if fii ill in 1 1 i i ii i ii ii ii 1 1 " "T ' 1 " 1 1 " i i m ri FROM ALICEL Record of Recent Interesting Local Happenings. Brief Description of the Famous Wallowa Valley as Seen on a Hasty Vis itPersonal Notes. Everything dull at Alicel. Mr Jcsso Imblcr of tho lone pino was in the city recently. Mrs. Samuel Cochran returned last week from a visit to Iowa. Mr. Samuel Cochran butchered a fine lot of hogs a few days ago. Mr. C. C. Stanley has accepted a po sition with a Chicago firm as a drum mer. Mr. Ousley had a cow killed by . the construction train, near Alicel, a few days ago. Mr. Tucker, teacher at Fairview, at tended tho teacher's examination at Union last week. Hon. J. L. Hoc, will soon take his departure for a short visit to his par ents in Wayne county, Iowa. There is to bo a large store put in at this place as 60011 as tho proper ar rangements can bo perfected. Mr. S. L. Brooks and G. W. Ruck man started for tho Sound this morn ing with several car loads of hogs. Mr. Lockwood, right-of-way agent for the U. P. railroad, was in Alicel a few days ago looking at its future prospects. Married, at the residence of Thomas Ruckman, Nov. 27, 1S90, Mr. John Vanderpool and Miss Jennie Allen, both of the Sandridgc. May many little Tools rise up and call Hum blessed. The construction company is about to finish up the U. P. railroad. They have about 175 men at work. It is all finished from Elgin to a poiut near Alicel. They will have it all ballasted and ready to be received in a short time, as there is another gang of men coming this way from Island City. Ye correspondent took a Hying trip to the Wallowa valley, hence nothing has appeared in your paper from Alicel lately. I will try and give you an account of my travels. We jumped in our hack ono fine beautiful morn ing, and at noon we were in the boom ing littlo city of Elgin, where every body was putting on metropolitan airs. Surely this is a wonderful littlo city. Only a few short years ago there was nothing to mark tho place except the "Fish Trap Bridge." There the In dians would iralhcr at certain times of the year to fish and put in a fish trap and catch the dog salmon as they passed up the river. Wo took dinner at the Western hotel with our old friend, J. II. Johnston. No one can eat with him and go away half starved We took our leave of tho thriving littlo city amid its cares and bustle and rode over tho hills and rolling country of Elk Hut, which is fenced almost into a continuous lane totlio Wallowa. Stop ing at night with Mr. Dooring, proprie tor of the Pino Grove house, we re cieved all tho care a traveler need have. Then came tho long descent of tho Wallowa hill, at tho buso of which Hows the bubbling Wallowa and Mi nam rivers, which come together hero. Then came our long tedious rido through the famous Wallowa canyon, for nine miles, emerging into the lower Wallowa valley and its changing scenes. A perron would think for a moment that he had como into another world. Here we find the roads as smootho and level as though tho peoplo took a spe cial nrido in keeping their highway in good repair. Tho next place of inter est was tho Lower Wallowa. There the M. it M. company seem to have everything their own way. They have several large buildings and have laid out several acres in town lots. They keep one of the best arranged country stores in the valley, which is presided over by our genial friend, Johnny Mc Donald. From here wo passed through what teemed to bo u level strotch of country of eight miles till we came to thu town of Lostiue. The town seems to be on thudeclineas no improvements aro pomg on. Fioni heio wo rido over a hilly htreteh of country, about nino mill, dntW'd here and there with farm housn.', till we come to tho nourishing littlo i iy of Enterprise, tho county j seat ot Wallowa county. Everything j induces antoi.dy inipiovemont. Hero ! ui. Mined the pr.n.ip.il branch of tho j M. & M. OuV. b. witless and they huvo j Hindu i Mi ion n what it is. After rc- niainiiigin Enterprise u few days and meeting many old acquaintances, mid t Corn, mid all Shin Kmptlons, and poI fonmiiir manv nw ones, wo took our ; v.