The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 15, 1891, Image 8

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    j Architect iit!i'tiUn uji yi.nrtnrn.
J A cbiirtiiim UfU-li ot Uih Uiirler of
Stilt? cblel tn hlttft o( the 1 intiwu.-plMi
.railroad den AntK'iikof) i given Hi The
'Piotersbiitjrt'i itiitm N-urly tnnlwut
between fM.tiiurrand ami! Amu lliinii mmv
a oc)rrci4Hiiiiifiit ut thf tjvpt eiieiiinp
xnent on h oii t elnv sinl stund.
the rnllwn) trtnt in wlm-li wv live li
ronlnt! ut Irotn tori t I'ttv nil rinp't
The tirxt eiintiuje is the rusiili'itre ot (ion
Annenl'.nn on tin- Hoot uro his
work rtMiti Uih slii-pttiu spurt mem mid
tho rooms of hi." sei'rotury on t lie tipper
floor an? the (ti;iii!rt. id tin- servants- mid
lnterriroi era The seeond Ciirrlujre tr the
geucrnl dining hall. In vvhlfh troin twelve
to twenty persim break lust mid have
Ilnner nutnely the otlicers ol tho mil
way battalion tin nlllclals. the secretary
and Invltei mid casual visitors The ens
ual visitors iug persona who have come by
tho new raVfrnv which has not yet been
mibllcly oiHMied, and who uro ou their
way furthei Into tho country The uoxt
carriages are mauo into a Kiicnen iuiu
pantry, which Is replnnlshed by purchases
-at tho two nearest towns and at the siir
rounding villages One of the general's
servants drives twice a week to Tchard
to buy white bread, vegetables and
... ii i i ,i I
now and then excellent usu una iresn
Tho Iluchara href anil muttou are very
good and cheap, tho natives have plenty
of poultry for sale and enormous quaiiti
tics Of wild ducks, thousmuls of which
havo thnlr homes on tho Inland lakes
Dried fruit, rlco anil oatmeal aro bought
of tho Persian trailers who follow the new
railway lino, and Unchara melons, tho ox
oellcnco of which Sultan Ihn llatuin rue
ognized as long ago as VVX'i. and pomo
.granates areoery day brought fresh to
our doors Tho officers' carriages are
charmingly decorated with carpets and
rugs, which J ho emir has sent them. On
tho upper lloors of their carriage.? their
servants and grooms havo their rooms,
and tho saddle" horses live In front of tho
train, where they uro tied to posts A
postandlolegraphoillco.a hospital with
a doctors losldenco. and a chemist's shop
complete the stall quarters, besides uhicfi
there are u number of carriages for sol
dicra anil workmen At Klsll Topo tho
station Is finished, and at many other sta
tlons across t he lines the work is briskly
.going on mid thousands of newly planted
-trees round thercj aro just beginning to
shoot. Pall Mall (iiizctto.
. Wantllng tin n I list' Art.
Ihe ordinary man docs not think that
.much aklll Is needed In washing clothes.
Ilo has seen them washed, and ho has no
doubt but what ho could do It as well as
anybody If ho had to Ilo has looked
with a critical eyo at tho washerwoman
perhaps, ami as sho was not pretty but
old and careworn, or decidedly black, his
interest has soon died Uo imagines that
washing clothes simply means the throw
Ing of tlioin into a tub of hot water and
then rubbing them up and down on a fur
rowed board, with a llttlo soap to make
ahem slippery
This Is very far from tho truth Nearly
very urticlo requires different treatment
Pillow slips and stockings, for Instance,
must be turned Insido out beforo they uro
vrashod and lor exactly different reasons
Flannels must bo handled delicately Tho
ordinary process of washing would soon
mako them us smooth as linen, and rob
them of that delightful ability to Irritate
tho skin that Is so soothing In winter A
piece of linen marked with fruit stains
must bo washed by stretching the lluen
over tho tub and pouring hot water
through It. and uo soap must bo used
until tho stain disappears If. howevet.
tho stain is of long standing, tho spot
flhould ho slightly dampened aud then
rubbed vigorously with common yellow
uoap After tills It should bo well
starched unit tuen oxposeu to tuo win unu
Articles of delicate bluo should bo
-wasliod in water to which sugar of lead
has been n.ldod If miy uvticlo Is mil
dowed juvel water will mjou remove all
traco of the tnildoiv A :v good washer
woman knows thoso tb: and man) bo
sides that uru similar hut this amount of
Information may help brido or two in
these Juno daya. when brides aro so
plentiful. Now York Sun.
A flea for l rnllurlllcH.
Oddity Is. therefore tho dosignatlve or
distinguishing element uls)ul men, and is
to 1st uvolded only as it Is of tho churac
torless. or tho disagreeable sort. It is
possible for a family trait to divide its
quality I know well two brothers, tho
one an eminent prlost. a mini of really
magnificent power, tho other u man of
picayune Inliuitoslnmls Tho first Is a
close listed aud really mean business man
but it is overlapped by his superb
scholarship the second has largo scholar
ship, but it Is overgrown by his luipecu
jiloslty The family trait foi generations
bos been precision In business alTatra
with Now liuglund parsimony Hero It
brings forth two brains very nearly equal
In power but only In ono does tho odd
acsa show Itself us undisguised meanness
Ou tho whole, I think there Is nothing
wo may bo so thankful for us pouuliurl
ties, If wo uro not so biased us to bo
helpless and unable to exorcise rational
control of our powers, uo burin can como
from having what our neighbors havo
not. Uut tho most miserable of all poi
sons Is ho who featu to bo original who
dreads Ida neighbor's sarcasm and yet
cannot avoid being uuliku them. M
Maurico. M. 1)
rurolcii GootU In China.
