THE OREGON SCOUT THE OREGON SCOUT Has ns largo a circulation as nny two papers in this section of ttho State combined, and is corre spondingly valuable aa an adver tising medium. Is independent in nil things, nni i t ta tnjnothiiur ; devoted to every I cause it Mivcs to lie right u journal for (lie people. Horo Will the Press the People's Rights Maintain. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1S91. vol. vrr. NO. 30 The Oregon Scout o An Indretiitent neekljr jomna , issued erery Thursday Illuming by JOXES & CIIAXCEY, Publishers and Proprietors. A K Jones, F.dltor. II. Oil tscEV, Foreman ltuti-s of SuliHrlitlon. One- cory ""e ear. One- opy s'x niuiohs. $1.60 ).00 Une copy three mouths, .to Invariiilily Cath In Aitvnnce. by ehanve Hibtrrlptions are not jind till end of year, tun ilnllart will bt ehargcil. Hates of ailieitmlxK made known on application Air Correspondence from ull p.rta of tue country solicited. AiMieMia'l coiiimunlsatlous to the OnriiON Si-out, Union, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, UNITRD STATUS. 1'remibest Hi njainln Harrison of Indiana. Mkchetahv ok Btatk James n. Ilia ne of Maine. Hm-ketahy of this TjttAiimv William Windjm of Minnesota. Hecheta itv or War Rcdllel ' I'roctorof Vermont. .Sfcketakv of tin: Nav llenjiiiilu F. Tiacy of New York. Hf.cuktuiy of the Interior- John W. N..ble of Missouri. I'o.HMASTKii-GiiNMtAL John Wanatnaker of l'enn t)lvjuia. ATTonshv Okneral W. II. II. .Miller of Indiana. Hkihktarv of AtiRluUMURB-Je.eml.ih Rusk cf Wisconsin. STATU OF OREGON". henatirs, J. II. Mitch 1 J. N. ELL. Congressman, ... lliNom Hermann. Ci)ernor, - SVLVKiniR I'fn.novkh. .Secretary of Hiate, - (..onuK W. Mcltl'.lliK. htute Treasurer, - - (i. W. Wi:mi. Supcrintendpjt of l'ubllc Instruction, U. 1!. McKlrov. Htut j l'rinter, - - - 1'liiMi U. IUkkr. f II. S. Htu.viia.n. Supreme Judges, - W. V. I.o':I. lV. W. TllAVKR SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTItlOT. Circuit Judges. . - mVW I'nwccutliiK Attorney ... 0. F. llYHE. COUNTY OF UNIOX. Statu Senators, Representatives, Juilgo .Sheiiff, Clerk, Recorder Treasurer, Schcol Superintendent, Surrejor, : Atmeasor, Coroner, Commissioners, I. J. W. Nouval. ALKY. (J. II. Haley. Ions McAlivtkr. 1 J. A. WmuiiT. f.loi I. N. SNueih. .1. T. IIOLI.f.S. TlIII.V Kit OLIVER. J. S. KLI.IoTT. I!. U. UltAlNARt), H. S. KTnNIIK. J. h. Ui.KTIs. J. I). CUILI). Joel Weaver I William Arnold. I John McDonald. CITY OF UNION. Mayor, .... J W. Kknnkdv. Recorder, .... O. L. Hukkhlkk. Mariihal. .... Anon Joiinno.v. Street Commissioner. N. F. Ficklin. councilmen. I!. F. Wii.sov. J. 11. CoiuiiN. J. S. Klliott. A. K. Jones. J. M. Oarholl. S. A. 1'lTll.NEL. LODGKS. I'NloN LODfii:, No 33, 1. O. O. F., MKKTS RVURY I' riday evenuu at 7:3'J o clock WM. It ALKY N. O. 0. B Miller, Secretary. iRANDi: UONDi: 1 NOAM I'M UNT, No. 11, 1. O. O. F., uuetj on the tiist and thiril Tue.-rUys in each mouth. O. S. MILLIUt. C. 1'. J. II. Thompson, Scrllw. iRANDU RONDK VALLF.Y LODOK. No. 56, A T. k A M., meets on thu secoml ant fourth WAturilaj 8 -rry month. K. W. DAVIS, W. M. R. II. ItitowN, Secretary. OKANDi: RONDK VALLF.Y CHAl'TKI!, No. 20.. R. A. AI., lueeU tlrbt u d third Tu -laib each mouth. W. T. Wiv GUT, M. K. II. 1'. Tl ItNER OLIVER. Secretary. liLUK MOl'NTAIN LODOl! No. 23 K. OF I" neeteerv Weduesday uvriiiiit,'. T. II. CRAWFORD, O O. Turner Oliver, K. of R. & S. RF.STON FOST, No. 13, O. A. R., MKKTS KVKRY hlrd Saturday ta eacn uioith a. the ( Mil Fellow ' hall. JOSHUA BRADFORD, 1'. O. Oeoruk IlElNIN'UKlt, Adjutant. cuunoiius. The Mcthodlit Ki)lscopal Church holda services at A M. an!7 v. M. ol eac.i bunipiy. Rev. A TKOMFSON, Acting Pastor. Services are held at the l'resbyterlan Church at 11 A, .1. anil 7 1'. M. ol eucn emu-ay. Rev. J. 1. MORRIS. l'ator. