CUM BELLE LEE. A ROMANCE OF THE SEA. Written for Tun Scout, by 0. F. Hinckley. ClIAl-Tim IV. kJIE Rerintida islands nrc remark able for tlicir isolation being 580 miles from Capo ILitteras, a projection of North Carolina, and 010 miles from tlio Hnhainap, tho nearest poinls of land. Though mere islet epecks in tho ocean, they are important as forming the oldest Uritiah pcttlement in tho WcHtorn Hemisphere. There arc 305 islands, tho samo number as tho days in tho year, though many of them arc mero rock patches in the magnificent harbor. They ure all low, but very pleasing, with innumerable littlo bays and creeks of tho clearest water. Tho whole surrounded by belt 8 of floral reefs, only passable through narrow channels. Tho population is about I 1,000 fcouls. There aro two small towns on different islandh St. George, the military head quarters, and Hamilton tho scat of government. As the summer naval station of tho English Admiral, in command on the North American wat ers, largo sums havo bcon expended in forming a dock yard and in fortifica tions. Arrow-root and various vegeta bles aro raised for export, and tho whalo fishery is pursued. Bermuda potatoes, delicious onions, and various fruits, nil of good quality, which make their appearance in the cities along tho Atlantic coast of tho United Stales tind Canada early in March and April, find a ready market, though Florida is competing for (ho honor of being first in tho ninrkels with vegetables and fruit. And while I will accord all hon or to that state for her oranges and Htrawherrics, I do not think that she produces fetich sweet, odorless onions and mealy potatoes as Bermuda. Most of tho water used on tho inland is rainwater, caught in largo water tanks, utvl used for domestic and cul inary purposes. Tho Bermudas havo their name from tho Spaniard, Juan Bormudez, who discovered thorn, and aro also called tho Somora islands, after Sir Georgo Somen, who was wrecked on them in KiO'J, whim tho British occu pation commenced. Tho chief anxiety of tho Bermuda people, when I was there, appeared to bo the price of onions and potatoes in tho United States. Whenever an in coming steamer or ship arrived they all rushed to tho water t-ido and inter viewed the olllcors of those ships as to the market in Now York or Boston, and thoy cursed or praised tho Yan kees according to tho state of tho Amer ican market. Wo lay at anchor in tho harbor of Bermuda live days. Wo did not havo much liberty on shore. Our ship was now and all our spare time being occu pied hinco leaving homo with our oil, wo had had no timo to sot up tho rig ging now rigging ih always stretching and blinking. Tho men, now that thoy had tho opportunity, were con stantly employed in tolling it up, ev ery shroud and stay having to bo sot taught with tho watch tackle. .However after a few day's hard work wo wero ready for sea. Tho ship inado a dainty picture as she lay, straining slightly at her cable, on tho silvery sur face of tho harbor. Tho still, yet mov ing, water gave back tho imago of her spars and rigging, with a streak of red at tho inverted peak and a sparklo as of gold deep down whero tho vano at her main royal masthead found a mir ror for itself. On tho morning of tho 15th of May our last boat load of on ions, potatoes and vegetables of all Kinds was hoisted on board, our an chor weighed, fail aftor sail was crowd ed on the ship and, boforo a fine breeze, tho "Clara Bello Leo" sailud gracefully out of tho harborof Bermuda. I stood on tho quartor dock coiling up ropes on the belaying pins, and survoyed tho shore of tho harbor, nnd tho numerous islands sliding softly by tho ship, and for tho first lime since leaving homo a feeling of homesickness camo over mo, and 1 longed to bo at homo on Nun tuuket with my ntothor. How could my mother hnvo given her consent to my going to sea? I grumbled in my homesickness. A still small voice whispered to mo that she had not given it, it was wrested from her by siogo by her boy loving, well-meaning, but wildly roinuntio, htanding on tho ship's deck and gazing on tho fast receding shoro of Bermuda. The pioluro of my mother, Htanding with a forced oppression of cheerful ness, over my boa