THE OREGON SCOUT Is independent in nl) thing?, neu- THE OREGON SCOUT tins xs lame acinulntion sih any two papers in this section of the Stute eoinliini.d, and U corre spondingly valuable as nn ndvor tisiiii medium. ttnl hi nothing; devoted to every enure it Ivlievos to he right a ' journxl for the people. i Horo Will tho Press the People's Rights Maintain. vol. vrr. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OKK(?OX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1S01. NO. 28. The Oregon Scout o 1 An luueeiidciit neekly Jouuia , Is.ucd ererjr Thursday morning by V JOXES & CJIAXCEV, Publishers and Proprietors. A K Jokes, Kdltor. li. Oil so:v, roreintiti ltutrw of .subscription. One coi y one year, One cipy six munnh, One copy three months, $1.50 J. 00 .75 Inviirliilily CiihIi In Ailvunro. , hy ehnnve ftbtrripttnni nrc vnt paid till cml of year, ticn dnllurs hiI be chtirycd. Itatea of adveit'sing made know n on application. Suf Corresjioiideiice from all puts of the country -solicited. ! Addresa'l comniuni rations to the Oiieuox BeoCT, i Union, Oregon ' OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITKI) STATKS. I'iiesidknt llenjamln Harrison of Indiana. Skckktakv or Statu--James O. Bla no of Maine. SKcitKTitv uf Tim TiiiAiiriiv William Wlndum of Minnesota. Hlciiktky ok Waii TlcdfleH Proctor of Vermont. Seckktaiiv or Tim Hxv Ileiijtiiiia F Tiucy of New York. Hecrktahy ok the Imi'.kiou-John W. Xvlile of Missouri. I'oTMAHTEn-(lENEItAL John Wauatnaker of Venn pylvAnia. ATTOKNht-Gt.NEliAL W. II. II. Miller of Indiana. Skohetahv ok AuiiicULiunn-Jeiemlah cf Wisconsin. STATU OF O HURON. Senators, CouBresmnan. i.I. II. Mitchell. J. JT. Minn Heiimann. Governor, - - Sylve-teu I'knnoi eii. Secretary of State, (Ii.okue W. McHiuke. State Treasurer, ... (J. V. Weiui. Superlntemleut of Public Instruction, K. II. McKliioy. Stata Pr.nter, ... FittMC O. IIakei:. supreme Judge,, - J w. i:. iJifii" LW. W. TIIAVKU SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTKIOT. Circuit Judges, Prosecuting Attorney ( M. D. CLIFFORD l jAMtM A. FEK. 0. F. Hyde. COUNTY t)F UNION. Statu Senators, Representatives, Judge Sheriff, Clerk, ltecorder Treasurer, Schcol Superintendent, Surveyor, - : Assessor, Coroner, Commissioners, J J. W. NoRVAL. I. 1. H. Haley. fJoii.v McAlikTEIi. i J. A. WniiiiiT. 1. N. Sasiiehs. .1. T. TUIINEK OLIYEIt. J. S. Kl.LIOTT. II. O. lllHINAUI). H. 8. Stiianoe. J. L. UiiltTls. J. I). Guild. Joel Weaver I William AltMH.D. 1 John McDonald. CITY OF UNION. Mayor, Itecorder, Marshal. Street Commissioner, J. W. Kennedy. C. L. IIUKKSI.KE. Alien Johnson. N. F. FK'Klin. councilmen. 1!. Y. Wilson. J. II. ConiilN. J. 8. Elliott. A. K. Jones. J. M. CAJtnoLL. 8. A. PmisEL. LODGES. UNION LODOF,, No 3'J, I. O. O. F , MKIITS KVKKY Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock WM. UALHY, N. G. O S Miller, Secretary. GIIANDIJ ItONDK K NX A M I'M KNT, No. 11, 1. O. O. K meeti on the first and third Tiiedys in each month. 0. S. Mil. I, Kit. U. P. J. 11. TuoMrso.v, Scribe. GKANDK ItONDK VALLKY LODGE. No. 56, A F. k A M., meets on the tecoiid an 1 fourth naturilays eicry month. E. W. DAVIS, W. M. H. H. IIroh'n, Secretary. C.KANDF. IIONDE VALLKY OUAPTKlt, No. 20., It. A. M., meets first if.d third 'I n jdi s each month. W. T. Wl. OUT, M. E. H. P. Turner Oliver. Secretary. I1LUE MOUNTAIN LODGE No. 28 K. OF P meets every Wednesday ovrnintf. T. II. OUAWF01ID, O 0. Turner Oliver, K. of It. & S. PRESTON POST, No. 18, G. A. It., MEETS EVERY third Saturday tu each month u. tho Odd Fellows hall. JOSHUA IlltADl'OUU, P. O. Geoikie llEINIMiEIt, Adjutant. CHURCHES. The Methodlit Episcopal Church holds services at 11 A M, an! 7 r. M. of ujiou Sunday. Rev. A. THOMPSON, Acting Pastor. Services are held at the Presbyterian Church at 11 A, M. and 7 I'. M. of each Sum'ay. Rev. J P. MORRIS. Pastor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. SIIELTON. J. M. CARROLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OtUce to doors south of FoBtottlce. Union, Oregon. Special attention given to all business entrusted to us. K. EAK1N, J- A. EAKIN, Notary Tublic. R. EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, Oregon. Prompt at'entlon paid to collections. DR. E. N. