THE OREGON SCOUT Is iii Iepet"lent in all thines, neu ttal in nothing; devoted to every cause it believes to be right a I journal for the people. THE OREGON SCOUT Has h8 I a rue itcimilnttoti as any two papers in this section of tbo State ceinhimd, and is corre spondingly valnablo as an adver tising modiuin. Horo Will tho Press tho People's Rights Maintain. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, PKCBMHHH 2o, 1890. NO. 27. VOL. VII. The Oregon Scout An Iml-eniicrit wceklr Jomnj . luwl crery Thursday morning I y JCVNES & CJIANCEV, Publishers mid I'rnjitietora. A K Jon en, Editor. II. (!n tsi'KV) Vorenian Kiitfi of Sllli-iilplloll. One copy one ytar, One c iy s x m. uolis, One copy three mouths, jl SO J.llO .73 liiviii-litlily Cali In Aliuir. If by ehatwe nibtrriiitinnn nrr vol jxn'rl till end of yrar. tico dollars u ill be charge I. Hates o( mlti-itning m.ide knonii on application ilf Oorrefpondence from all puts of tne country solicited. AiMress n'l coiiumiiilnitiojs to the OliKuoS St-orT, tTnIon, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIKKCTOKY. UNITIU) STATP.S. President llrnjanilii Harrison of Indiana. HhfKETAHV of HTATK-Jiune J. 111.1 ne of Maine. Mkc-iiktakv or tub Tit KAiunV William lnd Jin of MlnmBo'a. . . . Suchetauv or WAIt -Uedliel' Proctor of ermont. Si.rKF.TAHV of Tim Xav -llenjjiiila K. Tuicy of New York. ,,..,. Heckktakv of the iNTF.moK- John . SMe of Missouri. . , , PoitmasTkMIenkiiAL-JoIhi Wanamakerof Perm- SATrouNEV Okneiu.-W. II. II. Miller of Indiana. HK.citF.T4RV of AnmcOLTUUB-Jesenilah Husk of Wisconsin. STATU OK OKKOilN. fj. II. Mitchell. Senators, I J. N. Dolimi. CoigreRman, - - H.mikh Hehmann. OoTeruor. - Svlvf.ster I'ksmh kk. Secretary of Si ate, - Ui.onuK . McHlilliK. htote Treasurer, - - ., d. W. Wkhii. Suiierlutendeut of PiiMIe Instruction, 1.. II. MeLuui. 8tat.lT.nter. - - - V 1; fcnpreme Judge,. W. SIXTH JUDICIAL DI8TIUOT. Circuit Judues, l'iecutlnn Attorney M. I). Clifford I jAMrrt A. Kkk. 0. K. Hviie. COUNTY OK UNION. J J. V. NOHVAI,. I J. II. It A LEV. (JOHN McALIsTEH. 1 J. A. WUIIIHT. I. N. SANIIEItS. .1. T. IIOLI.F.S. TOIINEIl J. S. Kl.LIOTT. K. O. llllI.VAIU. II. H. KTItANIIK. J. 1,, Ui'llTIN. J. I). fSUILI). Joel Weave it I Willi m Ak.nolii. I John McDo.nai.d. State Senators, Representatives, Judge Sheilff, Clerk, Kecorder Treasurer, Schcol Supeiinteijdent, Surveyor, - : Assessor, Coroner, Commissioners, CITV OK UNION. Mayor, Kecorder, Murshal. Street Commissioner, J W. Kf.snehv. 0. L. 11i, Audi Johnson. N. K. FK'KLIN. COUNCIL.MEN. J. II. OollMN. A. K Jones. H. A. l't'ltsEL. II. F. Wilson. J. H. Klliott. J. M. UA3KOLL LODGES. UNION LODOK. No 39. 1. O. O. F , MEKTrJ KVKKV Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock Q O S Miller, Secretary. GRANDE IIONDiriiNOASll'MENT. No. 11, 1. O. O. F meet! on the lirst and third Tuj--li in each month. 0. H. MILLhK. 0. P. J. II. Thompson, 8crile. OltANDE KONDK VALUIY LODCIK, No. 66, A F. & A M., meets on the fcecoud nil t fourth naturdajs eery K. W. DAVIS, V . M. K. II. linnw.v. Secretary. CIKANDK ltONDK VALLKYOII UTKR, No. 20 .11. A. M., meets first a d third Tu -lavf each month. . T , I. li 111 , 1.. II. A TURNER Olivek Secretary. Ill.TTE MOUNTAIN I.CDOK No. 28 K. OF r .meets ever, WrfuetUaiIng Q Q Turner Oliver, K. of It. & S. PRES' ESTON POST. No. 18. O. A H.. MEETS KVEHY third Saturday I JST Oloroe IIeininoer, Adjutant. CHURCHES. i m. and 7 I'. 