The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 30, 1891, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, ATJUL 30. 1891.
Ai.icnt,, Oregon, April 27, 1801
Dry and windy.
John McDowell is on the sick list
this week.
J. N. Kinohurt and family were in
Iho city ii few dnys ago.
Fanners almost tlirouuli with their
eprinp work on the siuidridcje.
Mr. Clampit, of Elgin, will go into
the bntohor business in Alicel.
,T. L. Roe is still buying wheat for
the' Elevator Co. at. thin place.
The railroad officials went over the
Elgin branch a few days ago.
Carrie C. blushes again. I'erhaps
' eho had belter take another bath.
Charley, the Summorvillt). China
man, was nl Alicel lust week, looking
for a location.
The little imp had bettor try and
writo some more poetry and then see
if ho could sing it.
Dr. Cobb, who has boon sojourning
in the Wallowa valley for a long time,
rcttirnodn few day a ago.
The Dago Central in doing a big
business at present, running two
heavy trains a day each way.
11. T. didders was in town a few
days ago exhibiting his fine horse.
Old Clicri is too well known for a de
scription here.
The Suinmervillo writer denies
living in a dying town when ho reports
two or tlirou of their promising citizens
leaving every week.
The railroad company have pur
chased C. V. Ludd's half interest in
the town sito of Alicel and assure the
peoplo of this vicinity that a depot
will be built inside of thirty duys.
The Suinmervillo imp bus claimed
the sandridge church as tho Iinblor
church for a long while, but tho fact is
that it is two miles and half from Im
blor and two miles from Alicel. Hut J
ho can have it if he wants it, lor tho
Christian people of Alicel and vicinity
will build a church this summer at
this place. I suppose the next thing
ho will 1)0 claiming the Alicol post
office because tho peoplo of Kettlebolly
got their mail hero.
Pi si: April 27, lb'Jl
Haiti wanted.
, Farmers getting crops well in.
Christian Sunday School organized
ut Halfway cm tho 20th mat.
Horn. To tho wife of Monroe Up
diko, lou-ntly, a daughter.
Prof. Itork, state organizer of tho
Iiiriuurd' alliance, gave an excellent
lecture on Mental Philosophy in the
school Iiouho at I'ine town, recently.
On thu20th inst. an alliance of ,12
mamhura was organized ut Stalker'n
hall in Halfway, L'ino valley, by Prof.
Rork. Tho oilioorri elected wcro: J
A. Dennoy, I'lo.i. ; Jas. Drooled, Vico-
PrtiH.; Curtis Loop, Sec; W. W. SUl
. kor, Troac. ; II. V. D. Robinson,
Chap. ; Richard Doyles, Lecturer
Honry Leop, Steward; Dorriw Robin
son, Doorkeeper. Tho delegates elect
ed to attend tJm county alliance were
IJiolinrd Doylos, J. A. Dennoy, Curtis
Leap and Jas. Drooks. All attended
excobt Jus. Drookn, , wlpi was ropro
Honted in covontion by K. Doyles.
Two little fons of A. It. Stalker, of
this place, living hoiiio distance from
tiuhool, ride a pony. On Monday tho
pony was obsorvod. by Mrs. J. A. Den
noy, to puss on a. run without its little
ridorri, and on going to look who beard
n child boroaui. Calling to Mr. Den
noy, lie immediately hurried in the
diruction of tho cry and found tho lit
tlo boyn much frightened and ono
slightly wounded on tho head, lie
pat them under a tree and tolling tboin
bo would bo back soon, hurried for his
horse to take theiu home. In tho
meantime tho pony was caught by
Dolmtir Deed, and Mr. Kdwards com
ing by put tho boya on his pony and
took thorn homo. Tho littlo fellows
did not, at tho time, seem to know
how it happened, but it is thought tho
liorso run away with thorn. They
wore not Burioiibly hurt.
Antiu-oi'i:, April 22, 1S91.
School in full blast at Telocasct.
Jltighoy Lynch Iiub his orop in.
All iiiuil trains now btop ut Toloutu
ct iiutoaUof North Powder.
