Stmt. THE OREGON SCOUT Is independent in all thing, neu Uul in nothing; devoted to every cause it believes to be right a journal for the people. THE OREGON SCOUT Has f8 largo aHn-ulntion ns any two papers in this eection of the State t'cinbined, nnd is corre spondingly vnluablo as nn adver tising nu'dium. Hero Will tho Pross tho People's Rights Maintain. tfV0L. VII. UNION, UNION COUNT V, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMUEU IS, 1S90. NO. 2G. rm r n i. 1 llV WIVWU UVAUL An InnriKrnilMit weekly Jouiu.1 , l-med every TliiirilT morning by JONES & CIIAXCEY, Publishers anil Proprietors. A K Jon IV, Killlor II. Oiuncev, Foreman Kill' of MiiliM-rliitliiii. One ropj rue jear. One c py s X nit-nobs, line copy tlirce month. SI 50 MX) .75 Invai'liility Cnli In Advnnre. Ifbycham r unlttcriptinn nre not jinid till eml mar ttci itolltirs will be thmgcU of itt of iMlt..rtmi.'ir madu knuxn on application. XiV Correswinitnce from all prls of tne country A?iSwM'l coinmunliatlous to the OiiEuo Bi-ofT, t'nlon, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UXITKI) STATI'.M. PKEsiiiESTHenJamln lUrrlnon of Indiana. RifKitTiHr n,- Ktatk -James U. 111a ne of Maine. Secrktahv of tiik TniCAsiniv William Wlmlom of Minnesota. ....... . . Secketary or Waii- KedfleM Proctor of ermort. Seokktaiiv of the Navy Henjunlu V. Tiacy of New York. .,..,, , Secretary of tiik Interior- John . hAtle of Missouri. ..... . . ,. 1'oaTM aster-Oknkral John WanamaVtr of Penn- y fillip AttorneOkneral-W. H. II. Miller of Indiana. Secret mi v or AoitlcULTURE-Jeremlah Husk of Wisconsin. HTATK OK OKKC.oN. (J. 11. Mitch 1 J. N. Dolpii. Senators, ELL. I!,.s(iMi Hermann. Sylvester Ivn.noyer. Okohue W. Mi-Hrike. oiTuor, Secretary of State, Mate Treasurer, (I, W. WKIIH. Superintended of Public Instruction, K. 11. McKlroy. ruatu x r.mer. - - ....... ... f II. H. STItAIIAM. I W. P. LoHII. (.W. W. Tihyer Supreme Judges, SIXTH JUDICIAL DIHTIUOT. .... I M. I). Clifford Circuit Judges . - (JammA. Fek. Prnaeciitlnx Attorney 0. 1". Hyde. COUNTY OK UNION. Stat Senators, ' - Representatives, -Judge Sheritf, Clerk, Hecorder Treasurer, Schcol Hupeilntendeiit, Surveyor, - : Assessor, Ooroner, Commissioners, I J. W. NoRVAL. t J. II. ltALKV. J John Mi'Ai.Ikter. 1 J. A. Wriiiiit. I. N. Sanders. J. T. TUNNEK OLIVER. J. B. Hlliutt. i:. O. IIRAINARD. II. 8. STRANOE. J. L. OORTIK. J. U. (lUlLD. Joel Weaver j William AitMii.u.'sm. t JOHN .HCIJCINALII CITY OF UNION. Mayor, I W. KENNEDY. Recorder, .... 0. L. Hukkslke. Marshal. .... Alien Joiinhon. Street Commissioner, - - N. F. Fitklin. COUNCILS! BN. II. Y. Wilson. J. II. CoRIHN. T a Vimiitt A. K" .Ion'ks. J M. UAHKIIM. H. A. PlTRMEL. LODGES. UNION LODOK, No 39, 1. O. O, F., MEKT3 EVERY Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock WM. HALEY, N. G. V H Miller, Secretary. C.RANDK ItONDE F NO AM PM ENT, No. 11, I. O. O. F meeti on the rust and third TupmIivs in each month. O. 8. MILLKK. U. P. J It. Thomi-mon, Berlin). GRANDE IIONDK VALLEY LODGE, No. 56, A F. 4 A, M., mee on the second an I fourth raturda)S every mo..tb. E. W. DAVIS, W. M. R. II. Hrowk, Secretary- OltANDi: ItONDE VALLEY OHAPTEH, No. SO., R. A. M . meet first u il thin! 'I'usdais each month. W. T. WH GHT, M. E. U. V. TURNER OLIVER, Secretary. 1ILUE MOUNTAIN LODGE No. 23 K. OF P meets every Wednesday evening. T. H. CRAWFORD, O C. Turner Oliver, K. of R. & S. PRESTON POST. No. 18, G. A. R., MEETS EVERY third Saturday iu eacn month a. the Odd elloB hall. JOSHUA HRADFOHD, P.O. Geo roe Heininiier, Adjutant. CHURCHES. The MethodUt Episcopal Church holds services at 11 i M. ana 7 V. M. of eao.i Sunday. Rev. A. THOMPSON, Acting Pastor. Services are held at the Presbyterian Church at 11 A, M and 7 I". JI uf each Sum'ay. Rev. J. 1'. MORRIS. Pastor. PROFESSIONAL CAItD-S. J W SHELTON J. M CARROLL. SHELT0N & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oilice two doois south of Postollice, Union, Oregon. Special attention given to all business entrusted to us. R. EAK1N J. A. EAKIN, Notary Public. R. EAKIN & BR0., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, OrcKon. Prompt at'entlon juld to collections. DR. E. N. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST, Has tho finest amvsthetlo for eitractuig teeth without lulu known to the profession, Will practice In all the branches of modem dentlitry. Sliver and gold work a specialty Flue seU of teeth always on hand. First-class work and tat'sfaitliu guaranteed. Otllr.i Miiln St.. Union, Or. C. H. DAY, M. D., Homffiopathic Physician and Surgeon. All Call I'romiitly Atteiuleil lo. Office adjoining Jones Ilros.' s'ore. Can be found nights at residence in Southwest Union. I. H. CROMWELL, U. D., PHYSICIAN !AND SURGEON, OIc one door south of Bummer ft Layoe'a store, Union, Oregon. The Cove Druse Store JASPAR G. STEYENS, Proprietor, DEALER IN PURE DRUG Patent pdieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. I'rcHt'rliitlmio Cnrpfiilly lrtiiarel. AL80 DEALER IN- Ar K N -f 1 CONSISTING OF- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Cartridges. and Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop In. llllliardand pool tables for the accommodation of cutomers. Gomeopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always in Stock. First-class billiard table. Drop in and be sociable. For Information About tie South -ADDRESS WITH STAMP. Tbe Official Immigration Department OF FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CARL ROIHNaON, Secretary, Raleigh, N. C. UnionTonsorialParfors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Gutting and Shampooing in the Lasest Style of tbe Art. Shop two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Glre me u call. City Meat Market Main Strcot, Union, Ori-Kon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, hKEP I'ONhTAMLV OK UAND Beef, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. The v "Blue v Light" SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. Fine'.'Wines,.' Liquors Vand Cigars ',' in 7 Stock. Drop In and be sociable Fine Millard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUGHTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. KIkIii. Oregon. All IU promptly atteuded to clay or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove. Oregon. Drafts, plans and designs (or dwellings and bridge furuUhtd on application. n-lE PACIFIC COAST. A Very Lirgc Wheat Blockade in Eastern Washington. Swinomish Indians Preparing to Take Up the Remaining Marsh Land on Their Reservation. The Idnho Legislature will be asked to pass a Sunday law. The Taeonia Coal Company have just made a rich strike in their liiino at Wil keeon. The workof the Northern Pai'ifie in Washington: will not Ihj interrupted by any re7' of the recent financial Hurry in ' "1'ork. (lut 11,11119 lliu liu ru iii:a nil liiu .'(hern Pacific that an extra engine is J X'ccssarv to set over the Cow Creek nnd fOalnia mountains Grading on the branch railrrads from the Southern Pacific to Jacksonville is nearly finished, and the rails will be laid as soon as they arrive. General Carr. Commander at Fort Wingate, N. M., has received orders to get the Sixth Cavalry ready for trans portation to Dakota in anticipation of a war with the Sioux Indians. The Montana State Supreme Court has nflirnied the decision of the lower court in making John A. Davis adminis trator of his deceased brother's $1,000, 000 estate. Tho will contest is not yet decided. Bradstrect's mercantile agency reports fourteen faihms in Pacific Coast States and Territories for the past week, as compared with thirteen for the previous week and cloven for tho corresponding week of 188!). Two memlcra of tho Siokaiio Falls City Council have sent in their resigna tions as members of that body. They are Judge Itettis and Colonel John I'. IJooge. Pressure of private buciness is given as the cause for resignation. The handsome building for tho Reform School, a few miles south of Salem, is fast assuming shape, and will soon bo in readiness for the erring youth of Oregon. The roof is now just nlout comploted and the inside work well under way. Daniel Kelleher, attorney for Dominic Coella, tho PortTownsend murderer, has received an order for a stay of all fur ther proceedings in tho case, "pending an appeal. Coella was sentenced to death and time fixed for his hanging December 19. Captain Andrew Haggard, brother of Rider Haggard, who is now at