51. of eao.i Sunday ti.. MbIIwuI jt i:ti iscopal Church holds services at 11 Itev. A. TIIOMl'SON. Acting j-ustor. eac.i rsunuay . . Services are held at the I'reshyterian Church at 11 A M and 7 1 ltev. J. 1'. MOIUIIS, l'astor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. SIIEI.TON. J- M. OAUItOI.U SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office two doon south of I'ostollice, I'nliin. On-Boii. Special a'.tentlon given to all huslness entrusted to us, It. EAK1N. J A. EAKIN, Notary I'uhllo. R. EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, Ornifon. lVompt at'entlon pUl to collections. DR. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST I Us the finest anaatbetlo for "l".1 iwiiu known to the profession. W III practice In ll the lnri,... mo.lem dentutry. Hllferanii u yi ilalty Kliw set of teeth always on hand, Flrst-cl a work and satisfaction guaranteeu. OlMre Mnln SI., Union, Or. C. II. DAY, H. D., HomoBopathlc Physician and Surgeon All CulU l'romptlr Atteinletl to. OfHco adjolnint JonM Ilroa.' sore. Can be nlghU at residence In Southwest Union. found I. N. CROMWELL, H. D PHYSICIAN !AND SURGEON Office one door south of Hummers t Layne's itorf Union, Orecou. E. N. The Co vc Drug Store JASPAR G. STEYENS, Proprietor, -DE.U.KK IN- DRUGS, Patent ffledieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. l'rest riptlons Cnrrfullr rrinirfil. -ALSO DEAM'.U IN- SPORTING GOODS, -CONBISTINC1 OF- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop In. ltllllard and pool tables for the accommodation of ciKtoiuers. ornueopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. he Finest of Wines, Cigars Always in Liquors Stock. and First-class billiard table. Drop In anil lie sociable. or Information About the South ADDHF.SS WITH STAMP. The Official Immigration Department OF FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CARL nOHINaON, Secretary. Italeigh, N. C. UnionTonsomlParlors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing In the Lasest Style of the Art. Shop two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Give me a call. City Meat Market Muln Stn-i't, t'nlon, Ort-Kon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KKK1 CONnTAMLV ON UANU Beef, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams Lard, Etc. The v " Blue 7 Light SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. Fine', 'Wines,'.' Liquors'. 'and Cigars '.' in '.' Stock. Drop In and be sociable Fine billiard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUGHTON, H. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Klt'ln, Oret'on. Alt lis promptly atten Jl to day or nl WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove, Oregon. PrafU. plana and dealfna (or dwelllngi and f urnbbbd ou appUoaUon. brldie PU THE PACIFIC COAST. An Alleged "Destroying Angel" on Trial at Ogden. The Congressional Committee on Immigra tion n Work Taking Testimony on Labor Ouestions. Seattle niul Tncomti nro now t:kaninee ports. Silver City, . M., is has leeii lnvinr baby show and incidentally a liot in consequence ot it. A 11 old miner worked out $5 worth of ne told from the sand of the Los An geles river recently. The United States Consular Agency at ancouvcr, 15. C, is to be changed into commercial agency. The nii'ic.liant of Portland are to in- estigate the discriminations against that citv by the railroads. The people of Seattle talk of raising OO.OJO toward establishing a sugar re- nery. 1'arties in nawau proiintje 10 lise'tho other .f:00,000 necessary. The teachers of Spokane Palls are on a rike. Thev have resolved that no po tion shall be accepted for le.