The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 29, 1891, Image 1

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if It e wp
la independent in all things, neu
ttal m nothing; devoted to every
cause it believes to be right a
journal for the people.
Has nB lnro n circulation aa nny
tuo papers in this eection of the
ytatc ininhinid, and is corre
spondingly valuable ns an adver
tising medium.
Here Will the Press the People's Rights Maintain.
vol. vir.
NO. 32
The Oregon Scout
An Indrpa ml weekly Jouina , laued etery Thursday
d J Publishers n J Proprietors.
A. K. Jon rm, Editor.
II. Cuamcbt, Foreman
Unto of Subscription.
ne espy year,
ne copy lie muiiohs,
ne oofj taree nvmth,
Invnrlnhly Cah In Adranrp.
1 SO
by ehnnce inbtcrtttinnt are rmj paid till end
v V11'. lTr o'crs inn uc imiirru.
Ratas oil advertising made known on application.
tiT OorremwndMice from all puts of the country
sol totted.
Address all comrnunlratlont to the Onr.uo.t Bcoirr,
Tlnloti, Ureg-on.
rmwiDHST llenjamln Harrison of Indiana.
HROKitTART or Statu-Jainea O. Ilia ne of Maine
HKORRTtRY ur tiik TiiKA-uitv William Wludom
f Minnesota.
Skckiitrt or War ttedfiel' Proctor of Vcrmort.
Heokktart or tub Navv Ilonjimlo F. Tiacy of
Nnir York.
Hkokktart or tub Interior- John W. Njb!e of
Potmaster-Qkni!RAL John Wanamaktr of Fenn
Attormiik.Oknrral W. H. H. Miller of Indiana.
-BRcirnTARV or AuiucULTimB-Jereinlah Kunk cf
Secretary of Hlate,
Htata Treasurer.
I J. N. DoLi'H.
Gl.OKUK W. McllllIIIK.
(!. W. WKIIll,
uiwrlntendeut of Tubllo Instruction, E. II. McHLRor.
tttate Prinkf. - - I-'rmc O. IlAkr.n,
fit. 8. t-TKAIIAN,
ftunreme Judges, W. P. Loitu.
lW. W. TllAVKK
. .. . k. M. I). Clifford
aireml Suite. . - jAMia A. Ff.k.
Prnsscutlng Attorney ... 0. P. IIydk.
(J. W. NoRVAL.
1 J. II. IlAI.RY.
fltt Senator!,
Achcol Superintendent,
SnrTejror, - :
f John McAi.iktbr.
I J. A. wruiiit.
I. N Banders.
I, T.
J. H. Elliott.
Ti. 0. nitAINAHK.
II 8. Straniik.
J. L. tjl 11TIH.
Joel Wravkr
j William Arnold,
1 John McDonald.
J. W. Krnnrdy,
"i , I'eoordnr, ...
fttreet Oommlnloner,
Alien Johnson
N. F. Ficklin,
B. F. Wilson. J. II. Corrin.
J. 8. Elliott. a. K. Jove.
J. M. Oarroll. 8. A. Pursel.
Friday evening at jyu o ciock
O. B. Miller, Beretary.
miAvni! nowriE fnoampmfjtt. No. 11. 1, o. o.
F., meets on the riiat and third Tnedya in each
month. U. H. AlJliuKxi, u. i:
3. B. Thompson, Scribe.
A. M., meeu on the kecond an 1 fourth Saturdays
rerymontn. r.. . it a via, n . m.
R. 11. Hrown, Hecretary.
A. M., metU flrat a. "1 third Turwlai a each mouth.
W. T. Wli GUT, M. E. II. V.
TurnkrOlitrr, Secretary.
mesU erery Wedneaday erenlns.
T. II. OllAWFORD, 0 O.
TtmNER Oliver, K. of R. t 8.
third Saturday In each month at the Odd Fellows'
Goo bob IIbininorr, Adjutant.
The Methodtrt Episcopal Church hold aerrlcea at 11
A M. anl 7 r. M. of eacu Hunday.
llej. J. P. M0RRI8, Taator.
aerricea arc) held at the Preabyterlan Church at 11 A,
M. and 7 r. x. of tch HunJar.
Iter. W, J. HUGHES, Taator.
Office two doora aouth of Poatoffice,
Union, Oregon.
Special attention glren to all bualneea entruated to ua.
R. KAK1K. J. A. F.AKIN, NoUry Public.
Union, OrpRrra,
Prempt at'entlon pid to colltctiona.
