The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 18, 1890, Image 5

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rely woman In an nnslf-rn land
,nce wayl a kingdom with lu-t slender hand;
Her burdens hearv err and eictM net down.
Upon her brow there prcswl a irweit-d crown
Toocumhersome for it tender noting place.
TheROlden neiehl adorned a wearv face.
Bbe cried "I nave irrowti Unit of my power
It neemeth more uubeurunie each hour
"Let some one coins that I may crown htm ting.
Within nis hand he must a guerdon urina
That shall by tar my uoundlt wealth exceeil
So. baring It, I'll leel uo othw need "
Her wish waa Known, and lo rrom far and near
Tbcre thronged around het poot. prineeaiid peer,
Wim oftenuR of duzillim beauty wrought
In wondrous shapes and with deep meanlncs
They laid their gift down humbly at her feet,
Bbe sighed Ala I llnd them incomplete.
Within these sparking stones no solace lies:
1 dream of wealth revealed In human eye."
Morn after morn a suppliant went away
Until there came unto her throne one day
A man with empty hands, yet noble face
And form of matchless mold and peerless gmce.
The queen looked up and asked MVbal etrt hast
To tender for the crown upon my brow-?"
He gazed within her eye and naught replied.
Bbe crowued bitu. saying 'I am atitled
New Orleans fieayuno.
Steeds Renowned In History.
Beside the mythical horsi-s there were
real steeds that are renowned in history
Alexander's charger, Huivplmlud. 19
Kiiuwn to every ucnooi noy Ho re
ceived after death the honor of a mauso
leum, und the city ot Bucephala was
named tlfter him. Celer. the horso of
the Emperor Verus, wad also honored
with a mausoleum in the Vntican ulter
his death, and while living was led upon
almonds and raisins, clothed with royal
purple, and stahled in the ialnee. The
horse of Caligula. Incitatus, was still
more highly honored while living Ho
was made priest and counselot ate from
an ivory manger, and drank wine trom
a golden pail. F. S. Hasaett in Globo
Democrat. Diamonds from the Sky.
Meteoric stones that sometimes fall to
the earth are the objects of special study
and thorough examination by scientific
men. They are all similar in their com
bination of material or substance. But
occasionally new lacts are developed. In
one 6toue were found organic remains
showing the former existence of animal
life. In another that tell in Siberia Sept.
4, 1880. weighing about four pounds,
were found small diamonds. A small
fragment of the stone was sent to Mr
George F Kunz, who is with Tiffany &
Co., New York. lie found minute dia
monds that were real 6tones, because
they would scratch sapphires, diamonds
being tho only substance that can pro
duce a scratch on the polished surface of
a sapphire. Now York Star.
A .Sixteenth Century Map.
In the National library at Paris there
is a Spanish globo 50 years old, on
which tho Congo follows in a remarkable
manner the course now given to that
river on the maps. All tho best maps in
tho Sixteenth century showed tho Congo
as rising In tho lake far inland, while in
this century we first tried to identify the
Congo with tho Niger, and then for many
years made it flow north. Chicago
A New York lawyer propounded a
hypothetical question of 872 words.
We call the attention of those suffering with
dropsy to the fair proposition of Dr. II. II. (Srceu
AHohs in their advertisement mi this page. Try
them; It costs you nothing to do so.
A Texas man hat a beard seven fet long, and
a foot and a half will be added to it before we
get through wltb our Texas exchanges.
1'II.KSI 1'II.KSl 1'II.KS!
Dr. W lllams' Indian I'lle Ointment will cure
Blind, llleedliig and Itching Piles when all other
ointments have failed. Itabsoros the tumors
allays tho itching at onto, arts as u pouliioe,
gives Instant relief. Dr. Williams' India Pile
Ointment is prepared only for Piles and Itching
of the private parts, and nothing elMS Every
box is warranted. Sold bv druggists, or sent by
mall on receipt of price. 0c an $1 per box.
Proprietors, Olovclaud, 0.
Tho government of Porn has imposed
a prohibitive tax on imported lard. The
nowH of this move created quite a stir
on the New York Produce Exchange, as
Peru takes .foOO.OOO worth of the best
quality of lard from this city yearly.
Copyright, ISM.
