The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 12, 1891, Image 5

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ta Beirut.
Tiirrsn.y. mahcii 12. in.
On ncootmt "f tin clmngo nindi- In ihf
ni.niancitin' f tlii junior. nV wi (itint-- l.i"
up to .Inn It'i. 111. limit l-o settled wniio it
delay. Tlin-kiMwiiitf tlii'tiiclve i n ! t !:
cd tutlic papf ufi; ron.niil to com- l
and p.iv ns witlinut furilwr nrginu
A Paragraphic P.aord of. P.ooout Ha.yiftn
lays In and ArounU tho City.
Mim-troN tonlglr
KcniRinhpr tli Uvoitfin itilntroJs to
night. Dr. E. X. Norlli. our dentin, is oil th.
sick lit.
Fori'pnugh's grunt uirou will vbltdn-jron
this summer.
A. Summer, of t'ortlnttd, wii ill the City
last Saturday.
Scats arc celling rapidly for the nilritrt"l
show tonight.
Mr. l M. Collin was onn vis-it to Bukf-r
City last week.
E. P. McDauit'l, of tin Cove, was in the
city yosierdny,
L. Komillnrd and family moved o Im
Grande this "weok.
Baker City Inn Mibicrifoud ?:W90 for tin
Seven Devils wagon road.
E. V. Oliver, nf thuSandridge, made our
oflieea pleasant call yesterday.
The only plane U secure lirst-tjlus.i jolt
printing is at Tun Scour otilec.
Rev. Hugho lias moved into the liomV
formerly occupied by V'm. James.
II. C. Emery, wiio has been quite sick for
some time past, is able to be on our street
again. A jute bag factorv will be established at
the penitentiary at Walla Walla the com
ing summer.
Mrs. Dave Layne, who has been quite
sick for some time past, we are tileascd to
note is convalescent.
Hall Brothers, of Union, will now carry
the full line of Frank Brothers' Implement
Company's machinery. 3-12-lm
AV. H. McComns, formerly of the l'ondle
ton Tribune, came over Sunday and will
spend a few days in Union,
See the tine line of cutlery on exhibition
at Summers A: Layne'.s hardware store.
Their prices are astonishingly low.
City Marshal Johnson is suffering with a
severe cold and was compelled to take a
lay oil' for a few days this week.
All extras for repairs on 1'rank Brothers'
Implement Company's goods can now bo
secured ot Hall Brothers, Union. Oregon.
We are in hopes our citizens will not loo
all interest in the woolen mill. Such a fix
ture would be of great benefit to the town.
Do not forget that Hall Brothers now car
ry a foil and comple;e line of fanning im
plements, also wagons, buggies, carts, etc.
Wm. James and family have taken up
their residence in La Grande again, Mr.
James having go into the saloon busir.ess
Fine line of boots and shoes for the spring
trade just received at Vincent's this week,
also a line line of gloves, etc. Call and see
Do not forget that we aro prepared to ex
ecute all kinds of job printing on short no
tice, and at reasonable prices, We do tho
best work.
It is reported that Dr. M. Dittobrandt, of
Elgin, will take up his residence in this city
in the near future for the purpose of prac
ticing his profession.
The Mormons are immigrating in largo
numbers, to Mexico, where they have se
cured a large amount of land. They go to
live their religion they say.
Picturos enlarged to any size and finished
in any style at Jones Bros.' gallery. New
process. Cheaper than ever. Satisfaction
guaranteed in every instance.
At the city election in Elgin last week, J.
J. Donovan was elected street comnusMoncr
over W. II. Patten bv one vote and Patten
has tiled notice of contest, alleging illogal
Hall Bros aro erecting a large warehouse
in the rear of their store, which will bo
used as an implement house, they having
received the agency for Frank Bros. Imple
ment Co.
We arc in receipt of tho (seventeenth edi
tion of Copp's settlers guide. This valua
ble book will bo mailed to any uddross on
receipt of 25c. Addross Henry N. Copp,
Washington, D. C,
Tho east bound passenger was ditched at
a point near llilgard yesterday morning.
Wo are unablo to learn the particulars but
np to the times of going to press have re
ceived no mail from tho west.