Mrs. John Dobbins Una moved her
tiheop up to her Antolopo farm.
Tho TomblubOii llw. nro drilllnt' in
Kraln for tho unuem, TJiey ohMrgt)
M) coulx iHiaoic.
Mr. Jos. Yowcll and William Huff
man nro breaking lots of now ground
this spring and sowing it in barley.
Mr. John Green, Sr., has his sheep
on the Tom Johnson farm. Wool and
sheep are in demand now, so look out
for tho lambs, boys.
It is about time foreign emigration
was restricted. This thing of a lot of
foreigners coming hero and trying to
run us. is nlaved out. America for
Plenty of water on most of the farm's
in' Antolopo for irrigation if the farm
ers would only use it in tho right time.
Therein no excuse for farmers, with
running water on their farms, not hav
ing good crops.
Mr. John Catos has built a piazza in
front of Air. W. II., Huffman's dwelling
house. It is an improvement; it
makes his home look more cosy. 1
advised him to paint it, but he will not
until tho duty is taken off of paint.
I bear that William Ash by has
found a galena lode on Snake river
close tu the Seven Devils country and
near wher" thoy are about to erect a
large s-neltor. Tho ore averages 3!l
ounces to the ton.
From where I am at work on my
prospect in tho l'owdor river moun
tains, I can too the Snako river moun
tains close to tho Seven Devils and
they are covered with snow. The first
of Alay is full early for prospectors to J
start for the Seven Devils.
Tho following persons were elnoted
ollicers of the fanners' alliance in An
telope: William Huffman, president j
Georgo Thompson, vice-president;
Wm. Catos, secretary; Airs. John Lee,
treasurer; Joseph Yowoll, chaplain;
John Catos, lecturer; Robt. Tomble-
boii, doorkeeper.
Why does not tho Oregonian print
its paper with large typo like the Spo
kane Koviow? lly the way, the editor
of tho Review is a daisy writer. Road
his "Palestine" in thj Review of April
5th. It is fine. Alany people do not
subscribe for tho Orogonian on account
of poor eyesight, but would gladly do
so if they could see to read it.
April 2(1 18U1.
The gardens arc looking fine.
Mr. Wise is improving his farm.
Tho health of our people is good,
Theie will be ecvoral dwelling hoiues
erected this summer.
Tho rau'o is lino and utook of all
kinds are looking well.
Mr. Robt. Gibson will soon have his
now farm seeded in alfalfa.
Our hilltop men report having good
luck with their lambs this spring.
Tho beef cattlo arc most all shipped
out except a few being fed by Deed
and Dccsloy.
Don..Longloy will liaVo it few cat
loads of enily beef as ho is buying tho
best and fullest calves he can find.
Eagle valley will raUo alfalfa enough
this year to stall feed 2000 head of cat
tle next winluj, and also alarge lot of
Tho people of Kaglo valloy htivo
raised money to build a church and
hall. ' Tho hull will bo for Masons and
Odd Fellows.
Kvery thing is looking vory nice bore.
The meadows aio beautiful, alfalfa be
ing about ui'O high and the leaves on
tho tiees half grown.
Fruit trees are in full bloom and
tho prospects are good for tho largest
fruit crop this year thut bus ovor boon
uowu in tl.o valley.
Thero bus boon 'somo land sold latu-
ly. Oh:uley Wise disposed of 20 acres
to W. K. llolcoinb for .fHO.OO por aoro.
It was sago brush laud. V. D. Nash
sold 100 aciee at the mime price to his
brother, XV, N, Niuh.
iMr. John Slut, late ot MUtouri, has
accepted a position as clerk in Chan
dler's store, lliuvy Loo (lit former
clerk has been tick and wished to taku
a rot. Ho gave good satisfaction, and
we hope Mr. Slat will do likewise.
Mr. G. 11 oil' who has been breaking
loreos lor h. ami Chandler, has
finished, and says thoy are tho largest
luisis ho ovor broke in Orugon. Mr.
