The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 11, 1890, Image 5

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    Vftint Woman lla. .fi,e Him.
Professor C. V. Riley, formerly state
entomologist of Missouri, anil now ento
mologist of the department of agricul
turo, created n sensation at the meeting
of the Six O dock club the other ovei
ing. Mrs. Elizabeth duly Stanton. Mis
Pl.cebe Cotizins and Hdva Lock wood
were among the ladies present. The sub
ject of discussion was sexual oualitv from
n scientific standpoint. Professor Riley
showed how the male, at first insignifi
cant and apparently a later creation, had
dove oped and grown to a position of
equality by the side of his female imrtncr;
how this had resulted from natural and
especially from sexual selection the fe
male always choosing for her companion
the handsomest and strongest; how tho
female of some species is 10.000
times larger than tho male, and
how, in other cases. ho is a
mere minute parasite, whom she
carries about as a part of her baggage;
how some female spiders are hundreds of
times larger than the males, and how my
lady Araclmid.i kills her myriads of suc
cessive husbands, beats them and flings
weii carcasses out into tho back vard ;
how, under the influence of preference,
tho males of mammals and birds havo
arisen to physical superiority to tho
femalo till tho lion is liner and stronger
than the lioness, tho bull larger than tho
cow, thepeacoc' adorned with a gorgeous
tail with which to excite tho admiration
of tho pea hen, and the turkey cock
gifted with a self important strut and
arrogant gobble.
Tho inference was that whatever man
is he has been made through millions of
years of sexual preference by tho female
of his own species and tho anthropoid
and other species from which he has
sprung, and that it would be unfair for
iiim to kick down the which ho
has climbed. Globe-Democrat.
Sweetheart, If lYave ami Ixjvo wens ono,
How golden iMVlit, fremtmn to sun,
Tho summer hours would come mid p.
So darkeued now with foar and woe
If IVnee ami Iavo were ono!
Aht why, beneath tho changing sky.
When Urn pursues, doth fair Peace fly.
And nt the poi-tnl or tho heart
When young Ive icnoeks.doth Ponce depart
Ueueatli thu cliaugtiig kkyf
Ye: If wo "twist the twain must clioose,
if either Penee or love must lose.
Shall wo not cry, "Dome, Love, with Pain,
Though never Peace return RRBla!"
If 'Hvixt tho tweiu wo choose t
Alas! not till IJfos ffhs, "Adieu!"
Not till tho red rose bloom is through,
Cornea Peace to lie upou Uivo's bi cast.
With roses white to cronu his rest
Not till Mfoslglto. "Adieu!"
Katharine P. Williams In Harper's Weekly.
Sonio of the
Voll-C'.mt '
on the
The Ilrst Hn Could Do.
"Do you know that man over
asked one Detroiter of another
Lansing train the other day.
"Well, he's a, drummer for a Jefferson
avenue house, and I'vo known him bv
Bight for fifteen years. His employer
told me the other day that ho hadn't lost
u day for twelve years."
"lie looks the picture of health."
"So ho does, but I want to make a bet
with you. 111 bet you a sill; hat ho
carries remedies for no less than six dif
ferent ailments."
'Til do it!"
They went over and tho case was ox
plained to the drummer, who laughed
and replied:
"Well, I dunno. I carry some troches
to avoid hoarseness. I carry a bottle of
cough medicine to ward olf pneumonia.
I have a porous plaster in my grip to put
on if I get a lame back. I have some
corn sr'lve. a hottlu of Jamaica ginger,
borne ipnni'ic capsules, a vial of pepper
mint essence, a box of mandrake pills, a
liver medicine, a gargle for bore throat
and a"
"Good lands I" cried both gentlemen
in chorus.
"Oh, well, what did you expect?" he
inquired, with a injured air. "A man on
$1,200 a year can't carry around a whole
drug store, can he?" Detroit Free Press.