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J W. SHKLTOX. J. M. CARROLL. SHELT0N & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Olllce two doo-s south of Ij3to!tlce, Union, Ort-Koii. Special a '.tent Ion glveii to all biulntss entrusted to us. K. KAK1N. J- A. II.VK1N, Notary Fubllc. R. EAKIN & BR0., ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, Oregon. l'rotnpt at'entlou uu to collections. DR. E. N. NORTH RESIDENT DENTIST, lUf the tinrit anajstHeMo for extracting teeth without lain Luomii to the profession. Will practice lu all the launches of modern ileutUtry Hilver and gold wort a ljUlty Fine set. of teeth always on haul. FirU-clas ork und atufa.tini guaruutvcil. omco-Miiln St., Union, Or. C. 11. DAY, M. D., UlmtEopatblc Physician and Surgeon. All OulU rroinptly Atteiitleil to. nmm vUaiatiw Joski Rros.' t'srv. Can U found nI(Wu at rsMwi ta KMitbastt Union. I. NrCROMrLT mTd HYSICIAN t'AND SURCEON, QtLtv nut Jeor south c( Hummfrs k Lijue's store, Union, Ortiiruii, The Cove Drug Store JASPAR C. STEYENS, Proprietor, -DEALER IX PURE DRUGS, Patent JWedieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. . I'roxcriiitloiiN Cn re fully Irtimrett. ALSO DEALER IX- SPORTING GOODS, -CONHI8TINO OF- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Cartridges. and Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc, Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop in. llillianl and pool table for the accommodation customers. of Gomeopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Cigars Always in Liquors Stock. and Firgt-cla&i billiard table. Drop in and bo sociable. For Information About the South ADDRKS'i WITH STAMF - Tlie Official Immigration Department -OF- FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES, CARL ROIlINaOX. Secretary, Raleigh. N. O. UnionTonsoMalParlofs GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Gutting and Shampooing in tbe Lasest Style of the Art. Rhop two doors south of the Centennial hotel, me a call. Give City Meat Market Mttln Stri-i-t, Union, Oregon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KEEP CONSTANTLY OS UAND Beef, Pork, Ycal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. The v " Blue Itight SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. FineVWines.'L Cigars '.' in o cs'-'ancl Drop In and l-o sociable Fine billiard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. HcNAUGHTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, KlKln. Oregon, All. Us promptly attended to day or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architoct and Bullclor, Cove, Ortiffoii. Tlr. .1 .... I .1 l. . - II i n .. . . I Lri.1 it t urulihoJ, mi p( Ucllou. !niE PACIFIC COAST. The Southern California Oiangc Crop Regius to Move. The Riverside Trust Company Lets Con tracts fur the Boring of Fifty Artesian Wells. A new brewery to cost $20,000 will soon be built at Snohomish. Tbe people of Montesano want water works, and are debating whether to let a private company furnish the aqua pura or do it themselves. The proprietor of the woolen mills nl Ensenadn, Lower California, receive! s at 1 notice from the Citv of Mexico Monday of the eaneellation of their cession. The orange crop in Southern Cali fornia in beginning to move. The crop in San Bernardino county is estimated at L',100 carloads and worth $1,080,000. The Riverside Trust Company h just let a contract to nave lilty more artesian wells made in San Bin It...1 oino valley, to get additional water . . the Gage canal. Jrdge Bigelow. of Ely, Nov., tendered his resignation as District Judge last, week. It was accepted, and he was ap pointed Justice of tho Supreme Court by Governor Bell, to till the unexpired term. Bradstreet's commercial agency re lorts twenty-one failures in tho Pacific Coast States and Territories for tho past week as compared with twenty-live for tho previous week and seventeen for the corresponding week of 1880. The didiculty of the men who were employed in building the Union Pacific extension between Portland and Seattle, the work on which has been stopped, in obtaining their money, has caused much suffering, many of the men being almost destitute. About 500 of these men are at Portland. Government engineers aro now en gaged on Snake river in sounding the stream and blasting out rock for tho purpose of making it navigable. The steamer Norma will he ready to make regular trips between Huntington and tho Seven Devils mines as soon as high water tinio arrives. Ramon Ix)pez, who shot and killed Mary Dezerillo last Oetoher in the streets of Santa Barbara, becauso she would not have anything to do with him, has been condeinned to death. The date of the execution has not been fixed. The case was somewhat similar to the Goldenson case in San Francisco. The Board of Trustees at San Luia