Hull' has taken up a piece of land mid
will become u rtMidont of JSaglo valley.
There will bu koveral oar loads of
hoisos bhipped out of tint valloy tide
spring, it not sunt at homo. Thoio
who shipped in February ieoeivod fair
prices. Somo of our bursa men will
bring back a large jack from MiMouri
and will horopter rniso multw.
Mr. Charley Ytrbury A Co. art
tit work on the ditoh from K.igUi enn-k
to dry guloh. Other mtUm have hiul
in uonteniplmiun the builiUiu; ot tbio
dltoh, but thulr hvnrU failed tin m.
Tito ICuglo valley boye havo tin' g
iihoml to them and know the worth i
UiiBlo valley lund with wator iijmu it.
Crop-Wofttnw, Bulletin N. 7.
The observer of the Oregon Weather
IJuienti, of Portland, Oregon, has is
sued the bulletin for Uife week ending
Saturday, April 25, 1891, tho same be
ing based -upon roport received froin
117 correKpondenU. which is as follows:
Weather. Cool, cloady weather,
with rain, prevailed during the week.
There were general light frost, which
did no damage, on tho 10th and 20th.
Some hail fall in vaiious sections on
the 23d, doing no damage.
Along tho coast and in Willamette
valley from one to two Hilda half inch
es of rain fell; In frjouthern Oregon
less than an inch "t)f rain fell. Tho
temperature ranged from one to two
degrees a day, below the average of tho
week. There was sunshino at inter
vals, but far from the average amount.
Crops. The rain was very beneficial
to crops on uplands. On the lower
lands soelmgx is not all done and it
will now bo further delayed. Fall
iown wheat and oats hay1 fine growths,
and in sections it is being pastured
down. Spring graiu that baa been
sown is doing finely. Tie' fruit crop is
thriving. All trees are generally in
full bloom. Present indications point
to a phenomenal fruit crop this year.
Hops have good growth. Thoy are
from one to two feet above tho ground.
The hop acreage has been increased.
More potatoes than usual have been
planted. Straw and other small bor
rios are coming on finely. Uerries
promise to be unusually plentiful.
Lambs are doing well. Preparations
are being made for shearing, which
will be in full blast next week. The
week closes with most favorable pros
pects for Western Oregon crops and
Weather. The weather has
more cloudy during tho p Ht
than for a long time and light tains
wore geni'tal. Over one-half an inch
fell throughout the section. The tem
perature has been slightly below the
avorago, wifli occasional light frosts.
Crops. The rain that fell was
needed, for the soil was becoming diy
and late sown grain was not germinat
ing. Tho rain gives renewed vigor to
grain already up and greatly assists
that not yet appearing. The rain that
fell is worth h vast sum U .the wheiit
holds. Prospects were never bettor for
the wheat crop than thoy are at tho
close of the present week. The in
creased acreage and more favorable
wcalltor will produce a much larger
crop than the phenomenal yield of last
your. Grass on the range is growing
and furnishing good feed. Stock are
flattering. Shearing t is in progress.
Fleeces aro large and wool of good
quality. Fruit promises unusually
well, in Wasey county thero has
been ,n largely increased acreage of
wtiter melons. Vegetables in gardens
are growing rapidly. As in Western
Oregon, tho prospects woro novor bet
tor for bounteous crops throughout
Kastern Oiogon.
Observer, U. S. Signal Service.
Union County, Orogon, April 10, 1S01.
To William II. Fowler, or to fiis heirs ex
ecutors, administrators or assigns:
X we havo expended $200.00 in labor
and improvement upon the Foreit Queen
Loue, situated 111 llranito .Mining District,
Union county, Oregon, in ordei to hold
said premUi's under the provisions of nee
thin 2324 Hevised Statutes of tho United
Status, bt'hur the amount required to hold
the same for tho veurs ending December 31st
ltS0, and December 3Ut 1SU0, io-wit : the
of sum $1U0. dining each of said years, and
if, within ninety days after the first publica
tion of this uotluc, you or your personal
representatives fail or rotuse to contribute
your proportion of such expenditure as aeo
owner, your Interest in said e'alm witl lie
c oiiu! tho property of the subscribers under
said section 2321.
