The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 25, 1890, Image 5

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His winter home tho foirnkcs,
Tho red deer swims tho Ktiintn lakes.
Up foaming falls the salmon leaps.
The wild sheep halt on dfwy steeps.
The swans are uorthwanl Hying.
With laiiRlilnp voice the riers run.
Their billons llaslUiif- in the sun;
It Is tho inoou of sprouting Brass,
A thousand warm sweet hreeies pass,
ThroiiRh lorty pine tops sighing.
With IwiinUliig stcjis thennteloiw
Springs lightly ilowu the mountain slope;
To verdant plain the bison hies,
Tho eaglo mounts the morning skies,
Aud all the hirds are mating
With life and joy all things nro bright,
Como forth, my love I my soul'a delight.
Thy wigwam's folds throw uido apart,
For thoe. oh dear and tender heart.
Thy lover truo is wnitiug.
. E. SI. Allen in American Magazine,
A Chinese Opium Story.
Sinca tho introduction of opium Into
China millions und tens of millions have
given themsolvcs up to its use. its vic
tims being found in nil tho ranks and
conditions of llfo, among tho old, th
mlddlo nged, tho young, and even chil
dren. Hut n caso of on infant becoming
a victim to its pernicious influenco hois
iust como to our knowledge. A man and
his wlfo had been in tho hnbit of tnkiti"
opium for years, und ono of their chief do
lights was in indulging themselves over
tho pipe in each other's company, each tuk
tag ulternnto whilTs. Ono day "tho woman
gave birth to a boy, and all tho household
was la an ecstatic stato of joyfulness. But
beforo long tho baby began to show sigus
of illness, and although a physician was
sent for they could not discover tho causo
of its symptoms. Every effort was made
to wavo tho child, but ho only grow worso
and worso until his paronts gavo him up
for lost.
In despair they took their pipo to
solaco themselves, and beholdl as thoy
puffed at tho pipo tho smoko was wafted
to tho child's nostrils, and, giving a
sneeze, ho instantly revived and began to
cry. Upon inhaling moro of tho smoko
ho changed his crying into laughing and
becamo exceedingly lively. Alter that ho
was all right as long as ho inhaled tho
smoke at regular periods of tho day.
Ono day, however, his parents neglected
to givo him tho accustomed dosoof smoko
and beforo they wero uwaro ho died.
Chicago Times.
ilo Iterolts Against Cruelty.
It is rather in others and for others that
tho modern civilized man dreads pain. Ilo
finds it harder to know that other men aro
suffering tho pains of cold or huugcr in
Kansas or Ireland or India; or that "pris
oners of poverty" oro working for pit
tances in tho great cities; or that laboring
men aro driven to work sixteen hours a
day; or that criminals nro tortured or mis
treated in tho chain gang; or that "politi
cals" nro driven to insanity in tho Russian
state prisons. Ilo resents and punishes
cruelty to animals wlicro his great-grand
father, perhaps, thought nothing of send
ing a slavo to tho whipping post. Ho ro
voltu oven against harshness in just
punishce it. nnd desires to nlloviato somo
of tho honvro of hanging. If ho Ignores
a caso of cruelty, it is from lack of om
niscience; let him know about it, and tho
world shall know his feelings about it
Wilberforco and Copley might go on for
years telling Englishmen of tho horrors
of tho middlo passago und of all tho vil
lainies of tho slavo trade; and still tho
slave hhips sailed out from Liverpool, and
tho slavo trado was represented in parlia
ment. Cruelty in moro recent times lives
by stealth and blushes to find itself fa
mous in tho newspaper pillory. The
No L'm'.
First Train Robber What train did you
stop last night Second Itobber Overland
express, goiu' west. Kirst Itobber (Jit
much Second Itobbcr Naw, chock full o
peoplo comin' homo from tho eastrn summer
resorts. Tho Cartoon.
A Natural Question.
Tramp (at Union bquarcj Couldn't you i
tparo mo a dime, sir I've walked all tho
way from California,
Actor (sympathetically) What company
did you go out withl Tho Cartoon. i
A Wlso Train p.
A tramp's notebook, picked up on tho
Essex road, contained, among o'.her sage ro
flections, tho following bit of wisdom: "lts,n
Erato eel beter to liavo yuro sinus barked
than bit." Uurlington Free I'ress.
