ALICEL NOTES. Our Regular Correspondent's Budget of News. Grain Shipments Farm Notes The Mea slesOpen Crossings for Far mers lerswials. Aucri., Jan. 12, ISO), beon quito lively of The city has late. Mrs. C. C. Stanley is very sick, at her residence in Alicel. The U. P. is now running regular trains on the Elgin branch. Jake Gulling is the ticket puncher on the Elgin branch of the U. 1'. road. J?o'. MoCart, of tho Cove, was visit ing his mother at the iolollieo this week. Mr. Luckcr closed a very successful term of school in the Fairvicw district last Friday. The elevator company have shipped about twenty car loads of grain from Alicel, lately. The old time stage coach will soon take its exit from Grande Hondo. The locomotive pushes it further and fur ther into the interior. Mr. Measles has come on the RUlgo again to visit those ho has not been with. This time Messrs. James, Stan ley and Childers are entertaining him. Ida and Rachel 1) rooks came up from the Willamette valley where they have been attending school, to visit their parents. While here they took the measles and were unable to return. Tho U. P. Engineers have staked out open crossings on the Elgin branch, for most of the farmers on the Sand ridge. They don't stand any show with tin grangers in a law suit witli a granger jury. J.I1U it ins ; tmi rt'ivii nfrn wnr. mi; . . - " j s,uu"" """" "ilu'u , ers to start the plow, ho theio was one of those teams in every field. On the third day the gtound was frozen so the plows wuold not enter the ground. Wm. Kuekman is monarch of all he surveys. When he gets upon the back of his oil' wheeler ho speaks gently to his team of eijjht hordes and they move oh" like they understood every word he says to them. Billy would rather drive that team than be out sleigh riding with his best girl. Let "Carrie C." of the Summerville Press, name their town. Wo have heard so many names for the little in fant Mm: 1 am afraid it will die on ac count -if names. She calls it "lvieli land." The ownar of tho land calls it "Esterville," (I suppose after his wife and mother) and J think that would j be tho proper name for it. Somebody , else called it "lona," and the railroad company call it "Lone Treo," so wo have a right to call it "Kettle-belly," if wo want to. Gentlemen, got to gether, eolect a name, print it in largo letters .tnd tiek it up on tho gate post ! near the town so wo all can see it. Hon. J. L. Roe returned recently j from an extended trip through Kansas and Iowa. Ho reports that everybody he saw was a democrat. Xot a solita ry republican in Kansas or Iowa and the farther east he wont the worse. He wo.uld not venture across tho fath er of waters for fear ho would turn democrat himself. Ho found tho working class in such a deplorable condition, (on account ot tho McKinloy bill) that tears trinkled down his cheeks as big as Grande Hondo tutors. Ho was so generous with his money, helping the poor and the needy, that if ho had not purchased a round trip ticket when lie left ho would have nev er been able to got back. Mr. Roe, in one rcspict, is like tho groat and im mortal Grant ho is very fond of bull pups and brought two of them homo with bun. Mi.vmtv.v Ass. WASHINGTON. Nows cf tio WacJe a Nolsd liy Our Reg ular Correspondent, Waiiiikuto.', I. C. Jan. 2, 1800. OiiKtio.N Sc ot r: Euiti Tin a wor body - - .i.itoiiul Mtuntiou wan never in -e muddle than it U toiUy. Xo i hi hay with any certainty what nil: will bf, there i much ..l cru purpue.-i on all fciJcit. tvo n ptillii First, 1 the r- l i .iiiso tin t nunieroii-, inini I'uieuii.- wl w.wit (lie elic!iin bill pa -I and turo iuV to I' who I 'i lave the 1' -ii a1 - ny in order l get a . till' u ( C' ma tal ul. tlu'in i ai ' I ;..-ai. r in. i-nif ; then conn-1 v no m in i l v 1 1 ...t II i.- .t ' 111. Ii' ! , . I. ill I 11..' Ui if arc the r- . i:h i i public u Alto neither ujpoH uur up- noso the election bill with any spirit, j but who gliully assist in keeping Unit ! inensnrc before the senate, because it j prevents the consideration of financial J legislation, to which they are unalter ably opposed; tho democrats aro solid ly united in opposition to tho Election , bill, and it is generally believed that they will agree to tuioriHee any or all legislation if thereby they can bring about the defeat of that measure, j Everybody is taking a long breath, so 1 to speak, for the decisive contest which will begin Monday and end with the' tho triumph of fonic one of the forces above mentioned. Soino idea of the feeling of the free coinage republicans may lie gained by the following re maiks made by Senator Teller : "I wish to say that I think there are other sub jects which ought to be brought before the sennte ot infinitely more impor tance than the election bill. We stand in the very faco of a gieat financial