The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 11, 1890, Image 8

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Performed Upon it Child of Pour Month.
A sr.rKlcul SuccrsH.
There is nt preM'iu umlcr treatment nt
the Iloscvclt hospital n child not ipiito 1
months of dro, alio has ln-en the Mibjcct
of a very difllcult mul delic'tte 8Ui;ieal
operation, in tpito of which In- still lives
mul ecu nis to fnjoy life. The child's
HIIUIIIS HiHI lA-'VII 111.11 I ILH till ll .H D - 1
i i.!.. i ..!..,.
1113 u ML I. illlll inn iiivimui nan h""
t.!..i i i. i..
4JUU1 IU llll l"V UUIC'I Uillllll 111 1 IIVJ null,- ill
no way deformed. A strange circling
stanco to which the harelip may have
been duo is that threo months before tho
child's birth its mother discovered for
tho first time that its father had been
born with both' harelip and cleft palate,
and that he had been successfully oper
ated on while an infant for tho former,
tho teal's of which operation were totally
hid by his heavy mustache, whilo for tho
latter he wore a false palate with several
teeth in his mouth. So perfect had lieen
tho work of tho surgeon and dentist in
his case, that it would never havo been
known by any one had ho not. on the
occasion of his wifo's discovery, had a
ecvero toolhacho, which had made the
removal of tho false teeth necessary.
Very unwisely ho then told her that he
and two of Ins brothers had been born
with harelip and cleft palate. Uoing u
nervous woman and in a peculiar state
of mind. Rhe took a notion that her child
would have the same deformity as its
father. The idea haunted her, and in
ome way it seems to have aflccred the
infant's development. When it was born
dm saw at the first glance that tho baby
had harelip. Tho child was unable to
take food in tho way it should have. It
could not nurse. Food had to bo given
by the spoonful, and tho result was that
the infant suffered for proier and hiiHI
cicnt nourishment. At last it was evi
dent that heroic measures must bo re
.sorted to or the child would die.
At first the mother would not consent
to nn operation, but sho did nt last, and
on May 21 Dr. McIJurney performed it
in the operating loom of tho hospital.
Ether was given the little patient in such
quantities as was safe for one m young,
and, that no evil consequence might re
suit from its struggles if pain shonliPbe
felt in spite of the amestlietie. the patient
was put into a tight fitting rubber bag.
which was closed around its neck. The
wirgeon then, selecting a sharp curved
bistoury, or knife with a pointed blade,
commenced the operation. The mal
formation to bo corrected as tho first
fitcp was to close the broad fissure which,
like the letter A. divided the upper lip.
The next step was to dissect the flesh,
muscle anil all. from the bono beneath
on both sides of the mouth for some
little distance. A slight incision was
alien made fi-Jin the left corner
of the mouth in tho direction
of tho ear. as the mouth was
a little short on that side. An incision
was now made from tho left nos
tril directly into tho flap on the right
fiido. in tho'direetion of tho right cornel
of tho mouth. This was planned so that
it left a triangular vacancy, tho iijm'x of
which ukitmlo was midway between the
center of tho nose and mouth. The Han
on tho other side was now cut to fit this
vacancy and drawn into it with silk
wnturoH and carefully stitched. Stitches
were then passed into tho mucuous lining
of tho Hans in such a way as to overt it
and bring sufficient to tho outside along
tho lower border to form the vermilion
border or the hp. lho
cheek was then sutured
fully and tho external
fissure m toe
together care
operation was
It now remained for tho surgeon to
brine the Ikiiiv roof of tho mouth to
gether in tho middle, by which means it
was hojied that tho palate could
lw closed and the pntir t saved the in
convenience of Imivi obliged to use an
-artificial set of teeth and mouth roof like
his father's. With a eliiirit knife the
Mtrccoit incised tho soft niiicitous mem
hmno tin lioth sides of. tho fissure, and.
takinir care not to wound the blood ves
hoIh, raised tho periosteal membrane from
tho lniny wall of the cavity beneath, and
tinning this flap from each side in the
in hh e of tho llssure, thus formed a
iieriosteal tent over tho mouth, for the
oroteeiioii of which against tho tongue's
action lie nut a thin silver plate, nuu'.t
for tho occasion, in tho mouth under
tuiid lent. At lho interior end of the
ilssuio ho united tho two parts of the
ft pahlo. thus forming a good palate
and completely closing the cleft.
Tho periosteal membrane above re.
ferred to has the property ot f'orinin
now Ixmo. which is deposited on Its in
ner side. It forms the outer or hard
laver of all Union, and its finely ramify
ing blood vessels supply tho outer layer
of an lumen with nourishment, it is ex
octed that a I tony root will grow over
tho tent of 'icrioMeiim that was made to
close tho fissure. When this bony roof
ia formed tb silver guard will lie taken
from tho child's mouth, where it must
remain until then.