We've heard of a woman
who said she'd walk five miles
to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription if she
couldn't get it without. That
woman had tried it. And it's
a medicine which makes itself
felt in toning up the system
and correcting irregularities as
soon as its use is begun.
Go to your drug store, pay j
a dollar, get a bottle and try '
it try a second, a third if '
necessary. Before the third !
one's been taken you'll know j
that there's a remedy to help ,
mi ill 1
you. men you u Keep on
and a cure '11 come.
But if you shouldn't feel the
help, should be disappointed
in the results you'll find a
guarantee printed on the bottle-wrapper
that'll get your
money back for you.
How many women are there
who'd rather have the money
than health? And "Favorite
Prescription" produces health.
Wonder is that there's a
woman willing to suffer when
there's a guaranteed remedy
in the nearest drug store-
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate
the Stomach, Liver and Bow
els. Mild and effective.
This Trade
Mark Is cn
The Best
In tho world.
mimktiiino rou thi: xi:v ykah.
Tho world renew tint suet-ess of II-wK'tter'
tntnai'h Hitter, and their continued isipularity
for over a third of u century as a siomarhle. Is
se reely moro wonderful than the welcome that
erects the annual appearance of Hosteller's Al
manac This valuati e medical troati'c Is pub
llhed by Hie Ho-tetter Company. rittsbUTtli
l'a., under their own Immediate supervision,
cmplnyinc Go bauds in thnf ilepartnn lit. Ihcy
are riiuulti about II mouth m the year on tlu
work, and the lMie of same for 1MH will lie
more than ten millions, printed In the Knellsh.
German. French. WeWh. Norwegian, S.edih.
Holland, llohcmhin and Spanish laneunee. He
for to h copy of It for talunhlc and interesting
rt-iidltn: coiiecMihiir health, and iiHtnerous h sti
mouinls as to theelllcacv of Hotetter's Stomach
BlttTs, Muuemeii , varied Inlr inntlon, astro
iioinliHl calculations and chronological Items,
Ac, which cam lie depended on for lorreetiie.
The Alma' ac for lvl can fie obtained free of
cost, from drmrglsts and toneml couutry dealers
In all pjits of the country.
There Is something fundamentally
about the man who never gets inad.
Beware of Imitations of the celebrated Seal ol
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.
Tut Gkrmka for breakfast.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
tcilios an ! fevers nnd cures habitue
wiiRtipntinn permanently. Fur sale
in SOoand SI bottles by "all druggists.
Without Loss of Blood.
Pee last week's paper for description of FHKK
Sl'ISGIi'AH MUSKl'M at his oilice.TOU Wnshh'K
ton street. PORTLAND, OH Hundreds of I'AN
CKICS and Tl'MOKS successfully removed bv
him can bo seen there. 1)H. TOKI. has studied
four years In Germany, Switzerland ami KiiKland,
till fJ till. 1 l,1-fnml 1. itin K'.u .iiu wiiij cinf,tun 111 mi: - in til , i-ri , nif
operates, without lost of blood by electricity.
Earliest cm! best oca overorcretl. rinc t flavored
IbUREllbAD CACtJACG. burc t Iiona.urf vr (
laysi Surcliciul exrecdjony'. is I ever saw In tluB
.Aliuaffoline. OutornomtH. JJ'' ntsiioto-.ofalllt(
proline, uuioi some ji" wsnoio-ujiaiifuicii
knal'noeollclhcad. CriCCTJ AMD COLDl
ERr.lCLON. r-rl. t7ui;o iiulini lit IT nf
olden color and U Mi ioi alUvor CARMINE
rlrlt troldi'i:
RADISH. AJtnnu 01... c ira cany vunuiy, oiunr
proUiti Ins null? lies in S.3 days. Tcot Norihernl
Grown oqoap r.u to convint-tu taut iney ana
.n'h nf 1111 nloo named varieties t j f Ini-itlL
llluilrafrilCslalcruo oven riil.UieU.onivccl .orr.Octsl
FLOWER CC-D.iFIJUli. .;erylVrooKnu;nffl
41cr, mcutluji.ui' this jiaivr and number of oltiifl
win lcceitoi" trauituuu;kaetuniioi la iunow.nfrl
itcd-M IPpIIZA, tlioi it. twoiulerf .1 climLcr ereij
mirtHlucfif. iriuw u to a hi: htof
lnrv!t hundmli ufliure felilto Lluiomh. ECKFCALf
SWtU rLAOi liuruuutfu uy . lias, ixkiuiu ui i.iik
mud. vui I ai tjirnt yeara jTfuctlng tiiin bcaulilu1 j
rtoutn MAY'S CAT AtOrJUE. tho mobt comnletn
pllroriildemllo.f.. . L. MAY A CO.,!