JNO. HA It bit Y.
At ltxeoutor of Estato of Unfits 1'orhins,
1 the co-partnoKhlp heretofore existing
between A. K. Jones and H. Chaneov. in
h0 iiubliujilion of Tub Oukou.v t-iWT, U
tills day iiusolvtsi by mutual consent. Mr
Jones will retire and Mr. Cbsiuny wtll con
tiuuo the business. Kliber one will reoeip
for uioiieys due. Alt back accounts must
bo settled without delay.
Dated this I6U1 day of January, llt.
A. Iv. JuNllS,
Dp Vqu Want to
On Kwry Dollar You Spend?
I '
tor .mi 11 u t
.ile.l dialogue,
I' " '
I si
Ki.OU liluira-
'. I. l',t'.,i iVUe,
i i'l'I.Y ..
i , l 'liU-njpi, III
Ht iiiuiuuai luiers' i tin
ii. m
, all il
t .It v 1MI
1 1
u. . I.
i'ic- ii
Ut .iilt.
Mill '
I'M 1
.n loll
s 1
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I j lull niokil, tnnl une Iii ineti ktaiiouid I
niiUli Kuijuo.i mi
.1. If ... ...I .1. . v ..
MJ l
JL sued out of the
collo'v court of t lie
state of Oregon, tor the county of Union, to i
me directed. coiiimntiditiK me to lew upon
the. ireod niul cliattc hi' Hip delinquent j
tti.xtwiyors in mid limned in the delinquent
tax lists of said coiuili for the yours lS87and
1M) thereto attached, and if none be found j
th"it upon tin! real property as set forth and
described m said d'-lltipent tax rjdN, or so
lunch thereof as .-hull satisfy the taxes i
charged thereon, together with costs find '
expenses. I hnve duly levied (liuvini; been j
uituhlc to rind hhv eoods or rhnttoK he-
longing to the roipi ciive delinquents here
in named) upon the following described pie
ces or parcels of land a" et forth in suid ax
rolls, lyiiijr and being in suid Union county,
state of Oregon, described and assessed as
Tuttlo Annie J. llloek 8.Svrnckhani-
mer's addition to North Union $ 8 70
Unknown Owner NEK and "S14
SK'X See 3 T 3 H it 3!) K W M. (tnx
1SS7.) 27 CO
Koeiiij. Win Lots 1 und 2 and SM
lot-1, Wool; O, Mi-Daniel's addition
to Cove, Union county, Orogon 21 20
Oregon Furniture Mht Co hots 1 and
a and ti lot 4. block C, McDan
iel's addition to Cove, I'nion coun
ty, Oregon 3 52
Darnell. (J. It'. Lot2ond 3, block 110
Chaplin's addition to l.a Urunriu,
Union county. Oregon . 21 30
Hill, E. . Ulock !l -if Hannah's ad
dition to West Union. Cnlon coun
ty, Oregon, and ulwtt o-oaere more
or less, of a portion oi the SE of
KK'f .SeotWm 13. T. 1 h It. 3D K. W.
M Hi -JO
and on MONDAY the U'h day of MAY,
lSttl, at tho hour of 2:30 n'cioek p. m. of said
day at the court house door of Mild county
and state I will sell the nliovo described
real estate at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in IT. !S. Hold Coin, subject
to redumption, to s.uify said warrant, costs
and accruing costs.
Dated at Union, thin the 28th duv of
March, 1S01.
,1. T. 1IOLLES.
Shoriir of Union County, Oregon.
Uy W. 11. IThiihk. Deputy. 4-10.
J.N by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Honorable ('Iicuit. Court ot the State
of Oregon, for Union county, bcarini; date
the .'5d day of April, 1801, to me directed
and delivered upon a judgment entered
therein on the 14th day of l-'obruary, 1801,
wherein J. L. Cavines N plaintiff and it.
