The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 23, 1891, Image 8

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    TKUHSDAY, Al'IUL 2.1. 1891.
The Northern Pacific Will Complcto Somo
of Its Branch Roads.
C&nsidorftblc interest is inanifcfuXl
in Uainiiani uud Gray'rt Harbor, Wash,
over" tho consummation of a ileal with
th; Northern Pacific tlircctora at New
York whcrclty tho Northern Pacific lino
now in operation from Centralia to
MontCisnno, 1h to ho extended and com
pleted to Aberdeen, lloquiani and
Gra.v' Harbor City by .Inly 28. Hen
ry 1'. Harbour, of St. Paul, and Hurry
C. lloei imuuhj nf Now York, who have
been instrumental in clVeolini? thodonl,
have tiiived in lloquinin with their
fatnili- f- and will tali" up their perma
nent residence hero. Mr. Harbour is a
promim-m enpitttlM. of .'it. Paul, and ia
a dii. ctnr in tin Gruy'i Harbor Town-siti-
!'iriip(iny. i T r. llcormiiua iu a
w '11 known capitalist from New York, I
and ha.- l.ny.c proiierty interests in llo
quiani. The ImmUss that in to be tfiven
tho Northern Pacific is tho same that
WU8 raised morn than a year ago for G.
W. Hunt, who wnsto have built a load
from Centralia to Gray's Harbor City.
Thi botniH ninniin R to almost $1,000,
000, tho eoiitiaei. for which will expire
on or about July 2Sth. Mr. Hunt, be
ing tumble to build the road for him
self, has arranged to iiHs-ign tuo bonus
deeds over uitho Northern Pnoifio, and
will also build the ro.ul for them in or
der to earn tho subsidy. Tho bonuses
aro now being collected and tho deeds
for the came placed in tho Hoquiam
National' Bunk and tho Bank of Aber
deen, subject to delivery to tho North
ern1 Pacific upon tho completion of
their lino on tho 28lh day of July. It
is tuidorntnod that work is to commence
on the road directly upon tho deposit-
intr of tho bonus deeds. Hoquiam, Ab
crueon- and Gray s Harbor Uity aro
very enthusiastic over tho nuttier.
purchase price on April 17, before his
return. Mr. Herman further said that
Mr. Hunt would continuo president of
tho O. & W. T., and that ho intended
to continuo tho work of building rail
roads, though in just what direction
his energies would next be turned ho
could not say.
The Hunt attachments have been
dismissed was heard on the streets last
night, and on a Union reporter hunt
ing up Sheriff MeFarland, that gentle
man caul that late iu tho afternoon he
had received a dispatch from tho
Northern Pacific railroad headquarters
informing him that tho attachment
suit of that company against G. W.
Hunt hud been withdrawn, and that
the property built by him should be
roleuccd and the expense of guarding
it Moppi d. This shows that Hunt has
BauVHod the largest of hi.- creditors,
and is pivMiiuptive evidence that Hunt
will, soon be m a nimbion to satisfy all
claim? against him and go to work on
tho further extension of hie railroad
now projected. Ever since January
2-1 but, tihoriif McFailaml has had
charge of all of Hum V perconal prop
erty in Wal'.i Walla county, including
his intoiom iu certain waiehoiisos
along t o line of die, Walla Wal
la city propei ty, and all the grading
material that lie had stored at Eureka
Junction .nid Hunt's Junction. Those
attiiebmenis were sworn out to secure
the payment of utiles ovejduo and ag
gregating $1:15,000. Walla Walla Union.
A Moan Man.
Ivanhoo "Fired.
Colonel I vanuuo, ot tuo nurd regi
ment infantry, 0. N. G and editor of
the Wullowa Higoal, has been found
guilty of misappropriating stuto money,
also of conduct unbecoming an oflicer
and a gentleman.
Tho specification of tho charge
alleged that he did, on orabout tho 17th
day of April, 1889, leceivo from Colonel
C. E. Morgan, commanding Third reg
iment, infantry, 0. N. G., a check, No.
5-11, for !il2o.l0, in payniont of moneys
advanced by Captain E. J. Forsytho,
of I company, for the purchase of uni
forms of mid 1 company, Third rogi
nient, and no account has been made
to Captain E. J. Foiytho of this mon
ey by Lieutenant-Colonel F. S. Ivan
hoo, who has drawn tho nionoy and ap
propriated it to hisown personal uso.
