The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 15, 1891, Image 5

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A Moilcst ainti liikr ti Ktmtlo Dl at
Orlonta1 I.tixiir)-.
Gontlo reader, havo vou ever batlictlf
Turkish lmthecl? I wot tit. I hnvo, woo in
mo, mid I am now n sadder nnl a cKnnor
man. If thi3 article, which is meant to Iw
cloliclously li-ht and playful, appwrs to you
to bo fraught with an underlvin- varicose
vein of gloom, do not hastily jwss it bv, but
remember that it's in tho interest of w'teiH.'o.
I hnvo dallied with tho luxury of tho Orient
(so called). Also remember that I hnvo con
tracted n deep, sonorous cold, which will in
all probability fondly nestle in my bosom till
my ulster blooms again.
Tho preliminaries of tho Turkish bath nro
simple. You tuiy ?L nt tho door rind tms
into tho "cooling room,'1 whero tho mercury
registers 03 des. The nppi-oprinteEOfis of this
titlo does not burst u;kmi you until j on hnvo
visited tho inner 6hrim, urhoro tho tempera
ture ii up near the boiling jKiint. In tho
"cooling room'' you aro privileged to deposit
your valuable i:i a safe. I did not avail
myself of this boon, however, for rontons of
a purely privnto nature, but pacd nt onco
into tho "disrobing room." This room was
not so largo as to appear droary, nor yet so
small as soino I have lodged in oil tho Rowory,
but was about 7x1. Tin- fumituro was siruplo
yet chaste, consisting of u chaiv and a him-h
and comb long past their prime. Tho comb
was chained to tho wall, but tho brush was
lcrmittod to roam at will. Hastily divesting
myself of wals-kinn, jaegers and other pano
plies of rank-, I arranged them in a neat pile
in tho center of tho room and placed tho chair
upon them. This smiplo precaution I havo
learned to practico when occupying a room
separated from Its fellows by low partitions.
Your neighbor may bondiscip'.o of Izaak
Walton, and during your sleep or absence
may tnko n cast over tho partition with hook
nnd lino. What could bo more embarrassing
than to havo one's trou&crs thus surrepti
tiously removed I am a lover of tho "gontlo
art" myself, but I am ever loath to bo played
for a sucker.
I was now ushered into tho "hot room,"
whero u number of gentlemen were lolling
about and perspiring affably and fluently.
13eing of a timid, shrinking nature, I was
somewhat embarrassed on entering n room
thus flllo l with strangers, and tho more so as
1 realized that my costunio was too bizarre
and striking for oiio of my willowy propor
tions. So 1 Hung myself with an affectation
of easy graco upon a marblo uivnn, but im
mediately arose therefrom with a vivid blush
and a largo blister. I then sat upou a seeth
ing chair until I canio to a boil, when I roo
up nnd endeavored to alleviate my sufferings
by restlessly pacing tho room. A fow towels
were scattered about, and as tho niniLle
chamois leaps from crag to crag, so leaped I
from towel to towel in my efforts to keep my
1'cct off tho red hot floor, leaving basked in
this room until I was quito aglow, I sum
moned tho al.Uii.iaut nnd told him ho could
tnko mo out at onco or wait yet a littlo longer
and remove mo through u hose. 1 then passed
into tho "manipulating room," whero I was
laid out on an uueluslie marble slab like a
"found drowned" nt tho morgue, ami was
tal-tM in hand by a muscular attendant, -who
prouocuc 1 to manipulate mo with great vio
lence, i. bewail ujioii my chest, upou which
ho prosou u.i. 1 ho lifted his feet off tho floor
uuil my shou-der blades mado dents in tho
marblo. 1 mildly asked if it wan absolutely
ueeossary thnt my respiratory organs should
bo thus flattened, to which ho replied,
with a rich Turkish accent: "Como off,
young fellow, I know my biz,'' and swoopsd
down upon my digestive organs. Manipula
tion consists of diLjoiuting, dUmeinbcring,
bruising and rending haio from limb, and
may bo healthful, but it is not popular with
me. This man said ho was a pianist also,
anil that ho could manipulate and nt tho
same timo strengthen ins flnjera nnd improve
his technique, mid to illustrate ho struck a
fow resounding chorda in Uio small of my
back and then proceeded to interpret Wag
ner up and down my vertebra.1, running
scales, twiddling up in tho treble and thun
dering down in tho bass, just iu. if I wero tho
keyboard of a Steinway grand, an illusion
doubtless heightened by (lie ivory whiteness
of myskiu. Ilo wound up by playing that
grand old show off piece, tho "Uattlo of
Prague," while I joined in with tho "Cries of
tho Wounded." It was u fine rendering, no
doubt, but nest timo I am to Ixs played upon
I shall ask for a soft audauto movement a
Chopin noctune, say. Sow York World.