II. J. Geor, of tho Covo nursery, ofl'ors for
sale for tho spring trade, sevoral thousand
plum and pruno trcos (moitly peach plum)
three and four years old. Prico 25c each or
20c by tho hundred. 3-Mm
You could not please your wifo and fami
ly better than to get ono of thoso nice Char
tor Oak stoves at Summers it Layno's. Thoy
keep a lino lino of them in stock. Don't
fail to call and seo them.
During sorvicojiin tho Mothodlst church
in Baker City last week tho congregation
was distitibod by tho crioaof a child, and on
invostigatlon it was found that somo ono
had plaood a little babe in n basket and st
it inside of tho entrance to tho church. It
is the bocond caio of tho kind that lia lwp
ponad during the past few month. The
youngntur wa taken caro of by the uilnht
tr. Tho rocant snow slide at Cornucopia and
the destroying of the I)vU A Howard mill
was a seore blow to those gentlemen, and
, has lft them financially ruined, as every
dollar they had was Invented In th - proper
ty. Dr. Howard is now In the eitv and, in
tonds glriug up mining and make a hol-.-of
ouio lunation for the proetioe of bt pro
fusion, ill many friends li e he will
noon retrieve 111 losi. Democrat,
You wiil mis a rare a1 d entertaining
treat if you do not j'Wt In no appeal am-'- at
the opera liouw tonight. The Georgia min
trel" are artists mid are noted fun-tnVer.
Junction t Ity had snothtr i ig fW- a few
day ago, tlutt destroyed three saloon.
jewelry, n shoe shop ami a barber
shop. This is the third lire lint town ha
hud in the lat thirteen months.
If yon arc in need of a ewiine machine,
cull on the'ove. aitent, Japer G. Stevens,
nod examine the New Home. They or ful
ly onual to any nnu hine nude, warranted
for nv years, n.i will tie " .Id on the eas
iest of term.
Ben IxniRley. V. H. Wise and O. McGow
en, of Kagle valley, were in the city the lat
ter imrt of Inst week. Mr. .otigley and Me
Gowen bad Ju-i returned from Portland
where they had beet: delivering ome tine
beef cattle from Kagle valley.
A urand St. Patrick's ball will be gien in
this city on the 17th of March by Mr. Geo.
Balrd, the prince of Torpsiehorcan amuse
ments. A grand time it promised all who
may attend as expensive preparations aro
now being made. Tickets $1.
Reports come in from every direction that
stock of all kinds is in ilne condition, and
that the loss will he lots than for many
years past. The prospects are plendid for
good range in the spring, and taken all in
all Kasiern Oregon is amo.ig the lavored
ones this year.
The bail of the man'lluti', now in the
county jail up.n tho charge of robbing u
man in La, has been reduced frnin
;? 1000 to $500. This was the result of a com
promise in the writ of hubon corpus ts-uted
in his behalf. The bail has not yet been
.New and novel. Stamji photographs,
gummed, ready to stick to cards, lockets,
watches, rings, pin?, fancy work, autograph
albums, books, letters, envelopes or hearts,
at Jones Bros.' gallery. Fifty forl. Call
and see samples. Also minette photographs,
beautiful designs, 20 for$l. tf
The bonnet social given by the Methodist
church at the residence of Mr. Swaekhamer
last Friday night was quite a success. The
novelty of the affair attracted a largs crowd
of our young people. The prizes for the
beU and poorest trimmed bonnets were
awarded to Prank Hall and George Ben
son, respectively. If George ever entertained
an idea of becoming a milliner the securing
of this prize certainly throws cold water on
any such aspiations.
J. A. Becker, asalaried prospector and ex
perienced miner in the employ of Portland
capitalists, was in this city Sunday on his
way to the Cornucopia gold fields. He has
unbounded faitli in the future of that sec
tion ami predicts that, ere many years, it
will develop into one of the greatest gold
producing districts in the United States.
The gentleman is also a linn friend and a
staunch supporter of Union, and through
his inlltience much trade that has heretofore
went to Baker is being diverted to this city.
The people of Eugene are considerably
excited just now about the Blue River
quartz mines. It was rumored on the
streets yesterday that one company had
been offered one hundred thousand dollars
for their interest. A colored man named
John Warren said yesterday that lie had
been ollercd ten thousand dollars for his In
terest. So it seems that somebody has con
fidence that money is to bo taken from
there in the near future. Tho distance from
the mines to Eugene is about ."0 miles.