Slio Vv'us HioroiiRhly Satisfied.
t It takes a good deal to disturb the
equanimity of a thoroughly well ordered
mind, as the following 'incident illus
trates: Old Aunt Sally Pratt, all her life a
resident of a certain New England vil
lnge, was one day sitting by her fnvorito
window in an upper chamber of her
house. The afternoon was warm aid
Aunt Sally suddenly dropped asleep.
The window was open, and. ten minutes
later, the old lady fell forward, and. to
tho borrow of several persons who saw
her, she fell out of tho window to tho
ground below. When picked tip she
gathered herself together in an amazingly
hhort lime, glanced up at tho window anil
said calmly:
"Well, well; I'vo of:en set nt that
winder an' wondered how it'd feci to go
a-tumblin' out it, and now I know.
Well. well, welll Queer how things do
turn out sometimes."
Tho fact that s-lic had turned herself
out of tho window gave her no concern,
although she narrowly escaped being
killed. Detroit Free Press.
ItoiJKiirH in Culm.
The treatment of beggars in Cuba gives
them a certain individualization and
character. Evidently niot of them
quickly take place as genuine public
characters, permitted with consideration
to ask alms, and if detected in imposi
tion, are instantly subjected to severe
punishment. So those who are tolerated
aro most sympathetically treated. While
this is an odd social condition, it is still
more odd that the beggar does not be
come over bold and insolent. But the
recognized mendigo is not only permitted,
but encouraged everywhere. You will
stumblo over Iiim at tho church doors;
give him the sidewnlk on the principal
thoroughfares; see that he has a com
fortable seat in the cabin of the ferries;
walk all around him in his various forms
at tho doors of the cafe and shops; defer
to his being agreeably located in tho
parks and plazas; give him the pleasant
est corner beside your potero in the en
trada of your dwelling; and, if you are
not in a mood or condition to givo him
alms, you would bo socially damned if
you did not at least humbly respond to
his request with "Perdon a por Diosl"
("Pardon me for God's sake!1,') Edgar
L. Wakeman in Kansas City Journal.
Swlni-'n I'lesli us Food.
The explanation once offered, that tho
Mohair prohibition of certain animals,
especially the hog, as food, was founded
in profound hygienic wisdom, is not now
cotiFered satisfactory. Pork in good
condition is recognized to bo as healthful
food as other meats in the same condi
tion throughout tho world, and it is now
eaten with the same immunity in Syria
as in Ohio. Tho modern Israelites offer
most interesting notes to tho ethnologist
by their continued pro.ervation, in tho
midst of a high civilization, of tho re
ligious taboo of savagery. This rite has
had paramount inllucnce beyond that of
their written doctrines, in their segrega
tion from the nations in which they havo
sojourned; and, now that it is becoming
less strictly observed, there aro evidenced
of their ceasing to bo a peculiar people.
A Pioneer's Fnmly ISustict.
It was eaily in March, long ycaiv ago,
when ono of tho pioneer settlers of Ox
ford county made up his mind to move
his family from Massachusetts to that
favorite region. He had seven littlo ones
and feared they could not endure so long
a journey and tho piercing cold. How
do you think he took' caro of them? The
father obtained from a neighbor a great
basket, twelve feet by six. and four feet
high. It was fitted on an ox sled and
was mado for the purpose of transporting
grass seed. The seven little ones were
packed in straw in this basket, like so
many kittens or pigs, and made tho jour
ney bafo and warm. The basket is yet
preserved by the pioneer's descendants.
Lewiston Journal.
A lliirlul in Algiers.