Victoria, Ii. C, says that tho commander of Stan ley's rear guard, Major Rarttelot, who served under him in the Egyptian war, was remarkable then for cruelty and want of consideration for all beneath him. Agent Andrew Andover of the Navajos, who is at Albuquerque, N. M., says there is gold enough in the Carrizo mountains on the Navajo reservation to make every body rich. An efibrt is being made to give" the Indians other lands in lieu of tho mountain country and open the gold fields to the public. A courier has reached Albuquerque, N. M., from Anton, a small Mexican set tlement twenty miles south of Las Ve gas, bringing news of a terrible running light between fifteen or twenty cowboys and a largo nuinberof Mexicans. Hun dreds of shots were exchanged, and sev eral dead and wounded are reported on both sides. Rev. I. 1$. Champagno, the old French Canadian Catholic missionary, who has established a good many congregations and built several Catholic churches in Montana and Dakota, has lately been appointed by the Most Rev. Archbishop Gross of Portland to tho pastorate of the Catholic missions of Linkville, Lakeview and others in tho surrounding counties. William Zeckendorf Commissioner of tho World's Fair for Arizona, has brought suit agaiiiHt United States Marshal Paul at Tucson for $L'5,000 for refusing to per mit him to go to tho polls on election day after ho had voted. Tho Marshal says ho simply carried out tho election requirements. The cases against tho Chinese at Snn Rafael, Cal., for catching small fish with bag nets have been postjioned until next March, owing to tho exhaustion of the venire in obtaining a jury. Tho defend ants are conducting nn enormous shrimi) lishing business at Point San Pedro in Marin county, and should tho case l e decided against them it will throw about liOO Chinese out of employment at that place. There is considerable talk of tho gold mines on tho head of Sprnguo river in Lako county. The Gaylord Ilros., angi nal discoverers, have worked down tho sides of the ledge, and have also made a tunnel into tho hill. They expect to commence active work on tho ledge in in tho spring, at which time numerous prospectors will probably bo found in the hills. Assays of tho quartz vary from 130 to $G5 to the ton, according to tho location in which the rock was found. Over 40,000 of the amount needed to purchase Union Pacific terminals at Ta coma has been subscribed. Chairman W. J. Thompson of the committee has been notified by Engineer llogue that only thirty-threo instead of thirty-eiiiht acres will bo needed, tho Tacoum Land Company having agreed to give tho rail road tho right of way from the passenger station to and along tho water from tho channel of tho Puyallup river. Thin change will result in a saving of from 12,600 to f 15,000 to tho citizenta of Ta-coma. EASTERN ITEMS. Robert Kay Hamilton's Wife is Pardoned. A Kentucky Judge Decides That a Man is Justified in Killing Another in Defense of His Brother. South Dakota towns are short on fuel. An air brake is boing tried on a Chi cago grip ear. Sanitation against typhoid fever is the problem in 1,000 Eastern towns. The Mayor of Findlay, O., has ordered all gamblers to leave town. Fifty have left. Dr. Agnus of Chicago claims to have hypnotized men at the distanco of eight miles. Kansas City Councilmer. aro to lo in vestigated on a charge of receiving bribes. A Kentucky Judge has decided that a man is justified in killing another in de fense of his brother. AVhen a criminal is convicted by a jury in Canada there is no appeal ox'cept to tho Executive power. Tho Kights of Labor Assembly has re duced Master Workman Po'wdorlv's salary from $5,000 to $15,500. It is said that Governor Reaver of Pennsylvania will succeed General Haum as Commissioner of Pensions. Eva Hamilton, tho wife of Robert Ray Hamilton, who was imprisoned in tho New Jersey penitentiary, has been par doned. Tho father of the lost Charley Ross failed-to discover in Charley McChristyH tho boy imprisoned at Roston, the son ho had so long sought. Topeka, Kan., is now at work on a scheme to utilize the swift current of the Kaw as a water power for electric light ing and other power purposes. Tho City Council of Atlantic