-s than iffiO per month. The present average is !f.J0. Mrs. Elizabeth llollenbeck, widow of E. llollenbeck. at Los Angeles has seded in trust about 7r0,000 worth of roperty to found a home for indigent omen and liomeieas cnuiiren. Editor Gill of the Phamix (A. T.) lte- nJiliivin has to answer an indictment for libelinc ex-Chief-.Iu tice Wright, be sides four indictments on charues pre- rred bv ox-Governor Zuhck of the same haracter. Judeg Kibbev of the District Court as deemed me inree suns oi mjim iniiiist Hrnsius. Piiinev and Kales for he possession of tracts of land in and about the citv of Phienix, A. 1 ., against te plaintitl. The Presbvterv has erased the name f Rev. D. L. Mlinro, the Stockton min ister, who made a sensational conietsion i few fcjundavs ago, iroin rou oi uie uiin strvnnd dissolved his relations with the Stockton church. In the case of S. Alattingly against the estate of the late Thomas 11. liiytno to recover .fli'fi.OOO for commission on an arranged sale of stock of the Blue Jacket Mining Company the jury found a ver dict for the plaintiff for his claim in full. M. R. Higging of Los Angeles, a na- ivi. nf Ohio. !57 vears ot aire, has been itmointed secretary to Governor-elect Markhain, and it is stated he will con tinue in that position after Colonel Markhain assumes the duties oi ins ot iice. Governor Waterman has pardoned II lallngher, sentenced from Placer county n F.dirimrv. 1S80. to tho Stato prison for lifo for the crime of murder, and also Dennis O'Neil, sentenced from SanFran- isco n November. 188:5, for twenty years for the crime of murder. The Salt Lake Tribune has been sued for .$15,000 damages on account of an al leged libel on Father Gatien, who went to Salt Lake and old town-lot certificates in Spokane Falls, lie was said bv some Catholics to bo a fraud, and tho Tribune mentioned this. Tr n. C. O'Donnell has filed an appli cation praving for a special session of tho Superior Court to count the vote cast for Mavor of San Francitco at lato election. O'Donnell, who ran as an independent inundate, claims tnar, ne, ami not uiu ... . it... Republican candidate, is entitled to tho erection of suitable buildings for a mill n.rriw.!iti nf nleetinn. The case will bo 1 tarv post at San Diego, Cal. heard on the 15th instant. Harold Jensen and four other seamen have filed libel suits 111 tho United htates District Court at San brancisco against the American schooner Edward E. Web ster. Thev shipped lrom tniu port lor Alaska, but were put ashore at coal Har bor because they refused to go on a seal- poaching expedition to lieiiring sea. They now aemanu ineir wages. Tim CnnL'ressional Committee on Im migration took tho testimony on the Chi nese and labor questions last week of the leading citizens of Taconia. All of tho testimony was against tho Chinese. A majority ot tnoso questioned uy mu committee expressed the Dellei unit more than 1 per cent, of tho population of Taconia are now out of work. It is reported at Portland, Or., that TTnvi tino-ton houi'ht the Oreironian rail way lines for tlio Southern Pucific, but . . . T! 1 ..l.l ....4 that some oi 1110 nirectois numu m take the property, whereupon ho began extending the road with the intention of making it a transcontinental lino, wnen th Southern Pacific concluded to take tho property ofif Huntington's haiubi. nnrlni' tho month of November tho Vnrlliorn Pnc i fit; freight department at Taconia received 1!55,707,000 pounds of freight and forwarded 17,084,078, Increase over last year for same month of 111,012,- 275. The casn receipts ou Kinpiiieiim were for November, 1800, $5l),81D.:5o, and on freight received, $202,(i0:i.44, an in crease of $80,273.07 over last year'H buel nets. There aro six miles of the roadlwd of tho Tacoma and Eastern railway gruded from tho head of Commencement bay southward to tho heavy timber. The road will bo completed within sixty days, as a large portion of tho rails are now on board the Henry Villard at Seattle. Early next year a logging uiiuinos will bo