Ono day 1 witnessed here the burial of
a child. Tho young boy was laid in the
grave wraped in a yard or two of white
cotton; a smaller hole was dug at the
bottom of the grave, and served as a coffin,
being covered with fiat slabs of stone to
prevent the earth from falling directly
on the lowly. Twenty or thirty men
stocd round in silence, the earth was
hastily replaced and temporary stones
were placed at tho head and feet: the
cushions and pieces of embroidery in
which the body lay on the donkey which
boro it to the final resting place were put
back on tho animal, and the procession
moved silently away. Tho women and
girls always come afterward to weep on
tho grave and place flowers, and es
pecially branches of myrtle. They often
upend " tho greater part of three days
round a new grave, sitting on matting
and carpets. F. A. Uridgman in Har
per's Magazine
Luck Aiikiiik I'xclinnce Opnratnrs.
On tho Consolidated Exchange, especi
ally in tho shouting, gesticulating, push
ing and rollicking oil group, it is con
sidered a very bad omen to open an um
brella and raise it over tho head. Putting
up an umbreja in a board room would
seem under u7) circumstances to bo un
necessary. It is worse. It brings bad
luck. There is a skeptical wag in thu
crowd, howover. who, on dull days,
when tho brokers aro skylarking, will
raise an umbrella and run into tho trad
ing ring and hold it over as many brok
ers as ho can. They scamper like n flock
of frightened sheep.
Coming down on nn elevated railroad
train not long ago, ono of the largest
room operators on tho Stock Exchange
remarked with extreme satisfaction and
perfect conviction!
'I shall make somo monoy today."
"IIow do you know?" asked a friend.
"A black cat -tossed mo this morning,'
was the exultant answer. New York
Mall and Express.
Queer Puncy of u Collector.
A man in Denver, Colo., named Lyon,
is said to havo a collection of over TOO
pens, no two alike. Somo aro of steel,
somo gold, somo amalgam, and so on.
Thero cue pens pointed fine enough to
mako lines of microscopic delicacy, and
others intended for men who use thu first
personal pronoun a great deal in their
correspondence. The collection em
braces specimens from England. Ireland.
Scotland, Germany and other' European
countries, besides America and Canada.
Some aro in shape liko shovels, others re
Bemblo a section of htove pipe, and others
aro delicate and diminutive. Scientific
Uses of Mushrnts Fur.
A Mamo fur dealer says that it is aston
ishing tho uses to which muskrats' fur
aro put. The skins aro taken at tho city
establishments, clipped, colored and put
into such shapo that they very closely re
semblo otter, and. if not sold for that
are at least represented to bo much bet
ter than they really are. Tho fur is
never sold for what it really is, but is
fixed up to look like something finer,
and charged for accordingly'. Boston
' For Underground Klortrlo AVIrcs.
A Pittsburg man has invented a glass
conduit which he thinks solves tho prob.
lemof underground electric wires. Plates
of glass aro grooved on tho upper sur
face, and tho wires are laid in tho grooves
and cemented thero with pitch. Then
other plates of glass aro laid over tho
first, and wires put upon them in tho
samo way. When all the wires nro laid
tho wholo is enclosed in a wooden box
and embedded iu cement. New York
riiotosraplis of Lightning.
Photographs of lightning flashes, re
cently secured by A. II. Linden, of
Wakefield, Mass., nro most interesting
pictures, proving tho fact (beforo sus
pected) that tho flashes have a sinuous or
rotary motion, being twisted liko a ropo
or ribbon during its progress to tho earth.
Tho cloud clTccts in the pictures are also
very fine. Boston Post.
How Wordsworth Composed.
Wordsworth mainly composed his
poems during his rural rambles. It was
not an unusual circumstanco for him to
ivrito with a slato pencil on a smooth
pieco of stone his newly made lines.
llomo Journal.
"Hoodlum" anil "Hummer."
Tloodlum" comes from tho German
liuddler, meaning a loafer or idler; so
"bummer" from tho German buminler,
a word of similar import.
Tho profession of dinner tasting has
been revived iu Paris with somo succor,
:le Thcv Can
. a Iti-portcr.
