' k . . . , V At I THE OREGON SCOUT I VT ' A A A k& THE OREGON SCOUT Tins as larue acm-iilation iia nny two papers iti this section of tbo State cpinbinud, and is corre spondingly valuable as an adver tising medium. Hero Will tho Press tho People's Rights Maintain. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1801. NO. 2!) VOL. VII. Is independent m all things, neu- H v, ' jF ,, ' jonnnil for tho people. 0 The Oregon Scout o An Indrixiiideiit noekljr Jmiua , ImikmI ererjr Thursday morning by .rox.ES & CHAXCEY, Publishers ami Proprietors. A. K. Jone, IMitor. II. Cih.stf.V, Foreman Jtutcs of Su1irrltIoii. Oue cor y ono year, One oipy six motions, One .py three months, In variably Cull in AiU miro. hy rhanve hcriptimi nre not till end of year, two dnWxn will be churged. lUtes ot mlrertiKi"!; ninile known on application. A4' Correspondence from all puts of trie country "Artitreiis U commimlciitioas to the Or.KuoN HcoliT, Union, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITKD 8TATKS. I'liESiriENT-llenJainlu Harrison of Inllana. Heckktarv of State JuuiesU. lti.i no of Maine SF.CIlKTAllV OK TMK Tiiit.nunv illiaiit indom 0tHCKinTuY or WAlt-Uoilflel ' l'roctorof Vermont. Hkckktahv ok the Xavv llenjimln K fincy of New York. . , . Skciietahv ok the Intt.iiioh- John V. uble of Missouri. ..... , l'o'iTMAHTEn-r.ENKnAl.-John VtanaraaVirof I'onn- "rATr.msr.v Oknidiai.-W. H. II. Miller of Indiana. Secuetahv of AoniuULiUKK-Je-euiwili Kiikk of Wisconsin. STATi; OK OltKOON'. f.I. II. MlTCHKl.U .Senators, -Congressman, -Oovcruor, Secretary of State, I J N. DoLI-ll HiNUKP. HEIIMASN. SVI.VEITKi: l'KM Ell. Ur.OllllK W. Ml'llltlUK. (i. W. WEIlll. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1.. li. .Mi-r.i.mn. Statal'nnter. - - - IaiTa: Supreme Judge., & w.'thaikk Mate Treasurer, SIXTH JUDICIAL Circuit Judees, Prosecuting Attorney PISTUIL'T. f M. 1). UMFFonn I .lAMtS A. Fun. - O. V. Hwie COUNTY OP UNION. (.1. V. Nokval. 1,1. II. Haley. (John MoAmhTRR. 1 J. A. Wuiomt. State Senators, Itepreaentuthes, Judge .Slietlll, Clerk, Itecorder Treasunr, Hclirol Superintendent, Survejor, - : ARHi'Mor, Coroner, -Commissioners, I. N. SANDKllS. J. T. liol.ux. TUIINKIl OUVK.tt. J. S. llLUorr. 1',. O. llm'S Villi. II. S. ktiivsok. J. I.. UlMlTlh. .1. n. Ocii.u. Jor.L We WEIl JWIUUM AllSol.ll. t John .Mc1).au. CITY Ol' UNION. Mav(r. I W. Kr.s.sr.i.v. nerorJir. .... 0. 1.. ItuKKHLfE. MarehaU - Anon, JoiinkoN. Street Commissioner. - - N- I'irKLlS. fOt'Sfll.MEN. II F. Wil-sov. J. 11. Comiis. J. S. llt.MOTT. A. K. .IONEL ,1. M. r.v.inoi.i.. K. A. 1'imtKL. LODOUS. UNION I.ODtii:, No 39, I. O. o. V , MlIl'.Td KVKHY Friday evening at 7.3J o'clock Q 0. S JI iLl.rn, Sorretary. OIIANDi: KflNDKl-NaVMJINT. No 11, 1. O. O V.. nvnii on tho fiiHt dudthlidTinwdysin month. 0. S. MILLB.lt. C 1'. J. 11. Thompson, Scribe. GHANDK KONDF. V ALLl'.Y LODOH, No M, A F k M., meots on Urn second an I fourth HfttunUJ s trery monta. U. W. 1).V IS, . il. It. II. IlnowN, Secretary. OHANDi: 1!0NI)K VALLKY Oil I'TU, No. 20 . It. A. M., meet lint a d tl.ii.I 'J ich month. . ". W I. (illl, Al. 1. i TUKNEIiOLIVEIi. Secretary. 1JLUU JIOUNTAIN 1.CIK1K No. 23 K. OF V ,Beets every Wll'l'jfvroi.I). O 0. TuitNEH Or.lVhlt, K. of It. k S. ,1'ItF.STON FOST. NoTlS, O. A. 11., MIIKTS 11VKRY third SatuidaylueacjmnUia CEonnr. Heininoeu, Adjutant. CHUH0I1KS. The MetliodlitKjiiscopjl Church holds services at 11 M. ani 7 r. M. of cac.i Siindnv Her. A. TIIO.MFSON, Acting Fastor. Services aro held at the l'resbyterian Church at 11 A, M. and 7 I'. M Ilev J 1" MOltltlS. 1'astor. PROFESSION aL O.ARD.S. J. W. SIIKLTON. J- M. CAllUOLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Otllco two doors south of FostoBice, Union, OruKnn. Special attention given to all business entrusted to us. K. EAK1N. J. V. 1IAKI.V, Notary Public. R. EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, OrcKon. Prompt at'entlon iulil to collections. DR. N. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST, Has the finest anaathetle for extracting teeth without lta known to the profession, nuipracuco m branches of mwleru dentistry Silver and (told work a n!liltv. Klua set. of teeth always ou hand. First-class work and satisfaction guaranteed. Otllco-.