1 $'rottt tk.m?j?egon scout THE OREGON SCOUT Has na large a circulation as any to paprrs in 1 1 lis section of tho State combined, ond ig corre spondingly valuable as an adver t sing mudium. Ih in lependt nt in nil thinizf, neu tral in nothing; devoted to every cause it bfli -ves to lie right a I, journal for tlie people. 'JSC Horo Will tho Press tho People's Rights Maintain. VOL. VII. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1S01. NO. 31 ffiie Oregon Scout Utnlndfpen ent weekly jowna , Imued erery Thursday morning by PJCXNES & CIIAXCEY, Publisher and Proprietors. Joxee, Editor. H. Cu kuct.v, Forem.i n ICutt'H of Subscription. ne copy one year, ?! 50 1.110 .7 j Mte copy three raoutln, Invnrlulily Cash In Advance. AJ Ify V'lllFdl nHW-n ' l ..... .... . WTti. - ..... j. .11.... .n i ir I... ...... ..vt.tfiViii. nv nnt ni rnri BJ ytliT, UUUlO III.. .m.iyv... ltate 01 auTeii'sig matie riujhii u iinh.-iiiu. 'T t3orrtn:oiiJeiice frum ull lurta of tlie country Kallcitel. . , , VcAddreM 'l coramunl-aUous to the Oiieoon Scout, STT-I.,.. I W., ..... U UIV11I, Vllfl OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, UNITED 8TATKS. rThiiwmpwT It.ii 1:itntn llitrrlfinn nf Indiana Iflir.nuKTirii- iiHtatk .lamed U. ltlft ne of Maine. VW!8Kcr.KTr.v ok tiik TmcAtunv William Wind wltof Mlnnroa. iflii'unml' nr VATt--ltlMinel ' ITOCmr oi vctiiioli 8ECRKTAUY OP TIIK K A v lieniimia nacy 01 Uew York. ......... Skcrktaky of the JNTKUIOR-Joan n.bDie oi luri. rosTMAHTER-llKNKRAI.-Jonn anamtroi i enii Sflranla. rrnuvKk. irnKHi . . 11. . .11 n u. muiiiiii. HEOHXTARlf or AORIcULTURK-Je-emiau itusK 01 soonsin. HTATK OK OltKOtlN'. f.T H MiTnl !.!.. nawr, J.S. Doi.ru. Oonnnxmu. - - HijMim Hermann. kTemor. ... Sylvkhtkk Ckn.novkr. if Secretary of State, - Utoituis W. McltitlUK. Mtate TreaJiurer, - - li. .Kiin, 'Snii..rinten.leut of Public Instruction. K. II. McKi.rov. 0l ( It. K STUAIUN. mala rr.nuT. ... rjn.K vj. haw.i.. ( It. K Stuaiia i W. P. 1,01111. lW. W. Thaw hipreme Judge, SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRIOT. fOlrooit Judges, . - jAMtii A. Fek. Prosecuting Attorney - - - 0. K. llvnu. COUNTY OK UNION. I .1. W. NoRVAL, I J. II. IUI.KV. fState Senators, lEepresentallrcw, (John McAi.itkr. I J. A. Wriiiht. 'Judge Sheriff. I. . haniiers J.T. IIOLI.KM. Ulerk, I Recorder Treasurer, School Hupeilnteudent, TUIthKH OMVEU. J. 8. KI.I.IOTT. K. 0. IIRAINARD. II. 8. BfllANOK. fSurreror, J. Ii. Ut HTIS. J. I). filllLII. AaaeMor, Coroner, Joel Weaver POommisidoafni. I W ILL I John WILLIAM AKNOI.ll, McDonald. CITY OF UNION. IKcooniiT, Kf arahal. J W. Kennedy. C. L. ltHKK.1l.kK. Arch Johnson. Street Commissioner, N. V, Kir KLIN. councilmkn. B. F. Wilhon. J. II. Oorihn. J. B. Kluott. A.K.Jones. J. M. ()a;iiioll. 8. A. I'ukmel. LODGES. tXTNION IiODOR, No 39, I. O. . F., MKKTB F.VKIIY Ktlday e)enlng at 7MU o clock WM. HALKY. N. O. O. 8. Miller, Secretary., - 4 VjIlAVnK RONIli: I KOAMPMKNT. So. II. I. O. O, v., meets ou toe brat and third Tuevi)S in eacn month. O. n. .MlLd.fclC U. r. J. B. TU0Mrm)N, 8crib. VORANDK KONDK VALLK.Y I.ODRK, No. 56, A P. 4 A M nieeta ou the tecond an I fourth Haturitars ererv moiitn. h, n, uavio, n.m, K. 1L IlRowrs, Secretary. iORANOK RONDK VAtXKY OIIAPTKR, No. 20 . It. A. M meet nnt a n third I ucwlai eacn nioniii. W. T. Wit. CUT. M. K. II. V. Turner Oliver. Secretary. RllLUK MOUNTAIN I.ODOF. No. 23 K. OF V meeta every Wednesday ovrmii3. T. II. OUAWFOHD. 0 0. Turner Oliver, K. of It. & K. BE8TON TOUT, No. 18, O. A. K., MF.F.T8 F.VKKY thlrtl Saturday in each moith a-, iho Odd Felloi(' nail. jiisiiuA viiAuriuiv, x-, u. cororIIeininoer, Adjutant. OHUItCIIES. t The MethodUt Kpincopal Church holda serrlcen at II Jk.. K. an 4 7 I'. M. ol eaca nunuay. Her. J. V. MOURI8, rantor. Servicaw are held at the Presbyterian Church at 11 A, M. and T r. M. of each Suni'ay. Her. W, J. IIUOIIKK, Pantor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. 8IIKLT0N. J. M. CAKUOLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office two doors aouth of Poatoffloe, Union, Oregon. Special attention giren to all bulnw entrusted to us. B. KAK1N. J. A. EAKIN, Notary Public. R. EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, Oregon. Prompt at'entlon iM to colltctlooi. DR. E. N. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST, Ha tho finest anx-sthetle fur extracting teeth without pain kniwn to the profession, Will practice In all the spooialty. Fine et of teeth always on hand, llrst-clas uiancjira ui uouvia upuimvit, outer nun tuui .w. Olllco-.'Miilii St., Union, Or. W. E. BROWNELL, M. D Physician and Surgeon, i:i(;lii Oregon. Omce at Cllr Drug- Store. I, H. CROMWELL, M. D HYSICIAN SAND SURCEON, Office on door south of Bummers i Laynt's store, Union, Oreeon. The Cove Drug Store JASPAR G. STEYENS, Proprietor, DKAI.EU IN PURE DRUGS, Patent JVIedieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. i'rt'Nrrlptloiix Carftilly Prepared. also di:am:u in- SPORTING GOODS, -CON8I8TINO OF- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprievor. If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop In. Illlllard and pool tables for the accommodation of customer. Gornaeopia Saloon. William WHsod, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always in Stock. First-clam billiard table. Drop In and be sociable. For Information About the South -ADDRKSS WITH STAMP - The Official Immigration Department -OK- FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CAUL ItOHINtJON, Secretary, ltalelgh, N. O. UnionTonsorialParioFs GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Staving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing in tbe Lasest Style of tbe Art. Shop two doors south of the Centennial hotel, aire me a call, City Meat Market Main Strcot, Union, Oregon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, , KEltr CONSTANTLY ON UAND Beel, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. BROOKS, M. D Physician and Surgeon, Inluiifl OU)-, Oregon. tA. Prompt attention given to all profei Blotial calls, day or night. M. DITTEBRANDT, M. D Physician and Surgeon, Elgin, Oregon. All calls promptly attended to, day or nlKlit, T. McNAUGHTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, Klein, Ureeon, All lis promptly attended to day or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove, Uregun, Drafts, plans and designs (or dwellings and bridge furnished on application. THE PACIFIC COAST. The Tacoma Coal Company Opens an Immense Vein of Coal. Washington's Supreme Court Construes the Law Regarding Community Property of Husband and Wife. Tim schooner Dave is nshore near Ho i xi lire Point, and is a total wreck. AlxMit 200 men engaged to work upon a new sewerage system at Albuquerque, N. M.f have struck for higher wages. The new opera house was opened at Ogden one day last week by Kimna Ab bott. There was n brilliant assemblage. The San Diego Chief of Police does not believe that Cummings, the Missouri bandit, is in that section of the country. The steamer Emma lias been towed oil" the rocks in the Victoria (B. C.) harbor, and will be at once hauled out for re pairs. The Northern Pacific Express Com pany nt Sjiokane Falls has been robbed in a mysterious manner of a package containing $1,500. Tho Nevada Herald says: Sleighing between Truckee and Lake Tahoe and Truckee and Sierra Valley was never known to be better. In the New Mexico Legislature the Republicans have a majority of two in the Council, and tho Democrats a simi lar majority in tho House. The benevolent ladiesof Spokane Falls gave a New Year's dinner to the news boys and bootblacks of that city. It was given in the old Congregational church, over 100 boys participating. i mining excitement has broken out in tho mountains between Glen Ellen and Napa Valley, Cal. Specimen rock from the ledges in these mountains have averaged from $5 to $75 gold ami silver to tho ton. Tho orange packers of Southern Cali fornia held a meeting at Riverside re cently, according to appointment, for the purpose of formulating a uniform con tract for the buying and selling of or anges this season. The Mavor of Portland has appealed to tlie Union Pacific to take steps to re lieve the distress and destitution caused by withholding from discharged railroad hands now in Portland tho money that is due them for wages. The damage done by the recent storms in tho work on tho Seattle and Montana railroad will amount to about $25,000. It