The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 26, 1891, Image 5

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X see niraln the sudden deck
Of sunshine on her dusty hnlr,
The round young curves of throat and neck,
Tho faded cown she iisoil to wear.
I feel her timid hand crow cold
Within my own. and hear again
Her shy, sweet nhUperoa of old:
"No. not good by' Auf nledcrrehen P
Tho gnarled, gray apple trees, astir
With little winds, let fall a raia
Of pinky bloom all over her,
Uotiio stepping thro' the long green lane.
The 'brush pipes uoMly, and ioel
Sh9 pauses with a wUtful smila
To wave n last farewell to me.
Still lingering hy the trystlng stile.
All, sweetheart) that was years ago,
And Time boon taught ua to bo wise,
To laugh at Love's poor, painted thow,
And look nt Life with clearer eyes.'
I joined long slueo tho cynic crowd,
You in a palace overseas,
A silken beauty, palo end proud.
Have no such memories as these.
And yet, somehow, I'd like to bo
A fool again, and jrt live thro
Tho days when yoti bflieved la me.
And I, poor lad. believed in you I
-II. W.
Tho Battlo of tho Flower3. tho first net
la thu Carnival drama at Nice, was at its
height Not entirely a bloodless battle,
ns Hurry I'rescott's noso testified, hit by
the stum end of n bunch, of bos and bo
draggled gilly .lower
Saucy, auuaciOits Lady Carriston held her
handkerchief to one eye, but tho other
was wickedly iinab;.'ied as usual, and sho
seemed in u fair way to avengo her in
juries by tho vigor with which sho sent
volleys of stocks, hyatiuth and narcissus
pclctnelo into tho passing carriages, tho
crowd, tho tribnno, and oven into tho ro
spectablo midst of tho municipal jury.
In tho crowded tribune, lavishly decor
ated with red calico, garlands, and Hags
of all nations, a thin youug man, with a
grand profile, sat with a half emptied
basket of palo Parma violets on his knees.
In tho long procession of gayly adorned
carriages, ho had eyes for ono only, a
dainty littlo Victoria transformed into a
fragrant bower of mimosa and mauvo
hyacinths. It enshrined au elderly lady
and an exceedingly pretty girl in "white
cashmero and palo gray fur, tho latter
tossing her bouquets, and avoiding the
strokes of those thrown en revanche,
with charming grace und vivacity. Al
though her aim was no surer than that of
most of her sex, many of her pansies
found their way into tho garrison of tho
young t.ian with tho lamed noso, perceiv
ing which he. with ecstatic delight,
squandered more than ono gold piece upon
roses and violets with which ho raked the
Victoria foro and aft.
As a farewell burst of music and a cold
wind creeping up from tho sea announced
that tho rovel was over Mr. Sydney Neal,
of tho statuesque features, was in a state
of mind to feel no astonishment had a
rosy cloud descended to whisk his goddess
away to 'icr native Elysian fields. As she
seemed nuui.t to take her departure from
tho promeimdo like ordinary mortals, Mr.
Neal collared a gamin picking up bouquets
from under tho horses' heels, and bade
him follow tho Victoria out of tho throng,
and report the hotel at which it set down
its precious freight.
"Avenuo Victor Hugo, No. 53," an
nounced tho young waif half an hour
later, his eyes big as saucers at tho un
usual sight of a five franc picco in his
grimy palm.
Tho Misses Bynner, plain, elderly and
eminently prudent in deportment und
stylo of dress, cudgeled their woll bal
anced brains for tho next threo days to
understand why a well dressed, distin
guished looking young gentleman found
tho contemplation of their garden and
front windows so particularly engrossing.
Alasl for tho carelessness of street Arabs
tho world over this young valet of Mr
Neal's selection had followed homo tho
wrong carriage, a discovery which plunged
that gentleman iuto tho deepest despair.
Doubtless whilo ho was making a fool of
himself staring the Bynner establishment
out of countenanco his divinity had spread
her wings and vanished to parts unknown.