A departure
from ordinary methods has long
been adopted by tho makers of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
They know what it can do and
they guarantee it. Your money
is promptly returned, if it fails to
benefit or euro in all diseases arising
from torpid liver or impuro blood.
No better terms could bo asked for.
No better remedy can bo had.
Nothing elso that claims to bo a
blood-purifier is sold in this way
because nothing elso is 'liko tho
G. M. D." ....
So positively certain is it in its
curative effects as to warrant its
makers in selling it, as they aro do
ing, through druggists, on trial !
It's especially potent in curing
Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, Ery
sipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Soro
Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and
Enlarged Glands, Tumors and
Swellings. Great Eating Ulcers
rapidly heal under its benign in
fluence. World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, 003 Main Street,
Uuttalo, N. Y.
And How It XV m Cured 1r Kloc trlrlty
After All Oilier hnimu KciikmIIi'h
Hail Piilleil-Total Ilrafne Cured liy
the Name Method lighted! Wiira
Ago and ltetnalim I'i rinuiu'lu to Till
U Alarfcnt St , Portland. Or , Nov, 23, IStXJ
Kditor Oregoiran: Stelne so many
cards mid letters in favor of Dr. Darriu. I
think It justice to him and ns well as the
alll cted totcil what lie did for my wile
two years ago. For lit teen months prior
to calling on him she ImcI been Miilt'ering
constant pain night and t'ny from the
effects of rheumatism in her arm and
shoulder. She had not ral-ed her arm to
her head during that time. She could not
sleep onlv by taking opiates and her gen
eral health was poor and broken down.
After a course of electric treatment by
Dr. Darrln she was cured and has never
nad a return of her former trouble. Will
gladly answer any questions by letter or
otherwise. C. F. Mayhew.
Total Dcnfnes Cured liy Klectrlcl t y.
Mr. Editor: In 187i my daughter was
taken with membranous croup, and upon
her recovery was left totally deaf. I called
on two eminent physicians, who said they
couM do no hiiiR for her. Asa last resort
I took her to Dr. Darrln, who cured her so
she has never been troubled with deafness
since. 1 consider it one of the greatest
cures of electric treatment on record, and
with great satisfaction tive this testi
monial. I reside in Berkeley, Alameda
Co., California, and will take zrcat nleav
ure in answering any inquiries concerning
this most remarkable, cure. Yours re
spectfully, William S. Djuhlu.
The Drs. Dirrln are erowde'l with pa
tients from 10 A. m. to 8 p. in. Tuey have
a large country practice and send their
electric emedles to any one desiring honn
treatment for a iy cur-iblo chronic, Hcute
or nrfvate diseases, which are keptsirictl)
O e of the doctors is visiting different
towns in the State to better accommodate
those who tind it impossible to come t'i
Portland. One -of the doctors will be n
the llofl'-nan House, Eugene City, Decem
ber 1 to 0.
The bead ollico at 70J WaMiintrfon
street, Portland, ill run as us ml. Con
Mtltntion anil examination free. Al
dashes treated free, from 10 to 11 A M
daily. Charges moderate, being only $2d
a month for eac h dihease, or in that, pro
portion, as cises may require. Send toi
circular, fre to any address.
Tin: Youth's Companion for 1MI1 will
give an ins ruetivo and he'pful S-Mies ot
I'ttperf. each of which desciibes tin char
actor cf some leading Trade for Hoys or
Uc u pal Ion lor liiri-. Tliey give lnf rma
tion as to the Apprenticeship nouircd to
learn each, the Wages to be expected, the
Qualities needed in order to enter, and the
prospect r f Success. To New Subscriber
who send 1.5 an once th" paper will l
sent free to Januaru 1. ISM, and for a
full year from that date. Addre-is
Boston, Mass.
Turn About is Fair Play " Do you love me,
Marie?" "Yes. Arthur with every fiber of my
bciUR " " I will tie a brother lo you."
Try Gkrmka for breakfast.
