THURSDAY, MARCH 19. 1891. 0. & W. U MATTERS. makes an improvement, but who never confer the sumo benefit themselves and invariably throw, cold water on the sug gestions of improvement by the actions of improvement clubs. These are the. men who interfere in their very pnssivo ness with the growth of a city. They toil not neither do they spin, they live ; honored and beloved by numberless person ... ., .. ... jt, ' ai intnii" nun uy minions 01 inn cnuniry- hko parasites, allowing others by their ,,.., wlo wI11 ' , wiMl .iniiui.this oarfv mil. assistant general encriy to improve the stiriotinding ! Hff. Hi" 8rd war recotd at Hull Hun, in ' r ... J , 1 , . , ! .he army of the Cumberland, at Slnloli, 0. & .W. I., was in country and so enhance tho value of Memphis, Vicksbure, Chntt.inoofru, Knox- 0. Herman, Assistant General Manager VloltB tondloton Ho Is Intorvlowed. LIKE OF GENERAL SHERMAN. BY Gen. Howard and Fletcher Johnson. Tin Inst of the great war heroes. He died For Bargains iu Mr. C. Ilcriimn manager of tho Pendleton Thursday, and met Hon. L. B. Jtinolnirt, of Union, who came to confer with him on business matters. Mr. Hernian of course fell into the clutches of an East Oregonian repre sentative, but had little information to impart, except that ho had lately re turned from Contrah'a, where he has been paying olT employes on the Gray's Harbor extension. "Will you settle obligations here?" was asked. "No 1 do not visit Pendleton for that purpose. Mr. Hunt is expected to ar rive hero by April 1st, when I prcsumo all claims will bo paid." "When will the new management take possession of the road?" "1 cannot s.iy definitely. Tho pre sent management will operate the O. & W. T. system for some time yet." Mr. Herman could not say how Mr. Hunt would profit, financially by the recent deal, as he did not know the terms of the solo except an published in the newspapers, having left. New York before the transaction was completed. ' AVhon asked whether Mr. Hunt's plans I would bo carried out by the new man agement he could give no further in formation, To the question, "Do yon suppose tho deal means that the Northern will own tho 0. W. T. system?" he re plied, "1 do not know. Air. Wright is a heavy stockholder in the Northern. Mr. Rinehait said to tho reporter that it was possible tho Grand Rondo extension might yet bo built by Air. Hunt. He thought I he entire amount of tho subsidy pledged for this purpose by tho Giand Rondo fanners might again be offered, as exorbitant rates for the short haul over tho Hlgin branch of the Union Pacific had caused dis satisfaction, together with a desire for a computing line. A proposition from Air. Hunt for building tli extension similiar to those first proposed ho thought would bo excepted. Muttim Herman and Rinehart left for Walla Walla Thursday evening. unimproved holdings. Real estate of j itself in a city has no interest bearing j value apart from that duo to that ap- j praibement which is tho natural result of improvement. In other words it is the buildings on or near a property which give to it its value. If the man who wont improve were taxed more heavily than the man who does the city oould soon be built up. There would be mine men whoso wealth is tho result of hard work th u of those who, lying back, have become wealthy , through no work of their own and whoso wealth is tho result of whattheir , neighburs have done. A law which would compel an owner within u cer ' tain distance of the biibinoes centerand within a certain time to improve under pain of additional taxation might bo ' worthy of consideration by the ex change, and might prove of value to a