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST, Ilu the finest aniestbetlc for extracting teeth without lulu known to the profession, Will practice In all the brunches of modem dentistry. Silver and KOld work a ipeclalty. Fine sett of teeth always on baud. Fint-clau work and satisfaction guaranteed. Oltlro-Mnlu St., Union, Or. C. H. DAY, M. D HoEKEopathtc Physician and Surgeon. i A Cull l'roiniitlr Attentleil to. OfHca adjolninc Jones Ilros.' store. Can be found nijhU at naldfuce la Southwest Union. I. N. CROMWELL, M. D PHYSICIAN !AND SURGEON, Offioe odd door south of Summers k Layne'i (tors, Colon, Orecou. The Cove Drug Store JASPAR G. STEYENS, Proprietor, DE.VI.KU IN- PURE DRUG Patent JVTedieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. Prt'M'rlptlom Carefully Prepared. -ALSO DlIALKIt IN- SPORTING GOODS, CONSISTING OF- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. I Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop in. Ililllard and pool tables for the accommodation of customers. Gornaeopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always in Stock. First-class billiard table. Drop in and bu sociable. For Information About tie South -ADDRESS WITH STAMP. The Official Immigration Department OF FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CARL ROUINdON, Secretary, Raleigh, N. O. UnionTonsortalParfors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Gutting and Shampooing in the Lasest Style of the Art. Shop two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Give me u call. City Meat Market Tvl it In Street. Union, OrcKiin. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON UAND Beel, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. The v "Blue v Iiight" SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. Fine', 'Wines,'.' Liquors 7 and Cigars 7 in 7 Stock. Drop In and be sociable Fine billiard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUGHTON, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, KIkIii, Orceon. All Hi promptly attended to day or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove, Orecon. DrafU. oil ill and deahr u for dwellings and brldie I urckhed on application. ITU: PACIFIC COAST. Port Orchard Will Get the Navy Yard and Diy Dock. The Artesian Well? Near Boise City Have a Plow Sufficient to Supply a City of 50,000. All tho iinnibliii"; sanies at Portland, Or., liavo tLMiiporarily shut down. Tho street graders nt Port Angeles, Wash., have struck. They complain of having to submit to yreat hardships. It is currently reported nt Washing ton that Port Orchard, Wash., is selected for a navy yard and dry dock. The artesian wells near 15 ise City have now a daily How of pure water sutli cient to supply a city of 50,000 people. Tho Portland Chnmber of Commerce has declared in favor of consolidating East Portland and Albina with Portland. The inaugural ball at Sacramento, Ca!., will be held on th trth of January instead of this Kith, as originally in tended. The Lost Confidence mine of Iron Mountain, Shasta, has just shipped to Denver thirty-seven bars of silver bull ion, weighing one and three-quarter tons, the proceeds of one month's run. On behalf of Huntington ik Litle. con tractors of Tacoma, a suit has been in stituted to compel the State to pay them .f-lS,000 for work done in the const ruc tion of the Medical Lake insane Asylum. The extortion and embezzlement cases against Quincy A. Hrooks, ex-Collector of Customs at Port Townsend, and his chief deputy, John Harned, have Iwen dismissed by the United States District Court. The murderer of Mrs. Moss, near Port Angeles, Wash., has been captured, and he has confessed. He is James Woods, alias "Stubby Jim." and is aged twenty vears. Ho was captured by three Indians. Lillie Campbell was arrested and fined in tho Police Court at Tacoma for va grancy anil drunkenness. She is a woman of about 50 years, of Spanish de scent, and was one of tho first settlers in Washington Territory. Sho once owned tho property on wliat is now Pa cific avenue, one of tho principal streets of Tacoma. Tho Board of Trade of Yaquina Ray have forwarded resolulions to Represen tative Hermann, complaining that tho contractor of mail service between Yaquina City and Newport, having taken the contract too low, has failed to curry the same, and it is asked that steamer service lie put on. The depart ment has made an order directing