B. Chancey, Publisher, Union, Or. THE PACIFIC COAST, The Gila River Shifts Its Course Nearly One Mile. Two of the California Train Kobbcrs ported to be In Custody Other Occidental News. He At PhuMiix. A. T.. duriiitr tl'o ftonn ninety liotiecH fell, but no liven wero lout At uIouh a dozen nouees ion, ana uv liveB were lost. The. Arizona Legislative Council lma passed the woinaii-Hiiflrngc bill by a vote of 10 to 2. It is believed the bill will pawn the Houee. Seattle 1h to have a flour mill with ft canacitv of 0U0 barrels a day. The eat) ital Btock of the company that will oper ate it iH $200,000. The California Hoard of Agriculture ptronidy indorse Ciwncral Is. r. Uliininan lor tlio iieau ot mo tiopariiiiciii oi noru culture at tlio World's 1-uir. A resolution has Iwim introduced in the Washington LejjiHlaturo changing the name of Mount Itainicr. the sentinel of the Cascades, to Mount Sherman in memory of the dead General. A resolution was offered in the Nevada Legislature doiim away with the iron dad duel oath heretofore taken by all ollicers in Nevada. If this is repealed a duelist will be eligible to hold ollico in that (state. Hradstrcet's mercantile agency reports thirteen failures in the Pacilic Coast States and Territories for the past week as compared with fourteen for the pre vious week and llftcon for the' corre Handing week of 18!)0. Santa Cruz, I al., is making prepara tions for tjie centennial celebration of tho foundini: of the Mission of Santa Cruz. A memorial cross will probably Imj built on tho spot where tho first cross was erected 100 years ago ly tlio Mission jratlicrs. Afilendora young man took to Los Aniieles a California condor that mean ured 1) feet 11 inches from tin to tip. It was caught during the storm. It was found in a path with thick brush on each Hide, and being unable to fly, was cauglit It will bo mounted. Tho liiiiiiia Juch Company was de tained in Idaho by a snow blockade. A Hpecial train ran neveiity-llvo miles an hour for 250 miles, and reached Ouden where the company was to open, in time to begin tho perlormanco at 10 o'clock Tlio house was packed. According tothoSuperintendentof the Mint of San Francisco Alaska turned out pold amounting to .1.) 77,428; Oregon, gold, $l,08l,12o, and silver, $12ll,lt)9; Washington, gold $20-1,000, silver $1) H).25 ; Nevada, gold $2.80r,7-10, silver 5,7:S8,0(!0 ; California, gold $11,250,013, silver $1,- 144,000. Iteporta received in Los Angeles are to tlio ellect that two ot tlio Alila train roblwrs are in custody. Ono is in jail at Tmaro, and tlio oilier mis been arrested by tho Sheriff of San Luis Obispo coun ty, it is said tnat both aro positively identified as tho robbers. Tho third man is believed to bo wounded and in Los Angeles receiving medical treatment. School section 1(1 near Tacoina, about which there was any amount of lit urn turn a few months ago, when John. I. Mc.lsriilo and others endeavored to oh tain possession by filing mineral claims, is again Hied upon by Joseph Duggan, who seeks to cover twonty-nino acres with mineral claims. The section is val ued at W.OOO.OOO or $-1,000,000, and is within tno residence portion ot tho city. A church investigation with closed doors involving very serious charges against Kev. fx J. Fleming, pastor of the Methodist O rch at Monte Vista, Cat., lK'gan at tho Simpson taberuaclo in Los Anneles last week before a committee of ministers selected by the Tresiding Kldor of tho district. There ih a charge of em bezzling $0,000 in connection with Chau Imimia work at ltedondo. Fleming is a -brilliant young man, and has many friends. Tho Bteamer Cascade, which was at tached in January at Seattle by tho United States Marshal to satisfy the the claim of Charles F. Frasch for $420.45 for supplies and provisions, wan wld under execution for $1,700. There were ten interveners whoso claims were for supplies and for wages as employes of tho vessel. Joseph