commenced on a largo scale. Later a 11 will ho added to accom modate tho small settlements growing up along the line. EASTERN ITEMS. Vermont's Legislature Passes the Australian Ballot Hill. The Farmers Movement In Said to Have Swept Wave of l:ire. Nebraska Is Like a Jav Go Id's stock purchases during a few weeks are over hM00,000. Uncertain State legislation is all'ecting business enterprises in Nebraska. Seats tion the New York Stock Ex change can be bought cheaper than ever before. The penitentiaries of Texas havo con- j tributed $71,000 to the Stato treasury tho past year. Schaefer defeated Slosson in the bill iard match at New York, the bcoro stand ing 800 to 000. August Pelmont'fl stud of racing horses is to lw sold to comply with the banker's will. Shares of stock in the Louisiana lot tery have fallen from if 1,400 to a little less than $400. Tho report of tho Commissioner of Pensions shows that 21,000 pensioners died last year. Henry George's newspaper, tho New York Standard, is likely to go under for I want of patronage. The police census of Baltimore makes the population 455,427, or 21,270 more than the Federal census. At Texarkana, Tex., a large number of colored voters, it is said, were auctioned oil at a county-scat election. j Internal-revenue receipts for the llscal i year 1800 amounted to over $142,000,000, ! against $1152,000,000 for 18S0. j Tho addition to our currency since August II! bv tho issue of silver certili cates is something over $10,000,000. An English syndicate oilers to estab-, lish a big cannon foundry in Alabama if tho government will guarantee business. The Board of Managers of the Swarth more (Pa.) College has elected William Dudley Field to the Presidency of the college. The United Statei has paid oil" $0!0, (!00,000of its debt since 1880, or more than one-half. Tho nation now owes $02:5,000,000. A monument to tho Confederate dead is to bo erected at Pensacola, Fla. It will cost upward of $5,000, and will be about forty-six feet high. In Eastern Montana, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota heavy snows aro re ported, with tho temporaturo ranging from 0 to 2a degrees a novo zero. It is proposed to consult tho Toronto ratepayers as to the disposal of the street-railway franchise, plant and prop orty at the next municipal elections. An order cutting down oxpenses will throw 100 more men at Omaha In tho Union Pacific odice out of employment. The reduction in the past few days has beon 200 men. A eon of the lato General E. O. C. Ord 1ms recently been promoted from the ranks in tho United States army to bo a I Second Lieutenant, and some dissatis faction is expressed. Representative Vnndevor has intro duced a bill making an appropriation of $700,000 for the purchapo of land and tho iUl. UIIIJ lllliu ikiuiciin i Alliance people elected a Judge who never studio law, but they havo also XTn A..1, I..,..,. 4lw, I.-nticna TT,i r.iinfu elected four Prosecuting Attorneys who a e not niemlwrs of tho bar. A number of St. Louis wholesale liq uor-dealing and compounding firms havo combined against tho trust and formed the Central Distilling uompany, and win go into tho distilling business. Representatives of tho principal smelt ers of tho country met in Chicago re cently to form a combination to prevent such wide and rapid fluctuations in prices as the business is subject to. The President has directed tho removal of Joseph II. Wilson, United Mates Dis- trict Attorney for tho Eastern District of " 11 ' 1 i.i I.... r Texas on 1110 grounu 01 ihh iiegiuct 01 1 d ty IlUd lliaucuiiun 10 numv iiuun-nin, C. P. Huntington expresses himself as well satisfied with tho changes made in the Pacific Mail Board of Directors. Ho also looks upon Gould's co.itrol of the Union Pacific as favorable to his inter ests. In tho will of the lato millionaire leather merchant, I). II. Fayerweather, who died at Ithaca, N. Y., $fOO,000 out riulit and $100,000 provisionally aro le- 1 . 