City has )ifsscd thbhigh license liquor ordinance, which fixes the price for license, at $500 and for concert gardens at $800. Tho report of Stato Dairy Commis sioner Tupner shows that 72,000.000 pounds of butter were shipped out of Iowa for tho year ending October 1. Every Methodist church in Kansas, so far as heard from, cast an afiimative vote on the proposition of admitting women as delegates to the General Conference. One hundred and fifty carloads of wheat arc leaving Manitoba daily, and soon tho ligures will run up to 200 car loads. This is tho largest wheat move ment known there. A committee from tho W. C. T. U. has called upon the President and Secretary of War and urged tho issuance of an or der forbidding the sale of beer and light wines at military garrisons. Great excitement has been caused nt Ann Arbor, Mich., by tho arrest of flvo youths concerned in the recent row which resulted iu tho death of Student Denni son on a churgo of manslaughter. G. II. Papazinn, an Armenian student of divinity at Cambridge, is mooting with support from Boston citizens in tho establishment of a religiouB and educa tional journal at Constantinople It is reported that Oscar Neobc, tho Anarchist, is likely to bo liberated from Joliet, as it is asserted that the man who identified him as tho distributor of tho Revenge circular thinks ho was mis taken. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company will adopt a chain coupling, in addition to the patent couplers in use, in order to provide further safeguards against pas senger cars breaking apart in rounding short curves. Tho Market Committeo of the Now York Board of Aldermen has rejiorted favorably upon an ordinance providing for tho sale of fruit and vegetables by weight instead of by measure. Tho mat ter has leen before tho Board for three years. Lexington. Ky , wants to become tho capital of the State, and a special elec tion will be held on tho question of in demnifying the State to an amount not to exceed $250,000 for loss iu moving tho capital from Frankfort. The contest for the Speakership of the next house will bo betwerui Criup, Mills and Springer, Crisp will represent tho Southeastern section, Mills tho South west and Springer tho Northern Central group of States. 'Die Secretary of State has lxen in formed that Moussa Roy, wIioko reported outrages on American missionaries in Turkey aro a matter of note, has at length been summarily banished to tho interior of Arabia. Referring to a statement in tho New York Herald that there would bo a de ficiency at the end of the current fiscal year of $151 ,000,000, Secretary Windom said there will certainly be a surplus; but, of course, he cannot say how much. Tho Board of Lady Managers, of tho World's Fair has selected the following Vice PreflidentH : First, Mrs. Traiitmim of Now York: Second, Mrs. Burleigh of Maine; Third, Mro. Price of North Car olina: Fourth, Miss Minur of Louisiana; Fifth, Mra, Wilkina of tho District of Columbia; Sixth, Mrs. Ashley of Colo rado; Seventh, Mrs.Glntyof Wisconsin ; Eighth, Mrs. Salisbury of Utah; Ninth or Vice President at large, Mra. Uussoll Harrison of Montana, FOREIGN NEWS. German Newspapers Digging at Hrewer Bismarck. Count Von Multke Is the First German landed Proprietor to Adopt the KlghMIour Rule. Odessa bus been made a free jort by tho Czar. At TVchaneh, Austria, a mine is Hood ed, and twenty men perished. Electric motors are leing introduced on the underground railway in London. The Rothschilds have opened another free hospital in Frankfort on the Main. A number of Sanchez followers in Honduras are being tried by court martial. At Carlsbad, Rohomia, the Topel river has overflowed, and great damitgo is be ing done. The floods in Bohemia are generally subsiding, but tho Danube and Elbe aro still rising. Heligoland through its incorporation with the German Empire has been made part of Prussia. Tho great Russian stopnes are to bo irrigated by a company formed by au thority of the government. Orders have Iwon given in Russia that no government work bo given .lows out side tho territorial limits assigned them. Ry the new arrangement American mails aro being distributed in England twenty-four hours earlier