It, Careo was owner and master of the Cascade, which has Ih'on very unfortunate, and while tied up sank twice at the wharf. J. L. Weeks, formerly an employe of the rrcuiom -mil uonnwny at Scuttle, lias Ihmii awarded $8.000damai!os auainst that company in the Superior Court for injuries sustained a year ago. lie was cting as trimmer at the mill, when the the saw became loose and was thrown for want, strikiiik' his ritilit arm. break ing the bones and lacerating tho muscled in a terrible manner, lie charged the -ouipany with negligence in using de fective machinery, and sued for $15,050, Lut got only $8,000. The llritish trump steamer Scandinavia Jian made out a good case neioro the J?ec- retitry of the I reinjury, and tho customs olllcer at San Diego has boon notified to cleaV her at once, notwithstanding the customs oflicial at Santa Rosalia, Mexico, insists that clearance papers should have be- n obtained in Mexico. Among railroad men at Im Angeles the fueling ugaiiibt Messenger Haswell Ih very strong. They lielleve that he killed the firemen when he fired through the car door at the Alilu train robUtrs. Tho engineers mid firemen on the South ern J'tiolllo have declined to take out trains iijkjii which lie Ih running us wua twicer, VVulU, Furgo A Co. have Imiuii forced o take litin oil' the roud.itnd huve hJvoh hlii lwlfoi in the lm .VngiluK uHini, (u inlilltlon IJuawell wan pro with koM Mitch und t hum und X) Jn rnli or hfn fHlthfol wn kv, EASTERN ITEMS. The Police of Indianapolis Raiding Ogling Dudes. Report of the Director of the Mint for the Calendar Year 1890, Showing the Gold and Silver Product. Gifts for the Massachusetts Home for Odd Fellows amount to $70,000. It is reportrd that the Vanderbilts are purcnasing iUJCiuguii iron minus. Austin, Texas, is expending $1,400,000 in buiIdniK a granite dam across tiiotOi orado river The police of Indianapolis arc raiding tlio dudes who ogle women as tney come out of the theater. An alabaster quarry, miles in extent has been discovered in the foothills near Canyon City, Col. There is a proposition before tho Indi ana Senate to increase tho State liquor license from $100 to $2UU. A bill has been introduced in thelCan Mas House forbidding the enforcement of the payment of mortgages in gold Itoston architects have carried off the prize offered for the best design for 1 Hoard 01 t rade building 111 .Montreal. The Kentucky Constitutional Convert tion defeated tho proposition to make adultery the only cause for absolute di vorce. iY company has lioen formed with $3, 000.000 of capital to build a railroad from Milwaukeo to Superior, a distance of 340 miles. In part two of the General Sessions UourtatJSow York Judge iHartiiic lined lay Could $100 for failing to respond to jury summons A conurcBS of American whist players will be held at Milwaukee April 14 to 17 to frame a code of laws for the govern ment of American players. The Great Northern and the Seattle and Montana railroads have nracticallv consolidated, and through trains will soon be running to Seattle from St. Paul. The death rate for the entire State of New York is (Inured by the State Board of Health at 10.05. The death rate in the State outside the large cities is about l(i. A clergyman in New York has de lined to permit an engaged couplo to ehearso in his church the wedding cer iinonv which is to bo performed at Hunter. During the past six years Minnesota has paid $78,8!i4 for wolf bounties. Dur- nu certain mouths ol tho vear tlio Inanity is only $3 per scalp, while durinir otlier months it is .fu. A Vienna correspondent says he has authority to state that the recent iioko tuitions earned on among the courts of iMenua, Berlin and Koine insure a re newal of tho dreibund. It is stated in New York that the stable of the late Senator Hearst will not only be maintained, but that his son will stablisli a stable at Bar icon, Is.. M., from which he will recruit