Lioutonant-Colonol Ivanhoo was also
charged with conduct unbecoming an
oflicer and a gentleman, to tho preju
dice of good order and discipline, in
violation of tho OJst article of war, in
that ho did on tho 2Sthday of January
1891, address a lettor, couched iu dis
respectful language, to the command
ing ofllcor of his regiment in answor to
it letter sent him by said commanding
oflicer bearing on tho nionoy in ques
tion, in which ho says: "liefer any ac
tion of mine to any one you sco fit and
avoid further correspondence between
Tho accused pleaded not guilty to
the charges and specifications), but the
court pronounced him guilty and
passed tho following sentenco. On tho
first charge "That ho bo dismissed
from the service, and bo dobarred from
recovering compensation from tho state
of Oregon for attendance upon this
court. And that this court recoiu-
mends that tho military board proceed
immediately to tho recovery of tho sum
of $123.10, with legal interest thereon
from April 17, 1889, until paid, and
that said sum with interest, whon re
covered, bo paid to Company I, Third
rogimont, infantry, O. N. G." On tho
second charge tho seutonco was "His'
missal from service."
A man may use a wart on tho back
of his neck for a collar button, ride on
tho back coach to suvo the interest on
his money until the conductors gel
round, stop his watch at niht to save
wear and tear, leave his i and t. without
a dot 'to save ink, pasture hit niothor's
grave" to save corn, roll up his trowsers
to kneel at prayer in church to save
tho wciir but a man of this sort is a
gentleman and a scholar compared with
tho follow who can and won't take his
homo paper or who takes it a few years
and when asked to pay for it puts it
back in tho oflieo and has it marked "re
fused." Such a follow will charge his
grandmother for tho air she breathes,
ho will rob his mother's hen roost and
steal sheep. Ho is too mean to love
God, and tho devil will even have no
respect for him. The same fellow will
go to church and sing louder than any
one "Jesus loves mo," and knows that
ho is tho biggest Hop lip liar on earth.
Agents Wantad.
Ottriigcnts nuk' $100 to MOn month sel
ling our poods on their merits . We want
county and general agents, and will take
back all good unsold if a county agent fails
to clear ?100 and cxpeiuos after a thirt
day's trial, or a genoral agontlcss than J2.V).
Wo will .end Itirgo illustrntcd circulars and
letter with n special oiler to suit territory
npplicd for, on receipt of three one cont
stamp!. Apply at once ami got in oil the
boom. Addre-s.
l-01y Pittsburgh. la.
I hove been troubled many yean with
diacttte uf the kihiev and have tried
many dllTcesnt temcdies aud have
sought aid from different physician?
wllrwut relief. About the 15th of April
I wat aiifferin-t from a very violent
attack that aiiacct prostrated me in
such n manner i .m 1 was ueni over.
When I 'at down it vis i!tn t eiiposMble for lite
to get up nionc, or to put ou ray awn wncu
tdud rrovirlence nent Dr. Jii-mey,
hotel. I immediately commenced
using the ten. It had an almost
miiACuIous effect, and to the aston
ishment of nil the Rueuts at the hotel,
in a few davfi.I am happy to slate.
that 1 was a new man. I will:
recommend the lea to alt afflict.
1 have been.
O. A. TtrrPSR,
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Kosa. Cal.
To the Taxpayers of Union County:
An extension of time bus buon granted for '
the payment of taxes for 160.1, wherebv they '
will be r. reived until Mov 1. 1831. All taxes
remaining unpaid at that dnto will be de
clared dehnmient and immediately collect-;
edby levy and -ale. ;
J. T. 1JOLLKS, Sheriff, 1
td mid Kx-oflieio Tax Collector.
Willi 11"
eiM I
Do You Want to
On Kvory Dollar You Spend?
If so. write for our Illustrated Catalogue.
containing illustrations and prices of every
thing maiuifiiettired in the United States,
at manufacturers' prices. 10,000 illustra
tions, all lines represented. Catalogue
mailed free on application. Address,
178 West Van IJuien St., Chicago, III.
JU sued out of the
Htar Scholar.
Tho following is a list of the star
scholars iu district No. .")0, Eagle vnl
loy, Oiogon, for the month ending
,Vpril 10, ISftl:
Fred Thompson, Ross Lee, Edson
Lee, Nora Williams, John IVrry, Ed
gar IVrry, Maggio Stunniers, Lida
Summers, Lura Gover, Levi Ewintr,
Lizzie Ewing, llattic Reed, Susie
Young, lilzey Lee, Grace Leo, Rena
Nash, 1011a Hiown, Anuli Reed, Eula
Pony, Maud Ivirby, Mary Hilton,
Amanda Young, Mary
Fannio Gondii)'.