was chiefly on the crib work along tho shore in the neighborhood of the Ed munds and Richmond beach. Tho first through passenger train of tho Sevier branch of the Rio Grande Western reached Manti, Utah, one day last week, and was met by 1,000 citizens. Speeches were mado, and a banquet was held at the Mormon Tabernacle. A ball ended tho rejoicing for the day. Some time ago a party found the bleaching bones of a woman's skeleton on a rocky blutr in the western part of Powder River Valley. Tho remains had evidently been there many years, as no . f mil, trace oi ciotmug was visiuie. inu ooncs aro now in tlie possession of a prom nent physician of Eastern Oregon. A San Diego dispatch says: Officer Weller brought into custody an unknown wild man captured in a canyon about fifteen miles east of tho city. Ho lived in a sort of den, which he had dug out in the side of tho canyon. Ho was placed in the cell for maniacs. Ho could not speak, and grunted like a wild animal. Tho steamer Badger, supposed to have been hopelesalv wrecked on Jones Island, steamed into Victoria harbor the other day. At tho underwriters' sale her owner bought tho vessel for $150. He proceeded to the wreck, filled tho hole in tho hull with cement, floated tho ves sel, got up steam and went to Victoria. Labello, tho "king of opium smug glers, " who escaped from tho United States secret-service officers wliilo being convoyed from his homo at Port Huron, Mich., to Detroit about two years ago by jumping through a car window, hasoeen caught atOlympia, Wash., where he was driving a laundry wagon under the alias of Boulanger. A recent decision of the Supremo Court of Washington construed tho law regarding community property of hus band and wife to mean that all commu nity real estate is exempt from execution on a judgment rendered aguinst an indi vidual member of the coinni"nity, when the debt for which tho judgment was obtained is not incurred for the benefit of the community. During the progress of a ball game be tween the San Dingo and tho San Fran cisco teams recently at San Diego the receipts were attached by the contractor who had constructed tho grand stand. It has co mo to light that Manager Hell man has failed to pay any jiortion of tho numerous claims standing against him. The plavers will suffer to tho extent of their salaries and expenses, Tho Steilacooin hospital for tho insane has at present 420 inmates. There is every class of inmates confined in tho institution. Soma aro not violently in sane, and aro allowed to wander alwut tho grounds. Sometimes they are given easy tasks to perforin. It is necessary that tho keepers watch them carefully, as insanity seems to sharpen some of tho faculties as well as to destroy others, Tho desiro to escape from the institution is tho one which causes tho officers more trouble than anything else. EASTERN ITEMS. Democrats Will Have to Carry New York in 1892 to be Successful. A Baltimorean Victimizes Twenty-One Sen ators and the Vice-President of the United States. Several Wisconsin insurance compa nies are said to be in a shaky condition. The Knightt of Reciprocity is a new secret order just established "in Kansas. Tho Missouri river is getting so low that it is now called the "Little Muddy." Tho Kansas City fire service has been improved by the threat of higher insur ance rates. More than 300 of the abandoned farms of New Hampshire have been taken up within a year. Tho new apportionment bill makes New York absolutely necessary to tho Democrats in 1802. Senator Farwell of Illinois denies that ho has any intention of withdrawing from the contest for re-election. There aro those who look for a reac tion in the club craze, and with it K8si ble disasters of a financial kind. Tho cultivation of oysters along New Hampshire's short coast line is alwut to be attempted by the State Fish Commis sion. The New York, New Haven and Hart ford rail roii (1 will not issue passes to members of tho present Connecticut Legislature. The Missouri Pacific railroad is consol idating its branch lines under one gen eral system, all to be swallowed up by the big corporation. A company has been formed with millions of capital behind it to ship cat tle in steel cars from tho