olut, Blowing away my ololhos and outfit in it for tho voy itgt. I wk proud of my sua ohost dur ing tho fow days it wan in the house, in tpito Of Ihu borrow I at tho sil ent lour;, whiuli, when my mother knew not that I was regarding her, she let fall up-ui ii. How carefully my mother scrutiniz'-d and .adjusted the little outfit, which told such a talc of coming separation.' Hor boy, was he to wear those scarlet shirts and duck tiouser8 in that chest. I shaw ships and continents and ocean?, but she saw onlv the tomb of all the past; tho baby that she rocked in the cradle, the little boy that she had dres-cd for school, he that had been a part of the house; that had Hung his red mittens on the table; that had warmed his soft hands at the grate; that had caressed tho yellow kitten ; that had rolled marbles on the floor; that had played ball in the back yard, was lie now to be ever lost across tho threshold of domestic life, so far that i mother's arm could not reach him, nor a voice call him back? I was interrupted in my reverie by the hoarse voice of Mr. Chadwick. "You, Chase, there. What are you star-irazinu for in the day time? Lay out to tho main yard and overhaul tho bun tlines." "Aye, aye, sir," and I quickly disap peared up tho main rigging to escape another hazing, nnd my lit of hoine e.ckncss also disappeared. My name is Chase, Tom Chase, sev enteen years old and cousin to Clara Belle Lee. Charles Lee and my moth er are brother and sister. My father is dead ho was a brother to Kcubcn Chase. Keubon Chnso was tho son of Stephen and Dinah Chase. Ho was born at Nantucket, June 23, 1751 and died there February 15, J 82-1. Keubon Chase was a midshipman on tho Bon nomine Kioimru i!i her fambtts sen fight with the Scrapis,and became, un der tho magic pen of James Fcnnimore Cooper, tho Long Tom Collin in tho famous novel of "Tho Pilot." Cooper and Chaso were midshipmen together on tho name United States man-of-war, tho first ensign on tho seas bcarint! tho stars and stripes ar ranged as thoy now are on all Ameri can fi.igt, was hoisted on tho Bon Homme Richard by Reuben Chaso. When the Bon Homme Kiehard was sunk in hor famous fight with the Ser apiw, Keubon Cluso, under a heavy fire fiotn tho enemy, rescued the Hag and afterwards raised it on tho American ship Alliance, and it is still in existence in Trenton, N. J. Before I was awnro of it wo wero out of sight of Rorniudu, and our ship was scudding through it, with all three royals set, stunsails out aloft and alow, storming through it at a rato that showed she was a very fast sailor. How tho spray Hew from the bow as she glided gracefully along; how t he braces became taut and the main sheet tugged at its blocks. And yet how easy was overy motion of tho noble ship. More than ono old sailor intir meied his satisfaction. "If the old man don't take in 'Ihem r'yalb' he'll stritch them now backstays 'til ho carries tho 'r'yal' mast out of hor," growled old Bill Francis. "Tho old man is in a hurry to arrive on tho Western gioundKill, where tho whales all are," said Mr. llussoy. "It seems to mo, sir, that it is very good whaling around Bermuda and tho odgo of tho Gulf stream. Four hund red bbls. of sperm and only three weoks from homo is very hard to beat," said Bill. "Yes, that is so," answered Mr. llus soy, "but 1 think wo will mako a great voyage wherever wo go. I have an impression that tho 'Clara Hello Leo' is a lucky ship; at any rato Captain Cof fin is a great man for carrying sail." In tho first dog watch, however, wo took in tho stomsails and royals, nnd, soon after tho wind increased, put tho ship under singlo reef topsails, and carried topgallant sails over our singlo roofs. We found out later on that this was iv favorite way of carrying sail with Oaplain Coffin. And thtiB through that May night tho "Clara Belle Loo" kept steadily on, tho masts creaking with tho swing of sails; tho fore topmast staysail slatting us it was becalmed by tho other canvas ; tho topsails pulled with a mighty strength, and tho main topgallant sail, away up against the clear sky, looked beautifully white in the beams of tho moon. Tito noxt day wo passed sovoral mer chant ships, and ono of them, a mag nificent clipper, camo