Seedsmen anil Florists, St. Paul, MInn.n
niffO lnthoiirlcnnwledcert
leading remedy for nil ttio
unnatural dlsoliarK"' ami
prlvntodlneanesof men. A
certain euro for the debili
tating ealcne&3 peculiar
to women.
TVrpitrrihAlt nnrl foelltafn
THtEvCnMirirn. In recommending It to
v.o. a. h. j. oiunti!, M u.,ufcTUR,ia.
Few smokers fully realize tho ,
danger of smoking now or improp- !
orly cured Tobacco. Tho medical
stair of the German army diseov- '
ercd this was a fruitful aourco of
throat dieaH0.
Tho subsistence department ofj
tho U. S. Army have adopted Seal ,
of Nortli Carolina Plug Cut as tho
Standard Smoking Tobacco for tho .
Bewaro of Imitations. Tho gon- j
uino "Seal of North Carolina"
costs you no moro than poisonous
Earliest, Hartlicct, Q C C Fl i
Most Productive OEEUol
JlTriDUe4 not to J
I 4M Uuh Sirtciurt.
Tho Notptl Hnw-,in ArtUt'4 llrvrrl;itlon
An Kx.i .tirillimty Sconr.
Hrro Is n gt liic dpsrrlptinn bv tlio
pent Hussiuu i . ".st. of tho results of the
MolinmniLHliiii r filionnpninst tlioGittioo
pov.-rnmpiit in tlio rt ij;n of Tohnputclmk:
"As yon approach the town, it is Imni to
butievp it Is empty; you cannot help hop
ing to meet htimnn beiug, if it be
only n robber Hut not a wml is to boeen
nnywhero Tho houses nro for tho most
pnrt uninjureJ. nnd likewise thepnintings
on the walls mvl tho wooden lattice wurh
of tlio windows. Potsherds and fmir
tueuts of articles of every conceivnbb
kind wero lying nil about vessels of iron
nnd day of all sizes; a quantity of copper
coins strung: on a strinp;; dre'sses, caps,
plaits of hlir, bhoes of nil sizes tho
clumsy shoos of Dunglnuis and Calmucks
side by sldo with tho miniature slippers
of Chinese women. 1 put a pair of extra
ordinarily small slippers in my pocket, us
a memento.
"But. nbovo nil. skulls aro to be seen
lving about everywhere. Tho town is
like a vast tomb, and tho whole Itnpres
slon it produces is terrible I wandered
about a whole day in B 's company, and
then for several days alone, without
being able to accustom myself to this
stillness as of the grave, and to the sight
of all these streets, chnpels. theatres and
squares standing forever empty The
gate of tho fortress, which tho besiegers
linu blown in, is still tolerably strong
Near tho gate is to bo seen tho" entrance
into tho subterranean gallery by which
tho besiegers, after a long and tedious
slego. rondo their way into tho fortress
Then came a merciless butchery. In which
no ono was spared Skulls and bones lie
literally in heaps against tho walls hero
and all around tlio fortress, at ninny
points, by several of tho gates, the skulls
were piled up to a great height In the
fields nroutul the town, too, lie skulls, as
far as tho eye can reach, skulls, and
skulls, nnd again skulls Tho wolves anil
jackals have already done their work; the
ravens nro still engaged in picking the
bones clean for tho sun and rain to
"One of tho fnrms In particular, which
lies nearest tho town, abounds in bones
A body of Calmucks, 15,000 strong, came
this way to help tho besieged, but a force
of only a fow hundred Dunghnns fell npou
them, drove them back and killed them
to tho very last man What wonderful
energy on tho part of tho insurgent Mo
haiumedausl What cowardice on tho
part of tho Chinamen! I had enough to
occupy mo. From tho governor's palace
to tho slmplo little houses of tho common
people all tho dwellings wero habitable,
all were painted, all decorated with paint
lugs, sculptures, has reliefs, flowers,
dragons, etc. Theaters of an original con
struotion, Buddhist temples in which somo
colossal idols wero still intact (though tho
Mohnuimednns evidently showed great
zenl in overthrowing theso nnd breaking
them in 'pieces), seemed almost to bo wait
ing for tho peoplo to throng In to their
prayers and their amusements. For three
wholo weeks 1 lived with one Cossack und
ono Tartar in n wretched cabin outside
tho wnlls of tho fortress, and every day
from morning till evening I roamed about,
lookhv: at everything, drawiiigand paint
ing. Occasionally a wild goat would stray
into tho courtyard whero I was painting,
stand transfixed with astonishment, nnd
then rush off at full speed neross the
brown and desolato steppo." Current
Tlio Glory of Moscow.
