V TIIUKSDAY, MAY 7, 1801. UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE. No. .1 Fast Mall, West . 7:a" p. in, No. 7 Pacific Express. West 7:Ni a. in, No. 2 Fast Mall, East . .11 :."" a. in, No. 8 Pacific Express. East. 11:00 p. in. NOTICH. On account of the change made in the management of this paper, all accounts due up to Jan 15. 1S91. must be settled without delay. Those knowing themselves indebt ed to the paper arc requested to conic in and pay up without further urging. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. V Paragraphic Record ot Recent Happen ings In and Around the City. "Silence is best." Davis. Family groceries at cost at Jones liros. tf Second hand furniture for sale at Jones llros.' Supreme court is now in session at Pen dleton. 0. "V. P. Ellsworth visited Uakcr City Monday. W. T. Martin, of tho Park, called on us Tuesday. T. C. Hyde, of Uakcr City, was in town yesterday. Henry Must, of ISakcr City, paid our city a visit last week. Mrs. A. E. Eaton lias been quite sick for several days past. Honest goods and low prices. Mrs. Kine hart, the milliner. John Ellsworth, of La Grande, was in the city last Thursday. 1. A. Boskowitz, merchant of La Grande, was in the city Tuesday. The presidential party will pass Union about 0 o'clock tonight. Hon. Henry Itinehart, of La Grande, was in the city last Thursday. Jones Bros, arc placing a new sidewalk in front of their gallery. Mr. Fred Dill arrived in town from Baker City on Tuesday's train. Union will build a largo addition to her school house this summer. New hats, flowers and ornaments received at Mrs. Summers' this wceK. Miss Helen Levy was visiting friends in in Baker City a few days ago. County court is in session. Proceedings will bo published next week. Potatoes, of different varieties, for sale. Call at the Centennial hotel. 5-7-2w The only place te secure first-class job printing is at Tun Scout office. J. L. Mbson, of tho Coye. made' our oflice a substantial visit Monday. Closing out sale at Jnnes Bros. Every thing must be sold regardless of cost, tf Simon McKonzie and brother, of Sum mcryillo, made Union a flying visit Sunday. Services will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath in the morning only. W. D. Arnold, county commissioner, and wife arc registered at tho Centennial hotel. Attorneys Burleigh and Meachen, of El gin, paid Union a business visit last Tues day. It is said that Kobt. G. Ingersoll will make a lour of the Pacific coast in a short time. Assosor Guild is now busy making as sessment of the taxable property of the county. The Cornucopia stage line office has been removed to the Centennial hotel. A. John son, agent. J. Q. Shirley shipped two red Berkshire pigs toT. B. Hitt. Albion, Idaho, yesterday by express. Thos. Wade, of Summerville, was in town Thursday. Tun Scout acknowledges a pleasant call. The Seven Devils mining camp is soon to have a newspaper, to be known as "Tho Devil's Own." A. J. Goodbrod has just completed a neat and commodious barn on his place in South Union. Stephen Connor, of Catherine creek, made our ofllco a a pleasant and substantial visit . last Saturday. A. N. Gardner and wife visited relatives and friends in North Powder last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Alger received her commission, Tuesday, as postmistress, this now being a third class office. Mrs. Eva Benson, accompanied by Master Uoscoe. has been visiting in Baker City for several days past. Kev. "W. J. Hughes will preach in the High valley school house next Sunday af ternoon at a o'clock. Trout fishing will soon be good in our streams. A number of tho iinny tribe hayo nlready been caught. Preparation are being mado whereby The Scout will soon bo enlarged and much im proved in appearance. Hall Brothers, of Union, will now carry the full lino of Frank Brothers' Implement Company's machinery. 3-12-lm P. W. Gallagher, of Cornucopia, was in tho city ycsierday for the purpose of pro curing a liquor license. It still remains dry and our farmers com plain that If it does not rain soon thcro will bo a shortage in the crops. Mrs, Ed. E. Catos, who has been visiting her parents In Covo for somo timo past, returned homo Saturday. A. T. Merwin and wife, of Lower Powder, have been spending several days in the city, visiting relatlvoii and friends. Mr. A. C. Cox, constable from Eagle valloy, brought down Mr. Jonnlng and wifQ,Qbargod with troapanalng. YV. A. Wain took his departure Hunday fur a ririt to hi oUl home in llanll, I6wa. He will bo uht alut two monllii. Viol. H. H. Mrnjj wa ovr from U (innul Sunday. He will imm- to Uuiun horjly ai't inuUo thii place his uomf The attention of our readers Is