The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 19, 1891, Image 6

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    B. CHANCEY, Publisher, Union, Or.
Woman Suffrage Bill Introduced in
the Nevada Legislature.
Pot-Pourri of Occidental Happenings,
Reaching Prom Alaska to the
Mexican Prontier.
A bill is to bo introduced in Novndu'H
Li-tfiHlnture licensing baro-knucke fights
in that fctute.
The Montana Senate lins passed the
lloueo bill repealing the conspiracy luw
agitinat organized labor.
Asscinblvtnan GroveH hnH introduced
measure in the Nevada Legislature
nrovldintr for woman mifl'riiuu in that
It is said that the Oreiron Pacific Coin
pany iB asking or bids for a contract to
Jill U1KII OU,UUU morn nun, lu uu ucm un
the roac this summer.
Works for the refining of crude petro
leum are about to bo constructed at Ven
tura, Cal. They havo a capacity of
from thirty to forty tons a day.
The first of the long-threatened rail
road condemnation suits against obdu
rate land owners in Han Luis Obispo
county, Cal., was filed ono day last week,
and other suitB will immediately follow.
The Duko of Westminster, the wealth
iest of the English noblemen, is engaged
in a squabble in the courts with a sur
geon named Surell over the cost of em
balming tho Duke's son. Lord Robert
tlrosvenor, who died at Constantinople.
In the suit of Mrs. Jane Clark against
the Southern Pacific Company for $20,
X)ll damages for injuries alleged to have
liccn received in tho railroad accident at
LakoLabish last November a Salem jury
awarded the planum Jfl5,uui).
Tho commission of fifteen members
created by tho act of tho late Oregon
Legislature to make and maintain a per
manent channel of twenty-five fcotduntn
from Portland to the sen held its first
meeting in Portland ono day last week.
Tho police of Port Townsend aro look
ini: for a man who told Max Natlianson
a check for $100. Ho signed his imiiu)
"K. A. Johnson," and tho cheek, which
was drawn on the (jrifiith banking house
of hcattlo, proven to be a fraudulent ono
Johnson has no funds there.
The erection of an olive mill at Pn
lermo. Cal., in tho near future is an as
sured fact. There will be enough trees
in that vicinity come into bearing next
season to keep a factory at work during
the season, and in a low vears tho ohvo
industry will bo one of tho greatest of
"the place.
A regular exodus' of Mormons from
Utah to Mexico is taking place. Tho
Mormons have a tract of land in Chi
Illinium, which they aro settling up. All
over the territory they are preparing to
jro south to " live their religion." Tho
head of the church in said to be eucour
luniu: emigration and puttini" up funds,
It is estimated that at least U',000 will
lea vt! this summer.
Tho palaco lieing constructed on tho
Island of Corfu for Empress Ulmiboth of
Austria will contain l'-'H rooms, and there
will bo a separate building for the serv
ants, 1 hero will be a park laid out in
Viennese fashion, Tho palaco and the
liark will bo lighted by electricity, and a
lighthouse with electric lamps will lling
its light over tho sea. iho establish
ment will cost $1,000,000.
Tho contents of tho stomach of Mrs,
Greenwood, tho lady who was drugged
-und shot by robbers near Napa, Cal.,
havo been analyzed and prove to contain
lwth chloroform and arsenic. Tho quan
tity lounil was sulllcient to havo killed
her. It was noticed when sho was dis
covered that no blood camo from tho
hullet-holo in her head, and it is now
evident that sho was dead at tho time
tho men shot her.
Senator Dolph of Oregon has intro
duced a resolution calling Uon the Sec
retary of War to give all tho information
now in his possession relative to the
work at tho Cascades, and whether there
is any information to tho cfl'oct that tho
work will cost more than tho former es
timates. Tho tesohition was introduced
on account of tho retried statement by
Major llunbuiy that tho estimates would
havo to lo increased for this purpose.
At Tuconm Indian Agent Eols has
wore out a warrant for tho arrest of
Robert Allnnd, proprietor of n rail
road lodging hoiiBO, charged with
tilling liquor to Indians. This is a test
ease. Since Judge I lunford's decision in
tho United States Court, that Indians
might drink in their own houses, similar
cases have been dismissed. Audit Eels
will endeavor to prosecute under the
State law and will carrv tho case to the
Washington Supremo Court if necessary.
