The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 01, 1891, Image 3

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    For in r' I'A- t r
Kr 1 . i-. i
THUKSDA .lANTVliY 1. lo'.M.
A Paragraphic Record ot Recent Happen
ings in and Around tho City.
Holiday goods nt eost. Jones liros.
l"ncinators and hood nt cost at Mrs
Ilintdiart's. 1-1-tf.
Tun Srnrr vi.1ies It many readers s
happy and proii;rou New Year.
Radios' Misses and children'' woolen tin j
derwear at co-t, at Mr. Iliuclmrt'.. 1-1-tf.
(Hums ware, lamps nnd holiday Roods t !
cost and less tlinn cost nt .Jones llros.
If yon want to be astonUhodnt the cheap
ness of holidny Roods, visit .Jones Hro's
store and learn their prices.
Marriage licenses were issued during tho
week to Henry Itrill and IClla A. Holmes;
George Chandler and Stella Webb.
Woolen hoieiy. glove, felt and wool
hats, for sale nt cost nt Mrs. Uluidiart's
millinery store. Do not lose this opportu
nity. 1-1-tf.
The mill? of the Oregon Gold Mining
Company was stopped lust week to make
some needed repairs, but will be running
again in full blast in a few days.
The wet bound passenger train was de
layed three hours at the depot last 'l)hur
day. The eause was the track being block
aded bv a freight ear with a broken axle.
Found, a watch charm containing n lock
of hair Owner can have same by calling
on Charles hittell, at the Cornucopia sa
loon, proving property and paying for this
The grade of the Union Itailway Compa
ny between this oitv and the depot is being
finished this week. A small portion was
left uncompleted last spring on account of
the moist condition of the ground.
The supper given for the ball by Mr.
Goodbrod was really an excellent collation.
"VV'e have yet to hear of a .single complaint.
The gentlemanly proprietor of the Centen
nial always gives entire satisfaction in af
fairs of this kind,
Tho case of the State of Oregon vs. Win.
llonton and Klizabcth Sanders, charged
with adultery, which was tried before Judge
lilakeslee at the court house last Tuesday
morning, was dismissed for want of sulll
cient evidence to convict.
Mr. S. M. Seamans hud the misfortune to
scscrely bruise two lingers on his lelt hand,
last Friday, while working with Minnick's
steam wood saw. The injured digits give
hint much pain and he will be necessarily
compelled to lay still for awhile.
The 0. it W. T. railway station at Van
syele was destroyed by lire Saturday even
ing. The agent. George Kiddle, had gone
to supper at a house Mime distance from
tho station, and when he returned found
everything a mass of ashes. Tho origin of
the lite is a mystery.
A unique and striking costume at the I
lute masquerade ball in this city was that
of Miss Cora Knapp ivlio admirably rep
resented Tin: Scoi'T The dress con
sistetl of strips ol black velvet on a back
ground ot white, oh which was painted,
in white, anil covered with diamond dust,
numerous lines relating to Tin: Si orx.
A general meeting of tho Ui ion Hoard
of Trade was held last Monday evening at
their hall. The meeting was addressed at
length by A Levy regarding the advisa
bility of a reservoir on'the hill east of town,
for domestic and tiro purposes. Thero
seems to be a unanimity of opinion in favor
this enterprise.
During the remainder of the holidays all
kinds of holiday good, including glass
ware, lainp--, jewelry, etc.. will lie sold at,
actual coM and many articles will be sold at
loss than co.stnt . I ones Hro's store. They
do not intend to carry over anything in
that line, and if the goods cannot be sold
they will be given away. Drop in and you
will be astonished at how cheaply you can
buy tilings.
We arc certainly having remarkable
weather for this time of year. While the
inhabitants of the eastern states are
threatened witli dire destruction from tho
extreme frigidno.s of their localities, our
people are parading the streets of Uniini
devoid of even an overcoat and oftentimes
in their shirt sleeves. Come west, dear
people, and enjoy some of the glories ott
ered to all by out- good old Oregon.
Tho Kdison phonograph recently secured
by the law linn of .Sholton A; Carroll arrived
last week.but the battery used in connection
therewith was found to be in a rery dilapi
dated condition, caused by rough handling
on the trip. A substitute is expected daily
and when it ariives .Judge Shclton snys
that lie proposes to invite the Union Silver
Cornet Hand to plav a piece to it and then
have it play it back at them.