Here's The "Sucker. r; s
The one thing you'll always find in every cow
boy's outfit when he goes on the tprinir round-up
is a " Fish Brand " Pommel Slicker. They mako
the only perfect saddle coat, and come either black
or yellow. They protect the whole front of the
rider's body, being made to fit round the outside of
the saddle entire. When used as a walking coat,
the extension pieces neatly orer'ap each other,
making a regular overcoat with a double stonn.
proof front. When riding, the saddle is dry as a
bone, from pommel to cantle, and the rider is en
tirely protected in every part of his body. These
"Slickers," being of extra width, make fine
blankets for camp. Beware c f worthless imitalions,
every garment stamped wiih " Fish Brand " Trade
Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when yon
can have the ' Fish Brand Slicker" delivered with,
out extra cost. Particulars and illustrated catalogue
A. J. TOWER, - Boston, Mass.
Send to SuiItli'M for vour winter outfit. They
have the blBBC't stock ot umlerclothbip. They
have the best boots and shoes. They havo the
cheapest hosiery for everybody. They have the
Kreatest variety of dry Roods. They have
family groceries of all kinds. They havo dried
fruit of the new crop. They have canned coods
at wholesale prices They have warm mittens
and gloves. They havu blankets from $1 'J5 pair
no. 'Hit v have comforts from 90 cents each to 15.
Tliov have overalls of every size. They pay spo-
ciall attention to an orders. Aiiuress tor mil
particulars and copy of 7ome Ci'rcfe (free)
Sniltli'N CiinIi More, 1 18 front Street,
Mill FrimcHeo, Oil.
When I ur cure I do not mean merely to stop them
foratimesndtbenuaTe them return airajn. . I mean n
rsilicsl cum, I have made tlm disease of PITS, hrll
liPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long stndr. 1
warrant my remedy to cure the worst caws, llecanse
otuera hare fallnd is no reason for not now receirinu a
tare. IVndatonce for a treatiaeand a Free Iloltl
ot my Infallible remedy, tiive Kipreos anil Post OuV
U. ii. UUOT, :u, C., IHIS Pearl bt. hew Yor
PENSIONS! ncims.w
Apply to MII.O 11. STKVKNS A CO.. Attorneys,
1419 r street, Washington, IX, C. Branch otlicet
"levelHiid, Detroit. Chlrairo,
How to Obtain a Patent.
ti-ruey-at-law, Washington, I). C
child birth and home
treatment foralli-hrou-
lc illseases men and
women, ins t()M,, nurti 11 11 u aiut-r,
lnrtlniiil, Or.
1ig a UtboaeknowlMliriHl
leading remedy for all the
unnatural discharges and
prlvatodlseasesof mm. A
certain cure for the deblll-
ri-nM. In
Pi TninAYB.
Osaou4 t w 1
1 ewieiw.
' laiing weakness peculiar
to women.
sirstsnoy iPitKniiiiiuuiw--
iTHifumCmMiestCo. In recommending 11 to
L 1 "v.:-!JTn bk ail sufferers.
Vr4tslf by
il''.""?"WTi ovniire un nrciTi,..ln.
ho in "J iirHioiun.
- J six am 111
New Pension Law.
nir all wtdova and dUabled soldiers aud
'all'ir a ivnslon, do ef Idente to furolih; do
dUcbarte p!ra requited i adilee fie; no ad
rano csiiim or fre. Auttiorlted reiUWcd
V H. frusloo Attorney CJO years' eirlrnel.
fan- J 11 HHKPAItU and Nu W K.
NOItltH. S19 Pine Hirect. Ito.u 7, adjolalug
If H. PcDtlon Aoer, Hn Francisco, Ual,
urn-fie. A. J liucklts. Uummaudrr (1. A.
If. li-t. bf CalUurula, and otUr deiwttuuiut
N. P. N. U. No, 885-8. . N. U, No, 442
Bytteui of IMi:t : on CSIven by tlio Vnrl
iiim Sclux for lli-nf lute,
TIkto aro tlo Us a largo iiuinlcr of
I cbililtvn born (1 .. or who h.tvo beeonio
I deaf miico birth t iroiish tho evil olFoctof
( im-aslos or s-carlct ft-vcr
' t!it lamlml ,;f o1iiI11hkh1, who
j are poitig tiiix;i.;li tlu world ns deaf
mutes for lack of knowledge, 011 the jwirt
j of thwe that have the euro of them, that
1 schools e.i3t to which they may Ik sent
j nlmost freo of charge, and sometimes
1 quite freo.