the Yaquina postmaster to provide special service that will make schedule time. It is reported that the ground owned by the recently incorxjrated copper mining companies, the Hecla and Cop per King on the Rig Mashell river, near the foot of Mount Rainier, in Pierce county, Wash., 1ms been bonded to a syndicate, who have an option on it long enough to organize and inspect tho ground, and that a $20,000 plant is to be put in to make a complete test of the richness of the ore. The amount of the bond is not given. A coninlnint lias been filed at San Francisco against tho Oregon Improve ment Company by the Fanners' Loan nnd Trust Conifanv of New York, to foreclose 5,000 $1,000 first mortgages which have been in existence since December, 1880, with 0 per cent, annual interest. Only one payment of $!!0 has been made on tho interest. There aro already four similar suits pending against the Improvement Company, but the one in question is on first mortgages and will probably swallow tho assets in toto. Tho Pomona (Cal.) Progress says : At tho Chino ranch nurseries :i0,0j0 Italian chestnut trees are to bo started this season. Mr. Hanson, tho proprietor, be lieves there will be a largo demand for Italian chestnuts in a few years more. Several fruit growers near Anaheim havo bearing trees of tho nuts, and they make a good thing on tho sale of tho crops. Suit bus been begun in the United States District Court nt San Francisco bv Charles Ileritman against tho Amer ican schooner Sophia Sutherland for $1,104. Complainant shipped to go on the vessel on a sel hunt. Ho went oil' in a boat to shoot seals, but ho wns un able to return to tho vessel. Ho sues to recover what ho claims should Iks his "lay" or share of tho cargo, which, when sold, brought $20,875.70. Tho Southern Pacific Company has completed its estimates of fruits and vegetables shipped east over its liu from January 1 to December 1 : Cann d goods shipments were 3,533 carloads, or about 42,400 tons ; raisiiiB, 877 carloads, or nbout 10,500 tons; dried fruits, 1,580 carloads, or about 18,000 tons; green fruits, 2,028 carloads, or 35,130 tons ; v g etablos, 1,210 cars, or 14, 25 tons; total of California products, 10,137 carloads, or about 121,044 tons, an increase of from 20 to 100 per cent, in eacli branch over last year. There is a coal blockade at tho Itlnck Diamond mines caused by tho inability of the Columbia & Puget Sound Railroad Company to provide rolling stock to move tho output of the mine. Last month tho company shipped 21,000 toiiH of coal. Thus far this month but 3,000 tons havo been moved. As a result tho bunkers at tho mine are full, and 100 men have been idle several days during the present month. With tho full forco employed, the mine would yield 1,000 tons per day, if tho railroad company could provide cars to move it. i i i EASTERN ITEMS. Philadelphia is to Have a Vega tarian Church. Plymouth Church Votes to Keep a Forger, iow in Sing Sing Prison, Within the Fold of the Church. Secretary Tracv is preparing plans for a vessel that will havo verv destructive fnrce. The Gerinnns of Chicago are protest ing against closing tho NVorld's Fair oi 1 llllllVN The regular interest-bearing debt of tlio government now amounts to only aixmt .f(:.'ii,oo;.i,uuu. Thousands upon thousands of crisp, new $10, $5 and $1 notes are about to lie sent out by the United States treasury. Dr. Eastman, an Indian graduate of last year trom Iloston University, is in the very center of the alleged Indian le- volt. A partv of eninneers are now survov ing for a new bridge over the .Niagara river, supposed to be for the Canadian Pacilic. Dock Smart, convicted at Tucson. A. T of train robbery, has been pardoned ! bv the President. Smart s innocence was proved. Pierre Thibaux, a wealthy Montana mlHLmmii iu cninr ATnrrid flu. great packer at Chicago, for $1)0,000 for i. f i . . ureacii oi couinici. Senator Stanford says he is confident that Electioneer was not the sire of a single horse which with proper training could not trot in 2:30. Tho President has appointed Robert West McBride of Indiana to be a mem ber of tho Puyallup Indian Commission, vice William Gumback, declined. It is believed that the Rockhill Cath olic College property near Ellicott City. Md., will ne purchased for tho proposed Drexel Industrial School for negroes. At tho monthly meeting of Plymouth Church, New York, resolutions were passed which retain Albert II. Smith, the forger and now in Sing Sing, within tho fold of tho church. Nine hundred and ninety-two women registered in Cheyenne, Wyo.. for tho recent elections. Miss Estelle Reel was elected County .Superintendent of Lara mie county by a largo majority. Tho schedules in tho assignment of Decker, Howell & Co., bankers at New York, show their liabilities to bo $0,430, 330 and their nominal assets $35,181,032. Tho actual assots are $8,700,357. The New York and New Jersey Uridge Companv has decided to construct a sus- ! -1. ! 