Taconm lumlwr men are again devis
ing measures to maintain uniform rates
'and prevent the disastrous cutting in
prices which hits been going on for sonio
time past. At a meeting held at tho Ta--coma
Hotel -most of tho mills in the city
wero represented. A plan which seemed
to find favor was to pool tho output ami
engage a manager to make a fair distri
bution of orders and sales on tho baste
of production. This question, however,
Hood in tho way of immediate action,
nml it was reforred to u special commit
tee to prepare a plan and report.
On tho question raised by the District
Attorney of Siskiyou county, Cal., as to
whether railroad lands and lauds sold
by railroads aro assesyuble, and that
railroad companies and purchasers from
thorn, holding land", could not bo assessed
because no patents have been issued for
them by tho government, Attornoy-Gen-vm
Hurt has decided against thu rail
roads. Unless overruled, this decision
will compel tho payment of tho taxes on
10,000,000 acres of land In that State,
much of which in worth tin ncto.
Taxes thus gathered by tho Htate uud
renjtlvo counties will HtfgrvKHto 600(
QU0wr milium, i
Sureties of Arkansas' Treasurer
Make Good His Shortage.
Wages of the Illinois Steel Company's
Workmen to be Governed by
Price of Steel Halls.
Alabama is building 500 miles of new
railway. Boston unions oppose biennial State
The population of St. Louis is officially
place at 451,770.
A Fourth Judicial district for Utah is
propoeed in Congress.
Illinois to compel fire insur
ance policies to bo paid in full.
Grand Master AVorkman Powdnrlv de
nies tho rumor that ho has resigned.
In tho Indiana Senate the World's
Fair bill passed with tho appropriation
cut down to $200,000.
Tho revised oliicial count of the census
returns from Kentucky makes the popu
lation of tho Stato 1,858,034.
New York will elect a Governor this
veartBo will Iowa. Ohio, New Jersey,
Massachusetts and a few other States.
Kearnov and the adjoining counties of
NebniHka are now able to care for their
destitute residents without outsido as
sistance. Secretary Mohlor of tho Kansas Hoard
of Auriculturo. reports tkat winter wheat
ooks.mucfi bettor now than it nus at
anv season for several years.
Tho PoBtolIico Department is anxious
for bids from responsible parties for
transporting mails from San Francisco
to bitku, Alaska, and way ports.
KocIi'b lymph did not, kill J. 15. Ellis,
a Kansas City consumptive, who had
been inoculated. An autopsy showed no
bad results from tho use of lymph.
Sir John Macdonald thinks ho has un
covered a conspiracy to force Canada
nto annexation with the United States.
Ho is making a strong light in this cam
Tho Arkansas State Treasurer has re
ported to the Legislature that ox-Trea
surer WocKlrull 's sureties have paid him
$03,740, tho full amount of Woodrutl 's
James Dougherty, tho insane lover of
Mary Anderson, who shot and killed Dr.
Lloyd of tho Flatbush Insane Asylum,
has'been sentenced to Sing Sing 'State
Prison for life.
Agents have already been sent to Jap
an, China, Algiers, South America, Mex
ico, and to dilleront countries in the
Orient to arrange for exhibits at tho
World's Fair.
Tho Northern Pacific Directors havo
declared a regular quarterly dividend of
1 por cent, and have decided to resume
work on all projected extensions and
push them to completion.
Tho statement issued by tho Census
Department for Alabama's population
gives the total as 1,013,017; of this num
ber 830,700 aro white, 081,421 are colored,
750 aro Indians and 40 aro Chinese.
The following coufimations have been
made: Lieutenant-Colonel A. K. Arnold
to be Colonel of cavalry; George Stone
man, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired), to bo
Colonel of infantry; Edmund Wells,
Associato Justice of tho Supreme Court
of Arizona.
Tho wages of the workmen of tho Illi
nois Steel Company at Chicago will Ihj
governed by tno price of Hteol rails.
When tho price goes up tho wages of the
men will bo increased, and when tho
price goes down tho wages will bo de
creased correspondingly.
The Indian depredation bill goes to
tho Conference Committee. It is of
great importance to California and the
Pacific .Northwest, as it contemplates
the speedy settlement of all claims
against the Government, somo of which
havo been pending tor vears, on account
ot Indian raids and encroachments.
Senator Jones of Nevada stated before
tho Silver Pool Committee that he was
not personally interested in stiver specu
lation during tho present Congress, and
knew nothing whatever of any silver
pool, combination or organization. He
was well acquainted with the silver men
and was quite sure if there had been any
pool no would navo Known it.