great and growing city like this, which in many raws, has been made to suffer ! by the apathy of largclaniled proprie ,' tors. Such a law would increase tho ' number ol real estate transactions, I would add to the city's revenue and i would result in rapid improvement." ville, Missionary i'iilRe, Atlanta, and in the immortal "Ajarrli to thu oca, whose gran deur and glory has novcr been surpassed in the world's history. With each' cony of the book will bo given a new ntul very superior Steel Pluto Portrait or tho Oeneritl, made from a photograph taken just prior to his lust illnews and showing him in his Gen eral's uniform. The work will contain about COO paxes, superbly illustrated with portraits, lmt tie scones, etc., from end to end. Tho book should find a place In every patriotic home in the land. mmm mmm for uj.'euts. f'iie interest and excitement is intense. Ai agem-v is worth at least from $10 tc $15 a day. Strike while tho iron is hot and big money U your. Now don't get left this time. Previous experience is not neces.-ary. Illustrated circulars nn'i extra liberal term mailed In e cm application, or to secure i' instantly (lend f;0. lor complete agent o:invnsing outfit and slate choice of territory. Address. PACIFIC Ptf'I.I8fIIN0 CO., Aiiihworih Hloek. Portland, Or. -tats, Caps, Gloves, and Gents' Furnishing jewelry, Picture Frames, Albums and Variety Goods, CHOOL BOOKS, hollKHft on sale o-oods PRWAL POINTS EAST, WEST, SmCIULT'S HA Mi. N" The only place to secure ,1'trst-elasi job printing is at Tin: Kcour olllue. f7TJjjnrgaronrggwgnjiiMiijiVMArnuiiuAjiaaJiTrstaT-iwH 1 M ti f ai HUE VALLEY. Pini: Vau.kv, Alarch 10,1891. Snow is disappearing rapidly now. Glad of it. Twenty inches of snow on tho 10th of Alarch doesn't look very en ticing, but it is not often thus. Tho family of James Loop aro hav ing a siege of illness; lirst little Georgia with fovor and severe sore tin oat, then Airs. Loop, then tho baby, and at last accounts Air. Leop himself was at tacked in tho same way. The nature of tho disease is not known as yet but it appears to bo contagious. Air. HI. Leap, Sr. and Reeoher Hob inson havo been out soliciting subsorip lions toward building a Christian church at Halfway, the coming sum mer. At last accounts thoy were do ing well, having secured almost lumber enough from Air. Langroll and others for tho building, and as thoy aro now canvassing, wo havo no doubt that thoy will succeed in obtaining all thu aid necessary for tho erection of a good building. Died February 27th, Agnes, aged l years, tho only daughter of Mr. and Airs. John MoKmldon, of Pino valley, passed uway after a short illness of about '10 hours. Wo learn that tho child was taken with vomiting, sup posed at tho time to bo inflamatiou of tho stomach. Dr. O'Connor boing ab sent in Grando Rondo, Dr. Fuller, of Eagle valley, was sont for, but ere he arrived littlo Agnes, had passed from tho land of tho living. Tho body of Andrew Loo, who re cently committed suicide at Hunting ton by cutting his throat, was brought to tho homo of hispuronts in Pino, and from thonco laid to rest iu tho come tory at this placo, on Friday afternoon last. Tho aged parents havo much sympathy in this berenvomont, which comes in a form to nuiko it doubly hard to bear. Wo aro told that "Ho dooth all things well," but, truly, "His ways aro mysterious and past all find ing out." ' i.-'-J diwA Im i.iiocsefiil!y traveled with r : t ro.Tj !.cr,;;:-i. 