TJ1U11SDAY, FEIMUAIlY 11). 18J1 FROM IOWA. J. Nowman Relates Ilia Experience Whllo Travoling Sn the Ea3t. Kkoxvillb. Iowa, February 9, 1801. EuiToit Onmio.v .Scour: I iitn now in low but I will have to go baok to Huston to begin my story. On tho iiKirninjf of December 8tli 1 took tlio fUeuinor for Portland, Maine. At 8 o'clock wc started toward the rising nun uliicb was shining brightly. Tbe eoa was snoiitb and in a short time wo lost sight of land on our right, but on our left we could tee laud most of the time. At one point wo run very close to uu island which appeared to bo noth ing but rook, with two lighthouses and a number of other buildings on it. Farther inland was u city called Itock- Dorl a vorv impropriate namo as the 4" a entire surrounding country was notlt ing but rock. Iteaohing Portland ut I o'cloek in tbe evening wo found eight or ten inches of snow. Hero wo had our first sleigh ride, looking around the city un'il noon the next day, when wo concluded that wo wore far enough to tbo north, so tit one o'clock we took the train back to Dostou, Philadelphia and Washington. As '(Ingres was in notion wo laid over and wont through tbo liotiso of representatives. Jiy the timo 1 got through that I had lost all my aspira tions for congress. It appeared to ne that then? was considerable farce about it. There was one man making u speech and no utiu paying tiny attention to it; tbo ct nfiiftton being so that the few who wished to hear could not. I concluded that 1 would rather havo an audience of two and havo their atten tion. I noxt went to tbo sonato; here was another man making a speech and nobody paying much attention. Next wc went to the supremo court where there appeared to bo law and order. In tlio evening wo took the train for Chicago, going through Mansffld, Ohio, whore we wore tempted to stop, but wo concluded to postpone it and return inside the next llfty years. We reached Chicago on tbo 12th and laid over till the loth, arriving in W.iyne county on the 10th, where wo remained for Homo time giving them a lecture on tbo lib of January that caused them to open their eyes and wonder. I think that I havo sown sued there that will tako deep root. I tun now in luioxvillo, tbo countv Boat of Marion county, lown, and havo beon horo for sonio time, this being the place where I colobratod the -Hit of July in lbUU. Many of the poople in this city expressed a do.-ito to hoar uu lecture, but wo had no place to; in, although there are eight e.liurohif I in tho city. Wo tried the Methodists, but they rcfusod us. 1 suppose thu thought there was too much heresx about us. I find the ministers in central Iowa, as ii general thing, narrow-minded ; thoy are- hero whoro everything rum in tho old ruts, and I think that if they would re id liberal literature and let their miiuU expand it would ho much bettor for them. When the advent friends learned that 1 wanted to lee turo they invited mo to tboir church, ho last night I gave them a lecture and it was very well received; in fact we had a jollification in blinking of linntU after tho lecture. Thoy enjoyed it and ho did I and they threw tho chinch wide open to me, hut 1 must ho gutting toward Oregon. Tomorrow f will start for th' western part of the stnto where I will nuiko thom another visit and perhaps make thom another lecture, and thou I will start for Oregon in dead earnest. Yours truly, J. NEWMAN. LBWEH 1'KtM BALEM. J. W. M.Kn'.ck v s V le Capual and TeV.a What Ho saw. H.M.icm, Orison, I'Vbnury U, 1SU1. Editoh OiiKflo.s Scout: In Balotn 1 itniunil ( Ha loin 1 writo. Tho oity ha a jiunulnlion of 12,000 liuiii' il o -fciinl oi y in tho stato. In locality itml ttpiHrnninuo it id noountur