'1 ho census bureau has announced that
there are 1057 irrigated farms in Arizona,
having a total area of (55,321 acres. Tho
averago cost of the land, including pur
chase price, fencing, plowing and water
right, is $10 1)2 an aero, of which $7.05
represents the cost of water right, and
the averago valuation placed upon tho
land by owners is $48.08 per aero. This1
includes tho buildings. Tho averago an
nual cost of water is $1.55 por acre, and
tho average annual value ot tho products
s $13.02 per acre, ranging trom sil.'.'li in
Maricopa to $31 in Yavapai county.
tho acreage now under irrigation ap
proaches tho maximum possible with
tho present water supply, and tho moth-
ids ot utilization, out conversion ot tlood
waters that now annually run to waste
would largely increase the area suscept
ible of successful cultivation.
Tho opmuieiits of the Pacific cable sub
sidy scheme have a new weapon to use
in their light against the subsidy act.
Another company has appeared which
proposes to build a longer cable without
a subsidy. Tho Pacific Cable Company
asks tho" government to give them $3
000,000 to aid in laying tho cable to 1 lono
iulu, a distance of 2,000 miles j tho other
company proposes to build to Shanghai,
(1,500 miles, and asks for nothing but a
revival ot tho charier granted to It by
Congress, August 15, 1870. and which
expired in 1870, no cable having boon
laid. This old company wiih formed by
Colso Ciesar Marino, and in it wero Sen
ator Loland Stanford, J. C. Flood anil
several other l ulttornlu millionaires.
Thoy wero promised a subsidy of $1,000,-
000 by tho Hawaiian government as
soon as thu cable was laid, Tho capital-
sta did not seo a sufficient uud snecdv
return for thulr monoy, tho schemo foil
through nml thu charter lapsed, Marino
now ropreeonts to Congress that tho
company i ready to go uhend without
any subsidy H tho charter in revived.
OpHwltiou to thu sulwldy idea s very
strong, und to defeut It an extension of
the oia comjttiiy-s ennrter win iw urged,
German Government Reduces the
Tariff for Inland Telegrams.
Experiments Made at Lake Como With
Submarine Cannon King Otto
Approaching Death.
The tithes bill has passed to its second
reading in the British House of Lords.
Vienna is to have a 150-milo electric
road that will make eighty miles an hour.
The sewerage system is attracting con
siderable attention in London and Berlin.
Tho plot to put Celman in power in
the Argentine has been nipped in the
Tho Paris police havo removed the
statue of Marat from the park in which
it stood.
An outbreak of malignunt fever has
caused a terrible mortality among tho
European population on the west coast
of Africa.
The French tactician, General Bois
dotiree, says Emperor William avowed to
him that the French had the finest army
in Europe.
The proposed visit of tho young King
Alexander "of Sorvia to the Czar will
probably take place in the course of.thc
present year.
Mrs. Jameson claims to have found
evidence in Zanzibar, throwing entirely
now light on the quarrel between .lame
son and btauley.
IOrd Randolph Churchill is going on
a nine months' shooting and prospecting
tour of South Africa. This is taken to
showthut a general election is notinmii
The German government has reduced
the farm for inland telegrams from
cent and 4 mills per word to 1 cent and
2 mills, with a minimum charge of 16
General Da Fonseca, who was chosen
Provisional President of Brazil at the
time of the overthrow of the empire, has
been formally elected President of the
James Fitz-James Stephen, the Eng
lish Judge before whom Mrs. Maybriek
was tried, lias broken down. It lias been
evident for some time that liis mind was
giving away.
Emperor William is greatly displeased
with the recent speech made' by tho Sec
retary ot the committee on .Naval J-.sti
mates. It is said his resignation has
been asked for.
The Conservatives and National Lib
orals of Dresden are urging Herr Hul-
lzch to resign his seat in the Ueiehstag
so as to permit of Prince Bismarck being
elected to ins place.
Tho municipal authorities of Berlin
havo decided that no more concessions
shall bo granted for elevated electric
street railways or for electric railways
requiring overhead conductors.
Tho Pone contemplates making a large
accession to tho Cardinalato early in tho
coming summer. Iho death ot Uardmal
Cnstofon leaves thirty-two Italian Car
dinals and twenty-eight foreign Car
Tho threatening state of afiairs in the
Charleroi district, lselgiuin. caused by
tho workmen's demand lor the passage
of a universal sullrago law, has necessi
tated the holding of troops in readiness
by tho government.
M. do Frovoinot, French Minister of
War, is contemplating a scheme for the
most extensive army maneuvers ever
undertaken in time of peace. Ho will
mass four army corps in the Department
ot llautu Alamo.