called to the ad. of the Pioneer Institute, of San Francisco, which appears in Oils issue. All extras fr repairs n Frank Brothers' Implement Company's goods can now bo secured ot Hall Brothers, Union, Oregon. The water In some of the irrigating ditches overflowed Tuesday night, Hooding the streets and running into some of the collars. Do not foreet that Hall Brothers now car ry a full and comple:e line of farming im dlcments, also wagons, buggies, carts, etc. Governor Pcnnoycr has appointed W. L. Bradshaw, of The Dalles, to succeed J. H. Bird as judge of the seventh judicial dis trict. A combined piano and clothes wringer has been invented. It will melodiously knock the suds out of all ordinary har mony. Mr. and Mrs. Yerbury, formerly of tho depot, but lately of La Grande, have re turned to Union again, where they will reside. Mr. J. W. Murphy, of tho Cove, will take his departure for Iowa Sunday on a visit to his brother whom he has not seen for thirty years. Got a caricature photograph of yourself taken at Jones Brothers' gallery. These pictures are "too utterly funny for any thing." School Books. Hemeinber Hall Bros., of Union, cany a complete line of school books and school supplies. Country or ders promptly filled. -l-2-w4. Terry Tuttle and wife, of Suinmervillo, took their dtparturo for Fish Creek, Mon tana, a few days ago, whither Mc. Tuttlo directs his Scout to be sent. You can always find a good supply of stationery, school books, novels, etc., at tho pOstollico store. A fine lot of garden and llowcr seeds just received. 1-2-wl A. J. Goodbrod, of tho Centennial hotel has invested in a new hack which will be used in liauliug vegetables, etc.. from his garden, to supply the hotel. E. G. Snyder, of Spencer, Ohio, a miller, arrived in the city last Friday and will take charge of Hutchison Bros.' mill, which we understand will be started up this week. Geo. W. Wagoner, of Corvallis, cx-rail-road commissioner of this state.'was in tho city Saturday and on Sunday paid a flying to tho Cove, accompanied by Mrs. Kinc hart. La Crando docs not want much. They arc now talking of a celebration and pioneer meeting combined, on the Fourth. Would it not be better to divide the business up a little? Bead the new ad. of Driver it Martin, blacksmiths and wagon makers, which ap pears in this issue. These gentlemen are experienced workmen and guarantee satis faction. The sale of reservation lands has been finished. The cash receipts were sbout 80,000, being a little over one-third the total purchase price, including improve ments. A small firo occurred at Haines on the 1st Inst., destroying two small houses val ued at .foOO or $000. It was with tjreat diffi culty the whlo town was saved from de struction. News hns been received here of the death of II. Bassett, Sr., at Long Valley, Idaho, which occurred on the 30th of March. Mr. Uassctt was a blacksmith and a former res ident of this city. Mrs. W. It. Usher, of Eagle valley, wife of our efficient deputy sheriff who has been visiting hero for several days past, took her departure for homo Sunday last, accom panied by her husband. Sheep-shearing is in progress. A largo crowd of tho manipulators of the shears left Union Sunday for the purpose of mak ing their regular tour of tlio conntry on a sheep-shearing expedition. Mr. Goodbrod, of the Centennial hotel, never falls to keep his tables supplied with tho best tho market atlords. On Tuesday he received a largo lot of celery, bananas and radishes from Portland. We arc m receipt of posters announcing the president's stop at La Grande, which will be at 8. 25 this ovening. The party will remain about twenty minutes. Excursion trains will bo run, charging one and one lifth fare. Mr. W. Scott Long arrived from Sanger on Monday ovening for medical treatment. Mr. Long was caught by tho cago going down tho shaft nnd sustained serious in juries. Dr. Deering dressed the injuries, and ho Is now doing very well. At the special election in Baker City Tuesday every proposition for Issuing bonds was defeated except that for indebt cdness'for water works. Tho sewerage question was lost by one vote. It is prob able that another election will be ordeicd. A rare opportunity for tho ladles of North Powder Mrs. Summers will bo at the residence of Mrs. Joe Carroll next Sat urday afternoon with a fine line of spring and summer hats which will bo ofteml at a very low price. Don't fail to be thore. The Scout wants a correspondent in every precinct in tho county. All necossn ry stationary will bo furnished those desir ing to write up tho local happenings of their precinct. All communications should bo, mailed so as to arrive hero not later than