V SAD TALE. BUI Ny TrlM n Storr with n Iinulitfill Mural. This i.i tlio story of William Johnson, a Stvedn, iho ni'ui to Vyoun.i8 territory, per haps filteen ears jiro, to ik hli fortmio eunou str.ni; ntid wlm. without ovon n iaiov, nf tin- Hii'lisli l.incungo, Itegnn in Jiis patient way to wcirk nt whatever his -hands found tu do. lie wtte a plain, long IfSgt-d man, with downcast eyes nnfl noe. Tli"n nni mw Mirprie oxprwwd nil around when lie ivni charged one day by Jake Ft-inn with feloniously taking, stealing, carrying nwtiyand driving nwny ono team of horn, tlio pr:;vrty of tho nfllnnt, nnd of Wjp vilue of fjrnt, contrary to tlio statutes in such :ie iii:k1' nml provided, and against tlio waoe and dignity of tho territory of wyoni 6a& I'tEADIXa IIKFOKB TIIK OOVKIt.VOR. Everybody laughed nt tho idea of Jnko Tciim owning a team worth fttXi, and, ns ho was also a chronic litigator, it was generally conceded llmt Johnson would 1m discharged. 3ut his mi)fortniies seemed to swoop down on him from tlio very llrot moment. At tho preliminary examination Johnson acted llko is. man w ho Is dazed. Ho couldn't talk or un dorxtmnl Mnghsh ery well, llo failed to iKrt n lawyer. Ho pleaded guilty, not know ing vlint it meant, and was itermilted to "Alike it Itack. llo had no witnos-!.s, and tho court nai in something of n hurry, ns it had to prepare a nMvch that afternoon to lu de livered in tho evening on tho "Iieatities of Eternal Justice." and so it wnn adjudged that Xndefuultof.n'lbail thoKiild William John fion be conunitteit to tho county jail of Al bany county, in said territory, there to await tho net Ion of the grand jury for tho succeed ing tt rni of t lie district court for tho Second J ndn ml district of Wyoming. Finally th regular term of tho district court iiencil. Men who had coino from a long d'htance to vaunt their ignoranco and other ipinliuVntious as jurors could bo seen on the street. Hero and thero you could seo tho familiar fan's of Uidr) who had served an jurors for jeuth and yet had never .lost a case. .William Johnson was iieruliarly unfortu nate in tho select Ion of hii counsel. Thouiau who was appointed todeleud him was a very much overcs, limited young man who Marled 'tho movement himself. He wa.s courageous, iiowovcr, and jierfeetly willing to wado in where angels would naturally hang back. His brain would not have soiled the iluest fabric, but his egotism hail a biceps tuiiselo on it like u loaf of Vienna bread, llo was tho kind of a young man who loves to go to ?o tho drama and explain it along about iivo minute. inadvaucoof tho company in aloud, trenchant voice. llo defended William Johnson. Thus in tho prime of life, hardly understanding a word of tho trial, stunned, helpless, alone, "tho latter began uon his twin of live years Jn tho penitentiary. His patient, gentle face 'Impressed me as it did others, anil his very helplessness thus became his greatest help. One lawyer said it was uu outrage, and 'Charlie llramel said that if Johnson would put up SftU he would agree to jerk htm out of the jug on a writ of luilvits corpus lieforo dinner. Seeing how tho sent.' lent rnn, 1 resolved to Mart a ietitioii for Johnson's pinion. 1 got tho HlgiiiitniYN of tho court, tho court oflleers, Vlie jury and tho leading men of business in the country. Just as I was about to take it to (iovcrnor Thayer, there was an 'incidental the penitentiary. Win, Johnson Chad won the hearts of tlio warden and tho .guard to that extent that ho was beat out one alterniKin to assist one of tlio guards in overseeing tlio lalior of a sipiad working in n tono ipiarry umirby. Taking advantage of Unio when tho guard vas a few hundred feet away, tlio other coiirieU knocked John ton down and tried to getaway. Ho got up, however, und inteivbted them till tho guard gotta him and the it.eaio was prevented. Johnson united till all was secure again, and then faiutcl from loss of blood occasioned by hcalp uoiiiul over which ho had a long light afterward with crysIK'Ius. This was ull lucky for me, and when I pro eentcd the ix'lltiou to the governor I had a strong caw, made nioro so by tho herolo action of a man u ho had Uvn unjustly con demned. 