but
within buch strict limits lien tho zone of
health. , .
Foreigners coming here in cold weather
used to find our houses insupjwrtably
hot, and more than one visiting medical
man has said to me; "Now I beo ono of
tho caubes at work to produce American
nervousness." Dr. Hutchinson in Amer
ican Magazine.
ConccniliiK ur Naturalisation jMir.
"I have had a voto for a great many
rears," said an up town barber the other
Jlav "and I did not discover it until it
was too late to register. Tho facts ought
to bo made known. My father wa- a
naturalized citizen. Ho was torn in tier
many. 1 was torn there also, though 1
linvo lived here a great many years. It
happened that I was under 18 years o d
when my father took out his natural.
ration papers, and that gave me a right
to vote, though I have never known it.
It seems that wheun father takes out his
papers it not only gives urn a vote, but
entitles all of his soni under the mi- of 18
at that tiuio to the duties and iighu.of
citizenship, oven if they are out of
this country. They must, however, to
in tho United States before they at lb
years of age." Now York bun.
For tho best roeulu there needs Ik the
loneest (vaiting. Th true- hiirve Uio
ImK ii being reached. Ths failures
So te , U.o Success last. Thu uiat;
Story is generally toonwt ewm.-Cur-rcnt
A Sc'-h In SIM Air.
Mr. Jasper Douglas l'yne. Panielliro
member of parliament for West Water
ford, was the hem of one of the many
amusing incidents thnt liave occurred in
Ireland during the jioriod when Mr. Bal
four was trying to coerce Irishmen to
hi jK-culiar views.
Mr. l'yne was summoned under the
crimes act on a warrant in which he was
charged with seditious offenses, learn
ing of the issue of the warrant he shut
himself up with two attendants in tho
ruins of Ins castle of Lisflnny. near Tal
low, where he stood asiegeof government
officials lasting several months. He had
lnid in a stock of tinned meats and other
goods, with wine, whisky and tobacco,
and delled the oflieors of the law from u
window ninety feet above the ground.
A deputation of the Youghal national
league, with two kinds of music, and
tho bands of Tallow, Ballyduff and
Knockanore, marched to the Lisfinny
stronghold to present an address of con
gratulation to the hero, who first bowed
to his admirers from his lofty evrio
amidt loud cheering, and then got into
a chair attai bed to it rope and pulley, by
means of which he was lowered so as to
get within speaking distance of his en
thusiastic friends.
The address was read by Mr. J. T.
Cronin. honorary see ret a rV, and Mr.
l'yne made a sjeech in reply declaring
that he was quite at home, and that th
jKilicu should come up to his alxxlo if
they would could, but advised them
to bo careful in going up stall's or
down stairs, the staircase being in such
bad repair that ladders were needful in
some parts of it, and it might be too
rough for them; one man, perhaps, would
send down a stone on the head of an
other. He hail a good supply of every
thing he wanted, and hoped to live there
comfortably for three months, until the
time arrived for him to attend to his par
liamentary duties. This joking amused
the people and was followed by speeches
from prominent men. Mr. Vyno was
then draw n up to re-enter the town.
New York Journal.
Tin- ltii!il.i'irlilff History.
An authority on the subject of dress
gives the following interesting informa
tion on the subject: The handkerchief an
an outward and visible article was first
introduced hi Franco, but until the reign
of the Emprcs: Josephine a handkerchief
was thought so shocking an object that
a lady would iirw-r have dared to use it
before any one. The word even was
carefully avoided in refined conversa
tion. An actor who would have used a
handkerihiet on the stage, even in the
most tearful moments of the play, would
have Ik'cu unmercifully hissed: and it
was only in the beginning of the present
century that a celebrated actress, Mile.
Duchesnois, dared to appear with a
handkerchief in her hand. Having to
Epeak of this handkerchief in the course,
of the speech she could never summon
enough courage lo call it by its true
name, but referred to it as a light tissue.
A few years later a translation of one of
.Shakosjh are's plays by Alfred do Yigny
having been acted, the word handker
chief wa Used for the l!rt time on tho
stage amid cries ut great indignation
from every part of the house. The Kin
preys Josephine, although re'ally lovely,
had bad teeth. To conceal them she
was in the habit of carrying small hand
kerchiefs adorned with costly laces,
whiclf she constantly raised gracefully
to her lips. Of course all tho ladies o'f
the court followed her example and
haudkt rchii Is rapidly became tin im
portant part of the feminine toilet.