In vain ho searched for her on tho prome
nade at tho Casino, at Monto Carlo and
all tho rallying places of fashionable idle
ness. Try'as ho might to forget them,
tho girl's "lovely brown eyes haunted him
with their half mocking, half caressing
winsomencss Wnking or sleeping, ho
saw only her graceful, slender figure in
its soft, white dress, enthroned iu fra
grant masses of tlowers Find her again
ho must, and break tho spell sho had cast
about him, or become her willing bond
slave for life, if sho so wished And yet
liow could ho hope to find her, not even
knowing her nawo? Tho thought was
"Aunt Helen, let us do tho Cornicho
road to-morrow if it is liue'" said Miss
Margory Mooio. tho object of Mr. NeA's
intemporatc admiration
"Oh, Margery dear, not during Carnival
week I Von have no idea of what prices
these rascally coachmen ask now, ami
such tricks they play upon us poor for
eigners Carnival timo excuses every
thing, you know Why. Lady Bellahy
told mo her donkey man mado her pay
doublo faro for going up Mouto Fabbro,
and then winked at tho donkey and made
him lio down till sho promised to pay
threo francs pourboiro to havo him en
couraged to got up Everybody says it is
very imprudent to go onywhoro till next
"Peoplo always havo a great deal too
much to say about alfairs not their own,
and Lady Bollaby is always floundering
among breakers where other people find
only smooth sailing." replied Miss Moore,
with decision. "Procrastination is such u
mistako; wo havo put off this trip dozens
of times, and I mean to go to-morrow or
"Very well: if you Insist wo will go,
but 1 think it very imprudent for two
ladies alono to tako such a trip during tho
ono lawless week of tho year."
"Nobody is so safo ns tho unprotected
foinalo abroad, my dear aunt; tho wholo
world feels Itself in duty bound to tako
caro of her. Trust to mo and you will
como to no harm."
Mr. Sydney Neal, feeling that a canter
over tho hills in tho delicious February
snnshino might calm his troubled spirits,
betook himself to tho remiso of Arlstido
Jolicceur & Son to cngago a horso. At tho
door of this establishment, patronized by
tho elito of Nlco, Mr. Neal beeaino aware
of a furious palpitation of his heart and a
sudden weakness at his knees. Issuing
forth from the a-sthetlcally furnished salle
d'attento ho beheld tho vision of his
dreams, his goddess Flora, with a great
bunch of carnations in ono hand and a
Directolro parasol In tho other. She gave
Mr. Noal a swift, comprehensive glauc
which seemod to tho credulous young
man to speak volumes; sho remembered
him, and was glad that fato brought them
together again, if only for a brief mo
meet. "llemoiaber. 10 o'clock promptly to
morrow morning. Monsieur Jolicceur,"
said the young lady, ns sho stepped out
into the bright sunshine
"Without fail, mmtamc; you may al
ways trust tho promises of Aristldo Joll-
cojur. your liumblo servant," replied the
horsey Adonis, with his hand on Ids stom- j
ach and a ravishing smile tilting up tho
ends of his waxed mustache "'.Mil theso
American ladies; they aro Indeed angels
of loveliness," the remiso proprietor con-
tinned, as Miss Moore und her companion I
disappeared through the tnassivo stono j
gateway "Such graco, such esprit, and !
so well bred! Nono of tho petty bicker- i
lug over a fair prico that peoplo of other j
nations permit themselves." ,
Thi3 eulogy was uttered for Mr. Neal's '
benefit, whom tho master of the remiso (
regarded with benignant suavity, know- 1
lug that ho had egregiously cheated two
of tho handsomo joung stranger's coun
trymen, ami scenting further prey in this
third representative of tho rich republic.
"Tlieso ladies, Mmo Leo and her
charming niece, aro going to drivo to
Mcntono to morrow, over tho Cornicho
road I hopo they will havo a lino day
Paolo shall tako them over by tho lower
road and return by tho Col du Tigro
There is stiil snow up there, but to-morrow's
sun will melt it, and it will bo safo
enough for tho return trip." i
"You aro a garrulous, specious old ras
cal," Mr. Neal concluded, mentally; "but
I'm immensely obliged to you for your in-1
formation." Then, after "agreeing to an
cxtortionato prico for his borso tho follow
ing day. he took his departure in tho wako
of tho fair bearer of tho carnations. i
Tho next morning at 10 o'clock sharp n '
roomv baroucho drawn by u well condi-1
tioned pair of white hor&es drew up bo
foro tho Hotel des Paltniers. A dignified
looking old coachman occupied tho box,
with a 10-year-old boy humbly ensconced
among tho horso blankets at his feet.
Mrs Leo and Miss Mooro mado them
selves thoroughly comfortable in this
vehicle, and set off upon their drivo over
tho magnificent highway, for tho building
of which the world owes a lasting dobt of
gratitudo to tho Corsican hero
"Now, you dear, croakiug old thing,
confess that you aro glad I persuaded you
to como today." said pretty Margery, pat
ting her aunt's plump, white hand coax
ingly "Ono should not sing before ono has
fairly entered tho woods," replied tho
elder lady, oracularly
"You aro really Incorrigible, aunt.