A signal service
to weak womankind is tlio finding
of lost health tho building-up of
" a run - down " system. Nothing
does it so surely as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. It cures all
tho derangements, irregularities and
weaknesses peculiar to the sex. It's
tlio most perfect of strength-givers,
imparting tone and vigor to tho
whole system. For overworked, de
bilitated teachers, milliners, (seam
stresses, " shop - girls," nursing
mothers, and, feeblo women gen
erally, it is tho greatest earthly
boon, being unequaled as an appe
tizing cordial and restorativo tonic.
" Favorite- Prescription " gives
satisfaction in every case, or money
paid for it is promptly refunded.
That's tho way it's sold ; that's tho
way its makers provo their faith
in it. Contains no alcohol to ine
briate ; no syrup or sugar to de
rango digestion ; a legitimato medi
cine, not a beverage. Purely vege
table and perfectly harmless in any
condition of tho system. Worlds
Dispensary Medical Association,
Propr's, 003 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.
This Trado
Mark Is cn
Tlic Best
In the world.
Ranii forlllmtniwl rulorm. P"'
... . - U Ami.ii Itrtvi vrt
V if rr. i'iWv Hum " -r--
ii,"' AOKSTi IiEiUI.U. Ru 29i
u here, li',wu nrnu wm w i-w-
Weary Women Htitl Tired KyvA Girl.
Sml Stories of DltiiiiiMiltitiil Mortals.
What It Mean to lie I'm loughcd Tho
Dlsono ol DUcotitt iit.
i In tho weary women and tired eyed
! pirls who enter tho cars one can easily
discern tho government employes. If
1 one could sco iuto the history of those
; women who nro left seated hero, pnpes of
light and shadow would unfold them
selves before one's wondering eyes. If
ono could follow theso women to their
' desks In tho niorniiig, watch them as
, they eat their hurried luncheon either
1 brought in a naj kin from tho uninviting
I boarding house table, nnd eaten sitting nt
their desks, or consisting of n roll, wnshed
down with a cup of colTco or a snucer of
, unsubstantial cream nt some of the many
luncheon rooms in tho neighborhood of
, nil the departments sit by their side
during the dragging afternoon, nnd when
tho hour of release strikes go with them
1 back to their tiny hall rooms In boarding
houses, nnd see the nerveless, wearied
look with which they throw themselves
down to rest nh, surely ono would then
know better than now what endurance
! and patience a woman must possess to bo
a good government clerk.