What famil. us ha the letter carrier
witnessed; of .int romantic stories has
he lieon the lx . er! J'.anv littlo missives
I has he carried to tho love wc!i maiden,
l which she Inn tenderly placed beneath
her pillow at niit, to deep and to dream
, on.. Then again wl-at bitter memoiirs
i have somo of hi- errands evoked! What
. aching hearts hnvo longed for nlxwnt
J loved sues, for sumo inesongu that would
I tell of their existence, and when death
i rapped at the door the letter carrier wa3
the first to bear thu announcement.
! These were the thoughts that suggested
; themselves to a reporter the other day ks
j he contemplated "one of tho best" hurry
I ing along from door to door of a popii
: Ions tenement district. The shrill whistle
j sounded at frequent intervals denoted
his coming, and from window nnd basement-
dozens of heads protruded and
asked the one all absorbing question,
I "Anything for mof" It was amusing to
see their different expressions as they re
ceived the little envelopes. Some wero
enraptured ami kissed tho paper passion
ately, while others frowned and glanced
anxiously at the bearer. Perhaps somo
creditor demanded payment for an over
duo bill, or perhaps the scrawl meant
even metre.
"You would like to know just what
kind of life this is?" remarked a carrier.
"Well, it is not quite as rosy at it appears.
It is getting better, however, every
year, and now that wo aro about to par
ticipate iu the benefits of the eight hour
law work will be more plea-ant."
The reporter had followed tho carrier
from block to block until every letter had
been delivered. Then, as ho had a few
moments to spare, tho gray coated of
ficial sat down to tell his story.
"I don't know of any business wheio
we see more of human life than ours," hn
commenced. "Tho lights and shadows
of life are pretty distinctly marked and
we see them both. Sometimes we feel
just as much pleasure in delivering a let
tor as the receiver in getting it. Some
times when an ominous black bordered
envelope falls into our hands we are sorry
that we have to deliver it. Just what
hours wo will have to work after the re
arrangement 1 do not know,'' ho said.
"At present our duties aro pretty oner
ous. In tho branch offices collectors
havo to report as early as -1 -AO o'clock in
tho morning, or five minutes before the
regular timo for starting out. Forty-live
minutes are then consumed in colk'ch.i ;
from the various boxes, after which ue
return to the station with the mail. Then
we start to face up.
"You don't know what facing up
means? Well, that is what we call sort
ing our mail and getting it in order for
our route. Facing up takes all the time
up to (i o'clock. Then we start out and
deliver the letters. Wo make a prom, t
return to the oliice. Collections have in
tho meantime been made and again we
start facing up.
"Every trip is but a repetition of the
other. Wo mako them hourly, and aro
kept constantly on tho move, until 11
o'clock. Then v o swing. This
we call taking a rest. In other words,
there is no work for us to do until 1
o'clock in the afternoon. Then wo conic
on again and work until the darkness of
evening has fallen over the city.
"You want to know what wo sco on
tho route?" and tho letter carrier dusted
a few grains of cigar ashes from lib bag.
"Well, it is funny just what wo do see;
then again it is tad. Tho saddest of all
my experience occurred ono day when I
delivered a letter lo an old man who
lived alone iu a dilapidated houso on
Park row. It was a mourning letter,
nnd ns I handed it to him tho old man's
fingers trembled. Ho toro it open con
vulsively, and as he read the lines ho
tottered and fell into my nrms. Tho
letter was from his daughter, who lived
with her brothers iu a fashionable house
up town. It stated that her mother, the
old man's wife, was dead and would bo
buried that afternoon. Tho girl also
warned her father not to attend tho
funeral or thero would be a scene, as his
own t.ons would not permit him there.
"Ho wept as he told me his story,
There had been a quarrel, and ho had
been driven from home. Ho had never
darkened it up to that time. That day
my duties brought mo around Grace
church. I baw tho funeral cortege, but
what attracted mo most was tho figure
of tho old man outside on the sidewalk.
Ilia lips quivered with emotion as ho saw
tho casket that con! aiucd tho remains of
his wife, but he dared not Approach, llo
held a daisy in his hand, perhaps iu re
membrance of other and happier days,
and ho was still turning it idly when I
passed sdong.