In theo schoiils deaf children aro not
only taught to siwak and to know what
other people nro hpenking. but they ac
quire a thorough education in" all
branches, and in addition receive instruc
tion in sewing, in the use of tools and a
general industrial training, t-o that when
they leave, school they are quite prepared,
if need be, to cam their own living by
their own hands or head.
It would i-oein that no parent could bo
indifferent to the possibility contained in
tho system of education given by the
various schools for deaf mutes, if aware
of their existence. Tlio littlo jieojile,
who might otherwise go through the
world aided only by signs, here acquire
langungo so completely that it is only in
tho dark that they are returned to their
world of silence, being deaf onlv as the
. hero of Jean Paul s Titan becanin blind,
f after 6unset, and returning to fill tho
j pleasures of Bound with tho lighting of
tlio lamps. 1110 diildren thus educated
ask no odds of those other children pro
vided by partial nature with liotter means
of taking care of themselves. Compar
ison of graduates of deaf mute schools
and of those of other schools shows no
difference whatever in proficiency and
intelligence, and in mingling with
the world afterward tho deaf niuto pu
pils aro not accompanied by any painful
sense of deficiency. In fact, tho moro
they mingle with the world, as in tho
case of othw youth, tho moro self-confidence
and the larger vocabulary do they
acquire, and they are moro injured by
receipt of exceeding sympathy than they
nro by the withholding of it, many of
them complaining of tho tendency to
magnify their misfortune, which nlmost
ceases to be a misfortuno to them when
they find themselves readily understand
ing all that goes on about them, finding
their way about, and often going to
church, to concerts, to theatres, and
taking as much enjoyment ns those do
who nro in tho jossession of all their
Indeed, many educated deaf mutes,
who havo acquired language, and who
havo any superior intelligence of their
own, claim that they have an advantage
in their deafness itself; for it has obliged
them to concentrate in thought and quick
wit nnd in eyesight tho amount' of force
which is by others dissipated in tho world
of attaching nnd detaching sound, and
they are. they are apt to think, nnd that
not without reason, tho deeper and
broader, readier and better, for the oc
clusion of one of "their senses. When
Mr. Fawcett, lately n high postoflico offi
cial of Great Britain, becamo in his early
boyhood entirely blind, it is said that ho
re&olved that ho would go through life
exactly as if he saw; nnd ho carried out
his intention, as wo all know, ns fur as
that was a possible thing, nnd a largo
share of his achievement was duo to this
determination. It would bo well if all
peoplo robbed of one of their senses
formed tho same resolution, and carried
it out but half as well.
I5ut long before children who aro shut
out from all actual sound nro old enough
to ninko any such determination for
themselves, nnd while they can only see
with a poignnnt pain that they are (lif
erent from other children, ignorant of
any means by which tho difference imiy
bo cured, it is the duty of parents to sup
ply to. them, as far as mny be, every
deficiency of their senses. This, to a
certain extent, can bo done at home, nnd
a singular success has attended tho prac
tice of treating tho deaf child exactly as
if it could hear, so that, almost as it were
by intuition, it has acquired the art of
speech to a limited extent. But ns that
extent is very likely to remain limited,
the rest of the deficiency can only bo
supplied bv schools having no other object
than tho instruction of the deaf, and it is I
at onco to bo seen that every guardian of
such a child is under an objigntion to the
child to inform himself nlxmt such
echools, nnd to give tho child tho ndvan- j
taues to bo gained from them, oven if in
ep doing tho child in so far has to become
a beneficiary of tho state. Tho debt to
tho state i3 not a serious one, since it is
for tho interest of tho stato that every I
member of tho community shall be
brought to tho highest perfection. Har
per's Bazar.
Ilmv to Tlioroiigtily I'njny Itoolts.