, Scarcely a room in all theso depart
ments but is rich in snd histories. Hero,
sitting with bowed head, writing nt this
desk her stem, white features silhouet
ted against tho dark screen behind her
i chair, and the July sun shining full on
her shabby black gown is a woman who
was in her youth tho haughty daughter
of a proud and wealthy family in u
southern state Stoiies nro still told
I there of her extravagance, her nrroganco,
her cxqttislto dresses and her beautiful
, entertainments Married in her early
youth to a brave and loyal gentleman who
ndored her nnd had the means to gratify
every caprice, tho ntitno of her country
, homo was h synonym for gracious hospi
tality lie died with his affairs involved,
n long lawsuit swallowed up ull that re
mained to her. ami now, at nearly CO
I years of age, she trudges through snow
and heat to work for her bread, submits
. meekly to reproof if she is live minutes
! late, nnd goes to her littlo home in the
i afternoon too tired to do anything but
j slip on a wrapper, drop on a lounge and
try to rest
! Them across tho way sits a sweet faced,
faded looking woman. She is anxious nnd
! tired, though sho brightens into a smile
I as sho speaks, but no one fathoms tho
I depths of her burdened heart. Her
i thoughts are far down in an old Virginia
! farm house, where her two littlo mother-
less nieces nro running wild, destitute of
education or refilling influences, and with
. out any too much clothing Their old in
i firm grandfather sits helpless by tho (ho
! sido in winter and on the vino covered
I porch i:i summer, nnd in dreniningof long
I past days forgets tho littlo maidens at his
, feet The bet blood of Virginia runs in
! theso children's veins, but blood, no mat
ter how blue it may bo, does not feed or
clolho or warm one, nnd this aunty in
Washington is their solo supporter and
j protector If her means kept pace with
! tho generous instincts of her warm and
! loving heart how royally would thoso yel
j low haired nieces be lodged nnd fed and
i clad. Hut on tho bare SCOO a year, out
of which must como boaid and laundry
bills and clothing and street ear, what call
sho do? Vet by a noble self denial sho
has managed to save something out of
this pittance, and is hoping in the autumn
to bring these neglected lassies to the
tho city and place tliem in n good school,
when in the midst of theso happy plans
she receives notice that on account of tho
failure of tho passage of the appropria
tion bill necessary to carry on the work of
tho room in which her work lies she and
many of tho other clerks will bo fur
loughed. Do you know what that means?
It means her position is abolished, her
occupat ion gone, and her cherished littlo
hoard of earnings must bo used to pay for
tho bread to keep her alivo.
"I would not mind for myself," sho
says; "Lean find work somewliero surely,
but" nnd tears como into tho patient
eyes "those babies down in tho country,
what will become of them? I can't sleep
at night for thinking."
In nnother room, not far from whero
this woman's work lias been, is seated tho
only daughter of a man who onco counted
his wealth by tho thousands. Not n
pretty woman, though once, it would hnvo
been thought heresy to say that in tho
littlo northern town whero sho grew up
to happy womanhood. And ono can now
understand what a dainty charm might
surround her if sho wero dressed in sorao
dark rich color that would throw her deli
cate tints into high relief. If that slender
foot wero thrust into a shapely bronzo
slipper, deep lined tortoise shell pins held
those lluxeii locks in place on the littlo
head, and that mllk whito throat roso
abovo tho folds of a wino red velvet gown,
can you not feeo what a piquant picturo it
would be?
After leaving school sho went abroad
and studied for four years, met charming
acquaintances and stored her heart and
memory full of pleasant experiences,
which still ore a fund of delight to her in
these evil days upon which sho has fallen.
Tho deaths of her two brothers, quickly
followed by tho crash of her father's full
ing fortunes and his paralysis, called her
back to this country and to u now nnd
different life. Friends had not gono with
fortuno, and through their efforts a well
paying clerkship was secured, and hero ut
her desk sho sits and works with simplo
bravery and unconscious heroism, golug
homo lu tho afternoon to mirso with ten
derost euro tho helpless old father, to
whom her coming is an a ray of sunshine
Tho bright visions of her youth havo van
ished with her girlish bloom, but a cheer-
i ful soul smiles out of her wori fnco, and
an interest In books, art uud friends kcop3
i her young at heart.
I And this is somewhat unusual, for tho
i fatal dibeaso In theso dopartmentB la dis
i content. Hardly ono woman out of overy
j hundred Is at all satisfied, and all teem
I striving for promotion and larger salaries.
I Tho woman who saw salvation in a six
I hundred plaeo now longs for ono that
' pars a thousand, and tho woman who .ro
j ccives a thousand dollars sees no reason
why she should not bo promoted to a
twelvo or fourteen hundred dollar placfl,
and so it goes.