To the Citizens of Union.
Mr. H. Hewitt, special agent of the fam
ous publishing house of The J . Dewing Co.,
San Francisco, Is in our city, and will ox
tend an opportunity for a few days to tho
citizens of Union to secure their ronowned
edition of the "Unrivaled History of tho
World,'' dating back from the earliest his
torical neriod down to the present time.
This is conceded to be the most complete
and i.utheutlc world's history over pub
lished. Tho work is illustrated with about
500 new engravings and (!2 full pago maps,
embracing the different countries. It is
complete in live large volumos of about
;500 pages, bound in full library sheepskin
for $27.50. Tho completesetof live volumos
will be delivered on a payment of iffl and the
balanco collected at the rate of $3 per
month. Every professional man and schol
ar ought to have this work as it is a library
within itself. Mr. Hewitt can bo found at
the Centennial hotel.
"All that mankind has done, thought,
gained or been, is lying, as in magic prou
ervution, within tho pages of books.'' Car
lisle. A Wonder Worker.
Mr. Frank HuH'mau, a young man, of
Burlington, Ohio, statos that he had been
under thocare of two prominent physicians,
and used their treatment until he was not
able to got around. They pronounced his
case to bo consumption and incurable. Ho
was porsuadod to try Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and colds
and at that ti mo was notable to walk across
the street without resting. Ho found boforo
he had used half of a dollar bottle, that ho
was much better; he continued to use it and
is today enjoyinggood health. If you have
any throat, lung or ehost trouble try it.
Woguaranteo satisfaction. Trial bottle free
at Brown's drug btoro, Union, Or.
God's Bloing to Humanity So Says an
Orogon Pioneer, Ninety Years Old.
FounsT GitovB, Or., March 10. I have
used the OREGON KIDXhY TKA and
obtained immediate relief. It la God's
blessing to humanity, I take ploaiuro In
rocomiuending it to the allllcted. I am
now nearly ninety yenra old, cnuie to Ore
gon in UH'i in the omploy of the Hudson
Bay Company, and since I began using the
OREGON KIDNEY TEA 1 enjoy good
Bueklen's Arnica Salve.
Tint ftwr btLVK in the warld for Cuts,
Bruies, Son", Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever
ftoies, Tetter. Chapped HuIkIs, hlllilalll",
Corn-. .Hid .'ll sl i !iiption-, und p"-i-ah.
ly uie I'iie-, .r ,.. pa) r. , i : r. .1 . It
km jiUfci'-uilwU tu g.iu 1 rfetil uW-i.i' I - -1
or money .'.funded. Price i cents per
tiex For nle at Hrnrrn' drug store.
A Chilli Bitten by n Doff at
Bsiker City.
Tfee Woolen 11U1 Dmmctive Floods
2s&ac Hl&U Pardoned free-for-all
Fight, Bto.
From a private letter shown us by Mr. H.
C. Emery, of this city, e learn of a horri
ble accident that happened l.iilie, the little
three year old daughter of Mr-. M. A. i'nw
ere, who u.-ides about throe mile- this aide
of Baker City, on .Saturday afternoon liM.
Mrs Pnwtr- had been on a vlit. to her
father here, Mr. iiinery, and returned home
Salurdu- . a id her husband lum left the lit
tle girl at home, and went io the depot to
meet hi wife, i nd when they returned
home were horrilieil to Hud that a large, vi
cious dog had entered the premises, and bit
ten the child severely In the face, breaking
the bridge ot its nose and left cheek bone,
and finding a horri'de car from eye to eye
The child bled profu.ely from the wound.
A surgeon was itn mediately summoned,
who dresed the wund. twentvthe stiich
es being removed, ami at ittt aeeount" the
little sufferer was doing as well as could be
expected under the circumstances, and it
is to be hoped that it will so-n recover, but
it is likely that an ugly soar wiil mark her
face as a reminder of the sad accident. We
have read of several accounts ot children
being bitten by do-s of late, and people who
own such dogs should be complled to keep
them cbained up or kill thorn.