Lately I havo read all ihe ''How I Was
Educated" and "BooksThat Ilavo Helped
Mo" papers, and I havo noted how, in
tho majority of instances, tho great writ
ers and thinkers of today were confined
in their childhood and youth to compara
tively few books. These they read till they
woro lenrned by heart. And by m
doing they not only got out all, or nearly
all, that was in the authors, but insen
sibly acquired n good literary stylo. An
author whoso entire meaning and pur
poso can bo griised at one reading is not
of tho highest class, and tho moro wo ad
vance in life and in culture, tho moro
pleasure do wo find in our favorito au
thors. They resiionfl to the improve
ment in ourselves. Tho moro lowers of
appreciation wo pot-sess, tho moro do wo
find in them to apprecinlo. They never
disappoint us. but are constantly rovenl
ing now thoughts and previously hidden
Tho student nlono thoroughly enjoys
books. Iteinembcr this, you skimmers
who aro not too confirmed in your bad
liabits, and you readers who would really
enjoy the wisdom of our best friends.
Bear with mo if I repent, "it is better
not to know so many things than to know
bo many things thut aro not feo." Julian
Magnus in Tho Epoch.
A Itenordlnc Tlmrinonirter.
A recording therinomcter is tho latest
mechanical curiosity. It has a clock
work attachment, und records tho stago
of tempcraturo at every hour and minute
of tho day for a period of eight days.
Chicago Herald.
A fruitful theme tho subject ot hon
SOMl TlllMJriHt TIM-: NKW YKAlt.
The world remmned Miee. f n' Host ttcr'
S'omaeli Hitter-. Mid llieir continued poon
1h rtt lor over - tlilr.l of century aH toinnehc,
Is x-areety more wi tidertlil thmi the welcome
ti'iit wree.f t'-e aulitinl apt earatire of !Iotettcr'
AHraimr Thl-. Mi'ii le li'cdlm tteathe I?
1 ulilMicd liv Ihe HcMettcr t'rii itj, Pitts-
ir amnn rt1w f i bumli. Pa., timler thcr own limn ulat- s-nper-.
. .. 1 V . vtMn. eii'pW llii ' Im d in Hint department.
Thev Hie ltl'inlui. hh lit 11 Ii. until In the eir
1111 t'lilt. wiok. tid flic 1 sue ot hiiu tor IM'I wl 1
bo iiiore than 011 mill o , prnted If the Pub
lish. tierniHii. Kretith. Vilh. Norwegian,
Swedish, lollriitd, llonemi'aii and Spnuloh lati
KiiHtfet.. ltefer to 11 copxol it fur uiIiihIiIi hii'1
Interesting rcndlnc coiu'crllllii; le alth. lid
inline tout lell "noiilalx a In the ellleacx of Hos
teller stomach 111 ter, ami out, 11rlctl in
ornmtloii, astronomical enlculntlous and ehro
HoIdkI'-hI l'fliis, Ac , which t nil he 1.1 peiidcd oh
fnrcorreciutfUi. '1 he Almanac for IM'I can b
obtained fr. o of cost Innn driiirKlM and iteneral
country dealers In all piru of the country.
" I pee that 011r l'htliee ervnnt has mmiiwd
to pick up a Koo-l deal of Kevlls'i?" " Yes, he
walked a.vay with my dictionary."
ui:i.iAin.i: anh always thi: samk
Hiiandiikth's I ii.I-s are the oldest,
Miffstaml bst blood punller mid purga
tive known. TlieyHre, purely vegetable,
tlnrefore hirmlesH. They nro ulway the
same nuil nlwnyx p'oduee the same elToct.
0 her purttnllv reiu'r' Increased do-iea
tint lltially ccaMo acting hltotf-tlu'r A
cotir i n( onu r two of liltANDItKTll's
1 11.1.S tiVcii each night ia iiisiiivu cure
for 1 onttipalion, liend ic e and nil hi ioiln
diMir er-i. If .Miiiin .'Lt ke tlu-in plain,
tfol them cUiai-con,ii'il.
l,....l,.1twt I1ku. Iiiiv. villi fiillllil tlm l.nrd4
I American Itclre-s 1 Hliould say mi. I'm eiiKMBed
I to be limmed to him.
I A man who Iiik practiced nudlclne for forty
vears muht to know mil from siiKiir; read what
Toi.i:no. O.. Jitiuary 10. Ks7.
