11 I I 1 it I 1 L 1 ' 1 l' i I 1 1 1 I ' 1 ) I ! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1890. Written for Tint Scout.1 MY MIND. Mv mind imd tlioutrlit5 are all my own, Mv th-nights I will express, An I while I Journey hereon earth, No one can them stijtiiroc. A knowlodgo for niynclf I seek; Ity pceklnjr Irhull fl.-ti ; Othcr. can seek as well as I, Uy exercise of mind. Where'er I go. what'er I meet, I'll t'trivp to understand, Let error should betray my feet, And I loc self command. I'll strlvo to know If I ntn right; Then in the right I'll stay, Till f win learn a greater light, To guldo mu on my way. Think not that I'll receive your views, lli'cnufio you them believe; In wisdoin'ti soiiIch they must bo weighed Before them I'll receive. If vou believe that 1 am wrong, Willi thoughts and mind astray, Show me your pure and better light, That I may tee my way. I'll not presume my thoughts all right, Hut Mill my mind is free, And I will iiho It with my might, Wliilo more light hope to see. I hope, I journey on my wav, Midst scenes of Joy and sorrow; I have learned some since yesterday, And more will learn tomorrow. II. 0. Kmeky. IN THE SOUTH. A Dtsorlpslon or tho Glories of Autumn in tho Pino Woods. Rai.eioii. South Carolina. Editor Oukoo.v Scout : November eighth, uiul n perfectly cloudless sky by day, and crystal heavons studded with golden nails by night. At dawn tho mercury stands at forty five; at noon at Beven ty, with sixty at sunset. And such sunsots. Our language has not words to doscribo their beauty ; human ability no power to renew them in pen pictures, or trace upon canvass. They cotno at tho closo of oach day in their rocal splendor; painted by tho finger of tho Divino Artist, upon ono-third of tho heavens ; and framed in a halo of God's own glory. In tho glories of theso sunsets, man has no ownership, no monoply. They aro tho proporty of tho rich and tho poor nliko ; of tho whitoman and his darker brother; tho Creator's gift of beauty to all. We know what tho beauties of a northern landscape of deeidious trees can be. Wo havo known tho orango and tho and the gold ; tho green and tho rod upon tho leaves of tho mountain for ests, from our youth up. Wo have lain upon tho green sod under a late fieptonibor sun, or in early Octobor, drinking in theso beauties, whon each mountain was, to tho cyo, only a mass of variegated color and beauty. And wo tried to take in largo amounts, for woll wo know that it would soon fade ; that tho soro and dead brown would toou clothe tho forests, thoir beauty all gone; that soon ug.iin, tho chill au tumn blasts would sot tho trees to shiv er and shako all thoir doad and dying leaves to tho wot bosom of Mothor Earth. But como with mo to an autumn day in tho Pino Woods. Dato it as abovo. Tho wild llowers aro Btill in bloom. Violots, blue and white ; bright golden imitations of tho yellow daisy; and lillies with a moro royal purple than ovor tinted tho rohos of l'orsian monarch or Hebrew king. Tho loaves upon the Poach trees aro as greon as in Juno. Tho wiro grass just begin ning to turn .brown, and tho young oaks just putting on thoir coat of rich est red. Our deeidious trees do not ahow tho varioty of color and beauty to lto soeii in a northern forest. But to a young oak, a porfeot cono of leaves, standing in tho still air, and otloring its rod leaves to tho golden suushino, shows a richness of color not to bo oqualled in nature And wo may drink our fill of theso beauties and gazo upon this gorgeous array without forobodings of coming storms of sleet and snow. No sadness comes with tho autumn tints of abouthornpino woods. Wo know that our winter timo will como; but wo also know that tho life of tho past summer will not bo buried in tho death of snow, ico and hail. Nature does not die horo; loaving us only faith and hopo, born of oxporionco in tho spring's resurrection and now ucsh of life; hIio only rests in tho full nosa of her beauty. Wo know that tho oaks