1 spoko earliest ly of his good character Jineo his iiiciueeration, and tho governor promised prompt action. Hut ho was called away in December and 1 ieared that lie might, in the i uh and prttimof other busi ness, forget tho case of Johnson till after tlio holldayn. So I telegraphed him ami made his lifo a burden to him till tho afternoon of tho '-Mth, when tho AM train brought tho pardon. I went nway to spend my own Christmas, but not till 1 hud given Johnson a few dol lars to help him get another Mart, nnd bad mado him promise to write mo how ho got along. And so that to mo was u memorablo jwd a joyous C hristum, for 1 had mado my cU happy by making others happy, lliLi, Nvc. P.S. l'erlm)s I ought not to close this ac count to abruptly us 1 have done, for tho reader will naturally iuk whether Jokusou ever wrote me, as ho bald ho would. 1 only Toceived ono letter from him, sr.d that I found when 1 got Imck, a few days after Christmas. ItMusqulto ckaraeterUtlo, and wud an IoIIowh; "I-aramy the iweuiy-nft dec. 'FnK.VTNii:: "When you get Mil Letter i will llo in A outlier tearritory wharo tho wcekld sclto from trubUliiig H tho wcory air at Iteait xcooso my l'oor ntlng 1 ivfor alvo to tho toarrltoo ofl tnwhno 1 will U.gln ZJfo A now ic all will Iki fergott. "I hop god will Howard you In Calso 1 Shood not llo AIkjI to Do so. 'You luxvo Uin a good front oft mo and w fiun ihuro you will enjoy to hocr i my sue oom 1 hoK (ho slooth hounds of JustibK will not try to folly mo for it will bo won) than Useless as ( hav u danulto letter team than I had Dofoie, "It l tho Blicnriira team wjch i havo got & his name Is duals, tol tho Governor to l'ar den mo It i have Sfoamtxl Hudo i shall go to tAomo now l'lals wharu i vllt not bo Ixwkwl UKu with Buchpikiiloti wishing you a inury Crlwuiiu Impy now ywir und April Kool I lll Clow from your tru Freut "Mb JouKgON," j aovs off't A Visit to Ancient CnrtliHgo. IJnt the cliief Interest In Tunis is in fts nonrnc)". tu t.ie i-itc of one of the most fa mous cities nf the ancient work). It is but a drive of six miles to the npot where one.' stood Curtilage. In our viMtwo had again the invaluable companionship nf our r.rclunolojist. As we rode acrosH the plain it won very easy to boo Mint the an cient city had ample mom to spread out on every side except toward tho sen, where It hiul I lie most nplriullil position on tho vi ry t.horc, presentlm a long front to the Mediterranean, while a headland which projected Into the sea scn'ed ns a mighty brenln.-nter, nnd formed a harbor in w1iU Ik:11 the Honmn and Carthngeninn ileets could rhle together. On Hint head land Ucipio Afriwmus lntidwl the nrmy which, inarchlnic round to the mainland, took Oirthnice In tho rear nnd Jlnnlly cap-tui-ed the city. Xo city of nntliptity has left so few ruins ns Curlhae. When It was taken by the Honmiis tho decree of implacnblo hate, CnrthiiKO est (K'lenda Carthngo must bo destroyed was inexorably carried out. Its liio'rclless conquerors lelt hut few mon uments of its former greatness. Indeed, the only structures of imposing size which remain are the cisterns great reservoirs covered by arches which supplied wnter to the city, nnd these tire said to be of Ho man origin. All that Is distinctly Cnrtlia genlau is the mound on which stood the ancient cltuck'l, nroitnd which gathered all the inartliil life of n city which had the climax of its- power and glory hundreds of years before Christ. Beneath that tumu lus lie burled the foundations of temples and palaces, all mingled in one uudistfn gulshablo ruin. Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean. A Itiitealrlier's MHIiimIh. "A rat that is caught by the tall will not hipteal," said a professional rat catcher. "In those cases whero they squealed I had caught them by tho body, not having time to get my favorite grip on tliuni. The rat, you sec, is paralyzed for a minute by the light; he rises up and tries to reach over It, and us he Is doing that I reach the tongs in under him nnd catch 1) 1 in bv the tall K I can, and If I miss tho tail I catch anywhere. When he's thrown into the sack ho lies quiet; they don't squeal If you let them alone, not even if tlieie s u dozen of them to gether. They nre content to llo still and await events rather than raise a row; they're thinking all the tinio maybe I'll forget all about them. That's where they're olf. Another thing. A rat cannot gnaw tluougli a hanging bag tlio bag gives' nnd the rat cannot get hold. If the bag Is laid down they can grip on the creases and gnaw their way out in short order, but a hanging bug is us good as an Iron safe. A rat lias only four teeth two above, which nre about