If Parnell decides to send delegates to
ivmorica, tliev will represent his personal
policy, and tho funds they collect will be
subject to his control in furtherance
thereof. He is being strongly urged by
friends to send such delegations.
A dispatch from Massowah says a body
of Italian friendlies under Captain Pi
nelli in revenge for a raid on the Italian
frontier surprised and attacked (!00 Sou
danese near Buri, and routed them in
two battles, killing 200, including the
leading chiefs.
Thoro is reason to believe that, with
the completion of the railroad lino from
Jall'a to Jerusalem, and with the con
(tructicn of other new lines, Palestine
will attract far ei-nter multitudes of pil
grims than have been seen there since
tho time of the Crusades.
An official dispatch to the Chilian le
gatian at London states that the revolu
tion in Chili is confined to the rebel
squadron and the troops at Turnpaca.
The greater part of the country is quiet,
and the regular troops and the national
guard are supporting the government.
Experimon's wero made two weeks
ago in Uike umio with a submarine
cannon. The gun can le lowered to any
depth desired and remain quite invisible
when in tho water. Its projectiles may
bo discharged at will w ith most destruct
ive results without tho use of electricity.
The gun is destined for tho defense of
ports, bays and gulfs.
Liebreich's new method of treating
tuberculosis was descrilcd bv tho dis
coverer tho other day. The substance
used is cantharidate of potash, which is
administered in solution by systematic
injections under the skin. (Jiinical ex
periments seem to prove it is remedial
in tuberculosis and other diseases. Lie-
breich sivb ho is still carrying on inves
tigations, and tho announcement is made
Considerable satisfaction is felt in
Franco over tho coolness with which tho
Popo treated the Duchess D'Uzes, tho
noted friend of General Boulanger, who
in her own behalf and that of tho Count
of Paris supplied tho General with funds
for his conspiracy against tho Republic.
Tho Pontitr, it is stated, hardly noticed
tho Duchess when sho visited tho Vati
can, and accorded her such scant cour
tesy that she has been burled in morti
fication over stneo. It was tho object of
thu Dueheea to Inthienco tho Popo to
turn from his attitude of friendllncbs to
ward tho French Republic, but sho was
not given an opportunity to fay a word,
tho Pope Immediately pabslng on to thu
other vUllors,
iifat Firm, with good demand.
uicrings m 'Mruto (juote: Vulloy
$1. 0; Walla W.illa, $1.2001.22.
t' Loci: Quoi: Standard, ?4.00; Wallt
Walla, !3.R0 per barrel.
Oa is ijuot-: i8i0c per bushel.
MiLLsrUKKs Quote: Bran, $1S15),
MurtH $i!),((20; Gmund Barlev, $205
3 1; Chop Feed, 25 per ton;" Barley.
$1.25fal.:j,) p. r cental.
Hay Quote: 1017 per ton.
Vkobtauliss Quote: Cabbage, $1.5.
'ft 1.75 per cental; Cauliflower, $ I rl 2f
per dozen ; Colery, Otic per dozen ; O
ions 33'c per pound; Carrot I .(X
per sack; Beets, $1.50 per sack ; To i.
f I per sack ; Potatoes, 70$J75c per cental ;
Tomatoes, $2.25 per box.
Fnuns Quote : Los Angeles Oranges,
12,.e2.25: Riverside, $2.502.75; Navels,
f 1.50 per box ; Sicily LemonsjJjOcgO.OO ;
California, t4&o per box: Pears. 1 1c
per pound; Apples, $11.00; per lox;
l 'ananas, $34 per bunch ; Pineapples,
f5Cc?8 per dozen.
Nurd Quote: California AValnuts,
ll'ac; Hickory, 8,lc; Brazils, 22c;
Almonds, 16(ai7o; Filberts, 1314c;
Pine Nuta, 1718c; Pecans, 1718c;
Cocoanuts, 8c per pound.
Butt mi Quote: Oregon fancy cream
ery, 4042,c; fancy duiry, 37o; fair
to good. 27(?30c; common, 20(25c;
California, 3035c per pound.
Ciickse Quote: Oregon, 1415e; Cal
ifornia, 1018c per pound.
Eoaa Quote: Oregon, 2022'c per
Pouirav Quote: Chickens. $5.00
0.00; Ducks, $810; Geese, $911 per
dozen; Turkeys, 14(j15c per pound.
Hops Quote: Nominally, 28c per
Wooi Quote: Willamette Valley, 10
$200; Walla Walla, I4l7cper pound.