will retain their leaves until tho spring buds crowd them oir. Wo know that very much plant life is growing steadily on, for llowora of spring. Wo know that tho solemn and fasoiuating pines will continue green and unchanged 5 and yet chang ing as they drop their long neodlos, ono by ouo, weaving u brown mantle for tho unrullled bosom of Earth. Wo know that our winter is coming; but wo shall not bo housed, with racking coughs and stilling coal gat, for tho next four months; but without over ooM and mittens wo may go out to breathe the puro air of Heaven every day and every night. J, T. PATRICK. I MEDICAL SPRINGS Remarkable Curative Properties of the Water. Persistent Hear Hunters The School at the Park The Wheat anil Bar lev Market Notes. Dec. 8, 18!)0. Krofty nights. W. I). Etnelc is building a fine largo and commodious barn. . Tho Cloble brothers have gone to Elgin to do carpenter work. Justus Wright is delivering wheat and barley in the Baker City market. II. W. Lee has taken a contract and is working in the Roy mine at Sanger. The stock is pretty well gathered in and placed in pastures for the winter. Tho higher mountains hereabouts arc slightly covered with tho "beauti ful." J. B. Dolby is quite unwell and lias gono to Baker City for medical treat ment. Mrs. J. B. Sams, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Crimmin, of Sanger. Sho leaves Jim to play bachelor. L. A. Savage, of Cornucopin, is try ing tho virt tics of tho water of Medical Springs, for a case of rheumatism. Henry Bowman, of Lower Powder, has been doctoring at the springs the past week, for blood poison, and is much improved. Duncan and Boylcs, our bear hunt ers, aro determined to kill R. M. Smith's pet bear, and will no doubt succeed if Ihoy can catch him asleep. Mrs. Eliza Wilson has certainly done moro for Thanksgiving than any lady in tho county. Sho has sold fomo sixty-fivo turkeys for that occasion. Mrs. Lloyd, of Pino valley, who ciuno to tho springs three weeks ago, very much alllicted with rhouinatism, leaves in tho morning for her homo, found and well. Geo. W. Coflfnian has been engaged to teach tho Park school. Georgo is just finishing a term in tho Lower Powder district, and has given great satisfaction. Lumber is a thing of tho past at tho Park saw mill, but it looks liko such a thing would not happen soon again from tho amount of logs tho boys aro putting on the yard. Geo. W. Catcs, engineer at tho hois ting works at tho Sanger mine, left on tho stage this morning for his post of duty, after a two weok's sojourn nt tho spiings. Ho rid himself of a severe attack of rheumatism. Tho Cornucopia stago is making good time mid is loaded both ways. Tho company has careful, oxpoiioneed drivers anil do all in their power to mako their patrons comfortable. Two splendid sleighs havo been fitted up to put on tho linens soon as snow falls. OUR LETTER TROJI Y7A3niNQTON, Mattora oflntorost Reported toy our Reg ular Correspondent. Washington, Noy, 1M, ISO). Eniroit OitKdio.v Scout: Secretary Window's soheino for in creasing tho amount of money in cir culation has leaked out, as such tilings usually do, although his annual report will not bo madu public until the day after tho Presidents messago is sub mitted to congress, and it may not af ter all bo in his report, us I am in formed that Mr. Harrison has declined too endorse it in his mcesago, but tho Secretary will probably insist upon in cluding it in his report. MrWindom's' idea is to havo the govormont issuo l, or 2 per cent, bonds to bo convertnblo into cash upon tho demand of the holder. Ho believes that such a schotno would go a long way towards preventing dangerous stringencies in tho money market, such as tho ono from which tho country is just recov ering. Nearly all tho eabinot oudorso tho idea, and tho only reason that Mr, Harrison objects to incorporating it in his message is said to bo that thoro is not time to consider such a radical change in our financial methods at tho