part of my niitivo town, Osknloosa, Joui. Thu town in tuiutioml for iniloo with fehmlo tro cvoiywhoro. Wo co tho bcrnli whim oak Kiuwiug whuro na turo 'l kiititl ihiMii, 'rhoroaroBoniH a lino tlw. Uinitt heru iih I'ot tlantl tmn hov. Whin thu ftnto hotiso gutu th nhiH.v thoiurtiul tlollar tlotne nailwl uu it will .rr.iiin the climax for Hl cm. Hi Wt UnKUorivorrtinnthrouKli thu t ry. SuhoiIk)u! plutih thu wt cr daily !r..iu I'.irl'.and. Wo will r turn I'V rii'Miner mid rvport fat thur in in)' if st of thu ganlvtn of (Jithoii, In I'.iril .ii I wo iiihI Mr. utid Mr. II. 1. : iu thuir way to Onliforni ; fcuw It Mi Irwiu i hi Imll n tiuhool, lif ii H i' Haiti. ttutlcr bore for 75 conts a roll. Produce "f 11 hinds is high, with a railroal to our county niitL no market for the tons of produce that go to wa.-te. This is what our legislature is grappling with. Yesterday mi l today I learned tho true inward. ii ts of the bills that have passed tbe bouse and are now in the bauds of the senate. It is one of tbo greatest battles between corp m tions and the people that has ever tak en place in Oicgon. It will be in the senate over tho house railroad bills; they havo passed the house almost unanimously and are strong in every respect, if carried out. will reduce local freight rates from one-third to ono half, and confer the power to make rates from the corporations to our leg islators. Geei's bill gives power to the commission to enforce its provision'. This bill will lie the bono of contention in the senate. Tbo corporations have a friend in tho chairman of tho railway committee, a Portland millionaire, whose sympathies are not apt to be with tho struggle fortius people. Tinso are plain tacts in the case and well known to all. Tbo .expected light in tbo senate is one involving hundreds offiuillions of property which is worked to their solo jise in they see lit. Tlioy claim not only tho right to tax Oregon products for all the traffic will boar, but the further right to dictate tho way it must go to market after it leaves oursboro; contracts beyond our borders are destroyed ; even to open up our riv ers has so far boon prevontod. Tho house railroad bills stand on their mer its. So far no senator h..s availed llieni, and none has given notice that bo will, but tbo fact of tbo-o bills being received in the senate no silently is a forerunner of u storm. Tho bouse has by this record taken a Htaud. Now the senate must give tbo people relief or nothing in short tlio sonato must frustrajo its dig.iity to a hostile foreign railroad corporation or obey the will of tho people of Oregon as laid down by their representatives. Those bills will bring ton close the conflict of the last week of tho legislature, and so far tho railroads hold tho advantage. I havo not had any talk so far with Un ion comity a senators but will on the 10th. Eastern Oregon is today paying five hundred nor cent, to some of these Sitmo powerful claws that never get enough tho benefit to bo derived from the euactmoht of those bills cannot bo overestimated. I hope to bo ut home by tho 18th inst. More anon, J. W. MINN1CK. TIIE OUVE. News of tlio 7ooic an Raponiad by cur Roiular Corritii ouioct C'ovk, Fthrtiary 18, 1801. Dr. McDonald was called from La Grando to attend Olarcncu Mitchell, Sunday. I lo wan mlll'iing with ton- MilitcM, hut i now impioviny. Tlio snow fall in tho mountains cast of town is uniHtiiilly huvy, and much water in thu v a lli;. in tho spiin is f. lii'olud. It will provo of great vuluo to all uonuurnud. (Jovo fin dibIk d its full itiota of court attendautw this tiiiu, andwliou a Co ve il o ootf to court hu j,eittT.ii!y munagen to yut wliat lun tlatu out of it. A