The British consul ut Ichatig, tho most
western port In tho Yaugt.szo, notices in
his last report that whllo tho Import of
tho lighter cotton goods bus Increased,
that or tho heavy and course textures has
decreased. In thu spring of last your
thoro woro rumors among tho Chlnoso of
bodily ailments, diseases of tho skin, and
oven death being Induced by wearing gar
menu of foreign cotton BtufT In
Srechuen province tho story hud much
currency for a short tlino Ilo suggests
that thoso who control tho cotton goods
trado should tuko means to prevent the
prstieuco of noxious or Irritant mutter In
ibolr goods "Tho alleged uso of baryta
and its jKisslblo effects might bo worth
Inquiry." Scientific American.
limine U HtulnvM.
"Fivo cents furo for that child madam."
said a street cur conductor as ho 0eucd
the door uud put his head Into tho car
"Very well." nho replied, feeling in her
pocket, "this is an orphan child and t am
ita guardian. I mubt huvo a receipt for
all moneys paid out. aud as soou us you
write ono I'll drop a nickel In tho box." Ilo
shut tho door and leaned over thu brake
Mice a man In doop thought. Emporia
Too llaUteroua.
, John W what is tbUT
i "Mutter, air "
"ftuUeri W li wl Why did you not
sJtJefwferHi It before you brought li lut"
3rirt Orker
How llir Milium! Tilir Ail vantage of III
P.riiHl' Sugurlty An r.lepliuiit'") CHiitlim
When CnwHliiK Iti-ldge Nrrtuu About
n New Di'imrturo.
Tlie elephant holds the first rank nmonr
beasts for size, strength and intelligence,
although ho Is not bv miy tnenus so coiir
ageoiis an animal as Is generally sup
posed lie won t fight unless ho cannot
get out of a scrape by any other means.
Ho will, when traveling with a loud of
humans In a forest, start at any uoiso In
the Junglo. and If not Boothed by his
miilwint. Ih rendv to bolt Into tho forest.
quitecareless about those who aroniounted
Unon his capacious back
Perhaps this
trait In his charucter l not want of cour
mm. but merolv nervousness They aro
the general beast of burden In thocountry.
and tho government departments havo n
number of thorn In their chargo Each
elephant has his nunio. uud It is Interest
. . . . i. nn.....
lncr to watch them at work. I neir
ninliontH often take advantaffo of their
sagacity and so save themselves trouble.
1 saw an instance of this up tho coun
try Tho telegruph follows the advance
of tho troops to secure rapid communica
Hon with tho rear So a lino was formed
as tho country was occupied. First u
track was mado by felling ull timber and
clearing ofl any undergrowth, etc., to
about twenty feet In width, hundreds of
men being employed Such trees as wcro
suitable in length and otherwise were
trimmed Into tho required shape for tele
graph poles, anumberof them being piled
at intervals along tho track Then tho
elephants wcro sent to carry tho poles to
the distances thoy were to bo set apart. I
aaw ono mahout conduct his elephant to a
pile of thoso heavy poles aud tell tho In
telligcnt animal to pick ono up. ho then
with a long wand ho had for tho purpose
measured off tho distance and accom
panied tho elephant, whb carried tho polo
to tho place tho mahout indicated '1 hen
I saw tho mahout tell the elephant to go
to the pile aud place them In lino along
the i rut K. at tho same distance apart us
tho one ho had measured Tho man then
lay down under a tree mid went to sleep
In the meantime the noble animal look
up each piece of timber and carried It to
Its proper place In tho lino. I felt so In
terested that I stayed to wituess the
whole proceeding I measured tho dis
tances by pacing and found them all to bo
equal In length and correctly placed llko
tho first one Tho beast then went to his
mahout and gently touched him with tho
tip of his trunk and awoke him. as much
as to say, "All is finished, master, accord
ing to your orders " Tho muhout awoke,
mounted tho elephant and went forward
to continue tho lino in the sumo easy and
agreeable maunei
I often watched an elephant's motions
before ho would cross a native bridge over
a river Ho is most cautious, puts ouo
foot down gently and presses on tho
plunks to seo that all Is safe and firm
beforo he will venture upon them When
perfectly satisfied of the safety of tho
Btrticturo. and not until thou, ho will
walk over to tho other side Other olo
pliants who may bo in company will stop
and attentively watch tho proceedings of
tho leader When all Is right thoy follow
him without hesltutiou Thoy uro not
without warrant for their caution,
for these native bridgos aro often very
rickety structures, and I saw many of
tliem como to grief during my oxperieuco
of thorn Klophnnts aro bomotimes do
scribed as running, but it is contrary to
their habits to do so. they Invariably walk.
Tho only time I know of their going at a
faster rato is when a wild eiepnant is
hard pressed by shokurrles Kspeciully If
Bllghtly wounded, ho will suddeuly turn
und rush at his assailants, select ono and
try to catch him This is termed charging
Should ho reach tho unlortuiiato hunter
tho elephant would seize him around tho
body with his flexible trunk, whirl him to
the earth, and tread him Into a bloody
mass of llesh
I havo mentioned tho nervousness of
these animals An Instaneo was shown
In tho dilliculty found in making them
draw a light wagon It was considered
that In a level country a bandy t ..
native cart, holding a quantity of stores,
etc.. In addition to a moderate load on tho
beast's buck, would save transport, and
that nioro could bo curried than by merely
heavily loading tho animals Tho bandy
In Hurmah is always druwu by tho long
horned tuine buffaloes or the fine oxen of
tho country So u trial was mado to seo
If tho eiophants would take favorably to
this new depart uro In tho order of things.
A apodal wooden curt was constructed.
