The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 11, 1890, Image 1

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1 Ins as lame n circulation ns any
two papers in this section of tho
State combined, ami is corre
stoiidingly valuable as an adver
tising medium.
7s iii'lpperwleiit in nil thuiss neti
ttai hi nothing; devote 1 to every it believes to be right a
journal for the people
Horo Will tho Press tho People's Rights Maintain.
NO. 25.
i. i rt I'll
ITheOreffon bcout
An Independent weekly jou na , Issueil every inursuav
morning ')' j
Iii1Ufl)ieri mid Proprietor.
Ai K Jo.n'K. KtllUir.
II (III t.NCKV, Foreman
Itittt-N of Milpi'ilillim.
One copy one year.
)ne c py x in uohs,
lne enpy three months.
Invariably ("nli In A.lvnnre.
H ,u rhnm r mthtrriiillonn lire tin! until till CMiJ
V) 'yrar tint ilollnrt will I": clmriird.
ltates of aibeit si g maile Inovin on application
iHf Correspondence (rum nil p-irts of toe country
suite teil . .
t Ail'lrcssn'l coHiiimnl'a'loj" to the Oiir.uoN HcolT,
'V nlun, Oregon
rxni:n HTATIW
I'heniiiKNT lteiij.iuilu Harrison of Indiana
hM'KETAIIV tiF STtIK JamesU. Ma lie of Maine
Nrl'KKTsKV Uf TIIK Tll-AilIKV- WI111.UU V illll 'III
,if .Mttui'SO'a
Ski HKTtnv nrwtn nciinei rrncior oi itrawi.
Ski hrtakv or tiik Navi lli-nj iiiiin F T.acy of
He- York , .. . ,. ... ...
Sr.l'litTtllY Or TIIK IMI.1IHI1I- .mini " . .1 "n:
Mlrw iiri ..... , ....
Po-lMAITBlt (.KNrHAL-.lnllll " lipatllllkt r III I run.
tyiv ina. ... . . .,
ATT1IKN r. Y I. a it Bin I. - ' .'iiiivi u. .............
hEi'liKTAnv UK Aiiiiii.ui.iukk-Je em ah l.usa of
V niii
STATU OF Olil-.dnX.
1.1 II MlTI'IIKI.I..
rt.tu...i..i i.j.vt. iMiurn.
41 )i-rtlor. - " HI LI r.u.iv r .....
.Srcreia y of Suite, - OnmuK W. MrHlttl'r:
Mate Treasurei. - ,, ? , ,.
KuiRiiiiten leut or PnMio Instruction. II. 11. .Mrl-.l.iun
St it IT liter. I'll k t1 lUhKli.
t T...I... . .
' w
1'. n
W. Thai rat
judicial nisriuor.
(.It.Mts A. I'KK.
V P It J.Ulk'CB,
IT utfiu Attorney
u. r . in in:
1 .1. V. NllllVlL.
1.1. II. It LEV.
f .Illll.N Ml Al.I-TKK.
i J. A. WllllltlT
1. N. SXNIlt lis.
J. T. llllL1.ES.
J. S. Ul.MOTT.
; i:. c. iiin'Niin.
II S. Ktjumik.
J. L. Cuinis.
J. 1. (Illtl.ll.
I W'll.l.lAM
t .lulls .M('1)0AI.U.
St.i Senators,
C .erk,
.Sjhi ol SupeilnteijiU'iit,
Surveyor, :
,1 W. Kkn.skhv.
O. L. Hl.tKrM.KK.
Alien .loii.vsos.
j" arsnai.
I .street Commissioner,
(.'HUM-! L.MKN.
,1. II. Clllilll.V
A. K. .IllNKS.
It. F. W1I.SOV
.1 S. Kl.I.IOTT
.1 M. CAaROl.1..
Friday ctenin, at 7:31 ..clock q
C K Mill Kit, ficretary.
F., nieeti on the Hint and third Tue-dalii in each
month. O. H. Ml LI. Ell. C V.
J 11. TlloHrxox, Scrllie.
A M., tneata n the necoiid ant fourth turilaB
etery tno th. U. W. DAVIS, M.
It II. IIkown, Secretary
A M , meets first a d third I u -d.i-s eacli lnonth.