jollier crowd it would l o hard to (hid. The Cove ioiloliioo will t-oou ho changed iutii a nioiujy otder t.tliu . Uutli money oideio and postal notes will I hi isbtuvl and imiuI. Tlii will ptovo a j'ieat couvcuieitcu to the com munity and will bo duly upptviiated. The (Inuring mill id iiinnnu part of tho time only on iiveount of Hut tear ciiy of watvr. Wiuti thu Hol coiucii which may oninineiiuo d 'wuig down tho canyon any day, grinding will on day and nihi to clean out thu large amount of wheat uu hand. Sleighing is now all tho rage. A young man tho otlu-r evening went in to see his ex pooled, hitching hia cutter and toam on thu outeidu. When ho came out again, romo ono without horecs hut with u sleigh had horrowed the ttmin and left neatly hiichtd up in place a large studed fcheop rohu. Ono sluigh ride that night had to hu tahen afoot. Died, Fohruary 12th, of throat iillt'c tion, Lilian, yotingot child of Mr. mid Mrs. II, L. Daughurty, aged three yearn. Mrw, Duughui ty had roturned from California only a fow days he fore thu sad event, with hur daughter who stienutd much improved in health, but as often happens tnu humtnona eamo when least tucpooled. Tho funeral took pluoo .Sutuiday mid was attended by many friends and neigh bors. FreibyterUn Church. 1 rcao i ng every S4bbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p. in; t-'nbbat sohool at 10 a. m Chris thin Endeuvor Kocloty, luesdn' nt p.m. An ure cordially invite t attend. Wo u pirenU to hnig their el dilrcn o , i eh Dm 1 1- ey may bo nur rid In nior .i . and j liiy W. J. 11 nitcs, Pastor. IMPORTERS SRI PLATS, Sw. . 5 CUTL3S7, METALS, MWSm BUNS, nails, m& Mm f4 tfsvfetr ; : -fe fiseinb : HOUSE : jttjfo TSWW l$?fl TACEL3 FURNISHING ftf$j SPOUTING 22, 24, 26, 23, 30 & 32 Lako WHY ARE SOWS PEOPLE ALWAYS LATE? They r.cvcr look ahead :w: ihink. Ptui.k- have been Uan-xn lo unit t il planting wason, run to tbe (Tra cery tor their Kais. and then tr-vnS oer it for is months, rather than Fii.pnnd think what they will want fnf 111. TfVf 7f .1: . f.t-... .1 , J for the cartlcn. VICK'3 SEiSDS never .livippolnt, h the vc them. If ft Is Flowcror Vc; 'CSflalJlOhrt .'1. 1'iantn. nothing. This pioneer catalogue av.t&iim tin-ea Ciir, UUI acnu ij tcum I'll nztC'H ijwrj fna m cash premmmt to those icmi'ii.; uKib o.i!t alt r, chance tor all. Alauc n tlifferent siiups fro:.n 1 THE CRY OF MILLiQNog 1, 3TCP IT MOW, BOOH IT Will. CIC TOO LATC. I have liecu troulileil mnnv -cnrs with tlitense of the kidneys mid hnve tried raanv dl-Tcrent tetneJtes and have fKmcht aid Irom dtfTerent physicians without relief. Ahoutthe itli of April I sud'erititt from n very vio'eut attack tltnt alraoEt prostrated rne in mnni'Fr I ...t ! .VM betlt Over Wiirtl I sot down it wan aim t imp jnsible for me i.. .rt .in ol.nip. r to int on mv flottn s, when kind l'rovidiiue setU L'r. :tci:!i.y, with 11. OK1SGON KIU.NUY il.A, u my hotel. I immediately cu-iimcuccd tisinif the tea. It had an almost miraculous cfltct, and to the aston ishment of nil the Rucets at the hotel, in a few days.I am Uappy to statu, that I whs a new man. I will: recommend the tea to all afflicted as 1 have been. C. A. TUmlR, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Hosa. Cat. The Blood-Red Record of the Sioux. -uri: 01.'- SITTING B.ULL, and the Indian War, A graphic and fachiatiii" story of the leader of the ureatct Indian nation. The full and authentic life of SITTING 1UJLL. Vivid description of the Messiah Craze Dance, and full history of the great Indian uirof lS!K)!)l,by the popular writer and lec urer. W. Fletcher Johnson, author of ".lc hns'own Flood," iniveuttircs of Stanley ami numerous other works. Sold by Subscription Only. Price, cloth binding Half Ilussia, gilt edge Address: .