The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 18, 1890, Image 6

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The Athena Trees lms been changed
to a scmi-wcckly, This action on tho
part of tho nianngomont is commond-
Tun Christmns number of Tho Wal
lowa Chieftain, if tho expectations of
tho publisher do not fail, will bo a raro
literary treat. A well written history
of Wallowa county will occupy part of
the fourteen pages that will comprise
tho issue.
Tiik assessment of property in Oregon
for this year will probably bo from
$0,000,000 to $10,000,000 larger than
it was m loaii. If tho other counties
in tho State could have shown as great
a gain in. wealth for time as Union
county, tho sum total would have
reached nearly live limes that amount.
Bishop Wamcek, of tho dioceso of
Minnesota, is having built at the Pull
man Palace car works n niintiltirc
church on wheels. It is proposed t
make regular visits to all tho small
villages along tho lino of tho railroad
that arc loo por to support n minister.
This odd church will comfortably seat
abodt sovonty peoplo.
Whiles tho red men aro Hocking
about a man whom thoy claim to lie
Messiah, and indulging in ghost dan
ces in his honor, a party ol people
called tho pre-millenialislH havo gath
ered together in New York in annual
convention and aro predicting Iho
speedy coining of tho Lord. In this
instance the Indians havo got ho
start of tho pre-niillenialisla.
The Kansas farmer who was olected
a district judgo will lake a sixty days
cour30 at Ann Arbor University to lit
himself for tho bonch. It used to bo
con8idejcd thut, beside an elementary
legal education, it required tho "lucu-
orations oi iwoniy years" to mako a
man a judgo; but tho farmors allianco
of Kansas has squashed all that old
lasinoncd nonsense, mm inoy aro per
fectly light, What is needed is more
good common sense and less law.
Tin: character of Iago is moro heart
ily despised than any other portrayed
1 rt t i .
ny onaKcspcaro, aim yet it is not an
unfamiliar character. Tho crafty, cun
ning, treacherous, hypocritical, unscru
pulous, lying and cruel attributes of
Iago arc frequontly combined in inon
wo nieot overy day. Thoy aro soon
found out, howovor, and receive tho
contempt thoy deserve. A man is lia
ble to bo injured by having anything
to do with them, oven in tho capacity
of an onomy.
The reckless pension policy of tho
Harrison administration is in a fair
way to bankrupt tho govorninont.
About tho first thing to occupy tho at
tention of congress will bo tho pension
deficiency bill. 1 1 will call for upwards
of $(10,000,000, and when tho now pen
sion laws go into cfleot noxt year it
will require an appropriation of ovOr
$100,000,000. It should bo romotn-
bored that tho grcatorpnrt of this largo
sum nover reaches tho deserving sol
dier, his widow or his orphans.
Anyone who will tako tho troublo to
visit tho recorders oflloo and look ovor
tho deeds filed from day to day, might
mako Homo interesting observations,
No two deeds aro aliko except they
come from tho samo office. Nearly
ovory law firm has a form dillerent.
from his follow practitioners, Othor
States regulato tho form of deed of gen
eral warranty ami tho result is i uni
formity very desirable Then printed
rocordn aro brought into uso and timo
and labor saved and many a lawsuit
proventcd. Thero is muoh need of a
deed blank which would bo used ox
clusively, and this with othor matters
will probably occupy tho attention of
tho lcgifclaturo of, 1891.
.Tuixii: Fee is rapidly growing in
popular favor, as a conscientious and
ablo judgo, among tho lawyers and
litigants uh well us tho taxpayers of tho
eixtli judicial district. Speaking of
tho recent term of court hold in Bakor
county, at which Judgo Too presided,
tho Bakor City Democrat Fays : "Cir
cuit court for Bakor county has beon
in session two weeks, and a very lengthy
docket has been disposed of in an ex
peditious uud economical nuumor.
Hon. Jns. A. Pec, judgo prodding, is
epokon of In tho highest turnu of pruioo,
not only by tho bar but by the loading
citizens throughout tho country. His
opinion us a jurist as well as his iuo-
outivo ability aro in accord with tho
txpyers of linker county.
Amos K Jonks.
Tub Rosoburg Review says: "For
president of tho United States, Grover
Cleveland ; for vicc-presidont, Sylvester
1'ennoyer. That is a ticket that would
go in upon a tidal wavo of enthusiasm.
Tho people are tired of tho hypocrisy
of republicanism by which monopo
lists nro enabled in tho name of pro
tection to rob tho laborer and produ
cer. Tho peoplo demand an honest
government economically adminis
tered and that taxes should go into
the public treasury and not into the
pockets of Carnegie, Wannamakcr and
other blood suckers."