OottA M
eountv court of the
statu of Oregon, for the ; county ol Union, to
me (urecicn, cnininundui nut in low upon
thetraods and chattels of the delfmpicnt
taxpayers in and named In tho de.inqueut
lax lists 01 said cutiniy lor tlie years lsbi aud
issu t Hereto aitnelicu. ami 11 none lie louinl
then upon the real pioperly its set, twrth and
described'in said di-lliinnuiit tax rolls, or so
miieh thereof as hull satisfy tho taxes
chnri;el' thereon, together with eots and
expenses, 1 have duly levi"d (having bc"ii
unable to iuid any lmoiIs or eliatieU hi.
longing to tho respective delinquents here
in named) uiion uieioiiowinciieseriiiei me
cos or parcels of land as set forth in said 'ax
11 . 1 ..l .. 1 f. 1.1 1 . . 1 . .. ....
runs, lyiniiiiii iiuuiK m Piii'i union uoiIIH ,
state of 61 0,01), '(lesorilied and assessed a-
Tattle Annie J. Wciek S.Swackhaia-
mer's addition to North Union .? S 70
ununown invtier-SK M'K and yv,
3S u;;ii K v M. (t.ix
by virtue of an execution and order of
sale Issued out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State of Oreuon, for Union
County, bearing date the 8th day of April,
1691, ."and to me directed and delivered upon
a judgement aud decree of foreclosure and
sale therein entered on the 7th davof March
1M)1, wherein The A. 1. Hotaling Co. is
plainlifr, and .J. C. Claybiim et al are defen
dants, for the sum of $1500 with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per an
num from the Glli dav of October, 18s0, and
the further sum of $i7.r attorneys'jjfces, to
gether with costs and disbursements herein
and dcc-eclng the sale of the following de
scribed mortgaged real estate, to-wit: Com
mencing at the northeast corner of lot num
ber twelve (12) in block number one hund
red and fourteen (111) in Chaplin's addition
to La Grande, Union count, Oregon, run
ning thence southwesterly along the east
line of said lot twelve, twenty-two (122) feet;
wienceai rigni angles to said nrst line in a
northwesterly direction ninety-four (01)
teet; theneo at right angles to said last line
in a northeasterly direction twenty-two
feet to the alley line of said block one hit mi
red niut fourteen (ill); thence at right an
gles in a southeasterly direction aldng s Id
alloy lino ninetv four (ill) leet to the place
of beginning in satisfaction of said judg
ment and (Icrue. Now, therefore, under
and by virtue of said execution and order
of salens atoresaid I will sell at public auc
tion at the court house doorat Union, tTn
ion county. Oregon, 011 MONDAY, the 11th
day of MAY, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. in. of aid
day, all the right, title and interest of, in
and to the above described premises that the
said .1. C. Clayburn had therein on the (Jth
day of October, 18S(i or has since acquired
thereto, and any and nil persons claiming
by, through or under him by right acquired
since said (Jth day of October, 18S0, or sufll
cient thereof to satisfy said Judgment, attor
neys' fees, interest, "costs, disbursements
and accruing costs herein.
Dated, at Union, this 10th dav of ApriL
1S01. J. T. ISOLLKS.
4-10 Sheriff.
Saundurs and
in our forufathcra' days, pimples wore ottrlbu
ted to diseased blood, llut modem iiiedlclno hoi
demonstrated that rich food docs not create erup
Hons by fouling tho blond, but retards digestion
which makes thobtomnch torpid, and tho clrou
lntlou slusglidi, mid iu turn causes an enfeebled
action of tho pores whlcfl congest or become plm
ply. Tho modorn theory therefore is not fo treal
tho blood, hut the stomach ami liver, and It It
under this uow Idea, that Joy's Vegetable- Parsa
parllla wus conceived. It has wiped out the
" blood disease" theory of pimples, of the old sar
tapanllm. A enso In point " I hnvo had for yesn
spoils of indigestion nud dyspepsia and tried
nearly everything. Finally I took ono of the
loadlug earsaparllhis. It did not help rae, but
caused pimples to break out on ray face, which 1
was told was caused by tlu potash It contained
ncaring that toy's Vegotablo Barsaparllla did not
contain mineral and might net differently, I sent
for It. Tho pir pics disappeared imraediadolyand
I have now afte months had no return of tho old
spoils. It it a euro for Indigestion nud dyspopsla
aud tho attendant face, eruptions."
Mas. C. D. Stvadt,
Viil Mission ".'root, a V.
Eloctr.o Hitters.
Hunt Will Itoturn.
A Walla Walla Union reporter in
terviewed Mr, Chits. Herman on his
return Monday evening, and learned
Unit Mr. G. W. Hunt would probably
not return to Walla Walla until after
April 20th, and perhaps after May 1st.