Btrongly bulit. with long bamboo shafts
and a capacious body and primitive, solid
woodon whoolH Ono of tho most docllo
and best uutured elephants was selected
for tho ti lut Tho curt was brought up to
him, tho muhout meantime fondling and
coaxing him uud culling him pot names,
at first witii uo promising result Ho at
longtii permitted tho ropo harness to bo
adjusted to his huge person, appearing
very much nstoulshed and foolish all tho
time Ho kept swinging Ills trunk about,
and could scarcely bo held quiet and In
propor position At last all was fixed,
some heavy stones being placed In tho
cart us ballast Tho mahout tried to coax
him to iro forward, but ho would tako a
few steps only und then suddenly turn off
to tho right or loft, trying to roach tho
cart with his trunk Uo did not llko tho
rumble of It nt his tall, which latter t
jKndago ho kept down close to his body
llko u frightened caiiluo
At length by dint of praising him and
kind treatment, bo dragged tho cart a fow
paces onward As tills was thought
enough for ono day ho was released.
Every day for about a week ho was "put
through his paces" until ho was pretty
perfect. and mado uo objectlou to having
tho buudy harnessed to htm nor to drag
tiio cart whenever wanted Then all tho
oiephants woro brought out to witness
the erformauco Tliey looked critically
at their brother In harness, walked around
tho concern uud fell it with their trunks.
When ho started to travel with tho bandy
crvakiug behind him thoy seemed a Vritlo
startled, but after a whllo appeared
reconciled to tho look of tho thing After
this exhibition llttlo dilliculty was ox
pcriencod In Inducing tho rest of tho gov
ornmont elephants to draw tho Bpocial
bandies when it was rotiulsltn lo do no
They hud seen how tho tiling worked with
one of themselves, aud therefore accepted
tho situation as a matter of courso.
Charles Aubrey's Uuruiah Loiter In Ban
Francisco Chroulclo.
The female half broods of Spanish and
Indian blood In Yucatan aro said to bo by
far tho hauduotucst vop!o In that coun
try They uro described as a geutlo,
docllo, pleasure loving race, not altogether
laxy, perfectly honest and remarkably
cleanly Ui tholr habits. Chicago 11 -mid.
ftaPB III0
V want t IncifMfto our IiciiIhUoii vry J iivHy tlurlntf Iho lit'U mix moiiUm In 1ottbl It, if .u
Mbit. tiituorutIMi till- wo lie. (I Mi' cMipiHt on l our I'le-wMit mum rlt. ihhimI fe.uleii. J.'eu- l)
ouo "four rMiit rwi'lei-N ?m l h-'-mio fur 11 . ow wo rucij'r, .ut, ritriiMhun wounl lm itoubitil.
ol niirM Itnt vo ljtifv ttittt It wltt tikn fwt tr-i"n1iintt y Inilii 'fiiioi.t ti If rl lit; nut tit tm.tfM
f fT'irt if fvrr rum of nur luosnnt miri-i'rlbnr no hJi1I imve lo nifikn UigU lM Vi, wh ui e
ambition it ml miixIoum to ilmihio mir i:Jr;illtitmii, aiiJ, by Hpc-clm armiigeniuiit with one of tlm bmil
Uiii jMihimblii boiiH-H uo am iitiubtcd to muku you
An Offor Romarkablo for its Liberality.
Head it : To anjf our iclto irtfl Fftd m O no Subscriber 0 ptwfor Ono Yoar
n? ft )CtnOir ptihsartjtttnn pin, tre trttl gin AbsolUtnly Froof awt tend htf matt, jntst
p'tnt Twonty-fivo Comploto HovQB-i"y twntj-jlreynHinay rrttctjrom tUe foilnw
'1 lli-r Munir. M !i--!mt. Hjt MhDi t, Itiii
So in:, tlltmptiu UrM 1 II
N.. "t. bolurt - Miih- Jnk li. Ati1iN.
N - -I. A llriOMMrl. Hrlt I. twirmnn.
P. .'7:. A 'IiiiIIi'iiiml Mrl. IU ' rur lU'rur","
Nn VV IJtilll vitriMil Jiil(lr KrAutM'tM Utrt ttt't
No r,H, A I'ltU' '! I. Ut Mr. AlKtATtw
I In I tnrl ti Miiilrlt'Ml. Hf'i'ob, .ir.
, M. Mtn.m P rrb l.' Ilnnu tti r. lijr M T. ('ji-"k.
M(. ''li, 'I'tu' Llmb-ii rnrm llrtilr. Hr JUiiasnrtMiouKT
N.i iti. A lmii:rrii tViiitini. Ilr Aln AhmH Murine.
S. .(). IllucUlilril Mill Hr UniMt Xfhiic Krinrm
Nn 'it.
I lie t'lrll of Itlcluir'l riifl'iti. Hr It I. Paiuvon
l.v I. Ill l Oltl Alioi ol h ItMlltfuullro. nj
t- Ull I (I N-IHItl IV tlm Kurlli u tin-.U.h.ii. Hf .i'f- 'rnK
S .ii Tin Unitr-iIbiM I'lut. M)Pf. J ll Uomimcun
S tl 'I'Im HnriHr III i'-y HtivaNu Chiim, Jr
S- 'Jl T)i rar riilctiii. Hr l. T ihm.
'fi I'lio rrtr r rtri ( Mr Vcn. Il.
N ?lf trrr v mill 1 1 I'roplirl. Mr Wu him mm tsm
Nn V". Tin liry f u villi In Itlntf. Mr !! Auiiior
r t it n I liortif
S. Hit Miirltn nri' Tt'iiipfitlliiti. Hr Xtr. II Woon
v i A IimIith 'liHlfrt'llu Hr 'Hti"r,-'rnlitnriM.'
S.i VU, Tho llHt llotni. Ilr M I" Cm no it,
Su 'I li I uliil f Jbu h II 'l IH Avflfiu .