Hides Quote: Dry Hides, selected
prime, 88Jc, K 'ess for culls; green,
selocted, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 65
pounds, 3c; Sheep" Pelts, short wool. 30
50c; medium, 0080c; long, 90c $ 1.25;
shearlings, 1020c; Tallow, good to
choice, 33c per pound.
The IMercliiindlse Mnrket.
Coai. Oiir Quote : $2.20 per case.
Kick Quote: i5.75(i0.00 per cental
Picklks Quote: $1.5) 5s; $1.31 3
Cka.viikkiuks Quote: Cape Cod, $1J
per barrel.
Salt Quote: Liverpool, $17, $18. If;
stock, $ll12 per ton in carload lo a
Coffkk Quote : Costa Rica. L'c;
Rio, 25jc; Arbucklo's, roasted,
per pound.
Bkans The market is firm. Quote:
Small Whites, 3c; Pink, 3o; Kayos,
44c; Butter, 4c; Liinas, 5e per
SuoAits Quote : Golden C, 43.fc ; extra
C, 5e; dry granulated, Olgo; cule
crushed and powdered, Oc per pound.
Dhiko Fuuits Tho market is firm.
Quote: Italian Prunes, 12c; Pe
tite and German Prunes, lOcper pound;
Raisins, $2.25 per box: Plummer-dried
Pears, 10(2,llc; sun-dried and factory
Plums, ll12c: evaporated Peaches, 18(3
20c; Smyrna Figa, 20c; California Figs,
9c per jound.
Canned Goods Marketsteady. Quote:
Table fruits. $2.00, 2k.s; Peaches, $2.50,
Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.(55.
Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $22.50;
Blackberries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55;
Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.00. Pie
fruit: Assorted, $1.50 per dozen ; Peaches,
$1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05
per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25
1.50. according to quality; Tomatoes,
$1.153.50; Sugar Peas, $1.40i.G0;
String Beans, $1.10 perdozon. Fish: Sal-
inon, $1.251.50; sardines, 80cC?$1.00;
lobsters, $23; ovsters. $1.5003.25 per
dozen. Condensed milk : Eagle brand,
$8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75 ;t
unampion, !f, per case.
Honey Quote: One-pound frames,
Naii.s Base quotations: Iron, $3.00:
Steel, $3.10; Wire, $3.90 per keg.
biioT t.uoto: fi.7o per sack.
The Aleut Market.
The market is steady.
-nve, SGe-lc; dressed, 7c
Mutton Live, 44c; dressed, 8c.
Hogs Live, 44c; dressed, (Jo.
Veal 58c par pound.
Quote: Hams. J0c: Breakfast Racon.
9llc; Sides, 910o; Lard, 9?.fo per
A !K Philosopher.
Not long .since I hud an excellent op
portunity of observing one of tho rovers.
I nm not learned in rani no varieties,
but should suppose he was somo kind
of mongrel terrier. Anyhow, ho was
nn odd little creature, with body de-
idedly long in proportion to tho legs,
with a gray and brownish coat, which
was so thin as to give him a mangy
look, and, lastly, with u moist, (senti
mental eye. If dogs had their religious
sects ono would set litin down as a
Methodist. Ho belonged, with two
other doL's, to a friend of initio, who
used to bring them to my hotiso when
picking mo up in his morning walk.
Tho odd littlo creattiro contrasted
strongly with another of tho trio, who
was about his own size, in tho sedato
ness of his maimer and his philosophic
indiiToreiico to small can i no worries.
Thus it was not uncommon to see
his companion mentally upset by tho
sight of u butcher's cart proceeding, ius
ho no doubt thought, at an indecorous
ly wild pace. Or his usual sorenity
would now and again bo rudely broken
by tho appearance of neat, or even tluit
apparently harmless creature, tho cat's
victim, the sparrow, which ho would
pursue in a frenzy of rage, leaping in
impotent wrath underneath tho treo to
which tho uiinblo littlo ureaturo would
naturally betake itself for shelter.
Nono of theta) things moved our ca
nhio philosopher. Ho paid not the
slightest heed to his companion's vio
lent ruslnngs mid barkings. As became
thinker, his voice was rarely heard.