the stock of racers. the A aticau authorities are 111 receipt ot numerous letters lioin the United States requesting the Tope to reinstate Dr. McGlynn. Contrarvto reports, Car- linal Gibbons is not mixed up in this affair. Texas refuses to mako an appropria tion for the World's Fair. The Stato will bo represented, however, on a big scale by private subscriptions, and a move ment for raisini? the money will bo in augurated at once. l'lio local directory of tho World's Fair has beuuu suits against a large number of delinquent subscribers. In all thero are about 0,000 small stockholders who have not paid their assessments, and col lections will bo pushed. bill has been introduced in the Indi ana Legislature providing that any man who shall bo prsvon guilty of whipping his wife shall hiniBelf receive sixtv lashes nd that tho public shall bo admitted to the jail yard to see him whipped. new l'olur expedition is on the cards. It will bo undertaken by Civil lCngineer Hobert B. Peary of the United States navy, who has just secured leave of ab sence for eighteen months, with this oh- ect in view, from the Naw Department, Die fiunilv of General Barrundia has filed a claim against the United States government with the Secretarv of Stato. It has been made without the consent of the country of which the claimants are itizens. and that fact is considered a fatal defect. Tho lending tvno founders of tho coun try have alxmt completed plans for tho orinatioii of a trust. It is designed to include all of tho thirtv-ndd niunufiict. urors of typo in the United States. This will bring about a uniforniitv in price nd also in tvno IkkUoh. Tho latter will bo a good thing for printers and publish ers everywhere. An investigation by the government has shown that the Standard Steel Com pany of Thurlow, Pa., furnished the gov ernment with "defective castings, and the flaws were skillfully concealed. Tho Ixmdon Steel Compaiiv of Pittsburg did the same thing, but in tho latter case it was tho work only ol an employe. An interesting petition has reached the members ot the Illinois Geueial As Humbly. It is signed bv some of tho best known of Chicago's society ladles, and la a protest against a bill extending municipal KultVago to women and de pouncing as false and pernicious till at tempts to secure legislation in that di rection. A jury in a court at Mexico, Mo., brougnt in such an outrageous verdict tluit the Judge dismissed thorn in this humiliating fashion: "It is the sen tence of this Court that the Sheriff con duct you to the rear door ol tlte Court house and allow you to depart, as your services will not Ik) again required dur ing my term of ollico. A New York Trihuut Wiuhington eor nuiKinilout nay. Tho onlv point mudo agiiliiMt Senator Blair us .Minister to China that bun uny real weight U his at Ittude iiM,n the ( hliu'tc niiettiim. e hiiu i)ihmh in the Koiiutv the udiiiitfsluii ( ( 'hiniwe In tlilM colli. In . mid in one uf bin ri jxtrla ho liav unod luther lmiig iuiiuiiiwu in iltmuribiiii thu ihaiucin- i.J the 1 tiii'U'piurUr 111 hun Fnuiutcu, FOREIGN NEWS. The Australian Wheat Surplus Said Not to be Great. The Movement Against the Jews in Austria Conspicuous In the Contest Over the Coming Elections. General Booth will build a Salvation hall in Berlin. Correspondents in Spain note a very strong undercurrent of republicanism. Various schemes are being tried in Paris for the improvement of the condi tion of the poor. Holland's Minister of War has intro duced a bill increasing the kingdom's army to 305,000 men. Kx-Priine Minister Crispi is afraid to plead a case at Marseillea for fear the French will hoot him. Scarlatina is reported raging with ex ceptional virulence among the young troops 111 the Versailles garrison. The German Railroad Minister has caused a panic among the coal-trust peo ple by ordering coal lrom hmgland. Tho Minister of the Italian Treasury has presented a budget