Obispo has parsed an ordinance grant ing the light of way for tho bonthem Pacific railroad through the city limits, including tho street crossing, the yards and depot ground. Houses and other improvements are to be moved ofl" the land within the right-of-way limits. Tho current number of the Northwest Railroader says : "It is tho intention of the Great Northern to push its lino through to the Pacific Const. The con tract for building the extension from tho summit of tho Rockies to a point be yond the Kootenai river has been let to Sheopard. Seims it Co. of St. Paul. This makes extensions from tho main line at Havre, Mont., of about BOO miles, the first 125 miles of which havo hcon completed and turned over to the oper ating department." It transpires that tho Chinese have found a way to make tho Uxchn-ion Act redound to their profit instead of loss. According to J. F. Tucker, a well-known gentleman of San Diego, who has his in formation from a couple of Mongolians with whom ho has had business rela tions, Chinese who havo made a few thousand dollars in tho United States, and who deeiro to return to tho Flowery Kingdom, merely go down to the .Mex ican line, and in crossing back take pains to allow themselves to bo captured by officers on tho watch for contrabands. After their arrest and trial they are transported to China at the expense of tho United States Treasury. Andrew Caldwell, tho special atjent of tho general land office appointed tomako an investigation as to the giant trees (Senuoia) in tho Stockton and Visalia land districts in California, reports that in tho Yisalia land district there is ouo small and one largo grove of giant trees. The latter is a virgin forest, and has over 1,200 giant sequoias and many moro small trees. Some five years ago a co operative colony located about thirty entries in this neighborhood, and aro constructing a road to this timber belt. This colony, it 1b asserted, numbers about COO members, and has engrafted tho Bellamy idea as its leading attrac tion. There is dangor, tho agent believes, that theso people, if unmolested, will pooii destroy this most wonderful ami perfect body of gigantic trees in tho world. In his table giving tho number I and sizo of the trees in tho groves visited I only those measuring forty-fivo feet in circumference and more, measured three feet from the gioitml, aro claused as gi- ants. Of these 2,075 wero found. Forty- four aro over eighty feet in circuinfer- once, and several aro over 100, Ono is 100 feet hi circumference, or more than thirtv-flvo feet in diameter. Secretary Noble has requested tho Secretary of War to atation a company of cavalry in tho Sequoia National Park to prevent depredations. It is stated that tiio ro called Bellamy colonists, who havo in part perfected titlo to tho lands on which these trees stand, havo expressed deter mination to hold their chums in gplto of all opjwsitloii, EASTERN ITEMS. Senator l'ettigrew Favors the Total Extinction of the Seal. General Sherman Wants the Control of the Indians Turned Over to the War Department. Denver dealers have raised of coal to ft a ton. the price At New Orleans 20,000 people aro sneezing Willi la grippe. There are 20,000 women and girls ar rested in New York every year. St. Paul is talking up the winter pal- ace project again, with an eye upon the weather. A contractor's lien of $70,(515 has been filed against Talmage's now Brooklyn tabernacle. The new lake-water tunnel for the Cleveland water works is complete. It cost $200,870.5 I. The grand jury protests against tho use of the basement of tho Boston post office as a stable. The farmers and business men of lerre Haute, Ind., are moving against the dressed beef men. The Mexican government will grant no more subsidies to roads, and is buying up thoho already granted. The apportionment bill does not take effect till the Fifty-third Congress, which convenes in December, 18'.);). Governor Hill is said to favor tho election of Mr. Dana to the United States Senate from New York. It is claimed by reliable persons on the ground that there aro more than J!0,000 destitute peoplo in Oklahoma. Lottery officials aro taking legal steis in Louisiana to havo a votu of tho peo ple on tho lottery amendments next mouth. General Sherman says if the control of the Indians