Has the fineat anaisthetio for eitractlnj teeth without
pio known to the profession. Will practice lu all the
hrsnchra of raoleru tlenttntry. Silver and Rold work a
specialty. Fina sttt of teeth always on hand, First-class
wk and sat'SfaHiin guaranteed.
OHIpp Main St., Union, Or.
Physician and Surgeon,
i:i(;ii Oroffon.
far- Office t City Omt 8tore. -WSl
OSo on door south of Summers k Lajno's store,
Union, Oregon.
Patent JWedieines,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils.
I'rpKcrlptlon Carefully l'repnroil
Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc.
Montreal Saloon
Ed Remillard, Proprietor.
If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop In.
Billiard and pool tables for the accommodation of
Gornaeopia Saloon.
William Wilson, Proprietor.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors and
Cigars Always in Stock.
Firet-clan billiard table. Drop In and be sociable.
For Information About the South
The Official Immigration Department
Raleigh, N. O.
GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor.
Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing in
the Lasest Style or the Art.
Shop two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Glre
me a call.
City Meat Market
Main Street, Union, Oregon.
BENSON BROS., Proprietors,
Beef, Fork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams,
Lard, Etc.
Physician and Surgeon,
Inland Vltr, Oregon.
Prompt Attention given to all profes
bloiiHl calls, d7 or ulgbt.
Physician and Surgeon,
Elgin, Oreiroti.
t.W All calls promptly attended to, day
or night.
Klein, OrcKon.
All lis promptly attended to day or nig
Architect and Builder,
Cove, OreKon.
Drafts, plans and designs for dwellings and bridge
furnished on apiUctlon.
A New Ilppnrtnrn In the IropRf;tlon of
the Slipllllsli.
It is very probablo that unless wo lmve
resort to artificial culture to replonish
our lobster fisheries thero will bo a
marked decline in Nova Scotia's output
during tho next few years. Already
Newfoundland is abend of uh in this
branch of fish culture, for under tho
management of Adolph Nielsen, a Ncr
wegian expert, "tho ancient colony" hiu
taken n new departure in tho propaga
tion of cod and lobbtcrs. In a recent
article Rev. Moses Harvey writes that
the fish hatchery on tho shore of Trinity
bay is tho largest in tho world for the
propagation of codfish and lobsters, and
capable of hatching 300,000.000 of cod
and 200,000.000 lobsters in n single sea
son. A single mother lobster can stow away
no less than 20,000 eggs, and sho carries
theso nbont with her until they are ri
pened and hatched. Tho lobster trapper
takes these mother fish and carries them
to the factory, where they are thrown
into boiling water, and of courso tho eggs
are destroyed. Tho quantity of lobster
ova that perish in this way is beyond
all calculation, and is ono great cause of
depleted fisheries.
Mr. Harvey thus describes Mr. Niol
sen's ingenious methods: Ho gets tho fe-
malo lobster at tho factories before they
are boiled, and with a sort of spoon con
structed for the purpose he strips the
eggs from tho fibrils and returns tho lob
ster uninjured. Ho takes tho eggs
which are not nearly so delicate ns those
of tho cod, and places them in tho incu
bators, where tho water is kept in coii'
stant motion.
After a time, longer or shorter ac
cording to tho degree of ripeness they
have reached before being removed from
the mother, theso ova are hatched. With
some of them only two days are required:
in tho case of others less advanced a
month or even two months may bo
needed to hatch them. Unliko tho cod
tho youtig lobster must bo fed, for it has
no yolk sac to feed on when it breaks
from tho shell. Mussels chopped fine,
with occasionally a few yolks of eggs,
furnish food on which they grow rapid
ly, and in five or six days they have gono
through their first shelling and are lit to
bo set free in tho water to pick up their
own living.
Mr. Nielsen has invented floating in
cubators to bo placed in the water near
the lobster factories which are scattered
around the shores. In these incubators
the eggs are placed and attended to by
men nroperly instructed. Ho has 4'i'l of
thtseoating incubators distributed this
year at thirteen different stations
thirty-six at each. They are reported to
bo working admirably. There would be
no serious difficulty involved in making
similar experiments upon our own coaht,
and we understand that tho energetic
minister of marine already has the proj
ect under consideration. Halifax Her
ald. Selling tlio Queen a Toiiilixtonn.