W. T i. (ilIT, M. r.. II. I .
Tukkr()livkii Secretary
meat-ever, Wei 1 u ' V j ' JVj'j a W Ft) 1 1 D, O O
Tl I1SEK OL1VKII. K Of It. & K.
PItF.STON l'OSV, No 18,(1. A. It
i third SatiiiJay laeacu mo ith a
f hall JOHHFA III!
" (iKIIItllE IlKINIMlKll, Adjutallt
mi:f.ts r.vF.UY ,
. the Odd Fellow ' I
The Methodht Kpiscopal Church holds services at 11
A M aiitfr l ot tao i Suudav
ltev A THOMPSON Acting Pastor
Services are held at the Pieshyterlan Chinch lit 11 A.
M and 7 V M
.,f each Suni'ay.
liev .1
P MOllllIS. Pantor
J M. CAltltOLL. j
Ollice two iloois south of PostoHlci1.
ITiiliin, OroKoii.
Secial a'.tentlon glreti to all huiiness entrusted to us.
U EAK1N J- A. KAKIN. Notary Piihllc.
R. EAKIN & BR0.,
Union, Or'Boii.
Promot at'entlon paid to collections.
Ha. the finest amesthetle for e:Umi 'ff.i
iialo known to the profession. Will practice In ll the
finches of mo.len.dentl.try Silver and .h I .ork a
.iKsjialty Kin set, of teeth alvrayn on hanl. Klrst-clau
work and Mtufa.ti-in guaranteed.
OMrr -Mnlii SI., lliilnn. Or.
C. H. DAY, M. D.,
Uomceopathic Physician and Surgeon.
All CuU l'roiiuHlr AttonuV.I to.
..ui ..ii,.inin .Tones Itro.' .'ore. Can bo
ruthU at reildenoe In Houthet Unlan.
Office one door south ol Bummer. Lajnr'. .tore.
Union, Oregon.
rho.lovp, riiir Store
JASPAR G. STEYENS, Proprietor,
Patent ilIedieines,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils.
I'rrnTlptliins Cure fully Prriinrcil.
Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. j
Montreal Saloon
Ed Remillard, Proprietor.
If you want a rtfrenlilng drink nr a good cigar, drop In.
IUWard and pool taMes for thn accommodation
Gornaeopia Saloon.
William Wilson, Proprietor.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
Cigars Always in Stock.
First-class lillllard tahle. Drop in and lie sociahle.
For Information About the South
The OLDcial Immigration Department
, -OF-
CAUL ItOIIINaON, Secretary,
l'alelgll, N C.
UnionTonsorial Parlors
GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor.
Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing in
the Lasest Style of the Art.
Shop to doors south of the Centennial hotel,
me a call.
City Meat Market
31 itlii Sti-fft, I'lilon. Ori'K
BENSON BROS., Proprietors,
Beef, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams,
Lard, Etc.
The v " Blue 7 Light
Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or.
Cigars 7 in 7 Stock,
Drop In and lie wclahle Fine lillllard tahle.
KlKln, Ori fc'iiii.
All 1U promptly attended to ilay or nig
Architect and Builder,
Cove, Oregon.
Draft, plan, and dealgm (or dwelling! and bridge
I rurulaned on appucauou.
A Conglomeration of Occidental
An Effort Ileitis Made to Suppress
Alaska Liquor Traffic Seamen
Out of Employment.
The wool crop of New Mexico this
season is 15,000.000 pounds.
Arizona has 701 miles of
canals that fuiiiieh wa
to 300,0.10
A eoinpanv of Iowa capitalists intend
i start a barrel faetorv at Salt Lake City
I that will turn out m)0 a (tav.
! Andrew Marro and Jules Rodders have
! been placed under lock and key at l'ort
! land for securing money on forged checks.
I . . i .I . n .1 lt..
It is reported mat me m-uvui-mm im
Grande is making arrangements to ex
tend its New Mexico division to Albu
querque during the coming season.
Governor l'ennover has reappointed
Dr. W. T. Williamson, formerly of Wes
lon, as llrst assistant physician at the
Insane Asylum at Salem for the term of
four vears.