West to Phila delphia for slaughter. The Kock Island is projecting a rond in tho Northwest as far as Milwaukee, and hopes to get a part of tho lumber trade to tho Southwest. Patients at New York afllictcd with lupus have twenty-four hours after tho injection of Dr. Koch's lymph shown re markable improvement.' At a meeting of Kansas Mayors tho metropolitan police system was recom mended to be abolished in cities with less than 35,000 population. Tho private insane asylum at Atchison is tho most prosperous institution in tho city. It is so crowded that now appli cants are refused admission almost every day. New York city's Board of Surgeons want to try Koch' lymph on tho police men, who, more than anv other class of men perhaps, are exposed to changes of weather. Advices from Cuba say that tho cano acreage has been largely increased this year, and that the Benson now is too far advanced to bo materially damaged by cyclones. There were 1,(184 Prohibition votes cast in Texas last month. Tno fl cures I show that thero is an average of about onorronioition voter lor every iua square miles of Texas land. E. J. Pennington of Mt. Carmol, 111., says that his new air ship, which will retch a speed of 200 miles an hour and be navigable, will make a trial trip some time during January. A citizen of Rooks county, Kan. ,says : The people of the western part of the State no longer try to conceal tho fact that many people havo left tho country on account of the drouth. Tho project of holding a Pan-American Congress during tho progress of tho Co lum niii Exposition is growing in popular favor, and there is every prospect that such a meeting will bo held. Farmers in Kansas havo started a movement to force a reduction in rail road grain rates from points in that Stale. It is said that tho Interstate Commerce Commission is to be appealed to. The steamship British Queen recently cleared from New Orleans for Bremen with a cargo of 12,250 bales of cotton valued at $012,500. ThU is tho largest cargo of cotton that over crossod tho ocean. The Treasury Department has decided that imorters of merchandise imported and entered in bond prior to October 1, 1800, and now in bonded warehouses, may withdraw either at tho old or new rate of duty. Governor Campbell of Ohio lias de cided to investigate tho relations of tho Canal Commission and tho State Board of Public Works to the att"mpts of cer tain paitics to get possession of the State gas and oil lands. Albany and Troy are ambitious of be coming ports of entry, and are organiz ing their forces to securo the improve ment of the Hudson to such extent as to muko it navigaulo to their wharves by sea-going vessels. Actual canal excavation hns now be gun on the Nicaragua canal. In spito of the swampy condition of tho land near Grey town the soil is of clay and sand, and iu of sufficient consistency to stay where it is dumped. An Eastern weather prophet predicts that there will be an increase in rainfall iu 1801 in the Mississippi and Missouri Valleys along tho fortieth degree of north latitude. May, 1802, he says, will bring the most disastrous storms since 1832-3. FOREIGN NEWS. Hungarian Nobles Offended at the Prince of Wales. Baron Hirsch Makes a Generous Offer to the Russian Government, Hut It is Declined. Holland has signed a general act of conference. Sixty thousand working people aro re ported to bo idle iu Berlin. Emin Pasha's forces havo twice de feated native tribes in Africa. Transportation companies were taxed to carry Christmas presents from Eng land to Ireland. Eight, hundred Russian estates are an nounced for sale to meet obligations of the bankrupt owners. Colonel Cadman, it is reported, will succeed Commissioner Smith in tho Sal vation Army of England. Tho Great Western railroad, one of England's greatest, ha8 decided to run an American vestibule train. Lnlwuehoro finds fault with General Booth I ecause his family has the best positions in tho Salvation Army. Emperor William has given orders that women shall not be employed at night in any government factory. News from tho Vatican is that tho re ports of the illness ol tho Popo are true and it is a question if he live out the winter. It is noted that since the Parnell row began