Mr. Andrews came pretty near selling
the queen a samplo of his marble that
would have been a great thing for him.
Ho was telling mo ull about it tho other
'0. R. Johnson, tho vico consul," said
he, "got mo a card to tho queen's draw
ing room in May, and I went to it at
tired in a court dres3 which I hired at a
shop in Bond street. Thero was an aw
ful crush, but I contrived to get pretty
near tho head of tho procession by tip
ping a sixpenco to the lord chancellor of
tho privy chamber. ' I bowed and kissed
the queen's hand in great shapo; told hei
I had always admired and sympathized
with her tha I particularly revered
her for her uevotion to the memory of
tho departed. My words seemed to touch
her deeply. Sho answered that it was
her determination to keep that memory
forever green. 'In that case,' said 1, 'let
me givo you a pointer buy a fifty foot
6lab of my verd-antiquo marble!"'
"What did she say to that'" I asked.
"She didn't say anything," replied Mr,
Andrews, "but a rudo fat man in gilt
lace and a cocked hat told mo to keep
moving on around to tho left. I'd have
closed a salo if it hadu't been for him.'
Eugene Field in Chicago News.
In tlm Cuslilng'ai Fire Itnoni,
Very few of those who watched the
torpedo boat Cashing as she took her
spins around tho harbor, or as she ap
peared in her cradle in tho dry dock, re
alized how trying is service on board the
little vessel, even in timo of peace.
When tho Cushing is under way the
temperature in tho littlo engino room
gets up to anywhere from 130 to 150
degs., and in tho narrow quarters where
in the twenty-threo officers and men are
stowed tho thermometer for hours at a
timo will register 100, But such things
must bo when you put 1 ,700 horso power
machinery into a boat of only ninety
tons displacement aud tho safety valves
are set to blow off at 2.10. Tho fire room
of the Cushing when sho'is making her
highest speed, 31.-1 miles an hour, must
givo tho unfortunate men in it a vivid
idea of how salamanders feel. Boston
Tho rolling of cold steel wire is now
accomplished with ease, and instead of
tho wire becomiug weakened by the
process practical testa have demonstrated
that its tensile strength is nearly doubled.
In other words, the tonsilo strength of
hot drawn stoel wire is 60,400 pounds to
tho square inch, while that of cold rolled
steel wire is 105,600 pounds.
Ilouilln's DiiuiPktlc Contrivances.
Hondin acquired it comfortablo com
petence by the exercise of his ait, and ho
built a handsome villa at St. Gervais,
near Blois. When he had retired from
business ho amused himself by introduc
ing varouji curious inventions into his
place and the grounds attached to it
The gsnlen gato was situated some -100
yards from the house. A visitor had
only to rane a diminutive brass knocker
and let it mil upon the forehead of a fan
tastic faco making but a faint sound
when a largo bell was set in motion iu
the villa.
At the same time tho gate swung open
automatically, the plato bearing tho
name "Robert Houdin" disappeared,
and another took its plnco on which was
engraved the word "Entrez." When
the postman delivered tho letters ho had
brought ho was instructed to drop them
through a slit in tho gato into the recep
tacle provided for this purpose Tho
box, directly this was done, started of
its own accord on its journey to tho
front door of the house by means of it
miniature elevated railway.
Houdin invented, too, an ingenious
contrivance by which, whilo lying in
bed, ho could feed his horso in n stable
fifty yards from tho villa, for on touch
ing a small button there was put in mo
tion an appaiatus that caused tho exact
portion of oats required for tho animal's
meal to fall into tho manger from tho
granary above. By another curious pieco
of mechanism a little bench that stood
besido a ravine in a remote part of tho
grounds was so constructed that imme
diately any person sat down upon it tho
machine automatically traversed a nar
row bridge that spanned tho gorgo, and
having deposited tho occupant on tho
other side the bench returned to its orig
inal position. Chambers' Journal.
Sweet Vencemire.
A good joko is told upon two St. Cloud
gentlemen, botli of whom are well
known young men. Ono of them is a
married man. Tho other day two young
ladies from, well, it might have been
Minneapolis, arrived on a visit to his
wife. Soon after their arrival tho two
gentlemen conceived a diabolical idea.
A mouse was captured and tied between
tho bed clothes iu tho apartment occu
pied by tho visitors shortly before they
retired. The reporter's informant re
frained from giving tho tragic details of
th finding of tho imprisoned animal,
aud it must suflico to say that it was
tt-w-f-u-1! Thero was no peaceful slum
ber for the visitors that night, and until
dawn was spent by the young ladies in
deliberating upon how to avenge tho
above practical joko. They succeeded
most admirably.