short session, Thu schemo is not original with Mr. Windom. It was originated away back in tho 70's by onu of tho bright' est young members of the then Green back party Mr. John Urisbou Walker who was at that time uditing a daily paper in Washington, and who is now editing tho Cosmopolitan magazine It was becauso Senator Sherman, then Secretary of tho Treasury, roftihod to adopt this or u similar lohoino and permuted in his polioy of commuting tho currency in order to bring about tho resumption of specific payments that Mr. Walker demanded through the columns of his paper the impeach ment ol Secretary Sherman adomand which at that time attracted national attention. Loading republicans such as speaker Heed and Itepreaentattvo McKinley, fay that then, will he no financial legis lation, at thin session of congress; hut there i a strong r-lurin-nt in the repub lican party that will demand in loud tones that a free coiling bill bo pufficd or that something bo done to largely incroai-e tho volume of currency in circulation. It is nn important and interesting question, and it is certain to be heard fiom thin winter, both in and nut of congics?. The f-penkcrnhip light is quiet on tho surface, hut raging fiercely in tho under current of pi.iit.en. Mr. Mills announcennTit that he would retire from tho House at the closo of the Fifty-second congrCEB was a very shrewd move, and it h;:s undoubted ly improved his chances, and it looks now :is if he might bo the man, if a Southern irnn bo chosen. But of course, he has tn con'end against the various combinations curtain to bo made against any man who obtains a temporary lead, and the fact that ho openly declares himself a free trader will undoubtedly lose him some votes. There is a conservative wing of tho democratic parly, at tho head of which is Kepresontativo Flower, who has a "barrel" and Piesidenlial aspiration? which is decidedly opposed to any unheal treatment of the tariff question. This element is working to have Mr. Flower placed at tho head of the Ways and Means committco of tho noxt House and it is claimed that they will rofuso to support any candidate for Speaker who docs not pledge him self to put him there. The republican programme has been announced, for tho session. It cm braces the passage of an apportion ment bill, a shipping bill, tho regular appropriation bills and the Federal election hill. To carrv out this pro gramme two things will bo absolutely necessary a change in the rules of tho Senato and tho presence of a con stant quorum of republicans in tho House as the democrats have an nounced their intention to oppose every onn of theso measures except tho re gular appropriation bills. There is said to bo in existenco a written agree ment signed by 13 republican senators to change tho rules and pass tho elec tion bill before tiio Christmas holidays. Thero is ono notablo thing imming ling wi,th tho returning congressmen of poth parties they all speak in most respectful terms of tho claims of the Farmers Alliance, and that is a good deal more than they did when here last. Votes always command tho re spect of politicians. Everybody predicts and expects that tho short session of congress which eonvenos noxt Monday will be, from ono and another cause, one of tho most exciting in our history, as well us ono of the most important in its ed'eet upon tho political future of tho threo great political parties, for it'U now conceded by all shrewd observers that tho Farmers' Aliauce is ono of tho great political partios of the coun try, and that it will take a prominont part in tho great national battlo of 181)2. Mr. Harrison hold tho first official reception of the season at tho Whito Hoiito this evening in honor of tho Brazilian naval olliccrs now visiting this country. J. H. C. GRAND IASOUERADE BALL At Wright's hall, Union, Thursday Evening, 4 0, Tho host of Musio has been Secured for tho occasion, nnd an excollcnt supper will ho served ut tho CENTENNIAL HOTEL, and will he gotten up under tho personal Miporvhon of Mr. Al Goodhrod, tho inero men tion of whoso nauio making it certain that a dainty collation will ho spread upon his tables. Tickets, 82.50. EVERYBODY COME. Olio. K.miu), Manager. 