to tho wind and hauled down hor light sails, hauled her main yard aback, and laid hove to, waiting for us lo sprak hor. But Cap tain Collin was in a hurry and would not stop, until the merchantman hois ted his Hag, Union down, a signal of distress which nu true sailor ever disre gards, wo brought our ship to tho wind with everything Hying, and low ered a boat and went on board to sou what relief was wanted. Wo found that tlu-y vr out of oil. Thoy had bun in tinrkiiiNM fur two week. HtiMHng by tho sUr in th" mght, an th'.v i-uiild liol fin (lit' OejiiipUe in til. llnnaulv. Wo sold her a barrel of oil and she went on her way rejoicing. She was tho clipper ship "Sea Witch" Captain Robert S. Waterman, from Hong Kong, bound to New York, at which port she arrived safely. The year before she made the quick est passage on record ; Captain Water man walked fiom his vessel in the As tor House and reported himself just 7-1 days from Hong Kong. Some of his compeers questioned the truth of this remarkable passage, which had never been performed by any sailing craft, But the sturdy old commander settled all doubts by producing newspapers published in Hong Kong on tho day ho sailed. In 1850 the United States flag was prominent on every ocean, and our country excelled nil other nations on the sea. The "Baltimore Clipper" was tho champion of tho world. But in late years thanks to numerous tenth- rate congressman, so thick-headed and stupid that they would not pass laws to protect American shipping England has conquered tho world in shipping except tho coast bordering tho U. S. and God grant in the name of Win throp, Washington and Monroe, in tho name of patriotism that wo may preserve this heirloom. We arrived on the Western ground safely, and for two or three weeks were capturing whales about as fast as we could try them out. Wo were in an immense streak of luok and everybody was happy and contented. On tho morning of. tiic 15th day of Juno we wero through cleaning up tho ship and stowing away our oil from our last whale. Some of tho officers were aft, grouped together, talking, smoking and laughing. "How much oil have we, Mr. Swain?" said Captain Coffin. "f mako it 8.'i0 barrels, sir," said our first officer, who had been figuring on a slate. "Well, 1 don't doubt it, for it lias been oil, oil, oil, evor sinco we left Nan tucket. -In my thirty years in the whaling service I havo never met with and secured so many whales before, or heard of any other ship doing so, have you?" "Yes," said Mr. Swain, "1 believe Captain Obed Starbuck, a few years ago, ofl'Tumbez. and in tho oft" shore ground, took 1000 barrels of sperm in about tho same time." "Well," said Captain Coffin, "our voyage is hardly commenced, and if wo keep on at this rato we will beat Cap tain Starbuck's record." But tho 'Clara Belle Leo' had cap tured her lust whale, though we wero not aware of it at that timo. "Wo havo had great luck so far," ho continued, "and should bo thankful for it." "Yes," spoko up tho cooper, "that's so, but it was not all luck, Captain Coffin. You will allow that some of your officers are good whalemen, and that it is owing to their ability that the whales were secured after having been raised." "Not somo of them Coopor, but all of my ollicors aro good whalemen. 1 am woll satisfied with you all boys and will advance your interests with tho owners whon wo g " "There is something down to lee ward, sir, that looks liko a wreck," was Bung out from aloft. Wo swung our ship oil' and headed for tho wreck und it was soon in sight from our ship's deck. A largo ship lloating buoyantly on the water, with no masts standing nothing but the stumps left. Wo brought our ship to tho wind, lowered our larboard boat, and proceeded to board hor. When wo arrived close to hor wo discovered a thinjcolumn of smoke rising from tho stovepipe on tho cook's galley. And as it was tho first sign of life wo had noticed about tho wreck, wo laid back on our oars manfully, and soon dashed under the bow of tho ship and climbed on board. I, being young nnd spry, was tho first to steal softly around the galley, and peering in through n nar row crack in tho sliding door, tho sight I saw fairly paralyzed