,s "4 'I li Mill Ulrl Jr T ml Ilr .T ('siiimh
n v '5 lnlitii Hi'tt-MKi' Mr M. llirNM Ilftnm
w :n Ktitli IIitiIi'U. njr Wm t um if. Mukmnki i
s-i 11 lliilh ! ii ril. Mr I Nr Hahhym.
Nu Hi, Tuo lilM'. Mv lli millinr or " Horn 'I iorii "
, . vl i IuihU iumI iimIiIim. Jij Cimiu r ItfAhK.
N . 71- A Miriiliiiiiil llcriibii. Mr )Ir A. rnwni.,
No i I lirnti'rwll liriiiiirc Hr Htr Wmwmti.
. Ill i iiniiiii'l 'ulltiKia. Hr Mi IlKinr H m-n.
0 'ill
Nv. -Ml
No ''li.
n VU I
N . "l
Nn V'HI.
Tin' Irri'iiiii W umnii. Mr U ii kik (ri i h:
'I'Im rnttiiriMir rriuiolinril. M It, I.. HtRr-
'I'lii' AIIihH 1'iiliirr of JImi MflmUont I'y
ti I 'ii'ii rtinrcr-"
llrciiil ft (lit- U'ii(i-r. Hr M. Urine. r,J.
A I'lib i I Iil-t p I. Inn. Hr it ItinKii IIaujhii,
I'titfo MmM -Mn. Mv l(Mir Citm Mr
nr HiiriluJrl.' IIIw.l, lly lf-. It M'..oi.
ult riuiitT. Hr .MntN Main ahii HVh
'riiMliT'liiiiil' I rliiM. Itf H'Kiit Ahjkw, ,Tr.
lirnrift' ('itiillb'br Idiinii'V Itf Mhm MnailMM.
x bliT I Mr mHliof ' iluinTliuint. ' ((.
1'iT, latfHll. Hr M T '4liinn,
I'll. 1 1 lit III' i't f. Ml W i r fir Conn, Jr.
v,. A lnrl liilirrllniK'i'. Hf Mnr iVrn. If r.
'I tint WImIit .Mtflil Hr Hnrnr Miicimnan.
'I In Itt'il t'i num. Mi M r (',
I'or ur Itb'lir. Mr ninlmr ' A (lrnt
No I H.l
Mlalni '
N im Tin Wlriinl of liriiiiiiilii. Mr M. T fViiwti
N,j A MiiiHir NiM-rtl. IUI'ium Anui'ofi.
Nn IMt Till.- 4itllll t III I IT. I T rilHk (Vllisa
Nn I liirt'itf I IiiuIimiJm 4hi li. Mr Mm, hUttv A
lnnts lltuttt nt'l
Nn, IM l.tini'iisliT Cnlttii. Mr Mr M V Victmi. (',
No M Mitut 4ritniC4 Mr Hi IlKtitr inm
Nn I'll 'I li lul-n nrAi". Mv I imiknk HHnrr,
N't IM riiruliiir Hit IVllir. Mr Hr Ai rx nhhii.
h IS", A I'bit rltflil ltiiti(h(ir. tty Mr. Anik
Kim mi llll'ltl lf'1
N.. HV llutliMT A1i Hull. Mr Mamhrkt Iti.m'ir. (.
N- U A HiirliTi-il l.U'v, Mr Mahion IIhi 4nii,
N't 117 Mr NoiT llrlr. Mr Hr 1 y Anwr l'i kminu,
S. 116. lnrl rirliii. lly 1 iuhknck uivs.
I . 'I Mim of lli-nrtn. Mr M I, I'uiJit...
No IH l.mljr Vnhfurtli'a IMiiimimmIm. Mr 'Tmr
IM'l il
N-i 141 I'nlr Inil ritl-. Mr mulinrrf "iMr Tlmrrii'. VV-K
No l, 'I'lie VMinoi HhIit. Mr Mr .1. II. II"min.h.
No, Ml Hflti'M 'I'trii Nina. Jij ilia nutliwr of l)or
Tlifin' lltnttnttft
No, WO 'I'll 'r' N per tt. Mr Ml M. V.. Mnrnw,
No IT 'I'Iip siriuitfvi imo r lr. JvLII mill Mr.
llVlIf Mr M. li. NlKrRNHUN
No Kit Aii Obi Mitu' Nncrlllce. Htt. Ann S,
Nn. IT I'lMlerllif l.lbir. Mr NuthAr ofM born lliornv.'1
.Inn! think of II I Wn will itlvn J'oll twenty-llvo
only on' yeiirly subscriber Tlio novels nro hI(iii1I1 ones, imil thoy urn pnhllalietl complete In
neiil pninplilet form. Nolu tlio minion oftlio riutliora thoy uro Iho mot celeluiilod wrltorM. both
of Aineilt'ii mid Hinopo. Nolo nlHO tlm Ioiik and iittntctlVH Hat fri.m which you nrn prlvlleRtxl
In eelei't No inuller which of Iho novels you cIioomo, you will ho perfectly delighted wllli tlinm.
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Can you doubt thnl IIiIh Is n u-omleriil opportunity such a ono hs yon never luul befoio ?
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you am not asked lo cet up n club or lo tin any ciiiivhshIuk. but inoiely to u-oyour Inlliiciici. to
Iniluco mis "if your neighbors or frletnls to tuko our pitper lor u your Anybody citn tin this
AinoiiK your neighbors nnd fi lends Iheio Is certainly one who will subscrlbo tor our paper tit your
snlli'ltiitlun Do not put It olT.or stop lo think It over, but go right out nt onco nnd get voir sub
ecrlbor. Yon yourself will bo surprised to tlnil how eisy a thing It Is In do. nml when you tec.lve
your twenty-llvo eniiiploto novels nnd coiniuencn leading them, you wlllbu delighted to think urn
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MVe will give fifty of the novels for two j early subscribers, ncventv-nve for three) subscrlbeis. nnd
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Oregon v Scout
For ono year for
ONLY $4.50.