There were warrants issued on Tuesday
last by County Judge I. X. Sanders for tho
arrest of Louis McMaugh, Hughey Lynch,
,1, Sharp and Benjamin McKeover, upon a
charge of intent to kill Jasper Mitchell be
ing the complainant. An examination was
had before the judue on Thursday In which
Louis McMaugh and llughey Lynch were
held to answer, with bonds plaued at ijSOO
each, which were given. The other two de
fendants were discharged. The difficulty
grew out of a misunderstanding had at the
annual School meeting In Antelope district.
It is unfortunate for the district that such
means have to be resorted to in order to
settle que-tions of such vital importance as
school matters.
Wo are pleased to note that the woolen
mill piojectis moving along nicely. Our en
terprising tov.'UMilan, Mr. . E. Katun, de
serves much credit for his untiring efforts
tu secure this much needed enterprNo, and
it now looks as thouudi his hopes will be re
alized. If wo had a few more men like Mr.
Eaton and Taylor Green it would be a God's
blessing to the town. Their work is not all
with their mouths, but on the contrary they
conic down with tho hard cash. There are
a few who would not like to see an enter
prise of this kind started here in Union for
the reason that it would help to build up
tho town, and thereby cause opposition to
their business, but enterprising men have
hold of the matter uud will no doubt succeed
in securing the mill. Time will tell who
aro tho enterprising and public-spirited men
of tho town.
Yt'MX, Ariz., March 7. Yuma presents a
scene of desolation. Krom tho hill at the
prison ono looks down on the ruins of al
most an entire city. The scene of the late
Hoods is of even a more desolate nature
than it caused bv a disastrous lire. Along
the Gila river the same woeful picture pre
sents itself. The total loss will reach al
most two hundred thousand dollars. The
railroad company lias nine hundred men at
work and the railroad officials claim that
thoy will run the lirst train Sunday; but
thero Is an immense amount of new track
that will have to bo built along tho Araby
Isaac lliatt, whom it will bo remembered
was sentenced to the penitentiary for life
for tho killing of a man in Washington
county, Diogon, in 1878, was pardoned on
Wednesday of last week by Governor Pen
nover, through tho recommendation of tho
district attorney who convicted him, and a
petition bearing many signatures. Mr. I II
att Is well known in this county, having re
sided hero a jiumber of years, and was al
ways considered an upright and honorable
citizen, and his many friends will be much
pleased to learn of his pardon,
A danco occurred a few miles from town
in which a froe-for-ull light was engaged in.
Tho row cominoiiced by a young man
throwinga pie while at suppor and striking
a young lady prosont in the face Tho In
sult was rosented by tho young lady's par
ent, uud the fun bogan which lasted about
an hour. Black eyes and bloody nones wcro
plentiful, and tho boys fought llko bulldogs.
At lust a Biker ('ity young man posscl
himself of a butcher knife and took pofSj.
sion of the lloor, striking seveial with tho
weapon before he wa disarmed, Ono man
rccoived a gash in the arm, another was
wounded in tho hand with the knife. Pan
deirioulum broke looso and the dance broko
up. Them may bo pleasure in such rows,
but fow would desiro to have it illustrated.
Baker Blado.
County Court.
In the matter of remitting the taxes of
J. L. Alberaou; all Uxea on property de
stroyed by tire remitted, and sherifF to take
credit for all except taxes on A00 mortgage.
Road petitioned for by J. W. Kltubroli ot
al; reinointraix e o rruled ; Wm. Pearson,
Clarence Wilson and John IShaw viewers,
Curtis, surveyor, to ium-I Maruu JU, 111.
In the matter of relief of Heuj. li. Winett,
a pauper ; $30 per mouth ullowed from Mur.
li till further order of court.
In the m it. ei ot ii , ! t of gr.iti 1 ju.y;
i ro.i.l- i ib 1 1 I , it ed.
' I i lie lua I . i lil l.i. ti , i 11,. nU of county
I j ..1 'ii ; ii i'a i y V i aw l by Jw-ttttf tun
t niiid for t ie urns un I clerk Instructed to
rorriMpoint nith Hall &i'e and Lock Co.,
Chi. 11. Dotld and other.
in the matter . f the petition i.f cit'aeiis ot
Elgin fur appropiltciori to Improve road
east of Grande Uolide river: continued fur
I.OKd petitioned for by i. Uaker et al;
Geo. HeiulBfoii. Henry Poster nhil A. P,
Greener, viewers and J. I.. Ctirti auneyor,
to meet on April 1st.