V. Deal is defendant for the sum of one
hundred and sixty and t'orty-two one linn
dredlliK dollars ($ld0 42) now due on j-aid
judgment, and the further sum of forty
one mid thirty-eight one-huiidredths. dol
lars (ill 3S) co-its, I have levied upon tho
following doseribed real estate. Mutated in
Union county, Oregon, to-wit: The XKH
ofXW'4 See. 7. Tp. n. It. IIS K. W. M.
and by virtue of aid execution and low
I will sell at ntlblie auction at the court
house door in Union, Union aountv, (Ire
Uou, on the 22d;day of .May, 1801 at 2'o'clook
p. in. of suid day. all' the ri's;ht, title,
claim and in the above described
premii.o that the delemlant It. NV. Ueal
had on the 21st day of February. 1S!)1 or has
since aeipiirod therein. ir sullicieiil thereof
to satisfy .sttid judgment, interest, costs,
disbursements and accruing eoits.
Terms of sale: Cash in gold coin to me in
hand. Dated at Uniim this the 2lst day of
April. 181)1. J '1. liOhbES,
lly W. 11. Usueu. Sheriff.
Deputy. 1-2:1.
To the Ilonotable County Court of Union
County, Oregon :
Wo the undersigned voters of Cornucopia
precinct, in said county and stole would
respectfully petition otir Honorable body
to grant a licso to Cunningham & Galla
gher to sell spiritous, limit and vinous liq
uors in less quantities than on gallon at the
town of Cornucopia In said county and
statu, f'.r iho perhxl 01 six months, a'nd in
duty bound;, our petitioner., will ever pray:
Harry Hobur
F Hociinu
U F .Meeti
Audiv'V It.iiotnquis
V Hearth
S M (Junior
Wm Norton
Jiiines Stimimn
13 I. Cochran
Alex McDonald
A Heanls
Hugh Curnin
Hut Shea
M Walsh
lt..bert KeJloy "
John Carey
John O'Noil
A K Mtn-hallMiy
Thomas I tinier
Tbos 11 Dunn
Dinnei Kelley
.1 F Ha.v. s
Jos Murkey
Titos A Sutton
8 K Seuor
Andre O'Maliov
N D Itoley
J Cox
Chas Oochrnn
To Whom It niay Concern:
You are hen by notified that we will
nly at tho next term qf the County Court,
.May. 1M)1. of Union county, stale of Oregon
for a IlcciiMt to soil spiritous, malt ami vin
ous liquors in les quuutitie than ouu gal
lon u Cornuu ipia pice ne'., Union county,
stateof Oregon, for the period of six mouths.
1-0 CfNNI.SOIIAil ft G.I,LU!l!i:ii.
i. by virtue of 1111 c.Vicuiiun ikstied out
of tho Honorable Circuit Court of tho
slate of - rtgon tor the county of
linker, bearing date the ISih day of April,
IsOl. to niu directed and delivered
upon a judgment rendered on the 0th day
of February, lslll, in the Justicse' oomt of
tho state of Oregon, t'urtlioeounty of baker,
in ituki r preeliiet, wlii'ioin Me'Keinioii A
Co pliiluiill's reiovend judgment against
II. h. Opdyke and Emma Opd.vke, (letcn
dants for the sum of eighty one dollar,
duiuages and eot.s, taxed at twenty-two
and seventy one huudre iths dollars, and
a eortlllod transcript thorenf was filed with
iho county olerk of baker county, Oregon,
wlu'eh juilKiacnt was earollwl and docketed
in the clerk's olllce of the circuit cutirt of
tho stiito 01 Oregon, for linker county, on
the 0th day of February, A. D. IMll", and
the .sum oi cight.i -one dollars and interest
thereon ut the mte ofS per cent, per nil
num. from tho 0th day of February, 1801,
being nun actually due on suid judgment.
also twenty-two nnd seventy one-hiin- .