Tho glory of Moscow is tho Kremlin,
which is really tho citadel, und within its
stout wnlls nro scores of churches nnd
palaces. Hero aro tho Cathedral of tho
Assumption of tho Blessed Virgin, tho
Cathedral of tho Archangel Michael, nnd
dozens of other churches, tho nrscnal stir
rounded by STiO cannon taken from tho
French during tho disastrous retreat of
1812. Tho magnificenco of tho churches
and pnlaccs in tho Kremlin surpasses bo
lief. Tho Church of tho Annunciation
has its floor inlaid with agato, cornelian,
jasper, chalcedony nnd other precious
stones, thousands and thousands of dol
lars worth of gems being thus laid down
for u floor. In tho Cathedral of St, Izank,
Alexander will seo tho tombs of nil tho
czars down to the time of Peter tho Great,
who choso to bo buried In St. Petersburg,
an example which bus been followed by
nil his successors. There uro somo dozens
of tombs of emperors und empresses, for
each czar choso to hnvo n shrhio to him
self, nnd over tho remains of each was
erected a templo or cenotaph of consider
nblo size, gleaming with gems of gold-
As n medheval traveler said of tho tomb
of Thomas a Becket that gold was the
meanest thing seen on it, tho samo with
propriety and truth might bo said of tho
tombs of tho czars, for somo boast of a
wealth of over 1,000,000 In precious
stones which adorn each part of tho
shrino abovo tho tomb.
In tho Kremlin uro preserved tho tmpo
rial crowns nnd regnlia of Russia; over
twenty crowns nro hero, comprising not
only those belonging to Russia proper,
but thoso of countries conquered by tho
Russian unities, from tho crowuof Siberia
to tho crown of Fiulnud, that of Poland,
tho Crimea, Astrakhan, tho Caucasus und
others being tunong tho number, together
with orbs, bcepters, swords and royal
chains and other jewels too numerous to
count, and besides all theso diamonds,
i.i ,. . . ,
ruoies, gamuts, sapituires, uirquois, emcr- i
-1.1 l l I....I... t t.t l t.. i
iwuB mill jieui in uv iiiu uusuei lire louiiu ill
tho imperial treasuries, too numerous to bo
set or even to bo counted, so that a distill
gulshed foreigner who many years ago,
by Bpeclul fuvor. obtnined access to that
part of tho Kn-.lin in which aro stored
theso Important treasures, said that they
lio in piles, in golden bowls und in silver
cups, in such abundance as to defy enu
meratlunor valuation. Cor. Globo-Uemo
Cninlilnril Trunlt nnd Wheelbarrow.
A quietly dressed man presented acheck
at tho baggage room in banbury, Conn.,
tho other day and received in exchange a
neatly painted box, about tho blzo of an
ordinary trunk. A dozen expressmen nt
onco desired his patrouago. Ilo smiled
kindly, unlocked the box und took out u
email wheel und two long and two short
sticks. Tho long sticks ho fitted into
staples at tho upper and lower opposite
corners of tho box. Tho short sticks
then becamo cross pieces connecting the
long ones and tho wheel found a placo ho
tween tho lower ends of tho long pieces
Thus, quicker than it takes to tell it, tho
man hud transformed his box Into u wheel
bcrrow, and trundled It awuy. Ilo ro
turned In a fow hours, repacked tho wheel
end sticks, und quit' town on a westbound
train. He was said to bo uu ugent for
religious publication houso, aud rcsortst
to tho whoelburrow device to cave curt
C0 money. New Vorli Suu.