Naturally a French fashion soon became
a world fashion.
Uyiy roituiin Toller.
No person who has not been a dweller
in the gypsy camp would believe the ex
tent lo which these deter pretenders are
consulted, both in respect to revelations
of the future and in regard to physical
ailments. Thousands of persons "go to
tho liomauy soothsayer who would be
ashamed (o confess faith in tho predic
tions of the less pretentious fortune
teller. The sum charged for an inter
view with the sorceress ranges from 50
cents to 10, according to the length of
time iind the estimate placed upon tho
resources of the interviewer. If consulta
tions are repeated the gypsy woman fre
quently realizes $.1uor s'luO'froin a binglo
Many an ailing person who has found
no relief from the advice of learned phy
sicians seeks tho smooth bpeaking gypsy
woman who deals in herb concoct inn's
that she calls medicine. The mixture
made by the unscruiiiilous quack', who is
scared v acquainted with tho least hy
gienic Lw and entirely ignorant of tho
requirements and functions of the body,
is bought and swallowed with faith in
its curat ivo qualities. Oftentimes does
imagination thus effect remarkablo bene
fits which are accredited to tho wonder
ful Homany skill. (,'hicago Herald.
Nltio-.lcorliio as Mt-illclnr.
Do you know that nitro-glycerino
bids fair to become an iuiorlant remedy
for diseases of the '. "lucys, sind for somo
time past ha boon experimentally tried
in coses of Uright's disease? According
to tho formula it is prepared in alcohol
in the proportion of ono per cent, in a
tablet form, one of these containing the
lUOth part of a grain. Tho results ho far
are very encouraging. It is cabled trini
trin, aiitl is nitro-glycerino of a pure
qualiU , Kssessing tit first all the ex
plosive, jKiwers .if that article. This last
is removed b its mixture with alcohol,
and the tablet is formed of sugar, milk,
or other inert sulisfanees. There is a
patient who has Uright's discaso now
under treatment at the Jefferson Medical
university at Philadelphia ujion whom
tho dose has been gradually increased
until at the present time ho is taking
four dosca of twenty grains each per day,
and so far the action upon tho circula
tion and the kidneys gives tho doctors
high hoios of nit-nun.- Oil C'it.y Derrick.
Sanilio' Trott-xt.
Congressman Cox, of New York, who
is always full of uneedotei bearing ujkhi
tho taking of the lust census, uk his
friends to belieu- tliat in tho District of
Columbia a certain ceiiius taker was
making his oflicial round, when ho came
to tho house of a wealthy member of
congress from New England. Tho door
was opened by a black Coy, to whom tho
white nimi began:
"What'n jour name?"
"Sambo, 'sab. am my Christian name."
"Well, Sambo, is your matr a Chris
tian?" To which Sambo's indignant answer
"No, eah, mv maltster am a momtxir
ob congress, yah." Now York Tribune.
Tho fad, brought ovor from London,
of wearing two scarf pins at tho eamo
timo, lias mut with a tool reception in
New York.
The Wonderful Meteoric MioMcr of IS33.
Tlirorlr us to tlio C:iiim unci IlllVrt A
Clilld' Wonderment it tlio "who Siliier-
tit Ions Awe ol Colored People.
One of the earliest and most vivid of
my personal recollections is of the grand
meteoric shower of Nov. III. 1$1!3. A
similar occurrence is recorded as happen
ing in northern litmiH' near the close of
the last century Mut no meteorological
display lias equaled that of I&13 in ex
tent and duration from tho beginning of
the historic period
vi:xki jLT.sno.NS.
With reference to the origin of these
meteors there have been divers conjec
tures, most of which aro at tost hap
hazard speculations. A number of astron
omers have regarded them as fragments
of an exploded planet small in size, but
of a like sort with the hundred ami odd
asteroids that have been discovered be
tween the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Kepler himself thought that a large
planet was needed in this vast interplane
tary space to perfect the rhythm of the
skicsaud t lie fabled music of the spheres.
The subsequent discoveries of Piazzi and
Olbers ami their successors have fully
justified this opinion. This old astro
nomical fancy of a lost Pleiad likewise
finds its indication, it may be in these
asteroids and in the far more numerous
tnctcoroids which have since toon seen in
all parts of the world. Whether they be,
as suggested, the disjecta membra of
some errant ami wrecked orb doomed
and damned for some earlier Atlantic
transgression, they certainly occupy a
definite place in our system.