in which the re ductions will amount to 74,000,000 lire. Tlio rejection of the slavery resolution has caused a tremendous sensation in Brussels. King Leopold is greatly in censed. The proposed Forth and Civile ship canal will como up at the forthcoming meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce in Ixmdon. It is stated that a roval commission, of which Joseph Chamberlain. M. P.. is Chairman, has been appointed to inquire into the effect of coal dust in colliery ex plosions. The London Corporation has added upward of thirty acres to the acreage of lipping forest by the completion through tbe uity .solicitor ol the purchase of a portion of Iligham park. Preparations aro being made for a he raldic exhibition in the Scottish portrait gallery, Kdinburgh, in connection with tbe annual conference of the Arclneolog ical Association, which will be held in that city in Juno next. It has transpired that Helena Mar- kovic and Helena Knicanine, who at tempted to kill King Milan in 1882, have been strangled to death in prison. Milan has requested Garaschaiiiino to institute an inquiry into the killing. In the English Common? Lnbouchere moved the reduction of the army esti mates by 100,000 on account of the troops in Fgypt. Ho said the troops ought to have been withdrawn long ago. 1 no motion was rejected under cloture 140 to 55. The announcement in several A nieri an newspapers that Archbishop Will iams of Boston will bo appointed Cardi nal is not true. Archbishop Williams has written a letter to the Pope request ing his I Ioliness not to impose that honor upon him. The distinguished ltussian traveler in Central Asia, Colonel Pevtsoff, and his companions are expected in St. Peters burg tins month. They will bring de tails of their discovery of a tract of land several hundred meters under the level of the sea. A Zanzibar dispatch savs that, not withstanding the resignation by the British government of the rights of Por tugal in Manicaland, tho British flag con tinues to fly at Marsel, and the British South African Company shows no signs of retiring. The united Chambers of Commerce of London at a general meeting discussed the subject of ocean penny postage A resolution urging the early adoption of that rate and to bring a pressure on the government to bring it before Parliament was passed. The British government, under pres sure troni merchants 111 the Bnui 11111 trade, is taking steps to obtain for Great imtnin an assurancoof commcrcm! priv ileges in that couutrv enual to those granted otlier nations. Lnghsh mer- hunts are afraid the recinrocitv treat v Itetween Brazil and the United States will divert much of the trade to the lat tor country. -1 sir unaries wiikc. wno win ie remem- bered as in connection with the notorious v.-rawiorii-iUKe divorce case, is standing ior a seat in iiie v ominous, ite lias is sued a panmhlet stating that Captain Forster sliould have been corespondent iiisieaii 01 niinseu. iniKO's caiHiuiacv is violently opposed by prominent Kiunisl prelates, and a large petition against his return nas ween circulate.!. lho military strength of the Germans along the French frontier is said to bo very great, lite discipline maintained is the same as if tho two countries were upon the verge of war. The regiments at Metz are kept almost constantly under arms, and nearly every night are' turned out on an ularm to test their capacity for promptness in real emergency. In an article in the London Graphic on the Canadian crisis tho Marquis of I)rne8ays: "Tlio annexation scare is useful to bring homo to our minds the fact that tho colonies are nracticallv in dependent nations." lie, however, rid icules the Idea that Canada desires to bai ter her political indeiHindence for the "government of the Stars and Stripes." Vienna advices say that tho movement against tlio Jews is conspicuous in the contest over tho coining elections, and in Vienna and several of