It is estimated that ono-half of all the
drugs imported into the United Stutea ari
consumeu in the muuufacturo of patent
CU Mi s Or Till: Ml S( 1.K-. ( t ttlMI.
J hn I. W omi , ( Str.i ford, Ont , wan
cured "f cr'i.. . in th" legM liyweiriutc
Al.i.rtM'K s Pohov- Pi.astkiw Mr. Wood
j 'Soiiie th oe mouth ng.t"u tken
' vrrv -fck v I h r. inin u- .. hiiihII of
I my Imck ov, r lite ki'itiet . 'I i e tixtti
' (TMfintl f. I i.pi,( il nn AI.I.roCK S
I'OHOfS l'MSTKtt ver th.' nil' i ti.i lewttm,
lid 'ml I el iet i.IimmI wuli hi an hour.
At ih' sumo time, In em j'ttx-. inn wl h this
t"iu It. I had ' u y jfreiii tu-noii-. tlKturli
nne , HllVeting m It with crumps so I
i r.Mil-1 schkvM f-leep. Mi etitig w ith such
' succesi illi m lw' k, I applietl n plaster
i un.ier h-knee en eneii 'e n.-d in thrive
' d.nys was c- niptetetx ruled, nnd have nt ver
.been tnubl--i! in either w inn"
His VIiiiippi' Are you miip you would love nip
Jiift n temloily If our midltmu were riptpJ
If you weie rich nnd I were )om? He lte
vtTM' our eoiulltloiit an l try mo.
Is it economy to save a few euN buying
a cheiiti "n or tr"i g wclilim powder
and lose tlol'nr In mil eti ,o inl ehvhot.?
It not, iie Dobbin' ' Kl'-ctr e S up, white
hm uiinw, tin I as f.un: Amk your gr cer
for it.
Tl iiniural thnt Ir KopIi i
A Teuton fnlr slioulit ho, I
And proper that all ruro for Korm 1
liouUl eonip frolu (ioriimny.
4l'ltK!'ltK Hill i'll.KM. 1
burn euro lor blind, blejd.'J!? and Hi'liIlK Pllen.
Due 'mix has cured the worst 'ann of teii ypHra'
klRinllnc. No one need sufle, ton uilnuies alter I
usrtiR Kirk's (lorniHii l'ile Ointment. It absorb I
tumors, allays the Itolilm;, arts as a poultice,
Kives relief, l)r Kirk's (lornnn Pile Ointment
Is ppartd only for lll and itchius of tlio I
rivate parts, aud uothiiiK olso. Every box Is
warrauted. i
Sohl by UnurRlsts aud sent by mall ou receipt
of price, 11.00 per box. J. J Mark r,n.. Whole- I
sale AKents, 8an hranclseo
I Flic I 's such venrs since we mot thnt perhaps
you never hoard of m marrlit)to? Hi No, ln
! tlt'od, Is It or recent enough (or cnngrntuln
! IrritHtion of tlio throat anil honrsenesa
ItiiMiPi'lately relieved by "Jlroicn s liron-
chiul Troches "
Craw ford Time's money, jou know, Mcrritt
And yet I would sooii' r linvo a girl who bus
forty millions tlmn one who Ims forty years. j
To tuk Kditok: I'lensv Inform your renders
thnt I lime a positive remedy for the nbove-
i uameii him use. ry us timi iy use tliniisnuils ol
hoieloss enu s hav ln'on permanently etiml, I
I shall bo Kind to send tw o bottles of my remedy
i free to any of our renders who have coiiMimp
I tiou If tiny will send their express nnd post
mure nutiress uespeoiniiH-
T A. SI.OCl'.M.M. C .
tsi Pen 1 tr et. Now York
to euro Itlllonsness, Slek Ilentlncltc Constlpntlon.
Malarln. l.lver CoiiiplnlntH, tnko Hit- snfo
and cortnln rciuedy SMITH'S
nsotlicSMAI.I. SlZl". (10 little beans to tho bot
tle). Tlioy aro tlio iiimt convenient, suit ull ukcs.