1 t 11 1! ... ....1.11.. I..l,a,,ti. i I lieved to havo Ikjou left to tho Cornell University. Tho records show that from July 4, 1770. to June .'50, 188(1, tho Indians cost tho government $021).2:!0,000, or about $1,Q00 for every one of that race in tho country at tho time of the first white settlement. There is a project to construct a ship canal across Now Jersey from the Dela ware river to the Atlantic. Tho scheme was first suggested by merchants of Philadelphia, who desire a shorter water route to New York. Tho introduction of complicated weap ons on eaillesH men-of-war demands a change in the trnining-of crews, and the subject promises to show great diversity of opinion between naval officers, many of whom think therods no further need of crews of sailors. FOREIGN NEWS. Americans Buying Grazing Linds in Mexico. A Paris Newspaper Says That the Pope is in Pavor of a Union of Church ami State. Americans have bought 500,000 ncrcs of grazing land on tho Itio Grande, State of Coahuila, Mexico. The small-pox epidemic is raging all over Salvador. New cemeteries are be ing provided in which to bury the dead. Lc Poir of Paris states that the Pope will xlmrtlv iiinkn n ilollniln Htiiti'lnmit in favor of Cardinal Lavigerio's policy of the union of church and state, 'lhe Panal Nuncio has reuuest'd ltishop Freppel to cease his oxtremo opposition to the Republic. England's military garrison in Ireland is numerically larger than the regular army of the United States. On and after January 1 next Callao will bo the only port through which opium will be allowed to be imported into Peru. The great money lottery of tho city of Hamburg, Germany, is bidding to lo the successor in this country of tho great Ixjuisiana lottery. Advices from tho Congo Free State report tho natives are still rebellious and lighting is going on between them and the forces of tho State. Yearling prices havo risen in England to the point that a Mr. Marshall coolly advertises a yearling filly by Ormonde, from Sereno b"y Hermit, for 4 ,000 guineas. A dispatch says that an English war vessel has gone to Now Hebrides to punish natives lor an act of cannipalisin, two men, an English trader and his son, having been killed and eaten on 0110 of tho islands. Tho iolice of Amsterdam havo made another raid on tho Socialists and seized hundreds of revolutionary manifestoes and posters. It is believed a widespread conspiracy against the government has been checked. Two hundred and sixtv-soven barrels of gold, worth altogether $7,140,000, re cently passed through Kojnigsburg from St. Petersburg for Loudon. Tho money was packed in three ars, and was at tended by a military escort. I The Russian Minister of tho Interior has issued an edict making compulsory 1 for overv householdor in villages to havo Itwo rows of trees planted around his i house. This is to prevent tho numerous destructive tires in small towns and vil 1 lages. President Carnot has signed tho bill granting to Greece tho benefits of tho most favored nation clause until Febru ary, 1805, on condition that Greece re ciprocates by admitting Irjneli wines free and reducing tho duties on laces 75 per cent, and on velvets 50 per cent. Tho Snanish iroverninont has ordered tho erection of a now and first-class liihthotiBO at Cane Yillano in order to movent freuuent wrecks that occur oil" that coast. Tho present light is of an inferior class, and tho loss of H. M. S. Serpent