u half tin inch long, and two below, which arc about an inch and a half and run clear through the under jaw." Chicago Tribune. W hy Americans (iiniv llalil. "I'eople become bald from washing tho head,'" said an Kiigllsh barber. "Tho tise of water on the scalp may niako a man feel buoyant for a time, but you will no tice that the hair becomes dry and brittle afterward. The water and subsequent rubbing with a towel dry up tho oil in the roots, and in time the hair becomes dead and drops out. In Kughtnd people never think of washing tho hair. A good comb and stiir brush nre all t hat are needed to keep tlio head clean. Tho women often spend hours in combing out their hair, und that Is tho most laborious part of a maid's work. Instead of shampooing, Kngllsh barbers use a machine shaped llko a little barrel nnd covered with stiff bristles. This is run by a small gas en gine, and will winnow every speck of dirt out of a man's bend in a few minutes. I have heard there are somo in use in this city, but I have never seen ono." New York Sun. 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 (,'orlc Notes. Tho popular Idea Is that we put somo sort of greasy preparation on our faces to nuiko tho burnt cork come oil easily, said a famous negro minstrel to a reporter; but if a man wants to become permanently black, all ho needs to do is to greaso his face before he blacks up. It would keep him scrubbing all night, and ho would have to take tho skin olf before ho would get it out. Tlio preparation of tho cork is simple. The property man puts his corks in u pan, pours u little alcohol over them, lights the alcohol, and tho heat does tho rest. A lit t lo rubbing between tho bauds smoothes out tho lumps and tho grit. There's another way to take out tho grit, which is to drop the burnt cork into a tub of water, and the grit goes to the bottom. All he hits to do then is to skim oil' tho iloatlug substance and he has tho line particles. A little water makes Mils Into a paste ready lor use. Philadelphia Novvs. A Tenderfoot In lloiiui City. Eastern Man Yes, I like this cllmato and have about concluded to send for my family and settle here. Boom City .Mnn Well, sir, I can show you some of tho tlnest lots In "I can't alford to build. I must livo in a rented house at the start. By the way, whero is this Boom City you luivo been talking about f" "You are In Boom City now. This rail road depot is :'.t tho foot of .Metropolitan avenue, facing Monument square." "But where aro tho houses? Thero isn't one in sight " "See here, young fellow; If you aro f.o ilauged uiHi'sthetie Mint you can't enjoy tho beauties of nature withotC having it siKitted nil over with houses joii'd better go back Knst." Omaha World. SbaiiiK Cniiittryiuiiii. Barbers hu e a trick for tho country men who visit tho city and ro into the shop to get shaved. They want to get olT as clK'ap as possible, but generally thoy linvo tho entire bill to pay boforo leaving. For Instance, tho barber will tako n pleco of black pomatum nnd smearing it on his hand, run it through tho countryman's lmlr and remark, "You need n shitinjKK), Look how dirty your hair is; you must have been about ti Miioko stack." That catches him, and ho has to pay for n shampoo, lie goto what is called in tho profession a "raztelo tulo" shnvo. That is, tlio razor is run over his face, anil what is left belong to him. That is tho way tho countryman Is served. Olobo Democrat, A Midnight IIMi. Speckled trout servwl cold with lettuce nnd MayonnnUo dressing Is bald by a Bos ton nmn to Iki worthy tho nttention of those who kuow n good thing when thoy tasto It. The dith is particularly palata ble ulong nbout midnight. Detroit lunnufncturors nra now using petroleum to a considerable extent in tho pluco of ronl or coke for generating steam. Thoy Uud it cheaper oud more convenient to inc NEVER OLD. Bpring still limkc spr.ng In the mind. When sixty years nre told: Love wnkes anew tlili throbbing heart, Anil we nrp is?ver old. Owr tlx" winter glaciers I sw" the summer glow, And, through the wild AM snowdrift, Th warm irwlnul I'1om linlph Waldo Emerson. HOUSEKEEPING MADE EASY. What Modern Invention Hun Dono for (lor Mill i oiii unit Muliln. In former years It was no easy task for a young married couple to "go housekeep ing," und it required no small expenditure of cash. A ran,o or cooking stove, a cof fee and spice mill, a mortar, a cake board and rolling pin. a tray and chopping knife, not to mention u largo number of pots, kettle-, frying pans and bowls, nnd a lurgo stock of raw materials in tho line of provisions, were required. Then con siderable skill was nccosKury to use all those in.