I Without doubt admitting women to
I theso places lias been u godsend to many
! a distressed woman who know not whero
to turn for aid; and yet it Is a hard and
cruel life, for tho air of Castle Doubting
breeds naught hut HI, ana tbo grasp ol
I Giant
, Sun.
Despair is merciless. hew York
In tho minds of men entirely great tliwo
Isn't very much of tliemseJvea. Wuulag.
ton Crltio.
Altl.o Murker urMl of lt'iifn-i of JO
Vrnn' Mam 'i; -AIii Mr. K. 1). I'Iitci
wan Srrvetl it" Smut Wuy.
1 Kdltor Orep .on: Kit twenty yearn I
' have been nri'.'v H owing "leaf, nccjin
I panted lili nil ots of ring ng noNes in
mylar. 1 had destnired of ever being
i relieved uMI some of my neighbors had
tried Dr. Da rin and been cured. That
i irnve ltic courage, nnd If me to try him.
i Hi- has restored my her litf nnd siopiicd
1 the n ies with elecrUity, nifdieni and
surg cnl treaunent. 1 live three mile
!esi ot I'or.l.nd on the Usui-- mad.
: I'ostitllce, Portland, Or.
Mr. Kdltor: For fifteen year- 1 have
Ven deaf, n'd gredunlly row inn worse,
uinil the uast tlnee cr 1 could not hear
my watch tb'k i.r any conversation. I
came to Dr. Darrin an.' teceivcil hl elec
tric treatment, m-d am ii"W able te hear a
watch tick and ffel ovcijojed with the
cure I have leceivwl. 1 live in Albina,
and uv place of business is in the market
i'ii ltusell street, near the Continental
Hotel. K. D. I'll HC1C.
,1. S. .Jeiintui; Clued nf SKIti UNcn-c.
Kditor Oreponiaii: K r Iifu en enrw I
hav been troublfii with a skin disease.
Dr. D.irriti has cured inc. K fer to me nt
Sellwood, Or. .1 S .lU.s.VINGS.
Dis. Darrlii's Siieelalt leu ami I'liu'e of
Drs. Darrin naic a specialty of discas s
of the Kye. I3ar. N'osi' mm Throat and all
nervous, ch onic ii'id private dl-'tM't'.".
such as Loss of Ma hood. Hlood T'ltits,
Syphilis, Glet, (.iononlniM. Stricture.
Sperinatotrliici, Seminal Weakness, oi
Loss of Desire of S-ual Power in ni'in or
woman. All peculiar I'Vnialo lr
ngular MeiistniHtion. Dlsuini euiwit. etc.,
are oiifMenliall and succcsfulh treated,
mid wM under no eircuiiistnii es taWe a
case that they c.iunot cire or be Hit. Con
sultation free. Oh ig".s mabl-' Cur. s
of private disease- K.iHr.uitHeM nnd never
published in the papers Circulars nun"
q uestion blanks sen' free Ollici'S. 70J
Washington street, Portland. Or.
There Is soinethlns cxcreilliiB'y attractive to
the feminine mind in the barKHlu-coutitur aiiiu
"JJ cents, reduced from
'About to visit some mciIou nf country wherf
I mularliil tllen.e. cillier In the ferm of chills nnd
fever or bilious romiti .nt, was iiHiticularly riff.
what would be about the b st advice jou could
Hive him? We will tell you to crry nloiiK or
procure on arriving thnt lmtent medicinal safe
KUard. HosU''n St. much Hitters, known
throughout ninliirln-plniriieJ reHton-, here ami
in other countries, as the su et means of dis
HimiiiB the miasmatic scourne anil robbing it nf
its fell ilestru. tivo liillncitce. Not only doe" It
foitify the system by incrctistUK ' stamina, but
overcomes irregularity of illKi'Mlon, the livei
and the bowels, and (oiintcra"tstheuufavora'ilc
ell' ets of nverexeition. bodily and menial eins
lire in rough weather, or occuiallon ton .eiU'ii
tarv or laborious, loss ot tippi-llte nnd oxce-sivi-nervousness
The functions "f alimentation,
bilious secretion anil sleep have I" it a most
powerful ami reliable auxiliary.
lMueutloual. Tom 'this limn In the room
next to me Is learning to play on the piano.