than hereto fore. Salisbury believes tho time to dissolve Parlimont opportune, owing to tho Par uell sc indal, and has decided to do so in the spring. A great Nationalist meeting at Dublin has voted confidence in Parnell, who was characterized less a man than an insti tution for Ireland. The inhabitants of Lochcelly, Scot land, are siillering from want of water. Tho underground coal workings have drained tho supply. The great chomical trust in England has been registered as tho United States Alkali Company, with a capital of $30, 000,000 in $50 sharos. An indignant crowd at Vienna severe ly thrashed a member of tho Bourse wtio had been suspended for spreading false reports designed to mako money dear. Cocoanut butter is receiving consider able attention in Europe Tho now sub stitute is declared infinitely preferable to tho too-ofton bad butter sola in mar ket. The Queen Regent of Holland has is sued a proclamation declaring Princess Wilhclmina Queen of tho Netherlands and accepting the regency during her minority. Tho German Minister of Railroads has ordered jred an empty carriago, labeled satety carriago." to bo placed between tho locomotive and tho other coaches in all trains. Tho Turkish government has mado valuable concessions to a French syndi cate, granting it tho right to construct quayH on tho shores of tho Golden Horn and to levy landing dues on merchan dise. Count von Moltko is tho first landed proprietor in Germany to adopt tho eight-hour rule for tho peasants working for him upon his estate at Crisan,and is well satisfied with tho result of his ex periment. It is affirmed by thoso who aro in a position to bo well informed that tho circulation of tho London Times contin ues to decrease, and that as a " prop erty it has not tho valuo by 25 per cent, it had a few years ago. Dispatches from tho Congo Free Stato say tho Baptist Mission's steamboat Peace on tho Upper Congo river has been confiscated by tho officers of tho Congo Stato for Stato purjioses. The Urltish flag was hauled down. The Brazilian government Ihih re scinded tho deci'ees of banishment against ex-Premior Proto, Senhor Al fonso, cx-Preident of tho province of Rio Janeiro nnd Souhor Martins, ex President of Uio Grande do Sill. A ukase has been issued by tho mili tary authorities (says a St. Petersburg telegram by Dalziel) for tho capturo of Jews trying to escape army duty. Any one guilty of hiding or sheltering such persons will bo heavily punished. RejortH from Vienna stato that Dr. Ciesar do Pane, tho founder of Socialism in Belgium, is dying with consumption at Cannes, his health having been broken down under his arduous labors. According to the Indon correspond ent of tho Freeman's Journal, a not too friendly authority, tho Irish light-railways scheme will give work to a large number of laborers in excess of thoso resident iu tho districts to bo traversed. Tho thirteenth centenary of Gregory the Greut iu to bo celebrated in Rome in an international liturgical congress, to which all thoso who aro concerned with musical archieology and ecclesiastical art will bo invited. An exhibition of literary and musical works In connection with tho origin and growth of " Catholic and historical church music" will also bo organized, PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Thero is no change to be noted iu the local market, which continues in active but steady. Vallev, $1.201.22 ; Walla Walla, $1,123. Foreign markets ure quiet, but firm. Flouii Tho market is steady. Quote: Standard, $3.tH)4.00; Walla Walla, $3.00 3.80 per barrel. Oats Tho market Is firm. Quo to: White, ()0e; gray. 58c per bushel. Miu.stukks The market is firm. Quote: Bran, $21; Shorts, $24; Ground Barley, $32.50; Chop Feed, $25 per ton. Hay Tho market is steady. Quoto: $lt!(U8 per ton. Vkoktahlks Tho market Is firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.25 1.50 per cental; Cauliflower, $1 per dozen; Celery, 5c per dozen ; Onions, 2,Sj($2?.