-truiii"!'f - for preparing food for the table, nnd that skill, unfortunately, Was not possessed by the young wife. The consequence was that most jwrsons who embarked on tho sea of matrimony sailed uirectiy lo a hoarding house and set up their household divinities in a hack cham ber, where they remained till the land lady levied on them for an over due bill for meals and lodgings. But modern invention has rendered housekeeping very easy. A couplo may now set up tor themselves witli very few utensils, scarcely any provisions, ami next to no knowledgo of cookery. A gas or oil stove tukes the place of a costly and cum brous cooking range. Coiree is bought not only parclied, but ground. Spices and pepper coino all prepared for use. Every kind of bread, cake and pastry can bo purchuscd nt a slight advance on the cost of the materials they contain. If one wishes the sport of making them, self raising Hour may be had in any grocery. Fruit of ull kinds all ready for the table can be purchased about us cheaply as that which must be prepared. Xot only lob sters and other shell llsh, but salmon may lie bought cooked and ready to lie served at a price but little above what the crude articles cost; and cooked corned beef, tongue, pigs' feet and ham have long been on tlie market. There are also canned soups, that only need to bo diluted, nilnco meat, all ready to put between pie crusts, and roast meats and fowls of nil descriptions. Some grocers keep mush prepared for frying. Boston baked beans, put up In cans, have had a great run during the past few years. English plum puddings are also on the. market. Cans of cooked green corn, beans, pens, tomatoes, caulillower ami asparagus, with Saratoga fried potatoes, are to lie found on the shelves of every grocery, while laundries do the washing and ironing. It Is no longer necessary to bo a cook, or have u cook, to keep house. It requires scarcely any cooking utensils to provide a warm meal A can opener, a frying pan und a cotlee pot are the principal requi sites. Even the last is not absolutely necessary, since a mixture of prepared coffee, sugar and cream may readily be obtained. It Is even practical now for the novice to dispense with a cook book, as tho lanel on every can tells how to treat the contents. Surely, ladles need no longer complain that the labors of housekeeping keep them from cultivating their minds. Boston Budget. Horace (ireeley'n l'loliccy. In the winter of 1850 1 heard a lecture delivered by Horace (Jreeley in Brooklyn. Ills subject was "France." Solemn uud weird were his prophecies that night. All else, save a general impression of his lec ture, has passed from my memory, but one thing stands out in boldest relief, and that is his description of how Louis Na poleon accomplished the coop d'etat and the prophecy which Mr. Oreeiey made. It was near the end of his discourse. In his calm stylo the orator, speaking of that usurpation, accomplished In treachery and blood, seemed to have become elevated like a seer, and he said; "A day is coining when, as sure as there is a God in heaven, Napoleon III will pay the penalty for hav ing outraged moral and civil law." And (hero Greeley raised his voice), "Tli'ou, Eugenie, beautiful queen of power and of fashion, when that day does arrive thou wilt have thy share in the penalty." I think that I never heard anything half so weird, half so startling. The audience, which had given good attention hitherto, was now simply spell bound. Greeley then went on and gave his reasons for including the empress In tho future retribution. Hosuld that it was a notorious fact that after Louis Napoleon had treacherously anil murderously stilled the second French republic, tlio llrst person who wrote him a congratulatory and approving letter was 51 He. In Comtesso do Moutijo, who became tho Empress Eugenie. J. C. Fletcher in New York Graphic. "stored t'i" I'oi'co In Water. An error concerning water has arisen from a remark imputed to Faraday that In every drop of water is stored up the energy of a stroke or lightning," which has been largely used by Keoley motor and other speculators to further their schemes. Thero is no force of imv kind "stored up" in