convulsion, and no matter what gen tleman may say, tho best minds in this country assert today that we are on the very verge of a financial panic. I know that certain bankers in the city of New York arc saying that every thing is lovely. Why? They dare not say otherwise. If the great mats of people of this country were - fully awate of our financial condition tliey would see that there is danger of finan cial ruin to thousands and tens of thousands of men who are absolutely solvent today. I believe it is the duty of the senate to meet those questions; not that I put dollars and cents above human rights or above liberty, but there can be no liberty in any coun try where there is not prosperity of the people, and the people today in every portion of this country are mut tering there discontent against exist ing facts and existing conditions. They are demanding legislation at our hands, and rightfully demanding it." A member of tho House, who is de cidedly favorable to tho Farmers' Al liance, remarked to me as Mr. Teller finished his short speech: "If Teller wasn't a lawyer that speech would . t t n i; , , i make bun eligible for membership in the Funm-rs' Alliance. The piesince of lion. Kobt. T. Lin coln, United States minister to Great Britain, has revived tho talk about a crisis having been reached in our ne gotiations with the British government in relation to the Behring sea dispute, and the air is again full of rumors, some of them of the most sensational and improbable character. The cor respondence between tho two govern ments will be submitted to congress in a few days, and thon it can be seen whether the situation is as grave as some gruesome gossips would have us behove. New Years' is always a gala day in Washington, and yesterday was no ex ception. Tho official reception at the White House was a great success and was attended by all tho people of promi- nonce now all of the ln Washington, including oilicial representatives of foreign countries, and the stream of big guns went direct from there to tho large residence of Vice President Mor ton to attend a reception held by him and Mrs. Morton. Later, all mascu- lino Washington called upon its femi nine acquaintances. Justice Brown, of tho supremo court, having had his nomination confirmed by the senate and his commission signed by the president, is now ready I to take his seat, and will do so when tho court meots next week. Sunator Wolcott shocked tho repub licans and shamed tho democrats in a speech announcing his opposition to the election bill. He said in oflect that he opposed the bill becauso it was an attempt to put ignorance on top of in telligence in eortain southern States. Prof. Koch's lymph, the new con sumption remedy, is being thoroughly tos.tod by the physicians in cliargo of Garfield hospital in this city. Tho ex periments have not yet lasted long onuigh for tho formation of an intelli gent opiniLii as to the result. Tho postoflieo department in, at the request of Mr. Harrison, investigating thu recent killing of the postmaster at Oariollton, Misbistippi. If the senate does not change its tac tics an extra session of congress just after tho fourtli of March is inovitablo; it lias beon in session a month and has dnuo practically nothing. Tlio senate census committee, which in considering thu apportionment bill, by making the membership of tho Homo JlfiO, giving Now York and Minnesota ouch an additional metnbor. J. II. C. KtiTltAV NOT1CK. Notice i hereby given that lliuro wag tak en up i. '. A. (irnjiiM) ('lover creek in the (rn-iuci'of N.tUi Voivdor, I'liion futility, i if .ii, in.. i .uii i.i-foru i hf uiHlerklirttwi a jii-. u f i ( M.i- . . fur ubovr ri-cmul iin- 1.41 k iron (ray liutXi. ku.l lu Ix- li w i . .1.., I'1, high. Iirm.dod wiili u c iu ! (. ri(') mi Ui left uliauliltii. ..p-irmwU l 36 tuts January 3, IMll. iMt JOHN KDWAItl. Jllktll) Uf tllO i'lklUU- 1 IV VIM 1 111- I. Society Formed Honored Mason. Ail j Petitioning the Legislature to Enact a Law Itclatlng to KlgtoM-Way of Ir rigating Mtches. Covb, Jan. 1 1. 1S01. Skating is good on the sloughs and river. The boys who own or can bor row skates are indulging in tho sport. Horn, to the wife of C. G. Olsen, Jan. 10th, an eight jwund girl. Charlie has (piit grinding and spends his time rocking the young lady. At this writing, a twelvo year old daughter of L. B. Ilaggcrty is danger ously sick with pneumonia fever, hav ing developed with an attack of mea sles but the most aro light and soon leave the victim. Mr. E. P. McDaniol a prominent Mason was presented with a beautiful emblematic watcli charm by the mem bers of tho lodge last week. Tho present was totally unexpected and was an entiie surprise. Mrs. Marion Lieuranco has arrived from Vinoqua Wis. Mr. L. and wife have purchased a part of the old Barne's