"Yes, it is a funny kind of life, half
sunshine, half clouds. Wo havo our
own troubles to worry us as well as other
people's. Wo meet all nationalities, and
hear all kinds of languages spoken. Yv'o
get letters with writing such ns none
could understand; we have to examine
and look out for log letters, and nro held
responsible for any error, Log letters
aro undirected ones. Wo are suposed
to know all our route, nd teo that it
gets to its proper destination. Well, it
is timo for mo to start, so good-by," and
tho letter carrier walked briskly away.
New York Star.
Diieou'l Tuki. Mueh Mi-dlrlm
I Ailvl i-h the Iti'put tl'l' il To.
I "Humbug? Of course it is. The so
called Tienceof medicine is a humbug,
. and has Ikhmi from the thee ot Hippo
crates to the pre-ent. Vh . the biggest
crank in the Indian tribes is the modi
cine man.
i " Very frank whs the admission, espe
chilly so m hen it came from one of the
biggest young phyirinr. of tin- it y, one
! vvhos practice is'iuiuuig the thousands,
though he has lteen graduated but a lew
years," eny the Ihill'alo t'o -Her. " Verv
I cozy was his oliice, too, with its cheerful
grate fire, its Queen Anne furniture and
, its many lounges and easy chairs, llo
' stirred the lire 'iiily, lighted a fresh ci-
gar and went on."
"Take the prescriptions laid down in
the books, and what do you Hud? l'oi
' sons mainly, and nauseating Mull's that
, would make a hea thv man an invalid.
by in the world science should go to
- loisons for its ten edies 1 can not tell,
nor can I lind any one w ho can."
1 " How d es a doctor know the efieet of
! his medicine?" he asked. " Ho calls,
I prescribes and goes avvav. The on'v way
to judge would be to -tand over the bed
and watch the patient. This can not be
done. So, really, 1 don't know how ho
is to tell what good or hurt he does.
Some time ago, you remember, the Bo
ton Uloln sent" out a reporter with a
stated set of symptoms. He went to
eleven prominent physicians, and
brought hack eleven different proscrip
tions This just shows how much sci
ence there is in medicine."
There are local diseases of various
characters for which nature provides
posit i ve remedies They may not be in
cluded in the regular physician's list,
perhaps, because of their simplicity, but
the evidence of their curative povver is
lieyond dispute. Kidn- y disease is cured
by" Warner's Safe Cure," a strictly herbal
remedy. Th usands of person's every
vear write a does II. .1. Gardiner of
Pontine. R !., August 7, 18(h):
"A few y.irs nsio 1 suffered more than
probably ever will i e known outsid of
myself .-.ith kidney and liver complaint.
It is the old story I visited doctor after
doctor, but to no avail. 1 was at, Juw
port, ami .Dr. Blackmail recommended
Warner's S,tl Cure. 1 commenced the
use of it. and found relief immediately.
i Altogether I took three bottles, and 1
truthtullv state that it cured me."
) "e. tim'tlRRe I- a lottery, unit I'm ilmvvlucs
Jrlo ' rim the yoiins iiibii mushetl ns lie milled
,( i the bitty conch U the nlrs.
Ilewnre of linltul Inns of tho celebrated Seal of
North Otiroliim I'Iuk Cut Tohitcco.
Thy Okumk.v for breakfast.
A mnn who lin jirnetleed nuillrlne for fnrtv
veins oiuht to know Milt from MiRnr: rend vvhnt
he !:
. Tt v.n ().. Jouunrv 10. 1.W.