water; and the statement mado by Faraday, if ho ever did make it. simply referred to the small quantity of electricity developed in a lightning tiash, which would hardly lie enough to decom pose into its constituent gases a single drop of water. Tho powerful effects of lightning are due to tho great tension of electricity, like a very small boiler in which tho steam is at an enormous pres sure. Popular Science News. Odd Klleet of tUu Interstate Luw. An odd effect of tho luterstuto commerce law is tho resurrection of tho various dead towns along the Mississippi river. Tho old steamboat wharves are being propped up ready for business, nnd yawning In habitants aro rubbing their eyes and won dering if tho days of railroad tralllc since tho war hnvo only been a horrible night mare, Chicago News, Yellow finer luventlcutloii. Dr. Yulplan has reported to the Paris Academy of Sciences Mint during the epl denilo of yellow fever lately prevailing in IMo Janeiro, of tl.o'Jl persons inoculated ngalnst tho fever only six died, or less than one per 1,000, whllo tho proportion of deaths among those not treated was 1 per cent. Boston Budget, A Very Deep Well. A firm of ullk mnnufacturors nt North ampton, Mass., about two years ago be gan sinking an artoslnn well there. It lias now reached a depth of 11, -HO fret. All but SOU feet of tho boring has been through enudstone. Bostou Budget. Tho manuscript of Hums' poem, "Tlio Whistle," has recently becu purchased for r.'SU by Lord Uosebcry. Coiileinllnc with Hooks. In tliotiutuinn when tlio nuts aro ripo the rook is busy Walnuts uro his es pecial favorites. You will not seo u bird near tho place until they tiro ready for thrashing down; but when that time tins como a solitary pioneer will apjioar first, high up. inspecting the tree or trees. Tlio next day he will bo joined by ono or two more. After wheeling about and over the nlace thev will settle und ex amine tlio stnto of tho rrop. If the outer rind is loosened from the shell of the nut, ti problem soon solved by the birds' biting a piece olT, they will (ly away and give information to the rest that luxuries are to be bad. Then a number come, nipping the nuts oil in the most whole sale manner und Hying oir with them. In the flrot field or meadow they dine; with a dig or two of tlio powerful bill they split oil tho outer covering, and then with ono moro dig open the nut and eat the contents. They uro quickly back for more. "Hi! Gipl Hooks!" cries a man's voice, nnd a fine old dog dashes over tho lawn a dozen times a day. barking his loudest to scare them oil. for if left to themselves they will clear the heaviest crop from the trees in a very short time. It is no use thinking of shooting them; you may point a stick at them and ilourish it nlxmt as much as you like, nnd it will not disturb them in the least. A gun is n different matter; only let them catch sight of one, nnd instead of committing their robberies in nn open and deliberate manner, ns is their usual way, they will clatter into tho trees liko hawks when thoy get a clianco, nip off tho nuts and fly away. Tlio only effectual plan is to trap one. I once saw the experiment tried. Ono of them bopped into a common traps set openly, only so secured that tho bird could not fly off with it. Finding him self in trouble tlio rook yelled out his note of alarm. Up tho others cluttered, cawing their loudest und dropping somo of their plunder. All their friends round nbout came to seo what was tlio matter and to join in tlio uproar. Flying round nnd dashing down to him as though to get him out. and ilndiiigthisnouse, they woro frightened out of their wits by their comrade's frantic shouts, and they mounted high up in the air, cawing their loudest. When tho captive had his neck twisted, and ho was spread eagled out on n stick for his companions' inspection, tho busi ness was settled; not n single rook has been near tho plnco from that time. 1 have often proved tho fact that shooting somo does not affect tho rest in tlio least; but trapping ono upsets tho whole rook ery for a long time. When that calamity has onco taken pluco it is put down in their notebook, nnd no mutter what may bo tlio attractions of tho locality, it is shunned with tho greatest caution. Cornhill Magazine. Tlio Future of Knhu Not only is Russia tlio greatest mili tary power in tho world, but sho is tlio European power witli the largest homo geneous population