-ly iwrw Iflwr, or no pay roqulrcd. It i . " i .. i. ............. I"KUiraUil to give poriuct natlnfuct!on, dena tnr.i for jommui, away up at tlio I , , , ,, , , . ' Ull " ' ' J 1 .or money refunded. I'rleo 2f cents per foot o' the snow o'.ad mountains, nearly ior sale at Brown's drugstore. v.vrw-in.l,ui- the famous Silver hike. Joseph is ; nicoly situated, and has ono of the best wator works in Eastern Oregon. Af i tor several days we took our departuro for our own beautiful Gnmdo Hondo. Nothing attracted our attention till wo wore safe into our valley, whon wo were informed by one of our citizens that n new town was about to be born on tho Sandride. We acketl what the n mm- of tho new town was to be and wa informed thnt it was "Ivqttlu bolloy," the most appropriate and eu phonious eot'tiomen that could be thought of. Min'kuva Ann. ths park. II ws of too Weak as Not&d by our Reg ular Oorrstponctcut. Dec. 8, 1S90. Very nice fall weather. Sam'l Ivutlodge and wife are visiting in La Grande. Some snow last week but all gone from the Park now. J. S. V.uidevantor is butchering some line hogs today. Moso has not returned yet, married or not married, for tho peanuts. The health of the community very good. Diplhcria is a thing of the past. The stock, which arc scattered over the range, are being gathered in slowly. J. S. Vandovantcr, for tho past three weeks has been a resident of Big creek. ' The mills have been shut down for some time. They arc getting in a nice lot of logs. 11. M. South's new wagon is laid up for repairs caused by very poor and brash timbers in tho hounds. It is reported that Mr. Dolby, of Dolby hall, Big creek, is in Baker City very sick with heart disease. Sad now s to hear. School will commence on tho 15th inst, with George Koffman as teacher. George is said to be an excolleut in structor. Several of the Park folks attended the Thanksgiving ball at Medical Spring-. All report having a good time- except A. M. Mr. and Mrs. I. Ualler. of Telocasot were visiting in the Park recently Ike always has a line broguo on hi face and a smilo on his tongue. Mrs. 11. M. South has discharged her patient and pronounces his eyes sound and well. She is now ready for somo one else who is bothered with sore eyes. I would like to rido tho bruto that took tho bridle ofi' niv horse at the dance D. F. I should have bent a club over his head for hitting mo with a spur D. I yo down to church on Big creek to see tho girls and to let them look at me Hunoy Boy. Sam'l Vanorder, has gone to Baker City with a load of butter that ought to have gone to Union. Tho prices are better over there. Union loses many a pound of butter and eggs from here. Who is to blame. W. T. Mar tin is hauling oato to Union. Baker doesn't gut those, any way. Some of tho Christian denomina Hons assert that they are able to build four churches a day. Now, my Christ ian friends, don't fret because the sol dier is getting a pension, but rather re joice to think that if the soldier gets a whole lot of money, you will get soino of it to build your churches. Four churches a day that cost as least $10,000 apiece, What would tho cost be to the actual members of tho churches in ono year? Think of it pleat e. Moike. JOSEPH JOITING3. Jobi'.I'II. Wallowa County, Dec. 2, 1S00, Jofi" Ellis started this morning for La Grando for a load of freight. Bill Wright has arr.vcd hero from Elgin where ho has been spending tho summer. Tho danco at Joseph on Thanks giving was well attended and all seemed to onjoy thomsolvos. Evorybody seom to bo hauling wood. Probably whon tho snow docs como it wilball como at once. Prof. Dunnigan has commenced an othor term of singing school at Alder. School meets every Wodnosday even ing. J). N. NiuhoUon's team ran away lust Sundny morning, with tho buggy, out no onu was hurt. Tho buggy was somewhat badly damaged. It is at tho hup uow for rppaira, R. II. BueJilon'a Arnica Salve, Tint Hkt B.w.vk in the world for Cuts, l!ruu .-ores, Ulcers, Halt Itliemn, Fever g0rc. lttr. Chnppud Hands, Chilblains, ' IJHI.'.E1.H.H-.' ill m- tr .. 1 1 . i i , . ., i HIGH VALLEY. Changes and Improvements Re cently Made There. The Public School--An Extremely Dry Spell Homo's Views on the Political Situation. Dee. S. IS0O. High valley is awake and improving. Peter Goyette and Warden 1 lathi way have each built new and commodious dwelling houses. A new school houso 20 by 30 feet has bcon completed by Thomas Anderson, architect. The district pays for tho house by sub scription. Taxation is not appreciated here by any means. John Minnick is building a feed barn 2S by 100 feet. Mr. Robert Lloyd of Union is the builder and painter. At present writing tho drouth re mains unbroken and things are bo ginning to look quito billious. Tho streams arc drying up. A few wells are being dug by parties who havo hereto fore never known what it was to bo short of water. In fact wo need a big rain badly and since tho good book says that tho prayers of tho righteous availeth much, let all tho righteous pray for it. Those who don't know how to pray will find this a good time to learn and tho sooner you learn to pray tho better. Our little enterprising school ma'am, Miss Nellie Welch, closed her school here on tho 5th by giving a grand ex hibition at night in the new school