Mr, Herman said: "J mot Mr. Hunt
at St Paul, and wan with him but a
fow hotira, ns ho loft for Now York
with Mra. Hunt, who has jjono for
medical troutmont, within i fow hours."
When asked when tho 0. it W. T.
would ho turned over to tho Northern
Pucliio, Mr. Honnan said tho transfer
would not bo mado till after tho flret
of April anyway. That Mr. Hunt
would receive a largo payment on tho
Mr, Frank Hutl'inan, a young innn, of
Hurllngton, Ohio, states that ho lad been
under tho care of twoprominont physicians,
ami used their treatment until ho was not
nblo to got around. They pronounced his
case to bo consumption nud incurable. Hp
was persuaded to try Dr. King'n New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and colds
and nt that tltno was not able to walk across
tho street without resting. lIouiul boforo
ha had used half of a dollar bottle, that ho
was much bettor; ho contuiuix! to nsu it ami
Is today enjoying good health. Ifyouhavo
any throat, lung or client trouble try it.
Woguaranteo satisfaction. Trial bottlofre
nt Hrown's drug storo, Unnu. Or.
Uucklou's Arnica salvo.
Tiik liitsT Balvk hi tho world for Outs,
JlruUes, Sores, Uleors, Suit Ithouiu, Fovor
Sores, Tettor, Chappoil Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, mid till Skin Kruptlons, and posl
alvely euro Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to glvo perfect atlsfttotloii,
or money refunded. Prlco SA cants nor
bov. For snlo nt Hrown's druc store.
aiCK Sec !1 T
18S7.) 27 (K5
koenig. Win li ds l unil 2 and tiy:
lot l, Week C, MeDaniel's iidditlun
to Cove, Union county, Oregon 21 2(i
Oregon Furniture Mfg Co Lots 1 and
2 and lot 4. block C, MeDan
iel's lulilition to Cove, t'nioii coun
ty, Oregon fi'J
Darnell, C. II. I.ots2 ond a, block 110
('hiipllii's addition to l.u Grnuile,
Union county. Oregon. . . 21
Hill, 10. 11. liiouk 0 . f Hannah's ad
dition to West Union, t'nion coun
ty, Oregon, and n In hi' one acre, more
or less, ol u pnition of Ihe.bK of
SICK .-Section 13, T. t H It. 3U 10. V.
M 1(1 it)
and on MONDAY the Ilth dav of M A V.
lh!II, at the Imurot' 2:.';0 o'clock p. in. of stud
day t the court lioiiscMlour of said county
and state 1 will sell the above described
real estate at public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash in U. S. Gold Coin, subject
to redemption, to satisfy said warrant, cost.s
and accruing cots.
Dated at Union, this the 'i.Sth dav of
March, 18M.
.1; T. 110KLKS.
Shnrill' of Union County, Oregon.
Hy W. it. Ukiikh. Doputv. 1-H1.
siikuiit's sr.i:.
hv virtue of an execution issued out
of tho Honorable Circuit Court of the SSiatr
of Oregon, for Union county, bearing date
the .'!il ihiv (it Anril. l?ni .iii mn ilinvtul
ami ideliverei! upon a jintgni.nt unt. ivd
therein on the Ut,h day of February, lffllt.
wherein . I. I,. Oaviness N pluintiff uud It.
. Deal is (iciendaiil tor ilio sum ot one
mind red and sixty and ioriv-two one him
iliedths dollars (IC0 12) now due on said
judgment, ami ttiu further .sum of forty
one and thirty-eight one-huudrciiths dol
lars ($tl 3S) costs, 1 imve l.-vied ujion ihe
following dose i ibed real i state. siiuaiel iu
Union eolliity, Oregon, to-wit : The N'10'4
ofNWKSec. 7. Ti. U S. It. US K. W. M.
aud hy virtue of said execution and lew
I will sell at imhlie auction at the court
house door in Union, Union uountv, Ore
gon, on the 22d'lay of .May, tSPl at 2 o'oloek
p. iu. of s.nd day. all the right, title,
claim aii't iuieiest In tho above deserlbod
premises ihHt the defendant H, W. Deal
had on the 21si day of Fobruary. 1SD1 or has
since iiequirod thorein. or MitrU-ieiit thereof
to satisiy said judgment, interest, costs,
dtsbuixetiients uud accruing costs.
Terms of sale: ('ash in gold coin to me iu
ban I. Dated at Union this the 21st day uf
April. ISO!. .1 1. HOU,E8.
Uy W. It. UiiKn. Sheriff.