tho provinces the elections will turn almost wholly on this issue, thu anti-Semites declaring that they will drive them from the country. England Is closely watching the reci procity feature of the new tariff law of tho United States. Iord Salisbury has 1 instructed the British Minister to Brazil to insist upon securing for Great Britain tho " motit-favorcd-nntion " treatment in the event of Mr. Blaine's succeeding in his negothitioim for a commercial treaty fiivornblu to tho United States. A cable dUputch to the Indou Sluml ord vstlnmtOH the wheat crop of South Wiritmliuut 12.iHM),(Xio bushels i.r about 2,000,000 hiuholtf lets than that of last year. The Victorian crop, 011 lho other hand, U bellevod to lu uUait n.OOO.iKKI hlltfhehi luoiv thun tbtit uf 1HX). Bill Hn production in New Ht.iitli Walt uml how 'A'uluiid i inii It Niuitllcr than It wm lUftt Villi' Unit thu uurnhis uf An IniliU cuimut lv grvut, PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat There is a very firm tone to the local market, and the export demand is good, but offerings aro very light and trading quiet. Quoto: Nominally, $1.25 for Walla Walla and $1.301.32) for Valley. Flo'uk Quote : Standard, $4.10; Walla Walla, $3.76(rl3.80 per barrel. Oats Quote: 58urG0c per bushel. Millstukps Quote : Bran, $18.00; Shorts, $19.00; Ground Barley, $20.00; Chop Feed, $25.00 per ton; Barley, $1.25 1.30 per cental. Hay Quote: $1617 per ton. Vkxjktaiilks Quote: Cabbage, $1.5'1 01.75 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 iel 25 per dozen ; Celery, 93c per dozen ; On ions. 3(S3,'4c per pound; Carrots, $1.00 per sack ; Beets, $1.50 per sack ; Turnips, $1 per sack ; Potatoes, 7075c per cental ; Tomatoes, $2.25 per box; Asparagus, 37c per pound ; Parsnips, $1 per sack. FaoiTs Quote: lxs Angeles Oranges, $22.25 ; Riverside, $2.25(02.50 ; Navels, $4.50 per box ; Sicily Leinons,$5.60(a6.00 ; California. $4(rt5 per box; Pears, 1,4c per pound; Apples, $11.50; per box; Bananas, $34 per bunch ; Pineapples, $58 per dozen. Nuts Quote: California Walnuta, 11,'sjc; Hickory, 8,'c; Brazils, 18c; Almonds, 10(517c; Filberts, 1314c; Pino Nuts, 1718c; Pecans, 1718c; Cocoanuts, 8c; Hazel, 8c; Peanuts, 8c per pound. Buttkk Quoto: Oregon fancy cream ery, 4042o; fancy dairy, 37c; fair to good. 27jj30c; common, 2025c; California. 30c per pound. Chkksk Quote: Oregon, 1415c; Cal ifornia, 15j10c per pound. Koas Quote: Oregon, 20c per dozen. PouiniY Quote : Chickens, $5.00(3 6.00; Bucks, $810; Geese, $9H per dozen; TurkoyB, 14(??15c per pound. Hops Quote: Nominally, 20c per pound. Wool Quoto: Willamette Valley, 1Q 20c; Walla Walla, I417cper pound. Hides Quoto: Dry Hides, selected prime, 88'2c, Kc 'e8S fr culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds. 4c; under 65 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool. 30 50c: medium, G080c; long,90c$1.25; shearlings, 1020c; Tallow, good tc choice, 33c per pound. The Blerclinndlne ntnrket. Coal Oiij Quote : $1.95 per case. Rick Quote: $5.750.00 per cental. Honey Quote: One-pound frames, 17c Picki.es Quote : $1.50 5s; $1.33 3a. CiiANiiKitniKS Quote: Capo Cod, $11 per barrel. Salt Quote: Liverpool, $1G, $16.60, $17; stock, $lt12 per ton in carload lots. Coffee Quoto : Costa Rica, 21J;c; Rio, 25c; Arbucklo's, roasted, 20i per pound. Beans The market is firm. Quote: Small Whites, .Ttjc; Pink, 3c; Bayos, 4?.(c; Butter, 4ac; Limaa, 6c per pound: Suoaus Quoto : Golden C, 4?.iC ; extra C, 5c; dry granulated, Ogo; cube crushed and powdered, 0c'c per pound. DaiKD Fkutts Tho market, is linn. Quoto: Italian Prunes, 12c; Pe tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound; Baisins, !f2.25 per box: l'luinmer-dried Pears, 10llc; sun-dried and factory Plums, Il(5l2c: evaporated Peaches. 