is ascribed to tho dimness of a beacon. The Enrl of Lathom is building in the Islo of Man a tower ton stores high, each story of which will he consecrated to 11 stiocial usane. One will bo a thea ter, another a restaurant, still another a concert room, and tho tops ory an obser vatory, capped by a lighthouse. Tho whole edifice will cost !f-iuu,uuu. Two persons in tho disguiso of peas ants, who were arrested for loitering 111 the vicinity of AnnitchkoH' palace, in St. l'l'tersburir. proved to bo secretly armed. and 0110 of them is suspected of being tho Nihilist conspirator Kalchkofif, who recently escaped from prison Josef de Navarro, tho ox-inilllonairo builder of tho Navarro Flats and tho father-in-law of Mary Anderson, was taxed recently upon $10,000 personal property. This was remitted by tlio court at Now York on his statement that t... ! t .. ..ti. ., .i.n ,i,wi iiiwi rnnnn ho is not worth a dollar and had $50,000 in judgments against him. An official census has establish! d the fact that there existed in Russia, in E rope, in Poland and in CaucastiH 180,872 blind personBof both sexes 94,500 males and 1)5,810 females whereas thore aro onlv 188.812 blind persons in tho whole of Western Europe and 22,401 in the New World. Sir Mackenzie "Wallaco, chief of tho British stall accompanying tho Czaro- witz on his Indian tour, has arrived in Euvnt on his way to Itombay. Sir Mac- kouzin will act as tho Queen's represent ative in introducing the Czarowitz to tho native rrinces, auu win accompany nun on all occasions. Tho North Metropolitan Tramway of London has completed the orcanizat on of a society for tho benefit of its thousands of employes, ino company pears all tlio olllco expenses. Each meinler of the society subscribes (1 ponco weekly. If one is sick or disabled, 2 shillings and (j ponce a day for thirteen weeks, and half Uu amount tor tnirieen wcckb ioiiow int.'. with free medical attendance. given, Tho company has given the ho ciety a start wltn a coinripuiion 01 Jti 000, Membership la not compulsory, PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Dull and unchanged. Quote: Valley, $1.20(il.2'JS ; Walla Walla, $1.10 5tl.l2'. Tho foreign cargo market rules quiet but steady. Liverpool futures aro firmer. Fi.oi'it The market is steady. Quote: Standard, :5.O0?4.O0; Walla Valla, $15.00 (Eli.M) per barrel. Oats Tho market is firm. Quote: White, i0e; gray, 58c per bushel. Mu,t.sTiTFKs The market is steady and quiet, with light shipping demand. Quote: Bran, $21; Shorts, $24; Ground Barley, $152.50; Chop Feed, $25 per ton. Hay The market is steady. Quote: $10(ifl8 per ton. Ykoktaiu.ks Tho market is firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.2501.50 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 per dozen; Celery, Bile per dozen ; Onions, 2?.l(iM!c per pound; Carrots, $1 tier sack; 15eets, $1.50 per sack; Turnips, ?1 per .sack; Tomatoes, "0o per 1hx; Potatoes, $l(irl.lO per cental ; Sweet Potatoes, 2,'i.e per jkmiiiI ; squash, $2 per cental. Fitinrs Tho market is steady. Quote: Tahiti Oranges, $: per Ikjx; Sicily Lem ons, $7.50(?8 per case; Pears, lx-c per pound ; Apples, (0(L185e per lxx ; Grajies, if 1.25 per box; Pineapples, $:5.504.00 per dozen; Bananas, $.'!((74 per bunch; Quinces, $1.25 per lxx. Nuts Quote: California Walnuts, 17lc; other varieties, l.'lo; Peanuts, 12c; Almonds. 17e; Filberts, 1415c; new Brazils, 20c per pound ; Cocoanuts, $1 per dozen. CiiiiKsu The market is steady. Quote: Oregon, 13(!$14e; California, 10o Young America. 