Tho little patient is rapidly recovering
from tho cHocta of the o)eration. The
wounds aro all healed with the exception
of that in the hard ivaluto. and a firm
bonv arch is forming over tho roof of the
mouth. The child a own mother bcarcely
recognized it after tho first bandage
were removed. In a few days tho little
one. will leavu tho hospital cured. Now
York Cor. Globe-Democrat.
A Plant That Cutclica I'llra.
One soej many curious things In na
ture, and now huru is thero anything
Htrancer to bo found than umeug certain
snoclea of tho vegetable kingdoui. There
in to bo seen in tho yard of C, L. Stiison
a Howering curiosity. It is what is
known as n black lily. When It first
blooms it Is black, but gradually fades to
dark purple, It U bulbous, tho same
am other members of tho genus lilelcea.
The Uowcr ia something of tho ishapo of a
dla. but much larger, being bouio Mx-
teen Inches across tho top by ten Inches
in breadth. It ia 6crrated uround tho
ttlinu. Tho pistil emanates from n lxnich
Blnt ten inches in depth, and ia itself
some fifteen Inches long by nearly an
nvora width of an inch, and ta txirfectly
black. But tho most curious thing about
)ia ilower is iU odor, and it has lots of
that. His extremely offensive, Bnielliiif
like the decaying carcass of a liorso or
onw: Vlim bwarm nuout uio uowcr.
Attracted by the odor, they find their
way into the pouch from which the pistil
0oww, and once down In thorn thov
never get out. It ia really worth a visit
to M It, Cluoo (ttU.j Itecoru.
A I'rovlr.Mi of Siberia.
The citv of Semipalatiiisk. which has a
. popula'ionc f about in.OOOKussians.Korg-
liis and laruis, m biiuuicu uu me u6,.
bank of the river Irtish. 40 miles south
east of Omsk and about !)0O miles from (
Tinmen. It is the seat of government of (
tho province of Semipal.ithisk, and is ,
commercially a place of some impor- .
tance, owing to the tact mat iismnus on
one or tin'
earavan route to lasnuenu
i , ..:
and central Asia.
and commands a largo
part ot the trade of the .virgins 8tepie.
The couutrv tributary to it is a pastoral
rather than an agricultural region, and o:
its 017.000 inhabitants 407,000 aro no
mads, who live In 111.000 kibitkas or
felt tents, and own more than a. 000. 000
head of live stock, including 70.000 cam
els. Tho province produces annually,
among other things. 45.000 jwunds of
honey, .570.000 min(ls oi looacco, iuu,
000 bushels of potatoes, and more than
13.000,000 bushels of grain. 1 here aro
held every year within the limits of mio
province eleven commercial fairs, tho
transactions of which amount in tho ag
gregate to about $1,000,000. Forty or
fifty caravans leave the city of Semi
palatinsk every year for various points m
Mongolia and central Asia, carrying
eian goods to the value of from $100,000
to $200,000.
It is hardly necessary, l suppose, 10
call the attention of persons who iiuiik
that all of SiU-ria is an arctic wasto to
tho fact that honev and tobacco aro not
arctic products, and that tho camel is
not a beast of burden used oy iviiimu
on wastes of snow. If Mr. rrost and i
had supposed the climate of southwest
ern Siberia to lie arctic in its character,
our minds would have been dispossessed
of that erroneous idea in less than twelve
hours after our arrival in Seniipalatinsk.
When wo set out lor a walk through tho
city about 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
tho thermometer lmueaieu on nogs.
Fahrenheit in the shade with a north
wind, and the inhabitants seemed to re
gard it as rather a cool and pleasant
Biuniner day. Oeorgo
Kennan in The
A SiuiiIuj-'h Hard Worlt.
The simple city man who has labored
hard for six davs. and needs really to he
on his back one day in tho week and rest,
dresses on this hot Sunday morning inoro
elaborately and painfully than ever. Uo
puts on more starch and more stillness.
So does his wife: so do tho children.
They then go forth in the hot sun to seek
for pleasure. 1 hey do not get u in me
6treets. They board the car. The car is
crowded with other stiff and starched.
hot and flushed Sunday pleasure seekers.
Thero is no pleasure on tho car. I hey
go, then, on board the excursion boat.
It is rammed, jammed and crammed
with pleasure skekers. Tho air is warm
from a thousand human corporeal fur
naces so near together, and the shady
seats aro all claimed. Littlo pleasure is
found there. They land at tho "summer
garden." They toil up a steep hill. They
toil down again at night. Tho boat is
not now crowded; it is packed. It is
compressed with tired bodies. They ar-
.1... ..!.. I..., ...... 1 .1 In ,.... HP.
riVO 111 IIIU L'llV. llllllf, in nu"
riving in the city. There are waits for
. ,,.i
cars, and cars more crowueu iiimi uvi-i,
and nothing but stand up seats, iney
get homo at last, long after dark. It lias
been a hard day s work, and on nionuay
morning the simple man of tho house,
who doth not "foreseo the evil and hido
himself," wonders why ho feels so tired
and jaded. Prentice Mulford in New
York Star.