Jack And what do ou do? Tom I'm learning
to swear.
Millions of women use Dobbins' Vlectric
S'jap daily, and ay it is the best, and
cheapen If they ii"-e tight, you ought to
use it. If wrong, one trinl only will show
you. Huy a bar of yuur grocer and try it
ii -xt Monday.
Acquitted of Inconsistency. Harry Wiii It
i r,ii,r?,.iiiiii. wlui vi rnti hat is so rare ns a dm
in June?'' Kdlth Oh, no; Longfellow wrote
" Die Day is l)one." I
HitoxoniTis. Sudden changes or ttie
wea her cause br nchial trouh'cs
"Jtrown's lironchiol Tioches" wi'l give
reilef. Sold only in bojcs. Price, io cents.
It is what they don't know that Inflates some
men's vanity.
j If afflicted with Pore Ryes, uo Dr. lunar
Thompson's Eye Waior. DruKkjlsts sell Itf 'i5o
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known. '
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
liiscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder dor eUch work.
AniJi'to MILO II. BTEVKNB tt CO., Attorney
141U K utreet, ValiIiiKton, I). C. Hrancli ollices
-rlovelaiid. Dftrntt. (tlilcnirn.
Without Loss of Blood.
Kce lait week' iir for tltcrliitIon of VWY.Y
8l'K(iIOAI. Ml'MI-rM at hli omct.7tU H'mli
liiKtou ktrect. I'oltTI.AND, OK. HumirttU of
CANC'KJU and Tl'MOKH iitienfiilly removt-tl
by III in can x "-n there UK TOJ'.I. hi
luillitl four yearn In ilermaiiy, Hwltitrlanil ami
KiikIuiiiI, ami U tlio duly mrnetiii In tint North
writ ho oi)lUa without lot of hlooit hy
v 0
N, I, N. , No, m-H, K,V, U, No, M
ct i:r.i
After llaxlng Hcimi Tnmti'il lij-Twentr-Vl
e Doctor.
Skatti.i: Wash , December (1 1SX).
Dr. .T Ktigeno .Jordan, Gentile, Wash.
My Dkaii Silt: When I rum o jou las!
March 1 had been treated by twenty-five
dillVretit doctor. Although still alive, I
was BiiH'ering from such a loinpllivitlon ol
troubles that death would have been a re
lief, as it would have ended my suffering
I paralysis; h id terrible pains all ovei
me; no ninbilion; was m. diitzy that 1 felt
as though I were llxillng in the air; try
livef was In frigluful coniliti in; terrib'e
cramp And sharp pains; neuralgia and
rheumntlsni of the hoart; dsiCMtic trou
ble; had had several tumors, some of
which had been eaten olV and some cut
out' one was larger than n child's head;
as f.isl as one whs taken fr.'iu me another
would form. The lllstogeuetle Aleiicinuv
have worki d like nmic. 1 am like a new
person. The medicines have stopped the
growth of the tumors, and I have not a
particle of trouble. Their ell'ect is simply
wonderful, and I cannot be th.iukful
enough to you for what your medicine'
have done for me. 1 want eveiyone to
know how surety and quickly these medi
cines currf. 1 remain your. sincerely,
Mtts. .1. M. Williams,
A loh i street, second door west of lilatne.
Du. iTottDAN rs ollleo is at the tesidence
of e.-.Mayor Wis , Thlid and danus.
CuiHiillKtlon and prescriptions absolute
Iv I'ltKK
Send for frej bjok explaining tho His
tOBenetlc aystein.
Caution. The llistogMitic Medicines
are soul lu but one meuey In each towi.