place east of town and are putting out an extensive orchard under tho direc tion of Mr. J. C. Doney. A literary society has been formed in Lower Cove and on the Sandridgo and hold meetings alternately at the Chandler school house and Big Lako school house. Much interest is taken and the sessions arc very entertaining. Mr. Wallace Bogles circulatad a pe tition through Cove, this week, pray ing the legislature to enact a law grant ing the. right to construct irrigating ditches through any land, provided reasonablo damages' aro paid, it was generally signed. Messrs. Dangherly, Phy, S. G. White and A. II. Robinson having been ap pointed a committee to look over tho grounds and take soundings in the Bloom-French water right case, com pleted their labors Tuesday. Their testimony will be taken next week by the referee. Mrs. J. J. McDonald and daughter, Mrs. A. A. Ellis and son of Red Lodge Montana, visited friends and relat.ves in Cove this week. Mrs. McDonald's health is improving. Mrs. Ellis is the irresiotable Lou of old and her son Master Ellsworth is a manly young fellow and takes after his mother in the above mentioned trait. Mrs. E. expects to return homo in about two weeks. WALLOWA COUNTY. A Farmer Discourses on tho Financial Situation and Cause Thereof. T iinin: Ituci?; Jan. lS'Jl. Eihtok Oiikoon Scout: The weather continues to puzzle the oldest inhabitants. At no time has theie been sufficient snow for sledding, since last March. The lowost degree indicated by tho Thermometers, is 10 degrees above zero, yet, there is ample timo before tho equinox, for severe weather. Tho people over here are in distress by reason of the scarcity of money. Creditors have recently sent out ur gent duns to thoir debtors living in all parts of tho county. It is as difficult for some of us to give a bankable note as it is to pay cash. Wo can do neither. Hence we Nhall bo no longer credited. Better would it have been for us had wo never asked for credit, but we did, and now tho evil days havo swept down upon us like a pack of hungry wolves upon a sheep fold Should wo survive tho onslaught, we trust our oxporienco vill cnablo us to htcer clear of any of tho rooks that havo risen so throatoningly around us. A call has been mado for tho farm ers of Upper Prairie creek to meet at PloasiiMt Center school house, on Sat urday evening noxt. Tho object in view is to talk over tho financial dis tress of the county, and to talk of tho expediency of beginning at once, tho survey of a courso that will lead us away from the humiliating thralldom in whioh we are held by middle men, It is a well established fuel, though not , generally known, but a truism, novor- i theloss, that tho dry goods merchants of Wallowa valley noil their wares at prices largely in oxce&ij of prica for tho same goods told Ly La Grande merchants. The merchants of La Grande aro contented with tbeir prof- , its. Wallowa merchants buy in thu' ......... ....... I... ,.u fl.u. 1 ..I ,.r .Hi.' advantage. Then they ought to be contented with the profit realized by La Grande iiiorelmut, with freight freight charges oil all drv avails in nnmimil. 1 fulfil n . w.. .... .... 0. .u .............. , i Union merchant lOcts. for a bandanna. ! For the same kind of handkerchief I tMiid a merchant of Joseph 25 cts. Tho Union merchant's profit was 100 per cent. Then what was the Joseph mer chant's profit? Only 100 per cent. : List fall Mr. B , a in. reliant of Enter prise, bought a dozen egg?, paying therefor 15 cts, in good, say a pajcr 1 of corn-starch. A La Grande mer- ' chant rotails corn-starch for 10 cts a i a paper, theioby making 50 per cent, profit on tho cost of thejj starch. Mr. ' P. docs not buy his goods in La Grande, lut ho buys in the same market, and presumably at sanio price rates. The pound of corn-starch, then, cost Mr. B., of Enterprise, cents, plus 1 cent j freight charges. Mr. B. sold the eggs j in La Grande for 25 cts. cash. His I profit on the pound of staieh, then, I was 178 cts. or 220 per cent. These i ...... and Kindred ourdonsonie and excess ive charges for thefr goods, by middle men, have drivon many farmers to utter financial ruin. Is theio no reme dy? .. . J. .1. Ikva.vs. NORTH rOWDFK. An Epidemic of Measles Tho Railroad Par tial to Chinamen. Measles, Mkasi.ks! MEASLES!! Tho holidays being over the town is quiet. Van Pluuunor now answers to the name of "Dad." His wife presented him with a son on tho 1 1th inst. Miss Is'etlie Vandccar visited friends in Baker City tho latter part of last week. , J. E. Carroll's new blacksmith shop, 20x40 feet is about completed and ho will occupy it in a few days, lie is going to raise the old shop and con vert it into a livery stable. Nearly every family in this section is afllieted with measles, but fortunate ly the epidemic has not assumed a malignant