dreths .lobars ro;s. I have levied upon the j
following denoribisl real estute. io-wit: The i
MIC; 8e-. 27, Towiiohip .'1 Nortli, itaiige 30 j
East, W. M.. in Union eoinitv, )reon, und i
by virtue of said execution and levy. 1 will
sell nl pulihc auction, nt the court hiiiiso
door in Union, Union county, stute of Ore-
icoii. on Monday, the 1st .lay of June, 1801. ;
at 1 .'eloik p in. of said diy, all the right, ,
title unit inteiest.oi in and to the above
described premises the said defendant i
II. E Op.lyki' and Kunn.i Op l ke or either
of tlicin b id inert in ui itiell'li duv of Feb ,
i u.ti . lMd, or hnc m. f .inpiiicd thereto, I
or su lci nt itii ieur in s,t imv sntu jmig-l
inetit. ii'urn. v-' t,i-. mi list. eosi.. dls-1 of
loll si niel . s
lt-r.os iii
s -old . o.l.
Dated ut
April, Mil.
llv . it
Costs lie. , ill.
n. e in baud in
Union this ihe 21th duv of
J. i' HOLM'S, Sheriff,
I hill 11. IL pll . I !10
1,1 I i p i i 'I i... i i on v
... I. ,,1.1.1
the p.i i.i. nl nl t.ise tor I ,, vkrrebv ibiy
iti I in r eiicl llllll M:i 1 1HH. All lUVi's
i e 1 1 1
IV i ii, Hbt nl l in Will In ile
1 1. ii i il . .i mi
lib, oui.
I it I ii. iii ,1 ju I . i oi. id
.1 I I ' I.'
sl I It',
I i V I
ltl! O.l
p.i Hull ii. U e l. I
III llo ! IUIi i o II it" v
. Ii
tins imuer
T IT if
In the Circuit ourt of the State of Oregon,
for Union County.
Ulty McEnroe and Bridget McEnroe
his wife. Philip McEnroe and Mary
McEnroe, his wife, Patrick McEnroe
John Csrulan and Murv Cnralan
hi wife, l'laintifls,
Charles McEnroe, ltridget McEnroe
Michael Cuoney, Sr., John Cooney,
Michael Cooney, ltridcet Cooney,
Plnliji Cooney, 'Mary Cooney, Mar-
. paret Cooney". James Cooney, ltoo
McEnroe, Mb hael McEnroe Owen
McEnroe, Cntliorlnc McEnroe, May
McEnroe and lloc McEnroe a minor
daughter of the above named Hose
McEnroe, and John McEnroe, And
the above named John Cooney as
guardian. Defendants.
To Charles McEnroe. Ilriilgot McEnroe,
Michael Cooney, Sr., Michael Cooney,
llrtduet Cooney", Philip Cooney, ai.d to
Mary Cooney, Margaret t'odnev, and
Jumes Coonev, minor, and to Michael
Cooney, Sr.. their next of kin, and John
Cooney their guardian, Uosc McEnroe,
nnd-to Michael McEnroe, Owen McEnroe,
Catherine McEnroe, May .McEnroe, Koe
McEnroe, and John McEnroe, minors,
and to Rose McEnroe their next of kin,
and to John Cooney their guardian, the
defendants above named.
In the Xame of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear, in
tho above entitled court, and answer the
complaint tiled against you In the above en
titled mitt on or before the first day of tin
next regular term of the said court, alter
the' complete publication of this Munitions
in Tiik Oimio.i Scoct for the full period of
s.x consecutive weens, viz: nv the isth day
ot .May, ism. Aim n you lau to so appear
and answer, for want thereof pluintiils will
aK tne court lor tne relief prayed for in
the complaint, viz; The iiecrte of the Court
(liricting the partition between plaintiffs
and defendants herein according to their re
spective rights and sliaies of the following
described real estate, viz: The west half of
the uortluast ouarter and the east half of
the northwest ouarter f section thirty, in
township two north, of range forty east of
the Willamette meridian, and situated in
Union county, Oregon. And to adjudge
and determine tho respective interests of
each of plaiutifl's and defendants in und to
the said real estate, and that the said lands
cannot tie divided nor any part thereof with
out prejudice to the owners thereof, and
that the whole thereof may be adjudged to
to be sold lor the purpose of such partition
and the proceeds or such sale mav be divld
ed among tho fuid owners thereof according
to respective interests therein, af ter the pay
meiit of all costs and disbursements of this
suit and of the sale herein sought. And for
such other relief as to the Court may seem
This summons is served by publication
in Tin: Oukoo.n Scout by order of the Hon.