Rradstreet's mercantile agency reports
fourteen failures in l'acitic Coast States
and territories mi me i.n-i m-ir.. .ici
compared with fourteen for tho previous
week anil live for the (;ort(;spoiidiiig
week of 1885).
The new electric motor line between
Taconia and Steilncooni is b-ing built
verv rapidly, anil it will be in running
order soon after the new year opens.
This work appears to have had a very
beneficial ell'ect on the Asylum city.
Wellington Stewart, who was sen
tenced to fourteen years in the peniten
tiary for a criminal assault on young
girls in San Diego, has been released on
his own recognizance. The Supreme
Court had granted a new trial in the
A valuable vein of iron ore is reported
to have been found about liftenn miles
southwest of Tacoma, near the mouth of
tho Nesqually river. In sinking a well
a few days ago a rancher struck a vein of
blaek-iron sand twenty-eight feet in
An Eastern company, with a largo
amount of capital, is negotiating for the
purchase of the military road lands now
belonging to the Orego'n and California
Land Company and lying along the line
of the road eas't of Eugene City, Or., and
settlers will bo brought from the Hast.
Fiftv thousand dollars have been de
posited with Oregon's Secretary of State
by the Fireman's Fund Insurance Com
pany of San Francisco in order to permit
of their transacting the business of fire
insurance in the State, as provided for
by an act to license and regulate insur
ance business in Oregon.
At Tacoma the iurv in the case of
voting Karasek for the" murder of the lad
Moore returned a verdict of not guilty
after deliberating thirty minutes. The
boy stood cross-exaniiniUion by the at
torney for the State of over an hour and
i a half without flinching or slinking his
honest, straightforward story in any
way. The verdict was greeted with ap
plause. The contract'for the construction of a
coast-line battle ship entered into be
tween the government and tho Union
Iron Works of San Francisco has been
signed bv the company and forwarded to
Washington. Work on tho war ship
will be commenced within a few months.
Two largo cylinders of tho Monterey's
engine have" been completed, and the
Monterey will be ready lor her trial trip
within a fe,v months.
In the United States District Court at
San Francisco Charles F. Ammonium,
arrested poino weeks ago for opening a
letter addressed to a party in that city
while acting as a lox clerk in the post
oflice, pleaded guilty to the second count
Ol UK) inuiCUIieiH. wniuii i;iiuiKt:u wiu
delaying the delivery of a letter. Judge
IloH inan sentenced me prisoner 10 pay a
(hin of J500 and serve one year's iinpns-
onment in the Alameda county jail.
C. R.Grant, Secretary of Seattle Lodge
No. 4. I. O. O. F., is rojrorted to have
fled the town, taking funds of tlie lodge
with him and leaving his wife behind in
destitute circumstances. He was form
erly in the real-estate business, and was
ll..niitv CAtv "!Wlc. He wnH
dissolute in habits, and left tho town
once before under similar circumstances
Officers of the lodgo say they do not
know the amount of money taken by
Several hundred sailors who have been
serving lately in the Arctic whaling fleet
am now out of einnlovincnt at San Fran
cisco, and find it extremely difficult to
get good berths. Tho United States
naval rendezvous of that city has re
ceived a largo number of applicants to
enlist from this class of men since the
whalers leiran to return to iiort a month
ngo. Although they are skillful seamen,
the recruitlntr olllcer was oDUged to re
lent almost all of the applicants on ac
count of the men not coming up to the
nhvslcal standard prescribed by the
Navy Department. In many cases the
applicants, although young men for the
most part, seemed debilitated. Tho na
val surireon on duty at tho rendezvous
gives as a reason for this the meager ra
tions of the men during tho whaling
season. Owing to tho rigid physical ex
amiimtlon an applicant lor a place as
seaman in tho navy must undergo, but
few men have been accepted in uiaiciiy.
Monument to be Erected in Memory
of Jefferson Davis.
The Speakership of the Next House of
Representatives Said to be Hetwecn
Crisp, Mills and Springer.
Foreigners have Itought sixty of the
:?,t!00 breweries in the United States.
Kansas is receiving quite a large in
crease in population from Kentucky.
Senator Quay will resign from tho Na
tional Committee, and answer his ac-cut-ers.
Hoston is to have an institute where
consumptive patient can be cured by
Pr. Koch's treatment.