Deputy. l-iiS.
To the Honorable Countv Court of Union
(bounty, Oregon :
We the undersigned voters of Coriiueonia
precinct, in said county and state, would
respectfully petition your Honorable Hotly
to grant a license to Cunningham & Oalla
ghor to sell spiritous, malt and vlnOus liquor-
in less ipiantities than on gallon at the.
town of Cornucopia In said "county and
state, for the period of six months, and in
luty bound your petitioners will ever pray:
Harry Itobertson
John O'N'oil
T Bahiugton
A E Marshallsay
Thomas Turner
Thos H Dunn
Diniies Kelley
.1 F Hayes
Jos Mnekoy
Tiips A Sutton
S lv Suunr
Andrew O'Mallcy
N D Holey
.1 Cox
Chas Cochran
To Whom It may Concern:
You are hereby untitled that we will ap
ply at the next term of tho County Court,
.May. 1WI1, of Union county, state of Oregon
for a license to sell spiritous, malt and vin
ous liquors in less quantities than one gal
lon n Cornucopia precinct, Union county,
state of Oregon, for the period of six mouth's.
1-0 Cuxmkuiiam it 0.u,u,uiiii;i:.
F llochon
O F Hteen
Andrew Bloomquis
8 V Dearth
S M flilmor
Wm Norton
.Tallies Ktarmiin
10 b Cochran
Alex McDonald
A Keunis
Hugh Curran
Pat Shea
M Walsh
Kobert Kelley
John Carev
In the Circuit ourt of the State of Oregon,
for Union County.
Ully McHnroe and Hridcct McKnroo i
his wife. Philip McIOnroc and Mary
McHnroe his nife. l'atrick McIOnro'e
! .lolin Caralan and Marv Caralan
I hi Ifc, l'lainuns,
) vs.
Chnrles McIOnroc, Hridget McEnroe
1 Michael Cooney, Sr., John Cooney,
i .Michael Coonev. Hridcet Coooev.
rinllp Cooney, Mary Coonev, Mar-
tiit-i. v uoiiuv. i nines v ouuiv, jiose
McEnroe, Ml hael JlcIOnroe", Owen
MeJOnroe, Catherine McEnroe, 4May
McEnrooand McEnroe a minor
daughter of the above named Kose
Mchnroe. aud John McEnroe, and
the above named John Cooney as
guaruinn. ucieiiuants.
io Charles McEnroe, Hridget McEnroe,
juicnaei cooney, Sr., Michucl Cooney,
Hridget Cooney, Philip Coonev. nr.d tt
Mary Cooney, Margaret Coonev, and
James Coonev, minor, and to Michael
Cooney, Sr.. their next of kin, and John
(yooney tneir guardian, Hose .McEnroe
and to Michael McEnroe. Oivnn McEnroe
Catherine McEnroe, May McEnroe, Hose
.Mcr,nroe, ami .loan lcKnroe, minors
and to Kosc McEnroe their next of kin
and to John Coonev their guardian, the
uuieiiiiiiuis uuuve named.
In the Same of (he State of Oregon:
i oil are hereby required to appear, in
tuo above entitled court, and answer the
complaint hied against you in the above en
titled suit on or belore the htsl day of the
next regular term of the said court, alter
too complete publication of this summons
iu The Oiihoom Scout forthe full period of
ma cuiisccuuvc. weess, vjz: ov tne loin clay
oi jiny, io:h. aiiu n you tall to so appear
iti.l iincifiip (ak i.i,1 ,l.,...,.r ..I..1..!.1V uk.iivi, vi nuiib UICII-UL I'lllllUUlS Will
asK cue court lor tne rener prayed for in
the complaint, viz: The decree of tho Court
directing the partition between plaintiffs
and defendants herein according to their re
spective rights and shares of. the following
described real estate, viz: The west half of
tne northeast quarter and the east half of
tne northwest quarter of section thirty, In
township two north, of range forty east of
me Willamette meridian, and situated in
Union county, Oregon. And to adjudge
and determine the respective interests of
each ot plalntlils and defendants in and to
the said real estate, and that the said lands
cannot be divided nor any part thereof with
out prejudice to the owners thereof, and
that tho whole thereof may be adjudged to
to be sold for the purpose of such partition
and the proceeds of such sale mav tie divid
ed among the said owners thereof according
hi ii-sju-i-uyu im-eiesis lucrum, inter mo pay
ment of all costs and disbursements of this
suit and of tho sale herein sought. And for
sucn other relief as to the Court may seem
This summons is served hv publication
in Tin: Oiikgo.v Scout ny order of the Hon.