The Christmas tree festivities hold at
Wright's hall last Wednesday night wore a
royal treat for our young folks, especially
to those so young that lt has not yet
dawned upon their minds that good old
Santa Clans is a myth and not a reality.
James Driver, as tho man of innumerable
. ..n.iilnli .-w.onti.j ntlil tf 1,11,1
gill", UUIIIMKVV . .. . . .w .......
iu .inn miwh of tho siiceoss of the evening.
Munv valuable gifts were distributed nnd
,.n umit homo looking forward to the j
i,rminll.r such hailDV nvoiit. I
" ! uud tho OKKUOX KIDXKV TUA mid
After tho elegant holiday imiiiber of j abtlllltH immediate relief. It is God's
West Shore ono wo.ild scarcely look for j uto4Hll, to liiiinsuity. 1 take pl.-a,ure in
anything specially tine soon again, but that . recomm,.ltjlu u to Ue amjt.t(Hi. i ,
splendid Journal uem to lmvo got It hand I uow lie irv ninety y.arsold, lume to On
in and Intend, to goin'. for the ! hl ,M , Illt. ,'.,,,,. of tl. if,,,!.,,,,
last uunilwr for 9u. Juit nt hand, showi j ,,lvCullll,3,ll;lll,.nit I Ixan usin ih
(.oine beautllUI won, n uiu ihiu-
.mnoimceinoiit of the publisher that the
paper during the coining year will wain-1
tain lhi high standard, which rivals the
best work of uny illustrated paper in the
country. It is the wilv genuine illustra
tonvekly in the Uuiud uu i pnlil:bed
oiif.le of Xe v YorkUity. l' t d. cib-
will be given an opportunity i" "inp for
munv valuable prUe . i u . . 1 1 t e . .ir,
among which will b a trip f. ib N t..n
al Park of the Ye'luu'.ne, particulars ot
which will be pubhhu in a few Weeks,
M' . I'll- 1 r ( i. 1 1 ii i
at liie tt -idmu . of htv -i'.i. A. ii.
on the SandridK l' SHturdny uf:'.-r a
brief illness.
Th funeral took fdace. n-
Today commences the Glad Sew Year.
It Is sad to think that many who read this
will never see another Jan. 1st. Be pre
pared and pay at onee your Cove drug store
Morris Hro's.. of North 1 iv.der were ar
ralned before Jude Donnelly, of H.iker
City, on a seennd charge of lnre.-nv of mare
belonging to Mark llindman After hear
inn the erideiicj the defendents rero dis
clmrged. Revival services will Itegin at the M. E.
; church tonight under the management of
Kev. J. 1', Morri. During the week of
prayer, union services will be held first at
one ehurch and then at the othT. After
tho week of prayer tlu' meetings will be re
sumed at the Methodist eburvh.
The snnrper shears the fanner.
And the fanner in-r hi heep;
The rteh man shear the cuiipons
That have, lipcned In hi sleep:
The editorhe ir ilte exelianges,
(letting virion kind of staff;
The barber .shear the reporter,
And the leporter hears his cuff.
On complaint of Hon. A. II. Drown, cx
state trensuivr. 11. Daleind E. Silvers were
an ested and brought before Justice Don
nelly, of Kakor City, charged with forgery.
They are accomplices of ox-coiiuty cleric
Mix in the recent fraudulent issue of comity
warrants in that county and as thev are
equally as guilty they should be made tp
sufler the penalty that is In store for the
principal in thisoutrNgeotis affair.
The masquerade ball given in this city on
Christinas night was a grand Mieces. over
117 nunilHsrs being sold. The affair was
characterized by the good order ami lack
of rowdyism prevalent, and all roport hav
ing had an excellent time. The costumes
were verv striking mid original and the an
tics of the masqueradei'S greatly amused
the largo crowd of spectators present. Mr.
lialrd, the dunncer, is deserving of much
credit for the manner in which the alfair
was conducted.