Tlio usual prlco for tilts
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Published in Eastern Oregon.
This Is attested by Its Immunso and rapidly Increasing subscription list. It is
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Subscrlbo for It Now and Sooure Ono of tho Above-mentioned
Among Interior Newspapers.
gW AduTtUluK rates nmdo known on appllratlou.
JONES lt CHANCEY, Publishors nnd Proprietors,
Vt IT).
i Nt lift,
" Ml.
No Ml,
1 Nn 1.',
, No, 131,
A IjOTT W iirrbi'Pf. Ilr Sfl Stvtnra Ithiktrnt I.
No lift. A WIcLcil i.r. lit Hr ('mm Hit
Nn HI. TIip IViirl il lit 4lipitti. Mr l'i ATni nr
No HI, 'I lit Olll UllLlll ( llPal. Ill MIUKIiNl Hi. Jf.
Nn 11.'. 'I Im- '(i1II,i-ii!i. mMm. u M T t ui.MK
No. 131, 'J'Iip I'.. re. Mini ltnlt-. Mr Jl TfUimin
Nu r.K 'I t IMnmi.tnl llriMTb f. Mr Mr. II Wnn
Nn rilirr llm.r. Hi V.tT Y rimir.
No. til, Antilliii'n IINlurt Mr Mniiti:r IlioCNr,
rrn i7i. tint on lie vn ii Am Ai 'ii nr
No lit. 'J'Ih. Nfurt it I'm trm. Mt Hr Jrl Hvrt.
No. 120. 'I Im Kill lii.tit. H. M T CtiM- ii
No, !f. Tho t-rr lit Kbtt-Luuml Ormitfc. My
Hto Ausm hlMi u
No 101 ip I m.I (r )m' Itnlbi . lit l Hunt h
No. irt. Tli liiritb'U I unit ,Miirrr Mr Hum
ni 1 1. tlh'' f"'i
Nn. im. Ollt r I ftf Mcpll.. fir fft'Oit l'rNW4V.
No. VI. irplrlliiilbiu. Mr Mtti.fAHKr ln-iNr
A l ull rlii Hr Hm MrHHr V ..n
A I'nrlnm Iliniler. Mr i'r Timmi fit'f,
I'llili'il mill l'ii-l'l Mi mithir Dmim lltin "
Tin U nl(l1lirbl)ct tlfr . Mv ('nu IlKti'if.
InielpitiMT tfoiioi1. Hr ftiiitinr m' )nr 1 liornv. '
A l'nM OIiho Mr Tine li rnt '
fnH l.mlf;i'. Mr Hr IUsnv M'"nn
, III bli;i of l.iivi. Mr nuMiiir llnrn Thorn '
T'ipl'iituI llnrrbic. Mr Ml M V. Miti .tij.
A Oiirfii AiiiiMiirt H nnipii. Mr tli aiilhitr tf
Nn 7.
N't. M,
Nn. ift.
ft I.
So. f7.
So. M.
No, W.
Tltn Itliilrliniril lbtirl. Mr Iff on Tonw fit
'I In l'tirt nl('tir('(v Mf nntltnr llnrn 'I Imrit."
A Miinbm I'M ii rtirrlinlit. MMiir(in ifr
r. I lip I tilttl I.IIIi-m. "Mr Hiiilntr horn Tliorriv. '
HI. Cnrrl-dtii' HtCl. Mr Mi '.
hi Mrn JtllliT I hiiii li-nth. Mr uuiUr or " t..r
IIm.hh' '
HJ. U r Mr., f Mr tVn hik Tni 1 1 tUiftmtft.
t In flu llnlbliiv. Mr Htiir Oni Ihv
ht, TIm IIiiiiiiiiiIIp Aittflitiin-4 nt n AI III. iiinbl.
V, 7'' A Hi ii'l llptirl, Hr Biitlmr nf ' )m Xhfiiu
No, 77. Mnrl lln Uf IIi-uh l''inirf
v, Tfi. Mimlin i tlipufili Mr H f. I'miim
No, 75 Al tin' Worbl' Urrt1 v. Mr l'i intwsr u W 1 1 i hi
N... 71, CiiIIpiI Ititi'l.. M llniii rif.tMr
No 71. Allblr'! 'IVf' iiiilnti. Hr ' t)rritf " 4
Nn, ?. I it Ciijibl NpI. Mi Muil'rr ' hru 'I Imrno
No, 71 Tlp(t-p WutiMMi. Hr b liKKi i
No, 70 Tin Myliry it lbi Ibilly Trpp. r il.o
fiiilmr ol " him 'I Ik.iiic llhuti ntni
Vn, R (Juttrlpr MnrrbiK' Mr IVli HirOnt I in f.
No, M John lliMi'rhiiMl.'n U Ilr. "r ill ti u, in
Nn. l7. .Iiitppr Omim' Hi'i'rt'l HrUiH K Hinii vn,
Nn. 1.(1 l,pi'lttii'. Mr SUnr (Vrii llir nrf
No 5. I. inly H wcinbilbii' lire urn. H thr mulior of
linm triip '
n. d. Iliiirmirt I'lirm. Mr Mr IIk-h U'ix.i. .I.
o. fil.
No. n-i
No. 61.
Nu, m.
No. 40.
Tlip I ruri-ii Oppn. Mr Wh hik I'm i im ( H.
Ilnpk tolticObl tr.MiM-. Mr Oni If a v Ut.
Tin- l,o-l IIhnL Not-. Ilr Mi IIkmiv Wrnif Ut.
llp-lor. ''r M' t ii i r k H hi 1 1 Iltirnt"l.