18(3 L'Oc; Smyrna Figa, 20c; California Pigs, 0c per pound. Canned Goons Marketsteadv. Quoto : Table fruits. $2.00, 2la; Peaches, $2.50; liartlett Pears, $2.00; Plums, 1.5. Strawberries, $2.50 ; Cherries, $202.50; Blackberries, $2.50; Happberries, $2.50, Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.00. Pie fruit: Assorted, $1.50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50: Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25 1. 50. according to quality; Tomatoes, $1.15:i.50; Sugar Peas, $1.10l.ti0; String Beans, $1.10perdozen. Fish : Sal mon, $1.251.50; sardines, 80c$l.G0; lobsters, $2(3; oysters, $1.503.25 per dozen. Condensed milk : Eagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75; Champion. $0 per case. Nails Base quotations: Iron, $3.00; Steel, $:U0; Wire, $3.90 per keg. Snot Quote: $1.75 per sack. The Slunt Market. The market is steady. BeefLive, 4c; dressed, 7Sa. Mutton Live, 4.14c; dressed, 8c, Hogs Live, 4)ijo54?4c"; dressed, 5. Veal 58c por pound. SMOKED MKATS AND LAUD. Quote: Hams, 10c; Breakfast Bacon, 0llc; Sides, U10c; Lard, 10c per pound. Tfondcr of tlio f)-d Sea. Ono of tho most interesting lakes or Inland seas in tho world is tho Dead sea, which has no visible outlet. It is not mere fancy that, has clothed tho dead sea in gloom. The desolate shores, with scarcely a green thing in sight, uml scat tered over with black stones and ragged driftwood, form a fitting frame for tho dark, sluggish waters, covered with n poriotual mist, and brenking in slow, heavy, sepulchral toned waves upon tho beach. It seems as if the smoko of tho wicked cities was yet ascending up to heaven, and as if tho moan of their fear ful sorrow would nover leavo that God smitten valley. It is a strange thing to 600 thoso waves, not dancing along and sparkling tn tho sun as other waves do, but moving with measured melancholy, and sending to the ear. as they break languidly upon tho rock, only doleful sounds. "This is, no doubt, owinc to tho ereat heaviness of tho water, a fact well known, and which wo amply verified in tho usual way, ior, on attempting to swim, wo went Heating about hue emntv casks. This experiment was moro satisfactory in its progress than in its results, which wero n very unctuous skin and n most pestiferous 6tinging of overy nerve, as if wo had been lieu ten with nettles. Nor was the water wo took into our mouth n whit less vile than tho most nauseous drugs of tho aothecary. That llsh cannot live in this strom; solution of bitumen and salt is too obvi ous to uml proof; but to say that birds cannot fly ovor it and live is one of tho exaggerations of travelers, who orhaps wero not, like out-helves, mi fortunate as to seo a (lock of duckH reo6ing on tho water hi apparently good health. And yet this was all thu life wo did teo. Thu whulu valley was ouu bwthing caldron, under a umro than tropical mm. Uml forKiken and uiuii foixiLen, no griMiii thing grow within it, and it loiuuliu to ihUdiiy as ntnUiiitfii immiiinuiitnf Hod' fearful judtfiiu-'nU 116 vthuii Ihu liio finui lieuieil iLwaiud Ihw niau Highly citlwl wHIiu plain -Miwioimi) Hwnld. The ftrant Collection. The Grant collection at Washington is alone worth a fortune. In one case there is a complete collection of gold and silver coins of Japan which has a wonderful numismatic value, as it is the only complete set in existence, except ono in tho Japanese treasury. Some of tho gold coins aro a quarter of an inch thick and as big round as tho top of a dinner pail. Seven of them cost $5,000, and thero aro perhaps 100 coins in the collection. In another car t':"re ere half a dozen large I'lephuut wv . wiin.li tho king of Siam gave to Gi.mt, and thero aro six picci-s of costly jade stono given him by ono of tho princes of China. All of the Bwords presented to him are here, and many of these have diamonds set in their handles. Tho sword given to Grant by tho Sanitary fair at New York has a solid pold hp.id rnnrpspntinnr tlin Ond- dess of Liberty, which has two rabies. two diamonds and two sapphires Bet in it. The sword of Chattanooga has four teen diamonds and two sapphires set in it, and many of tho gifts which ho re ceived from foreign monarchs aro of gold set with diamonds. Ono of tho medals in the collection contains six hundred dollars' worth of gold. Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch. Grouting tlio Prince. A good story is recorded in connec tion with the Prince of Wales' visit to Lord Brooke's country 6eat in Essex. After opening tho Essex Agricultural show at Chelmsford the prince and sev eral otlier distinguished guests, includ ing Lady Randolph Churchill, Baron Hirs-ch, Col. Stanley Clark and Mr. Chap lin, M. P., were entertained at Easton lodge. On tho following day tho party drove to Lord Braybrook's seat at And ley End. Horses were changed en route at tho rural village, Wimbish. While this was being douo an elderly laborer approached tho royal party, and address ing tho prince said: "Beg yer parding, sir, 1 should loike to drink yer health; wo doan't see yer ev'ry day." Laughing heartily his royal highness drew half a crown out of his pocket and handed it to tho man, with the in junction: "Don't spend it all at once." Putting tho coin in his fob tho old fel low, with another tug at his forelock, replied: "Thank yer, thank yer, guvner; j-er tho best gen'leman I know on round about this 'ero levee." London Tit-Bits. Cactus .Julru it (amid Medicine. As 11 New Yorker, whose very red noso is not unknown on Broadway, turned into the Fifth Avenue hotel ono afternoon ho passed William Coop er, the Mexican btisinoss man. "If he only knew it," said Cooper of the gen tleman with tho nose, "a diet of cactus juice, fresh from tho plant night and morning, would bleach his complexion to a beautiful purity. Americans do not appreciate the value of the cactus until they have lived in Mexico for homo time. Tho fruit, tunas, is deli cious, and the juice the best blood puri lier, I believe, to be found in tlio vege table kingdom. People who live whore the cactus grows do not need any med icine. New York Letter. To a landsman It would teem that a cutter should be at home in a chopping sea. Those who use Dobbins' Electric Soap each week mid their name is leyion) save their clothes and strength, and let the noap do tho work. Did yoit ever try it If not, do so next Monday sure. Ask your grocer ior it. The pugilist who gels worsted feels that he fs iu the wroutf box. I An A ktici.e ok Truk Mkuit. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are everywhere popu , lar as a cure for throat (Uneases and 1 coughs, and this popularity is based upon ' real merit. Sold onli in boxes. "Is this a case of long FtamlliiR, Madame?" " Oh, my, no, doctor! Hu ain't been on his feet fur nigh on tu six weeks." Bowaro of imitations of tho celebrated Seal of North Carolina PIuk Cut Tobacco. Thy Gkrmba. for breakfast. Takes 1000 people to buy Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to make up $500. One failure to cure would take the profit from 4000 sales. Its makers profess to cure " cold in the head," and even chronic catarrh, and if they fail they pay $500 for their over-confidence, Not in newspaper words but in hard cash Think of what confidence it takes to put that in the papers and mean it. Its makers believe in the Remedy. Isn't it worth a trial.? Isn't any trial prefer able to catarrh ? After all, the mild agencies are the best. "Cl'liaUS tlieV , , I ,,VV nl) UUU lllUy ,..rL- cu IV PiVrrri'c , Pleasa.t Pellets are an active agency but quiet and mild. They're sugar-coated, easy to take, never shock nor derange (he system and half their pow er is in thu mild way in which their work is done. Small 1 ! 