A Novid AdvcrtUniiii'iil.
A novelty in tho advertising lino is tho
"electric window tapper," for tho pur
pose tif attracting the attention of passers
by tt the wares exposed for sale. It
consists oi a llgure, nana pamieu on
ziuo. eighteen inches high, which knocks
on tho window with its hand. It is sus
pended bv wires connected with batteries
that can bo placed in tho cellar or any
other convenient place. Tho batteries
which go witli the tapper will run for
bix months, and the material tor renew-
ing the in can lxi had at any
for u triile.New York Press
drug btoro
A Mull ol Honor.
Ned Snv, Jael:. can you nay that $10 you
borrowed of me a week agof
Jnuk (ivilectivolyi Ten dolltirsf-ii week
agof Oh, ye uo; cun t do it. Horry, but
Ned Hold on a m.'nuUi Can oi lend me
Jack Why, ui-ni-iu certainly, old man.
certainly liliidtoiitvoinmodatoyoul 1 hue.
i.ini is stiui't.
Iluobantl (to wife, who is wrltlnpr n letter)
Do you want inu to mall that lottur ror
you, tuy tieurJ
vlri Mo, Jolin, 1 wo'.ix Ko:p you "itu.-
Iiik: I'm ouly on tho llitst postscript. luo
liliot.'li. t
'U llmtiloyi'il.
"I notice you never try to fchluo iu con
versation, llrotnloy,"
Well, no. Knct Is, DurrlnRton, it kecpn
mo busy tryiuR to conceal my ignorance. "
DldOKubnbU 5 1 Al t OfTHelUMALH
nni.nsiPTP o i-r al r n I nr-AI rot?
u unuasui3i3 ct utiiLnnu ui-riLa-nj.
Oiii Latest and Greatest Premium Offer !
iiihthiiv. T... ll.oTHCrciirm.eonulniampll
sh.I. ,ll.. I.l.lory of Die (tint Aln-rlcm. .JVr, l-r i
-... .ill . Ol ins liroriiiou ,
..oJ.imnl onil I K'l oallolK, ehionoloflcal
I. lniorj.tlu.eit
Itllldlt M'll V. Tlil aresi woili eeiilslin ilia Mfs r all
II, 1 l" If II.. r.Yll-1 Mai.., from W..I,lnloll l"
II.,,,. lll. i-.rsllsaii4 ll,,...lw f'
.,.lrs...fNs.lfii llns..rie, l,.kMie. ','-,r'll'"'J
I-.mii lirnlainlii i MMkllii. Ilmrf Cl.r. O.nlel Webster, and
l sii-inrii, sinliws, posts, (cntrali, c Itrijintii, t-.
.iwii In II, e I'fm-nlilaJ
i:ill('l'l.'l'llltl Vslnsble l.lnts ali4 i,fnl iufslloiis
i.. r "iM-r.. Iiesllna ! 11.11 il . " '"! '"'"'"";
l,N,..,rt. I ll.e.l..rli laKhK. Ii,tl,.,lhn Hie ireslmeiil f
,l,.ra.i..l..,i,iesll animal' l ,iilny keeplnir. Blul lion luaflo
.,,.ve..ral iin l prnHtsl.Hi l..ekwpln.dalrr fsin.ln, eie. ri,
1,-altiieiilKllliese auhjeeta I, eniuptota sil,tle, anil
Illllt TleriI TIti:. Il-ieln laclren tl,,f,.l bints
"'."IraVriill ..f esl.lM and Iriilf, ss sallisreJ
Iroiu ilieni erleiicsof ll.eluost succcsitnl l.orllcultnilsts.
. Itl'IHTI'OTI'lli:. leslns snil plans for lionsM.eollscM.
i?,'l.V sill oilur o.ltbulldlu.s, oltt. laluibls untsllous to
llioselntrl.ilhii to build. H.l "ik "nlalna tilrd nn t tested recipes
"r almost ierrli, bieaklasl. dinner mid tea.
Ihla department silono lieln nortli inois llisn nine lenlln of
lie cook books sold almost Innumerable hints, lielpaimd sua..
esll..ii,loliou.okeepirai designs slid aujse.llous Ijr link in
: , n..i ii.i. . r,.r ilia udoriimelit of liotue, In needlr-! i l.lnlaoii norlciillur.. Icl Ins; bow to be
,coe..r,il Itli nil lbs l srlons plants; toilet l.lnts, clll us l.ov,
to picscise and beaullfj Hie coiupleilon, bauds, teeth, lialr.
etc., etc
liridt'AI- lanr dollars In doctors' bills will be sared
Kiin nlly tneterr pos.cssor onlils Inrnk tlironjli the lul.iali e
luf .rmalloi, berilii contained. It tells bow to cure, I,t simple
tetrotlaldiil.niiia remedies, srsllnblsln oserj liousebiilJ, ettry
ill.oaso an t ailment Hist la curable, tbl. ilepartment forming s
complete medical Uok, lbs lu" ' wli'd' '" any lioms can
Imrdlr be computed lu dollars and cents.