$t of) . '2 00 C. HA1HI). Islund City, Or., Sole Agent for Union County. 2-5w2 20 Head of good Dsiiry Cows. SIciul of 2-yenv-ol(is. Full lilood Ilolsloin JSull, Lrico IS75.00. 2 1 Reiiion for Selling : Intend to leave tho valley about tho llrst of May. Gall on mo at ont:o if you want k. bargain. O. W. COOPER, La Grando, Or. Stouk near Ladd canyon, l'leaso men tion this paper. R. H. BROWN, Dealer in TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY. TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc. A Comploto nnd Varied Stook of Wall rnporon hmul. Prosoriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Nij;ht. A full supply of school books con Btantly on huiul. T.IK HS III'. W J huso i (MK-WlulO o-litlf ml'is out I run i Union one -oriel hors i d Kjt on hu tl (lie. No ee duly os e i i ut U t v II win iij nn ttllll n V .11 11 Wilson, ju' co of the .mc. i' r.'-lm Ilk I II B Pills Drills anuMefliGines JOBBERS Street, CHICAGO, ILLS. HuIIm. f'.IaKn- Tit A '1.' Vrf". W:CVI 7.rt . UAK1-; A'O SS1STA iUHlCt UC'i:iCt lll3 I CC colored pUiea. Crdi'S Xnvoltlcs ever offered. ra. 'to-w r:.!i uri.-.. ..i .. o: tlio Stale T.jrs. Grsnd evfr befnr- ? - t -.-. I W x r JA1)E5 V;T.f. SEKK&MAW. SocHcatcr. N. Y. Tal ma jfe's Li To of Giirisl- SOW llIvADY. Untitled "From Manger to Throne." Uy tlio world's (realost pulpit sovereign, liuv. t. ni: ;vi rr tamiaok, . i. IlicludliiK a IIi!tf)ry of I'ali'iifiiio and ac count of hU jeiirny to. through and from the Ill'iotrated with more tlwin li)0 siipft-b I'lU'r.ivias Scene- in tlio Holy Lund and eopic h of wm-l d-fainniis paintiti(;s of the old tna3tora, from the greatest naileries i'l the world. From $100 to $390 per month can easily he made on comiiiis-ion, or we will pay lib eral AGIiNTS WANTED, 'f01'0"' stu- ...I .i . xtM,.u detit", Mlliistcs brifrbt men mid Indies in every town, to whom we jjive exclusive control mid terri tory. Act now before territory is nil taken up. Writo for terms and full particulars'. Address PACIFIC PUBLISHING Co., Ains worth Block, ,'Sd and Onk Sts. -'-."(w Portland, Oregon. OS. KEILHEItT, UNION, OREGON. A Fine lino of Goods Always in Stock. Call anil Examine Them. Suits Made to Order, Ck'iininj; a ml Repairing. All work warranted. 12-1-tf. Thomson & l'ursnl are auonts for the celebrated (Jvclono Wiml.Mill, nnd ns the prices on them havo been jjrent ly reduced thev are now within the reach of all. Sample mill to be seen ut their planer in North Tnion. Call and exaniino it. i I HUi (Opposito the Court l.ou-r.) L, J, Boothe, - Proprietor. Having relltti il t'i- s.on and a !d tl n largi' new illnin : to in, I un n iw bet ter prepared than ih.t ti ucc.ruod.ita my patron. k Apamph'ctnf Information atjtlab. irai-iu( t no ui75,ii...winu llutr to, Obtum lttntj, CatoiiU. TradrA V&iAd&Mi MUNN & CO., LUMBER for SALE ut tho High Valley 1 Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber ouustautly on hand or furnUhed on short initio. Price cltcm us tho cheapest. Patronage - Solicited. W0.f WM. WI I.KlNhON ,V WIN. I m I 9 m om mi imm Hi! EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH UNION'. OREGON. A. It. 1SM.1S, 1'iiit Ajtent. T1JIK TAWhW. Trains depart from Union daily as follows: KAST BODNtl. Overland Klyer, No ' . ... WMT norsu. Overland Fljor, No 1 ..thai A. M. 0 1. M. Mnin Lino, Nos. 1 and 2. "The orlnnd Flyer,'' carry through Pullman SWpers, Colonist Sleepers, I'ree Cliuir Cars and Couches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. l.oiiis, St. Paul or Chicago. Mnin Line, Xos. 3 nnd 4. "The Limited Fast -Mail," carry Pullman Dining and Sleeping Curs between Portland and Chi cago. OOEAjS' division. The Union Fneifle will d I "pate 1 1 Steamer, botween fc'an Francisco and Port land, as follows. ri!OM POItTLAKD. . FROM HAS FI.A.NCISCO. At 10 p. in. At 10 a. in. Columbia... Feb. I Oregon .. .I'Vb. 4 State . " 5 Columbia ' 8 Oreuou " !) State " 12 Columbia ' Hi Oregon .. " 1(1 State ..." 