What more could you desiro'f Wo havo
good, gentle looking horses witli sound
legs; a patriarchal coachman with sobriety
and honesty graven on his serene brow;
and the weather could anything be more
perfect? Look at that gentian blue sky,
aud tho violet and palo green shades in
tho sea. and tho grim gray ribs of tho
rocks, and the snow on tho mountains
beyond, and oh, everything!"
Tho girl's eyes and cheeks glowed with
this purest, most of healthful pleasures
the enjoyment of an exquisite, varying
landscape seen for tho first timo. Tho
angry, volcanic crags peering over into
tho placid, deep blue sea, tho silvery
pallor of the olives contrasting with tho
dark, polished green of the fig trees; tho
daring sweeps of the road leading along
tho stony spine of tho mountains. Quaint
littlo villages clinging like a collection of
wasps' nests to tho rocks; vehicles of all
sorts, picturesque and elegant, passing to
aiid fro. Hero, a tiny, tinkling donkey
laden with green and yellow crockery
jars; there, the four horso break whisk
ing its load of curious strangers over to
taste the fascination of Monte Carlo.
At tho first descent of any importance
Jeanuot, tho littlo boy. jumped down
from tho box and applied a primitive but
effective drag to tho wheels a pair of old
shoes tied to stout ropes.
"I believed that young person was
brought along solely for ornament; I see
now that 1 was mistaken." said Margory,
with a gay laugh at tho shockingly bad
old shoes. It was so easy to laugh this
brilliant, invigorating morning
After luncheon at Mentone, in n pretty
garden close to tho sea, they began tho
homeward journey over the highest part
of tho road so appropriately named, cling
ing to tho serrated rock as a cornice fol
lows the Irregularities of a den tat ed roof
Always higher, past tho village of Rocca
Bruna, said to havo slipped down en
masso from u plateau abovo to its present
position Past Iva. with its melancholy
cluster of deserted cottages Hero and
thero tho ruins of a fortress perched
proudly aloft as an eagle's nest At La
Turbio. tho tower built ages ago for tho
worship of Jupiter, Jeanuot clambered
down again, and, pulling off his cap,
loosening at tho satno timo a crop of
glossy, dark curls, bade tho ladles good
night. Here, a branch road led away
from tho sea. over tho Col du Tigro, with
a view over n white world of snowy
mountains. Though carefully mended
and kept, after tho manner of all French
roads, this branch was rarely used except
for return carriages to Nice, tho slope be
ing u long, steep pull for upward bound
Tho dusk and quiet of evening became
very impressive among theso silent
heights, and .Margery drew closer to her
aunt in vaguo distrust of tho deepening
shadows Patches of half melted snow
began to appear on each side of tho way;
not u living creaturo was in sight, oi
sound audible, havo for tho occasional
whir of a bird's wings.
Alas, for Mr. Neal's plan for a canter
over to Mentouo as discreet outrider tc
tho object of his silent dovotlon, Miss
Margery Moore. Tho horso promised
him for tho occasion was brought home
lamo, and owing to tho press of tho car
nival season, unother animal such as Mr.
Neal required was not forthcoming.
"A power o' worrit with bosses and men
just uow," said tho English hostler at tho
Jolicceur stables, in reply to Mr. Neal's
stroug languago when ho found his plan
defeated. "I would not bo svrprised if
tho padrono sent out old Brix with a faro,
after all."
"Who tho deuce is old Brix?"
"Tho best driver In tho wholo raarltlmo
Alps region, but ho Is getting pretty old
now. lie has driven over tho road bo
! tween Nico und Mcntono for a matter of
forty years or more, and knows every inch
of tho way as woll as ho knows tho in
sido of his snuffbox. Ho Is still as safo as
a church, but thero is a kind of prejudice
against him becauso slnco tho past Dvo
years ho has been stono blind."
"Rather n drawback in a Jehu, partlcu
larly If his horses happened to bo frisky."
"If I was a party of fidgety old women,"
continued Mr. Toggery, with solemn em
phasis, "I would rather trust myself with
old Brlx, blind eyes and all, than with the
usual half tipsy roguo who tells a pack of
lies about tho locality, and goes to sleep
on tho homestretch but you can't make
those old wotneu thfnk so.
"No, 1 fancy not," assented Mr. Neal.
"I you want u good horso, sir, you are
euro to Cud ono at Martoryj go there by
train, rldo across tho valley and up over
tho Col du Tlgrc it's a pretty bit of
"I might me her on tho way home."
thought Mr Nr. I, as ho took leavo of
Mr. Toggery at: i tho remise.