It is said that the Russian mission va
cated by Charles Kmory Smith is to be
ottered to Major MeKiiilcy.
There is a report that the Louisiana
Lotterv Company is alKiut to wind up
its all'airs and letire from business.
A monument to .leflerson Davis is to
be erected at l'ensacola by the Ladies'
('on federate Monument Association.
Governor Steele of Oklahoma has ve
toed the bill locating the capital at
Kingfisher. This leaves it at Guthrie.
The western part of Kansas is snH'or
iin' iM-catlv fur want of rain. and the new
Alliarce f.CL'islature will not meet until
Minnie Palmer says she left her hus
band because he a'ttacked her with a
carving Knife and cut her slightly in sev
eral places.
Chicago is becoming uneasy over the
story that five of her largest packing
house linns will remove their plants to
Hammond, Ind.
Robert Ray Hamilton's will gives his
adopted daughter, Heat rice Ray, an an
nuity of $1,200. The will does not lnen
tion'Eva Hamilton's name.
It is rejrorted that Secretary Windoin
recommends in his forthcoming report
tho funding of the bonded indebtedness
of the government at '2X.. per cent.
An iron steamship was launched at
Raltimore last week, which it is claimed
is fire-proof and unsinkalile and will
make a speed of thirty-live miles an
A new and novel trust has just been
consummated by the Standard Oil Com
pany, which includes all the bulk oil
carrying craft plying between Philadel
phia and Europe.
A Cheyenne special to the Denver
News says: The commandant of Fort
Russell lias received orders to have seven
companies of infantry ready to move at
a moment's notice.
The Methodist Missionary Conference
has adopted a resolution calling on tne
church to give the committee !f-'5l),t)l)0 as
the least sum with which it can meet the
demands of the year 18,11.
A new method of storing grcin is be-
a 1 1 til 1 i 1 1 1 .. .1
nig introduced. Mieei lanus are mien
with grain, and by a suction pump the
air is partly exhausted and a quantity of
carlxmic acid gas admitted.
The guarantee fund of 400,000 francs
required to secure the right and author
ity to excavate and explore tho ruins of
Delphi has been secured by the Arclueo
logical Institute of America.
Jay Cooke's estato has been settled
mitis'factorilv to his creditors, who have
held on to their securities since his fail
ure in 18711 for $11,000,000, and its final
hvidend was declared last week.
Thirty-four cotton-manufacturing cor
porations at Fall River, IWass., with a
capital of $18,i):)8,000, during tho past
vear have paid lo siocKiiouiers i.otn,-
770, or an average of about 7 per cent.
Charles H. Easton. for five years past
a trusted employe of the wealthy tobacco
house of John 11. T. Mayo. New York, is
a fugitive from justice, lie has lelt vic
tims in New lorKiownoin no oweu f-iu,-
President Raker of the Chicago Hoard
of Trado and a member of tho Local
Hoard of Directors of the World's pair
. i i .1 T ..i! I I . t ..
says he neneves me iaiionai toinmis
sion has hindered rather than helped the
The Fewfoundlandersaremuch excited
. . . I. I W ,1.. I. ,
over the damage sun. oi james isairn,
velinmi lobster factory on St. Georiro'H
bay was seized by a Hritish naval officer
lor an ininngoiuuin, ui r if nun ugum.
So far the rulimrs are against the New
foundlander, and the iieoplo threaten to
place IOrd Salisbury on record Against
Professor Henry AV. Elliott, special
airent of the Treasury Department to
visit mid report upon the condition of
the seals there, has ruturned to Wash
iugtoii. He confirms the statements
heretofore made by other parties, and
says that not more than 20,000 animals
were enptured during the past season.
He believes they are on tho verge of ex
Tho suit at Chicago of Mary M. Ryan
against the Inter-Ocean promises to bo
. .!......! 'PI... I.. ..1... ...t.l.
PUllHllwuiiiu. ' iiv 'iiivi in i iihiuim iiim
characterizing her as a blackmailer and
adventuress and stating that she pur
sued with tho rolentlessnesH of a tiger
some of the wealthiest and most promi
nent of Chicago's citizens, bleeding them
of lariio sums of money. Over sixty wit
nesses have been summoned by tho
Inter-Ocean, among them some of tho
most prominent supposed sufferers.