17 Columbia.... " 20 Oregon " 21 State " 'Z Columbia " Oregon .. ' m Slate Mar, t Ciiliindiia Mar. 4 The coiapany reserves the right to change stpaniers'or sailing days. ItATKS OF PASSAGE: Cabin. - - $10.00 Steerage - - $8.00 Round Trip Tickets, Unlimited - ?:;0.00 Children, under 11! years - - Half Fare ,, ..0 years ... Free Including MeuU and Herths. C. S. MULLEN, Gen'l Trallic Managor. W. LEE. Ticket Agt, Gen A. E. ELLIS, Agent. Union. XOTlCi: Of KOIll'MTirUK. State of Oregon, countv of Union, November 10. 181)0.1 To John Noi.kk: Yon are hereby notiiied that, I havo ex pended one liuudred dollars in labor and improvements on the '"Flying Dutchman'' nuiirt?. lode, situated in Granite milling (li-trict. Union enmity, Oregon, as will ap pear by certificate Hied November 10, 1S00. and recorded in Hook E of quint, claims, page 220, in the office of the recoidcr of said county, in order lo hold stiid premUes under tho provisions of M-eiion 2:i't revised statutes of tho United States, being the amount required to hold I he ume for the yearendint? December .'It. 1!K), and if with in ninety davs alter this notice by publica tion you fail or refue to contribute your portion of such expenditure, and of other expenditures for which you are legally bound as co owner, your Intel est in suiil claim will become the property of the .sub scriber under said see.ii-n lMIMSt GEOlUiE W. PEKK1XS. MTIC1J OF DISSOLUTION. VJOTICU IS I1EUEHY OIVEX JJ we, Stiuiru K. Thomas and .1. THAT It. De- lanov. have this dnv diikolved br mutual consent the partner-ship business heretofore existing between us, and J. 11. Delaney is hereby authorized and undertakes to pay nil debts of the firm and collect all accounts due. Dated ni Union Oregon this ."loth day of December ISiMi. fr'OTIKK K. THOM S. J. H. DEI.ANKY. SOTlClt OK niS.SOI.UTION. Xotico is hereby uiven ttutt tlio co-partnership heretofore existing between W . N. (iardner, A. K. (la.ilner and llniehhisoii Urns, in the sawmill liii'Iiie-sat North Pow der is this day dissolved by mutual coiinont, W. X. (iardner in.d A N.Oardnir reilrlng (iota the liusiness. lluu ldnsoii liros will pay all tho iudebleilnes. . . i the linn mid col Iccl id! ltwiiHV due Maid tlrif. Dated thin li'Ut dav of .lunuiirv. 1S01 HI Ti MlNStiN ItuOS.. AV. N. OAHDNRR, 2-12.nil A. N. HAltDMiK. NOTICK OK ITaOLUTIOX. M id IlKUKBY OIVES THAT the co partuorsliiu heretftru exist inu belwe'U A. K. Joins ami H. Chsncey, in he publlentlon of Till-. OUMUlK Scovt. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr Junes will retire and Mr. Cbam-ev will i on tlnuo the huolnoss. Either m.e w I'l neeip fnr money due. AM back accounts must be settled without delay, Dated this 16ih day of January, l.B!H. A. Iv. Junes, H. OHANCKY. KSTltAY NOTICU NotU e is hereby given ihat there was tak-1 en up liy C. A. (irui , on Clover creek in tlif t redid ot orlli I'owiler, I nion eeiinty, i-.; mi. iiinl inistnl lefore'he unders'giuM a .Hs'iee of tho a o for the ubuvi' pit uiuei ot.e dark iron gray horse, MippoNed to be 1'.' years id I. Hl hands liijjh branded wi"li a .i capita! D (heiipt) oil the lift fliuiildn-. Appraised at tills. Uuuarv a. I Ml!. l-S-3t JOHN KDWAItDS. Iiuliee i f the l'. ace. Ttmrhurit' Kvaniiuutiiiii. Notice is hereby yi en that for the pur poe of making un e.xmiii i:,! uu ,,i nil .r suns uIk may uffer tbeiueUi sa. candid ii s lor t uehers of lhu schools