Monday. . A. N. Gardner, our jeweler, has secured tho agency in this city for tho New Homo sowing niachino and received a shipment of tho machines this week. They can now bo been on exhibition at his store. Ho also carries a largo supply of needles and ina ohlno oil. 5-7-wl Claronco. the ten-year-old son of T. II. Crawford, of North Union, met with a so voro accident yesterday evonlng. It seonis somo boys wcro blasting logs, when a charge wont ofT, unexpected, filling tho young man' face with powder and burning hlin horribly. Ho may Iomj his evoiight. Quarterly wwtlii at tho M. K. church next Saturday and Bumluy. conducted by ltw. W. T. Chapman. Lov fnantat 10:IA a. in., tuU KueruuiMit of the Lonl'i ttuppw in the fvonliiK Quarterly conference HU nnly t T : p. in. A aorrtUi mviUHiow to all. Dr. U.K. Hint may be here in tlm wninv NEWS NOTES. Addition to lo Built to the School House. TRANSFER OF THE O. &.W.T. R. R. Arrested for Trespass A Baker Man's Opinion or Roads Tragedy at Auburn. City According to a call the taxpayers met at tho school house last Saturday nftornooH for the purpose of voting upon the follow ing proposition : "The board of directors of school district No 5, Union county, Oregon. Hre hereby authorized by tho legal voters of said dis trict to expend the sum of $15,000 in erect ing, furnishing and equipping a brick addi tion to tho present brick school house, and to incur an indebtedness in behalf of the dUtrict in tho sum ot $10,000 by isMieiiig bonds in that sum in such denomination as they may decide upon, duo and payable not more than 15 yeari after date thereof, boar ing Interest at the rate of (1 per cent, per annum, payable annually or semi-annually, as they may decnumost expedient." After the reading of said call and proof of posting of same, to the legal voters assem bled at said meeting, it was moved and seconded that a ballot be tatson upon thu proposition presented in said cnll. The motion was unanimously carried. A ballot was then taken which resulted in 23 votes being cast for, and 7 against tho proposi tion. No further business appearing the meet ing adjourned The O. & W. T. railroad systom was transferred to thonowowncr, ( B. Wright, on the 1st hist. A meeting of the stock holders was held In Pendleton on the 30th ult. for the purpose) of electing new officers and board of directors. No change was made In tho presidency, Mr. Hunt being elected to succeed hiin-elf. C. B. Wright. Jr., was elected vice-president and general manager and C. Herman secretary and treasurer. Following are the directors: G. W. Hunt, C. B. Wright, Jr., C. Herman. H. Alexander, C. II. Carter, J. L. Killian. The East Orcgonian. In speaking of tho future management of tho road, says: "It Is probable that tho chango will lead to tho completion of the Gray's Harbor road, and to other extensions of the system.'' Frank Jennings ami wife, of Eagle valley, were arrested on Thursday last upon a charge of trespass and were brought before Justice F. P. Lee, of Eagle valley precinct, who bound them over to appear at the next term of circuit court. Mr. .Jennings and wife were brought to this city Sunday and placed in custody of the sheriff, but it is thought the parties will soon be released on a writ of habeas corpus. The arrest was made at the instance of J. N. Holcoiub, and C. D. Itced, administrator of the estate of Jttifus Perkins. It seems that Holcomb claims to have proved up on tho piece of laud in question, but Mr. Jennings claims that Holcomb was mistaken In the numbers of the land and had no claim on it, Jen nings tiled on tho land on tho 23d of last December and has been living on the place up to tho timo of the arrest. The case promises to be one of considerable interest. Moso Fuchs, postmaster tit Helena, Seven Devils country, returned to his homo in Baker City a few days ago via Union, and gives the Blade some information in regard to tho now road boing built, and among other things says: "The road being built will be a better one than tho present one betweon Cornucopia and Union which has been traveled over the greater part of tho winter. Tho real route will In the future be 'Baker City and tho Sovon Devils.' " Mr. Fuchs does not know what ho Is talk ing about. Tho road from this city to Cor nucopia has been traveled ovory day in tho week for tho past year, and no difficulty has been experienced in keeping it opon. When tho new road Is completed this will bo tho best and most practicable route to the mines. If it is not, why did Mr. Fuchs come tins-way instead of taking tho stago direct to Bakor City? A horrible tragedy occurred at tho old mining town of Auburn, Bakor county, on Tuesday of last week, In