mo with aston ishment, and I staggered back, faint and weak with oxcitomcut for tho moment. There was a cheerful fire snapping and cracking in tho stovo; tho toakottlo singing merrily away; potatoes boiling in an iron pot; tho uroma from tho boiling cofieo wafting appotizingly to my nostrils, and standing over tho stove, on this wrecked ship, in tho middle of the Atlantio ocean, with a pale, careworn look on her beautiful countenance, stood my favorite cousin whom I thought safe at homo on Nan tucket Clara Bello Ice. to iik eo.vriNUKO. Presbyterian Church. Preaching every Sabbath nt 11 a. in. ami 7 p. in ; Sabbath school at 10 a. in ; Chris tian Kndeavor Society, Tuesday nt 7 p. m. All are onrdially invited to attend. We urge KirtmU to bring (heir children to cliuroli thai thi'y may ho nurtured in mor n!ft ami ntuiy. V. J, lll'tnii, Pastor. JOH. KEILDERT, riant -s- Mk UNION, OREGON. A Fine line of Goods Always in Stock. Call and Examine Them. Suits Made to Order, Cleaning and Repairing. All work warranted. 12-1-tf. SIIKItll'K'S sali:. NOTICE IS JIKUHI5Y QIVKS THAT by virtue of mi execution and order of sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Union county, bearing date the '.'2nd day of De cember. lbUOand to mo directed and deliv ered, upon a judgmont and decree of fore closure and sale of heretofore attached property, entered on the U3rd day of Sep tember. 1SO0. wherein the First National Bank of Arlinuton Is plaintM", and C. V. Lndd and IS. Florence arc defendants for the sum of eight hundred and one nnd nine oue-hunilrcdths dollars, with interest there on at the rate of tell per cent, per annum, from the 22nd day of .September, 1S00, anil the further sum "of seventy dollars attor ney's fees, thirty and twenty one-hun-dredths dollars for costs and disbursements of this action, and decreeing the sale of the following described heretofore attached real estate, to-wit: All the risht, title anil interest that tho defendant, U. W. J.add, had on tho 17th day of June, 1890, or after acquired in or to the following described real estate, viz: Lots eight, (8) nine, (0) ten (10) nnd eleven (li) in block one hundred und four teen (ll4) ?! Chaplin's addition to the town of La Grande, Union county, Oregon. Now therefore, under and bv virtue of said execution and order of sale as afore said, I will sell at public auction, at the court house door at Union, Union county, Oregon, on Friday, the (Jth day of Februa ry, 1891. at 2 o'clock p. rn. of said day, all too right, title and interest of, in and to the said premises that C. W. Ladd, one of the defendants above named, had on tho 17th day of June. 18U0, or after acquired in or to the aboye described real estate, to satisfy said Judgment, nltorncys' fees, costs, dis bursements and interest, as aforesaid, and accruing costs. Terms of sale, cash to me in hand, in U. S. gold coin, Dated this the 2nd day of Januarv, 1801 ,1. T. BOLL'KS. Shcrlfl of Union County. By W. It. UsiiKit. Deputy. l-8-5t. NOTicis or roui'iiiTunij Stajte of Oregon, county of Union, November 10, 1800.) To John Nolkn: You are hereby notified that I ' have ex pended one hundred dollars in labor and improvements on the "Flying Dutchman'' quartz lode, situated in Granite mining district, Union county, Oregon, as will ap pear by certificate lilecl November 10, 1S!)0, and recorded in Itook E of quartz claims, page 22(1, in tho office of the recorder of said county, in order to hold said premises under tho provisions of section 2324 revised statutes of tho United States, being the amount renuired to hold tho same for the year ending December 31. 