A Ilr bl p from Hlf Np, Mt miilmr " I him 'I l-nrit."
No 4 I ImCrit'Lf I mi Ihp lli-ai III. A Llitlttiim Mtoty,
Mr Cm lit t Ml kKnn. Htuih atl
So. it. TIip Volbnr luU Hr tt'n mik fVi I im.
Hi ll Hrmiibiti. Mr r IIamii.iuk HikH fltit,
Mttntf HrMitirOcn lUr.
A mih'. Mr Hr Hesiir mm
MfttiT lbt. Mr U n kik I'm i tm.
Vulprln'a I'nte. Mr Hr. At mNtifn.
A 4obliii I III li. Hr millmr Morn lliornr," Ut,
r.t'iit or. tin- Mrtrrr of flip. llciMlbiiiita.
No, S(l.
So, SI.
No. SJ.
No. 111.
No. 2'J.
No. J7
Ilr Km W. t'iriu'K. Itlntnittl,
No, 75. I hut by 4'nrltoii. Mr Ml M. F. Hnu-nuN,
No. n
IImII limit Hr Mr. Ann H. HrrrnKiM
TIip llelr to Anlilcv. Mr Mr. Mknhv M'unn.
Itrnpbiir Hip W lilrlulin). My Mnr (Vrii Hat.
A (llblfit Hlii. Hrllettiiilioritr' lMr ltiorni.M
Tin Liiiiri'l IIiikIi. Hj H Mn ck.
1 1 fii rj Arltcll. HrMr Iftrniir Uoou,
Anion llnrtoii. Hf Ok(hihk ICi lor.
lltitf l!yiM mill 4nbb'ii II ill r. Hr A nmf Thou a ,
Co pi ii In Alb'k'n l.firiior Mr M I Cl l-oit
Anionic tlif HiibiB. Mr JWiir t'ncii. II v. V.
No. 21.
No. II.
No. 10.
charming cnmpleln novelsWe- If you will uet us
This hook will also bo
To any one sending a dub of
Yearly subscribers, necinpa
tiled by the subscription price
of the
Which hS1.50. Address
Our Latest and Greatest Premium Otter !
HITOItV. THt Himuath CTfWrnr eonttlm complete
nifl miilientlo libiorr of the irrent American Cirll War, pro
fnielr IIIiMirfite't, with numerous Aneo-lote of the Ttehellton ;
rnmpVte IIItnrr nf America, from It dbeorery br Cotumbu to
tlia pment lltuei itraptiln deflcrlptlnn of famoua hatttea nil
I n port nt ereitt lu th hlatori of all nation, ohronologlcal
UmOUAi'll V. Thf prat work contain tho Mrei nf all
thi f'rrl lent r Hm I'nftM Htte, from Washington to
lairinu, ulih or trait kikI otiirr Mldttratlona. alio lire and
I ottralt nf Nifimlenn Hoiiapfirte, Shakeipeare. Myrmi, VTIMUm
rt'iiti. Henjimlii franklin, Hnrr Claj, Daniel Webiter, anJ
rmnn tatfMHfit, ntitlmri, pneti, gcnerali, clergrmeo, etc., i the reient dij.
A;itiriTIl TIM!. VItii1.t l.lnlmn.l neru) ingReatlona
lo Furniem. tiraiftic nfflvM i-rop, Rile ani ffticet, fertiUier.
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llllltl'IRPI.'I'lf ItIL
Il.r.ln I. olren the hli.H
togronersfifnll ktuls of .egctahlcs uul Irufta, sa gsthered
fiom lue exerlcnce or tho most aucce.srul tiortlculturlati.
AltClllTIMTCItK. Hcalgns and plans for houeefl, cottages,
l.arna and other outhiitldiugf, with valuable suggestions to
those Intending to build.
Ilorsnillll.ll. This work ennlalns tiled nnd teited recipes
fur nlniost erery Imaglushle diili fur breakfast, dinner and lea.
this department being worth mora than nine-tenths of
Hie cook books sold ; almost hininiiernl.le liluls, helps nnd sug
gestions tohousekeepera t designs and suggestions for making
many beautiful things for the adornment of home. In needle
stork, embrol lery, etc. t l.lntson floriculture, lelllng how to be
successful ullh all the various plants t toilet bints, tetlimg bow
lo preserve and bsaullfy the complexion, bauds, teelli, bslr,
eto., eta.
MEDICAL. Many dollars In doctorB' bills will be sated
nnnunlly toetery possessor of this book tbrougli the valuable
Informatlou herein contained. It tells bow lo cure, by eimple
yet reliable lioins remedies, available lu every household, every
disease and ailment that Is curable, this department forming a
complete medical book, the value of whtcu In any home can
hardly bs computed In dollars snd cents.
INVENTION AMI IlISCOVKItr. Itemerkably Inter
esting descriptions of great inventions, Including the Steam
Knglne, the Telegraph, the Pi luting Tress, the Klectrio Light,
the Seising Mschlne, the Telephone, tho Typewriter, tbs Type
Betting Mschlne, the Cotton (iin.etc.
THE WOIIMV8 WONI.KU. Qraphlo descriptions,
beautlfullr Illustrated, oftbe Yellowstoue Park, Yoaemlte
Valley, N'lagara Kails, the Air", Paris, Vesuvius, Venice,
Vlenns, the t'snons of Colorado, Mammoth Cave, Nstursl
llrldge, TTstklus Olen, the While Mouotsius, etc, etc,
Tlt.V Vrl.S. nescrlptlons, rrofusely Illustrated, of the life,
msuncrs, customs, peculiar forms, rites aod ceremonies of the
From the above brief summary of lla contents some Idea of what a remarkably Interesting Instructive and.
vnluablowork the Mammoth CYCLor.EDiA Is may be calned, yet but a fractional part of the topics treated in
this crcat work have been named. It la a, vast storehouse of useful and entertaining knowledcje unquestlon
ably.."" of the best and most valuable works ever published In any land or lancusite. No home should be with
out II CHisa work to he consulted every day with resrard to the various perpleilns; questions that constantly
arise In writing and conversation, by the farmer and housewife In tbelr dally duties and pursuits, and for con
tinuous reading uo work la more entertaining; or Instructive.