there has been a sad increase of intoxication in Ireland, "due to the ex citement." Tho Governor of tho Bank of England is to lo given tho freedom of tho city of London for his services in tho Baring Bros.' difficulties. Tho Socialists aro again activo at Am sterdam, tho police having torn down several placards with the- words; " Jjng Uye thy ltepnhlio," Commander Stuhlnmnn recently cap tured a slaver's camp near Victoria Ny anza, killing many Arabs and releasing a large number of slaves. It is officially announced that tho Bishop of Lincoln " has complied and will comply with tho judgment of tho Archbishop of Canterbury and his As sessors." The weather now prevailing through out England is the severest experienced since 1813. Tho river Humber is com pletely frozen over, and tho Thumes is partially so. Tho youtic Duke of Orlcanx nronoserf to servo ior a year in tno ilussian army and will probably bo sent to tho Oauca sus. where thoro is a possibility of a light Willi U10 TlirKS. Nicola Maxlmilianovitch, Prince of Romanovski, Duko of Leuchtenberg, is in Paris sufiering from cancer of ho throat. It is believed ho will not live a fortnight longer. The verdict of tho medical men in Rcrlin is said to bo in regard to tho Koch lymph that the results would bo more favorable wore other modicaments used with the inoculation. Tho Popo has information that the German Uundesrath has decided to re fuse ermisHion for Jesuits to return to Germany, but favors permitting Ile demptionist Fathers to return. Tho Czar has decided to forbid any of Ids subjects from entoring tho principal ity of Monaco on .account of tho largo numlHJr of wealthy KussiaiiB who have been ruined at tho gaming tables. One man was decapitated, four stran gled and four exiled in a little village near Shanghai, China, for having inhu manly burned up a number of wounded government salt inspectors with their boat. The Spanish government has instruct ed tho Minister of Financo to issuo de crees raising tho duties on foreign arti cles of food. The Minister has also been instructed to prepare u new protective customs tariir. Professor Koch has Ixmjii made an hon orary citizen of Berlin. Ho is the fourth man to enjoy that distinction. His col leagues are Prince Bismarck and Count Moltke. Dr. Henry Kchliemann, recent ly deceased, was so honored. A bill is to Ixj submitted to tho Gor man Imperial Parliament next year for tlie restitution to tno (Jatliolic Church of the entire accumulated capital formed by the priests' salaries which were con fiscated during tho anti-Catholic ugitu tion. Tim National Indian Pniiirrr.au nt fV.I. rutin. Iiiih decided in noiwl KM) iinllin. ,lnl. gates to hold a conference in Ioudon, ...111. .1... - t , , ...... ., ' nun uiu uujuut ui proving ocioro llio Kiil'HhIi tillhlii! tlm (1 In own nf Mm nnllv... of India to bo treated us follow-citizuns by the British. Tim now trim for tint n.irmnn nril,lnrv in nf hIci'I. nnd wnlirliti u-lMinnr tlm nnr. ringo 8-10 pounds, against tho old gun's 000 pounds. With carriage it has u u'l'if.fif. nf 7nO nmiiila nirnlriut ! nna " H - ,.ww I ...... ",tl,,,. I. , I' , ( Tho new ammunition wagon weighs 3,080 I.. 41. 1.1 . . II, ' The Russian government has issued an order forbidding tho employment of Austrian workmen either iu agriculture or manufactures. Laborers of this na tionality are conducted to tho Austriim frontier every day by hundreds. PORTLAND MARKET. Wiikat Thero is apparently littlo ot no chango in tho local situation. Re ceipts from the Valley aro very light but still larger from cast of tho mountains. Exporters quoto $1.22 for Valley and $1.12 for Walla Walla as extremes. Fi.ouu Quoto: Standard, $3.00fa4.90; Walla Walla, $3.003.80 per barrel. Oats Quoto: White, 5GQt8c nor bushel. Mills-tuffs Quote: Bran, $21.00 21.50; Shorts, $24(324.50 per ton. Hay Quoto: $1018 per ton. Vkoktabi.es Tho market la firm. Quoto: Cabbage, $1.251.50 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 por dozen; Celery, 5Vi per dozen; Onions, 2(3c per pound; Carrots, $l per sack; Beets, $1.50 por sack; Turnips, $1 per Back; Tomatoes, 50c per box; Potatoes, $1.00 por cental ; Sweet Potatoos, 2,0 per pound ; squash, $2 per cental. Fkuits Tho market is steady. Quoto: Tahiti Oranges, $3 per bfx; Sicilv licm ons, $7.5008 per case; Jenrs, lc per pound ; Apples, 00(j$85c per box ; Grapos, $1.25 per lox; Pineapples, $3.504.00 per dozen; Bananas, $34 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 por box. Nuts Quoto: California Walnuts, 17KC; other varioties.loc; Peanuts, 12o; Ahnondi. 