"I wish there were not so many holes
and caves In tho rocks." said Margery;
"they aro such convenient hiding places
for brigands."
"Try to think and talk of something a
littlo moro cheering, my dear," said Mrs.
Lee, whoso mantle of timidity s-eemed to
havo fallou on Margery's shoulders.
At that moment thero was a sudden
roar llko thunder, and a huge picco of
rock, dislodged from tho mountain abovo,
came crashing down upon tho road. It
stopped not fifty yards ahead of tho car
riage, making a formidablo barrier whero
tho spaco was too uarrow to turn back
with safety.
Tho ladies screamed, tho frightened
horses hung back trembling and restive,
while tho old man urged them forward
closo upon tho great block of stono.
"Margery, is tho old fellow mad? IIo
seems to bo trying deliberately to upset
us! said Mrs lce. half under her breath.
"Stop! stop! not a step further, or you
will havo us all over tho precipice!" cried
Margery, seizing tho coachman's nrm.
Never till tho day of their death will
thoso two women forget tho horrified ex-
Eression of that white haired old man as
o turned Ills faco toward them and said,
in awestruck tones-
"Madame, for God's sako toll mo what
to do; I am stono blind, and I cannot seo
the danger beforo us. Tho good Lord for
givo mo for risking your lives."
It was indeed a trying situation; to ad
vance was impossible, and to turn back a
great danger for a blind man and two
frightened women No human being nor
habitation was in sight; darkness was
descending, and help hardly possible
from other carriages at so late an hour.
"What shall wo doV" was tho muto ap
peal in tho eyes of tho three unfortunates.
To spend tho night on tho mountain, in
tho Intenso cold, without food and in dan
ger from highway marauders was a
dreary prospect.
"Oh, that I had been willing to stay
quietlv at homo during carnival weckl"
cried Margery, dolefully.
"How dared you run such a great risk
in undertaking to drive us down tho
mountain when you cannot seo an inch
beforo your face?" asked Mrs. Leo, indig
uantly, of tho uow abject old man.
"Lady, I earnestly beg your pardon,
undeserving though 1 am. Tho fault is
all mine; M. Jolicojur Is not to blame. My
grandson, Paolo, was to havo driven you
over to Mentone, but last night a gentle
man offered him twenty francs to go to
Cannes instead. Paolo had a dream last
week that No. 1503 would win the prizo in
tho Marsac lottery; twenty frillies was
needed to buy tho series containing No.
803. Paolo let himself bo tempted, but I
am worso than he I, with my whlto
hairs, who ought to bo telling my beads
in a corner, instead of driving over tho
hills as 1 used to long ogo. But Signorn
miu, tho delight of feeling tho reins in my
hands again, aud tho fresh wind blowing
lu my facel"
"So you let Paolo go to Cannes and you
risked our lives for a paltry twenty francs
for one of thoso iniquitous lotteries,
too!" exclaimed Mrs. Leo.
"Yes, madamo; I'm ft very wicked old
man. Paolo drove away from tho Joll
cceur remiso tills morning with this car
riage. On tho way to your hotel I took
Ills place, with littlo Jeanuot to guido mo.
Tho road after La Turbio is usually safo
and quiet as a country lano. so I lot Jean
not off there, as his mother is ill in a cot
tago near by. Theso horses and I havo
steady heads and aro at homo on theso
roads. Ah, mo! old Brlx, tho king of
drivers on tho Riviera, has lost his crown
uow and proved himself an old rascal.
But. madamo. the demand for men was
great; theso carnival days make fools or
villains of us all. I have never played tho
roguo beforo, and, tho blessed Madonna
helping me, I wKl not do it again."
"In tho meantime wo aro to stay hero
on tho mountain to-night, ca' clung our
death of cold, if no worso fato overtakes
us," said Margery, hopelessly.
"Is not that tho sound of a horso's
hoofs?" suddenly interrupted old Brlx,
whoso ears wero sharper than thoso of
peoplo blessed with sight.
Tho old man was right, and presently a
horseman was seen approaching at a
spanking paco round tho brow of the hill.
It was Sydney Neal, who had ridden
across tho "valley as Mr. Toggery had ad
vised, and by Inquiring at La Turbio.
had followed tho carriago, instead of com
ing to meet it, ns lie had at first planned
Margery sprang forward to meet him
with n wclcomo as eager as If ho had been
an old aud valued friend for years. After
ward only, sho blushed a little at tho
memory of how sho "had seized his arm
with both her hands, and begged him to
contrivo some means of rescue.