Their periodical occurrence with great
er or lesser brilliancy in May and Novem
ber and likewise in August ami Decern
tor, establish the facts that at theso dates
our earth in its annual travel comes in
frequent contact with a meteoric zone.
It may require another century of inves
tigation with the aid of mightier instru
ments than that of the Link observatory
to determine whether, ns is probable,
theso meteoric exhibitions result from a
vast volume of nebulous matter revolv
ing around the bim, ami itself tho nur
sery of embryonic planets.
Whatever our conclusion on these
vexed questions, it was certainly not
only tho privilege of a lifetime, but a
millennium, lo bean eyewitness of such a
stupendous. and resplendent spectacle. 1
distinctly remember being aroused about
1 o'clock in tho morning by tho weird
outcries of the domestic servants. They
seemed possessed with tho idea that the
day of judgment was at hand, ami I read
ily recall t he efforts of my father to quiet
the uproar by assuring them that there
was no c'ause of alarm.
Of course, t knew nothing of scientific
import. My impressions were those of
elation rather than fright. To me the
whole scene was about what 1 havo
since conceived of tho pyrotechnic dis
plays of the Vauxhall garden or a full
hedged Chinese l east of lanterns. A boy
reader will best understand the aspect of
things when 1 add that asido from the
fizz and the pop it was like a thousand
Christmases condensed into ono.
Scientific observers have since told us
that these inotooroids all seemed to pro
ceed from a oiiit in the constellation
Leo. For this reason they have been
since called Leonids. My boyish remem
brance accords with this statement of
tho scientists. Usually they issued singly,
but at times they had the appearance of
a stream of lire. A few that I observed
were very large, one or more not unlike
tho nucleus of Halley's comet in r8U5,
when it was receding from the sun.
They nearly all seemed falling directly
to tho earth, and it was a tuatterof child
ish wonderment to me that they did not
cover the ground as 1 hail seen falling
snow flakes do at other times. The splen
dor of these celestial fireworks gradually
waned as the dawn approached, very
much to my personal regret.
A great many stories tiro still current
in regard to tho general consternation
produced by this marvelous phenomenon.
In 6omo instances persons were fright
ened into convulsions, and several deaths
wero reported from different parts of the
In my toyhood thero was a story cur
rent of a wealthy slaveholder in western
Georgia, who was besides something of
a philosopher. Ho resided in tho center
of a large negro quarter, and being
awakened by tho shrieks ami yells of
nearly ono hundred slaves, ho hurriedly
equipped himself in pants and slippers
and stepped out on his front piazza. He
was soon surrounded with a large num
ber of slaves who wero frantic with ter
ror. For a time ho surveyed tho heavens
with a decree of painful apprehension.
Noticing in the crowd nn old negro
preacher, in whoso piety ho had much
confidence, he addressed him in this wiso:
"Undo Joe, do you watch tho 'soven
6tnrs' and "the ell and yard,' and when
you seo them start cOiuo into the 'big
house' and wo will havo a word of
Of cotirso the Pleiades wero ftnmova
bio, nor did tho empyreal suns that blazo
in the toll of Orion "shoot madly from
their spheres." As a couscqucnco the
hypothetical "word of prayer" was un
sM)ken. Tho return of daylight blotted
out tho meteors and calmed tho super
stitious fears of master and slave.
Most astronomers tell us that another
such spectacle will probably never bo
witnessed airuin through all tho genera
tions of men St. John, who was a
prisoner in Putmos. says: "I beheld
whon ho bad opened tho sixth seal" that
"tho sun became us blood; and tho stars
of honven foil, unto the oarth, oven oa n
fig truo enctteth her untimely figs when
sho is shaken of a mighty wind." Iter,
J. W. Scott.
A Van On If (separate Tliein.
Somo men "live and learn." Others
dovoto their time exclusively to forget
ting all that they ever kuew. Gloucester
Advertiser, s
A SIiikIc Tear Hi .".lore of IIonet finite
Hutu slieittllnt; Sen of (lore."
Wiivtoom, Wu-di., March 10. l)l.