Mr. A. E. Eaton while east no doubt re
galed the natives with many stories of tins
eiiiintry. The Granite State Xcws says:
Cool nights and mornings, is the order,
and the chininev corner is a favorite resort,
and the hours arc cheerfully passed in lis
tening to incidents of early court days by
some of theold 't:igers.' Mr. A. H. Eaton
has the happy faculty of attracting great
attention by tbe narratives of his adopted
western home. It is always pleasant, to
hear about the Vet, and especially from
the lips of a Carroll county boy."
On last Wednesday, the day before Christ
mas, a man by the name of Drown, who
has been working for W. II. Hodman, rode
one of his omnloyois hordes to town, and
while here imbibed so freely that he was
soon under the influence of liquor. While
in this condition bis desire for more liquor
became so strong that he disposed of the
horse to I'M. Gagnon for a watch and $2..r0
in money. Mr. A. Johnson, our efllcieiit
inar.-lial, knowing tbe owner of the horse,
apprised Gagnon of the facts, who inter
cepted lirown and made him refund the
money anil the watch. The animal was
placed in (he stable an 1 properly taken
care of, and Mr. Krown was notified to
leave town which he did without delay.
Resolutions of Condolenoe,
II.M.i.or U.nio.v I.oixik Xo. ). I. 0. 0. F.i
Dec. l''!, 18!X). )
We your committee unpointed to prepare
sui'able resolutionsof respect to tho memo
ry of our deceased llrotber, Will. Ktiloy,
l'ast Grand, respectfully submit the fol
lowing: Kesolved, That wo deeply mourn witli
reverence the untimely douth of our be
loved Ih otber, and tender t o his widow and
family our fraternal and brotherly sympa
thies in their bereavement,
Kesolved, That In the death of our Broth
er the order ha lost a faithful worker, hi
fundi v a 1 iving husband and father, his
mother a devoted son; and this ujiumuulty
a good friend nil 1 citizen,
Uesolvctl, That these resolutions bo on
terod upon our records, a copy presented to
the widow and family of our deccasod
Urotbor, and a copy each to our local pa
pers for publication.
Fraternally Yours,
A. Luvv.)
A. X. G.uinNKK.v Committee.
Gun. F. Ham.,)
The Wow Discovery.
You have heard your friends and neigh
bors talking about it. You may yourself
be one of the many who know from person
al experience just how good u thing it is.
If you havo ever tiled it, you are ono of its
staunch friends, because tho wonderful
thing about it is. that when once given n
trial, Dr. King's New DUoovery ever after
holds a phiee in the house, if you have
never used it and should be tiillicted with u
cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a bottlo at once and give it
a fair trial. It i guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial bottles frue at
lirown'sdrug store, Uniou, Oregon.
(Jod'a l!laiiiK to Iluinunity-So Say nit
Oregon 1'ioi.oer, Muety er Old.
FOKIIST Guovk. r.. Jloreli Hi. 1 hay
oui;, ,N KiD'!.,Y TI.A I c-ni .v i. ,1
D v f h.m:;:.
!j 'i .i.r. in t'io wi'ild for Cuts'
. .i , I ( ; -. i: Klit nn, Fcvt r
l!riui -
1 ell.
( hdb'.td.
- i n r
or mono
. I ii,
tr-aii...... i
'box. Kui wtleat Hrvw it's drug store.
il. v i 1 1 cm ol v.... cillcl
I us this week.
j c P. Hinckley, of TVtocaset, wm in tl.e
J. A. WwwJell was nn from Snmmer rillo
last Ttmwday.
Mrs. L. B. KiHehart. hut been sick for
several day put.
Jutfrt Oeer and wife, of Cove, ient
Christmas in this city.,
Hon. James Hondershott was up from
the Cove last Friday.
Mr. ft. Ligsdon and wife, of High valloy,
visited Union, Monday.
Mr. Frank Koss, of High valley, made ns
a pleasant visit last Friday.
Mr. J. (). A. Kichardson, ot the Cove,
was in the city la-t Friday.
Mr. G. G. Gray, of tho Core. made our
office a pleasant call Stturdav.
'Squire Thomas. 0f the Cove, made onr
office a pleasant eall last Monday.
11. L. Deacon. Jr. ami wife, returned to
their home in Huntington, last Sunday.