Oun editorial sanctum is given to
hospitality. No person is any more
welcome, however, than ono who brings
an item of news even though it con
cerns himself. To make this business
successful an editor of a weekly news
paper is compelled to devote most of
his time to work insido tho office. IIo
naturally considers overy man who
furnishes him with an item to maks
his columns more newsy and interest
ing, as a benefactor. Wo hope that
none of our roudcrs will feel tho least
hesitancy in visiting our office or ap
proaching us on the street with a re
quest to publish such an item. Tho
moro interest wo causo you to havo in
tho paper tho moro welcome will its
visits bo.
EvKitY State and territory in tho
Union should pass stringent tramp
laws. In this way tho nuisance may
be abated to a certain extent if not en.
tircly obliterated. Tho law recently
enacted by tho legislature of Iowa for
tho caro and punishment of these indo
lent individuals is a good one and will
undoubtedly havo tho desired eH'oct of
cither ridding that State of their ob
noxious presence or transforming them
into wido awako and energetic people.
It provides that any malo person six
teen years of ago or ovor, who is phy
sically ablo to work, who is wandering
about begging or idle, and who can
not snow reasonable enorts to secure
employment, shall bo doomed a tramp
sent to jail and put to hard work.
In am. probability tho voters of tho
United Stato will havo tho pleasure of
voting for the two undoubted leaders
of their respective parties in 1892.
binco tuo present session ol congress
convened a careful investigation of tho
feelings of Iho loading republicans dis
closes tho fact that Bluino is almost the
unanimous choice of tho republicans.
It is ovon said that but ono man, Treas
urer Huston, predicts tho nomination
of Harrison in 1S92. It is equally ccr
tain that Hill will accept the senator-
boat from Now York which leaves Mr.
Cleveland a clear Hold for tho nomina
tion. No ono pretends to disputo tho
fact that these two aro shrewd men and
tho leadors of their respective parties,
and tho raco, if made, will bo strictly
on tho merits of tho two platforms.
Tho personal fight was niado in 188-1.
County otficors in tho State of Wash
ington elected in November, will as
sumo their duties under tho now law,
which fixes salaries, and will turn tho
fees ovor to tho county. In most cases
tho salaries aro ridiculously low where
capable services aro domandod by tho
public. Yet tho law is a stop in tho
right direction. Thoro aro counties in
this Slate whero feos received by county
officers aro out of all proportion to tho
work of tho incumbent. A law which
provides that each county ollicor, now
paid by fees, mako quarterly reports of
his receipts and expenditures to tho
county commissioners, and bo allowed
to return only a fair compensation for
his own services ay from $1,000 to
$7,000 por year, might solvo tho prob
lem, Tho balance turned into the
county troaaury would bo quito
item in some cases,
Eastern Orogon'a Products.
Wo glean tho following from Tho
Dalles Times Mountaineer: Until
within tho past fow years Eastern Oro-
gon was known only for its boundloss
pastures ; but recontly its exports of
wool and wheat has placed it in tho list
of tho most produoiivo portions of tho
northwost. For some timo past wool
raised in this portion of Oregon has
found its way into tho Boston market,
and wheat raised east of tho Cascades
has been sold at a good ilguro in Liver
pool. Tho only means of transporta
tion has been tho ono lino of railroad,
audas thooultivation of aeroago has in
creased theso havo apparently decreased
until tho present season thousands of
ton of whoat aro exposod to tho ele
ments. Tho emergency has arisen
when tho Inland Empiro should do
something to help herself, and tho
available romcdy is by water commu
nication with tho oooan. Every town
tributary to tho Columbia thould com
bine to put on a fleet of boats to move
our products to scabonnl, As soon nu
his isdono tho government will im
derstand our needs and will give us
liberal appropriations for tho improve
ment of the great artery of commerce
for tno northwest tho Columbia.
When it is known that wo havo an out
let for our productions, capital will bo
attracted in this direction, and tho de
velopment of our natural resources
will begin in earnest. Thcso matters
arc worthy tho consideration of our
citizens, and will be stimulativo of fu
ture progress and prosperity.
Of School District Number s, Union, Un
ion County, Oregon.