Dr., I. I'.uarnr .nnnn, Srnttlr, U.mi. 1H:K
Doctor: I have been and hop I will be
the means of convincing many people of
the superiority of your wonderful system,
and through liiy in'Muence they have been
persuaded to come to you and make use of
vour medicines, the etlleacy of which 1
have testified to in the tmst.'aiid I think it
would be well to publish my testimony
again, for there are so many people coming
here who are diseased, and" your medicines
are so much needed that I feel it my duty
to do all 1 can in the way of advertising it.
If you reiiieinlHT my ease. 1 was troubled
for many cars w ith neuralgia in its sever
est form", still'oritiK untold aony. 1 tried
doctors of ecry sort all to no purpose, un
til 1 eonuneneeil the Use or your medicines,
and after continuing them 'for a time was
entirely cured.
1 am" so itlad that the people here are
awaking to the fact that this new science is
the wav to health, and that these, old drugs
which kill more than they cure will be put
under the ground or hurled in oblivion.
Yours very truly,
Mas-. M.uv I'vutsii,
Formerly .Mrs. Mary Hiudmau.
East Sorsn, Wash., April 10. 1S!)1.
Or. .(inon Dkvu sjin: 1 have been tak
ing your medicine two weeks last Saturday,
and'there is a Kranil improvement in mo in
every way. My stomach is so much better,
and'lhaea better appetite than I have
had before for three months. Tho la grippe
cough is almost entirely gone ; bowels much
more regular than th'ey were, and I am
gaining strength faster" every day than 1
thought it possible for me "to. "Respect
fully, C. AlSMMHOMI.
Dr. Jordan's olllee is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute
ly free.
"Send for free book explaining the Histo
genetie system.
C.M'Tlos.--The Histogenetio Medicines
are sold in but one agency in each town.
The label around the bottle bears tho fol
lowing inscription: "Dr. J. Kugene Jor
dan, Ilistogenetic Medicine." Every other
device is a fraud.
N( ver put yourself In the jhiu it of it man w ho
Will kick a ilo( 'or fau.
Wo positively rare rupture mul all rectal (lis
wises without pain or detention from business
So cure, no pay: and no pay until cured. Ad
.lreBB for pamphlet Drs. l'ortornold k lsoy hSS
Market street. San Francisco
The poor want money and the rich want to
spend It, an 1 thnt'H what k'os t the woild
I'f miller's Oregon II omi Purifier is
tho bent remedy for that dread dit-ease, dyspe
sla, for It reK'HaloH tho lymphatiu (.yueni and
had MHTOtions.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other b?.king powder docs such work.
Those who have not
A Throat
and Lung
used Itosehee's Ger
man Syrup for some
severe and chronic
trouble of the Throat
and Limes can hard
ly appreciate what a truly wonder
ful medicine it is. The delicious
sensations of healing, easing, clear
ing, strength-gathering and recover
ing are unknown joys. For Ger
man Syrup we do not ask easy cases.
Sugar and water may smooth a
throat or stop a tickling for a while.
This is as far as the ordinary cough
medicine goes. Boschee's German
Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat
and Lung Specialty. Where for
years there have been sensitiveness,
pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr
hage, voice failure, weakness, slip
ping down hill, where doctors and
medicine and advice have been swal
lowed and followed to the gulf of
despair, where there is the sickening
conviction that all is over and the
end is inevitable, there we place
German Syrup. It cures. You are
a live man yet if you take it.
Regan VaporEngine
For l'umnliiK Water or Wiue, Hprayfnit Krult
Trt-ei, Haw Iuk Wood, Kuniilnic Lathen, Klectrlo
llhiit I'lauU, etc.
JVIWA Flrat Struct, Kun i'runclaco
I Hie flint ha acknowlVdt a
I leadliiK reint-dy Jor all th
unnatural dlicliarifei ana
ru.Lifiii wX U "ruin cur for thr deb il
. 10 women. ,
VrdlbT . Iirecnbltndfelf
THttumUHlM'f'lC". recommeoUIng 11 W
1 ... .tia.Maaaaaa.iiaa 1 1 mttffhtwm frnt .
V.a. ajA.f.Dluninir ,,u,w.i.h,
Dti ft I
LJU 111 1 1 a PRICPS
-m mm.
Slllll It KW ltd. 9100.