and the greatest ex pansive force. Territorially sho has tho largest empire, possessing a vast sliaroof tlio Old World, and hers is a peoplo full of patriotic and religious spirit and so well disciplined that all except an infini tesimal minority "obey cheerfully and without question under all circum stances, whether good or evil, tlio will of a singlo man. Yet, although subject to what, with our parliamentary ideas, wo aro disposed to stylo despotism, tho Russian peoplo aro full of spirit and of thoso qualities which wo consider spe cially Anglo-Saxon "pluck" nnd "go." Russia lias absorbed with rapidity, but with completeness, tho greater part of Central Asia, lias drawn 6tendily nearer and nearer to our frontier and lias mado herself extremely popular witli tho peo plo she has oonquered. Her policy throughout tho century lias been appar ently Hxed in object, but pursued with patience; and whilo thero seems to bo no reason to supposo any probability of a speedy collision, which England will do nothing to provoke, it is impossiblo for thoso who aro charged with tlio defense of India to shut their eyes to tho possi bilities or even tho probabilities of the future. Sir Charles Dilko in Fortnightly Review. Slio Wo Not Dead. In London recently a well known ar- !.. t . .., !.. . . ... . . list ui iuu L.iuiui .i ivus cauuu in lo inioio- graph tho body of a young lady who had j just died muler peculiar nnd distressing! circumstances. Tho body was laid on a ' sofa in tho drawing room and presented i a Kinmihirlv beautiful KnecMcIn Tim I photographer wna left nlono in tlio room j with tho lody nnd took a negntive. After inspecting it ho was not satisfied that tho exposure had been sullieient. i and ho took another. And then, to hU iimamem. ... uiscmere t. ia u.o iwo, -fc fc money back, negatives wem not nliko. Tlio bodv J , . J. , ' must have moved. Not having lost all ; and that )'OU WOU t Claim the liis ncrvo by this extraordinary occur-j reward. Of COUTSC. renco, ho took a third negative, which j cn whoever is honest ill was exactly liko tlio second. Ho instant-1 noCX 1S nonLbL 111 iy summoned tlio nurso who had been in making it, and works not on attenilanco on tho deceased girl, and nf-, his own reputation alone, but ter somo ditllculty and delay had tlioj.i i f 1 i i Jpolpr whom doctor fetched. To cut a long story I mrouf" t,1C 10CIU eaicr vnom short, tho young lady was not dead nt yoil kllOW, must have Some alL This Ls a truo story. Atlanta rlu'nrr lm lm; fhirli in bark nf American. Nutunil Ills Head. C. W. Russell, a prominent business man, wears tltu biggest hat in town, if not in tlio wholu country. Ho is a largo, well proportioned man, and ono would not for a moment iiiuigino ho woro an 8J lint. It is a fact, iiowovcr. Thoro is only ono establishment iu tlio country whom theylmvoa block largo enough to build a hat for Mr. Ktuttoll, nnd that Im livntivl nt Itetlml. flnnn. In nil nrnlk ability Kussell would have to go hatlcss ! if tlio manager of tho Bethel factory had not made a block expressly for him. Mr. Aiued exhibited thU enormous hat to a largo number of persona yesterday. It fitted a man who worn n 71 hat liko a circtui tent over a balloon. A box hail to bo mado gccially for it, Tho brim la a fraction over threo inches wldo from tho Uxiy to tho rua all around. Chicago Herald. AN EPIC IN FIVE FITS. rnACE. Th.i editor tn genial mood, sat in hi oITIce chair: he run his jeweled tingers through his mass of tawny hair; he took his golden pen and wrote some grand nnd fiery screeds, of wars Abroad, of Hhtics, and of his country's needs; lie also wrote a touching poem about a lover bold, who went ncrcw thernging sea to search for gleaming gold; and how a maiden waited long down on tlio ocean shore, to wel come him when he returned who would re turn no more. CLOUDS. Theofllco hireling came to him; an ugly youth was ho, with freckles scattered on his "face most wonderful to see; he jerked tho pro s, thU hireling did, ho swopt tho dirty lloors, he stuffed theoonl into the stove and did the other chores. But now his freckle! cheeks were blanched, his voico was honre witli fear: he said; "Old Smith, who weighs u ton, is waiting for you here; his face is stern, his lips ore set, 1 fear he's como for gore Ob, master, shall I let him pass iusid your sanctum doorf OOL'UAGS. Then spake the editor with pride, to that lone youth spake he: "Oh, Absalom. t!i" coward's