With a man's nerve, cool head and
fortunately sharp oyes, It was no very
difficult matter to unharness tho horses,
turn the carriago round, by tho united
efTorts of tho company, rcharness and go
back to tho first comfortable lodging for
tho night.
Thanks to tho Intervention of tho big
stono. Svdnov Neal was enabled to as-
! sumo in ono short hour tho rolo ho so cov
eted, thnt of protector anu menu, to tuo
beautiful girl ho had learned to love.
Old Brlx escaped tho punishment ho do
served; nay, worso, Neal was weakly in
dulgent enough to send tho old fellow n
favor, to wear at his wedding with Mar
gery, tlireo mouths later. Lucy Blake In
Frank Leslie
A Visit to Gibraltar.
Beforo saying adieu to Spain tho trav
eler should pay a visit to Gibraltar, that
wonderful key to tho Mediterranean. Tho
fortifications, which aro almost Impreg
nable, wero begun In A. D. 711 by Takik,
tho Moorish conqueror of Spain, and havo
been added to and Improved on from tuno
to timo over slnco.
Thero Is alwayB an English regiment
stationed at Gibraltar, and u good deal of
pleasant gayoty goes on, but tho place is
I unuer martial law anu mo gates aro rig
I Igly closed at 8 p. m. Perhaps if tho sea
son is winter or cany spring mo iruveicr
may cross over to Algeria and Tunis, to
feast on dates und tho littlo mandarin
oranges aild to gazo wonderingly on tho
cosmopolitan population, tho wandering
Bedouins, fresh from the desert, tho half
wild looking Zouaves, the swarthy Moors,
und amongst theso eastern personages n
goodly sprinkling of European ladles, In
tho most elegant of Parisian toilets, and
men In light and ulry costumes. Cor.
San Francisco Chronicle.
College "Tree Planting."
Ivy planting and tree planting mako
collego commencements tho truo timo of
"arbor days." Somo lovo for trees may
bo tho result of tho ceremonies, and arbor
day orators may bo produced from th
graduating classes.
' Higher Thnn Oltderoy'd Kite."
To b "hung higher than Gllderoy's
kite" means to bo punished moro severely
than tho very worst of criminals. "Tho
greater tho crimo tho higher tho gallows"
was nt ono time a practical legal axiom.
Hainan, It will bo remembered, was hanged
on a very high gallows. TL gallows of
Montroso was thirty feet high. Tho bal
lad says:
Of Ollderoy sac frnld they waro
They bound him mlcklo strong,
Tull Kdltiburrow they led him thalr,
Aud on a gallow hong;
They hong him high aliono tho rest.
He was so trim a boy.
They "hong him high nbono tho rest" bo
cnuso his crimes wero deemed to bo mora
heinous. So high ho hung, ho looked llko
"a klto In tho nir." Notes and Queries.
Advitiitngn of l.xpnrlcnco.
Exchango Editor William E. Curtis
says that South American musqnitocs will
nttack a boat and drivo captain and crow
from the deck, besides breaking windows
by their fierce onslaughts. Shall I make
n'noto calling attention to tho absurdity
of that story?
Able Editor N o; it might bo true.
Guess you never visited nn eastern sum
mer resort. Omaha World.
If you havo ever used Dobbins' Klcctrlc
during the 21 years it has been sold, jou
know tint it Ih th Ix'st and purest, family
soap made. If jou haven't tried it, ask
your grocer for it vow. Don't take imita
tion. There nro lots of them.
A Ha'f-Mcmory. Teacher "Who discovered
America?" Street (!amln (after deep thought)
"I dlsrememlier his name, but ho was u Diigo."
The physicians of Berlin assert that
their practice has fallen oil' 25 per cent,
since Koch's operations began, and con
sequently they demand from tho govern
ment free lymph.
"I'm hoping for omcthlng to turn up," he raid.
As he entered her Iiouko to propose,
And M'nrco had he made her an otVcr to wed
Than sho spitefully turned up her nose.
William W. B. Miller, Deer Lsdg. Mon
tana, writes:
" 1 have been using UiiANDitirni'a Pn.i.s
for tho last thirteen years, and though I
havo had nine children, I havo nover had
tv doctor In tho house except three tlnic,
when we had an epidemic of scarlet fever,
which wo soon nanished by aigorous use
it Bhandukth's I'im.h. I have used them
for mysulf, two or three a night for a
month, for liver complaint, dyspeptla and
....... tti.nttsMt I,, illnrrhin prmnitri. wind
l.UH-.ll('i l"in ..' I
colic, indigestion, oneortwo l-itANDinrrit s
Pn.i.s llxi d tho children at. once. A box or
..ill., (o ..II il,., tn.xllMiio nlnwt. u-i riHillircl
in the house. Wo in-o them for rheunia-
tlsin.cotds, catatili.l illoiisiiessatm impure
blood. They never have failed to cure a 1
the above complaints In a very few days."