James A. Fee, judge of tho above entitled
court, made and dated the 21th dav of Feb
ruary, 1890.
Hyde, Johns & Olmsteu.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs..
Match 21. 1891. ;.2(j.
Union Onunty, Orogoti, April 10, 1801,
To William II. Fowler, or Ui his heirs ex
ecutors, lulminlstratorH or assigns:
.1. we have expended $200,00 in labor
uud improvement upon the Farsst Quean
Lodo, situated iu (iramte Mining District,
Union county, Oregon, In order to hold
said premises under the provisions of sec-
tlon 2!ttl Ucvi-CNt Sintutes of the United
Stnteii, bchnr the amount required to hold
inn sanio lortno years eii.iun; l'e einoer.llst
IhXI, m,d December 3Ut 10. to-wit : the
ot sum $100. during each of mid years, and
if, within ninety days after tho tirst publica
tion of this notice, you or .your personal
representatives fall or refuse to contribute
your proportion of such expenditure as a no
il w tier, your Interest in sum I claim will be
come iho property of the subscribers under
aid Mwtlon232l.
As lis ou tor of EsUU) of Hutus IV kiii-
TflUill.' fi' 1 T T.l 11 17. I1A , ,1'THT iiiti a m
lyuinji'j io iir.iu'.iu vn rjc i iia i
JL by virtue of an execution and order of
sale issuid out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the state of 'rctioti for Union
county, bearing date the 21st day of March,
1S!)1, and to tne directed an.l delivered upon
a judgment and order ol mIim.i heretofore
attached property, entered on ihe 10th day
ol February, IWl, wherein .Marv Higgers is
plaint iff jiikI E. P.. Hill isdeieudant, for the
sum ot Three Hundred and Ninety and
(12-100 Dollars, with interest thereon at the
rale of ten per cent, per annum from the
lUtli day ot ieiruary, mil, .mil the further
sum ot 1'iftv Dollars attorney s tee. and
Sixty-one and 74-100 Dollars lor costs and
disbursements, which uplirinent was en
rolled and docketed in ihe clerk's olllco of
said court on the 21st da of February.
l!S)l. ami ordering the sale of the following
described heretol'iuo attached real estate,
situated iu Union county , state of Oregon,
to-wit: Commencing ut n point .n the south
east quarter ot section 1.'!, iu township 1
south, of range S9 east of the Willamette
meridian. SO not tvet uud 2i'i feet south of
the northwest comer ol laud transferred by
C. b, Htakesleu and Caroline Hlakesleo to
M. S. Warren, hy deed d it. .1 March 17, lssO
nnil extending thence we-t 200 feet, thence
north 21.5 feet to the land owned by Mrs.
llenson; thence east 20o t et; thence norih
2l.ri icot to the place ol !m .iiiiinig, contain
ing one acre more or les, of .unit; said par
cel being a poriiou of the southeast quarter
ot section l.'l. township I south, of range Jill
east of the Willamette meridian iu Union
county, Oregon; also ail of block number 9
of Hiiuuuh's adiliiion to the t')wn of West
Union, Union county, according to
the plat of said addition uov on llle and
record iu the recorder's otllro ut said county
and state, and said propi rt so ordered To
be sold not being deemed siillieient to satis
fy said judgment, costw and accruing costs,
1 have hy virtue of such execution and the
law iu such cases made uud provided, ami
by order oi nlaintitl's attorney. outhe2S(h
uiiy oi Mtreii. lMii, levid upon anil
all the right, title and interest ot the said
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Union County,
S. A. Hellner. plaintill,
C. D. Morgan, defendant.
To C. D Morgan, the above named defen
dant. In the Same uf the. Stale of Oregon:
You arc hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint tiled against you in
tho above entitled action on or beforo the
tlrtt day of tin- next regular trm of the
above entitled court, next following six con
secutive weeks of the publication of this
summons in Tin: Okeoon Scoct, a newspa
per published in Union. Unio i countv, Or
egon, ami you will take notice that if you
fail to nppeai and answer said complaint
the plaintiff will apply to said court for the
, reuei demanded m ins complaint, to wit:
I judgment against vou for the sum of One
! Hundred and Two and 50-1C0 Dollars, to
gether with interest thereon at the rate of
ten per cent, per annum from the lrfth da
of March, lsiM, for Twcnty-liv- Dollars at
tornoy's fees, and his costs and dis .uisc
ments Iu tills action.
The above summons is published in Tin:
Oitcoox Scout, a newspaper published in
Union, Union county, Oregon, for a period
of six consecutive week's bv order of Hon.