which S. ,1. Foro shot nnd instantly killed Harry E. Doll. The troublo grow out of a dispute over somo mining property. At last account) tho murderer had not been apprehended and it is thought ho will make good his es cape, although a vigorous search is being mado by officers. A novel railroad, which will ho built from Mount Angel to Molalla and thouce to Ore gon City, wouid ho of no small Importance to Union. Tho patenteo guarantees to build and fully equip twenty milos of such a road for? 10,000. A road of this kind ox tended into tho vast body of timber east of this city would bo of incalculable boneflt to tho town in tho way of transporting' wood and lumber, and a largo trade would soon be built up. Ffty miles of this kind of road is in successful operation in California. At tho board of trade meeting hold last Friday evening a resolution was adopted urging tho city council to put in a systom of water works. J. W. Sholton ,...,.:.i.. , of tho Union Hailway Co. appeared beforo tho meeting and assured that body that ho would have trains running in Union liufdu of threo weeks. O. P. Goodall, of Ladd canyon, was In tho city Monday. Ho is making an effort to revive tho Union County Agricultural Society. Thle is a matter that should re ceivo the attention of our people. The state appropriate 11500 to tlw Euitern Ore gon dUtriot, te be ,'lyi in premium for the dUpley of farm product, and all kind, of Ktock. ami our people khuuld lake advan tage e Uie oppertuml) "'"I iiduvir t have tin- meeting held iu I'nkiu county till year. It is nmuihig to hear the Baker City and Huntington ppr blow about being the only outlets and supply points to the Seven Devils mines. The truth of the mat ter is, Union will have a much better outlet than either of theo towns when tho new wagon road is completed, and it is time our business men fere mnking an effort to secure the trade of this ramp. A the baseball gatw between the Walla Walla and 1 Grande nine, played at Wal la Walk last Saturday. La Grande came out victorious, the score being 0 to 2. and on Air day a)aln defeated them by a score of It to 5. We understand another game will be played ot La Grande next Sunday feptween these two nines. A North Troy. Va., dipaich of the fttli Inst, says: Tho ground is covered Willi snow this morning and a light fall Is re ported at ltlohiiiond. In Massachusetts aad Connecticut lee formed in many plaees. Cherries and plums suffered. 'but othor fruit was not fur. enough advanced to be injured. George Franuls Train iaed Fnlon Mon day on his way to New Whatcom. Wash., from which plaoe he started yesterday on another trip around the globe. The citiaens of New Whatcom nay all his expenses and $800 besides. He expects to make the trip this time in M days. Judge Goodall was pleasantly surprised latt Sunday, Vv his two sons, John and Brooks, who went away when mere lwys. some years ago. They returned full grown men and both prosperous nnd respeotud citwns of Dakota. They will return in a fow davs. Chronicle. Council procoeuluga. At tho regular meeting of tho oity coun cil Saturday evening, May 2nd. tho follow ing business was transacted: Minutes of previous meeting read and approved'. Bill of Union llailway Co. for lighting tho city, for?237.50, was referred to rinmieo committee who reported favorably, but It was moved and carried that tho report bo not accepted. Moved and carried tliat upon the Hallway Co. striking out the sum of $2.50 for ono lamp that the bill be allowed and recorder instructed to draw warrant for tho amount. On motion the committee on license was instructed to examine the application of I). Corey for liquor licnie, and upon a favor able report the recorder bo Instructed to Issue n liconse. Committee on street lights submitted a leport which was adopted and placed on file, and in substance was as follows: It is the opinion of the committee that the same number of lights now in use should be fur nished tho city for $100 a year; that tho company agrees to furnish thorn for $ 1.00 per light per month, which would amount to ? 