1S90, and if with in ninety uuvs uiiur iius nuiicu uy puuucii tion you fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure, and of other expenditures for which you aro legally bound as co-owner, your Interest in said claim will become tho properly of the sub scriber under paid section 2324. ll-13-i:it OEOHGE W. PEIIKINS. INOTICK OV DISSOLUTION. VJOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JLl we, Squire K. Thomas and J. 11. l)e laney.havo this day dissolved hv mutual consent tho partnership business heretofore existing between us, and J. II. Delaney is hereby authorized and undertakes to pa' all debts of the firm and collect all accounts duo. Dated at Union Oregon this 30th day of December 1800. SQUIKE K. THOMAS. .J. H. DELANEY. DISSOLUTION NOTICIS. NOTICE IS HEHEHY GIVEN THAT the co-partnership heretofore existing between 1 J. Holmes and .1. v. Hill, un der the firm naiiio of Hill & Holmes, is this dav dissolved by mutual consent, tho said J. W. Hill withdrawing from tho business. l J. Holmes assumes all liabilities ot the lato linn and is authorized to collect and receive all accounts and demands duo said Arm. Island City, Oregon, Jan. 0, 1R01. J. HILL, 1-15-lni. F. J HOLMES. DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE. Tho delinouent tax rolls for tho years 1884. 1885. 1883. 1S37. I8SS and ISSt) are now in my hands with warrants to enforce the immediate payment, by levy and sale. The names of all delinquents will bo published in the county papers as soon as the list can be prepared, and all unpaid taxes for years above mentioned will bo immediately col lected with am. cost.s added. Dated at Union this lflth day of January , 1801. J. T. IJOLLK8. Sheriff and Ex-otllcioTax Collector. By W. It. UsiiKii, Deputy. 1-22. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. N OTICE IS IIEUEUY GIVEN THAT the co-uartncrshln heretofore existing between A. K. Jones and B. Chaneey, in tho publication of This Oiikoox Scout, is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. Mi Jones will retire and Mr. Chaneey will con tinue tho business. Either one will recoip for nionevs due. All back accounts must bo settled without delay, Dated this 15th day of January, inji. A. K. JONES, B, CHANCEY. ESTItAV NOTICE. Notico Is hereby given that there was tak- i un 1 tflv.ttt jft MfiVt itrAL' III fill Vit lit l J . fk Vliaill V'w - - v v . t.v precinct of North Vowder, Union county, lregUIl, HUH lUSll'U uviuiu lliu imutiai(,m.u a justice of tho pence for tho above precinct ono dark iron gray horse, supposed to be 12 furs (Hii, uaima ii'u, uiuimuii capital 1) (ocript) on the left hlinuldor. ppralsed at f3." this January 3, 1.8-31 JOHN El) WARDS. J u j tiro of the l'ouce. NOTIOK TO SKTTI.K. j All teroiis hulnhtctl to tho unilM-alguwl, ' by notf, booK account or otharwlst, are j expected to iett)i their aouounU without i further notice. I am uomiHitltHl to nil opt j ill imiir.,t t tai.niiiit if lilt " --" ttia. ! MMl IWIII ll lilt IIVMJIIMt 1 w recent lint In Uortiuoontti. 1J 18 ilm II I.. AMIKltSON. EICIPAL POM'S IT EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH UNION, 01 A. K. klhs, Ticket ABc,t. TT.fR 'PA TIT, W Trains depart from Union daily as follows: BAST HOUND. Overland Flyer, No 2 . .. WEST llOONl). Overland I'lyor, No 1 .11:33 A. M. 7: 0 1'. 31. Main Lino, Nos. 1 and 2, "The orland Flyer,'' carry through Pullman SWpors, Colonist Sleepers, lree Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Deliver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main Line, Nos. 3 and 1. "Tho Limited Fast Mail," carry Pullman Dining and Sleeping Cars between Portland and Chi cago. OCEAN DIVISION. The Union Paciti" will dispatch Stcamerr between San Francisco and Port land, as folfbws. FltOM l'OKTl.ANI). At 10 p.m. FI.OM SAN KI.AI. CISCO. At 10 a. m. State Nov 20 Oregon Dec 2 Columbia,.. " tatc " Oregon "11 Columbia 14 State ... . "17 Oregon. . . 20 Columbia " 23 State " 2H Or.igon " 20 Oregon. .. Columbia. . Klntf Oregon. . . Columbia . State .. . Oregon Columbia . State. Oregon. . . . Columbia Nov 23 .Dec 1 10 13 10 19 28 The company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing days. RATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin. - - ?10.00 Steerage - - $S,00 Round Trip Tickets, Unlimited - $30.00 Children, under 12 years - - Half Fare ,, C years ... Free Including Mcah and Berths. C. S. MELLEN, I T. W. LEE. Gen'i Traflic Manager. Gcn'l. Ticket Agt, A. E. ELLIS, Agent. Union. 0.