14(15c per pound. Bi"rri:it Market is firm, with steady prices. Quote: Oregon fancy cream ery, 40042,(.c; fancy dairy, J57c ; fair to" good. 27!u0'!i0c; common, 22)(if25e; choice California, :57,laC per pound. Funs Tho market is firm. Quote: Oregon, IiO(?H2c; Eastern, 25((?27;io per dozen. PouiruY Ducks nro steady, while Turkeys and Geeso aro rather weak. Quote: Old Chickens, $:5.504.00; young, $2.50Ct4.00; old Ducks, 0(iU.5u; voting, $7; Geeso, $0fi$10 per dozen; Turkeys, I2V3C per pound. Naii.k Base quotations: Iron, f 15.20; Steel, $:5.:J0; Wire, $3.00 per keg. Shot Quote: $1.85 per sack. Tlio MorcliuiulUo Murltot. Sunars have advanced. Canned goods. 'caches, Apricots, String Beans and Sar nies havo advanced. Costa uiea iOiieo and Coll'eo have advanced. Suoahs Tho market is firm. Quote: Golden C, 6c ; extra C, Mho; dry gran- lated. 7iiie; cube crushed and pow dered, 73o per pound. Ditii:p Fiturrs Tho market is nrni. Quoto: Italian Prunes. 12.14c; Pe te and German Prunes, 10c per pound; Raisins, $2.75 per box: Pluminor-dnetl Pears, 11(S 12'je; sun-dried and factory 'lulus, liouzc: evaporated reacnes. lo; Kmvrna 1'iirs, i40loo; uaiuornia rigs, 9e per pound. Ukans rno marKot is iirm. wuohj: mall Whites, 3!&4e; Pink, 3?c; Hayos, 4?a'c; Butter, 3c; Limits, 6o per pound. Oannkd Goons Market is firm. Quoto : Table fruits. $2.25, 28 ; Peachos, 2.50; Bartlett Pears. WW. riuma. i.uo; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $22.50; Blackberries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; 'ineapples, $'.70; Apricots, ifz uu. no fruit: Assorted, $4.00 per dozen; Peaches, 1.50; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, l.- er dozen. veuoiauies: uoni, i.zv 01.50. according to quality; Tomatoes, 1. 15(u:5.60 : Sugar l'eas, l.-lUMl.wi: String Beans, $1.10pordozon. Fish : Sal mon, $1.2501.50; sardines, 80c$1.50; lobsters, $203 ; oysterp, $202.75 per doz. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75; Chamiiio-j, $0 per case. l'KJKI.KS .JUOlO: fl.lDG os; !.: IW. Salt Quote: Liverpool, $17, $18, $10; stock, $11012 per ton m carload lota. Coal on. wuoto : per case. CitANiiKituiKH Quote: Wisconsin, $9.50; Capo Cod, $10.50 per barrel. Cokkhh uuoto: uosta men, zjo; Rio, 25V.c; Arbucklo's, roasted, 2Uo per pound. hick uuoto: ju.ou per sacn or iw pounds. Hoi's Tho market is dull and easier for inferior products. Tho innrkcta at, homo and abroad show no change. Quoto: Nominally. 3O033o per pound. limits uuoto: Dry Hides, eoiecteu prime, 882C, Ke less for culls; greon. selected, over 55 pounds. 4c; under 56 pounds, oc ; Biieop roits, snort wooi, au 050c: medium. 00080c; iomr. 90c $1.25, shearlings, 10020c; Tallow, good to choice, ;i03j,e. Wool Tlio market la steauy ana de mands slow. Quoto: Valley, 1020c; Eastern Oregon, 10010c per pound. Tho Aleut Alurket. Tho meat market ia firm. Quote: Beef Li vo, 2j3c; dressed, Oe. Mutton Live, 3Jc; dressed, 07c. Hogs Live, 4)65jc; dressed, 6j,u. Veal 508c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. BMOKKP MUATB AND LA HP. The market 1h firm. Quotations: East ern llama. 13014c: Breakfast Ba con, 11011HCJ Sides, 0010c; Lard, 8 10c per pound. The Deceived Conchinoa. A Family Coachman, who was Driving tb Master and Mistress on his flint trip, shaded , tho wheels off of two Privoto Carriages, tab bed n Grocer 'a horse, uud crowded suvwai Vehicles to tho Curbstouo to Escape him. lis was about to run over a Polack with 10,800 foot of Lumber on his back when a Pollcwanu Arrested him (or Iteckloaa Driving, and tii Master observod that it Served blm right. "But it is your Fault i! Protected tb Driver. "Why, I have not Bald a Word." "That la truo, but you failed to Inform n u wo started out that you did not own. tb AVbolo Earth, ami 1 have been DrivlajC Aa cordiugty." MORAL! It ia a Mean Trick to Deceive a latitat Manner. -Dtrott fru Pre