Clyde Pennington, of the Snndridge,
made this otiice a plea-ant visit last Tues
day. Mrs. K. r. McDanlel, of the Cove, was
a visitor t Uniou the fore part of the
(i. 21. Walk, of North Powder, called at
ur office this week and subscribed for The
? t'T.
K. 8. Cute-, formerly eountv clerk of this
county, spent Christinas with relatives in
this city.
Chas Gondnough and It. M. Steel, of the
Island City M. & M. Co., were in the city
'Miss Hettie Dobbin returned from Foret
Grove last Thursday, to spend .the holiday
at home.
Dr. 11. V. Clynierand wife, cousins of A.
J.Haekett, came down from Huntington
Sunday evening.
0. J. Duffy took his departure, on Mon
day evening's train for California, to re
main there for tho winter.
Mrs. I. M. Collin, Mrs. Fannie Hidweli
and Mrs. Eva Kenson visited l.a Grande
the fore part of the week.
Mr. Frank Bid well and wife who have
been visiting friends and relatives here, re
turned to linker city yesterday.
Miss Loru Warren returned lrom Wing
ville last Thursday, having spoilt several
days visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. W. Walling called on us a few days
ago and subscribod lor Tub Scopt to be
sent to hi father in I'icklelon, Wash.
Ilrnco Messick, formerly teacher at Wing
ville, Uaker county, has accepted a position
as teacher in tho Union public school.
Mrs. J. I). Guild has been quite sick for
' soma tunc past witli iiillaniatory rheuma
tism, but we an; ploased to note, is im
proving. Judge Craig called on us yesterday and
subscribed for an additional copy of Tin:
S( out to be sent to .Mrs. Toior, Olvnipia,
Kev. h. J. Iloothe returned from his trip
to Wisconsin last Sunday. Hois tho same
jovial old gentleman and looks hale and
Tho Ladles' Aid Society, of tho Presby
terian church, will meet at the residence o f
Mrs. Allio Jones, tomorrow afternoon at
'2 o'clock.
Milton Levy returned from an extended
visit to Portland and Athena lut .Monday.
Ho 1 oar a sort of a metropolitan air since
his iet urn.
Mr. .loo Lore, win has been at Uaker City
for somo time past, having his eyo doc
tored, returned to Union last Saturday.
He was unable to get much relief.
V. II. MeC'jinas, of the Pendleton Tri
bnno, spent Christmas in this city and took
part in our grand ball in the evening of
that day. Will knows where to goto bo
royally entertuiiiod.
Mr. Louie Corbett and Mr. Foster Iv
Smith, of Island precinct, wore in the city
tins week. Mr. Smith having sold his farm
to Mr. Corbett, will remain in Union tills
winter and visit relatives m the oast next
Harry II. Dletz came down from Cornu
copia on Monday evening's stage, with the
bullion from the Ked Jacket, weighing Jltt
pounds, u month's run. This converted
into money will make something ovor ifu'),
000. Mr. A. E. Eaton and wlfo relumed from
tho oast last Sunday evening. Thoir many
friends will be glad to havo them buck but
will regret to learn that .Mrs. Eaton is in
very poor health, hnviug had a sovero at
tack of sickness just before thoy started to
roturn. Otherwise their trip was a very
pleasant one. Mr. Eaton presented us with
some apples of the lialihvin variety, raised
on tho old funn near Conway, Xow Hamp
shire. The tree they were taken from Is,
probably, a hundred years old. lie also
gave us somo apples of another variety
picked from trees in Mr. Geo. liaird's or
uliurd near Trenton, Missouri.
Tho First Step.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat,
can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything
to your satisfaction, and you wonder what
alls you. Von should heed the warning,
yuti are taking the llrst tt p into Nervous
Prostration. You uoed a Xorvo Tonic and
in Kloctric Hitters you will tiiid tho exact
remedy fo. r. storing your nervous system
to itn norm il. hi a' thy condition. .Surpii
iug resiilis tollotv the use of thU great
I Nerve 'Ion, and Alternative. Yourappe
I tile n turn, g d llgekUnii is restored, and
tbe Lift r .in I K ulneys resume ht ultliy ac
tion, 'try a bottle. Price ftOc. at Itrown a
drugstore. Union. Oregon.