In the mutter ot reri of Ula len Ahhv
supervisor mad DWt. No. 21 ; .ipi'roved
In the matter ot protest of A. d Hep!
auai' st paying laxtn mi ibeold Tom Ktat
in place; disuii-sid proiest.
In the mutter of iietiuoii of W n B. Sar
gent to have money r. tui nod hitherto p-dd
on estray side; continued for term.
'in the matter of furnishing plat "i utili
ty roadf to road supervisors; disnit-M'.!,
Road petitioned for by W. 1). Arnold et
al; F. N. Arnold, Win. Sherod and P. J.
Strickiand viewers. J. I.. Curtis u v.yor.
In the matter of chance in the road pelt
tloiied for by Lou MahuffVy In her n
right; continued for term for petitioners to
rile bond In sum of vlOO to com costs of
survey, etc.
Koad petitioned for by J. C. O: ver et al ;
W. G. Htintet, .1. P. Halley and John Mor
rison viewer", J. L. Curtis surveyor, to
meet at Alieel, March Mth.
In the matter ol resignation ot ''. u,
Davis road supervisor; accepted and John
Blue pointed.
Road petitioned for by .las. Farley et al;
J. II. Norton, Jas. Graham Jr. and John
Elliott viewers, J. Ii. Curtis surveyor, to
meet at E:gin, March Kith, at 10 a. tu.
Iload petitioned for by 1). M. Tarter et al ;
A. P. Greener, Jus. K. Graham and George
Henderson viewers, J. L. Curt!-, surveyor,
to meet at Pi; e valley postolflce, on March
In tho matter of the appropriation on the
A. P. Greener road; ordered that appropri
ation heretofore made be held till eiders
on Turtor road make their report.
In the niutter of Catherine creek improve
ment; continued for term.
In the matter of Greener load; viewers
on Tarter road instructed to examine Green
er road mid report to the court which route
would be most practicable.
Itoad petitioned for bv E. W. Imbk'r;.las
Hendeishott, H. P. McDunie! and .1. Gcp
hart viewers. .1. L. Curtis surveyor, to meet
March loth, at Hendershott's house.
In the matter of remitting taxes of Wm.
Shaw on double mortgage assessment; taxes
remitted for the reason A. E. Eaton had al
ready paid taxes on same money.
In the mutter of remitting taxes of Wm.
Grant for ISO on double assessment on
mortgage; shrritl ordered to credit Grant
for same.
tu the matter of settlement with W. 1).
Arnold for work on roads up Grande Rondo
river; bill allowed.
Proabytcrian Church.
Preaching every Sabbath al 11 a. in. and
7 p. in ; Sabbath senool at 10 a. in; Chris
tian Endeavor Society, Tuesday at 7 p. in.
All are cordially invited to attend. We
urge parents to bring their children to
church that they may be nurtured in mor
ality and piety. W. J. ilroui:,
RIVERS KELLEY At the Centennial
hotel in this city, Wednesday. March 11
1891, Mr. II. D.'Rivors and Alivs Louise
Kelley. of La Grande, Rev. W. J. Hughes
Dt i;d.
PHY At her home near the Cove, March
li, at 1::10 p. m., 1801, Mrs. Maggie A., be
loved wife of, I. M. Phy, uged years, il
months and II days.
She was married to her now bereaved hus
band May 12, WM, She leaves to mourn
her loss a true, loving husband and six chil
dren three sons and thicu daughters. Her
father, mother and two sisters proceeded
her across the valley of the shadow of death,
tu the land of fadeless immortality. One
brother and four sisters still live to mourn
the loss of a truo and loving sister. Only
two of her sisters were permitted to be with
her during her hist sickness, Mrs. A J.
Goodbrod anil Mrs. Sarah Welch. Again
we aro remembered that "Time, like an ev
er rolling stream bears all its sous away."
Only 118 years of earthly life for an eternity
of never ending glory.