INVENTION ANl mSWlVr.KVj neni.rkably liter
eslliildeserlpllsns of prcat lulrsi.tliius. Iii-ludlns the Stesm
riislne, tlialclesiapb. tbo rilntlna Pres.. tlif Hectrlo l.lsbl.
tl.e Senilis; Hscblne, tbo I elerdione, Uio Type Writer, Hit Tjpe
Kcllluj MacUltic, His Cotton Oln, etc.
rill! WOHI.n'H Orsible deserlpllons,
Wsulltullr Illustrated, oftbe Yellowatons Park, Voscmlw
Volley, Niagara I'slls, lb Alps, Paris, ttuvlua, Venice,
Vlenns, Hit faiiont of t'olorsdo, llaiuinotli (le, Natural
llrblge, Wstklns Glen, lbs H'liltc Mountains, etc., etc.
TIIAVrXfl. Ilcscrlptlons, profusely Illustrated, of Hie life,
rnsnncrs, customs, peculiar forms, rllea slid ceremonies of tlit
I'rnn.lhen.hoye brlefsun.marv ;r.r IS conten i J mme
".'"" V.i
DlMiMA is may ue iiaineu, j et iiuin nm.. ....... i--"-
this crvnt work havo been named
ulilv , of thfl best nn.l most vali
out II OU I a.
lit Is a work to bo consulte.l overy day with regar
Vlnuoua reading no work Is more cutertalnluB or Instructive,
Grand Premium Offer to
llv Hpet'inl firmiiKenient with tho publ'li-r of the Mammoth I yci.oi'.kdia we are
enihli'd in iiuike tiurhiibHcriberrt and re.derei ilns IiiII-nviiik 'X ra r.i.iin olltr: H e
will xnnl the .Ma.mmoui Cvoi.oi'.udi v, complete infuur volame.-, as above, fv.s vet.
all uostaoe prrpavl, oo Tin: Okkoun St uur fur onk yuaii, upon receipt of only
S!.!.ii, which in lut7C cents more, thm our reyilur mibscriptmn pruc, that tuu
pmvticalh) net this lame and vtiluu'ile. work for the tr.Jlum sum of ,5 cents. 1 his Ih
Ii trreiit oiler, ii barRnln, hiiiI it. Ih h pi-anim lo u- to i enaUUid to l ortt uur
renderM ho remarkable mi opponunl y. Through thin .xtrHo.diimry .ll.-r ve hope lo
larizolv inrrt-iiMe our rirctilation. Pleam' lell li ir frieiidH lutt Hi y run ireb tne
Mammoth Uyci.oi'.hiua In four volume-., with a yeiirV Mib-. rii t on to nu t niwr, ror
only VJ.VJ.'.. I'erfs-ctHiitl' faction i gniiiii tt-ed to all who lake HtKHniiige "f hi-great
preiiililin oir.'r. Thoo wlm-o -ubso ih have not vet fxplrH, ho i.Miew ii i -w v
receive the Mammoth Cyci.oi'HIHA Ht.nnoe, md ihelp-ulwc 'p'io.iH w II be extenileti
n,. vr from iI.iIh of .-xtllral l-ll. The MAMMOTH CyCI. HUM)! A wl I al-O lie IV It
frm. lo iiiiv one HPiidlnir uh a club of ihr. e
panied with M.j In cash. Addre n all letteis:
The Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
premium in our Hiil.o.ll.eis is handsomely printed ho... -ntlielj: w pln. LV
The twelve voluiiies eonUIn the f.illowii.K world.r.imou8 woiks, encli oue of which is pub
lUhed O'lmnVf, niic'ifiniil, mid nfjfJt'iti'y uritwrfitjeti
The nlmvo are without iincstlon the most
niiftrtor of century they liuve been coluhrated In overy hook ami eonier oi inn '""
world, Yet tl
thetiHiul hit;!
thin luxury
lore lire llnmsantlaoi linines in Aiuorioa nui jm su.ihi.i v
i coat nrihe Ims.Ks nrovoiitini; neoplo ill moilerate eiwuiistaiicori Iront t lijev iik
.. . . . A 1. 1... .iriiiliniP f.ilitltll? Mtlll Hlltl'llilll?
, lllll HOW, OlVlllg 111 IIIU UBU HI llltHluril liui'iu , I r n --rs
, the extrenioly Imv iiioe of while ,iaer, and the Kret competition in tho book
pTlce VhUmaU i. 'MZmrWt Und may now bo -upplied will, a net
of Ilni b'teut itutlnir'u wotka. .