is given to the War De partment there would bo no more out breaks. In the contest oleomargarine was downed in Iowa, and tho commissioner now reports that none of it is sold in that State. Matthew Thomas, by his will, places in charge of tho citv of Cincinnati $1, lijO.OOO intrust for "tho benefit of tho McMicken University. Langston City. Logan county. Okla homa, proposes to bo for all time a city of colored people. The experiment will Do watched with in'erest. secretary iracy lias awarded tho con tract for building the Amnion harbor defenso ram to tho Bath Iron Works of Maine on their bid of $030,000. Senator Pettigrew favora tho total ex tinction of the seal. Ho says up moro good, nutritious codfish e'very year than their hides are worth. It is reported that tho various agents on tho Sioux reservation aro receiving numerous applications from Indians who wish to take their lands in sever alty. Chicago will soon havo the largest 10 cent lodging in tho world. Tho build ing will be seven stories high, will cost $85,000, and be heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Under tho apportionment of ',)")() mem bers in the House of tho lufty-third Congress New York will neither gain nor lose upon its delegation of thirty four Representatives. At tho War Department n card cata logue is being prepared that will givo tho military history of every man who served in tho Union from General Grant down to the last man who enlisted. Tho Trinity church estate in New York is worth $150,000,000, and is rap idly increasing in value. Tho reason is that it lies on tho west side of tho town, which has become a vast trado center. The United States court, sitting in bank at New York, has refused a new trial f'r Clausen, tho president and wrecker of tho Sixth National Bank. The extreme penalty is ten years and $5,000. In tho trial trip of tho cruiser New ark it is understood the vessel exceeded 11,000-horse power, which will give tho Cramps $.r0,000 premium. She aver aged in speed nineteen and six-tenths knots per Hour. The fine bronze statue of Stonewall Jackson, to bo erected at Lexington, va., neit July, is not yet paid for. and the hat is being passed around through tho South generally to collect $4,000 more for this purpose. E. G. Ixwke, tho Union Pacific expert who bonded the mines of tho Umatilla County Coalt'ompany. andthoArbueklo Coul and Mining Company, in the Bitter creek coal region, writes that a diamond drill and machinery is now on the way from tho East and will soon arrive n't Pendleton. An Boon as the machinery passes Pocatello a force of men will Imi started from Wyoming to take charge of it nnd conduct tiie work at the coal mines. The coal fields will Ihj thor oughly tested, and if good coal is found in abundance they will bo purchased by the Union Pacific. In that event tho Bitter creek ecction will Ixkmii with a vengeance, as tho building of a railroad to tho iniucH by the company is not liu-probable, FOREIGN NEWS. The Y. M. C. A. of Paris Propose to Krect a Pine Build insr. German Catholic Clergy are Secretly structeil to Make a Vigorous War on Socialism. In- Parnell declares ho will continue his struggle for the leadership. The Caledonian Railway Company has practically won the struggle with its employes. The Young Men's Christian Associ- ation at Paris proiHiso to erect centrally a handsome building. An exhibition, which will be interna tional so far as hygiene and electricity are concerned, is to bo held in Lvon's in 1802. ' It. is reported that the German Cath-1 our c.ergy nas noen secretly lnstruc ed ; tl) llPiTlli 11 Vliinronu U'llrfnni intn nut Sin.! cialism. . l,-r ,,,vWiii,a. l-u Two lepers are receiving injections of the Koch lymph at Berlin. Tho experi ment is being made at the request of tho patients. Thirty thousand Russian Jews aro ex- pecteu to arrive in Hamburg soon, and Poultry Quote : Old Chickens, arrangements aro being made to sendi4.00: voting. 