.Tames A. Fee, judge of the above entitled
court, made and dated the 24th day of Feb
ruary, lo!W.
JIydi:, Johns ,fc Ot.mstkd.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
1891. . a-2G.
Match 21.
In tho ''irettit Court of the Stateof Oregon,
for Union County.
S. A. Heilner. plaintiff,
(.'. D. Morgan, defendant. J
To C. I) Morgan, the above named defen
dant. In the A'mic of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in
tho above entitled action on or beftirc the
litst day of the next regular term of the
above, entitled court, next tollowmg six eon
sccuti'ii' weiks of the publication of this
summons in Tin: Oi:koon Scoi t, a newspa
per published in Union, Union county, Or
egon, and you will take notice thnl if you
fail to appi-nr and answer .said complaint
tho plaintiff will apply to saitl court for the
relief demanded in Ids complaint, to wit:
judgment Hgaiiistyou for the sum of One
Handled and Two and fiO-lOO Dollars, to
gether with ititorot thereon at the rate of
ten tier cent., per annum from the 1Mb day
of March, Is!).). for Tvreuty-live Dollars at
torney's tee, nnd his costs and disburse
ments in tills action.
The above summons is published in Tin:
Obi.oon Scout, a i.ewspaper published in
Union, Union comity, Oregon, 'lor a p. riod
of six consecutive weeks bv order of Hon.
Jamus A. Fee, judge of the above entitled
court, anddatnl March 21, isfU.
3-20 Attorney for Plaintiff.
SlIKKU'r-S s. 1.1;.
by virtue of tin execution and order of
salo issued out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, tor Union
County, bearing date the 8th day of April.
lSOl.tand to me directed and delivered upon
a judgement and decree of .oreclosiire and
saie therein entered on the 7th day of .March
IMJ1, wlieiem Hie a. r. llotallug Co. is
plaintiff, und J. C. Claybiirn ct .il are defen
dants tor the sum of $1500 ith int. rest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per an
num l'roin the i)th day of October lss(i. and
the further sum ot $lor attorneys gfees, to
gether with costs and disbursements herein
and decreeing the sale ol the following de
scribed mortgaged real estate, to-wit: Com
mencing at tho northeast corner of lot num
ber twelve 112) in block iiumbei one hund
red and lourteeii (11 1) iii Chaplin's addition
to La Grande, Union county, Oregon, run
ning thenco southwesterly along the east
line of f aid lot twelve, twenty-two (22) feet;
tlteiieeat rUht tingles to said llr.-t Hue in a
northwes.erl.v direction ninety-four (01)
feet; thuiieu'at right angles to said lust line
in a northeasterly direction twenty-two (22)
foet to the alley line ot said block one hund
red and fourteen (111); thence at visht an
gles in n southeasterly direction along said
alloy linuninetv four (01) feet to tho place
of beginning in satisfaction of said judg
ment and decree. Now, therefore, under
and by virtueof said execution and oulcr
of sine us atoresaid 1 will sell at public auc
tion a, the court house doorat Union, Un
ion eoiinu . Oregon, on MONDAY, tne 11th
day of MAY, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. in. of said
day, all the right, title und interest of, in
and to the above described premises that the
said J.i'. claybiirn had therein on the (ith
day of October. 16Sfj or ha since acipurod
thereto, and any and all persons claiming
by, through or under him ty rnjlit acquired
sinco said Uth day of October, lH-vd, or sufll
ciout thereof to satisfy said judgment, attor
neys' foes, interest, costs, disbursements
and accruing costs herein.