form, and everybody sconis to bo getting along nicoly. Samuel Fleshman, our gentlemanly blacksmith, met with a painful acci dent last Friday. While removing a timber from a wagon ho completely crushed the second linger of his left hand. The white men bore havo been dis charged and Chinamen put in their places. It seems hard to see good, honest, industrious men with families thrown out ot employment and dirty .Mongolians take thoir places. John Washum, one of our most en ergetic young men, has bought the John Lawler place on Clover creek, and is going to try his hand at farm ing. We wish him success. Cam. Edwards, who has been work ing at Ci. H. Bobier's logging camp in tho Blue mountains, returned home last week, with (ho measles. Ho ex pects to return to work in a few days. Messrs. Stout k Salsbury will begin trucking in logs laying in the river jutt abo-o town, tomorrow. Tho Oregon Lumber Co. is going to set a mill and saw them up as soon as possible. These logs havo laid in the river for from live to eight years, and must bo in very bad condition. j THE HARVESTER TRUST. It Commences Operations by Discharging 10,000 Men. A special from St. ixmis says : ft was learned here today that the first oilicial act of tho American Harvester Company of Illinois, a consolidation of eighteen harvester companies of tho United States, with headquarters in Chicago, will dischargo about 10,000 employees, whoso services aro ren dered unneceHsary by tho consolida tion of eighteen scpcrato and distinct companies into ono monopoly. Ton million dollars per annum is expected lc bo saved in wages through this con solidation. This is niude pofsibly by the fact that under the consolidated management the output of harvest machinery will bo limited to tho great plants whoso brands aro standard al 1 over the world, and that most small plants will boshutdown. Tho Minne apolis company, it is said, has already shut down and discharged its force, and after January 1st many othors will follow suit. Tho now nionoply, whioh controls the output of harvest ing machinery of the United Statua, has a capital of .f.15,000,000. It is in- eorporated under the laws of Illinois, ln0 incorporators being. Cyrus II. Mo- Cormiek, William Dooring, Waltor A. Wood, George A. S. Buhhnoll, and A. L, Congor. Cyrus II. MoConniok is president uf the consolidated company Walter A. Wood is vioe-piwmlunt and L. Conger is general managor. Nll'l;i, To whom It may ouiiauri) ; Kutlgo l Umhy idvuu Out I will pay no Mm ooiitrttoitd by Hiiormi J. Plpkl In. ... 1-8-81 N. F. PICK I.I N. Tho Luteal; Stylos of 1 Large Imoic of Fall and And None In it the most Skillful Artists Employed. t an r.. ms h r i IEM1 1 A Special! .r "I Everything in the Millinery Lino Constantly on Uaml. Ladies' hisses' and Ghildrens' Shoes. Prices rh(nier than any otlior house in the county. Call and ho Convinced. SEF-KT(j, liutti'r and Wooil taken in (, F. Mn SLOCUM. Lessee. The facilities having been increased by the ndditi of fine nssortmon' of now type and a large invoice of the finest papers an material, is now hotter prepared to execute THE ZEHXIsriEST YfORK: on short notice. CaII at onco if you want anything in the way of Letter Heads-, Circulars, Busine Cards, Bill Heads, ISnvelopen, Society Cards, Shipping 'fags. Becoipts, Visiting Cards. Legal Blanks, Tickols, Wedding Cards, rosters, Statements, Ball Programs, Constitutions, By-lawn, Brief, You can get them at The Scout Job Office. PRSCES REASONABLE. &ST"Satisfaction Guaranteed in livery Instance. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Address: TUK SCOUT JOB OFFICIO, Union, Oregon. 1)15 A LliR IN Latest Styles. Just Received, Direct from the ICust , a Largo Invoice ot LADIES' and MISSliS' CALFSKIN SllOKH, the Best Kvnr brought to this Market. Also a Fine Assortment of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -;- GOODS. My Prices will suit Hie limes. Drop in ami .sec inc. C. VINCUNT, Main Streot, Union, Or. The Centennial Union, Oregon. Recognized Leading Hotel of Eastern OregonI I'INH I.AltOU SAMI'I.j: IIOQMS Tor tliu Acciiiuniliitloii of Ooninuiruinl Trnvulera, CHARGES REASONABLE. m m 43 n ft Mill .! it i. a mm t i AT THE 705ITIOM.- PARIS, 1559 Tho HigliMt PoMiblo Proaaiuni, ?HB ONLfY GRAND PRIZE TOR SEWING MACHINES, WAS AWARDED TO kHEELER & WILSON Mffi, CO, AND THB GR'eSS 0F THE LSQIOM OP HONOR, V.'AJ CONF2RREO UPQH NATHAN I ni WHEELER, T! V 'itf,t r' t'M C'npmy. e I n mi m nut htmm ERY Winter (! t ! .Tu-t Ci iv'd. THE MEW YORK." vNo ,t i Imiec Avu.rmu lit of Mrs. L B. Rinehart, Main .street, 1'nion, Or. All Kinds. Hotel, Proprietor- by all n.s tho )- am I II Machine Stands at tho Head. Most Perfect Machine in the Market for Family Use' o Eleg ant in workman ship and Design. look at them before Purchasing, 68 Maitfet'St.. "San Pancisco, Cal.