A l'roper Correction. "When you date a letter
wrone do von rub out tho error or rewrite the
letter?" "Neither. When I Hud KVJO nt tho top
I simply write --1.
About to visit some section of country, whero
malarial disease, either in tho form of ehll sand
fever or bilious remittent, vns particularly rife,
what would bo about tho best advice you could
give hint? Wo will tell you to carry along or
piocuru on arriving that potent medicinal safe
guard, HoMetter's Stomach Hitters, known
throughout malaria-plagued regions, hero nnd
lu oilier countries as the nurest means of dis
arming the mlaimatlc scourge and robbing it of
its fell dchtrucilvo influence. Not only does it
fortlfv tho syhtem by Inm-asing Its stamlnii, but
overcomes Irregularity of digestion, tho liver
and tho bowels, and counteracts the unfavorable
ellVcts of overexertion, bodily and mental expos
tire In rough weather, or occupation too seden
tary or laborious, loss of appctlto anil excessive
nervousness. Tho functions of alimentation,
bilious secretlou and sleep have lu It a most
powerful aud rellablo auxiliary.
"I've been waiting here awake threo hours
till you came home." "And l'vo been waiting
threo hours in tho saloon, until you wore
asleep." .
Wo positively cure rupture and all rectal dis
eases without pain or detention from business.
No cure, no pay; and no pay until cured. Ad
dress for pamphlut Drs. I'ortertleld A Ixisey, 838
Market Btrect, Ban Francisco.
"What aro the agricultural products of Ire
land?" Tommy "Potatoes and Irish bulls."
T''o good reputitlon of "Brown's Bron
chial Trovheu for the reliei ot CoukIim,
Colas ami Throat Diseases has given them
a favorable notoriety.
nun I'nlnt of View. "Mr. Miller died last
night." "He was really right. It costs too
much money to live nowaouys."
Bewaro of Imitations of tho celebrated Beal of
.North Carolina 11 tig Citf Tobacco.
Tby Gebmra. for breakfast.
Don't chase a He, but puisuo tho liar with all
your energy.
Let every enfeebled woman
know it! There's a medicine
that'll cure her, and the proof's
positive l
Here's the proof if it
doesn't do vou cood within
reasonable time, report the
fact to its makers and get
your money back without
a word but vou won't do it !
The remedy is Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and it
has proved itself the right
remedy in nearly every case
of female weakness.
It is not a miracle. It won't
cure everything but it has
done more to build-up tired,
enfeebled and broken
women than anv other
cine known.
Where's the woman who's
not ready, for it? All that
we've to ' do is to get the
news to her. The medicine
will do the rest.
Wanted Women. First
to know it. Second to use
it. Third to be cured bv it.
The one comes of the other.
The seat of sick headache
is not in the brain. Regulate
the stomach and you cure it.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets arc the
little regulators.
CoguiLLK Cnv. Or., Dec. 31 IcOO.
T. Kugeue Jordan, M. D., Seattle. Wash.
Dkau Slit: It has been t-otne timo
1 wroie a letter to you. but I have been so
well thnt. it lias not I en necessary. You
temenilKr when I iIim wrote you in May,
1SSU, I was in a fearlul condition w hh; n
complication of troubles. I could not
stand on my feet live minutes nt ft time
unless walking around; it teemed ns my back would bienk apart. You
remeiulcr that I had au eulaiged lung or
n buuch under try ahott libs on the left
side, find it seemed to me as though I
would smother to death. I also had liver
and stoninch trouble. Iu fact, my hea'th
was couiplcttly btoken down so lhat I
wouhl have been much better dead than
alive. Could not do any housework at all.
Now I am getting o htout; my side does
tuit trouble me, and I can do all my house
work, washing and all. I'lense publish
my testimony in aiy cf jour books or pa
pers, as I was just as bad as anyonecould
be and get wed. Theio are a gie it many
weakly people beie that I know your med
icines would cure if they had them to
take, and I a'.t sure if it was near hero so
that il could bo procured they would take
it, as all know how much I have sulTA-rcd.
I Le to remain
Veiy icspictfullv,
Jlits C. C. Mi:yi:us.
Dit. Joudan's oliice Is at the residence
of ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and .lumen.
Consultation and prescriptions absolute
ly KitKi:.
Send for free book explaining the Illsto-
genetic system.