I have soon him set tion by his more
mercurial companion in a lit of ob
stn.'Krous jocosity, yet with admirable
self reatnUnt ho would sutler himself
to In) barked at, knocked against, und
even sorauibletl over, without uttering
tho slightest protest. It occurred to me
that, lilio a recent Hritish logician, ho
found tho racket of thotJreet favorable
to Dhlloaopliienl abstraction-
Two Wh.t for Stinitny,
"Do you soli hand pointed pictures horeT
askml a lank woman, in an avenue picture
"Yes, ma'am, we do." Rnfil the obliging
plcturo dealer, rolling hi hands a la Lady
Mnclieth. "any particular styleT
"You betl Particular style is just what
I'm after Some folks out our way bought n
picture here that hung two ways for Sun
day That's the kind I waut."
"Two ways for Sunday! I don't think I
understand you. mp'ora."
"You don't look ns if you did. Wall, when
they fust got it thev hung it up and it wos
the nicest pictnn- nf nil out rn-s. You ever
soe n real haud painted land escapeF'
"Yes "
"On Sunday they turned It up side- down,
and it wos one of them foreign cathedral
churches, with fourteen steeples and a re
ligious atmosphere. Now, I wont ono just
like it, for if them stuck up Poppers can have
one, i can. Trot It out."
The picture dealer struck a compromiso on
one that represented n fire scene In winter,
and on ice palace in summer, but he said it
was a close call. Detroit Free Press.
It l)w Not Always Work.
Here aro two stories of Maine sheriffs. Tho
first was a little Aroostook man, and one day
ho went with n warrant to arrest a certain
farmer. He found him in the field and made
known his errand. "All right." said the
farmer, a big burly fellow, "I'm ready." and
with that ho lay down at full length on the
ground. "IJut you don't expect me to carry
you, do youf" asked tho sheritr. "Certainly,
you must take my body, you know." "Will
you wait till I get a teamf "Can't say,"
and the upshot was that tho sheriff went
back without his prisoner Tho other sheriif
was a Franklin county man, likewise, small,
hut plucky Ho was sent to arrest a notori
ous offender, a ','00 pounder, and found him
on tho hillside. Grinning at tho ofllcer. he
lay back on tho grass, saying, "If you get
mo you'll have to tako ma" Quick as a
wink tho sheriff grabbed tho fellow by his
feet and started down hill with him as fast
as ho could go. and the bumping tho big man
got soou shook ull tho fun out of hirn and he
begged to be allowed to walk quietly by tho
side of the sheriff. New York Sun.
Worthy n Moiuiuiont.
"Say. undertaker, 1 want to buy tho finest
cofflii you have."
"Who's deadT
"Old Aunt Eliza, tho colored woman who
lived south of tow n. Sho was over 115 years
of ago."
"How did sho come to dief
"Sickness and poverty."
"How is It that so line a coffin is wanted T
"Oh, the gruletul neighbors contributed to
it. You see she never claimed to have been
a servant todeorge Washington." Nebraska
State Journal.
I'llidslilii:: ii liny.
"Bohby." said hi mother sternly, "you go
Into the back yard and stay thero I'll teach
you to open the trout gate without permis
sion." Hobby went Into the back yard, and was so
quiet and good that at the end of an hour his
mother relented and told him that he could
play on the sidewalk a littlo while if ho
wouldn't go into the Mxeet.
"Ma," he said, "ean't I play In the back
yard a little while longer" New York Sun.
In flrnnt l.uck.
Friend Was your uncle's will satisfactory
to you. Brown?
Brown Perfectly so. I'm a lucky dogl Ho
left his entire fortune tonu insane asylum.
friend iou mean that you aro an un
lucky dog.
Brown No. I don't: tho other relations are
going to contest tho will, and I'm to be the
attorney. Life,
Plans are being drawn for seminary to
be erected by the Sisters of the Good
i Shepherd at Ballard, Wash. The build
ing will cost about $IU0,0l)0 and will ac
comodate 500 pupils besides quarters for
the Sisters. Work will be commenced
early in the spring.
Tho marshy, overflowed lauds, eunkeu lots ami
lmlf-biibmerKed river banks, which give them
birth, the peed of malaria Impregnate tho air,
and are inhaled at every breath by thousands
unprovided with any adequate safeguard against
tho baneful Influence. Yt-t such exist polent
alike to remedy or to prevent, pure in its eon
stituents, aud the professionally recognized sub
stitute for the hateful druit, quinine. Its name
is llostetter's Stomai h Hitters, a family specific
uud safeguard, foremost not only as an antidote
to malaria, but also s a means of permanently
removing dyspepsia and relieving cousilmttiou,
over complaint, rncumatism, Kinney ami mau-1
der ailments aud nervousness. Among iuvigor-
....... 1 , .. I-.... .....1 to .. u.. 1
appetizer, Use it systematically.