The label around the b itllo bears the fol
1 .wintc tiiscripiion; " Dr. .1. ICugene J,r
di'.'s lllstoitenetie Medicine." Kver.j
other device is a fraud.
The nveniKC streot-t ar ennductor Is not ad
dicted to the tide of lioliaiuy'B ureat novel
" I.iioklm; ltaekuurd "
Dr. V Ulams" liidiini l'Ue Ointment will cure
llllnd, Met ding and Itehl Piles when all other
ointments nave fulled. It abMirus the tumors
allays the it.iiliiK at once, nets as n iwiullice
cives Instant toilet. Dr. Williams' India Pile
Ointment Nire)mred only for riles and ttcblim
of mo j.r vate nirls. and nothing else. Kvery
box Is warranted. Sold by drunKlsts, or sent by
mall on rceehit of price fi'.V an ' $1 lcr box.
W 1 1. LI A M b il A X V I'.U' I'll 1 1 1 N ( i C O. ,
I'lOprletors, Cleveland, O.
llewarenf Iniitatlous of the celebrated Seal ol
North CiTidtim I'Iuk t ut Tobacco.
This interests You
Kor tut oi l"lin wetthiT v hi n ed i:i)SON s
KKI'S I'AIKNI l l ltl'liOOK IJltKSs SHOI s
ft r Indie. an .'cmlt-'iien . fullv Kiiaranteed
im.'ie ref n lci. nuthltu eiiiii!s them, sen.i
siainiuind a idres f..r full imrMculars.
iii.tii.v ni:i:itY, i'ihtiiI Audit",
Uiiom .", I.iccn lliilldini;, I'ort liiiitl, Or.
Agent v Hilled oi Inn in xeudemeil.
'I be cheapest thlnu In ih market for hoilsr.
bams, Icehouses and outtmildliujs. Wilto fo
catalouue and samples.
PACIFIC IIOLL PAPER CO., 1'ielfle Const Ak'cnl
lu) and 2 l-'lrst str.'et. Snn Franclfco. Cal.
This Picturo, Panel bIzi, mailed for 4 cents.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Makers of "Bllo Beans,"
255 & 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
liaiiillo-LeatliBr Hoofinsr.
est to use. Cheapest. Relief in imnieiliate. A
cure is certain. For Cold in tho Head it hus no equal.
It is an Ointment, of which n small particle is applied
to tho nostrils. Price fiOc. Sold by druggists or sent by
mail. Address: E. T. IIazultink, Wurrcn, Pa.
Ofjrnphcrs of both sexes, nttrioute their success to ti course nt the Portiane! Busi
K 7 W- V IV jf MS XS V S W WS W S
j ness UOIIGgo, I'ortinna, u-egon, or the capital tJUSinoss UollQgo, txiieut,
Oregon. Ilcth are under the inanngeiiient of A. P Armstrong, have same courses of
. study, some rates of tuition. Jusincss,Sliorthniul,Typcvriting, Pemimnship inul ling
I lish Departments. Wrilu to either for joint Catalogue nnd specimens of penmanship.
Tlu-y will yti-Iit for you, OATS 13SIiii.,WIII:aT 10 till.,
IIAIU.KY CO Im., COltM 100 1m. 1'OTATOIM W bu. wr lu
tVSrnd 8 Cfnt for Hampla farm FtttU and t-atnloifut).
HTKcnd 6c for .ks, "Afiiio Itadlih" ami ilt-tfaiit (iilli;.
OurCataloiclalliti llnt-nt fver imlillnlietl In Amt-iira.
0Trll 35 .kiii Karllt-kt Vt-KCtnljlork'tla.Hnt
la tike. i:it-irant Flower Ht'tln. iMiift liulu. 00 ccntn.
tr-Iiw 1-relKht to l'oclllo t'ooiit
Lance Tooth, Dexter, Simmons and Champion Patterns Saws
0 iirriuiteilj. IVciIki-h anil KleilucH
What would you give for a Friend
who would taJce half your hard worlc off your ahoulderB
and do It without a murmur? IVJiat would you, give to
find an assistant In your housework that would lieep your
loorn and walla clean, and your h'UcJun bright, and yet
never grow ugly over the matter of hard work ? Sapollo
iijutit auch a friend and can be bought at Mil grows
oi in: ron uii i:i mat isn.