.Vr. . .. rhtnriiA- l .. UKNII.r.MK.S : 1 1 nve
bteii Iu the ceuernl i -iethe of imillclne for
lnot fnrty eiir. nud v o dd -hv thnt Iu Mil tnv
lirnfttee nnd et :ui e imve never seen n 11 e
n Htloti Mint I eould prtveilhe with n much eon
tldetiee ot uec nt I rim Hull's CiitHrrb I ure.
tnnnufiiPture t by you. Ilnve i refetitied It 11
(treat innny tlinrr. nnd h t.flVet l. Honoerlul:
Bin) would nv In courltttiou thnt 1 have vet to
Mint n cine ot entnrrb tlint It would not e'ure, If
they would hike It nreordbi. to dlrei IIiiiih.
Yours truly. 1.. I.. (io!tSVTll. M. I
Olllee. 2l!V Summit tr.N-t
We w ill kIvo $100 for nn of ntnrrh t tint
phii not no Html with Hairs cntnrrh Cure.
Taken liitermilly
K J. CHUNKY A CO., Proprietor.
I'oletlu, O.
Sold by ilrUKKl't". 7V.
' Nn," she ntiswete l when he -ked whether
mie would to eveiiim? htv Ice wlch him. " I
nm not a church belle."
We poltlvely euro rupture nnd nil rectal ill
enei w ithout pain or detention from buKitiesM.
No cure, no pay; nnd no pay until cured. Ad
dress for pamphlet lrs. I'orterlleld fc 1 -sey nm
MHrket street. San Kraticlico.
Vj wheth
a" iV ood ;
Koth tho method nnd results when
Syrup of Fijjg is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidnoy3,
Liver nnd Uowcls, cleanses tho sys
tem cH'eetually, dispels colds, head
ches and levers and cures hnbitu..
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50a and 81 bottles by all druggists.
To euro Biliousness, Sick Itcndncbo Constipation,
Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tbo safe,
nnd certain remedy, SMITH'S
OsothoSMALTjSIZRtO littlo beans to tho hot
llo). Tliey nro tho most convenient! suit all ncs.
i'rleoof either sIjo, 115 com per bottlo.
KISSBMO"17- 17' 70 ! I'hoto-irmvnre,
. , 0 " Panel Bitoot this picture for 4
conta (coppers or btamps).
Makers or ' 'llilo Dcarm, St- Louis! 5!o.
Call be liindeenIly by
rnlsiiiK ehl( kens. Oui
lnr e !i2-pnKi illitv
trap d eatalogue lulls
nil about
llrooders, vvhnt to feed
ch.i'W'iis, In fart all
the K'cretH in the
chicken business If
you only keep half it
dozen hens, you need
this book. It idves
mo o Info nn o t lo n
tlinti many of the
books mid at US cents
e send It free on re
ceipt of I cents Iu
stamps to pity postnue.
PF.TALUMA INCUBATOR CO.. Potaluma, Cat. ii .i nnMimlgB
SKIN VNI SfAlP tlsPVslf.
w hethi'r tcrturltiir. distlunritiir r f.
ik iiiiik. rum . nn, ou t iiim;. i niv . i rn.ic t m
ply or Motrin . w Ith lo of hair, from t tuc
to the !ii"t ili-tri'j.-iiut ei 71'iiiH. and c .u
morof the Mood, whether simple, m rur i or
hereditary, is speeilil). perimuieiitK n-i I ceo
nomieally cured by the ( i tutka llMtt -nrs,
romdstitiK of run cm. the great ski" ure.
t'CTti cm Sow, an exiptisite skin pmu.r ami
lienutiller. and riTiicnv Ursoi.vknt.iIi- new
blood and skin partner and greatest id tuner
remedies, w'len the bet phvsli-l ins and ail i. her
lemedles fall. This is strong Iniigiiiu'e. tut rue
Thousiimls of L'uiteful teotittHmlnls (torn i' fmiry
to nxe attest their wonderful, hnfailitift and in
comparable c it i-u-v.