Our Great Offer to Subscribers to the Scout
11V will semi tin IIntihk Sut ok Dickksh Wohkh. in twki.vk voi.itmi, im above
described, all postatic prepaid by ourselves, -dst Tiik Ohkuun tcot'T Jor onk vkah.
uiion receipt of which is onliS(i ceids more than the regular subscription
price of this paper. Our rendere, therefore, practlcnlly net a net of nickeim works
in twKlvo volnineti for only 5J cents. Thin U the urandeiit nreinluiu ever "tiered. Up
.....I. n.l t.a ..(T.asjs In ,uiw uii halr ierti H 111 TttlLllUrH IV HUI Ul 1ll BUIin Wl n V ik
to thU time a Hot of l)!ckoiin" workn hai usually been 910 or more, lell all your
friends that thuy caimel a netof Dlpkeim' work lu twelve volumes, with a year'si
snbscrlntloii to Tun Ohkuo.V St OUT for only t.HI. Siibscrlbinow and pet thiaureat
nreinluni. If your Hubierliitlon ha not vet expired, t will nmke no dllleron e, tot It
will tMJ extended one year from date of explrfUl-.ii. o will also lvo a net of Dickena,
ttnaliove, free and imHtpald, to any one nendliiK us a club of two yearly subscribers,
accompanied wltlt a.tH lu cath, Address
A Great and Wonderful Work,
2,176 Pages
620 Bcautifnl Illustrations !
Tins Mammoth Ctclomdu been pub
Untied tn meet tlie waiitu ol the msei for
Uniterm! compendium of knowlfdire, practical,
uneful. Kientlflc ami ijeneral. The work la rul
lnhed complete In four large and handaome
volume. cnmprHiiiK tnlal ol I.I7 ,ruea, and
In profuHy llluntratedwItliBOIieaullhilenKraT.
Ini. Tlinimamla of dollarn hare been expended
to n ake thin Mia mot complete, valuable and
uneful work for theinaMeaeterpublkhed. It la
a work foreverrbodr man. woman anil Ahlld,
In etery occupation or walk 111 life. The sub
stance and practical utility twenty ordinary
volumes are comprised In lbee four, and so
replete Is the work with knowlediro of every
kind, so filled Is It with unelul bints nnil helpful
sueitestlons, that we fully bellere that In every
home to which It shall find Its way U will soon
come to be regarded ss world lis welelit In Bold.
For want of enaenwecan only briefly summar
ize a small portion of ibeconientiof this great
work, as follows !
riiln'M. I -I ' ' (....jwlcli Ulsni..
aw 11 n . TartsrT,' Cailnneis l"l Tunis, Ilia Arsb,,
Torn, HMlMiii.foulh American,. Ainetlcsri ""'"" ."P'
i: . 'hi.imi. Ab.Mlulaiii. Norflii'. Bpanlsrol. 8l,a,
li.ll.i... Ilreta!. im.ian,, pinvrian-,
Afslisns, Pcrtlsni,
Moslems', Australians, llulgstlslis, Slelllsns, etc .etc.
MANIIPACTIIItEO. In tbls great work It also described
V .... . .... Z..a of i rlmlns. stereotrplng,
f.J.' "V,.r. M ....... Ii. Illl.oar.lh,.tliOtoirspl.t. calico
,moii. ...... " - .,. r,1r ,nmk I
, nu act..... 1. 1. Iron, steel, glass, elilna.
estlier. slsrcb, wall paper, turpentine, postal cards, postage
eutelopes. pens', pencils, needles, snd msny other
0,rs! nil of "(.lei. IU be found peculiarly Interesting and
...... itit.iikrTfil'a. li.lerestlnt descrlnllons, liitis.
irs c". of lbs eulturr .ml preparation for market of '""
I .-Vi.i. ,..11011. Il. Iiomp. sugar. lice, iiiilmesp. eloier,
cluier. cliinsmon, allsplee. perper, coeo.nuls. plncsppies, i .. n.
iusslpiunet, dates, ral lit: elites. InlL-rubber, gutts
percbs, tork. can.plior. castor oil, tsplocs. etc., etc.
n'.'i'iniAl. IIIKTIIitY. Inlerestlns snd Instruellis
dV.crli" loi is. accompanied l.y Illustrations, of nuineroiis Wasts,
Wrds! flsliet and Insects, will, luucl. Clitlous iiilorm.lloi. regard
in il. .lr nr. snd habits.
I 1V Tilt lAotll rteiors-MSls slo a cni,incie
imik. lelllngeteryliiau bow be may bo I. Is own liwjrtr, suit
io SWuIng full .Jd tends, esplsnstlon. . '-,
andtlieUwaollbe.cierslBlate. upon ml wallers srlile i sr.
subject la lltlStlon. Willi numerous forms of legal dooumeiill.
MINIMI. Ilcscrlptlons and lllusiratlons of Ibe mining of
a'ldVsllter. dlsiuouds, coal, .sit. copper, leal. line, tlu sud
qulckillier .
tvitvul'ltH III' Till! P1JA. Herein art described snd
im,.lrleVllie msny wonderful snd besutirnl llihigs hnml St lbs
bolton oftl," ocean .tlo-plants, Mowers, shells, ll.bes, etc.. like
wise pesil dlrlng. corsl llsblng. etc , etc.