:i;ooi. i:
(1 U'itc
Sm ickville.
rtift) of Job'
Wa- lilriL'ton
i lliookc. a
il Utile hiiiI one half
Hurrah lor old Englaml
t it O 1 1. -. li i - e. Ml ' II 1 1 in t 1 f ' II i
jail- -John Mhcri.iau and Jobn Met .u ih -the
former Incarcerated for breaking into
a car at Telocaset anil stealing therefrom
M cask of liquor and the latter fo purloin
ing ime blankets in open day light iu La
Grande, ntndc their ecpc from that Insti
tution last Monday night at nineoVloek mid
with ten hours start are still at liberty.
Sheriff Holies made his regular visit to the
Jail on the night in question ant! as he
thought secure')- locked the prisoner in
tho steel cages. McCarthy, who was recent
ly incarcerated, evidently well poted in
tbe science of lock picking, for he. with the
aid of some wire, that he had seen ted ah tit
his person, which hail been triiiir,riii.-d in
to a loop to suit hi purpose, succeeded in
inserting the same in some manner into
the Hugo steel bo.v containing the lock to
the cage, ami successfully opening it.
Thus they were admitted to the c trridor
of the jail anil it was no easy mutter to dig
through the brick wall, the only harrier to
tin r liberty. This they accomplishes , with
out fenr of mole .ttition, as they knett the
sheritriiad paid hi lat viit for tiicuitiht,
and nn aperture through tliehriek tunl ufU
cient to admit a good sized man, i all they
left as a token of their remembrance. No
blame can b, attached to Sherili Holies for ;
this jnilbrakc. as he used every means
available t insure their safekeeping. The
county court should make an examination
of this excuse for n jail and st.t. that it .
put in condition It) safely hold any desper-
adoes that may chance to come within its '
walls. Althoutthit may require quite an
expenditure at present K is also a fact that ;
tho county would be the gainer in a tinnii- '
cial way lu the end. Parties are in pursuit,
of the escaped jail birds but up to tho timo j
of going to press no trace of thoin ha been j
found. j
Gone Heavenward.
Dlotl, nt Cove, Union county, Oregon,
Nov. 10, ISM, Mi.s Mnttle Wagner, agetl
b" years anil (I months. To her mother,
Mrs. John Wagner, the following lints are
respectfully dedicated :
Sweetly she bleeps jn peaceful rost,
Unconscious of the heart's deep grief
Unconscious of the toars that fall
Tears that for thee bring no relief;
Sail, sorrowing heart of joy bereft,
liy tho rulciuletfs hand of ileath.
Let not tleep overpowering woe,
Supplant the love for those, so dear,
Who yet remain to comfort thee
Thy sail and lonely life to cheer;
(Jod in His mercy will give heed.
Will help thee in thy direst need.
(loil called the one von loved so well
Hright angels bore lier soul awav.
In realms of hliss lior spirit dwells,
Then grieve for her no ninre, I pray;
Safe from life's sorrows and its sin,
She has found a refuge that few can win.
Ilrief were her years. No sorrow marred
lier joyous life filled witli day-dreams
Chaste, pure in thoiiKht, beloved by all.
She passed from earth to le.ilnis of light;
Safe iu the Savior's sheltering care.
Thy dear one waits thy coming there.
Mas. Nu.i.iE lti.oo.M,
Wi:si Oaici.xnii, Cal., Dee. lit, INK).
Nocktio Party.
Preparations aro being made for a necktie
party to be given by Judge Craig and wife
atthe Depot hotel on Thursday evening Jan
Sth. Ticket including supper. Mr.
(!eo. Heard will act as lloor manager. All
are invited and a good time may be counted
on, l-i-Ut
Hunting For Dtor They go But They Re
turnNew Church Bella.
Noitrii Powiuni, Dee. L'S, ISlii).
Measles nro piovalont iiinoiig tho
young folk'j3 iiioiind hero.
The M. 1C. and Unptist eliurches nro
each sporting it now boll,
There appears to bo u good opening
in this town forn doctor, who is badly
needod at protsent.