"rlcoof cither slto. ilo cent- perbuttlo.
if IQCIP.Stf nt 7 17. 70s I'hoto-Krnviiro.
rvlOOl IVli pnnnlsuo or this plcturo for 4
cents (coppers or stumps).
Mnkersof "llllo llcuns. fat. IauIs. Mo.
ttvCN stvims. srvtNTr
They v. l'l yield for you, OAT S ICS hu., W1IKAT 10 hn.,
IlAllT.1. Y io bu., COllN ko tm. l'OTATOKS D(i0 hu. nr n.
tSTScml 8 cents for sninpt f inn seeils anil ctitiUoiruo.
tSTSeml Cm. for pkij. Anne ltnillsli" nml elcmmt eatlif.
OurC'ntnloKistlio Uih t ever piiblUheit In Ainerlea. .
OnTrltl a.'ipkn's.rv'fii.t Veffetithle HeiU.iHiiit, fc.
la pi-irs. j.ieifitiir 1 itm-er&eeiis,
IFLiiw l'reluht to l'aelllo Coast
Rest Cough INredicino. Itecommended by Physicians.
Cures where all clso fails. Pleasant and agreeable to tho
taste. Children take it without objection. Uy druggists.
. J$?ryy???
oijrnphers of both setfes, attribute their success to n course at the Portland Busi
ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem,
Oregon. Both are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, hnvo smuc courses of
study, same rates of tuition. Husincss, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship ntullhtf
lish Departments. Write to either for joint Catalogue and specimens of penmanship.
The Companion Calendar
rv r
Monday for Health,
Tuesday for Wealth,
Wednesday the Uest Day of All ;
Thursday for Losses,
Friday for Crosses,
Saturday No Luck at All,
Sunday the Day that Is Ulcst
With Heavenly Peace and Kct.
Till Iteniitlfnl nnd lliilijuo Cnlrmlnr nml Aiiriouiiceinont li called "Tuk
Hook or Imyh." It hus I'ourletu I'aget finely printed hi Colors, the design beliif
ttlected from nearly Two Tlinuiaiul received In the I'rlzu Coinpetltlou. It la coiuldered
Hit) limit novel uud uttracllve Calendar of the year. Mulled ou receipt of ten conti.
Offer to New Subscribers.
Thi f'nlcndiir Mill he "flit 10 eucli New Hubcrlber who WILL VW
OUT nnd end us this udertlt.einoiitf wild 81.73 fur u yvnr'it Miilmcrlplluu.
The YuuiIi'n Compuulou will lie mailed from the I lino llint lite Mtilmcrlptloii
U received lo Jiiiiunry, Iblll, l'UKV., uud for u full yvur from Unit dnte.
Ko oilier unity paper plvtt to large a variety of entertaining reading at to low a price,
Double Holiday Numbers - Illustrated Weekly Supplements.
The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass.
3.1 Send Cited; Pott-offlce Order or Jltglttered letter.
A mmi who hm vrnrtirist medicine for forty
yenrx might to lmw mU from sumir, rend what
he s-ijrt.
Totrro. o.. Jnnunrv 10, 1SS7.
Mftrt. F J. Chrnry ,( Oi --i1f.nti.bmks I lmve
liet-ti In tliPKcuerHltUHftli'i'ot meillriue for niot
fitrty enrs, mul u until -nv thnt In nil my mp-
tll'P mill rxlii'Hplmo linv,. tmvnr &i,t n tiri.ttnrn.
Hon triMt I ( mihl 'p!trril with nt liiurli fotill-
iioiice in tu eos B I ih Ilttlfj raliirrli t nre,
mntifnrtitretl hy you. Ine tirescrlbetl it n uretit
mnny tlim1!'. nml It elVet-t U wniitlerfnl; ntitl
would fity in rotirliiMoii tlmt I hnvo vet to ilml
a eiMoof rntHrrh that It would not nire, K they
won d take It tu con I Inn to illrpftloiis. Yours
truly, I.. I, (WIlst'cH. M. n.
Olllce. 215 Summit Mrept.
Wp will nlveHOO for nn vim' ol rntnrrh that
enu not be ciirisl with Hall's Cntnrrh Cine.
Taken internnllx.
K. J. i:llKNi:Y ,t CO., rroiirlptors.
Toledo, O.
l& Sild by dnipulxto, T5o.
Flattery imt a Muplil innu on tho hend, nnd
he wng himself.