D .rn il. AKI1 MIMini.I.ANEorf. Herein
Is .lv.n o vest amount or u.eMI and interesting Infornisllon,
ion e or which Isibe iKipulallon of Amerlcnn cities, siea snd
Jl"iloH Cf II,. continent., of the State, snd Territories, and
I I II -.rlnclp.l counlrle. of the w.rld. lend .of be pi nclpal
flrcrs.' "r"o dentlal vote for .Utf, Presidential statistics,
area and depth of seat, lakes snd oceans, height or mountains.
Keome lon Tl "nlm.l.'.nd Telocity of bod,,. . M, I. ; o I
menls, towers snO structures, d slsuces from )r, ' net. also
from New Yak, to Important points, chronological history of dis
cover' slid progress, popular sobriquets of American Slates,
cTl'cscf common g'rlm'm.tlcsl errors, rules for spelling, pro
nunelatlon anduse of, 'VRl"V,,: l',,T, of
of tho world, cnrlou. facts In lislural lilstory.long etlly "J
animals, origin of the names of Stsle., and of countries, of grest
work, popular fable., r.mlllar quotations, or gerilu. and ot fdy lt' g word, of famou. persons, of the A pottles,
itstlsticsoftht globe, leading goremmeuts of the world, etc.,
remarkably Interesting, Instrucllve arid
or w ViVrt of the topics treated In
I .to the JV.2,"",,r'r i.r.i.s and pursuit., and for con-
SuteGTiters to the Scout.
.-rly HiibMcrli ets tu our aper, accom
In Twelve Large Vo.ume
wo Offer with a Year's Subscription
to thin Paper for a xnno more umu
Our nogular Subscription Price.
Wlshine to liirurly incictiso the eiicnliiiinn of this
iiimiiri the next six ninlitlis. we liuve mailt
L J.,..i,i..iiln wild a New YmU pillilisliiiiir Ihhiho
mi, f.iiiililfil in rtl'i'i' us a nit'iuliiin In our
il....- ,. s.-r uf ilu- Work's f I'luit liM lllrk-
t'ii. In 'l'wt'ht' laiim nnil IliiiiiUoint. )
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paper, lnr tillille li'ioie ll"1" '' ifulllnr slib
Hi'iiPtinii price. OiirgrentiilVci inHiilifcnlicri
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DicKins wuh the ereittcst nowlim who ever
livcil. No iilillmr liefore or sinco his nine lias
Mini tin- ftitue he nehinvetl, ami lu wt'il.n
urn even iniue vojniliir to-tliiy than liming
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iiathm, niiiHltrly ilelllieation of eliarueier,
iiil lUuciiiiiitiiis ot iiliiciH tiiul incitleiits,
Ultillllig ami hliillfillly winught lilnlB. l'acli
linok lsiiiteiielyiiiii'reHtiiig. No hnnieul tmlil
bo withtuit ii set of tin tie meat ami leinaik
able wiiiks. Not lo have rettil Ilium is tn bo
far behind the age in which we live. The
Hlti- III Dickens' weik which we otter au n
oliver'twist AND CREAT EXPEC-
Unions novoU tlmt were ever written. For a
W. .v.,.,tl crpnoorrlrc,1lln,lv..ryl..r.. 7.1nrl.,B III" l.nxtnlx . no "Vl?.lli'7U ' ir
.IU., I- .f.-on..IMi till-, wn I..-.1 1 ...M. ot. ... our J''"" uZn ,,1o, bJj
o f our prs-Hunt rea.lem ivuiinl r....-..i fo i. . n-,o s l'MCnfc.-,-. . . K In il.itl" i '"' ' ,'0',",,j
.,1 .,mr- H.itoliiiM!Vtiitlt will t.ko mi o-tr.i-m tiuiy l.uln-ome. t 11 lirli . o nt t iip Mtea
efr,,-rllfT-.-Ki nltull lisvs In iimkn n '' ' ,""i1,' i "rf"
ami"ri..i..l .tiiMl.sii-. s.ur uiru.ilut.t.i.. n.l. J m-ecUl airaticemoiit vvltli one ot tli lead-
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An Offer Remarkahlo for its Liberality.
ltca.1 it : 7i mi' (.. ic.o "ill teM s o no Subscriber tV r"JVf?' 0no,Y,r
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pj Twonty-fivo Cornploto Novels -any tict,Urjlcey,M,na! nWctJroui t',e follow
ni'j in'
N.. "Si
v. ft
lla-r tlniiirial llr-lliu "y "" Ht'oi
llliMiplu. Itv M I iir-u
lltiluri'M II, )lis Jae tl Aiisiis.
llrnii-f.iiiel. I'r " s-tst ...
'rmilill'"iii' lrl. Ilr-lns. HfrMras.
linlllj iirinil lliillly. rii.i l. Ii.'umi ;!