12-13-ta. .1 1 j&t STEEI pirn 4 C5 f-4j.ipl Pm, aiffwont patUrrii. in Ts iflSa htflti'l JMto I Kntcfi lUx, wnt iotitjMd, un receipt of 10 OlINfsi. PERSIES CO., London. ccub.t824. U. S. OtScCi 8 1 0 Uroadtj Now York ll-OwlO. December 11 mm IliN aw q'--, X.jjIi R.ICIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH UNION, ------ OREGON, A. It. UliTili:, Tlket Agent. TI.VfK TABLH. Trains depart from Union daily m follows : WEST IIOOHl). KiwtMoil, No 1 :00 1 M. Kxprwws, No 7 '1:f!5 A. At. XA8T II06X1). Fast Mflll, No 2 7:40 P. M. Kxprow, No 8 11:15 A. M. Main Line, Nos. 1 and 2, ''Tho Overland Flyer,'' carry through Pullman Sleeper. Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars nml Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha, Kansas Oily, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main Line, Nos. 3 and 4. "The Limited Fast Mall," carry Pullman Dining and Sleeping Cars between Portland and Chi cago. OCEAX DIVISION. The Union Pacini will dispatch Steanierc between Kan i ranelsco and I'ort land. as follows. FKOM roKTIiAKI). At 10 p. m. KltOM SAN FI.AICISCO At 10 a. m. State Nov '-!) Oregon Dec 2 Columbia.. .. ' T tatc '.. " 8 Oregon ''11 Columbia " 14 Statu "17 Orcifon "20 Columbia " SI Stato .... " 2K OroRon " 29 Oregon Nov 23 Columbia Dec State " Oregon " Columbia . ' Stato '' Oregon " Columbia .... " State " Oregon " Columbia 28 Tho company rosorvos theright to change steamers or sailing days. KATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin. - - $10.00 Steerage - - ?8.00 Kound Trip Tickets, Unlimited - ?30.00 Children, under 12 years - - Half Faro ,, ,, 5 years ... Free Including Meals and Berths. C. S. MEIJiEN, I T. W. LEE. Gcn'l Trallic Manager. Gen'l. Ticket Agt, A. E. ELLIS, Agent. Union. Machinery For Sale, 1 will sell or trade on good terms tho fol lowing described nwichinory : Ono Shingle Machine, Ode Poking Machine. One Drac Saw. Ono Mouldin, Mj"liine. Shafting, i'a J .-yt. Kelts, Moulding Knivos, etc, Call on or address 7-:il-ni(i G. F, YIIITE, Cove, Or. LXJMBEE for SALE ut tho High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds ot lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notico. Priced cheap as tno cheapest. Patronage - Solicited. 5-30tf WM. WILKINSON & SON. COVE, OREGON. Miss Bki.m: II. Rocock, of Virginia, Principal. Christmas Term begins Monday, Nov. 17, 1S90. 11.20-2m E. RROOKS, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, ISLAND CITY, OREGON. fap-Prouipt attention givon to all pro fessional callti, day or night. 11-0-tf yT E. KKOWNKLL, M. 1)., ' Physician & Surgeon, ELGIN, OREGON. Jllco oUcitydrug store. 11-13-tf M. DITTEKKANDT, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, ELGIN, OREGON. All calls promptly rwmondod to, day or night: 11-13-tf. ' ,7"001 WANTED. Partlo desiring to pay their IndobtoririMS to this paper, In wood, can now do ho, 7-17-tf. YJMTRN1SHED ROOMS FOR RUNT. V Mr M. J. Chiincoy.Cornor Second and K St. Union. Orugon, l-.tf, 151CYCMCS FOR SALE. One M Inch. J full nloktl, ami uno 4$ iuoh bUntUnl HnMi. Eiupiirt tit this olllre. 7-17-tf Mind narilrin curoj. ll.wVi tftrnr in nto t4in, TtlMonttU turn u Pii il th cIoIm. lraipocta!-QiT ruxe, Jtat n nttftten to I'tof. A. UmwII, U lUUiAio. InYut. 0.