-Miiln St., Union, Or. C. H. DAY, H. D., Homffiopathlc Physician and Surgeon All CulU l'romiitly Atteinleil to. Oflloe adjoining Jonei llros. store. oigbU at realdenoe In Southwest Union. Can be found I. N. CROMWELL, M. D PHYSICIAN JAND SURGEON, Office ono door south ol Bummer Jt Uyne's (tore, Union, Orecou. E. The Cove Drug Store JASPAR G. STEVENS, Proprietor, DKAI.EIt IX- Patent -pdieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, l'ri"crlptliii Carefully l'rciinrt-il. -ALSO DKALKK IN- SPORTING GOODS, -CONSISTINO OK- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor, If you want a refroshinB drink or a goml cigar, drop In. llilllanl ami pool tables for tha acoommoilatlon of customers. GoFMeopia Saloon. William Yilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always in Stock. First-class billiard table. Drop in and be sociable. For Information Abont the South -ADDUF.SS WITH STAMP - The Ofllclal Immigration Department -OF- FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CAUL IlOlUNoON, Secretary, lUltigh, N. C. U nionTonsorial Pallors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing In the Lasest Style of the Art. Shon two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Give me u call, City Meat Market Mulii Street, Union, Orptfon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KEEP CONbTANTLY ON U AND Beef, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams Lard, Etc. The v " Blue 7 Light SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. FineVWines.Vu t Cigars 7 in 5' os'.'and Drop in and be sociable Fine billiard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUGHTON, H. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Klein, Oreton. All Us promptly atteuded to day or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove, Oregon. 1 DrafU. plana and dealgna (or dwellings and bridge lunut&eu 0a appueauon. PURE DRUGS, THE PACIFIC COAST. A Petrified My Discoverd California. in The City Recorder of Salt I-nku Forced to Resign Dakota-Indians Trying to Excite the l'iutes. Work lins been suspended on the Union Pacific brunch from Portland to Seattle. The estimated value of Southern Cali fornia's orange crop this season is ifL', (508,000. The Lake Labish accident cost the railroad 1'50.UU) in settlement of dam age suits. The Idaho Legislature has elected Sboup, McConnell and Dubois United States Senators. The postotlices at Pinckney, Shasta county, and Pebble, Siskiyou county, Cal., have been discontinued. Tho defeated candidate for Superin tendent of Streets at Los Angeles has begun a contest for the oflice. City Recorder Hymn of Salt L-.ike City has been forced to" lesign. There is a shortage of $1,751 in his accounts. The first session of the Grand Lodge of Montana of the Ancient Order of United Workmen is in session at Helena. Tndian emissaries from the tribes of the Dakotas have readied Owens valley, and have been trying to excite tliePlutcs of Inyo county. Humboldt county, Cal., claims to have t lie longest truss-span bridge on the Coast. It crosses the Kel river at Adler Point. It is 000 feet in length. The proposed ship ciuial between Port Townsend bav, Paget sound, mid Oak bav is not favorably considered by tho War Department at Washington. The German schooner Adele has re turned to Vict iia with a catch of about 100 skins. Seals were taken at niglit on the southern coast of St. Paul's Island. Governor Waterman of California lias granted a pardon t .lolin .lones, sen tenced lrom 'i n lure county in eepiemoer, 1890, to two vears' imprisonment lor burglary. .Jones is but 14 years old. Vrticles of incorporation have been filed bv the Union Oil Company of Cali fornia, witli a capital stock ot .fo.OOO.UOO. Santa Paula, Ventura county, is tho principal place of the company's busi ness. The work of reclaiiiiim: marsh lands near Sonoma, Cal., has been progressing for seven moid lis. In that time seven miles of levee between thirty and forty feet wide and eight feet high have been onstructed. ICvlo Medium of Winfield. Kan.. through tho courts at Albuquerque, N. M.. has obtained possession of three children accompanying his divorced wife to Mexico, where she was to join a free-love society. Requests for Chinese pheacants to stock parks in tho East