180 per year. The committee icconi mended that the lights be continued for a period of two months at the rate of $IK0 per year, and at tho end of that tlmo they bo discontinued until further arrangements arc made. Also recommondod that tho light at Brown ,t J ones' corner bo movod to Win. Wilson's comer. On motion F. E. Foster was appointed a committee of ono to obtain prices for piping for water works. On motion council adjourned to meat Thursday ovening, May 7th. National Educational Association. The annual convention of the National Educational Association of tho United States for Hie present year will be held at Toronto, Caneda, July Itth to 17th, and as it will on tills ocension be of an internation al character, it promises to be tho most successful meeting of the series. Most of tho railroads have agreed to givo half-ratos, plus $2.00 membership foe to all who attend tho meeting, this rato being opon to tho public generally as well as tho toachors. The Canadians am making great prepara tions to welcome and entertain tho visiting toachors, and numerous cheap excursions are being arranged to all important points on tho (ireat Lakes, the St. Lawrence ami tho sea-side, after tho convention, which will afford the teachers the bontpportunity for enjoying tholr summer, holidays tlioy havo ovorMiad. Tho official Bulletin, con taining programme for the meeting, rail way arrangements, and all other partic ulars, is ready, and will bo sent free to any one desiring It, or on tbolr dropidng a I'ost Card to Mr. II. J. Hill, Secretary Local Committee, Toronto. Alllanco Moeting. Mombers ot the Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union throughout the county will please taku notice that a meeting will bo hold at the court houso,.iu Union on Wednesday Mav 13th at 10 a. m., to consid er busitioss matters of importance to tann ers. A full attendance of members is the earnest desire, and especially of all dele gates to tho county alliance, and members of business committees of the sub-alll-auco as woll as of tho county alliance. Come, all who can. O. P. GOODALL, President. Live Agonts Wanted. Any netivo man or woman can earn good wages by aoting as home agent for that on torpt Utng pnpor, the St. Paul Globe. Good, live agonts are wanted lu ovory township. The work Is o.uiy, pay sure. A oash ollor and special prize to all who are willing to work. For terms and full pertieulara. addroae (iWW 1'UHI.ISHIKO Co., St. Paul, Minn. MAItlllKD. GUKEN-AmiTON.-At the Union OUy hotel. Weduewky April , lt. Mr. T. II. II. iMM.ii and Utile A. Abhion, Her, L. J. IJuuthe officiating. Mr. Uret-n is en old i n er, being well mid fttvrull known throughout the ei.tlre couiitr.t, lit n hii eaui.ivu real mlaU) oAlit-i inl d rk ru -vr Mrn Aihtou is .(i.-i.U 'i ,iii( ii.iui i ii . l id, well eiluiuteu ami tuuo.. iuiiement. We with thm a happy life. But jL"i52,v. AVire G ivvuii; 0rz,- 3woi " '"IF fcrWV ,! . -r-t nip--" y-. , f i '..'..I, I VI IN ' SS'i 53 iCCF" Wo are sole agents for those well known Stoves nnd Hangos. In MAKING, ROASTING, ECONOMY of FUEL, SAVING of MEATS, and' DOHA HI MTV, they aro superior to anv othor so-called first-class stove mado In America, and wo are now selling them FAH'OUICAPER than any so-called first-class stovo has over been sold in Eastern Oregon. They arc Fully Warranted in livery Particular, Thl" is not an Idle and valuless assertion, but a warrantee backed by thu woll known integrity and reliability of the Charter Oak Manufacturing Co. rar-We aro alio car rying a complete assortment of HEATING STOVES! All of the abovo reliable manufacture. H a rclwa re AND , "Tinware ATT-) rp i "VTQT-TO P 1h in ',,nr-' of n Urst-class workman, and all kinds V LJ I V X l.X O JL LJ L of rcparing and job work done at reasonable rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and examine our goods and prices. SUMMERS it LAYNE. one door south of Jaxcox's store, Union, Or. fry t"? " v" TO CARRY AWAY BARGAINS, at A3DOLPH LEVY'S STORE. 1 am overstocked in Clothing, Dry Goods, and all lands of Dross Goods, which must he sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Call Early "and Secure BIG -:- BARGAINS! tSThcse goods are of the latest styles and importations, but must and will he sold at a sacrifice. N. I have now on the road from the east two car loads of FURNITURE), Which will arrive About March 15th, and in connection with what I now havo on hand will comprise tho of Furniture ever Brought to Eastern Oregon. Do not fail to tho rush. I KNOW shipped into the city of Union. Ladies' and childrcns' Fine Shoes, Sateens, ready made Dresses, Hosiery and Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Everything you could expect to find in a first-class millinery establishment. MRS. L. B. RIIMEHART, i-2-tf Cr OFFINBERRY, Union, Oregon, Carries ti full llr.e of oil kinds of Harvesting Machinery and Agricultural Implements, Traction Engines and Vibrator Threshers. ggTl will huII uh uhoap n any Ueftlur in tho ralKiy, teeFstciNk rare! " hr orcn tKo vcutsr .--pi !c . mtsl:er. dlir! vert ;u M i ca-i 1 tK tr.ferv rft ' -. . I . . - r. ' ... v; .- t. - rm rt:): ivo Oanr.o Ovr.a Door. inlw B. call and select before S. C. MILLEE. That I have the most at tractive and complete line of Millinery Goods ever Noxt to tho I'ost Onicc.