The reader of tln paper vol) be pleaded to
learn that there li at It ast one dreaded dlee
that silence has been able o cure In all It
ftaiti-s and lha' Is Catarrh. 1U11'. atarrh Cure
t Hie onlv poltlve mre now known to the med
leal fraternitx . l atarrn. N-line a ont ttittona!
disease, requires a i-nn- tutlonal tnatment.
Hall's catarrh lire Is in en tuteritnUr. aetine
Mtvotly mon the Mood i nl tninous surfaces of
the system, therein de'trut lug the (omnia Ion i
the dleae and glviuir the vatieut strength bv
building un tlio conMPtiilon and siMlng na
ture In doing Its work. The proprietor have so
much laith in Its curative oters that they offer
One Hundred Dollars (or any eae that It falls to
etire. send (or list n( tcttmouiaK Ail. Ire's
K J CHV.NT.Y A CO.. Toledo, O.
JDST" Sold byimiKKlsls, 75c
Wealth may be unequally divided, bin eery
tnati gets his .nil &liare o( trouble.
I'll. ICS I lWl.KSI I'll.KS I
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will euro
lllind.lllcedlng and Itching Piles when all other
ointments have (ailed. It absorb; tho tumors,
allavs the Itching at once, acta as a poultice,
gives Instant relief. Dr Williams' Indian Pile
Ointment Is prepared only (or Piles and Itching
of tho private, pans, and nothing rise. Every
box Is warranted. Sold by druirglsts, or ent by
mall on receipt of nrliv, foe and $1 per box.
Proprietors, Cleveland, 0.
Use KnamcllneStovePollsh; nodust; no smell.
Titv (ir.HMKV for breakfast.
Ruth tho nv'tlxxl and results wfien
Syrup of Figs is tnken; it ia plensant
.iinl refreshing to tlio taste, timl acts
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
Ijiver and Rowels, cleanses the sys
te: i clfectually, dispels colds, head
tehe'i mid fevers mul cures luihitu.
oonstipation permanently. For stile
in COoand SI bottles by all druggists.
dunce, we can help J'oii along. Complete self In
struetioii sencl lor circular. JMlltls M TU A
PI lt'd CO Ml llromlway, New urk city
Hi Alt I LU semmyl on real estate. II. K NOlll.K,
Is Concord bill Idtng. Second and Stark, Portia nd
waul young men (or railroad ottices. It's easily
learned Pays well. Success and Advancement
I sure, ddress J. C. BKYMOl'K, lOII'j, Washing-
I ton si cut, Portland, Or.
! Fresno and Tulare Lands.
Hollies on cay tcrmH In the Level Orchard
I .mul Colony. Two canala through the trie!
Ternm, Ui per cent, down, balance on th i yi arn
time. Our Iambi are adapted to llio O'aurfu,
Hulnlu and Duclduuux I'rultd. Atudy ti
II. 'I'. CI ll'l'iv,
Koeilloy, I'ri'Miio County, ( ill.
Roche Harbor Lime, Portland Cement, Gol
den Gate and Utah Piaster, Hair. Fire Urlck
and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER.
00 North Front Htreiit, Cor. I),
Thin Picture, Panel si), mallcxl fc- 4 cents.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
MuUers of " Win Beans,"
255 & 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
A'lll commend tlivmHulvt-a at oncu lo out-of-town couHumcr, who have not the fiicllltlca of visit
liiE our CHtablUhmcnt and making a pcrnoual nileclum of anything wanted.
MT" tfinntilcii, with ruluHof nulf iiicaMircuiuut, will bo hunt on application.
:a. b. steinbagh s go., popular one-price clothiers and hatters,
Itcst Cough Medicine.
Cures whero all else fails,
taste. Children taken without objection. JJy druggists.
m m m a a a w m mm
IjkHIM. uh l)fu.7l.t Hi. CktthMttr j
Lu... alih i.iu. rtl.l.n 'IVLm .. ..
Ml (.III. la ' .uk wrpr. r dnrruu roui.ltrfrll.. At llrufil.u, er mul
In itinp for .ftrllcul.rl, uvllruuuUla, and 'l(rllrr ror Ii.llrii,'' in Utur. hf return MlL.