house. Tho merits and demerits of all the recitations and dialogues wo will not attempt to criticise in-as-much as every ono appeared to fully appreciate the entertainment, and tho danco which lasted till 3 o'clock in tho morn ing. The school has truly proved a success in overy way and henceforth wo can accommodate a teacher with better facilities and tho wages of tho futuro applicant ought to be corres pondingly reduced. After a protracted threshing spree and wood sawing exercise wo have returned home to try to form tho ac quaintance of our family. How pleas ant the thought of being actually at home. Wo think, as others do, that there is no place like homo. Since our last letter to Thk Scout there has been many changes, both real and imaginary, sweet and sour, sad and mournful, with tho good and bad 1 nonds and relatives havo como and gone; tho sad death of tho young wife of Edward Gagnon a brief term of wedded life, then sickness and tho clidl composure of death. Numerous times havo wo been asked what upset congress and thereby spilled out all of tho republican mem bers, s'avo your Bced and a few other republicans germs, but it will never do to shear democracy of any part of tho glory. That must como to them for the pleasant duty of pitching Tom Reed out of tho speakers chair. Tho grand old party of lofty patriotism and high moral ideas tho gang and the so called gang smashers this God and morality party, universally stand oeioro tno people convicted. Tho war is among tho leaders of tho party who havo written many a platform abound ing in sentiments of lofty and glowing patriotism and glittering qualities that sound so well and mean so little. Wo aro reminded of tho old adago "Big fleas havo littlo ones to bito 'em, and littlo ones havo lesser still and so ad infinitium." Tho great reform party is conceived and will bo born at full term when tho great body of farmers, laborers and mechanics, tho makers and conservators of civilization shall 6tudy and know more about political economy than thoy do of scientific politics. As I look out upon tho busy agonizing world, I havo to bo a wor shiper of labor; yes, real, dirty, sweaty labor; for without it all leisure, cultuie, wealth, every amenity and every aspira tion would soon abandon its erect po sition and bo going on its hands and knees. Tho taritT is not a tax, by no means, but the peoplo say it is, and don't you forget it. Homo. EAGLE VALLEY. Roaldenco of Daniel Tarter Burned Tno Public Schools Personal Notes, Fred Givcns and Charloy Wise aro on tho sick list. Deputy Sheriff W. R. Ushor was in tho valloy a few days ago. Mr. It. U. Gibson, who visited Pnca- tcllo, recently, has returned. Mrs. W. R. Wiso left for California, Deo. 1st., to visit her mother. Sho will bo gono about six weeks. uii n...!.u .! i.jM.uuiiii.ijji.L.imrrm.i n ... If you want to sco a r.ico horse, call on Doc Russell. "Grey Eagle" can get there and don't you forget it. Tho schools of this valley aro pro gressing nicely under tho manage ment of Mr. Oscar Kendall, in tho Center distiict, and Miss Cora Coinp ton, lately of Michigan, in tho Lower district. Last Saturday fire was discovered near tho stovepipe in tho house of Daniel Tarter. Vigorous cfibrts were made to check the llames, but were of no avail. Tho flames lept in tho air and soon tho entiro building was ablaze. A largo portion of tho house hold furniture and goods were re moved, but $500 in bills was burned and sfliOO in gold was melted and stuck together. This was recovered after the fire. The l.ouso was insured for if 100 which will help tho old peoplo out a little. The iiro caught from tho stovepipe. It is to bo hoped that it will bo a long timo before another oc currence of this kind. Peoplo cannot take too much pains with their stove pipes. Nkwto.v BnAin-oiM). AS OTHERS SEE US. Tlie City of Union as Soon by a Visiting Nowspapor Man. Mr. Anthony Noltner, editor of tho Portland World, visited Union recent ly, and this is what ho has to say about us : "Union is tho county seat of Union county. It is situated about two miles oil' the main lino of the U. P. railroad, and this fact has in a great measure retarded tho prosperity of tho town. Unfortunately for Union, tho peoplo havo waited and prayed too loug for tho railrood companies to come to their assistance, and in a measure neglected their own opportunities to advar.co tho interests of their town. Thcro is am ple wealth and enterprise in tho placo to have long since built a branch road from tho town to the depot, and thus made tho connection complete and not in anywiso bo left at tho mercy of the railroad management. In order to securo tho Hunt S3-stoni, the peoplo agreed to give a substantial bonus. This saino