Caution. Iho Histouenetic Medicines
aiesoldinbutoiieaKeiiey in each town. The
label around tho bottle bears (he following
inscription: "Dr. J. ICuitene Jordan's His
tcgemtic Medicine." Every oilier device
is a fraud.
It Will Hei over "lie's a disgrace to his
name. ' "What Is his name?" "Mnltli."
lu iii.triMi... ..-Ill Liir.tlt- tli.btrot- tli.i tiiliui of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering It tliiough tho mucous aiulaces.
Such articles should never to ued except on
prescriptions liom leinuable physicians, as the
daui'ige they will do Is tenfold to tho good on
can possiuiy uerive iroin iiiem. nail s v. ii'arru
Cure, tuiwiufactiirod by K. J. i:hcuo A Co.,To
leuo, (., ti.-ntalns no mercury, unit is taken In
ternally, and nets dlrctly upon the blood and
,, ..n. .ni-riifii.. i.f tint ui-uI.iiii III I.iivIml- KiiII'm
Catarrh L'uiube sure you get the genuine. It la
uiKcii iiiiennuij miu inuuu ill xuicdu, u.t i
J. Cheney Co.
toy- soid by druggists. 1'iicc, 7," eents per
bolt I e.
18 II1U Street,
Sau Francisco, Cab,
April 23, 1890.
"Having been soro
ly aflllctcd with rheu
matism, my mother
and daughter with
oro throat, wo have,
by tho uso of St. Jacobs
Oil, been cured."
Louis Imhaiu.
EUcnvIllo, N.Y.,Jan. 0, 1830.
I suffered with neuralgia, bought a bottlo
of St. Jacobs Oil and soon recovered. I treated
a sprained anklo with samo results."
Tnoa. M. Yaw GoitDEit.
Baltimore, Md., Dee. 19, 18S9.
I sulTcrcd a long time with solatia pains in
tho hips; found no relief till I tried SU
Jacobs Oil, which completely cured me.
Ciias. A. I''U1?UA.
Promptly and Permanently
( mi be miiilci'HHllv b
raising chickens, Our
lar ! h:'-pagfl llius
trat d catalogue tells
all about
II (indcis, what to feed
chickens, In fact all
the secrets of the
chicken business. If
ye n only keep hnlr n
dozen hens, )im need
this hook. It gives
moiu Inforina lion
tli ii many of the
bucks sold at 'Hi cents
e cml It fico mi re
ci-lnt of ! rents In
slnmpstn pay postage.
W'n ivlll send postpaid, 18 hand-onio
tlcturi'H of bi'iiiitlfiil actresses lu tlithlx
'or 10 cents. Full llgure. Cabinet size.
All illirerent. Naturo'B lleuutyrevcaled.
This offer for 10 days only. J. It. Hay
e.f' ltnr Sinn .ruiii'lHr-fi.f?iiL
Manilla-Leather Roofing.
The cheajiest thing In tho market for houses,
barns, Icehouses and outbuildings. Write for
catalogue and samples.
PACIFIC ROLL PAPER CO., Pacific Coast Ageut
80 and 82 First street, San Francisco, Cal.
Qroat Romody
Thnr will yield for you, OATH lSfjbuJ WHEAT 0 bo.,
llAllUIV 60 bu., C'OH.V loo lm, POTATOES too la. jwr a.
rVSrud Scent for sample farm svedi krul catalogue,
UTHerul to. f or pkir. "Acme Itudleh" anil cli-fpint cutlff.
Our Catalog ie the fluent ever publUhed la America.
Oa Trial i Ura-ffa. Kanlest VeKi'taliIaHeeai.rt imI.SI.
IS iiki;. Kli-irarit riowvriteeUe, iwat paid, M l-vata.
ItV-Iiw Frvkcht to I'aclflo Coast
1 Chichester's English.
I n . . t . I. I I .1, ''..)... ....
r.a.ll....- a.k li,i...l,t fur f'Afaa...r'e
All iillU la pe,itard boiei.i'lua wrupiri. are danjreruua equnterMla. a UruiUt, er a-od
4e. In f. r ..arileulan, Ueiliouuiale, and 'ItelTrf lur Ladle.," Ik teller, by n-lvrn MH
lU.OOOTHIlDuxilall. A'aaM liie.r. CHICHCSTCH CHCMICAL CO., IJ.dl.iH.rWvkr.
Bold bjr nil Lucal IiruKnUU. l'UIL.Vl)i:UMiA, tX.
Ilest CotiL'h Xoilicine.