Grand Premium Offer to Subscribers to the Scout.
Hy tpecinl nrr.-uiiK'inoiit with the publisher of tlm Mammoth C'vci.oiviiniA. wu nr
uimhled to in il-'o .nir -tul)-n'rli rn hud ro nlt'rs ihn tn'l sviii( cx'tMorilii'iir hII't; II7
will send the iVI a.mmoi ii Cvci.op.khia, cutnji'de in four volumes, as above iles'-ribed
till posfaur pvpai , aisu Tun Okkiion Si:ur r " oi: ykah, upon ret nipt of only
t2 2.", which is Im' ?' mils m ire th'tii our rrnuftir stths riptinn price, so Ihttt you
wucticallii net this lurae tint! valuable irorl: for the Iritliii'i sum of 7" cuts. This is
n great oiler, n woiuloi fill haruuii, null it N u pi -a-m-M i, . us to !- i-uiin'i'ii iiniironi our
readers so rotinirl.-aiilt' n ii f-pixiri unity. 'Plniiuijii i.liW ev t r..ouMiinr' ollVr e lioptj to
Inrnely inrrcus" our ciiciilrtiloii. l'lease lull nu yi.'ir frieiuls liar ih-ytau uet the
IMam.motii Cyci.oi'.t:I)IA in four volume, with u year's. euli--:iiiiii.ii Po u paper, for
only usS.BS. I'crf-tt satl-fii',tiiiii is KUitmnieoil nil wh.i UiWo ailvaiiiiiKe of ilii-. great
uretiiium oll'er. I'lioso whn-is ut-cn)i ions li.ivo not i-p ivil ho lu tew now will
reeeive the Mammoth Cyoi.oimiiha nt oii'-e, and I heie uh-e. ipiiou-. w ll he xleiided
one year from date- "I expua'i oi. Tlie Mammoi'II'.TniiA will alo he given
freo to any one Kndiiig lis a eluh of tlir e yearly Mil)-,, ri ei-h tj our ptifi-r, hccoih
pmiied with il "0 ititasli. Aildio-soll letters:
The Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
if. '
premium to our 8iilorilera is handsomoly
'I'l... ...,l.,n ..w,d , lm fnllrwi-itlf
. ,1.' ll(ll.-0 . ',!. HI, ,,...,. "(?
lidhed r'miWcV, wic'muged, ivul absolutely
Tlio above aro without quoetlon tho moat famous novola that woro ever written. For a
quarter of a century tliey havo boon colobratod in every nook and corner of Iho civilized
world. Yet thcro aro thousands ol homes in America not yot supplied with a act of Diokens,
tho uttual high cost of tho hooks provonting penplo in moderatu circumstances liom enjoying
this luxury. Uut now, owing to tho tiso of modern improved printing, folding and Hiitciiiir,
maoliiuery, tho oxtromely low priio of whito paper, and tho great competition in the hook
trade, wo aro enabled to offer to our tMbscribors and readers a sot of Dickons' works ut a
prico which all can afford to pay. 13 cry homo iu tho laud may uow bo tupplied with a set
of tho gioat author's woiks.
Our Great Offer to Subscribers to the SCOUT.
117 trill semi the Fntiiik Sirr or Dii Kt ns' W onus. Im vr i.t'jius, as above
tle.icribetl, alt pastime jirepant by urettt. nto Tiik Dittun.N out jor onu yea u,
upon receiptor, uhtrh i oiv rr7 mote than the reyutcr bttUcnpt Ion
prtce of this paper. Our rfsders, theivforc, riutlcnll) yet it nei ol Dlilunb works
lu twelve volnines for only 5'1 cents. ThU N the grnndeft proininin over "llVred, Up
tothistiuioM set of Dickens' works ha-, mn illy boon s$10 it tm-ro. Tell nil your
friends that tliey Ciin Rot n sot of Dickon' works in twelve volumes, with a jeHr's
Hiihocriptiou to Tiih UiiKiiox St out for only N'.'.tM). nheril now and put this Kn nl
premium. If your sut.crlutloii lus not til oxpirs-d. it will iimke no ditlercife, tot it
will be extended on . nr from dale of expire! u. Wo will hio uive a cet nt Dickens,
asulovi', freoHinl pitald, to nny ono somiiim us u club of two )iuilj buhairihers,
accompauled with ..IM lu cah. Address
A Greai and Wonderful Work,
2,176 Pages
620 Beantifnl Illnstrations !
Tnn Mammoth Crcr.op.DU has bn pub
ll.hpil td meet tb wants l the mane" for a
unlTeralconipen(lluni of knowledge, practical,
ueful, Kcipntlflcnndufoeral. The work Is pub
lished complete In lour large and handsome
volumes, comprising a total nf 2,178 races, and
Isrrofuselj- Wutratedwlt!iKMteautlluleni:raT.
Incs. Thousands of dollars liare been expended
to iraVe this the rooft complete, valuable and
useful work for the masses eter published. It Is
o work for everjbody man, woman and .hlld,
In erery occupation or walk In life. The sub
stance and practical utility of twenty ordinary
volumes am comprised In hee four, and so
replete Is Iho work wltli knowledge of every
kind, so filled Is It Willi uselul hints and helpful
SUKKestlon", that we fully believe that In every
honie to which It shall find Its way It will soon
come to be reg'rdrd as worth llswetehtlngold.