3.00(ii3.50: old Ducks. them to Brazil. Newfoundlanders aro represented to be very angry over the announcement of tho continuance for another year of tho modus vivendi with France. All of tho postofiices in Italy receive money on deposit, allowing interest at tho rate of 3'jj per cent, per annum and a dividend paid every three years. Japan is about to enter tho field ns a producer of indigo. Tho soil and climate of parts of the island aro skated to Ihj favorablo to tho cultivation of the shrub. A new stenographic machine, in uso by the Italian Parliament, is capable of recording 250 words a minute and can bo readily manipulated by a blind per son. The Singer sewing machine works at Glasgow, Scotland, have lieen compelled to shut down because of the strike, throwing 4,000 persons out of employ ment. Paris has just adopted an underground way for rapid transit which is to carry not only tracks, but all pipes, cables, and wires needed by a modern citv. ex clusive of sewers. Great preparations aro being made for the removal of the eighty-eight coffins from tho Berlin Cathedral. In this vault the rulers and princes of Prussia have been buried for centuries past. Tho Russian army on a war footing numbers 2,570,000 men, and that of France 3,220,1 00 forming a total of 5,Sio.lK0. or OJO.OOO moro than tho com bined forces of Germany, Austria and itaiy. Dix Neuvien Ricclo states that Queon Victoria has assured tho Pone, through Cardinal Manning, that thoio will bo no objection from England to tho canoniza- non oi mo I'rcncn national neroino, Joan oi Arc. Sonor Morot, President of tho Tariff Commission, has submitted a personal roj)ori 10 mo bjianisn government, set ting forth the disastrous effects of pro tection and opposing any further in crease in duties. The statement is made at Berlin that the Gorman government will grant Pro fessor Koch 1,000,000 marks for tho priv ilege of manufacturing Kochon. They will also havo u largo sliaro of tho profits from the manufacture. A dispatch from Havana says: Al though tho government has offered $10, 000 for Garcia, tho bandit, dead or alive, during nearly two months nothing lias been done, and ho continues in undis puted sway of his territory. The Pope, replying to tho congratula tions of the Cardinals on tho fifty-third anniversary of his jiriestfrood. deplored the war of sects against tho church and reaffirmed tho rights of the Pnimcy. Ho appeared fully recovered from bis recent indisposition. It is proposed to manage the finances of the Argentine in London hereafter if the republic will consent. Tho plan, which was not agreed to by tho French and German delegates to the confer ence, is to at once check the issue of paper money. Appalling reports of starvation at the east end of liondon have Htartled tho aristocratic west end. Tho leaders of tho Dockers' Union say that tho great difficulty is tho want of employment, and that the situation is the worst that has ever boon known. The Municipal Council of Caracas, Venezuela, have decreed u tax upon bachelors. Every unmarried man over thirty-live is required to pay nn income tax of I per cent, on an income of not more than $5,000. or 2 per cent. If his income exceeds that amount. The latest Parisian novelty is a small model of the trunk which figured in the Gouffo strangling case as a receptacle of the victim 's mutilated lody. It is a puzzle to open tho trunk, mid when the experimenter hasovorcomo thoilifllctilty .i... ii.i ii.... i .... . . inu mi ujun upuu nun no is n warded py the sight of a leaden imago of tho mi fortuutiio notary, (JiiHtavo RoviIIlod, tiio urehicologist. has died at Cairo. lie iieqiteatlied liis private niiiboum and fortune, amount ing to over iMfiO.OOO. tofiuiiuvu, Bw.ltiw laud, where lie was writ, PORTLAND MARKET. Whkat The local market continnes in a state of masterly inactivity. Tho demand is very light nnd almost entirely for milling Open quotations romain at $1.20f 1.22, for Valley and $1.1001.12 for Walla Walla. Flour Quote: Standard, $3.004.00; Walla Walla, $:u;(!(.r3.80 per barrel. Oats Tito market is firm. Quote: White, 5(?(3i8o per bushel. Millstuffs Quote: Bran, $21,000 21.50; Shorts, $21f 24.50 per ton. Hay Quote: HfJt 18 perton. Vkqetahles Tho market ia firm. Quote: Cabbage, f 1.2501.50 por cental; Cauliflower, $1 per dozen; Celery, 50c per dozen; Onions, 2?43c per pound; Carrots. $1 per sack; Beets, $1.60 per sack; lurnips, $1 per sack; Tomatoes, 50o per lox; Potatoes. $1.00 per fOlltftf . l,if ninna OIa nnf tiAlin squash, $2 per cental. Fruits Tho market is steady. Quote : Tahiti Oranges, $3 per box; Sicily Lem ons, $7.50018 per case; Peara, l)4c per Vound ; Apnles, 00085c per box ; Grapes, $1.25 per box; Pineapples, $3.5004.00 per dozen; Bananas, $304 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 por box. Nuts Quote: California Walnnta, 17Mc; other varieties, 13c; Peanuts, 12c; Almonds. 