James A. Fee, judge of the above entitled
court, anddnti d March 21, ISftl.
:i-2(J Attorney fo.- Phiiiititf.
of good Dairy
of 2-year-olds.
Blood Holstein
t,.5. mrfn no.
Keason for Selling : Intend to leave
the valley about tho first of May.
Call on me at once if you
wanfr a bargain.
La Grande, Or.
Stock near Ladd canyon. Please men
tion t aper.
Obtained, and all Patent Huslness attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent
Otlice, and we can obtain Patents in less
time than those remote from Wasoington.
Send MODEL or DRAWING. We advise
as to pantentabililv free of charge: and wo
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, tho
Supt. of Money Order Div., and t ) officials
of the U. S. Patent Office. Fci circular,
advice, terms and rctferences to actual cli
ents in your own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposite Patent Office. Washington. D. 0.
Thomson & Pursol are agents for
the celebrated Cyclone WindMill, and
is the prices on them nave neon irrcnt-
ly reduced they are now within tho
each of all. Sample null to be seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
aid examine it.
WANTED ns traveling sidesmen for a first-
class Cigar Company. Must give good ref
erences. F. O H. CIGAR CO.,
1 2-Sw Salem, N. 0.
1 full iueU(.l,
i ml
SALE. One 50 inch
oue -IS inch standard
U . 7 17 -tf
JL by virtue of an execution and order of
sule". issued out of tho Honorable Circuit '
Court of tho state of Oregon, for Union
county, bearing date the 1-tth dav of March, ,
18!)l,and to me directed and delivered upon i
a judgment and order of sale of heretotore i
attacned real estate, entered on thoOthday '
of February, 18111, wherein illiam Wilson !
Is plaintiirand G. I). Fleklin is defendant. ;
for the sum of twenty-eight and 30-100 dol-1
lars, and liucrosi thereon since April 22,
18S.9, at the rate of ten per cent, ner minimi.
anil tho further sum of thirty dollars
with interest thoreon at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from May 17th. IriSO, and
the further sum of twenty" dollars attorney
fee, aim for tvent -seven and SI 100 dollar's
for costs ami disbursements, which judg
incut was enrolled and docketed in tl e
clerk's office of said court on the 21st day of
February, lfcUl. and ordering the sule of'the
following described heretofore attached real
estate situated in Union countv, Oregon,
to-wit: All the right, title and"intercst of
the defendant G. 1). Ficklin in and to the
HVu of the M'M of section If), and the
SWh of theXWfc of section 110. township
tiuuui. rnngo-iu r.,. ami tne bi'.J
of theSEii of section 24, township 1 south,
range 9,E. W. M. Now, therefore, under
and by virtue of said execution and order
of sale as aforesaid, I will sell at public
auction at ihe court house door at Union.
ITllloil I'litllirv ()Ph.iri,i .-,, WwIn rtolft? tfeti
seled 39 tn of April, 1801, at 2 o'clock p. in. of
am nay. an tuo ugni, title anil interest
Will Portly Oi. BlMdi rraUtoth
Liver nnd Kli!n.j and nc(or th
Wane ol Appetite. Indigestion,
Lnck ot Strengtn and Tired
sTj'tv. uu,. tin, vein rouoiT.
new force. Knlivensthomind
: ,. 1 II .... ij : n
BufterliiB from coraplulnti
(hn? tifrCUliartolllplp.flrwiUSnil
TONZO a safe and spoedy cure. Olvaa aclear. heal.
inx complexion. rroqu5nt nuompts at counters
Ins only ndJ to (be popul ntynf the nrlKinal.
nonoteiperlmrnt zrttha ORIGINAL and BE
fiUdr Conatlpution, LWer Complaint and Hick
tg lleudccbe. l.inirlo Doso and Dream Book
emailed on is?coint or two rtsnta m postage.
uriciinoiii. n, n. inn, oi in nun io uie ioi- t)i,.t tl... Mi,l .l..r.....i...., i: n i.M..i,ii.. 1....1
lowing iicsoriuuu proue.iy. co-wit: uoin- K,.., .11(idnv of Sci.tP.nln.r ivo, lir .i,
(Jomi A(fOMt tu Jiel! our (un. ral line ol
MoroliauilUo. No piddlli.g. Ab.e salary
will bo paid to live ' nvjentv
For further iiif. rmuiion, u.l he--OAU
Ado iiEM.i;.i. st ri'i.v i'o
ITS U in .1 II .n 11 m .