10,11110 TulliMiiUU. Utimt Itiptr. CHICHCBTCR CHIMICAL CO., MhiIIuik Muur,
ruld bf all Iak.I UrucnUI. l-lllLAIIKU'lllA, I'A.
kre I i ke, S ax
t.e- vn.r l ir c -t
MM; I 1 IwlllOOl V I
brighter. SA
und old mfltliodfl are not tho onsiest by far. Mfiny pooplo travel the
bocauKo tlioy linvo not tried tho hotter wayi It is u roliof from R Bori
of Blftvcry to hrcnU nway from old-fauhionod niothoda and adopt tha
labor-saving and Btrongth-Bparinf? invontiona of modem timou. Get out
of old ruta and into now waya by uaiug a cuke of SAFOLIO m youi
J whether. tirturltig.diPgurlng. humiliating
Iti hlug, burning, bleeding, sealv, crusted, pim
ply or blotchy, with lorn w( halir, Irom pimp;.,
to the must dltreing ecremas, and every hn
trior of the blood, w hether simple, scrofuloas i t
hereditary. I" spcedlh. permanently and e-.
noinlcally cmed In the ctuita IIkmfdie
eotislsllug of t cTlti ka, the great skin cure, Ce
ment, an exquisite skin tmrlfter a1
beauttfler. and Ccthi ra Hr.roi.VKNT, the new
blood and skin pnrl?cr ami greatest of humor
remedies, when the best yhylclauand all other
remedies fail. This Is strong liihgiuge, but true.
Thousands of grai.-f'il testlmonitiU from In fane
to age attest their wonderful, unfailing and Id
tttiinpariiblc etlii Hi y.
Sold eteryw here. Price, CCTKTRa, MV;,
A'w; IU.mi vknt, 1 Prepared by Potior Dru
and Chemical Corporation. Huston, Mass.
Send (or " How to Cure Skin ami Wood Dis
eases." Pimple, blackhcrtiis, chappt d and oliy Tt-i
t' fklu prevented bv certcCKA Sotr. 1l
NX Uheumatlsui.kidiu t patnnnd mucu..t
I is l weak nes.s relieved in on" minute by tbtf
CfTICl RA ASTt 1'AtN P ASTKR. ile.
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
ForFcmnlo IrrcgnUr
ttlcs: nothlngllkethem
on tho market. Kertr
fall, successfully used
iiy prominent ladia
monthly, (iunrnutead
to rcllcvo auppresjed
Don't bo huvnbngg;.
Bavo Time, Health,
and money ;tako no oth
er. Pent to any addre.
secure, by may on ro
ceipt of price,
Western Branch, Uox27, VOKTIAND, OB
Bold by Wisdom Droo Co., Portland. Or
For Farmers ! For Everybody !
Table Peaches, very One, per doz
Table Plums, " '
Tabic Grapes, " "
Table Baillett Pears.
Table Fruit, assor'ed, all kinds
Plo Fruit, assotled, per dot. . .
$2.10 J2.25
1.40 1.S0
. 1.35 1.50
2.10 2.25
1.75 1.85
1.00 1.20
Order bv tho can, dozen, case or carload.
till -IIS Front Streeet, Sim Krtiuclncu .
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos
MpuuIhk tlin Piano .Maiii nud the latcirlt.
CU"iHir 1'lanon; nil Mn.lcnJ Iiirlruinei.t; I .an ill- ru
nMiul; lurti. nUick of tihit M.ialc riri;iNWA lUu,
500 mul 13 Pott Htrcct; MtvruiAH CUlav do. CJ
stul mm nnr n" r.w,n( nl nv, urb
II l I itWElle the name and ad
ilrcssof every sultcrer in the
0. AOTHRflfi l' S. and Canada. A.ldrcn
5L l0 I niilrt P.Hroljnjtr,M.D.Buirlo,S.1
Season Onsns for Trout April 1st.
z& S
03 Flret Street, I'ortliiud, Or.,
Bend for new Illustrated catalogue
Oregon BlqqdPurifier.
CURE Biliousness,
Sick Headache.
Recommended by I'hysicinna.
l' and agreeable to tlio
Diamond Brand
Tb.unlr HTr. Hurr. n.t ritUlt, I'lll (ol
njHJb ltlemond Jiran'i lo l(i.t ftQ'l UiM tutttJUo
..tlir Llitd. Ktfu Suhiittutioni and ImitutUM.
o 1 i o.-Thev w&she li.
m iv tr hUe AfrtflrI
S I1IIAIV( 111" "vi i VjW
POLIO is the M