Mvw.F.J rVuri.O Oi.- (Iknii.kmkn: Ihae
lain lo the ceneral practice of medicine for
innst forty years, and wo ild my that In all my
prHctlce anil experience have never kccii a p ei
11 nt lull that 1 could pro.-cilbo with a much con
lldence of hncce a 1 can HaH'a t'atarrh Cure,
liuinufiictiite t bv you Have 1 rcn-rlhed It a
Krent inaiiv tlmcn, and lt ell'ect i wonderful:
and would sav in conclusion that 1 have yet to
llnd a cao of 'catarrh that it would not cure, if
ihey would take. It aceoidln to directions.
Yours truly, I.. (ittltl'CII. M. I).
omce, 'Jilt Summit trcet.
Wo wll' clve "J 101 for any chmj of atiirrh that
inn not bo tired with IlalPs t'atarrh Cure.
Taken Internally
K J. C1IKSKY A t'O.. Proprietors,
Toleuo, O.
Sold ny druKK'stfi 'x-
This world is like a fiult hnskot. Tho big and
attractive get 011 top. while the littlo ones are
crushed out of sight In the boltom.
Kortlirnit ille i-i'M and 1 omrlw "llrown's
nronchial Vroch s" 1 i U o all other really
good lliingH, mo I nitnted, nil purelm-era
,-lniiitil lie i-niefnl to obtain Ihe nciiuiti"
-Hide, prepaied by .ToilN 1. UllOWN &
Silver llulllm. Wife-My dear, l-n't It a sti
ver king ihev call a bill lonnl e? Husband (ca-nrielim-lv)
Itenlly, my darling, I thought it was
a cattle king.
The snvlng in clnthlmr where Dubbins'
Kltcirle Soaii Is imcd U tw vty time thu
soap hill. It, in mi new oxtieriniisnt, but
has bicn sold fur.24 years. T i-dny j lit ns
(Hire as In tStl . Try it. Vour grjeor has
It or will order it.
How She Knew. Maud I really think he
loves von. Kihel 1 am r.i glnd: what makes
you think so? Maud Ho hasn't proposed to mo
for over a wi ok 1
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky
ll!scuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome.
No other baking powder do- -uch work.
For a Disordered Liver
uy BEE6W
25ctSu a Box.
Oil' jYI-dLi Dl It JO GUSTS.
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
ForFemalo Irregular
Itiea: uotlilngllkethem
on tho market. Ktver
all. Bucccusf ully used
y prominent ladles
monthly. Guaranteed
to relievo suppressed
Don't bo liumbuReeiJ.
Havo Time, Health,
and monoy;Uko no oth
er. Rent to anr address.
secure by mall ou re
ceiptor price, 1-00.
Western Branch, Box 27, 1'OUXIAND, OB'
Bold by Wibdok Dbuq Co., Portland. Or.
Local or Traveling,
Tn ki.ll nnr u-pll-L-nowii Kurhi'rv stock. Wo IVUIlt
Kisjil. lltuiy nuisci.i n
mission or salary, flood
lively workers, and win pay wen oom
references reolllred,
Apply quick, Ii. U MAY
Ht'l-aui. Minn.
A CO., Nurserymen,
To euro Blliousnesa. Bick Headache. Constipation,
MalarU. Uyor ComplaloU, take the sale
ana certain rcmeoy, HaiJTU'li
Uw tbe BMAUi BIZK (40 little beans to the boU
tie). They are Iho motconTcnleDt-. suit nil age.
I 'rice of either tlte, 'ii cenU per bottle.
IflKIINO't 7 17. 70i I'boto-irrmrore,
VIOMIIVV paneUUo of UU ptetunt tot i
eeatt (euppere or fttaaope).
j. r. BMini is co., "
Makers ot ma Beans." tH. 1iuU.' Ms.