Datod, at Union, this 10th day of April,
11.01. J. T. HOUSES.
4-l Shorill',
r ulli. t
nunv's location of the nrim ip.d nlaee
liiislnuss, Da$gt'tt, Sun llernnrdinn
oottnty, Cnliloriiia. lawatioii of works Sjn
er, I'nioirt'ounty, Oregon Notice is here
bv glvtii that at a meeting of the Hoard i f
iflrex lois. held on the eleven ih day or
March, IS01 , an lusessiuent (No. l) ut ten
dollars per share was levied upon the t'.ipi
iimI Ntoek of the corporation, pavublc tin
me lin e y in Uniliil Stales Gold oiti to
the Sf etary, at theoltiee of the Company,
a i i.e.. Mining yiiiupany's general oiliee
.i ii r . ti, i itli iirnla An io. k up in
l I'M1 us-eskuieiit fh dt remain uupuM
tin atU'd. the A'ltn ...i of April, lJi,
Will .Ii litiipieilt, and IlitM'i Used for sale
ut pit d. . in i on, an. I u ili-i.s payment n
'. ,i ii li. f.. . iid i koel on MoihIhy, the
.1 l.i s' .i
oi i .rf. 1 1 1. r ti ith
V the deilliiiuenl
1 co! ol udvnr
I i pf 1 1 si I I
i i iie hi I lirei'lor
M I III ! f MA.Nlllilt,
t i. i retiiry
WulerliMi Mlllilijr l' i a
'1 PfltfWH'. raiiferni i
Offli I'
ll Al Ollle
Head of ged Dsiiry
Hetul of 2-y ear-olds.
Full Blood Holstein
Bull, Price $75.00.
Reason for Soiling: Intend to lcavo
the valley about the first of May.
Call on me at once if you
want a bargain.
La Grande, Or.
Stock near Ludd canyon. Please men
tion this paper.
L. J. Boothk, Propr.
Opposite the Court House, Prion. Orcsoa.
TTiiTing again
assumed control of this
XX p
popular luiiisf, I cordullr inrite tho
public to give me n all.
Tables Furnished with the Best
the Market Affords.
First-class bodsinr. Everything newly
and neatly lifted up.
Meals, O Cents.
Beds, Cents.
None but white cook.i cvployeii. -16.
Obtained, and all Patent Business attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Ourollice is oppositr the U. S. Patent
Ofllee, and wo can obtain Patents in less
time than those remote frnra VVasoington.
Send MODHLor DUwATflNO. H'e xdviao
as to pantentabililv fre of ch.irse; and wo
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, tilt
Supt. of Monev Order Div., and l ofllcials
of the U. S. I'atent Ortlce. F01 circular,
advice, terms and relt'erence? to actual cli
ents in your own HUt or County, write to
C. A.
SKOW & Co..
0:Hc TTiLsUiiisten. D. 0.
Opposite Pan ni.
Thoinsou & Puisrl rr agentR for
the celebrated t'vclone TindMill, and
as tho prices on them huTebeen preat-
Iv retluci'd thev aro 11017 within the
reach of all . Sample mill to ht seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it .
WAN'TED a traveling salesmen for a. firat-
elass Ci far Co mpany. Must gire gtod ref
F O B.
Bile ci. N. C.
t 2-S .v
V ft
P"' Ke.irj-(crrcj
' I' tic, Shirr, Pcr-
oliet'tMt ipc Norman-
Tor .Salo from f 400 to
(Won nrb.
h t It cht in ' ujr Uftrdcr
hire Ihem er'etilr ecli-
td (T ptr.t ea,. nrul wo
" -ll m Pfiier ! lecke
r m hi tir iirjrtti-Th
.i- t' i lurr i3 r-oriiama,
Orscoi ii enljr hO,
V VTjrnntd Term Tut. Hmi.
Dr. 71wIm h 0j
Vtttltnwu, vrtu
m&t tm or
I '
VAstracliir IS l"n,iljoi.ic Jj ;W lutf
T . ' ' r
fai . a. v
(.in ihu bMrk vmTV 75r iL iTuS
uMiiirtmu 4m iliS7u m Tt JTT4rl7u
unj iHiudi,