subsidy, if applied to a branch to the depot and then another into tho rich timber lauds within a distance of ten or twelve miles from tho placo would be far moro beneficial. Union has all tho advantages of othor towns, to become a prosperous placo, and tho people should not fail to tako advantage of their opportunities. It is a most handsomely located town, and surrounded by an extensive and pro ductive farming section. Several new buildings havo bcon erected, and at present two now bricks aro in tho course of construction, ono bolonging to our democratic friend Mr. Win. Wilson, who has always been tho linn and substantial friend of tho place. Benevolent societies havo all prosper ous lodges and tho society of the place will compare favorably with any town on tho coast. The Scout is tho only paper now published in tho town, and is a prosperous and well edited local paper." fit will bo observed that The Scout is credited with beiiifr tho only paper pub lished in thu town. This in correct, in ono sense, but we have another alleged paper here known as tho Republican, and it there is any credit in having such a thins:, 'Tony should not overlook it. It in quito proba ble that ho, like almost everybody else, never saw or heard of that delectable sheet. Emtok Scout. THE CRY OF MILLIONoI OH, 7EV BKCK! OTOP IT HOW, 800N IT WIIL DC TOO LATE. I have been troubled many years w llh disease of the kidneys and have tried many different lemedtes and have soucht aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent nttaclc that almost prostrated me In 1. ... tl T vim d tiAttf rwmf tt IUUUUE1 litav nam m.. When I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when KIIIU ITOVlUCIItC ncui. ...... hotel. I immediately commenced usinc the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston- Jcfimii. nf nil (hi criiriltft At ttl hotel. in a few days,I am happy to state, mat 1 was a new man. i wu recommend the tea to alt affllctc at I have been. G. A. TUPrBR, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Sauta Rosa, Cal. JOS. KEILBEItT, UNION, OREGON. A Fine lino of Goods Always in Stock. Call and Examine Thorn. Suits Made to Order, Gleaning and Bcpalring. t All work warranted. 12-1-tf, 7v 1 n 1U Ipant Tailor, i ii .in. .., L j, t j , m..im.1i,-Jl j.., tA......,,,., . Tho Latest, A Largo Invoice of Fall and 1111 ttA Spcdalty: And None but tho most Skillful Artists Enmlovcd. MILLS M FRY l -.YXl)- ill " THE 55EW YORK." Kvcrytliiiig in the Millinery Lino Constantly on Hand. Also a Choice Assortment of Ladies' Swisses' and Ghiidrens' Shoes. Prices Cheaper than any other house in the county. Call and ho Convinced. SX-V.sz, Ituttcr and Wood taken in trade. O ra m m:imm F. m. SLOCUM,' Lessee. 4 Tho facilities having been increased by tho ndditi of a lino assortment of now typo and a large invoice of tho finest papers an material, is now bettor prepared to execute THE ZFIINriEST wobe: on short notice Gall ntonco if you Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Shipping Tags, Legal Blanks, Posters, Constitutions, You can get them at The Scout Job Office. PRSOES REASONABLE. fiSFSalisfaction Guaranteed in Every Instance. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Address: THE SCOUT JOB OFFICE, Union, Oregon. Are You Hoiiig to Plant an Orchard? in t Mil 1 1 iiEuim Of Payette, Ada County, Idaho. Has tho Largest General Nursery Stock in tho Mountain Country 12f Acres. Trees from Payetto Nursery' will reach Grande Rondo valley in six hours from tho timo thoy aro taken from tho ground. fountain Grown Trees are Hardy, Vigorous and E-3ea!thy. Do not order until you have visited our nurtory, seen our agont or got our prices. Wholesalo and rotail. (i-20-yl The Union, . j, Recognized by all as tho J- Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon! FINE UltOK SAMI'I-i: ItOO.lIS Vor tho Accomodation of Commercial Traveler, CHARGES REASONABLE. HOTOGRAPHS ! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK The Jones Bros., Photographers. Union, Oregon, are now prepared to do finer work than ever before. ITEW SCENERY and ACCESSORIES. All work guaranteed to givo satisfaction or no charges. C0MMM1 lm d FEED SM (OPPOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) Wm- E. Bowker, - Proprietor. Everything First Class. Terms Very Reasonable. 'Bus to and Fiom the Depot senger Stylos of Winter Goods Just Received. Mrs. L. B. Rinehart, Main Street, Union, Or. h K m in mum i i m. want anything in tho way of w Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Society Cards, Receipts, Visiting Cards. Tickets, Wedding Cards, Statements, Ball Programs, By-laws, Briefs, Oregon. 3R?OD, - Proprietor. Making Connection with all. Pass- Trains. n