Kor want of space we can only briefly summar
ize a small portion of ihecontentaor Hits great
work, as follows :
CMneie, Jtrsin.e, Hie poor's Afrles, Hl.MCir,
rslf.llD-, tceltnd. Iiornm, llornisb, Ihs Ssnd.lch IIntl,
Sertls, Ksffrstls, Tsrlstj, ruhmere snd Tuiil,, Ine Arsbi,
Turn, Mfllcsm.Pouth Ainttlcini, Alntclctn Inll.n., Eltrp
Hans, Blsmcie, Abyssliilans, Notwfjlsni, Rnsnlsrds, SIm,
II. II. in, Oretkt, Ilulu, Plbtrlsm, Afchsns, Uriiim,
iloil.mi, Auitrsllsiif, llalcatlans, Sicilians, eto ,eto.
AUNIIl'AOTntnf. In lids great work Is dHtrlbed
iin'l lliu.lraled His sru sti.l preessaes of rrlnllnc, atreotyrln(,
Uiokblndlus, woo 1 enicatllif. llthosrabr, noiostaphr, calico
rrlntli.c. rlano maklnf, aI0h imklm. paper ranklut, tbs
manufacture of silk. Iron, aieel, lsn, clllns. perfumery, soap,
leather, atarcli, wall paper, turpentine, po.lal card., poatags
atamif entelope., pen., penclle, needles, and many other
iMni., .11 c( olilch willbs found peculiarly IntereitlDt suit
roiiniMN I'HOIIUrTC Inlerntlnde.erlpllns, 111""-,.-..i
i.lmra nml rrenaratlon for market of tea, coffee,
chocolate, cotton, nsi, liemp, " ' , , "'.
, ginger, cinnamon, sll.plce, pepper. """"'.r'""J'
suss, piunei. dates, raisins, tics, ollle., ludls-rubWr, gull.
chocolate, cotton, flair, liemp, sugar, lice, iiulmegi, clorer,
I I ' ! .
MATIIItM. 1IISTOI1V. Interesting sud In.trnellis
descriptions, accompanied by lllu.trotlons, of numerous beasts,
I birds, n.hes and insects, with much curious lulormatiou tegara
I Ing tbelr life and habits.
1 LAW. Ths Mammoth Crcioestoi. Is sl.o a complete law
book, lelllng every man how be maybe Ms on lawyer, and
1 containing full and concise esplatiatlons of Hie general iawa
I and the laws of the scveralststes upon all mailers which are
1 subject lo litigation, with numerous forma of legal documents.
1 siivivii n.i!r!r.ilflna and Illustrations of the mining of
gold", silver, diamonds, coal, silt, copper, lead, line, tin snd
WONIIKKB III' THE PEA. nereln are described and
Illustrated Ihe many wonderful aud beautirnl things found at lbs
botton of Ihe ocean, the plants, doners, shells, Uibei, etc, like
wise pearl diving, coral Ashing, etc., etc.
Is given a vast amount of userul and interesting Information,
come of which lathe population ot American cllles, area snd
population of the continents, of lbe8tates and Territories, and
ir the nrlnclrsl countries ef Ihe world, length or the principal
tlvcrs. rrecldentlnl vote for silly yesrs, Presldenllsl ststlsllcs,
area and depth of seas, lakes sod oceans, height of mountains,
locomotion of animals and velocity of bodies, height ot monu
ments, towc:3 snO structures, distance) from Washington, alio,
from New Vcrk, to Importsnt points, chronological history of dis
covery and progress, popular sobriquets of Amerlcsn States,
cllles, etc., common grammatical errors, rules for spelling, pro
nunciation umluse of cspltsls, Wsll Street phrsses, commerce
of tho world, curious facts In natural history, longevity of
animals, otlgln of the nsmes of Slates, and of countries, of great
works, popular rabies, familiar quotations, of genius snd of
plsnts, dying words of famous persons, fste of the Apostles,
statistics of the globe, leading governments of the world, etc.,
etc. ,
In Twelve Large V&togs,
Wliich wo Offor -with ti Year'a Subscription
to this Paper for a Trifle IVIoro than
Our Kegulav Subscription Prico.
WishiiiR to lui-f-olr inrroiiao tlio circulation nf this
paper duriiiR the licit nix inoutlis, wi lmvo madii
arraiifjonieiitH itli a Xcw York iiiblixliiii,' Iihiiho
whurobv wo aio onalilcd lo ofur as a pri'iiiliini lo our
Bllbuciibfl'M a S't nf tlm AVorks of fliinli-i DIcU
ciiu, in Tivi'lvn I.iui; nml I!n nil .iii:
A'nluiiK'N, with a yeai'n Biiliecriilioii to this
paper, fur a trillo nioio (linn our iculnr hiiIi
! 'I1'10" l'vioo. Our f?n-n t ofl'i'i' to t iili-cribern
t'olil'eiH any v vcr lu rolofoiu Hindi-, t'litnlrs
. DifkeiiH was tlio oii'ntcst novolisi who ovor
lived. No author beforo or huico liii liiuo 1ms
vivnl ilCBcriiitioiiH ol places and niciiieuts,
thrilliui; ami skillfiilly wiuulit pluiH. Kuoh
hook is iiittnyelv inleii'StitiL'. No 1iuii:chI.iuiI(1
ho without a net of tlicso great and teiuaik
nhlo woikfl. Not to havo rend tiirni is to ho
far behind tlio ago in which wo live. Tlio
set of Dickenri' works which we oll'er us a
printed from entirely now plates, wi h new type.
will lll.fjlllinili. lVOl'trH. .I.U'll linn .if ullli.ti im .ml,.
- - -, -- - -.-..w. u
unabrtdgeil :