1'nUi'ly fi' II Mrs As. i, MuMiri" I't '
A f.iUr'si-eiil. I" " Aiasssi.sii
I lia I'ettrl iiP lluOrlelil. tly Mil rsaraC.isa Jr
K,in, llrrrlek'w Irimttlitrr. Itf l T.Csiimh.
Mil- I.IihI.'ii I'liriM llrlile. Uv Jlsnussrr IlLiiust
liiiii:eeil W "iniiii. MrXrt Asi- Ktsrnrsa
1 1 1 t. I.I r.l lllll I" Ksni'ii Xi-hik KrNet.i
T li,.r.rllritl.liiiril I'lir.luii. Mr II U Fsnimv
I he l.ltlli- tll.l .Mum of lliu lliitlgft,ll.-w. Il
, fl . M..HI l
I rniM ll.rllnrll, to the Mmin, Mr Juiea i.
Tin- (iinirillnii- It, lir. J II. ll.isissoN
The lliiri.n'a U III. Hjr ftl vsl f Cuss, Jr.
I hp lir, il l ull . m. He M- 1
I Uv i.rriin or,, strrrrl. " M t'trii llr.
I,.r.s mul II'' I'riiiiliel. Hi tt'ilsls:! muss.
,,. ,,r) ut ii eilillnic Uliif. I' lh auiln.r
It,. , n Ibonie
tliirllii nri-' 'I'eiiipliilliili. Hy Mrs II Wni.i.
tloili-rii'i'llll III 'lli'iiii
I I... I-Ikii.I lliniii-. Hi M l' 1'ill.i.H.
I hi-1 nil. I llloi i- Hi i isi cini.
T l,.- Mill I'lrl nr Tjml Mr I.T I'siimu
M.ililil'" Itfll'licv. Ill II HllirH IUkuisi..
Iliilli llirrlib. oy Wiiiism II. Husiinkii
Itiitlisrn It nril. II v I mihkm k Mahhvsi.
'I'ltii KI..I''. Hi ill miiiIiit "I " liura 1 ixiriie
I I. .... I-mid Miii.aliliic. ir Cm. ui r llru.r
nirnlniiiil lleriiliii-. "r Mrs A Ij.woi.s
n,r.iiT,iU tlrmitfi.. lis lleil Winw.hh..
uriiiiu I I'.illiill.-. Mr lr Hpshv triNin.
,,. Ilri It mi. Mr U ii air I'm l lis
T'lu lri'iinri'.il I riiiii'lniril. My It. I. Prsv-
The All-mis i-iilnrea iif J.ilin Mi'liiiUun. My
KM I 1l.l.ll N..
III iii.I l' I he Vt'nliT".!" MI.sMuiiick. '.!.
rl,. ,.f I'liri.f,n. M 'I ItinsK lliimsui..
rnire Mni'li -111". Uv Ms t'ecil llv
Mi.r llnriliili-l.'a llliiil. Hy Jlr. II M'iiok
t nil rlnuiT". lir Mihins Him inn ft.'.
The lli ri'lililll'l'lllil'. Mr II. .linn i Aloes.
ti-..riri- I'niillli lil'- .IniiriU'l. Hylls
t! 'Ulrr K llli'. Mi aullmr ' lii a 'I liolin;."
II, .prrlil. Mv M T l'niu
I mi tin- vrU Mr vl i ssi'a Cups. Jr.
It.irl. InlierlliiiiiM'. II? MahtIVcii llav.
I hut liili'P Mtfhl r It.iMKiir lli'eiisnaH.
'I hi' Iti 'l fin... " M T l' i.
! or l.i,o or Ills-Is.--. Hy aiiihir ' A Clrear
n ill.
. 't
f Ull
v.. 'i:
V.. JIHl
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V . ;,n
s,. mi
S.i JilJ
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v. i'i:.
N-, I'ul
III.. Wlmrit .it' tl rim ml a. II? M. T t'nn
A U iiii' H,.,.r.. Hi I'issi Aiol'sn
I I, Ii, lllll"
iv, I liiri-iii' niniriiiii .nun. ''
I.? A
,,S,-,s llhlll' .Ifr-I
im I. .trr'-t'iililii. It? Mrs l V tictoii,
l.l lluiil l.riiiiiri' 111 Mrs Hicnii? W
1,1 Tin- Tiit-nii nr,i-. II? I hiiikmck liui?r.
I.I I'oricluir Ills- IVIIirs. II? Mis. A I rx sniisk
IMi. A I'lin iirlllliT- lliiilulilfr. Iljr Mrs, snsia
rt.milil" llli'Ht tf'l
119 ll.illin? ."li Hull. II? MsnQ.iir? Ilioiiy?
Ill I.
lis A lliirti'ri'll I. Ill, n? sisiiiii-1 ii.iiip.