have reached Portland, and it is believed tho catching and selling of birds for that purpose will be made quite p olltable to parties who may engage in ttie uueincss. A petrified body is said to have been uncovereu in uanuia canyon, rresno conntv, Cal. It is pronounced by phy sician's to bo a human body beyond doubt. Petrified trees are common in the section in which the body was found. The Columbia river is very low, and Salmon are being caught with a hook and line. It is also stated Indians have trans in tho river and fences across the shoals, preventing tho fish from running up the streams to tho spawning grounds. Tho Governor of California has com muted tho sentence of F. B. Courtright, sent from Sonoma in 188( for ten years, to peven years: that of H. Joslin, sent from San Francisco in 188J for forty vears, to twelve years; and that of J. Riley, sent from San Francipco in 18811 for fifty years, to fifteen years. Tho Taconm Coal Company has just finished a drift through 150 feet of gran ite, and it is said a vein of nine feet of almost pure coal has benn struck. Tho vein has been traced for 10,000 feet, and tho company estimates that it contains over 3,000,000 tons, ami that it all can bo mined without trouble from water. Tho Terminus Mill Company has let tho contract to Staver & Walker of Port land for new machinery for its mill in Gray's Harbor. Tho machinery which has been in use during the past year has been found to bo too light, and tho now machinery will have a capacity of 45,000 feet pir day. A company is Iniing organized in Marshfield to put an electric-light plant on Coos Bay which will meet the wants of the people. It is to bo a combination make, and will furnish both tho arc and Incandescent lights. It Is proosed to locate it at tho Porter mill and run wires up and down the bay. Captain Sam, chief of tho Piute In dians, has hist arrived at Carson from Mason valley, whore tho Bannack In dians have gathered in a ghost dance. Ho flays a stranger is in their midst, proclaiming tho coining of tho Messiah. Sam has notified Johnson Sides to go umong all the Nevada Indians and explain the advantages of co-operation with tho whites in caso of war. Phillips' Exoter Academy at Dover, N. II., tho celebrated preparing college for Harvard, has selected Henry Minton, a colored student from Philadelphia, to bo clasi orator, tho highest class. Thiawas done in imitation of Harvard laat year. Over half of the scholars have notified the faculty that they will not participate in tho exercises if Minton U not recalled. EASTERN ITEMS. New Hampshire Academy Selects a Colored Orator. An American Syndicate Purchases a Whole Mining District in the State of San Luis Potosi, Me.v. Speaker Reed has assigned Congress man Geary to the Postofhce Committee. Mrs. Jefferson Davis has received 45, 000 subscriptions for the life of her hus band. A bill is before Congress to incorporate t' o Pan-Ameacan Transportation Oom pany. Seven of the Mavors chosen at the re cent election in Massachusetts were col lege graduates. An ollhrt will be llllldo at t MIS SCSSlOU of Congress to pass tho bill for the relief of the .Supreme court. Xnviuation on the river Hudson closed this vear on December 5, an earlier date than in any other year since 18M) Hnrvard's olscrvatorv expedition to Peru is to be the most comprehensive scientific expedition ever set forth. Tho Boston Homeopathic Medical So cietv advoeat s tho use of chloroform in killing prisoners sentenced to death. More than one hundred millions of liimiev have been added to the circula tion during tho last nineteen months The storv of a shortage in tho Stale TrmiHiirv of Arkansas is denied by Gov ernor Kuule and tho Treasurer's bonds men. The province of Quebec is bankrupt with a ileficiencv of Srl.17o.000 for last vear and an estimated deficiency of $,- 800,000 for next year. Hon. John F. Swift urges the Califor nia delegation to try and secure an ap propnation oi .?;su,uuu ior unneu Legation buildings at Tokio. . .-..