Cures where all elso falls.
tasto. Children tako It without objection, liy druggists.
vthc'hcr itchliur. burnlni.'. liUeditie. rW.
crusted, pimply, blotchy or roppcr-colorcd, wltli
losof halt, either simple, erofulou?, hereditary
or contagion, are speedily, permanently, eco
nomically and Infallibly cured by the I' ticvra., consisting of CTTlcniA. the great
skin cure, t i Ttcritj, an exquisite skin pu
rifier and benutlder, and I'fTtt vnA Kpsolvcnt,
the new bUnl nnd skin purltler ami grentest of
humor remedies hen the lcst phylclsns und
all other remedies fall. ITtutra Kkmkdiks aru
the "lily lufntllb'c Mood and kln p'lflficrs, and
dailv eiVei t mute irn-at eure of blood and skin
diseases than T other rcmcdle" combined.
SoldcUTvwUrc. rrlce, ( i ttcrnA, Wc. Soav.
2ie: Hcsohent. 1 1 Prepared by l'otter Drug nnil
Chemical I'orpoiatlon, I'.oMon, Mas.
Send lor " How to Cure Mood and .Skin Dis
eases." ar l'lmplis., chapped aud oily "ffft
tiT skill prevent) d bv ITTli URA SOAf. T3X
Hacknciie, kidney lmlus weakness ami
rheumatism rellced in ono minute by tho
Celcbiatldft'TII flU AST! TAIN PLASTKR.25C
T?tV 1
A Day. I
! Hypophospmtcsof Limo&Soua
horsed hy Physicians. Sold hyall
Druggists. Avoid suustitutions and
nun' tii wiv at i'Aiina.
Dice, etc. A sure'iii tri o
iio Buyout on receipt oi o, siamr.H
:n imv liostnirn. Aitilrroii nr r V.
i. .... iitr uttvmii ....
union EHiuare, ;scw loric.
valuable Information tonllsillVerlugfrnut
dbciK", Home tieatmeut. t'ortland Dis
pell htv, coriid Mini Abler, Portland, Or.
a l'Kui'LB writ fur fr
family iwr on ultal oiw riXioun
H PJM I fjU f tuiuori, ti.tuU, lilUi, Trloooli
K,. MR liydrw-rlel Inu-rn, pllmra. lor
M m M M 'Sa lrlru.ltl. female coni4alnUt
pWWIaMMBn cvntlJrntUI IhxiIc lor nira.
I eipUlnlng why tlioimatidl camtut gvt curnl ct iiivcl&l. vritaU,
I chronla illanuidl. )r, Yitr, lung. Mtllliul wraklifcM. teM ttf
I minhoutl, nlK-t, ayiilillli. unnatural kwwa, reaulu ot ahuw or
vice.-.. hlrii unlit all fur luarrlalf, liamiluraa. or lllu'a da.
the ereatrit remedy tor aliove cvtulllllt. To liroee Ita inertia.
1 trial Imttle tent tree. Ailtlrraa, DR. LIEBIO .1 CO. iai Oeuy
ht. Baa Frauiileuo, Cat, ur 301 W VtU SL, Kauaaa Cltr, ilia,
Will positively euro Kcrvousness, Lops of Man
hood, Impoteucy, Lamo Hack, IlhoumatUm, In
digestion, Oetural Ocblllty, etc.
J'rleo 5 IO mid SIR. . ..
Also Drugs, Trusses. Crutches, Elastic Stocking.
Shoulder Braces, Electric Insoles, Etc.
Tlio llellnblu Druggist,
Third nnil Tnylor, I'ortliuul, Or.
Weakness of BodyandMlnd, EffsoU
of ErroriorEicsteeelnOtdorYouw,
HoliVtl. Haul na.l. .."! .any iieaiorru. . new i.,i.ih--
nireafiaeat.'i " - .
ibmletllr u-fallfan IIOBK TIIKlTMST-lleattl. la 7.
Keieellfym.mU8la!raaiit tarelj-ufonatrfee. MrlUlWeea.
IJt.trlplle lleok, nnlaoatlou snd,rHra aitlle4 (filial free,
Htatcfcl -
"ACME" the new 17 day RadWt eW
Red Cross
? Diamond Brand
Tie anlr Hfife. Sure, ami rtllaLU Pill for laM.
! Ma
i ' m of
1 1 IrtoiMMj
j lgq2 fo
1 1
tfaM,a lAumotul JfrUMj la lle.l afri GoU meUllta
!... I I.. .1 HahiiA Mul.l.lulluM. in. I.l!.t l.rfl..
IteeommentJed by I'liysiclana.
Pleasant and agreeable to the