Dan Peiuiaoii, who lias Ix ou working
on the section sit Union, got soriotiHly
hurt by a rock liittmg him in the eye.
finite n nuinbor of our young peo
ple attended tho Clirifeluuis hull ut
Union, and report having had a lino
Tho Christinas treo at tho Baptist
church was quite u success, us also was
tho well attended ball given by the
Odd Follows of this place.
Several of our citizens aro taking ad
vantage of tho first riiiow that has
fallen in the mountains, by taking a
deer hunt. May success bo theirs.
Ottr grist mill is running again and
reminds our older bottlers of tho time,
when not tho whistle of tho trains, hut
tho humming of tho mill disturbed tho
fetillucss of the night.
Mr. Jas. York left n week ago with
two car loads of marcs, for (Jeorgin.
Mr. Brack UU, who has bcon hero for
sovoral years, accompanied him, uti
lizing the opportunity to pay his old
homo in Kentucky a visit. '
Hiuco tho location of the miw mills
in this vicinity, a good many new
comers from the east find employment
hire, and we find that after having
inado a little money they go hack oast
again, win n generally they don't find
thing back homo us nice as they
thought, they urrivo nt North Powder
once more, bunted.
' " NOTll.H TO KI'TTI.H.
All tieisi.iis indebted to the undoraigund,
liy note, ini,iK iMvoiiot or otherwise, are
ex,e'led to kiltie ll -ir actOUllU without
tnitli r iimiic. . 1 nui compelled to adopt
tbi- '-n'l.B'j jii 4count of my loMonby tfie
roeeni fire hi Cornucopia.
if-- "niv
-s ZpCidtAk ...A
'Said a critical tramp "I would aty
Crusts of bread often come in. my way
'But they're tousl nov no more
Where tlie.WircGauzeDoor
Gi'esthe air inrthe,ovenliuli.jpIiiy.
Xjp "oxt -77.t:' fr.T-aiEi best
iTfi?-We are sole ngents for these well known Stotes niul Kanires, In llAKIN'G.
liOAHIlNd, '.('()N)N! of 1TKL. SAVINd of MKATS, and DrilAPILITV, they
are superior to any other o called first-class stove made in America, ami we are now
selhnir them KA It CI11JAPKU than any so-called lirst-elass stove has ever been soldjln
liastern Oregon.
They are Fully Warranted in livery Particular,
. - jjga
Tbl is not nn bile and valules assertion, but n warrantee bucked by the well known
integrity ami reliability of tbe Charter Oak .Manufacturing Co. JXT-We uro alo car
rying n complete assortment of
All of tho above
H a rclwa re
"f"T"0 rP I "TVJ "1-1"" O ,s 111 eluirgo of a lirst-elass workman, and all kinds
Vw LJ Ii 1- i .LV OX.i.V I of reparing and job work done at reasonable rates,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and evaiulno our goods and prices.
sr.MMEUK tfe LAYNH. Union, Oregon -i-17tf
1 am overstocked in
Clothing, Dry Goods, and all kinds of Dress
Goods, which must he sold
Call Early and Secure
SgdlThese goods are of the latest styles
and importations, hut must and will he sold
at a sacrifice.
Are You Going to Plant an ffretoi?
1 mm payitti ipsiii
Of Payette, Ada County, Idaho.
I Ins tho Largest CJonoral Nursery Stock in tho Mountain Country 125 Acres.
Trees from J'nyetto Nursery will reach (Jrando JJotulo valley in six
hours fiom tho timo thoy uro tukon from tho ground.
Mountain Grown Trees are Hardy, Vigorous
and Healthy.
Do not ordor until you havo visited onrnurscry, seen our ugent or got.
our prices. Wholesale ami rotnil. (!-2G-yl
1 1 II 1 1 II II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The Jones Bros., Photographers, Union,
Oregon, are now prepared to do finer work
than ever before.
All work guaranteed to givo satisfaction or no charges.
Wm. E.;Bowker5 - Proprietor.
'ICvcrytUIiiR First Clasa. Terms Very Jtoasonulilo.
'Bus to and Fiom the Depot. Making Connection with all Pass-
reliable maniifnuture.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 II 1 1 Ml I II 1 1 II 1 1 III 1 1 II 1 1 1 II
. Trains.