We polthfl.v euro rupture and all rectal dis
eases without piilti or dotetitlon from business.
No euro, no pav; and no pay until cured. Ad
dress for pamphlet Drs. l'orterlleld ,t lxey, MS
Market street, tan Francisco.
It Is over to bo not Iced tlmt In Iho rare for
p-ocedetue some one mut take tho oust.
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, I.i'i'ht Flaky
lliscuit, tiriddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder doc-s such work.
The Oliitst Afediciitt in Iht World is (rctahty
Till artleiu Is it caret uTlv nitMinreii tin slclitii' nro
1 Rerlnttnn, and tins toon In eonstiuit uo 'for nearly a
century, Tliero nro few diseases to wliteh iiinuklnd
aro mliject moro dhtrtwlni! tlmn soro eyes, nnd
1 none, perunps, lor wiueii morn remoiuos linvo neon
trleil without success. Kornll oxternnl Inllnmmntl'ii
1 of lliee.ies It Is nn Infnllltilo remeily. If tho illn-e
tloiwnro folloivetl It will never full. Wo particularly
lnlto tlio atlentuni of physicians to Its merits. For
sale by nil druiTKlsts. JOlIN U THOMl'SON, SONS
& CO., Tuov, N. Y. r.9tal)ltshed 17J7.
Local or Traveling,
To soli our well-known Nursery stock. Wo want
(,'ood, lively workers, and will pny well com
. mlsslou or snlnry. Hood references required.
Apply quirk. 1 h, MAY A CO.,-Nurserymen,
8t rnul.Mlmi.
iKm nam, isi cvnis. t.
Btntes. "ACJlVtlioiiewndaynmllsh
nui can in; urti.D hvkky nt.i
is the kind thai pays. Scores of
young business men, nnd hun
dreds of book-keeners and sten-
v on
Jtj liv vL A CI.
I Soap
Win I W IA
1 J hlotrliv, oily ktn. nil
roiiRh hanil, witli
chnp. painful flintcr ends nnd chain !. nails,
and ulinple bnhy huinoM prevented and cured
by rt'Tircit.1 sow. A niareloin lieautificr of
world-wide celebrity. It Is (.imply lin i.mparablo
a a sklii-iiurilylui; oai, uneiuafeil for the toi
let and Mirhout n rivnl for the nttrmry. Abo
lutely pure, delicately medicated, ex.Ulsltely
perfumed. (TTltrit.v soap produces the whitest,
cleared skin nnd softest hands, ami prevents in
llaiumatlou and elocplnit of the ores, thecatiso
of plniilcs, black heniU and mot eoiiiplexional
dlsllKUrntlolis. hile It admits of no comparison
with the he.t of t iller skill soaps, and rivals In
delicacy the newt noted and e.penlve of toilet
and iiup-ery soap. t-'ale itreater than the com
bined sales of all oilier skin soups.
Sold throiiichoiit the world. Price, 2Te.
Send for" How to fun.- Skin and Hlood Dis
eases." Address I'ottfik Hrtrn anpCiikmic.u, Conroit
ation, proprietors, tlnslou, Ma.
Aching 9idcs and hack, wcakkldney.s and
rheumatlm rellevitl In one minute by tho
celebrated (Ttim'ra Anti-1'ain I'i.akteb.25c
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
ForFcmalo Irrcfntlar
itles; tiothiiicllkethcra
on tho market. Jiever
aiU 8uccc9fully uel
' prominent ladled
monthly. Ouarniiteeil
to relievo R.ipprctsetl
Hon't bo htimhuireed.
Savo Time, Health,
and money itake no oth
er. Bent tn anv nditrov..
necuro by mall 011 re
ceipt of price, liOO.
Western llrntich, Ilox", 1'OItTLANH, on
Sold by Wtsnov Dnpo Ho., rortland Or,
iJjyiH jJIWeaknfjsorBodysndllind, EUfds
llobu.l, .NaM nMIOOIirall; ltow tn rnlirr. tni
Mrtmclhrnm AK.IMlKVM.(ieKI)OIUUXSl'AltTSIIKllOUt tmmlllng IIOIIK 1 IIK4TJ1 tT rirnf 0U Id diy.
n.a If .Illy from &U HUt.i .nd r .rrlffn Coitnlrlrt. Urlt. tlt.ra.