17c; Filberts, 1415c; now Brazils, 20c por pound ; Cocoanuts, $1 por dozen. CiiKRSK Tho market is steady. Quote : Oregon, 13(Hil4c; California, l))10c; Yotistg America, 1415c per pound. BuTTKti Quote : Oregon fancy cream ory,k4042Wc; fancy dairy, 370; fair to good, 2730c; common, 2025e; choico California, 37Kc por pound. Poultiiy Quoto: Old Chickens, $4.00; voung, $3.00(33.50; old Dunks, $57; Geeso, $10011 per dozen; Tur keys, lGc per pound. Eqq Quote : Oregon, 25c por dozon. The Merolinnitlso Markot. Rick Quoto: $0.50 per cental. PrcKiiKB Quoto: $1.25 5s; $1.15c 3s. Salt Quoto: Liverpool, $17, $18, $19; stock, $11(312 por ton In carload lots. Coal Oil Quote : $2.35 por case. CaANiiKRiiiKs Quoto: Capo Cod, $11 por barrel, Cofhkk Quoto: Costa Rica, 23c; Rio, 25c; Arbucklo's, roaaUsd, 20c per pound. Sua ahh Tho market is firm. Quota: Golden 0, 6o ; extra 0, 0c ; dry gran ulatod, 7)60 ; cube crushed and pow dered, 7c por pound. DitiKD FnUrrsThe market is firm. Quoto i Italian Prunos, 12)14c; Pe tite and Gorman Prunes, 10c per pound : Raisins, $2.50 per box: Plnmmor-driI Pears, 11 12c sun-dried and factory Plums, ll12c: evaporated Peaches, 24c; Smyrna Figs, 20c; California FigB, b per pound. OanmedGoods Markotlaflrm. Quote: Table fruits. $2.25, 2Js; Peaches, $2.75; liartlott rears, $Z.Zo; I'lums. si.Ho; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherrios, $2 2.60; Blackberries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; Pinoapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.25. Pio fruit : Assorted, $4.50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50: Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.5 por dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25 Oil. 50. according to quality; Tomatoes, fl.l53.50: Sugar Peas, $1.401-J0; String Beans, $1.10perdozon, Ji?Ul Pi nion, $1.251.50j sardines, 8Oc(A$l.G0; lobsters, $'J3; oysteffl, $1.5008.25 per dozen. Condensed milk : Eagle brand. $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $4.75; Champion. $6 per case. Nails Base quotations: Iron, $3.20; Steel, $3.30; Wire. $3.00 per kog. Shot Quote: $1.85 per sack. Bicanb Tho market is firm. Quote: Small Whites, 3M4c; Pink, SJsfc; Bayos, 4c; Butter, 3c; Limaa, 5; per pound. Hops Tho market is steady, with nom inal price. Quote: 2030c per pound. Wool Tho market is steady. Quote : Valley, 1620c; Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla, 1016c per pound. Hides Quote: Dry Ilidei, selected prime, 88c, K5 'e8l r culls; green. Bolocted, over 55 pounds, 4c ; under 65 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool. SO 0500-, medium, 00080c; long, 9Oc0 $1.25, shearlings, 1020o; Tallow, good to choice, 3030, Th Meat Market. The market is firm. Quote: Beef Live. 203o; dressed, 8c Mutton Live. 3c; dressed, 0W97e. Hogs Live, 4M5)(a ; dr)aed, 6Jc. Veal 68c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. BtlOKXO Ml ATS AND LARD, Tlie market is firm. Quotations : East ern Hams, 12)4013c ; Breakfast Bar eon, 10Xlle; Sidoe, 9010c; Lard, 10c per pound. I'oml llopra Shattered. American Hoiress Dear Max, I would bo yours, but I lack faith. Ara you really and truly 11 countf Max Von Splegoleisen I swear it, peatitlfiil laty A. 1L Have you ovor borrowed a dollar from my brother? M. Von 8. I haf not A. II. And pardon mo do you pay your board and laundry bills promptly? M. Von 8. I do. A. II. Aro your debts all paid? M. Von 8. Ellory ono, sweetheart, A. II. (sndly) Thon furewell for overl You are no count Out of my sight instantly! Uoonol (Faints.) Pittsburg Htillotlii. Mllltnry Item. German Drill Sergeant (to awkwnrtt recruit) You wretched donkey, you haven't got any moro Ideu of tho man ual of arms than it salt cucumber hits of billiard playing and yet you wear HDCotncloa. Toxas Sittings. - Various Japaneso towns aro bulldlnK water works, tho Toklo works Imvuijf proved to succubaful.