'Jo is;eh wealth or any civotoJ pMilioa in i:jroquIres tho full ( i)5uetf.!i-. i-il operation of ell tha fac j j ultles V.T.d r.ahsrj hia endowed us with, y 'fliato concisions cannot ex!: imlssD tho l- phyclca! behijj (3 in perfect working crier, anil Ms Is Impr -,s!!ilo when tho liver end sploan nro !orpi:l, lhua obstruct Ibj ilia eccrotloss, causing Indigestion r.r.d dyspepsia, vuh all 0 their accom panylng horrors. TIC!i IS IIKltHP.V GIVEN THAT by virtue of an exieution issued out of the countv court of the suite of Oregon for n.ikorcMiuity, bearing d.itu the 2d day of March. 1801, to 1110 din otm! and delivered upon a judgment wherein MoKennon ifc Co plamtiffi rt covered judnicn' against li. 1 Opdykc unci Ktiuna Oniivke, dcl'enihinis. for the ("inn -i Kichty-one iioihirs, diunui'es and cus in. winch iuKincnt wa'i enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of .said court, in Hiiid linker county, mh the Oth day ofFchruarv. lstll, 1 have levied upon the lollop inn ik'Hcnbed real e.siatv, situated in Union countv, Oregon, to-wit : The south east ouartnr of section twcnt.v-seven, town ship thrf-e north, ranco thirty-nine east of the Willamette meridian; nn'l by virtue of said cxiclltion and levy I will s. 11 at pulilic auuiion at the court lions.- (inor in Union, Union county, Oregon, on tho 17th day of April, 1891, at 2 o clock p. in of said day. all the right, title and interest 111 said above described promises that the said defendants Ji. I'j. aim lamina updvke had on the (ith day if March, 1S01, or have since acquired therein, or sufficient thereof to satisfy the said sum Hi' etghly-ono ilollars and the fur ther sum of twelve and 70 100 dollars costs and the costs, disbursements, interest am aceruiti'.; costs of and upon this writ. Tortus ot sate: uasii 111 aoiii coin to me in linnet. Dated at Union this 17fh day of March. 1801. .1 T. I50I.LES, Ity V. 11. ITsHKii, Sheriff. I)e.uty. a-10. English OanilsSion Tunic exerts a specific! Influence over tho liver, excites It to healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes tho H' secretions ; cures Indigestion and const!- a pntlon, sharpens iho nppctlto, tones up m en ino cniuu ujjtuui, ui.u iiiuku-j ii.u orin ffl "vlng. 0.&W.T.R.R D I'uxia'io:; pon ijquok liioKNSK. To the Honorable Countv Court of Union (.utility, Oregon: 'iVi' Hie undersiKned voters of N'orth Pow der precinct, in said county, would rospcot fully petition your Honorable Iiody to L'raut ti license to David lleyondf'e to soli spilitous. malt ai.d vii.ous liquors in loss quantities than one uallou at the town f North Pow der in said county and sinti', for tho period of one year; and in duty bound your peti tioners win ever pray "The Hunt Line.' Improve Your Proporty. Tho Sun Fmnoisoo Chronicle says: "If thoro is any individual to whom tho natural appraisement of proporty in a oily HLo this would bo begrudged it is tho man who novor has improved, novor does and novor will improve his propur ty. Thtiro tiro only too mniiy such toU Uli land owners, men who aro over ready to ralfao diuir prices when u nnlghbor In Coiituiction witli the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'I) li'ornis tho Quickest and Best Route Uetweon Kastorn Orejron and Washui(jton and Piint Sound points, as well as tho Popular and Direct Line to all POINTS HAST and SOUTHEAST PULLMAN SLBKl'INQ OAKS, SUIM3K1) DINING CARS, and FREE SECOND CLASH SLEEL'EKS Tlu-itiicli to Clileniro vm tills l.lno. Passenger Trains of this Company aro run niiifj regularly between' DAYTON, WA1TSRURG, WALLA WALLA, WASH., and PEN DLETON, OIL, Maklun close connection at llunt's.lunc- tlon with northern 1'acille trains for Taeo 111a, brattle, Vietoiia It. (, Kllunsburtj, North Yakima, Pasco, Sprauuo, Cheiiov, Davenport. Spok-uie Kails, liutte, Holona. 01. 