- rt.rv f IT.. ...1 L-'i States Tho Citv Council of Chicago has jiassed an' ordinance authorizing the issue of citv bonds to the amount of $5, 000,000 for tlio World's Fair It is stated that the tariff bill, as now simned under the hands of the commit tee of tho French Chamber!, outdoes tho McKinley bill in piotectionism. The Brooklvn street-car drivers threaten to strike if not allowed to sit ill! I II duriiiir portions of their trips. Tho trouble is one of long standing. Ramon mining district in State of San Luis Potosi, one ol tlio rienestin juexico luiH been sold o an American syndicate headed by Mr. Kirkland of Milwaukee The chemical division of tho Agricult ur.il Deiiartment believes that the solu tion of the difficulties attending tlio manufacture of sorghum sugar is not fur Off. The Secretary of thoTreasury has pre pared a bill authorizing the organization of a Board of Control to enforce rules for tho regulation of commerce and nav igation. During the last year 3,500 lives wero saved and property valued at nearly !f5, 500,000 was rescued from destruction by the life-Baving service at a cost of less than $1,000,000. Resresentativo Vandovcr has intro duced in tho House a resolution making George J. Bonobrako of Los Angeles President of tho National Homo, vico Markham, resigned. James S. Duncan, wtio was cashier of the broken Bank of America at Philu flnlnbin. was found at Newcastle. Del. He was brought back, and in default of $20,000 was locked up. Fifty-soTcn sufferers from tuberculous diseases have been inoculated witli Koch's lvmph in New York, and physi cians find that tho results correspond exactly with those in Berlin. SherifT Gilbert of Chicago has adopted two admirable rules for tho government of his ofllco force: "No drinking dur ing business hours." "No tips or per quisites for good service." New York State owns 30,000 acres in tho Catskill region, and a movement has been started at Kingston to enlarge this tract very materially ami form a State nark liko tutu which has been begun in tho Adirondack. According to tho report of Superin tendent Gorse tho convicts employed on tho Texas State farm have earned an an nual netprofltof $283 per capita. Swamp lands have been made to yield as high as $1G7 per acre net. It has been intensely cold at Quolcc. An ice bridgo formed across tho St. Law rence river on tho 8th of December. This is tho earliest period for un ice bridgo to form on tho river witnin tue memory oi the oldest river man. Harvard will not bo represented in tho intercollcjjiato games next spring, tho Athletic Committee having so decided. Neither will the Harvard Cricket Club Ikj allowed to play its annual gamo with tho University of Pennsylvania. Orders have been issued that thoUnited States steamships Alert and Marion, now fitting out at Maro Island navy yard, bo assigned to duty on tho Asiatic squad ron, and tho swatara, repairing at tho same yard, to tho Pacific station. The House Committeo on Irrigation bus agreed in tho main on a bill to au thorize tho survov of arid lands into ir rigation districts, to bo ceded to tho RtntflH and Territories in which they are situated for tho reclamation and tettle- ment. FOREIGN NEWS. impcror William Favors the Recall of the Jesuits. ndand Calls in All Gold Coin Not of the Present Heign Germany Has No Treasury Surplus. Einin Pasha has fought his way back to Victoria, whence ho was rescued res cued." There is a scarcity of Lieutenants in the British navv. and every officer on the list ii in active employment. There is great iov in Germany over the fact of the Empress Augusta Mc toria giving birth to another son. There is renewed talk of the issue of notes of small denominations by the Bank of England based on silver. A bill has been introduced into the French Chamber of Deputies for the bet ter organization of coast ilelenses. Delabruvere, who assisted Padlewsky, the assassin of General Sehvorhkofl at Paris, to escape, is to bo prosecuted. In tho German Empire the averago number of deaths everv vear from " tu berculosis of tho lungs" is 100,000 peo ple. A company is being formed in Paris to develop tlio rich petroleum beds and mineral resources ot tlio rsortnern oau casus. Liverpool is afflicted with an increase of egiiirs, many of tho kind that abuse those who do not respond to their ap peals. Tho Natal irovernment has issued bonus scheme for colonial industries, comprising altogether an outlay of some $33,000. Emperor William favors tho proposi tion for the