1 .... I wai, v tivMji-i?i, uniJiwat i imvw, tine ilute. Liity.five ccliU A vial. Ul All ilrntj'hts. 81'HKADINO FOK I.KAGUKS AltOOM The marshy, overflowed lands, f unkou loU and half-submerged river banks, which give them birth, the seeds of malaria Impregnate the air, and are Inhaled at every breath by thoneandi unprovided with any adequate safeguard against the baneful Influence. et such exist potent alike to remedy or to prevent, pure in Its con stituents, and the professionally recognized sub stitute for the hateful drug, quinine, its name Is Hottettcr'g Stomach Hitters, a family specific and safegnard, foremost not only as an antidote to malaria, but alse as a means of permanently removlug dyspepsia and relieving constipation, liver complaint, rheumatism, kidney and blad der ailments and nervousness. Among lnvIgHr ants It takes the brst place, and Is also a superb appetizer. Use It systematically. Tenor Miss Soprano, who sang in church this morning, has a very clear voice. Is It natural '.' llatso So; 'tis a choired. Dr. Wallace Ely has removed his offices to 215 Powell street, Sun Francisco. Cal , where he con tinues to give special attention to Kidneys, Blad der, Prostate liland and all diseases arising therefrom. Diabetes and llrlght's Disease treated according to the latest approved method. Most cases can bo treated succcfsfully by correspond once. Consultations dally from 10 a. m. to t p. m. Wallace ELV.M I).,'.'15 roweii strcn, lour . doors from Geary btrcct, i-ati Francisco, Cal, jl-JHCE BEST STANDARD REMEDIESc JAC9bs pi MARKN TRADE I)K. AUGUST KtENIG'S Hamburg 'Breast Tea v ($am&urfler SJrupujtc) Fon COUGHSand COLDS. ' At Druggists and Dealers, or sent bv mall on receipt of 20 uU. lu packages 81.00) In stamps. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., lalUmora, Md. VERA-CURA FOR DYSPEPSIA AND ALL STOSIACII TIZOUBUaS. At DriiRRiits and Dealers, or sent by mail on recelptof 25 ck ! boxes S1.00) lrfctnmps. Sam ple sent free on receipt of 2-ccnt stamp. THE CHARLES aTvOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. "August Flower" Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo., during the past two years has been affected with Neuralgia of the Head, Stomach and Womb, and writes: "My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appe tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in my left side. Iu the morning when I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weather of Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower Then the change came. It has done me a wonderful deal of good during the time I have taken it and is work- 1 ing a complete cure." J G. G. GREEK, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.N.J. This Trade Mark 13 cn TIig Best Watcrpof Coat In the world. Pmdforniintnit1Ctt,ioipie. f?r. A.J.TWtr.PottonJ J. McCRAKEN & CO., -PKAI.KltS IN Roche Harbor Lime. Portland Cement, Gol den Gate and Utah Plaster. Hair. Fire Brick and Fire Clay. LAND PLASTER. 00 North Front Ktrc't, Cor. I), rOKTLANI), OK. H. T. HUDSON, -IMI'OUTEK AND DEALER IN Guns, Ammunition finiiim; tackm:, etc., Get ouo of the celebrated F. A. LoomU" Double-. Barrel, llrevch-lnadlHK. ShoUruni, Top finan. liar Looks, Damascus Harrels, Fancy Stocks, l'istol prlii and Greeuer Trebl Wedge Fast, 12 Gauge, for 82ft. Sent by express with 25 Brass Shells aud Ke leading Tools Uou reeeipt f price. FOR MEN ONLY! For LOSTorFAILlNO MAMHOODi Qentul ind NERVnUR iikiYii ttv: rffllrillir?tkn,Moi.B,1'"'1Miod. Efft illlllll.frm,,...r.....i.mJ..v HMIWKMUmLUrUOMWMUT.Or60Dr. i.al.ltlr lunula HOIK TICIUTT-U...I. Dr.rlnl. tu.1, aialtuUaa a4.reri all4 (MaUJirra. h.buil, .hl. BiMUXHl rll; Hnlml. Il.w laralirn itl ERIE fVlEOICAL CO., BUFFALO) nJV BIIOOKI V-N IIOTHI., lhut, ht .Ut Mout S'-mett K Ui..iur H y . eiu.lutt.l ..u lulb Ilia llafl-au Aiwrw.n yUa TbW 1MI U uaUf Uw u.uA,.i.Hi.t riuiiu M'U.4urir muI U k Ut lul, Mt.i Iiuui.im M4' ll.il! In Mil r'rau ' II' u u,l.gt, ttililu, uimIu'II! Hmdui wU. kut.t .UJl.u ,, jMruUlir vtt4ill kMU m.4 I.-.U. 4.,, i 6 b. UU. alii, 1 ruuui ftl stein way. Gitler md peise nm Utuu.t IU hut '" W IU UiwiW nrVV r"'" Hiwtt.n.i, 11,11, bui, ST?A - W) J I 03 Y lrat Street, Portland, Oregon. iti Ml, V.fc. f,H. joy