Tho Lougton (Knu.) 27m n has thU Interesting
item: Our mother has been very sick (he past
week, but we think she Is better this morning.
We ofl'er Ono Hundred Dnllars' Iteward for any
case of Catarrh that cauuot bo cured bv taking .
Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. C'HKNKY it CO.,
1'rops., roieuo, o.
We, the uwderslgned.have known F J.Cheney
for the last 15 ) ears, and believe him perfectly
honorable la all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by ,
their firm. WKSV & TIUJAX.
WVinlnmln TlMUM-lif u Tnl.uln O t
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall'f Catarrh Cure U taken luUruallv, acting I
directly uiou the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. I'rlce, 75 cents per bottle. l?old by
all druggists.
Alio will go a long way, but the sender usually
has to pay tho freight.
It I, IN I).
nr. I. a Grange wishes to matte known his Sew
Treatmtnl for tho cure of all disease of the Eye
Cataract, Defective Vinton, Inflammation, ete ,
v Ithout Operation or l'aln The remedy ran be
applied by the patient, aud Is simple, safe and
stuu lu its etlerts, strengthening the muselcd
and nerves of the eve. removing pain almost In
stantaneously. It is a marvelous discovery and
a blessing to the sufferer.
for further particulars address with stamped
envelope It. J. I.i (Shanqk, M. I) , '.' 5 Powell St.,
fourth door from Oeary, fc'uti Krantiseo, Cal.
It wero easier for a camel to get through the
ueedlo'H eyo than for the average man to get the
eud of a thread through.
Ah a euro for sore throat and conglm
''ttroim'ti Itronchiul Troches" have hen
thoroughly tedted, aud nmluUln a good
re putatlon.
Never do to-day what some ono else will do for
you to-morrow.
All that we can say a to tho merits of
Dobbins" Electric SoaD palo into nothing
ness before the atnry It will tell you itself,
ot Its own erfect quality, It you will lve
it one trial. Don't tako Imitation. There
are lots of them.
ISick has noticed that It Ukes two to make a
bargatu, bui thai nuly one can get the best ot it.
To Til-Kmtok: l'lco inform your rvadors
that 1 havo podllvo remedy for tho above
named dlM'&tu. lly iu timely no IhoumnJs of
hu-o'e cans have boeu pormnnelitly cured. 1
shall bo glad to uud two bottle of my remedy
frctt to any of yuur reader Mho havo consump
tion if Ihey will tnd mi) their exprru aud po.l
otllct) ddrv. Htstpertfully,
T. A. hWCk'M. If. '.,
IS '-! itfvt, .Vow Voik.
Pewaroof Imitations of the rlcUUJ Bud of
North Uwollu I'll if Cut Tvbccu,
i n p
Copyright, 1600.
JIclp yourself
you're a sufTorinir woman, -with
the medicine that's been prepared
especially to help you Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It will do it
where others fail. For all the dis
eases peculiar to the sex dragging
down pains, displacements, and other
weaknesses, it's a positive remedy.
It means a new life, and a longer
one, for every delicate woman. In
every case for which it's recom
mended, it gives satisfaction. It's
guaranteed to do so, or tho money
is refunded.
It improves digestion, invigorates
the system, enriches the blood, dis
pels aches and pains, produces re
freshing sleep, dispels melancholy
and nervousness, and builds up both
flesh and strength. It is a legiti
mate ?neh'citie not a beverage.
Contains no alcohol to inebriate ;
no syrup or sugar to sour or
ferment in the stomach and cause
distress. As peculiar in its mar
velous, remedial results as in its
composition. Therefore, don't be
put off with some worthless com
pound easily, but dishonestly, ro
ommended "to be "just as good.""
Cured in Twenty -Allimles.
Last month Mr. Isaac Livesay of Min
ier came to l'eoria to have Dr. Toel
remove u cancer from his breast, which
had heen growing for three years right
over the breast Ixme and measured '2,
by 4 inches. Mr. Livesay, who is orer
7o years old, was very much prostrated
by "the pain the cancer caused him, bt
as soon as the operation was over he de
clared that all puin had left him. The
operation was performed without the.
loss of a fingle drop of blood by means
of electricity and lasted about twenty
minutes. Jlr. Livesay returned home oh
the day he was ierformed upon. Call.
IJr. Toel is now located in Portland.
The cancer, with hundreds of other can
cers and tumors successfully removed by
him, can lie seen in his oiiice. T)r. Toel
studied in EurojK?, and is the only sur
geon in tho Northwest who operates br
electricitv without loss of blood.