1 .1... T1...1 pension uniigo over me liuuson river within three years from next March. The estimated cost is $50,000,000. Secretary RIaine has been notified that the Peruvian government has imposed a duty of 15 centavos per kilogram on for eign lard. Tho new order goes into ef fect on February 27 of next year. Tho contract for dredging tho channels leading to Baltimore has been awarded to the American Dredging Company of Philadelphia, which expects to removo 0,003,000 cubic yards of lottoin by 1805. Tho meeting of tho Executive Com mittee of tho Union Pacific held at Bos ton appointed S. II. II. Clark, now Gen eral Manager of tho Missouri Pacilic, as General Manager of tho Union Pacific. Representative McKinlev has intro duced a bill in the House similar to one presented in the Senate, providing that the present tariu" law shall not a''ect op eration of the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. Hiram II. Stratton had been refused a patent for a timber claim in tho Walla Walla district, Oregon, on a technicality. The Secretary of tho Interior has over ruled this decision and ordered tho pat ent to issue. Senator Edmunds has written to each member of tho California delegation, asking if there is any reason why Charles A. Garter's npiointment as Assistant District Attorney for California should not bo confirmed. Representative Hansbrough of North Dakota has introduced a bill in the House providing for the disarmament of the Indians and making it a punishable odenso for any person to soil arms or ammunition to them. It is stated at Washington that ox Governor Pacheeo has secured tho Con trol American mission, and that Con gressman Morrow will be appointed to succeed Judge Sawyer, who will retire from the California Circuit Judgeship next spring, A vegetarian church is to bo estab lished in Philadelphia. One of the fun damental principles of the church will be that life is sacred, and that therefore the shedding of blood, even though it be for the sake of providing food tor tho human race, is wrong. Tho present management of the Do mestic Sewing Machine Company at Newark, N. J., has discovered that sys tematic thefts havo been going on by employes for fourteen years, and the company lias lost fully $50,000. Sensa tional developments aro anticipated. Dean Blnnehnrd entered a timlwr claim at Oregon City, Or., but it was thrown out because of an alleged fraud, part of tho land being susceptible of cul tivation agriculturally. Secretary Noble decides that tho proof is not sufficient, and Blanchard will get tho land. FOREIGN NEWS. Russia Has Decided to Build the Gebirian Railroad. The Gradual Depopulation of France Said to be Due to the Immoderate Use of Tobacco. United States Minister to Mexico Ryan has been summoned to Washington. " Scotch home rule is to be made an issue in the United Kingdom. Rubinstein has resigned the directory of the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music. A slave is sold for a single meal in tho interior of the Soudan, where a famine prevails. A tunnel between Scotland and Ireland is discussed, thirty miles long, to cost $10,000,000. The German army is tho healthiest in Europe, the Belgian second and tho English third. Great alarm has been created at St. Petersburg by the rapid spread of sniall Kx in the capital. Sarah Bernhardt is so vexed at the at tention given to her snake that she is going to give him up. Thirtv-eight thousand iwunds havo been collected for General Booth's scheme to deal with Darkest England. The organ of the Salvation Army in Germany has a circulation of 18,000. The army there is growing rapidly. Gambilng at Ostein! this last season has been so open