tear a stranger is to mo; why should I tremble, though he . jme vnllow in my gore I'll take him liyj .ike neck anil with him. sweep the tlooi . .... .Macbeth said what mini may da e, Unit aUo will I dar. end should old Smith but make a crack, I'll feiuash hini w ith a chair; go, then, to where he punting waits, and show him in to me, and though he's once or doubly armed, no terror will ho see." DANGEU, Then trembling went tho freckled youth, ns lieM instructed I wen; ho led tho Bad Muu to the door, and, quaking, showed him in; tho door was clo-ed behind him then, nnd Absalom stood near, that all the sounds of raging war securely he might hear; thero was a silence, long, profound, and then his master's voice, rang out in loud, defiant tones that made his heart rejoice; it sounded through t lie oaken door nnd echoed down the hall; it ceased, tue silence came again, uud then u heavy tall. DlSASmt. With winged feet ouug Absalom flew to bis masUr's side; all still and pale that mas ter lay, as though ho just had died: but toon he opened wide his eyes that fell the boy upon; they swept tlio room to see Old Smith, but Smith, the wretch, was gone. "Whut did he do.'"' cried Absalom, "that you have swooned aw ay 1 You show no marks to show tliat ou have lindti bloody fray; oh, master, did ho draw Ins gun, your form with lead to fillf "No, no, my boj , lie drew no gun; fur worse ho drew a lull !"' Nebraska State Journal. umilnjr in" ii ewspiper. There escaped the notice of the Russian cen.sors in Finland tho other day a small I paragraph m a bwedisli illustrated paper which, it appears, wan not quite to the liking of the officials. When the objec tionable paragraph was noticed an order eaine from tin Russian oflicials that all Humberts were to lie "called in," and the ' police actually went f- -tu house to house and demanded that tin papers should be ! riven "P- London News. It llimn't l'uy. Out of fifty counterfeiters arrested iu tho last eighteen months only twenty three of them had passed !f.")0 wortli of tho "qjieer," and only iivo of them had mado a profit of $1 per day for the time engaged. It doesn't pay as well as. saw ing wood at sixty cents a cord, and ar rest is sure to como within a year or two. Detroit Free Press. "1 liavo seen n great deal of what they call faith euro." said ;i New York dentist, "but 1 have yet lo hear of a person who succeeded in curing tlio jumping tooth ache in any such fashion." Few peoplo can get up enough faith for that. All who uho Dobbins' Klectdc Soap lirmnu u uiu ivr, uiieuiiuni ami inuat. most ?Si economical family soap made: but. if will try tt once, it will tell u still stronge talo of its merits itself, I'lease try Your irrocer will huddIv vou. Rose (on the dlvatO-I think I'll mw ye. It is better to marrv a man you resnect thnu one you adore. Dully Hut lt'. m much easier to love men than to respect them. , The Occidental Hotel. Han Francisco, is uni-! versally pronounced by the public the model hotel of the l'aeltlo Coast Kverythluu Ih petfec tlon to the minutest detail, and quests are made to feel entirely at home. J. A. Hooper, Manager. Beware of Imitations of the celobratod Seal of North Carolina Fluff Cut Tobacco. Use Enamel! ne Stove Polish : no dust, no smell. Tirr Qkhmka for breakfast. There's a cfood deal of . , ,i . guarantee business in the store keeninT of to-day. It's too oocJwrt fir fnn rolncfnnt , T ., .. ., Half tllC time J.t lttCanS llOtll- inr. T ords ""This offer to Dioney, or to pay only words. refund the a reward, is made under the hone that VOU i the guarantee. The business a year with- wouldn't stand out it. What is lacking is confi dence. Back of that, what is lacking is that clear honesty which is above the "average practice." . p' . i-JT. I lCt'CC S medicines are guaranteed to accomplish what they are intended 11 to do, and their makers give the money back if the result isn't ap- parent. Doesn't it strike you that a medicine which the makers I "Now. ma'am." srM the EiirIMi ervnf. ''ow will you 'ave the duck to-dav? Will oti heat It cold, or shall 1 '(at It forou.'" Tiiitnrrm tiik wu.i:y iioius M mauvanlKht.mn.1e dnnhlvloug bv It nro ret,.,t nanny, the rh. umaile sniterer 't to jndt'nmi liM slo, pie.? couch, niov praylnv: for that re?t which only routes by fit a"ul starts. His malady Is one which ordinary mii-.'i es too (iir ii Mil i.i i elu ve. but u.ere Is ample evld, nee otr etnat tlie-tllelent bloon deiuirtiit, Ho tetter. stomach Killer,. art,)rd the rheumatic a reliable means of relief, i hcck the n a'ady in tH Incipient tae.. when tne first premoiitiory twllie.s pnmenti, with tt.is airrocahle inejtcliie. and a void years of torture. Whatever t e the ra tionale of the active f ntltienceof the Hitters uiiu till" malady, certain it i that no evidence rela' ,ii lo eili-C' i mure ul e, t Hlnl p"itive than 'hat which telate to Its a' ttou ill eaves of rliea-uiHll-Mi I.Ike ah ft. rlliiu remeoies. however, it desirves a j.r.trHi ted .