(c per pound ; Carrots, $1 per sack; Beets, $1.50 per sack; Turnips, $1 per sack; Tomatoes, 50c per box; Potatoes, $11.10 per cental ; Sweet Potatoes, 2)c per pound; squash, $2 per cental. Fuuits Tho market is steady. Quoto: Tahiti Oranges, $3 per box; Sicily Lem ons, $8(30 per case; Pears, l)c per pound; Apples, 00(385c per box; Grapes, $1.25 per lx)x; Pineapples, $3.504.0U per dozen ; Bananas, 2.503 50 per bunch'; double, $0.00; Quinces, $1.25 per box. Nuts Quoto: California Walnuts, 17)sjc; other varieties, 13c; Peanuts, 12c; Almonds. 17c; Filberts, 1415o; new Brazils, 20c per pound ; Cocoanuts, $1 per dozen. Ciikksk Tho markot is steady. Quoto: Oregon, 1314c; California, 0610o; Young America, 1415c por pound. RuTTKn Quoto : Oregon fancy cream ery, 4042)sje; fancy dairy, 37c; fair to good. 27&Gi30e; common, 22&25c; choieo California, 37KJ por pound. Eons Tho market is firm. Quoto: Oregon, 3082$o; Eastern, 25c per dozen. Poultry Quoto: Old Chlckons, $3.50 4.00; young, $2.50(f4.00; old Ducks, G riiO.50 ; young, $7; Geese, $910 per dozen ; live Turkeys, 12c por pound. i Tho Mcrcliiinillso Mnrltnt. Tho markets aro firm, business is good, but no changes in prices. Suoaus Tho market is firm. Quoto: Golden 0,6?jju; extra O, 6a dry gran ulated, Ojo; culo crushed and pow dered, tU.jc per pound. Dkiki) Fuuits Tho market is firm. Quoto: Italian Prunes, 12J614c; Pe tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound: Raisins, $2.75 por box: Phimmor-dried Tears, 11 12Ko; sun-dried and factory Plums, ll12c: evaporated reaches, 24c; Smyrna Figs, 1416c; California Figs, Do por pound. Bkans Tho markot Is firm. Quote: Small Whites, SX4c; Hnk, 8&c; Bayos, 4lc; Butter, 3c; Llwas, 6$c per pound. Canned Goods Market is firm. Quote: Table fruits, $2.25, 2s; Peaches, $2.50; Bartlett Pears, $2.26; Plums. $1.65; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $22.60; Blackberries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; rineapplos, $2.75; Apricots, $1.85. Pie fruit : Assorted,$3.75 per dozen ; Peaches, $1.42 ; Plums, $1.25 ; Blackberries, $1.05 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.20 1.50. according to quality; Tomatoes $1.153.50; Sugar Poas, $1.4001.00; String BeanB,$lpordozon. Fish: Salmon, $1.251.50; sardines, 80c$1.50; lob sters, $23 ; oysters, $202.75 por dozen. Condensed milk: Eaglo brand, $S.25; Crown, $7 ; Highland, $0.76; Champion, $0 per case. . Picklks Quoto: $1.15o 3s; $1.25 59. Salt Quoto: Liverpool, $17, $18, $11); stock, $11012 por ton in carload lots. Coal Oil Quote : $2.35 por case. CiiANnEiiitiES Quoto: Wisconsin, $0.50; Capo Cod, $10.50 por barrel. Cofkhk Quoto: Costa Rica, 22c; Rio, 25c; Arbucklo's, roastod, 2(ic per pound. Rice Quoto: $0.25 per sack or 100 pounds. Hors The market is steady, with nominal prices. Quoto: 8033cpor pound. Hides Quoto: Dry Hides, selected prime, 808c, He less for culls; grcon. selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 65 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool, 30 06Oo; medium, G080c; long, 90c $1.25; shearlings, 10020c; Tallow, good to choice, 3030. Wool Quote : Eastern Oregon, 10 10c; Vallqy, 1020c per pound. Nails Baeo quotations: Iron, $3.20; Steel, $3.30; Wire, $3.00 por keg. Shot Quote: $1.85 por sack. ( I The Meat Market. The meat market is firm. Quoto: J Beef Llvo, 23c; dressed, 0c. i Mutton Live, 3c; dressed, 6j7c Hogs Live, 405c ; dressed, 6c. Veal 58c per pound. j Lambs $2.50 each. smoked heats and lard. Tho market is firm. Quotations: East ern Hams, 18014c; Breakfast Ba con, llllc; Sides, 00 10c; Lard, 86 10Jc per pound. Advices received from San Paulo. Brazil, suy that whether for good or ovil tho government has decided to pardon tho ox-slavo convicts who havo mur dered their overseers and owners in years past, most of whom havo been in tho penitentiary for many years, on the ground that tho cruel system of slavery contributed to a great extent to these crimes. Officers of merchant ships familiar with the Cujio Horn routes discredit tho report of tho loss of Captain John Orth, Archduke John of Austria. Tho Santa Margherita, tho vessel which ho com mands, is a good ship and is well manned. Bonny confirms tho stories told by Stanley of Barttolot's cruelty, and thinks tho latter was insane. Tho London Times culls upon thoBarttolots and Mrs. Jamiesou to publish everything in their Jiorscselon in order that tho who!,, Ireadful stories of cruelty and cannibal, ism may bo cleared up.