Jlimpcror William Hcnt on Railway
The Statute Providing for the Admission of
of Women to Medical Degrees at
Oxford Carried.
Salvador and Guatemala have signed
the treaty of pence.
A persecution of Roman Catholics is
said to be going on in Russia.
Hereafter buildings in London must
not exceed a height of ninety feet.
The statement that wholesale arrests
had taken place of Russian Socialists is
officially denied.
Glasgow has the biggest savings bank
in Scotland, with four and a half mill
ions of deposits.
The Hank of Dulabury, Russia, has
been robbed of money and valuables to
the amount of 11,0,000 rubles.
The Lord Provost of Edinburgh gets
an honorarium of 5.10, and it is pro
posed to increase tho amount.
The Roumanian government is allot
ting a vast quantity of Vtato lands in
free farms to peasant families.
The concentration of Russian troops
on the Armenian frontier is causing
much uneasiness at Erzuroum.
During October twentv-tliree vessels
were launched from Scotch ship-building
yards, representing '27,080 tons.
The papers of Huda-Pesth are asking
aid for Kossuth, who has lost his entire
fortune in railway speculations.
The. Russian Minister of Finance is
now in Paris arranging to lloat a new
loan for Russia with the Rothchilds.
The question of establishing in Turkey
narrow-gauge railroads is receiving the
attention of tlie Turkish government.
A fire, which has defied all a efforts to
extinguish it, has broken out in tho coal
workings at Hreux, Northern Hohoinia.
A plot to steal the Hritish army exam
ination papers before the time for the
examination has been discovered. The
Secretary of War has olfered a reward.
Emperor William is now bent pn rail
way reform. Ho wants to introduce the
zone tariir throughout Germany, as the
system has been so successful in Hun
gary. Tho agitation continues in favor of a
two-year term of service in tho German
army despite the dismissal of its most
prominent advocate, General Verdy du
The London correspondent of the Free
man's Journal declares that Pamell has
not the liu'hte?t intention of resigning
either the leadership of his party or his
dunes in raruaiueiu.
The statute providing for tho admis
sion of women to the medical degrees
came before the congregation at Oxford
the other day, when it was carried by
the narrow majority of one.
Cremation is more extensively prac
ticed in Italy than in any other country.
Tho first crematory was" established in
Milan in 1870, and there are now fifty in
operation in Italian territory.
Tho decisions of tho Russian Tarilf
Committee have so increased tho re
strictions on commerce as to threaten to
isolate the Russian trado from tlie rest.
of the world. Even fanning machinery
is subject to a high taritl.
It is officially announced that arrange
ments for continuing the business of tho
Rarings is concluded. A limited com
pany has been formed, with nsubscritied
capital exceeding XI, 000,000. Thomas
Raring, M. P., becomes chairman of the
company, and devotes mo wnoie oi nis
fortune to the linn's credit.
Tho Italian government is digging for
treasure in the citadel of Ancona. An
ex-employe oi the l'ontuicai government
has stated that in 1800 during tho siege
General Liimoriciere buried tlie treasure
of his army, consisting of ten barrels of
.-1.1 .-!.. f ' .1 !...l7.1 1... I
gold coin, 111 IIIU UlUUlUl IH3IUIU iiu nui-
rendered the place to uiaiditu.
A functionary in the Russian army,
who has come into considerable promi
nence lately, is a Jew named Raronok,
whoso duty it is to spy upon corrupt of
ficers and ferret out their stealings, no
is known as a very intelligent, honorable
and impartial man. Lately ho convicted
Gwiieral Toinanowsky, u favorite of the
Three survivors of tho Serpent have
arrived at Plymouth. England. Hurton.
one of the men, said he believed tho sea
quenched the vessel's fires, as volumes
ol dust and asnes were inrown up, cov
ering the crew. The officers of her Maj
esty's sliipTvne are convinced, however,
I rout simcmciiis mime ny uio men dur
ing the voyage and from the mutilated
condition of a number of corpses that
the Serpent'8 boilers burst.
Frank P. Slavin announces that W. A.