-ystematie trial, and lniold not be n'midoneil I an,, not at once re medial It 1 Kiunhy efiie Minis ill iljsr.ensia, tndiKetiou ami kitiiir-l iii't aes. (ieorge Francis Train snys he i living solely upon ollee. If this is so, Mr. Train has slight grounds for living. 5 AHD 22oxv it "J7Crox-ln.s3. CURES LUSVJBAGO. 1CJ6 Orleans St., Ualto Md..l'eh.:C, "JO. I v. ns conliie d to tlio house two wciks with 1' unbago. but St. Jacobs Oil etri'd me; no re turn. W.M. A. tiOKTZE. r.ux. JO v. CURES BRUISES. Fcncr .;ic, Mo., Feb. 7, 1S00. "St. Jacobi Oil H wituout a pe r for pains, bruises, aches, A.c." P.ev. T. G. H.vwkiks, I'u-'or HaptUt Church. cureITsprasns. Cincinnati, Ohio, Apill 2, 1890. I suffered with a sprained ankle which welled very much. 1'i.uud (j-eat relief in uso of St. Jacobs Oil and suc'Iii;,' disappeared. Mollig Hicks. ST. JACOBS'OCL The Groat Remedy For Pain, CUKES ALSO RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA. A BSC F Tlie only thing that will wet a man who wears a "Fih brand blickcr"i$ a Hood; but even then lie mut be under water. This statement may seem stroi j;, but a coat that will stand a two days' storm without K-akinjr. and will net rip or tear,;) sure to fi.l tlio bill. Tl'e cdditional advantage is that it costs less and wears lonpxr than any other waterproof coat. Have you one? If not, why do you wait until it rains? Sold everywhere, ltuyit cow. It Hapreat mistake lo wait until it rains to buy a waterproof coat. The time lo buy is when tlx dealer has a clean, fresh. Flock, lie sure the coat is ttamred wilh the " i ish Hrarul" Trade Mark, nd you will Ree he best waterproof coat ever made. Don't accpt any interior coat when you can have tli-s " Fish Brand Slicker " rfe'ivered without eitra cost. Particulars and illustrated catalogue t'ee A. J. TOWER. - Boston, Mass. Old Hold a'ld Silver Iloubt; fn jour oM Cold 1 ami Silver liv mull to he nld anil reliable houtu of A. Uolt'Uun. 41 Thiiil stri'r! S'lu rruueisco; I ill M'uil by ! rrl'f;VL"V" " "Um'V.V" .ViS"'5 lr the umount - Wanted Young Hen Mies LtAHN IbLLuRArHY, And Heuro portions pnyiiiK from i0 to & per I month. Flue ojientiiKs iu every K-etlon of the , Northwest Itallroads and commercial linen to i nt) equippeu. Aiuirt'sa, wilii muiui, j. t , nrv i MolK 1031 WashhiKton street. Portland. Or. TAKE IT W.PrUNlDER'S. Oregon Blood Purifier: ZYL- LIVER DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA. , PIWPLES.BLOTCHES ANDSKIN I JHETADACriE''. C05TIVENESS. McCRAKEN & CO.. -DEALKRS IN Roche Harbor Lime. Portland Cement, Gol den Gate and Utah Plaster. Hair. Fire Brick and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER 00 North Front Street, Cor. 1), 1'OKTI.AND, OK. STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Painos Mranlrir tiio 1kit Piano Maue, and tbo (avorito ctioaoer Planus; ill Musical Instruments; Hands Hup- l.l'ffiJ'J.,'!!!? Urav liiitni; iarK0 biuck ni oorct .music BTBIHWAY HAl EGGS PERFECTLY PRESERVED For 0 month at a cot of 1 . cent u doen and can not be (liKtlinriiii.iK'il (r.-m I'fsli oges Kulldirec tlimtcput fort I. JAMES MORSE, '"17 Kddy ht.,8.K. BUY THE - Regan VaporEngine For I'limiittiff Wat.r or Wine, Hpriiytnir fruit Treee, miwIiik Wood. Kunniiih' bathes, Electrlc I.iUtit rianiH. etc REGAN o VAPOR ENGINE e CO., SS I. a I'lrNt Street, Sun I'runclMo. AX9 HAY FEVE cTwrc PHAiCLDHATElMU riEW-DEPfiRTURE BUrTAlflitY. rtcr O Ii th arknotrMcod Jrmline remifly (or all Uis unnatural dMchargei anil private dis Jules ot tnfn. A ceriain cure tor the Ueblll UtfiitT weakness peculiar tow., mm. I rrfscr.b 1 1 and feel ufa in rPCommeoUlnc It la all sunerara. i crnuro un n. l. f A '&.KIDI DISEASES. 1 HVAv I J. e? o ACTUM IlVutuulnl D it W e Vir4siM ThiEiujChiutmiVi B. l:. a. a. . holit tor IlruKKUta. i'Kice 91.ee. nave so mucn commence in :.s the madicinc for you? i. p, .N. U. No, 3b7-8. F N. U, No, m 1 mlsiinntr in -