&W.T.R.Rjsmt!Ov , "The H U11C Line." In Connection with thu NORTHERN PACIFIC KAILR'l) Forms the Quickest and Best Route Batweon Kawtorn Oregon and Washington a..u i iiei rouiiii pointi, as wo. I as tho Popular and Direct Lino to all POINTS EAST and SOUTHEAST PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, SUl'BKB DINING CAHS, and FIIEE SECOND CLASS SLEEPERS Through to Citlcasn via this Lino. Passenger Trains of thii Company are run ning regularly between dayton; waitsijurg, walla WALLA, WASH., and PEN DLETON, OR.. Making cknc connection nt Hunt's June tion with Northern Pacific train, for Taco ma, Seattle, Victoria, !. C Ellcnsburg, Miriu j HKiiiKi. nicii, praunc, unenev Davenport. Spok'ine Falls, Putte, Helena St. Paul, Minneapolis. AND ALL POINTS EAST. Passenger Train, making above connec tions loaves Pcndlefon daily, at 7:40 p. m. Through Tickets Sold to all Points East at the Lowest Kates. W. F. WAMSLEY, Gcn'l Fr't nml 1'nss'gr Agt. Walla Walla, Wash. G, W. HUNT. President and Gen'l Manager. II. L. DEACON, Ticket Acent, Union, Or siiunirr's sale. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT xN by virtue of an execution issued out of tho Honorable Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Union county, bearing date tho tith dav of November, ISi'X). to mo directed and delivered, upon a judgment entered therein on the 2.'i(f day of September, 1800, wherein I. A Koskowitz is plaintiff and J. C. Fic-klin Is defendant, for the sum of ?315.CS with interest thereon at the rate ol ten per cent, per annum, bince said 2nd day of September. 1800, and for the further sum of :!T).7S costs and d'sbiirsements, I havo levied upon the following described real estate, situated in Union countv, Ore gon, to-wit: An undivided one-eighth interest in nnd to the N WJ4 of NW'j Sec. .'10. and SWJ4 of S4 of See. 10, in Township l South, of Rangc-10 E, V. M., and tlieSEqr. of SE qr. Sec. 2-J. in Township 1 t'ouh, of Range 39E.W. M., and by virtue of said execti tion and levy. I will soil at public auction at tho court house door in Union. Union county, Oregon, on tho thol2th day of De cember, 1800, at 2 o'olook p. m. of said day, all tho right, title and interest i;i said promisor that tho said defendant hail on the 2:1.1 day of September, 1MK, or bus since acquired therein, or sullicient thereof to satisfy said judgment. Interest, costs, is bursenients anil accruing cos-ts. Dated this 11th dav of November, 18!) . J. T. KOLLES, Sherift Ky W. K. Usur.n. deputy. H-23-w6 SlUiltirif'S SALU Jacob Newman ) M. Kellogg and Kred W. Punch) UNDER AND KY VIRTUE OF AN order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale issued outot the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Union county, on the 27th day of September, 1880, in tho above entitled suit, wherein Jacob Newman theabove named jllaintiif obtained a judgment and decree ol foreclosure ami sale against C. M. Kelloge, Fred W. Punch, M E. Kellogg, I. R. Dawson and Dawson defendants, on tho 27th dav of September, lfCO, for the sum of $!H1.GU and ibe further sum of $10(1.00 n? attdrnev's fees, and the costs and disbui'Bcmonts ot this suit taxed at $12.78 and acciulng costs, and costs of this writ, 1 am commanded to sell tho laud situated in Union countv. Oreiron and do- seriueuin said u-c-ree as Inlioirs. to-wit: Lots 0. 10, 11. 12, i::. 14. 1.5 and Hi in blocK 10 of tho town of North Powder, Union county, htate ot uregiin, and the appurte nances lhereiiiito belonging-, the.'etoro 1 will sell on Saturday, the lath day of De cember. 1WX). at 2 o'clock v. m. of said dav. nt public auction, at the court house door In the city of Union, Union county. Oregon. all the right, title and interest which tho said detendant8 had 111 and to the abovo do scribed real property 011 tho 2!lth dav of September, lfOO, or has since acquired. Terms of sale: Ca-dl to 1110 In hand. Dated this 0th day of October. 18!K). .1. T. KOLLES. Shcrltr 01 Union County. Ky W. K. Usiiun. Doputv. 11-13-51. XOTICU OF rOKICEITUKE. Stato of Oregon, county of Union, ) November 10. 1800.1 To John Noi.cn : i on aro lierebv noilnVd that I lmvo ox. ponded one hundred dollars in labor and improvements on the "Plying Dutchman'' quartz lode, situated in Cranito mining (iiMnci, I'liion eoiiuiy, uregoii, as win ap pear by coriillcato liled November 10. 