The assessment of said district having
been completed by the clerk thereof for the
year 1800, and tho same having been re
turned to tho board of directors on this
10th day of December, 1800, notice Is hereby
glyen that the directors of said district will
sit as aboard of equalization on said assess
ment upon the 20th day of December, at 2
p. m. A. D. 1890. and will moot at tho city
hall in tho city of Union, Union county,
All persons deeming themselves aggrieved
by said assessment will give attention to
this notice, and attend and present their
objections to the board at tho time before
Dated at Union, Oregon, Dec. 10, ISO-j.
School Clerk.
DANonitoos rritaATxvrs.
A City rolIcoinau'H Kxpcrlenco.
Mineral pllta mid drnatlo purgatives so Irritate
tho mucous coatings of tho stomneli nml tioweh,
that thoy often leavo tho system in worso con
dition tli nu before. In not tliolr cathartic no
tion Is dno to tholr irritation. Tho danger at
tending their steady uto Is apparent. Tho now
Inxotlvo prluclplo In Joy's Vcgetablo Snranparllla
jots Its cathartic action by Increasing tho mu
cous sccrotlons gently stimulating tho stom
ach. It Is pur ' ly vegetable, does not loso Its
effect, is effective and absolutely safo to bo taken
occasionally or contlnonsly by tho most dolicate
persons. n..- viiinnn i .nii v nwi.
VI... I 1 H V.l 1 11 1 ...U nuVITM
pollco officer ot No. 1820 Howard
St., San Francisco, writes: "Af
ter my own oxporlonco I firmly
bollovo that Joy's Vegotabla
Sorsapnrllla will euro tho most
obstlnato cases ot constipation.
Although cured I am still ta
king It, and nover had my system so thoroughly
regulated. By Increasing or diminishing th
dose ono has absoluto command over hlmeell
with this valuable remedy."
I have been troubled many years with
disease of the kidneys and have tried
many different remedies and hare
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About the 15th of April
I was suffering from a very violent
attack that almost prostrated me in
cnrli n innnnrr tuat I was bent over.
When I sat down it was almost impossible for me
to get up alone, or to put on my cioiuen, wni
k nil Proi( ence sent UT. iieiucy, wmi
hotel. I immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, ami to the aston
ishment of all the guests at the hotel,
in a few days.I am happy to state,
that I was a new man. I will!
recommend the tea to all afflicted
as I have been.
c. a. TurrijR,
I'roprlctor Occidental Hotel,
Sauta Kosa. Cal.
Treasurer's Notice.
All County Warrants pre
sented and not paid prior
to November 12, 1885, will
bo redeemed to that date.
Interest eeascs December
10, 1890.
County Treasurer.
Union, Or., Dee. 10, 1800.
At Wright's hall, Union,
Thursday Evening:,
Tho best of Music has been Secured for
tho occasion, and an excellent supper will
bo served at tho CENTENNIAL HOTEL,
and will ho gotten up under the personal
supcrvlson of Mr. Al Goodbrod, tho inero
mention of whoso nnmo making it certain
that a dainty collation will bo spread upon
his tables.
Tickets, X!f $2.50.
Oko. H.uiid, Manager. 12-13-t,1.
and Rcmstcrcd
Clyde, Shire, Pcr
chcrou & Nortumi
For f-tinj C-100 to
?'.K)U e Ii.
Tlii ww time la Imy i.i oniei
to luve iSom ilect'y ceh
uuied lar naxi teaiou, and vrc
rnu I icll in otutr to male
ruuM new iir;rtatlwi-Tho
licipht on n lit .a la Por'-Un J,
Oicsua in only SUO.
Every nninul fully WatrJtitid. TeitiuEaty. tknJ
fjr Caulojus. Adthett
Dr. Vabrhs I; Co.,
Vtertown, Whw
VVfOOl) WANTED. l'arttcs desiring to
pay their liulehtcduoss to this paper,
In wood, can now do no.
IjumNisiiEi) itooMs von hunt,
? Mm M, J. Qliuncoy. Corner Second and
It St. Union, Oregon, 7-17-tf,
in 1
1 .
Who have tbo most select stock ever brought to Union, consisting of
Fine Albums, Picture Frames, Plush Sets, Celuloid Sets,
and the best Lot of Holiday Books and Bibles Ever Displayed in this City.
Dolls, Buggies, Wagons, Sleighs and Toys of all Descriptions,
In fact everything you want for holiday presents.
Don't fail to call and see our stock. Wo will treat yon right, 12-4-w4.
Frank Bro's. Implement Co.,
lie "ELI" My How Cft
All late improved farm implements and machinery, barb wire and
feed mills. Every implement warranted, and
prices to suit the times.