&W.T.R.R. "The Hunt Line." In Connection With the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'D Forms the Quickest and Best Route Uetween Eastern Oregon and Washington and Paget Sound points, as well as the Popular and Direct Lino to all POINTS PAST and SOUTHEAST PULLMAN SLEEPING CAKS, SUPKltll DINING CAKS, and FEEE SECOND CLASS SLEEPERS Tlnoiicli to Chlc.ij; via tills I. Inn. Passenger Trains of this Company are run ning regularly between DAYTON, WAITSBURG, WALLA WALLA, WASH., anil PEN DLETON, Oli.. Making close connection at Hunt's Junc tion with Northern Pacific trains for Taeo ma, Seattle, Victoria, 1!. C, Ellensburg, North Yakima. Pasco, Spraguo, Cheney. Davenport. Spokane Falls, Dutte, Helena. St. Paul, Minneapolis, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passenger Train, making above connec tions leaves Pendlefon daily, at 7:10 p.m. Through Tickets Sold to all Points East at the Lowest Hates. W. F. WAMSLEY, Gcn'l Fr't and PassV Agt. Walla Valla, Wash. G. W. HUNT, President and Gen'l Manager. II. L. DEACON, Ticket Audit, Union, Or R. H. BROWN, Dealer in TOILET AliTICLLS, PERFUMERY, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc.! A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall Pnporon hand. Proscriptions Carefully Compounded j Day or Night. , A full supply of school books con-! stantlv on hand. I Thomson & Purel aro agents for tho eolobmtod Cyclono Wind Mill, and as tho prices un them have been grunt ly redtired thoy are now within the roueh of nil. Sample mill to bo seou nt their planet' in North Union. Call and examine it. J m DMMloflic Liu lo Gove. Laftvot Union dnilv at 2 p. in, arrives at Core nt 8 :80 p. m. Ieaves Covu at 8 a. in., arrives at Union at 0:30 a. in. Connections made with Elliott's eoachev running to tho depot, carrying passenger 'or east and west bound trains. KATKS for TASSKNOCltS. IAJOOAOK ami I'ltKIGHT, ItlJASOXAHLE. I101IINSON & LAYNli. Proprietors uwonJUHION CITY HOTEL, (Opposite the Court ouse.) I ;L, J, Boothe, Proprietor. Having refitted the san. and added a large new dining room, I am now bet ter prepared than ever to accomodate my patrons. Meals 25 Cents. Beds 25 Cents. Give me a call. 9-11-lin Union and Coi'imcopia Stage - Line ! o Quickest and Cheapest Route to the Pine Creek Mines. ItAf as ! FAItK. FREIGHT, moil to Park - $160 c " " Sanger - - 3 00 ljc " " Cornucopia - - 0 00 214 e : LU" SALOOEM. ' "Win. James, Proprietor, Union, Ore. Pine Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Drop in and be sociable. Fine billiard table." LUMBER for SALE at tho High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap as me cheapest. Patronage - Solicited. 5-30tf WM. WILKINSONS SON. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Dusiness attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. Ourollice is opposite the U. S. Patent Ofllce. and we can obtain Patenis in less Mine than those remote from Wasoington. Tie Blue Send MODELor DRAWING. We advise as to pantentabililv free of charge: and we mako NO CHAKGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECUltKD. Wo refer, here, to the Postmaster, the -V Supt. of Money Order Div., and to ollicials jT of tho U. S. Patent Oilicc. Fci circular, advice, terms and rcHerences to actual cli ents In your own State or Countv, write to C. A. SNOW & Co.. Opposito Patent Olllco. Washington, D. C. STEEL 9im fl :T Samples Pena, different patterns, in tl a I !:! iMato-.l ITTnttJi I5ox, sent pott-pald, oa receipt of 10 CENTS. PERRY & CO., London. t824. U. S. Offl co. D10 Broadway New York. 11-OwtO. THE ONLY TRUE IRON 1U TONIC Will r.rif, u. bIm4i rxinUtetha and KIJji and lu.l.r. th u.uia ma irr.i sum. Ifj.p4p.ia, Want ot Appetite, Indlsaitlon. jack oi oirauKin una xiraa 1'MllnEabaoluUlroured.Ilanaa, lew lure niiTcii.iap oiibu jind luppliea Drain Power. 'ZEr Buffering from complaint I ADiB rooull.rtothoiraeiwillflnd jm r-aaer u umw in xiiu xiaju jwio tnwn TONIO a aa(e and epeedr cur OUoan clear, beaU thy complexion. Frequent attempt! at counterfeit io only add to the popularity of the original. ,fWHU,.tniiui.ii, in. ... - ll A n-rrnto iff mr IWTn Dll G Cum Ilea mall Or. HARTTK MEDICINE CO., Et-Uul,!!-. IUUNISIIKD KODMS POU RUNT. 1 Mr M. J. t'huncoy. Corner Second nud U M. Union. Oregon. 7-17-tf, AlfOOD WANTKD. Parlies desiring to pnv their lmitbtediiea4 to this paper, iii wood, can uow du to. - t . 1 . e- . M 7-17-tf. BICYCLE l'OU BALK. Ono M Inch, full nloksl. and one 45 lnli tiidard riiMi. Rnijutro ut this otlitc, 7-17-tf,