C. G. Treit rf We i Granville, Mv.,
writes of Ai.t.cH-K.s PoKOfs Plasthvs:
"Kor rlieuin.'ti-iii, n -iirnlgla, jmiIii In
tho side or bick, cogh, colds, brui-es
and any loca. weaki.! ihey truly posseH
wouilei ful ciirativp i i.btie. I hv re
oiuiiieiiited ih"in to my ntdgbirs wlih the
happlP t result-, ninny ol whom but for
Ai.t.roi k's;H! would ho tt n crip
pled condition at home. In eveiy ihsIhuc
wheio they hnv lweti f.ittbfullj and p up
orlv aiqilb d ill1' renuli has been wonder
tufty satisfactory,"
If a courting match is not called off, it mnM
end In a tie.
I.rcm i oostt. i "
I'h nk J. ('iiknky infcc oath ttia' he Is the
HMiinr pnrtnoi of the firm of K J ciiknkv .tin.
liolni; hlisliieRK III the city nf 'lobdn. imnitN Mini
Mate a foresaid, and that said Arm will pav tlu
sum of (INK Ht'MlKKK HOLLA K for ea n and
even can' of Catarrh that cau.iot be cured bj
tbeiisenf II ill's i:atkhii i'I'hk.
Pwotu to before ill'" ami "iibserilied lu inj V'cs
Bliis. this 6th ila ot PecrmlMT. A. 1'. Issi..
IsKll. J A. W. (il.KA.-MN, .Vi..j ; 1'nhlir
llall's ("atarth Cure is taken iutcriiallx . and
arts directly upon the blood and mil- ims Mir faces
of the svstem. send for U siltinuilal, free
F J.t II INKY A ID., Toledo, O.
f& sold by niuc'tsts, ;
Tuv Ul.tiMKA for bienl;'ut.
Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs is tnken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, nnd nets
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem elleetually, dispels cohld, head
.iches and fevers nnd cures hahitual
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50c and 81 bottles by all druggists.
ffllEii IS COffiG.
Kpml In Mnitti. fur onr winter outfit. Tho
1 bate the t'lKia"t stock o, iindcrclotiil iir. Thej
I have the licst ImhiIs ami shoot. They hive tin
i ''i'st bn-b ry for evervbody, Tiiey have tbi
j relict Mirt.ty of by uoods They havt
: fai.dly ::rie"rlcs of all kinds. Thev have dried
fruit of th. n.'vt crop. They linve cauuetl itooilf
it wnoiesaie prn i nev unve warm niiiien
and ..'loves 'I lu- tiave bliuikcts from 1 an
i.n. ' i' y have comforts from W) emits each tul..
I'liiw iinve overalls of every size. 'I hoy pay spo
dull attention to all orders. Address for ful
particulars and ropy of Home (Hrrlr (free
siinlilps fasti More, I I S Front Street,
Mm I' - in-lscn, 'n 1.
STEINWAY, (labler aud Pease Pianos
.Me.uiliiit Die st PlAMi Mtlil, and tlio Mvtnltt
s'ii'iikt 1' aiitw, all M.snal liulnoni'iitf ; llnntW Hup
Meet, Uritu Btik of Hlieet Xlnlo KrKINWAV Hall,
(iOuiuI :.'lo I'o-t lltitit, Matiiiiah (!hav Co. CM
I tun. nur pew rofi'.i atut 0" stiK.k
CURE Biliousness,
Sick Headache,
1 11 AT CAN lilt t ,-yHf HVliRY 1AVT
is the kind thnt pays. Scores of
yoimjr. business men, ntul liutt
dreds of book-keeners nnd 6tcn
Htutce.( "Al'Jlt;"lliont.wl7UaynaIIn -J
for U'oiitlclitipi'er, l'ortliuitl, Or.