Dt.rrlptl.. Hook, .ipltimtlen and proor. in.llrd (trtlrdl rr.
MaoiElo-Leathsr Roofing;.
The cheapest thine In tho market for hous.s,
barns, leelioiises and outbulldlugs. Write for
eataloAUo mid samplcK.
PACIFIC ROLL PAPER CO., Pnclfln Coast A pent
30 and !Ki First street, San Frnnelsco, Cnl.
17C nml 17 I'lrat St., Portland, Or.,
Pictures and Frames.
Pond forcataloRiio.
KOIt ONK HOI.I.AH sent us by mall, we will do
1 liver, free of all charges, to nuy person In tho
United Mates, all tho following articles carefully
narked In a neat be :
One two-ounce hotilenf I'tire Vnsellnc...10 cts.
Ono two-ounce bottlo Vnscllno l'omade...l6 "
Ono Jar of Vaseline Cold I'renm 15 "
Oliocnkuot VnsellnoCiimplior Ice 10 "
Onueakoof YiiHelluo Honp, uiibccntcd....l0 "
Ono cake of Vnsellnu Soap, see'itcd Zr "
Ono two-outico bottle of White Vatcllne.Vfi u
(it for stainim any ln!o article at tlio price mimed.
If you have oceuslun to imu Vaiellno in any furm le
careful to accept only eeniihie goeiU put up by u In
original puckues. A L'reat iimny ilitigKUts arn tr)lng to
permutilu liujera tu titka VAHHI.INH put up hy tliem.
Nerer yltld to such IH'niiasinn, an the aitlcle U an lull,
tutinn Mhhiiut value unil will nut idle you the reault you
expect. A Nittle of lllue Heal Vaseline Is sold hy all
ilriinilsts at 10 cuts
ChesebrouUh M'f'g Co.,24 State St.,New York.
Guns, Ammunition,
I'lsium; TAtiKi.r:, u-rc,
till I'iist Struet, I'ortlnnd, Oregon.
Oct one of tlio celebrated F. A. I.ooml' Doublo
Ilarrel, llreeeli-loadiiit;, bhotKuni, Top Huati, liar
Ixicks, HamnseuH Darrein, Fancy Stocks, l'ittol
Orlp and Ureeuer Trcbl WedKU Flint, la Gauge,
for 2b.
Sent by express with ffii Hrass Shells and Ho
loading Tools upon receipt of prleo.
Can bo made easily by
raising chickens. Our
larto 82-pUKe illus
trail d entaloguo telU
all aliout
Ilrooders, what to feed
chickens, In fart all
the tecreU of tlio
chicken businefcs. if
you only keep half a
dozen liens, you need
thlb book, It gives
inmo Information
than many of tho
books kold at 25 cents.
Wo send It free cm re
ceipt of I cents In
stamps to pay poutaso.
stein WAY, Gabler and Pease Paine
Meaning the 1 1 est 1'iano Mahe, and the favorite
cheaper 1'limui; all tluttcal luitruuients; llml Sup
plied; larye stock of HLtt Music. Hteimwav Haul.
200 and 203 1'imt htreet; Maitiiias OliAV (Jo. CaH
and sue our new rooms and new ttnek.
Bend to NihHIi' for your winter outfit.
Thoy have tho blroest stock of undcrclotblug.
They liavo the best boots and shoes, Thoy tiuvo
tho cheapest hosiery for everybody, Thoy have
the Kreatcfct variety of div eoodi. They have
family groceilea of all kinds. They have dried
fruit of tho new crop. Thoy have canned Kod
at wliolesalo prices. They hnvo warm uiKteu
and gloves. They have blaukU from 11.36 up.
Thoy have comforts from V0 cents each to A.
Ihoy liavo overalls of every size. Tlieypay ei-'
clal attention to all orders. Address for full
particulars and copy of Home Circle (frNi)
Nmltli'a (JhmIi Nlore, 418 I'reHt (itrMitt
Nun I'mnrliin, Oh I.
ait '
Kent free. I'ATKHJK, Jkt-lomey-Ht-Uw,
Washington. 1. 0.
&i PJ, 1 N Nfl
FiH ill I1L!
N. 1. N. U. No. 8C0-8, V, xS. U. No. 443