We were to-dy In Dr. Toel's ofllccainlhe took
Rreat pleasure In showiiiR 111 several litmdred
sieclmeti and explalnuif; to u the different
forms of rancers and tumors. There are cancers
of the brtnt. the womb, the ovary: fibroid
tumors of tho mine oritnns, cancers of tho
KlntuK of the urinary owns, of the bones, the
skin; jKilypus of different organs, cancers and
fibroid tumors ot the tonsil-: latty tumors from
dlll'erent parts of the body: c-mcers of the nose,
the lips; idles and other tumors of tho rectum:
tumors of the bruin membranes; there are chii
cers and tumors taken from the arms and lets
and neck, as well a from the inside of the body;
In fact, nearly a'l kinds of cancers and tumors
that can be removed from the llvltn: by means
of surgical operations. Nine-tenths of them
were removed by Dr. Toel by means of electric
ity without los of blood, ulillu In others Where
electricity could not Ik) used he operated with
the knife. The doctor also showed U' a seta
book full of newspaper clippings describing such
of his operations us the pntlcnts had authorized
It 1 tn to give the reporters at his former home in
the Kmsi. Cancers and tumors cannot Ik1 manu
factured, and are consequently not In the mar
ket. They are an absolute and positive proof of
the skill of the surgeon who hss removed them
successfully from his patients and has them In
his posses-Inn s proof of what tie has done. No
admission fee charged at this exhibition. All
those suffering from any of thebelow-ineiitlonid
diseases should at once call on lr. Toel, as his
method of operating saves all loss ot blood and
frequently all pain.
I Makes a specialty of diseases of the Nose, Throat
and Neck, Skin, I'rlnary Organs, Female lils
I eaes and all Surgical Operations, as tor Fistula,
Piles, btrlcture, I'Hticer, Polypus and all othrr
I Tumors nnd Clcers. Operations performed bv
! means of electricity without loss ot blood,
t Ofllce No 70S Washington street, "orner
Fourth. Kooms H, I and f Washington building,
Portland, Or.
I lloware of Imitations of tho celebrated Peal of
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobnoco.
Both tho method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
.tehes and lovers nnd cures hnbituM
constipation permanently. For salo
in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists.
170 anil 17 J First St., rortlnnil, Or.,
Pictures and Frames.
Send for ciita'oKue.
TH I'.ATIill I'lilCli.
PnalttTrly Oiii l with Vruelulilr lpniiilte.
Have rureil thousaiuls ot easur. i'urtt ialltuli ori
nouncpd hopeless uy l el physicians. From Hraloosr
symptoms illsap)iari in leu iluys at least twu-thlnls
all symi'tumii runioreit M-n1 tor tree hook leslliu -nlnls
of iiilrai-iiloiis cures Ten days' treatment
freo by mall, II on order trial, send 10(1. In stamps
to pay postage Du ll II.UIIEKN A Soss.Atlanta.Ua.
If you order trial return ibis adfortlsement to us.
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos
Moaning the, HrsT 1'IANO Maiik, and the favorite
obraiwr I'lanos; all Musical Instruments; Hands 81111
pllod; larx stock of Hlu-ct Muslo. Hteinway IU1.U
200 ami V09 Tost Htnwt; Matthias (Iuav Co. Oall
atut see our new rooms and now stuck.
i'Ht to use. ClieuiicHt. Relief in imtiicdiiito. A
cure is certnin. For Cold in tho Heiul it liaa 110 equal.
It ih an Ointment, of which ft small jiartido 5b upjilicd
to the nostrils. Price fiOc. Bold by lrii,'i;isls or sent by
mail. Address: K. T. 11 AZKi.TiNii, Warren, Pa.
ogrnphers of both sexes, attribute their success lo n course nt the Portland Bust
1 ness College, Portland, O 'cgon, or the Capital Business College), Salem,
.Oregon. Hoth nrc under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same cburses of
study, same rates of tuition. Jiisiiicss,fliortIiitiid,Typcvrhiiif,r, Ponmunship and Etiff
1 lish Departments. Write to either for joint Catalogue and specimens of penmanship.
hev use
.eo,ra..Mr. purposes. Allgrocers keepik
IfaC'C jidhd'O 1 OCT by many w8mM h9 r
LUVSZ O LHDUn O LUO I to please her household tM
works herself to death In ihe effort. If the house does not Iook as bright as a pin, shs
gett the blame II thlngu are upturned while houso-cleaning goes an why blame her
again. One remedy is within her reach. II she uses SAPOLIO everything wlH leek
clean, and the reign at housecleanlng disorder will be quickly ever.
Now Store. Gymnasium and Athletic Coeds. New Coods.
Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Sporting Goods and Fishing: Tackle,
Wliicheetcr, VspKPBflQigWS rurner urns.,
MHriiN,U(iut HMfflfflQQ2S(gLvggW
KriCMtlMK-Klfle pBBHHafsl Bs.Jtrn
How It w orlia
10V0 Orleans PL,
I was confltu'd to tho
house two weeks with,
lumbago, but St. Jncobe:
Oil cured 1110! no ixy
turn. Wji.A.lioiniE.
Feiicrsvlllo, Mo., Feb. 7, 1S00.
"St. Jacobi Oil U without ft peer for jmlns
bruises, aches, Ac." Kev. T. O. Hawkins,
Vastor Baptist Church.
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2. 1600.
I suffered, with a sprained anklo whlcte
welled very much. Found great relief In uso
of St. Jacobs Oil and b cllliu; dUapcartd.
Molmb Hicks.
The Great Remedy For PainP
Oentral and NERVOUS DtHII.ITYf
Weakness or Body and Hind, tllects-
I, AcM. ntMIOOII fnllj llnl.rrit. How tr r.lart. s".
Blr..rlh.i,HK.IMirVliUll'i:iHMliUS-ll;Tb01 llODt.
Abtol.UIr .ir.lll.c IIOVK TIHClTaHT-llr.tSI. la s !;
tit. Irtllfr rrom SO SUUi .nil F.rrl(. Co.ntrln. Wrllr lk
Dt.rrlptn. Root, ripU.stlaak.d proof, m.ll.Jfiril, 1) rr
t;0U )XK DOI.I.AK sent us by mail, we will de-
liver, Ireo of all eharnes, to any person in tho
l1 tilted Stales, all the followlupartleles carefully
iaekel In a neat Imijc .
line two-ounco liottlo of I'ure Vaseline 10 rta.
One tuo-ouueo ImtMe Vaiellue I'oinaile 15 "
One Jar of Vavellne Cold I'ream. . 16 '-
Olio eako of Vasellno Cauiilior Ice. .. 10 "
One eakoof Vaseline Son)i, inisreiited 10 "
One eake ot Vn.-elltie Soai, scented. .. .'.'ft "
One two outico Wotllo of While Vasolluu.SA "
11 10
Or fur rtuuiM any slniilit nrtirlii at tlm price niiiiiiil,
If jou liaiti . rcaslun to nc Vjueltno In any form o
can-Mil In ncci'it uiilj- ctiiiilnii fci ils mt ii liy us In
oiicinal )iackiiK a. A .rent nmii ilniKtls niti trying U
iH-isuiuU- liii)ris tu takit VAHI'MNi; I'lit un I y tln-ln
Nt-Tt-r kir to such tlui aitlctt is an IiuitA"
tlon without value ami ulll not if t yon the re.ult you
tuiK-ct A Imttlu of llluu Ki-al Vaacllno is sold ty all
IriiKK'stsat 10 o ills.
Cliesebrougb M'f'g Co., 24 State Sh.New York.
Manillo-Leather Roofing..
The cheapest thliiK In the market for houses,
barns, Icehouses and outliuililliiKs. Wilte for
catuloKUe and samples.
PACIFIC ROLL PAPER CO.. I'aclllc Coast A cent,
:u and 'J First street, Sau l-'ranclsco, ChI.
INK NOSES Ir.ut'.m
ma jNiui.Kli. Hur-Ji Cure for ('utarrli.
Iini'iiieoi a.fiiiiiiiiptiiiii9 jiNiii
mi, t:riurlilf Im, nnd "- II I OR Li.
'I'll r iii I, IS' ii mo a d Lime Troubles, Vfr-Tjaf
by nienns of breathing Medlcatel Air f?JCE
diirlnir sleep. I'osltlvely iiri-vciitw aWii
Diphtheria or other otitaiilotis ills- ajr f
eases. 1'rlce completo v any address, l'S-
V1. -0. book friw. Address all orders
Wki.cii lNit.ii.rit anii Mkiucink Co., INHAlf
51 t-ecoiul Mi vet, San Francisco, Ca hernia.
iimi LAA on ooi'.U liVnKY lJA.y
is the kind Hint pays. Scores oC
young business men, ami hun
dreds of book-keepers und sten-
imi til
grow tear in bhe lithhoh
,heir works, especially if
Iris awsolid ce.Ke of scounnjg
so&p used hora.ll cbnn&