1 am, iMiiiueapuus, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passenger Train, making above commo tions loaves Poiullefon daily, at 7:10 p. m. Through Tickets Sold (0 all Points Hast at the Lowest Rates. Oeii'lVr't' 111 id' f"iissf Aut . Q. W. HUNT, WllnW.l..h. Preslilent and Oen'l MmuiKor. II. L. DKACON, 'fluke v ,t, Union, Or JOS. KEILHERT, Wm Warden John Craitf T W Myers M It Shirley .1 Stout D Lee t L lleshman .1 D Liuhtirt ,i Cmustoek G II Moo rehouse Peter. I Kins Adam N'eilson Wm Monton Charles Parker Lemy l.oinax JI II Salisbury Dctlif Kplm lluford Aiken Wm L Walls Chtis AtcCnrry Alfred Xetirson 1 Keir J A White .1 Gloss M Hopkins John KiiHwty Tho Tanner D L builders Wosloy Anthony Ooo tJioddanl W A Wade Clarenee Wilo J It Wilson Jr 11 M Wdson J P S)tneuui"g J ltl'hilders V W I'luininer Win Peiirson 11 IvhMxrds .1 A Plleher Jessn Dndsou J II Parker 0 Hauer II P Campbell A P Hhull Clms MeKonolds .Siiinuel Dye J It (iardner .lames Daltou Jas Filkius AVin Korsoy K P Auhby H Ashby 1C Iliiwor .0 D Thomhiison II Toroy To Whom it May Concern: You are horopy notitiod in accordance with and pursuant to the foregoinj' petition 1 will im the 8th day of April. 1801, nt tho hour of ouu o'clock in the afternoon of said day, present nhIiI iieliticm to the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Union County, for a license to sell spiritous, malt and villous liquors iu Icsh quuutitios than onu kiiIIoii, In North Powder precinct, Un ion Countv and Statu of Orenoii. far tho jMorin of ouo year from wild time. DAVID UUVISllIDOK. Irian li.-.-.-. 1 i; Tiikr. UNION, OHEOON. A Fine lino of Goods Alway in Stoek. Call and Exaiuino Thoni. Suits Made to Order, Cleuniiij,' and llepmriug. All work warmutod. 12 l tf. 1) If Hart Jack Pliimiuer Joint ilrant Henry Huuer O Ji Allen 0 31 Wall; II O (jorlnun Millard Anthony J 31 Cnrtennin Jamos Nibley Wm Stour llenrv Pearson L II Thomas S'C Mann J W Anderson (1 V Powell James A Ouorge Chas F Hull' H Potbchlld , Miles Lee Lyman Stanlord J0I111 t!t"ward W F Thompson David liradford John M Oilkison S l'M'tisiek Matt Slmonis L S ICulsoj' S Williams James Simoiiis Thus Shaw Win Pearson B It Avles 15 C ICd wards Ki wi Carper 11 J Harris liriir Scott 0 W Dolan L liohinott f M Shurthtr John X Nioo Williiun Biiiionis U M Carter S A Dmighorty D Person J Past W L Dtiughertv Tho liurns 1! L Wokelield .1 W Mayuard W W Kills Fred Nioo J 0 Harrison .las Ut J Hlchuidson J I looser Mil Talis, mm id fitai Ep, f ipos li Uki -Go To- In addition to bargains mentioned lines, all kinds of in the above NO UTH UNION. OREGON, A. 13. F.IIS, Ticket Agent. TIME TABLE. Trains depart from Union daily as follows: CAST HOUND. Overland Flyer, No 2 11:3.'! A.M. WEST HOUND. Overland Flvor, Nol... 7:0P.M. Main Line. Nos. 1 and 2, "The eriand Fiver,'' carry throUL'h Pullman Sleepers, Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main Line, Nos, li and -1. "The lanuted Fast Mail," carry Pullman DinniK and Sleeping Cars between Portland and Chi cago. OCEAN DIVISION. The Union Pacini will dispatch Stcainerr tiotween Mm l- rancisco aim t'ori land, as follows. F1S05I l'OISTI.ANI). FBOM SAN FI.ANCISCO. At 10 p. 111, At 10 a. 111. State Mar. I Columbia Mar. 1 Oregon.. " f State. " S Columbia " 0 Oregon " 12 State . ' K! Columbia " 1(5 Oregon. " 17 State " 20 Columbia " 21 Oregon .. " 21 State . " 25 Columbia. . ". 