Ill i-lr Nii'l' lli lr. Hi Mis .Msr Anssa I'i smino
III. Il.irl-'" I'lU'llllll'. I" I'I""!""-!' tl'AWiXN.
t,t. I I... NI......T ll ..rl.. IU II I. I'llUKllN
III l.inl? I iiliinrlli'a IMumuiiils. Hy
Hi I'nlr lull 1'iilai'- Il?aiil1iftr of ' llora Tlinrns. ' l'.l.
nt 'I in- tl iiiiinii iinli'r. nr l'r. J ii. it.MiiNs.iv m'.i.
Ill .Il l m i ll 'l'u hlita. llj Hi. nutlior uf " llora
tl, IH lllifnhiilt'l
llll 'I'll,. I.unirr'a Horri-t. "? Mls '' llai.wii.
.I' 'II,,. Nrniiizi t'lian nr lir. Jvkyll mul 3lr.
Ullll-. !'? II 1- MIH1-K-ISII
lii n Olil .Mim'a Hiicrlllce. Hj Mi
Ann P.
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Tho Tiiri-i I It sal Itiilil.'a. II; M. T. I ;
he IHiii il Hrii.flil. Hr Mrs. II' irons.
liliri- lliiii-i'. llrhrtiH I'ih s.
Aciilli""' lllalnrj. II? Mssn.s.r Itnu'sr.
Out i.ri.if -i ll. Iltl' Alul'ars
Tim Htnr? iiTii l,,riii. l'r Mr- J.skiI tl'
'lilt? I'.tll 4l-iilli. It? M. T l!il,i,
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U? AnK.a f l mi- i.
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'lliu MiirilliU I ii nn II; Mil sis
No. lot
m ... 7li,r, . tri
Na. ItS). tint iifllic llrpllia fir lliml .?.
No. HI).
Ililrll'illl Ii; lsnsr rims?
A Tiili' nf-lii Ii; Mrs Muss? vr.H.n.
A l i.rllino lliinlrr. l? Asms Tiilmis f''.
Urililril nnil l'atrta-,1. Br aulln r ' ii.r. 1 l,irn.
I hr l'iillilalirlilirrMj.lrry.ll?CM Itssl.a.
Imrlrill-l? Iliill-f. I'? aiuhnrnr" llora T.ioriit.
A I'liaaUi' t'rlllll" Hj Tnslllt-listt
l.-ii.i- l.mliri'. It r Mrs llsis? IVonn.
A llrliltttrl.sttc. n? aullmr ' Mora Tliorns "
Tin. fill ill Miirrlnirr. It; Miss M K lis. m.
A Olirl'il Amunsal Uillilfll. Il III. aullmr !
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No 91.
N. I.
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No. .'.
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linis l iii.rn
No, s, Tin- lllnli'lifiiril ll"iin -l. ll?lll nnCnwr. flf.
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Itr Tii'.Msa II. nn?
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Na ?7 tl..r. Ilni m. It? Itl'i.11 t'.iSWA?
no. :s
No, Ii
Nu. II.
No tl.
No. II.
No. tl.
No. 70.
Kliinliiii" nn tin -nun. in ii i- i i," .
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t'nlli-il IIiii-L. II' M I ''iiowa?
.MIMn il Tri't iiiilmi. II? ' Tn. Ilri nsaa ' )
In t'nnlir- N'i'l. Hi aiilliorof llora T...'i,- '
T.n-llrl. Wihiiiiii. Ill lr- n Iir4
Im Mai'r; ur nn- iiiiiiv rei. n; in.
.uil.or or
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irii.ri fir.-i
No. 61.
No. C
No. r.7.
tlnlirll l'a MiirrliitfC. Ill t n aia-Cni I las fll.l.
.lull II Uinri-rliiinl.'a Iff. I; Ml Mi n is III.
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I.ntillnt-. II? Msii? Cscii. lis?. llhtMh.ttt.1.
l.mlr liirf mlnlliii-" llri-iim. Hi II auit-or of
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No 61 lli-il Cimrl l iiriii. Ily sir. llsis? nnil Ill''
No. 61. 'l lli- I'mri-ii li-,-i. Ill trn ms .'i.i.i laa -'.
o. HI. I1ih-I. Ii. llli-Olil tin SI mi? I'icii ll. III.
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No. L Iti-ll II? I' Mm nalim-
Xo. SO. .Mlliitf. "i Mm? n li list
No. a.1. Amu-. It; Mrs II.nh?Hi
Nn. 32
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Sl-ll-r lln-i-. Hi M il sis I'm i ins.
VnU-rli-l'iill-. I'; Mis aissni.kii.
A IJiitili-ii llitll it. tl; iiuiti-ir " lloi" I lii-rn III.
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!,., I.t Hunt It? Mr- ah H. in-iis-
'l lll- lll-ll- tn Aallll-t. H? Mr-. IlKMi,,.
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A lUlill-il Mil Hi I' iinil'or ur - flii-n.-"
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lli lirj ArUi-ll. II? Mrs Usui? Hmm.
Ainiia lliirliin. Ur (Iriiiius-Hiior
llllii'i:ii- I linlilt'll 1 1 nl r. II; ansif riu-MA..
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