Last night the two gontlomen, who
occupied the same room, retired as usual.
Occasionally they would remember some
thing about the mouse and then n roar
of laughter would bo heard. But sud
denly everything grow Btill. Then thero
were some remarks that sounded liko
"cuss words," and suddenly a prolonged
snuffing noise, and then tho anxious
listeners knew that all was over, or
rather under tho bed. It is explained
that when the two young men proceeded
to don what is commonly designated as
a "night dress" no ingress or egress
could bo discovered. They were sealed
hermetically sealed. Tho crash was
caused by tho fragilo form of a man
falling to tho floor through u sheet, which
was mistakingly taken for a mattress.
The gentleman slept upon tho floor. St.
Cloud Times.
Wealth In the Watermelon.
Every season develops inoro and more
fully tho prevailing necessity for tho dis
covery of some practical and profitablo
use to which the surplus melon crop
may be put. Every melon left in tho
field at tho end of the season, except for
seed, represents a waste. A means by
which this waste, which annually as
sumes enormous proportions, could bo
averted would no doubt bo hailed with
pleasure by every melon grower in tho
country: therefore tho announcement
from the Southland to tho effect that
such means has been discovered, if au
thenticated, is un important one.
The now discovery, which consists of
converting tho melon bulb into sirup, it
is alleged, will establish iu tho south an
industry scarcely of second importance
to that of producing oil from cotton
seed, and tho product is vouched for as
being tho very best over yet mado. If
the report proves true, and there seems
to be little or no reason for discrediting
it, Mississippi and Scott counties may,
with a littlo energy, convert that which
is now absolutely valueless into profits
running into tho thousunds. Charleston
A cemetery of tho Merovingian ponoa
has been disclosed by workmen in a rail
way cutting near Argentouil. Franco.
Two hundred and twenty tombs were
brought to light. Tho primitive mode
of coffining tho dead in plaster of parts
was resorted to by tho people who buried
in this cemetery. Tho plaster envelopes
havo resisted well tho action of time, it
is reported, as all tho skeletons were pre
served. Paris Letter.
In Chatham it will bo noticed that
there aro on many barns and many out
buildings signs which, to tho uninitiat
ed, are, of themselves, meaningless.
They havo fantastic namoa curved uion
them, such oa "Flying Cloud," "Mur
gnerite," etc, Thoy aro all that aro left
of once gallant ships that havo been
wrecked on tho bars aud shoals off Chat
ham. Many thero aro of these. Prov
iucetown Beacon.
A I'rlRlitful Hitllroiiil Accident, anil a
Khmlinv.v I'orni Hrlng the News.
"Mr. Wilson, how soon can you get
ready to sLtrt for H , Illinois?"
"In an hour, sir."
This conversation took placo in the
office of The New York Chroniclo one
morning as tho men on tho staff camo to
receive their assignments. If tho city
editor had asked Wilson how soon ho
could g"t ready to start for Alaska ho
would have received precisely tho same
Edwjird Wilson hurried off to his
rooms, and hastily packing a fow neces
saries in a valise reported back at thu
office in exactly an hour.
"Lie was a paragon of a reporter," you
will say, "this Wilson." But ho was
merely an ordinary city staff reporter,
who, like thousands of othora on tho big
dailies of America, stand ready at an
hour's notice to start for any part of thu
"This Illinois story will bring two col
umns, even if I'm recalled immediate
ly," ho mused, as ho rattled up to tha
Grand Central station iu u hansom;
"two columns will bring my bank ac
count up to $100, and $100 will bring tho
wife and littlo ono to Now York." Wil
son thought with delight how happy
they would be in his comfortablo littlo
Lexington avenue flat. It was a pleas
ant littlo day dream.
In fifteen minutes tho Buffalo express,
bearing the newspaper man to his desti
nation, rushed snorting out of tho Har
lem tunnel liko another earth bound
Thor rejoicing at his freedom. Past tho
end of Manhattan Island, past River
dale, Youkers and all tho lovely north
ern suburbs of tho city, along tho rolling
Hudson, past tho muddy Mohawk, then
ns night fell screaming past tho littlo
hamlets sleeping under tho hills of cen
tral New York, and on, on, on, to tho
great lakes.