23 Oregon .. " 2!) The company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing days. HATES OF PASSAGE; Cabin, - - ?10.00 Steerage - - $S,00 Hound Trip Tickets, Unlimited - MO.OO Children, under 12 years - - Half Faro ,, 5 years ... Free Inchnlinij Jfcal.i and Berths. C. S. M ELLEN. I T. W. LEE. Oen'l Truflic .Manager. I Gen'l. Ticket Agt, Mi i cii w llf cEf 0 A K KLtiis' ARent" u"ion" fja ygtom &, k m& Tlionison So Titrsel arc nc:cnts for m fi I il T 19 l li tho celebrated Cyclone WindMill, and h S 1 1 n fink li I a i as the prices on them have been grcat- WjMllafvev UllfilvH ly reduced they are now within tho W reach of nil. Sample mill to bo seen at their planer in North Union. Call 1 and exaiiiiiie it . AT LESS THAN COST. WJ$ Din 111 ii iiifiifii little JONES BEOS., Union... Or. j m ar a zjs wn. ta w jn u-. s i-.:rti IH(JW TONIC. k .,. . , .... . 1 1 1 l 1 j r-r,m. 11 I'DRisii ' ' isl.oon nrnt-r.ATrs the livkhS lliBtlriKvaavarfiiiiw U and KM . r.u.i nfsTctii'i i' - 'jkrimtatkdH I H lalll'ALliitkcl VI(IO!:OUut'niW,(iTIIofYolrr7 j OA Head oi TAKKN til. Uy D. V. Johnson, ono and one-haU miles south of Ciiion, one soriol liors 2 yunis old branded :ifH on tlio left Htitt. Notice dulv posted acjlusuorilliiff to law and apprsisod ot W bv 117?. WMUim, ju.tiee of tho pen in. 212-ttn fOrli'E IS HEliEI'.Y OIVEN THAT I bv virtue of mi x 0:1 1 ton and order of sale 1-sucd out of t 1 1 llotmrablc Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Colon eomit.v, beiiriuK date tin- JSn day of Feb ruary 1801, and to mo d 'treated and iloliv- ered, upon a judgment mid order of nlu .f herotoioro attaclied prop. rty. ontered on 1110 14'!) day of Febvu.i;y, 1801, vvticieit; .1. L Cavillers is plaintiff .mil R. V. Deal Is defendant, for tho sum of -one hundred and sixtv ti'id lorlv-twoo:i liu idredth- dod'trg, mil the further Mini of :.crv-two ami four teen tine hundredths ! !.ir. for eosif tml disburemeutu, which judemeut wa en rolled and douketed 1 n the cerk' rtilio of said court 011 the 21-t day ot Fcbnury, 181)1, and ordering the sal of the follvwinir described horototore uUitclied real c-t.ite, to-wit: All the right, title, InertcH mid claim that the defend .i t, H. V. Deal, had on the 21m ilay of Mtin li, 1SX). or nf tic (piired in or to tho following described real eatate to-wit: The of 8W, or section 7, township H mumL, nf Kumfi- .1 1 K, V M., situated in Union county, Oregon. Now, therefore, untlei a'ld by virtue ol -aid execution and order ol Mile as aforesaid, 1 will sell nt public tuijii n ut the dour 1 hmiso door ut tinliin, Union countv, state of Ore gon, on Friday, the 27th dnv 'of March, ti), 111 a o eiocK p. 111. 01 ctttu nay, an uio rnrni, title, interest and claim that the nid defeu daiit.K. W. Deal, had hi the 91t ilav of March, 1S90, or since tie juind Iu or ! the above d scribed real .'-inte, 1 o satisfy ald iudfe'iitcut, fios, costs. di-burseiiienti and Iiitnrost, as aforaaid and accruiiiR oot. Terms of sale, cash to mu hi baud In gold coin ot tho U. S. Datod February 23, ISflt. J. T. UOLLKS. Sheriff it Union County. Ity W. It. Ushkh. Depu'.v. 2-SW-St. 2 4fnd Ditii'y Head of 2-yoar-olds. DO HOT GRIPE, SICKEN OR CONSTIPATE. t!Dr Piter rn- Ciov llrjiniinur wu.ib wwith run unn iitnuflbns. nnii all troubles arising froa lndigeEUon cr Constipation. lniprorofi tue uompioxion hr lnrlf,l.,t !l. lllnn. Thnr1oecnn bfi nicely adjnsted to suit thscaie, u on pill enn nover be too large a dose. Easy to take a so piuch fusar. -IS pills pnt'up In a ttrone '11 rhicn can be curried in rest pocket. A Great Carta lD, to Travetern and Itcclnr. SIru. Noae U.nulni w Itll. out .'('rmrrnt" Trmtpark, Sold Kreryw hrrr, S&e. a bolUfli BAnyii jbu j'rriun .cos lor e, id uanjpa. IJI?. HA.fTEU'S IROM TflUlfi. I PURIKIi ' ' i:l.nn nrncr irr ,i.siTrrnH nil 101 i f.u.l nfsTctll'-H' -'JKBIUTATKDI I to lll Al.lil akd VI(IO::i)Ut.t'fliK.