Sold every w I err. I'riie, CCTlrctlA. ."i0r. soxr,
!Xr; Hk.soi.vknt, 1. I repined by Potter DrnR
and rheiulcal Corporation, lloston. Mns
Send for How to cure Skin and Illood DIs
eases. '
17r rimplis. btarkli- ads. ehappeu ainTotiy tt
ttW sl .,1V lil. il hv Cl THTKV SO VI- ftX
I'.hrumat'.om.klihiev oaliisnml miisrulsr
weakness relieved in one minute bi tho
tim ui ant! Pais 1'i.v.htkii. 'J.V.
l??ml for llliitnilfitClloirii,
This Trade
Mark Is cn
The Best
i Waterproof
In thoworld.
i!'?lT"v'li Botton
Kutreursfr. m Cutiutlr Keep n hiliilifc Ini kout for this
Trade Murk In in vwi.-k'n i,,pt'r Welch Inhaler &
MtxIlcliioCii . San I'KuiiImh.
stein way, (jabler and Pease Pianos
.Meaning tho Hist Piano Mini:, uud the furorjfci
ctienpir Puuim; nil Mimical liimnmiFiita; llnnds Hui
plloil; Inreu trck of Hhict MiiMo. Htkimvav IUit,
WG inn) -M Pi.t Htiwt; Maihiiah Okay Co. I'M
nnd few our nnw iihuiis and ni-w iitnck.
ir.-iM-' Air
Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
ACTING LIKE MAGIC on tho vital organs, strengthening tho
muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health
The Whole Physical Knertjy of the Human Frame.
Beocham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE
FEMALES to complete health.
Price, 25 cents per Box.
Prepared only by TH0S, BEE0HAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England.
AJ.l.KS :., Snli Awttn fnv Vnlttd SUtirn, ! ,e.V7 Omul ,1l.,Xcit
it'ho ( If naur lruniM lr.i nit ci'j them) will mall Jirrchmii'n J'lllaon
irictniil iiimrjiri. ijueniion mtapnitrr..
jj. r.
receipt of pr
is the kind thnt pays. Scores of
yonnir business men, nnd hun
dreds ofhook-keeners nnd stcn
ogrnphers of both sexes, attrinute their success to n course nt the Portlarvl BllSr
ness College, Portland, O-egon, or the Capital Business College, Salem,
Oregon. Ik th are un-'.'.-r the management of A. P Armstrong, have same courses of
stmiy, some rates of tuition. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Pcnnmmhij) nml Eng
lish Departments. Write to either for ioint Catalogue nnd specimens of penmanship.
hh bhe a,id of
Will KaVc no other Jobaccc
Who orvee tries
Plug Gut.
Jhis is the secret of its
Immense sale.
Guns, Ammunition,
t'lsiii.x; taikij:,,
Irnt Slri't't, I'ortlimil, Oregon.
na v
Get nno of tlicrulclirntC'il P, A. l.oomls' Doublo
Dnrrrcli llrwcli-limdliiK HlmtK'iiiH, Top Hunp,
Hnr I.ockB, Damascus lliirrt'ls, Kimuy Stocks, I'M
lol (Irlti nti(l(lri,cncrTrcl)loVcili;ol-H8t,12tiiiUKO,
Hotit bv ojciifHs with 'ir ItrusH Shells ami Ko
londniK 'I ooIk mioti iccclpt of price.
i;OU ONK DOI-I.AH eiit n by inull. wo will do
I Dvcr, Irco of ii'l cIiiiwh. to ntiy person In tho
I'nlicd K'atox, nil tho follow Itip iirtlcus carefully
piickcd In n ncitt box :
Ono two-oinicu bottlo r I'nro Vimtlluo ..inrts.
Ono two-ontico b t lo Vhi'11iio" I'oiiiuile.-.lf) "
Ono Jiir of VuhcH no Cold (TeHin 15 "
Ono enko of Viicolino Ciniiibor Iro 10
Onocnkoof V'hsc1Iii( 8onp, miM'ciitcd 10 "
One chIio of Viisollno Koup, Rcciitco Z" "
(mu two otnu'o bottlo of Whlto Vnvclliio 'J.'i "
1 10
Or fur tntni uny flnule urtlcli' nt tliu prion nameil.