Thero was nothing in tho car to inter
est Wilson, aud as the sun sank behind
tho ripening wheat fields ho dozed fit
fully, and waking would sleep again,
waking and sleeping by fitful starts and
wondering what it was that kept him in
a vaguo but all tho more fearful terror.
Filially ho slept, and it was whilo ho
dreamed that a terrible accident hap
pened. Tho trestle bridge over a swollen
creek, weakened by tho rush of waters,
had given way under tho advancing
train and 000 peoplo wore hurled into tho
Thrco or four men hurriedly furnish
ing late "copy." A dozing office boy
waking every few minutes to gTanco at
tho clock and long for 2 o'clock and free
dom. Tho night desks littered with
proof slips and "held over copy." No
sound but tho operator ticking "good
night" to his far off brothers and an oc
casional shout of "Copy!" from tho desk.
A tall figure in n caped overcoat aud
traveling cap enters tho room, and si
lently walking up to tho night desk la)'s
some "copy" before tho editor. Tho
men in the office bonding over their
work do not see him pass; but tho office
boy, brushing his hat, yawns "Good
morning, Mr. Wilson," but tho form
goes straight on.
"Can't use this, Mr. Wilson," says the
editor, looking nt tho clock. "Why, it's
1 :50. Tho paper'B going to press. What
is it any way?"
"Yes, by George, wo will run it," ho
continues excitedly. "Jim, stop the
presses." .
Then to tho operator, "IIovo you an
accident on the New York and Buffalo
"No, sir."
"How did you got it, Wilson?'
But tho form had gone.
"My God! listen to this," says tho
sub-editor. "Tho accident must havo
occurred at 1:50 exactly. Among tho
dead was Edward Wilson, a reporter on
The New York Morning Chronicle.
What was it then that brought this
copy' in?"
"I don't know," replied tho editor in a
hushed voice. "Send tho story up just
as it is. It i nns exactly two columns."
New York Tribune.
The Inutility of Uniform Divorce Lit us.
The cry has been for several years for
United States interference iu divorco
legislation by meaiiH of uniform mar
riage laws throughout tho country, tho
assumption being that peoplo troop back
and forth from one state to another and
get divorces for causes which would not
bo sufficient in their own states. But '
all this has been effectually disposed of
by tho recent masterly report of tho
Hon. Carroll D. Wright, tho United,
States commissioner of labor. Ho has
shown that more than 60 per cont. of all '
divorces aro procured in tho states iu '
which tho couples were marriod. Ab re
gards tho remaining 20 er cent, tho par
ties, in wry many instances, had immi
grated toother states after marriage and
become bouafldo residents, with no
thought of divorce. So that tho number
of thoso proved to havo gono to other
states for tho purposo of securing di
vorces is probably much less than 10 per
cent, of tho whole. It is apparent then
that uniform laws can no longer be
looked upon ns a panacea, Rov. M. J,
Savago in Forum.
The uso of a ring at n wedding cere
mony has been u custom for many
years, and in many countries besides
our own. In Russia two rings aro mod,
which are changed about, each wearing
both rings in turn, and finally each
keeping one.
What the War Artlst-Cnrreapnndent llaa
tu ay on tho Subject.
The best novate soldier on th conti
nent Is tli Uerzvgovtuuut, above, all tor
Btrengtti stamina ilw aud cnurnge A.
whole regiment mil average men over nix.
feet titfjli Tbey are brown blonde men.
mountaineer?! who tight with any sort oC
a gun they can get. and they act well lav
The German private ran ha next. Fie ts
kept In tliralltlotu and taught only to obey
lie uses his armi well, and Is aa steady ua
a rock in the luce of fire The best shots
In a German company receive extra allow
anc4-a of food and pay for their marks
manship The poorer sbotR aro required
to dij out the bullets from tho target or
Mind hank The German private Is tha
best umrkainau of all tho Luropean rank
and Gle
The Turk deserves honorable mention
next. A hundred unolllcerod Turks will
light better than any other hundred pri
vates They averacoof good size and are
dark Hotter armed and led they would
render a better account of themselves.