recall of the Jesui s. and is prepared to make other concessions to tho Catholic party. Tho report of tho London Board of Trade shows that during November im ports increased $20,000,000 and exports decreased $0,000,000. Two fine steamships have just been launched for tho National lino, which have appropriately been named tho America and Europe. The harlior of Batoum, originally in tended to hold twenty steamers, is to bo deepened and made sufficiently largo to contain thirty-three vessels. Kemp, the oarsman, who was defeated at Sydney by McLean, will not come to Aniericit. and will forfeit his deposit to secure a match witli O'Connor. Tho erection of tho monument to Prince Bismarck in Berlin is now an asr sured fact. The collection lor tho pur pose is already 838,525 marks. Ex-Empress Eugenie is reported to bo a heavy loser by tho recent depreciation in South American securities, as alio has invested very largely in ilium. Tho latest estimato of tho liabilities of the Bannns is $110,000,000. and tho as sets aro estimated at $120,000,000, of which $75,000,000 aro available. The Cotton Association reports that tho picking of tho Egyptian cotton crop is finished, that tho crop is of good qual ity and the yield 3,750 000 cantars. There is talk of converting tho top of the Eiffel tower into an astronomical ob servatory. Something has to bo done to make tho mighty structure " pay." Tho now underground electric railway in London is held to bo a departure that marks an important development in electric traction and u distinct advance. The Ministry of Imperial Property of Russia has announced a prizo to be given to the inventor of a stove in which straw can be used as fuel safely and economic ally. Thero is a great deal of discontent among the soldiers of tho Gorman army, whoso lot is " not a happy ono." It is a discontent to which the press is afraid to refer. There is no surplus and no deficit in tho imperial treasury of Germany. Tho receipts and expenditures of the fiscal jear bnlanco at 1,134,401,012, or about $283,023,000. Tho only grain o'ovators In South America, according to Consul Buker of Buenos Ayres, aro located in the city of Buenos Ayres and Itosario, in tho prov ince of Santa Fo. In the first day's trial at Paris of Mi chel Eyraud ana Gabriello Bompurd for tho murder of Goufi'o nothing new was developed. Each of tho prisoners de nied the story told by tho other. There is no truth in tho sensational stories about u quarrel between Prince Bismarck and Emperor William respect ing the memoirs which ex-Chuncellor Bismarck proposes to publish. A royal proclamation was published in England a week pgo, culling in by tho 28th of Februury, 1801 all gold coins not of the present reign. After that date all such coins will not be legal tender. Whitolaw Held and his wife were pre sented to tho Sultan at Constantinople last week, and Mrs. Held was honored with the order of Shoikat, the highest order that u woman on receive in Tur key. Tlio press of Rio Juneiro assort that tho recent wrecking of tho offices of tho Tribuna was tho result of a schema to furnish a pretext for tho proclamation of President da Fonseca as tho lifo dic tator of Brazil. i'ORTLANl) MARKET. Wiikat There is no change to report n the local market. Quote: Valley, si .m I. '.2'. : Walla Walla, $1.10 1.12'... Fi.ot.tit Quote: Standard, $3.00rj?4.00; Walla Walla. $3.H(l(ir3.80 per barrel. Oats The market is firm. Quoto: White, ;Se; gray. Slip per bushel. M n.1.8 ruiTs The market is firm. Quote: Bran, $21 ; Shorts, J24; Ground Harley, $32.50; Chop leeil, $'io per ton. Hat Tho mark vt is steady. Quoto: $ltif 18 per ton. VKOiu-Ani.BS too marKoi is urm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.251.50 per rental L Cauliflower, fl per dozen; Celery, 5c per dozen; Onions, -'(f.fe per poinu; Carrots, $1 per sack; Ueets, $l.in per sack; Turnips, $1 per sack; Tomatoes, flc per 1h)x; Potatoes, $i.uu per cental; Sweet Potatoes, 20 per pound; stpiash, $2 per cental. I'uuiTK L'lio market is sicaoy. wuoiu: Tahiti Oranges, $3 per box; Sicily Lem on, $7.50048 per caso; Pears, ljsjc per pound; Apples, 00rS5cper box; Grapes, 11.25 per twx; Pineapples, $3.5004.00; per dozen; Bananas, $34 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 per box. Nuts Quoto: California Walnuts, 17kc; other varieties, 13c; Peanuts, 12c; Almonds. 