and heavy as to oxcito general criticism on the Continent. It is proposed to change the uniform of tho Berlin police, which is not martial enough to please tho young Kaiser. Experiments with electricity for mo tive power are beim; made on the under ground railway in London with success. Tho force of men at Kruno's has had to bo again increased in order to hurry on tho completion of orders for " great guns." Monto Carlo looks for the liveliest kind of a winter, and has made plans for the accommodation of a " phenomenal crowd." Tt is noiv the nniinrtimifv fnr fln Tn- don Times, and it is making the most of it, us Parnell is again tho under dog in ino ngiit. A medical authority in Franc savs tho gradual depopulation of that coun try is lariri lv due to tho immoderate uso of tobacco. Thero is talk in Liverpool maritime circles of a now line of transatlantic steamships to begin operations some lime next, summer. Foot-ball clubs aro so notmlnr and make so much inonnv in Kni'limd now adays that many of them aro converted into joint stock companies. It is believed that Osman Diirna. tho rebel leader, is boini: furnished with grain and ammunition from Jcddah and other ports in oxchango for slaves. Mr. Manleson in behalf of Mr. Abbov is said to have oflered Patti very high wages for a professional tour in tho united btates, beginning in tho fall of 1801. Against tho ovor-ixrowinir evil of usury the municipal councils of small towns of Ktissia have established puwnhouses. at which money is lent at a verv low rato of interest. Owing to strikes and ono thing and another', it is not expected that tho re ports of the English railways at tho close of tho year will fill the shareholders with enthusiasm. In 1894 it will bo 1,000 years sinco Hungary was established as an inde pendent government. Thero is a move ment among the Hungarians to celebrate that anniversary with great pomp, Lord Wolseley baa stated before a Par- meiitary committee that, if only 100,000 men could be landed in any part of Eng land, ne would not bo able to prevent liKir capturing Jxmdon. Tho government allows a generous subsidy to the theaters in tho cities of Caucasus. Tiflis alone will get 47,000 rubles during tho next year. Rut Rus sian troupes are source in that reuion. and Italian, French and German actors draw tho largest part of tho subsidy. Tho Younir Women'H Christian Asso ciation, founded in taudon in 1857, now hai M.i branches, with a members i n of 17,000. Thero aro forty institutes, even ing homes and boarding-houses where young women from the country can bo lodged and cared for at small cluinre. Since its inauguration the Nicaragua Canal Company lias expended for work and material $772,203 in cash and $2,000.- 000 of full-paid capital stock, and is ob ligated ior fo,-'UH,uuu oi HHiirHt-mortgago bonds. The liabilities of tho comtmnv consist of amounts still under tho con cessions grunted it. $4,208,000 bonds above mentioned and cash liabilities not exceeding $50,000. The now roniedv for dlnhtherla which was discovered by a peasant named Kio ger, whoso son is to bo allowed to exper iment with it under the supervision of Koch, is stated to be it fluid which is painted in tho ulcers and causes thorn to burst open. It also produces vomit ing, and the patient Incomes exceeding ly thirsty, but on no account is ho al lowed to drink any fluid for an hour after the throat has been painted. PORTLAND MARKET. WiiKAT Tho market is altogether without life, and quotations nominal nt fl.20t-ijl.22i,.. for Valley and$1.101.12 for Walla Walla. Receipts from east of tho mountains nro again large, tho bulk of which is consigned to San Francisco. The English market continues steady, with cargoes in light request. Liverpool futures are steady for December and Jan uary and higher for following months. Fi.oint tjuoto: Standard, $3.00G$4.00; Walla Walla, $3.00(.f3.80 per barrel. Oats Tho market is firm. Quote: White, (0o; gray, 58c per bushel. MH.i.srKFs "Tho market is firm. Quote: Bran, $ai; Shorts, $24; Ground Barley, $32.50; Chop Feed, $25 per ton. Hay Tho market is steady. Quote: $10018 per ton. Vkoktahu:s Tho market la firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.2501.50 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 per dozen; Celery, 5i)c perdozeu; Onions, 2?03c per pound; Carrots, $1 per sack; Beets, $1.50 per sack; Turnips, $1 per sack; Tomatoes, f)0c per box; Potatoes, $11.10 per cental ; Sweet Potatoes, 2ic per pound; squash, $2 per cental. Fnuns The market is steady. Quote : Tahiti Oranges, $3 per box; Sicily Lem ons, $7.5008 per caso; Pears, ljkc per !oiind ; Apples, 00085c per box ; Grapes, $1.25 per box; Pineapples, $3.5004.00 per dozen; Bananas, $304 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 per box. Nuts Quote: California Walnut, 17Mu : other varieties, 13o: Peanuts. 