1800, ami roooriua in iiook iv or quartz claims. page -'iii, in the olllca of -the recorder of said county, in order tn hold said premises under tho provisions of x-oilon 2321 revised btatutcs of tho United States, being tho amount required to hold the same for the year enuing jjecemuer ;u. wm, and if with in Iiiin-tv (lavs alter tbi iinfiee lir rtulilivi. tion you fail or refuse to contribute your portion oi Mien oxDciiumirc. ami oi otner expenditures for which vou aro legally Daunu as co-owner, your interest In mud claim will become the nronertv of tho mi!. Hcriuer uiutcr said section :l M 11-13-lSt OKOItQK W. PKKK1N. AIIMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. VfOTICK IS HKltKUY GIVEN TO ALL 1 painons concerned that the undor. felgnoU has heon regularly appolntej ad ministrator of the estate of Charles Mc Lean, ueceuM'd. All perKonx huviiigcluiuH ngnlueit aid estate are notified to present thoMinio, duly eri(Ud, lo thu understirneil adinliustrntur within mx umnths from th ihuoof thij tiutii'o.at his residence in North Powder, luilou uounty, Oregon. Dated thi-20lh day of November, 1800. VM. HONloN, ll-ao-wS Administrator. NOTIOIS. To All Whom It May Coxciirx : My iiot aro In tho hands of O. P. Prll for tllt-ction. and thoo knowing them hClves indebted to mo are rupiuMcdto lin innliattiy i-hII and nttli, my initructlons are in t nioree colk-etbin at onoc. Give at tention and avo expciu r. "WO t' K. J. COUPKlt. ' WO 3JWPOK $3 Clyde. !; 't- Tl-iu'uhi-'::.-- ' 13 llT ihtft.. . . matuJ f.tr 1 :-.t 1 nia-t 'll 1:1 1 . '. r r-K,ni for nt. i . . -(iciji.t III jI-i s . Orcca-i 1 '. cl.- nwr;' tr.imal fally Warranted. Tcia.il- y fit Catabjue. AJJtcsj Dr. VniKiasfcR., w.t R. H. BROWN, Dealer in TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY. PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc. A Conipleto and Varied Stock of Wall Paper on hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. A full supply of school books con stantly on hand. m Line to Cove. Leaves Union daily at 2 p.m. arrives at Cove at 3:30 p. in. Leaves Cove at 8 a. m.. arrives at Union at 0:30 a. m. Connections made with Elliott's coachci running to the depot, carrying passenger for cast and west bound trams. KATES for IASSENOEKS. LTJOOAGK and FKISIGUI, UK ASONAHLK. ROBINSON A. LAYNE. Proprietors 1101 CITY HOTEL, .(Opposite the Court House,) L, J, Boothe, - - Proprietor. Having refitted the same and added a farge new dining room, I am now bet ter prepared than ever to accomodate my patrons. Seals 25 Cents. Beds 25 Cents. Give mo a call. 9-11-lm Union and Cornucopia Stage - Line 1 Quickest and Cheapest Route to the Pino Creek Mines. RATES : FARE. $1 50 3 00 0 00 KUEIOIIT, 2Ke nion to Park " " Sanger " " Cornucopia PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Business uttended to Promptly and for Modcrute Fees. Ourofllco is opposito the U. S. Patent Onico.and we can obtain Patents In less time than those remote from Wnsoington, Send MODEL or DUAAVING. We ndvise as to pantentabilily free of charge; and wo mako NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. Wo refer, here, to tho Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to otllcials of tho U. S. Patent Olllce. Fci circular, advice, terms and refleronces to actual cli ents in your own Stato or Countv, write to C. A. SNOW & Co., Opposite Patent Oflice. Washington. D. 0. r Thomson & Purscl nro agents for tho celebrated Cyclone WindMill, and as tho prices on them have heen great ly reduced they nro now within th reach of nil. Sample mill to bo see nt their planer in North Union. Cll a ttd cxnmino it. LIVER PILLS. 00 NOT CRIPE, SICKEN H CONSTIPATE. Suit Cure roa Si MuauitL ladlttitloa er Cciudcl na an troab: irittiiBP1 Thcdmocwa U nle.lr adlotUd to tii.t lhcu. M u w BKb Mstr 48 pills put up In .tro vial which ro brrrM (n...t pocket Mi'rrtarfttMTr.d M..k ljj a. l w. ..U tUu . . Fl . u . . . . ( rvifill.".!" 3 inON TON O, ' & KlbXHVd ..d taTtiri....i.v.iiii1.rr. DniffsamleaiG int u. tmuu MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. " " ..Hwauvaatawuiiill iwi.i V w