Wo may say of Sistor Phy "None knew
her Initio lovo her.'' When Israel was in
its glory and pride It was a custom among
its people when the great and good depart
ed this life, to salu e one another with the
words, " ICnow ye not that a great one has
fullon in Israel today V So we suy of Sister
Phy, a groat and loving wife, mother, sister
and friend has fallen today; has exchanged
the crosses ami tolls of a laud of death for a
home ''nut made witli hands, eternal in the
As a wife she was all the name and posi
tion indicated. She was true, loving and
watchful. To her, homo was tho dourest
spot on earth. She made home, "Homo,
Sweet Homo." Sho was u mother in tho
fullest sense. She ruled her children by
lovo; they never became too old orgrew too
largo to bo drawn close to inothor's great,
tender heart of love and feel an Impress of
a kiss that death and time cannot erase.
Krom such a heart and chuructcr, where
love and purity reigns, where God dwelt, no
wonder such a huiiio should be Hooded with
sunshine ami happiness. When Hearing
death's shadows she called tho father, chil
dren und relatives around hor bod, and with
such words as could only flow from a do
yotcd mother's lips, first culled the atten
tion of her heart-broken husband to tho re
sponsibility so soon to come upon him,
She then, calling her children to her side,
said, "Boys, I have triod to bo all a mother
could to you; now tout I am going to leave
you, promise mo that you will lie men,"
Than tenderly putting her arms about the
little girls, said, "Be good, kind and true."
Thn kissing them all good-by, resigned her
soul to the God she loved. Ho with life's la
bor d 'tie. patiently awaited the summons
tok .urt uud be forever with tho Lord.
butei Pay was com tried and joined the
31. K. church in lsod in whose communion
she lived und died. Her funeral services
were In Id in l he Kp'M oiml church, of the
oVe. utul ullemleil l a veiy Urge cole
course 1 lii 'Ui in .ii m."' was laid
Uil'ent In Uict in -T v u hi re W Said
good -by until Uiorswurrwuiiuu mum. "Hut
we shall still be Joined in hfurt and livn to
inefct again.'1 oak. M. Dnivtw
Scutf a critical tramp"! would s&y
jg Crusts of bread often come in. my Wax
But they're touarK now no more
g Where the Wire GuuzeDoor
Gives t he air m the oven f xri i play
2 Buy the CHARTER OAK,
vsTltlx th.s ""Z7ZZ3.'J2 Cr-."D"i3'El Ovoax:. SDocras,
jTCBf-We are sole agents for these well known Stoves and Banco. In BA1CIXG.
tiro superior to anv other so-called tlrst-cla-s stove made in America, and we ore now
Bolting them Iii:rilHAPKl' than any so-called llrst-class stove has ever been sold in
ISastorn Oregon.
They are Fully Warranted in livery Particular,
Thl is not an Idle ami valuless assertion, but a warrantee backed by the well known
integrity and reliability of the Charter Oak Manufacturing Go. EG?" We are also our
rying a "complete assortment of
All of the above
H a rclwa re
I TI rPl iVQ l-TOl Is in charge of a lirst-class workman, and all kinds
U H .L .LJL. O.JL1 V 1 of rcparing and job work done at reasonable rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Pall and examine our goods and prices.
SUMMERS it LAYNI3. Union, Oregon 1-I7tf
in i au,iij
i mm ffo
1 KM
W If Pill Ifliilfl!!
1 am overstocked in
Clothing, Dry Goods, and all kinds of Dross
Goods, wliich must be sold
Call Early and Secure
Tgt-Theso goods arc of the latest styles
and importations, but must and will be sold
at a sacrifice.
fjii,..i.f-ilre-i-.,.c..i-.....ii...,rjy i"iif.ijjjTinmmM.i.inf
I have now on the road from the east two
car loads of
Winch will arrive About March lath, and in
connection with what I now have on
hand will comprise the
of Furniture ever Brought to Eastern Oregon.
gjj&gDo not fail to call and select before
the rush. S. C. MILLER.
E. Bowker,
Kvcrythlng Find Clans. Terms Very Itensonablo.
'Bus to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Pass-
senger Trains.
f " tmt jrmstm
1 1 1 1 1 1 II M 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 rll
The Jones Bros., Photographers, Unkm,
Oregon arc now prepared to do liner Srjk
than ever before.
All work Kiiiirnnloeri to j;iv Kiitinuolion or no ohrgo.
M-.. iff)
ES3 -
reliable manufacture.
A Nil
'Tin. ware
Era mm fins m w
w rim nv
3 H mm s'.iW ft H R UJI
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