17c; .tillwrts, 14010c; notr itazB, 20c per pound; Cocoanuta, $1 per .1. .11 I 1 I UOZOI1. Chkksk The market ia steady. Quote: Oregon, 13(14e; California, O601Oc; loung America. I410c per pound. Buttkr Quote: Oregon fancy cream ery, 40042'i.e; lancy dairy, 37Jo; fair to good. 2710f30o: common. 20026c: 1 nltninn flu 1 i fniti i n ?l7t. rwr vi-mif1 57; Ueeso, $10011 per dozen; Tur- keys. 10c per pound. Eoos Quoto : Oregon, 25c per dosea The Merolinmllie Market. Rick Quote : $0.50 per contal. Pickles Quote : $1.25 5s ; $1.15c 9b. Salt Quote: Liverpool, $17, $18, $19; stock, $11012 per ton in carload lota. Coal Oil Quote : $2.35 per caae. CitANiiKiiitiEs Quote: Capo Cod, $11 per barrel, Cofkkk Quoto: Coata Rica, 23c t Rio, 25c5 Arbucklo'e, roasted, 26e por pound. Sua Aits Tho market is firm. Quote r Golden 0, 5c ; extra 0, GJffa ; dry gran ulated, 7Ko; cube crushed and pow- Dried ruiys The maricec is firm. Quoto : Italian Prunes, 12014c; Pe- tito and Gorman Prunes, 10c por pound; Raisins, $2.50 per box: l'lummer-drtea Pears, 11012c; sun-dried and factory Plums, 11012c: evaporated Peaches, 24c; Smyrna Figs, 20c; California Figs, 0c per pound. Oannkd Goods Market is firm. Quote: Table fruits. $2.25, 28 ; Peaches, $2.75; Bartlett Pears, $2.26; Plums. $1.65; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $202.50; Blackberries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.25. Pio fruit: Assorted, $4.50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50: Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25 01.50. according to quality; Tomatoes, $1.1503.50; Sugar Peas, $1.4001.60; String Beans, $1.10perdozen. Fish: Sal mon, $1.2601.50; sardines, 8Oc0$l.OO; lobsters, $203; oyHtors, $1.5003.25 per dozen. Condensed milk : Eagle brand,. $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $6.75; Champion. $6 per caae. Nails Baae quotations: Iron, $3.20; Steel, $3.80; Wire, $3.00 per kog. Shot Quoto: $1.85 per sack. Bkanb The markot Is firm. Qnoto: Small Whites, 304c; rink, 8X(c; Bayoa, 4c; Butter, 3e; Limas, 5c per pound. Hoi's The markot is steady,with nom inal prices. Quote: 20030c por pound. Wool The market is steady. Quoto : Valloy, 10020c; Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla, 10016c per pound. Hides Quote : Dry Hides, selected prime, 808c, K "Ba for culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 56 pounds, So; Sheep Pelts, short wool, SO 50c; medium, 60080c; long, 90c $1.25; shearlings, 10020c; Tallow, good to cholco, 303c. TbevMeat Market. The market is firm. Quote: Beef Live, 23o; dressed, Co. Mutton Live, 3o; dressed, 6U7c Hogs Llvo, 4J06c; dressed, 6c. Veal 58c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. BMOKJCD MF.AT8 AND LARD. The market Is firm. Quotations: East ern Hams, 126013c ; lireaktast Ma con, lO)011o ; Sides, 010c ; Lard, 8 100 per pound. Tin reported discoveries of onvx in Crawford county, Mo., aro fully con firmed. One of t ho caves has been ex plored for a distance of two miles, and contains an inexhaustible supply of nil colors of the beautiful mineral. Tho City Board of Education ai Chi cago lias unanimously voted down tho proposition mat extracts lrom tno initio bo rend dally in tho public schools. Tho Committee on Schools and Manage ment decided that for tho general wel fare of tin schools tho prayer of tho pe titioners ought not to bo granted. It has been discovered at New York that W. Duryeo Hughes, who says ho ia a brother-in-law of "Laiidiuilot" Wil liams, onco Attorney-General of tho United Suites, whom General Grant wanted to appoint Chief Justice of tho United States Supreme Court, and Pat rick II, Campbell, both attornoys. havo been carrying on u fraudulent divorca mill. Dr. Landis, of tho Veterinary Depart ment of tho University of Pennsylvania, claims to have found the bacillus that cannes lockjaw. Ills experiments provt iMiyond a doubt, according to im opinion of Dr, tfiilll, that it is tho stunt) Kerw that lias liven found by Dr, I'urkt. f liiilfalo, N, YM who lm doiiwmttrtfUd tho fuel that It U thu iMuilluu rt nlblu for tetamiB, s