They have any arum they can get now.
chiefly the Remington and Peabody rltlea
Mr Prior nny the Turk la "the ono gen
tleman you meet on the face of tho oarth "
He bus the true noun of battle He shows
a fellow combatant or non-combatant tha
greatest kindness and consideration
Says Mr Prior "The Turk of the innk
has often saved me almost from starva
tion I offered him a gold piece for a tn
gle biscuit he shook his head and wouldn't
hell Then he would break it In two and
Plvo mo half of It. They fear nothing
a a war which they esteem Bncred. Ilka
tholr contest ugninst tbo Bulgarians, they
nro cupablo of any atrocities in the name
of religion
"On tho other hand. I have often had
Turks drug me away from my lonely camp
fire to theirs, sing me their sougs, press
their food and cigarettes on mo. I did n t
Bpeak their language, but 1 had my drago
man with mo all the time as Interpreter.
Tho Turks average old. t am a Turoo
philo M
The French private should bo esteemed
next. In Mr Prior's Judgment, lie Is sv.
little man, very slovenly and bombastlo
and quite young in average years Bub.
when It comes to a charge, or any matter
of dash and pluck, the Frenchman la aw
pal hint soldier Vet he can't stand ad
versity, hardship or defeat- lie must
have his bouilli or ho "hint worth a.
ctiss " At the same time, under proper
conditions, ho is hardy The French have
new reixiutlng rifles, a better arm perhaps,
than that of any European soldier Vet
the Frenchman can't shoot as accurately
as the German. The French army Is well,
drilled now
The Russian private la a forbearing and
hard workiug animal In the Hubho
Turklsh war lie was entirely overwelght&
with arms and equipments, a fault that
has been discovered and remedied. Ua
has a new title now, a good one, too Be
fore he had the Croker and Berdau guns,,
as heavy again as tho British Martini
Henry "A good Europeau war now would
bo worth $50,000,000 to the United Suite
in more ways than one," was Mr Prior's
closing remark. New York World.
Thoso Irore mothers of Ours.
Among my most vivid childish recol
lections is that of rival belles, ono of
whom, tn my admiring eight, spanned
her waist with her lolnod hands,
whilo the other triumphantly crossed
her arms behind her back and in
terlaced the fingers she brought,
around to the front of her girdle Our
girl may be a simpleton, but Bho has
taken in. If only by absorption, a general
idea of arterial circulation and lung na
tion aud attempts no such suicidal enor
mities as the above.
Our granduunts had small feet. If they
were not born with them they made them.
Their fairy figures were balanced upoot
high heels no larger at the base than a
liver dime, and But well toward the In
ttep While scant skirts were in vogue,
few had tho moral courage to moke that
Innermost of these of flannel, and tbt
merino vests were unknown. On tho.
night of Elizabeth Patterson's naptuiia
with Jerome Bonaparte, she wore but
single undergarment beneath her bridal
robe The hair was dragged painfully
upward, tied fast, pomatumed, powdered
and pinned Into a helmet over cushion
that made the head ache, tho pores of tho
kin were choked with pulverized starch,
rice and chalk, sometimes with a substra
tum of tallow to make the powder stickl
All I they were very much made up and
made over, those foremothera of ours,
who smirk aalntfully at us from tarnished,
picture frames, stonily sweet, while wo
writhe aud grimace at tho dregs of th
full cup of ills wrung out to us by tbo
Iron hand of heredity. Marion Uarlaad Lu.
Philadelphia Times.
Tho Study of Dlutuondsv
Btrango as it may seem to tho unini
tiated, no two diamonds are exactly alike,
but each has a vlrtuo and a value pecu
liarly its own. It is just as rare to sco
two Individuals exactly alike In faco, form
and feature as it is to see two diamonds.
The Idea, also, that a dealer in diainondu
can tell by looking at a gom its exact
value is nil nonsense. A diamond has to
bo studied. Whilo tho aid of tv
glass will help to discover tho
ullghtcst flaw or imporfoctlou, it does
not bring out Its truo valuo, by a lonfr
way. Men who handle money constantly
con doted a light coin by simply handling
aud examining casually, but a dun dia
mond has got to bo studied from all points
before u eufe estimate can bo put upon its
value. fJhape, size, perfection of cut tin;;
and such mutters cut an Important f)gur.
in a diamond's value. Diamond Dealer la
It has been discovered that at least a
portion of tho "great American desert" la
underlaid by n stratum of water which,
may bo reached by boring from 100 to CU!)
feet. Tho wells flow so bountifully that
ono of them will water thoroughly five or
six oercslof land. Frank Leslie's.
It vliaa surprising how much e&sier It
vims to forglf a uuui who has done you a
real Injury dan one who wrouga ynu uii
luteutloimlly or one you bat wiui;i4
yourself. Carl Duuder.