m this .utility, 1 he count) ehool umt,.')Iui.. ih then it, will huldublioeKamiiiatiuii a L liran.le eoumiona g at num. We.ln. s ay Feb u-' urv 'A. 1UH. ItehHl this Febrtmrv I. sjll. ' H. . sTH ANiiE. I Umuty School SuieriMteiideiii, I'nioii I fouuty, Or. ion. u NOTIl i: TO SKlll. AH pOf-ons . ,' l, ,t i . .,,nri ., by note, i..., . n , r ,, wgs exjcta In s, ii, , N wj(j lit further uoiio . i am i-omp ,t to n,i0,, this eoure on a, , oui t ,. m I mos by the rtcent rir-in i urnuie.iia. ' L- ALUKHy n, 01W.T.R.R. "The Hunt Line." In Connection with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'I) Korius tlie Quickest and Best Route ISetwon Uastern Oregon and Wuslnni:ton and Paget Sound points, as well a- the Popular and Direct Jane to all POINTS EAST and SOUTHEAST titt i r w ur i,M.1invn n io SUPKKIl DINING CARS, ami FIIEE SECOND CLASS SLEEPERS Through to Clilengo nn tills Uno. Passenger Trains of this Company are run ning regularly between DAYTON, WAITSBUUG, WALLA WALLA, WASH., anil PEN DLETON, OK., Making close connection at Hunt's.Tunc tion with Northern Paciiic train, for Taco ma, Seattle, Victoria, 15. C,, Ellensburg, North Vakiina. Pasco, Spraguc, Cheney, Davenport. Spok-uie trails, Dtitte, Helena. St. Paul, Minneapolis, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passenger Train, making above connec tions leaves Peiidlefon daily, at 7:-l0 p. in. Through Tickets Sold to all Points Hast at the Lowest Hates. . , V. F. WAMSLEY, I Gen'l Fr't and Pavs'gr Agt. AValia Walla, Wash. G. W. HUNT, President and Gen'l Manager, II. L. DKACON, Tieke it, Union, Or Union and - uucopia, Stage - Line ! o Quickest and Cheapest Route to the Pine Creek Mines. BATES : FARE. $1 50 3 00 0 00 ntKIOHT. 2?4o nion to Park " " Sa uircr " " Cornucopia Tlie : "Blue : Liflit" SALOON, Win. James, Proprietor, Union, Ore. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Drop in and be sociable. Fine billiard table." PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Uusiness attended to I'roniptlyand for Moderate Fees. Ouroflice is opposite the U. S. Patent Oflice, itml we can obtain Patenis in less time than those remote from Wasoington. Send MODEL or DKAWrXO. We adviso as to pauteutabililv free of charge; and p mako NO ClIAUOE UNLESS PATENT IIS SECURED. Wo refer, here, to the Postmaster, tho Supt. of Money Order Div., and t oilicials of the U. S. Patent Ollice. Fci circular, advice, terms and roH'cronees to actual cli ents in your own Stato or Countv. writo to O. A. SXOW& Co Opposite Patent Oflice. Washington, I). 0. Av Yin , - Tfcr ,Jr -".-As. . -- I. .V 4 Sample Pcan, different pottfirri, !n f JtSa .Xik! l'l"t 1 iiw v i..ix, scat ptMit-jMila, un ruipi of u Ca:.wa. PEBUY f: Undcn, eoa. tc24. u. s. C2?59 at i p'-r - v"!' ll-ftwl!l. Sl'se Cure fob Sikc Hr0ACHt. aaa all troub.Bj arltlnfi rroi Ir.dicitioa or Conitipttioa. imprarH ttiUnmpi'ii l. l..rir.lK.. .h. Mlnod. TI4mb iMclcwhrailJnttiKl unit th , ii - pi I rn ner Ih. t..i ur.'o aJosa. E7 toUM a.. -i . n-pr 43 i ,llput up In a uront Tlal 'I . I . nrn I n ul paoktt. A Crl fl;' r" ' M.H:.II,1, K (If '.Hi. 1. s'4l irrihrrr.:ir.aUUl (i ! - II., . I HOD. tr-OPI IT) Ih. Livnl i si s g, sTllHktl.r HkHtLITtTKnf Ii . . , .0.1 VIUUUOLlliTKLSl.TllrYoL'tf TH C;;. HARTEI MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO. KNUKD KOoMS FOK ItKST.--, L Mr Jl. J. Chuucoy.CornerSeeoiid auJ list I niou Oregon. 7 -17-tfj j Tii)D WANTHn.-Parties desiringW t pay tin r lndubtodues to this paper, Im wo..d. can now do so. 7-I7-tf. BCYCr'H FOU bALK uo M inch, ulnli el, an I one 4S inch Uttndard Unl h, Enjulre oflice, 717-t', j "n&vf LITTLE ! va ct oi u bi tEm i Bnk D0 H0T CRIPE, SICKEN OR hHa, constipate. 5s.