17c; Filberts, 1415c; new Brazils, 20c per pound; Cocoanuts, $1 per dozen. Cincnsit Tho market is steady. Quoto: Oregon, 134tjl4o; California, K10c; Young America, I415c per pound. BuTTKit Quoto : Oregon fancy cream ery, 4042Mjo; fancy dairy, ST&c; fair to good, 27Jb30c; common, 2225c; choico California, 37c per pound. Poulthv Quoto : Old Chickona, $4.00; young, $3.003.50; old Ducks, $5(87 ; Geese, $10011 per dozen; Tur keys, 16c por pound. Eoos The market is firm. Quoto: Orogon, 30c; Eastern, 28c per dozon. Tha Marohnndiae Mnrkefc. Rick Quoto : $0.50 por cental. Pioklkb Quote: $1.25 6s; $1.15c 3s. Balt Quote: Liverpool, $17, $18, $19; stock, $11012 per ton in carload lota. Coal Ou-Quote : $2.35 per case. OiuiniitKBiKB Quota: Capo Cod, $11 per barrel, Coffkx Quota: Coata Rica, 23; Bio, 25Ko; Arbucklt'a. roaated, 26$a per pound. eutt.Mis Tho market is firm. Quoto: Golden C, 5,V, extra C, Oe ; dry gran ulated, 7'iic; cube crushed and pow dered, 7?,ie per pound. Duiki) Fauns Tim markot is firm. Quote: Italian Prunes, 12l614c; Pe tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound; Raisini, $2.50 per lox: Phimiuor-dried Pears, 11012c l4 sun-dried and factory Plums, 1 IM 12c; evaporated Peaches, 24c; Smyrna Figs, 20o; California FigB, !)c per pound. CannupGooi8 Market is firm. Quoto: Table fruits, $2.25, 2',as; Peaches, V2.75; Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $US5; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $202.50; Blackberries, $2; Raspberries, 2.55; Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.25. Pio fruit : Assorted, $4.50 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $.1.05 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.25 (ol . 50. according to quality; Tomatoes $1.1503.50; Sugar Peas, $l.lO0l.ltf; String Beans, $1.10pordo.en. Fish: Sal mon, $1.2501.50; sardines, 8Oe0$UK; lobsters, $203; oysters, $1.50t3.25 per doen Condensed milk : Eagle brand, $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $6.75; Champion, $6 per case. Nails Jiaso quotations: iron, .yo.MJ, Steel, $3.30; Wire, $3.00 per keg. Shot Quote : $1 .Ho per saoK. Hhans Tho markot is firm. Quoto: Small Whites, 3U4c; Pink, Sc; i, At... It,, H,.r. 'IL. r. I.ltnnn fiUCft per pound. Hoi'H Tho market Ib steady.with nom inal prices. Quote: 20030c per pound. WOOli Alio inarKei ih niu.iuy. v"""1 Vnllev. lflrTI20c: Eastern Oretron and Walla Walla, tO01tfc per pmmd. Hunts Quoto: Dry Hides, selected RrtiHWii;. We less for culls: green. eeJectod, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 65 pounds, 3o; Sheop" Pelts, short wool. 30 050c; medium, 60080c; long, IK)c0 $1.25, shearlings, 10020c; Tallow, good to ctioice, aosac. The Heist Murket. The markot Is firm. Quoto: Beef Live, 23c; dressed, 6c. Mutton Live, 3o; dreosod, 67c Hogs Live, 45Jc; dressed, 6u. Veal 608c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. SMOKED MEATS AND LAUD. The market is firm. Quotations : Eaet- rn uuins, izifjosiac; ureatfiasi eon, 10KHo; Bidea, 0010c; Lard, 8f50 u)ia per pounu. Berlin is crowded with foreign physi cians, who vainly seek to obtain a pun- ply of Dr. Kocii's lympii, ana it is wita the utmost difficulty that access to tho hospitals can be obtained, and it is abso lutely impossible tn get it clear under standing of thu tcsu made. A mania for bo'ntr tattooed prevails among tho society men of Lomfon, and to some oxtent among the, women, mo leading artist is a Scotchman, who says tlio snake and tiger aro tho most popular designs, and the chest tho locality where most ol ins patrons deslro to navo tlio ornumentatioii (7) placed. According to tho now statutes of tho Russian imperial family, the Duchess ot Edinburgh must, to enjoy her full in come, pass at least three months every year in Kussia. biie tneroioro proposeti to winter in St. Petersburg, English workinguion are determined that tho 4,000,000 to 5,000.000 Russian Jews who are leaving Russia shall not bo unloaded on their shores, and leading Hebrews in England are endeavoring to placate tho complainants by tho state ment that tho refugees will be forwarded as they arrive to New York and other American ports. ft