Makes a specialty of Diseases of tho
Nose, Throat and Neck, Skin, Urinary
Organs; Female Diseases and all Surgical
Operations., as for Fistula, Piles, Strict
ure, Cancer. PolypuB and all other Tu
mors and Ulcers." Operations erformed
by means of electricity without loss of
blood. Otlice No. 70k Washington
street; corner Fourth, rooms 3, 4 and 5
Washington building, Portland Or.
Can now cure himself of tliedeplorableresultsf
i-nrlj- abuse, aud perfectly restorehis vijfor
ami vitality bv tho Great Australian Itemedj.
The reiuarkaliln 'U'-n of hopeless cases ef
Nervous Debility and PrHuU- Oomplutiit
nre ever) where stamping out quackery. TUe
Medicne, a physician's gift t siitl'erlng human
ity, will be sent free to those afflicted. Ad
dress UK. It. A. l,l!tVIS,
10j Kearny St., Room '2, San Francisco, Ctl.
Protect Vo li r Trees from S milium. Itorori..
(Patent applied lor)
died lor) At a cost of irom 1 to 2 ct.
is the only perfect Tree Protector antf
Per tree. It is theon
is being used by manv of the largest erowern iu
the U.S. Waterproof, adjustable aud convenient
saves time, trouble and expense. Write lor sam
ples. I'Ai'im-ieoi i, 'Ai'i:iuu o'acifie
Coast Agents, 30 and 32 First Street, S. K Cat.
Hied Isthnnrknnwlp1efl!
I leading remedy for all tb
Unnatural discharges and
private diseases f men. A
certain cure for the debili
tating weakness peculiar
hi omen.
Tnrnafr holtanrl f rwil nnf(
I THtEviNSCHMinlCo. in recommending It to
J'.NCWNMI.O.fBPns u sunerera.
bold by Draperlsl.
1'IUCE 01.00.
iCnresolliirinatiiraldlschnrcesof mon
VflllWP mull-r uf how longstanding. 1'ie
I UUIIU vents stricture, it being u i lntermd-
.,-.,ti . ,,,,-n m iu-ii rveryinmg citv
luw failed. i'rlee.tfn.OO. Ctroularett
,upnhcatlun bi Id by Drugglststirsent
ion ree pt nf price by The A. yclioen
in ' Miitl' lne f-o , Sinn Jose, Oil
Qencral and NERVOUS tiktitt ttv.
3 1 ilff11'" of Body anu Mind, EtfecUi
lUMIOIIIiriillT llli,r.d. ll ,A.I..
Hobuti, Noble
ib.olultlr u.,fll(,,p IIO-QK Tltt''Vr-llfafltli In n dl.T
rr ImIIIj rrui SO Stitrt ut t'arrlro ( oaolrln. ITrlls tliu..
Diurlpllm l!iok, ripliuillon md.pioof. (krilfdlfm.
BltOOKf.V HOH:i liutU Ht,tt Mont-k-i'iueryi
Haiisonu- H F ; niniluctnl uu lwtb the
huropean und American ,l.,n Thl Hotel ! uD,Wr
the iiianuirenunt of t'Urlts MnnUoiuei r, and U Urn
Im faintly and Iln.lueiw .Men's Hotel in Han Vrau
Cisco Home, comfortu, cutilne uiirindjed, nrst-iliiw
service, hUlieet , of re,cttlMy suonuited
Hoard and room i day. M 25 to UU; uuvle room.
c.'iiu tol.(Wir uight Free coach to aud from tlw
J-ivOPLB wrtt lr tn illiuUtsWI
uintly iir uu purytcfcj in ikiUi
tumor ariwrK
kl-l H...X.i.r. ..I . . 1
ctftwoic tyttL, etux luiitf, MuUil mr.ut. UTot
huhuiiril all t 7. ...... ...T rV7,.W
". Tr'i, ,r""lr lor atuta cwaj.UluU. Tu prM lu uJriU
t, lUa rruuik.- ci, tiMlvtu at, luuu utr, M
i pg9 Cu SUKlure
MPt VfMonWhf
m U.B.A.
1 M!
mm mui
Rocht Harbor Uni. PortUnd Ctmint, Col.
ln CiU id UUh Hl.itir. Hair. Fire brick,
nd Fire Clr. LAND HlAsIER.
uo .North front Hlrrel, Cor, I),
K V, N, V, No. 5178 -8, t, NT U, No4U