' . t
PAT.H0V.25.IOBr fmrfR&
byusi.ni3APO LLO-
ca:ke ofcscourinfiso&n
.used For cleoanind purposes -V
1)H. AIT.UST ItnjNtO'S
($amlwracv Orufttitt)
Rollef of Consumptivo Patients.
sir Tut: oEsriNi- h xi vt n sold by wek.iit
At Prugplsts and lenlers, or font by mall r it
rrei ipt ol J j cts. i packnges l.OJ In stamps.
S Earliest mul lirtpoa rvcrocrtsL Finest Imvoml
bUREHEAD CAGDACE. Surest hcaiMns vor
taym Hiirvlicmli'i'rtstsnnvthliif I over tnvr in Hit
iilil.fim.llm'. Out of lomoi liitnntsiiot omi failed U
ioinnk..atlnoKolMlic. 1. CREEN AND COLD
WATERMELON, 1 rleM laivo miltm. itcsli m
ricJi irt.ltlcn color ami it. ilclomlhuor CARMINE
RADISH. Alisntl'omot'Xtni cnily vu.lcly, ofleu
proilueliitrrmtlslit In 0 days. Teat Northern.
Crown Scocla mm no convinceti innt tney art
uieuorioaiioinent. tnftiiirt'im a i.nv" intt-itaKi'h nf flm ntwivfi tinmeil varlttlefl nlul thu Flflfs!
Ulu.lrilriKstaloitiiseMrpuMli.hctl niu-ei'Iptof SOfts
FLOWER SEED,, Hllh. "J l-rntinirnuinv
.liter, in, tit Inionir tills n.titer nnd ininiFnT or ulrei
'viltrtveloi"ttraoiitilnel''nir't,el"'f til followlnp
'.ectlsi IPOLIEA, tliuiiutwontleiftd ellinlt r cvei
Smt rtMiuitu, m u H to it niKiii ot i-u or nsj t, y
IlKVS liua.lrriU ur ure lille Mi.Rm. ZCKFOIU)
SWtXT PEAS, IntriHlnttsl by ('lum. Uotf oitl ol Enir
laml, wlioli nijK'iit venrt js'rfccttnif tills la'autlfu'
illiltM'i; D1AI p UiliaLUUllL, mo mui.
ver tnitilNlitsI, over 40U ur
i.Ulet.t liUJora ttonM. L. L. MAY
unit rnlorr.
& CO.,
and FloriSr'.s,
Paul, Minn.
Will haVe io other Jobacco
Who orcc tries
Plug Gut.
jKis Is the secret of its
('onlnliiHtiver (150 llltin nit Ions
uuil !! roloreil platen. The tuilt
nun linbll lieil llltiatnit lii'-r KV-
TO AtATl Uii.. l.ItKi: on
I niill' 'timi. I.otv l"itl(;lit
jutii's 10 u.ti tvesi.
XortLru, Drti tlan & Goodwill Co.
sc ct urovora,
Miwi'.mn.r-, . rvv.
Blieumntism, NearaltftjConu,-
Tit Oallforala Pailtlf ud Iiftttvi
old by all Druftitt. Back Ut,m W.
Oraaalngar A Oo Prop's, Lea AngalM.Oal
Will jMialtlvely euro NiTvotisiies, Lom of Man
hotxl, Iiiiiiotfiicy, Ijhiio Hack, Hliouinntlsm, In
digestion, (lent ral Hublllty, etc.
rrit'f, tta, win mill win.
Alan Drugi, Truttii. Crulchci, Elaitlc Slocklnfl.
Shoulder Uracei, Electric Insole. Etc.
Tllti Itrlliltilu Druifulat.
Third Mini Tiiylur, I'urtlunil, Or.
Earliest, Hardiest, QFCQQ
Most Productive QEELIJO
zm eB mi
fra iiintftfTTnTTrrr' Wi.r4M
lar . ur Hak 3m aKK
I'blMelpliU, J'