(iTIIirYnml THE DR. HAHTER MEDICIUE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. Full Blood Kolstciii Bull, Price $75.00. Heason forSelliiifr: Intend to loavo tho vulloy uhdut the first of Iray. 1?UNWIIB HOHMI VOW HUNT. Z L.. 'if , ,,J.; ( amioy , (ViiurWwiuMd miiJ II 81. Union, Orutcoii T lUt, NOTICJt TO M.Tyi.K. All persons ImJebtod to the uiM.ttrttiKned. bv not, bouk account i otberwlsi'. tiro o.p-tHl to fertile their iiccniiutn vrlihout further imtioe. I am cuiiii.ellrd. to adopt this coiiim' .in account .! m !u-". bv the rtsviii lire in (.'ornucuuia. 12 InSiii J I. A!.IUMXOK. XOTiti;. To Wh'Oti it Mu t'tnuvrtt 1 lificb m.rn nil Krun. mul l with Dr A I I'ullei on my ttinuiinl 4a 1 will nmiUii' rwiMiihie hu of hi tm iw our imy any ulU ofliU contraeiiiiK. tllio A. IIOIMTIKK. New Hrldgr IVhrui ii 11. NOTIVi: ( UtHt)LUTIOK. "VTOTICR IS 1IKRKHY 01VKN TH T Xi the eo partnership heretofore existing between A. K. Jonei. aul B. Chancev, in tlio publication of Tin. Dr.KaoN ttcocr. U till dav tiiiuolvetl by mu;iial consent. Hr Jones will retire and M Chaiitwy will con tlnue the bimliiBits. i:i;li, r one will rccaip for moneys due. AM l ;i -'. accouiil-- ,,cm be Ki ltled v.itholil ie!;.' . Dated this 16th d.i t. I.nuarv, 1MU A. K. J(XKS II. CilAM'KV. MjTICKOI'' UISxOLHTJOK. VJOTlt'U IS HKIiKr.y It vc, Squire K. Tin in t lauev, h ive th: .I n d eon-eiii th.' p.irtnt" hi, esimm : between u. i. StMt'bt .t 'thonii.l ttn 1 l ilett of the nrni an duo. Dated ui l uion t)i Det'DinUr mm. sgl 1UK K T1MM . J II. HKhANKV. OIVHN And J. Ived hv lui'hiess h' i I II. Del . i all n I HAT li D - M U U:tl . iitlnre i t ' p.iv (Jail on mo nt once ii you want bargain. G. V. COOPKll, La Grande, Or. Stock m ar Laiid oftiiyon. PIohso men tion this paper. -tf n 8 nr&y EKOL1 ST J C.) Sample Pens, different patterns, In (Bn Melcel lMntotl irfntcli iSox, sent post-paid, ou receipt of lO CENTS. PERRY & 00., London. EStab.io24. U. S. Office- BIO Broadway, New York. U-CwlO. NOTIOIf OV PISSOI.UTIOH. lo-uart-W. X. iioure U berohy itivon thut tho co nersbii' lieretofore existiuir between Ghtrdner, A. K. Ua;dipr and Iltttclilnson Bros, in the sawmill budiiesK at Xorih Pow- dor is tbi.t day dissolved by mutual con.icut. W.N. (iardner and A. X. (iiirdncr reilrinj; from the buxiuegn. Ilutcldnxou Bros will pay all the Indebtedness of the firm and col lect all money due said Urn-. Dated this 23d day of January , ISfll IltTTl'HlNSOX DUOS,, V. X. UAKDNKK, 9-12-ml A. X. OAllDNKU. thi 3th d ul ,7"0U WAN FKh pay iMrtU'lvMt In wo ..! rn no d , - I'ni I i to dt-airl'ii; to (M I' i' r, 7 17 if PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Ilmine atteudt .1 to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. ( Ourofll. e is opposite the V. S. Patent ' Oilice, we can obtain Patenis In less time than those remote from Wa-Miinuton Semi MiiDELorDHAWIXtl. WVa.nis. a.i to pa ! 'ilabililv free ..f idiarc: and v . mal:.. Nt) t UAKllE I'M. IX PA'I'KN f l- it r JM ft A pnmph'ct i f tinVrmrc !on and ab- .a.j.r,.j, pvn.7ij, line STit.A ai.t flrondv.iiv, U'( STAttl SKfl'l: Wt . Sup; .1 ot -.h. i advii. wilt in i P , uet, tu. lue 'in .ev Order Div laient oilic. .. and renVrcu mi own State ur A. SNOW Co l' iiuit Unictt W.iiuiwuii. D. c rou i'.-iniast-r. in illd t t olll.'H Fi'i cirtiiliir - ui actual 1 1 unty. write t.i full mo.l, m& m HAI.K due AO inch U litek Ktaiularil 100 IMPORTED tf atul Registered hM clierou & Norman Stallions. i'.tr Mil,, from ?400 to :?:io fah. Ti.. ii the lui.e lo l uy i order i ' h-ie Oitm l-il'u;ily , fj uti u:4 we iuu( mU iu tmlar to uuVc ruuw f.jc ihw impumiwm-Tlie frcidU u- a U (a PwtUnd, Eiy pil fully WarwHtJ. Ttu Ea.y. litnj Dr, Vftlerlus b Co., 4 mm nutaii KiMplifH at till -1.. T IT tf,