If you liune rcolon to ue Viuullne In unyfunu Ik
ruii'iid to uccrpt only gi inline gci da put up by uh lit
original ik'Iukii. A i r;it. mam ilniiceUta mo tryliiK In
ptTHHailn tiiilt-m to taku VAHI' LINK put up hytlirm.
Novit llt ld tu Midi .muiil()ii,un tho aitlrlu In an India
tlon wttlinut value mi1 will not u to yon tho n-ult you
1'iptct A hottlu of llluu Hud V'aHellur In nvlil liy oil
ilnwttH at 10 a nt.
Cliesebroiigh M'Pfi Co., 24 State St.,New York.
III u Jainalcu Kitchen,
The kitchen, which is always nn out
6ido cabin, is minus a chimney; an ele
vated 6ort of range or hob is built out
into tho lloor, on which the oookiny is
done, sometimes by means of charcoal,
but oftener with brushwood nnd smaller
(sticks, the smoko escaping through a
hole in tho roof. Thero is generally nn
old fashioned brick oven outside for
baking bread, but it i-i fecldom ummI, as
few families now bake their own bread.
They buy it if near or in a villago from
n baker's cart which makes its rounds in
tho country from tho nearest store, whero
it can bo procured freh tu ico u week.
Many househcs do without tho article
altogether, cr only got enough t? servo
with 'early i.iurning cofi'ic."n erar.ll bit
of toast btfi:i;j put with each cup. They
use n its plac j kco of tho tubstitutcs of
which aro citussit undw tho ono generio
terra, '-bread kind." Thaw consist of
boiled or Laked yaw, roated bread fruit,
potatoes, lice, cookod unrino plantains,
bamujo" avA "cabftavu cakes," both of
which ars breads msUo from tho grated
manioo root from whicli tapioca id also
prepared. DstroU Freo I'teta.
Try ihin yournexlhouse
"s&rn, cleaning and see. -K-
Gobb on in civilized socioty from tho crncllo to tlio pravo. Dirt in degra
dation and degradation ifl destruction. AVomon, especially, nro judged
bv their lmbit? of liousohold clennliiif'KS, and no (stronger condemnation
can bo oxprosBod tlmn "Hhe keeps a dirty Iiohho nnd a filthy kitchen." But
the struggle with dirt is often unequal. Tho womrin'a weakness or tho
worthlessnesB nf tho soups she ukoh uiuke it impossiblo to overcome th
demoE o dirt By the use of SAPOLIO ah wins easily.
A trial patliao ' IlkU
!j nll lo tulTrrrn. Pr. II. Bf IIIVI JIAN. HI. P.ul, Jllim,
clillit lilrtli nml homo
treatment fornll rh ron-
lo dltfimes mou aim
uotnen. lilt C'tu.t., Thlrt! una Aider.
I'ortliiml, Or.
V. P. N II No. hi4 N II. No. 441
C i COMl'AWOtt
1 W I
Comti Uvtry Wttli Flnthj llluitratcd Head (n liBOflOO JUmlllct.
Five Double Holiday Numbers.
Thanksgiving, Christmao, New Year's, Easter, Fourth-of-JuIy.
To nnrKewHubierlbur wlm WILL CTT Ot'T ami onJ nt tlil Rdrer
tUcini'iil, wllli iiiimo uiul I'oKl.Oniro oddrt'H uud 01.73, vvi' will olul
Thu YuuiIi'm Coiopiiiiluii rm:r. tu Jiinuury 1, 1H01, mill for n full yvur
from (hut diiln. TliU ofa-r liuludi tho 1'IVI', IIOUIiLH IIOLIPAV
NUaillUUH, mid ull the ILLfhTUATI'l) WU'KLV HUl'fl.I'.llKNTti.
33 Mdrtu, the Youth'3 Companion, Boston,
In ..