Know ve that whereas on tno Join uiy oi
Mnv rsfiO. thiTfl filed In the clerk's
ofllcc of tho county ot Union, a chattel
mnrh.n(rn Iwinrini flfltft Ctt that dflY. IllfMlG
by James Robbins aud Isaac Curry the
J ... i. . i . 1.1 T TT!II . 1.
parties ot tne nrsi pari, ami iu. u. um, iuc
party of the second part, whereby the
nnrtma nf ilm (!rut n-irt. ninrtpu'Tt'd to the
party of the second part, one Clydesdale
.stallion named "Dominion," style No. 854,
t lvdesuale SUM .hook oi i.annuu, uuiur.
bay, star in face, white hind feet; foaled
t 11 I88fl nml wliii-h innrtirace was
to secure the sum of ?800.00 according to
the tenor ot two certain notes aim in
lit nt Ion nor punt, nnr nnntitu. : one of
said notes being payable Nov. 1, 18S0 for
fciOO.OO and the other for $500.00 payable
Nov. 1. 1800, . . .
And, whereas, under and by virtue ot tne
law In such case made and provided, the
MtunL-nf Union delivered to
mo the undersigned, therifVof Union coun
ty, uregon, a eeriinea copy ui stun uiann
mortgage, and by endorsement on such
copy, stated that it was tne owner oi wie
notes described in said mortgage, and
directing me to take tho property de
scribed in said mortgage and sell the
samo as provided in said mortgage, and
I i.nvlno in tn snnb order taken
said property into my posscssiou. and it
being proviucu lnsaiu inungiiKu
i . . . --1,1 .ftn. itiviiip nnp
proporiv may uu aum
i. o "!,.,. nt cnnli inln (n 11 iiewsoancr
published in tho county of Union aud State
or Oregon. . ,
I hereby give notice that on Monday, tho
6th dav of January, 181)1, at 2 o'clock p. m.
..r .l,. T ...ill cnll ii 1 Mm rli'llt. title
ui Film uuj ' . . .
and interest of James Robbins and Isaac
Curry or either ol mem, m uhu iw mu
abovo described property. ;
Tho sale will tako place at tho stable' of
W. K. llowkcr.on Main street in tho town
of Union, in Union county, State of Ore
gon, atpublic auction. for goiucom muauu,
to tno iiignest ami uesi uiunur.
Dnted at Union this the 10th day of De-
comber, 1890. . , ,
1'jy W. R. Ushek. deputy. 12-18-w2
Stato of Oregon, county of Unto"! I
Novcmbor 10. ISOO.f
To John Nolen:
You are hereby notlflrd that I havo ex
pended ono hundred dollars in labor and
improvements on the '"Flying Dutchman"
quartz lndo, situated in Granite mining
district, Union county, Oregon, as will ap
pear by cortulcato tiled noveiuuer iu. imw,
and recorded in Rook B of quartz claims,
page 220, in tho ofllce of tho recorder of
said county, in order to hold said premises
under tho provisions of section 2324 revised
statutes of tho United States, being the
amount required to hold tho same for the
ear eiuling uccoinuer ;n, isiw, unu u wiwi
n ninntv ilnvtt nftnr this notirn bv nublica-
tion you fail or refuse to contribute your
portion of such expenditure, ami of other
expenditures for which you aro legally
bound as co-owner, your Interest in said
claim will become the property of tho nib
senber under said secilon 2324.
ll-13.13t QEOUUK W. FEIt&IKS.
J.1 persons concerned that tho under
signed has been regularly appointed ad-
...l. - . lin.l.u M
lllllll9iiUlUI UI (lid C91RIC III I. IlitllU llVi-
Lean. deceased All nertons having claims
against fald estate tire notified to present
tho same, duly verified, to the undersiened
ndmlnistrator within six months from the
dato of this notice, at his re.-ldenco in North
Powder, Union county, Osegon.
UatiMi tnis-Miu uay ot ovemiMir. ifw.
11-20-w5 Administrator.
131OY0LKS VOU SAI.K.-Ono 60 Inch,
.1 J full nli-ki'l. uml nun 48 inch standard
tlni.h, Knquiro nt this otUce. 7-17-tf.
m In Im in
Have now on hand and receiving the nicsst assortment of
JrlolidLay -
Ever brought to Union, consisting of everything in that line possiblo to mention
in detail, purchased cntirc'y iu iho BASTKKN MAUKKl'S
we aro enabled to sell them
. All are cordially invited to
Call and
Whether you
Ordera f rom a distance solicited and
See Them
wish to buy or not.
promptly attended to.
JONES RUOS., Union, Oregon.