1'23-yl Chleiigo. III.
meiicing al .1 point on the -mulienst (iiinrier
of section t:t, .ownship I s.iiitli, of range ,'h)
east ol the Willamette inerl linn, sixty feci 1
west audttvo hundreil nud tifteen feot'south
of the northwost corner of tho land trans-j
ferrod h .' U lllake--lee aud Caroline 1
Itlakoslee to M. b. Wairen, by deed dated
March 17, l.vU, and extending tl'iencc west 1
UO0 feet, thtneo sontn 215 feet to the laud
owned by Mrs. Uei son. thence cast 200 feet I
thence north 2lt) teet to Hie place of begin
ning, contniniiig ono acie more or leas of
laud; said parcel being a portion of tho
.sU4 of SliVj of section 111. T. 4 S. It. ,W E.
V. M., not having been ab'e to Ibid anv
peraonal piMperty of iald defendant 111 the
county 01 I uion. Now, therefore, under 1
and by virtue of said execution ami order ,
of wile, and the levy, ns uiorttsnid, I will sell
at public auction at the court house door ,
nt Union, Union county. Oregon, on Sutur
day the iVh of April, l)t. at 1 o'clock I
p, 111. of said day, all the right, title ami in- J
tereit oi, In and to block number!), of Han-.
nih's ad liiiun to the town of Vet Union,
I'nl 11 county. Oregon, that the cUfeiidiiui,
V. it. Hill, laid on the I'll day of Allgu-t,
lti!)i, or 11. 1- Miioe nepdre.; alo hU the 1
ngi t t t , ,.i interent that the said K. It. ,
II 1 II hn l in and to the above dctecrlbod nor-
tion 01 ihe I'Kv of SK',4 of section 13, T. 4
S. it. .'Ill Hjot illuinelte Meridian on the
2tilh du of Man ll. 1MH, 01 bus since- ac
quired in or to the ahoe de-dribec! real e- '
late to K;i'i-f said ju.ltiurnt, uitornc 's
fiv-. co.-!- disbar? tucnt unci interest u
afoic"uid anl aceiinng .o-n Terms ot
-ale; C'a-li t mc 111 h.nid in I S gold coin
Iati d March 2s, 1SU.
J. I HUI.I.Lij, fcherill', ,
Uy YV. It. hki. Deputy. l-
iicqntred, 111 or to the above described real
property 10 satiufy said jiulgineni, fees,
eo.-ts.-dislmr--enients and intere-t u, aiore
siiid, und aci ruiiiif costs. Terms ot Sale:
Cash to tuu iu hand in gold coin of the Uni
ted States.
Dated ut Union this the 18th davof March
Sheriff of Union Countv.
Uy W. it UmiiKit, Deputy. -l"-2
tTJ Sample Pens, different patterns, In
fit! a Nickel IMatecl ITIatelt Uox,
sent post-paid, on receipt of IO CENTS.
PERRY & 00., London. EStab. 1024.
U. S. Office- 810 Broadway New York.
JL pany'a location of the nrincinal nhice
of business, Dacgett, sjnii ilernurdino
county, Laliiornia. Location of works, Han
ger, Union County, Oregon Notice is here
by given that at a meeting of the Hoard of
Directors, held on the eleventh day of
March, IMM, an asst-sincnt (No, 1) of ten
dollur.s per share was'levied upon the Capi
ital Stock of the corporaiiou. pavable lui
medlatoly In United Statos (iold Coin to
the Secretary, at tlieotliee of thet'oinpany,
Waterloo Mining Company's gi nerat otlice
at Daggett, Cnliiorula. Any stock up m
which tin- as-cssnicnt shall rcinaiii unpal t
on Muturday. th 26tli day of April, lsui,
will !;e delhuiuont, ami ad'vertlei for sale
nt public auction, and unless payment is
made before, will be sold on Mondav. the
g&hiUy uf May, ib'J. to M.v the delinquent
ssoeinent tnguther with the cos's of udver
liking and expenses of sale.
Hy order ot tho board of directors
Otlice Waterloo Mining Ooinpiuiv's gen
oral ortico at Daggett, California.
A ramnhlct of Infnrmntlnn ..i.u I
!. .hi,, i.
f3SKY,Z.;i "ow to.
Marks. r'Zr.V'"; iiA
W'fcf. M"NM. & CO.
and Rc'frtRirT-.-fl
Clyde, Shire, Per-
3 w; ...
v., i-um uuiu mm; to
000 Mich.
Thit it the time to luy i,t order
is have ihcoi jieSfct.'y accli
mated for next eiioa, a..d we
rauu tell in order to rake
loom for new itnfwtanon-The
lully Warning Tera. Ey. Bend
Dr. Valerita h Co.,
WMeitowa, Vlj.