12c: Almonds, 17c; Filberts, 14015c; new Brazils, 20c per pound ; Cocoa nuts, $1 per dozen. Cincicsi: Tho market is steady. Quote t Oregon, 13014c; California, 0lOc; Young America. 14015c por pound. Buttkii Quote: Oregon fancy cream ery, 4004 2ijc; fancy dairy, 37c; fair to good. 27k03Oo; common, 22&25c; choice California, 37Jc per pound. Eons Tho market is firm. Quote: Oregon, 32 035c per dozen. Poultuy Quote: Old Chickonn, $3.50 4.00; young, $2.5004.00; old Ducks, $000.50; young, $7: Geese, $0010 per doaen ; Turkeys, 12)5c per pound. Tho Merolinnillao Market. Suoahs Tho market is firm. Qnoto: GoldonC,6lfje; extra O, OJjjc; dry gran ulated, 7 fee; cube cruahtnl and pow dered, 7?iiC per pound. Diuki) Fiturrs Tho market is firm. Quoto: Italian Prunes, ll14c; Pe tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound : Raisins, 2.76 per box: Plummer-dried Pears, 11012c; sun-dried and factory Plums, 11012c: evaporated Penchea, 24c; Smyrna Fit's, 14010c; California Figs, 0c per pound. Bkans Tho market is firm. Quoto: Small Whites, 34c; Pink, SJc; Uayos, 4c; Butter, 3c; Lhnas, 6c per pound. Cannko Goons Market is firm. Quote: Tablo fruits. $2.25, 2Ja; Peaches, $2.73; Bartlott Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $202.50; Black berries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $2.00. Pi u nit : Assorted, $4.00 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.66 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.20 ((161.50. according to quality; Tomatoes, $1.1503.60; Sugar Peas, $1.4001.60; String Beans, $1.10por'dozon. Fish: Sal mon, $1.2501.50; sardines, 8Oc0$1.6O; lobsters, $203 ; oysters, $202.75 per doz. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75; Champion, $0 per caso. 1'ioki.ks Quoto: $1.15c 3s; $1.25 5s. Salt Quoto: Liverpool, $17, $18, $10; stock, $11012 por ton in carload lots. Coai, On Quoto : $2.35 per case. CitANiiuuuiKS Quoto: Wisconsin, $0.50 ; Capo Cod, $10.50 per barrol, Cofkkk Quoto: CosUi Rica, 23c; Rio, 25Kc; Arbucklo's, roasted, 20c per pound. Rick Quote: $0.50 per sack of 100 pouudB. Nails Baso quotations: Iron, $3.20; Steel, $3.80; AViro, $3.00 por keg. Scot Quoto: $1.85 por sack. Ilors Tho market is firm, with nom inal prices. Quoto: 25030c per pound. Hums Quoto: Dry Hides, selected prime, 808)jC, Kc less for culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 65 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool, 30 050c; medium, 60080c; long, 90c $1.25, shearlings, 10020c; Tallow, good to choice, 303)c. Wool The market is steady. Quoto : Valloy, 10020c; Eastern Oregon and Walla Wulla, 10016c per pound. The Meat Market. The meat market is firm. Quote: Beef Live, 203c; dressod, 6c. Mutton Live, 3Kc; dressed, 0)j7c. Hogs Live, 45f0; dressed, 6c. Veal 508c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. SMOKED MB ATS AND LAUD. Tho market is firm. Quotations : East ern Hams, 13014c; Breakfast Ba con, 110110; Bides, 0010c; Lard, 8(3 10c per pound. A dispatch from Lisbon to tho London. Morning Post says tho Portuguese go -eminent has telcgrapbod its agontu in London to demand tho releaso of tho Portuguese ofllcors urrested in South Africa and for a lolut commission to in- quiro into tho matter. A Cuban and two other persons, as sisted by u woman of the town at Gua temala, entrapped a Spanish banker named Carlos Barez, murdered and robbed the body of $5,000 and valuable jewelry, and then cut tho body in four pieces and shipped them out of tho city. Emperor William's great speech on education has found an echo in every capital in Europe, but it would bo diilf cult to give an idea of tho sensation it has caused in Germany. It amounts to u sweeping condemnation of classical education, and has created a fueling ef consternation in the ranks of the oW fashioned schoolmen.