Hrady of New York has olfered him $600
per week to act in "After Dark" at
American theaters, opening in New
York at the Fourteenth-street theater.
Hrady ulso offers to get Slavin backing
from 1.000 to $25,000 to tight (Sullivan.
Slavin wishes to say in reply that ho will
not uccept tho terms offered. Ho would
require $1,000 per week, with substantial
utiarantco. So far as Sullivan is con
cerned, Slavin says ho can get tho fig
ures named in lmdon. either in dollars
or iiounds, whenever Kullivun wants to
Whkat Tho market continues dull
and cast. , with no improvement to bo
made in the d. maud. Offerings from
the Vallet are light, and quotations
range Iron $l.i.'0( Walla Walla
continues to oe olfered freely, and b'ulB
remain at H.l'-,l.j.
Fi.oiMt The market is steady. Quotov
Standard, :UH)rTl4.00; Walla Walla, f3.G0
yfH.JtO per barrel.
Oats The market is very firm.amL
prices have an upward tendency. Offer
ings are light, and find ready sale at full
prices. Choice lots (ind ready sale at
liOc per bushel. Quote: White, 68
t.0e . gray, otic per bushel.
Mnxsri'KKs The market is steady.
Quote: Hrun, $21(S.2j Shorts, $24(325.
Ground Hurley, $:!2.60j Chop Feed, $25
per ton.
ll.w The market is steady. Quoto:
tltifif IS per ton.
VF.dKrAiu.cs Tho mnrket is steady.
Quote: Cabbage, Sl.25ofl.05 per cental;
Cauliflower, $1 per dozen; Celery, 5Uc
per dozen ; Onions, 2.(if2l..e per ionnd ;
Carrots, 1 tier sack; Heets, $1.50 per
ack; Turnip:,, $1 per sack; Tomatoes,
lOo per Ixix; Potatoes, $101.10 per
cental; Sweet Potatoes, 2lijc per pound;
jqunsh, $2 per cental.
Fiu'irs The market is steady. Quoto:
Tahiti Oranges, .."pcr Ivox; Sicily Lem
on's, $Sdtt) per case; Tears, 1 lc per
pound ; Apples, 00 .rK5c per lxix ; Graives,
75eif$ per box; Pineapples, $:,.r0(j$4.UU
per dozen; Itananas, 2.50(if I! 50 jier
hunch; double, $0.00; Quinces, $1.25
per box.
Ciikksk The market is steady. Quoto:
Oregon, lltidlcj California, "ilJijilOo;
Young Amend. I ltu 15c per pound.
Hernia The market is firiiij. with
iteady 'insiness and prices. Choice
creamery and dairy produce ate scarce,
while the market 'is. well supplied witli.
common gtades. Quute; Oregon fancy
creamery, 4042'e; lancy dairy, 87Je;
good to lair, arv.ajo; common, '2,'ly."
25s ! choice California, .'..o per pound.
Eons The market is linn.
Oregon ere scarce, and are not
as thev should bo to bring good
It is to ho hoped that the tanners wii'
take more care in thoselectingand pack
ing of their shipments. Quoto: Oregon,
SOi1 ; Eastern, 27'jo per dozen.
PouLTitv Tht market is firm nnd de--.and
good. Turkeys are plentiful, and
will probably be more so ns Thanksgiv
ing approaches. Prices are a littl
higher, but will probably come down in
a few days. Quoto: Old Chickens, $4
4.50; young, !f2.50;4.00; old Ducks,
(aG.50; voung, 7 ; Geese, $1)010 per
dozen; live Turkeys, 1510c; dressed,
20e per pound.
Nuts Quoto: California "Walnuts
I7.ijc; other varieties, D:c; Peanuts, 12c;
Almonds, l'c; Filberts, 1415c; new
Hrazils, 20c per pound j Cocoanuts, $1 per
Hops Tho market is steady, with
nominal prices. Advices from tho East
and Europe are encouraging for dcnlera
who keep bids on an export basis. There
are a fmv sellers, but tho prices asked
nro not allowable, because they would
net a heavy loss to the buyer Quote r
30c per pound.
Hidics Tho market is wak. Quoto:
Dry Hides, selected prime, 8
8Vrfc, y3a less for culls; green,
selected, over 55 pounds. 4c; under 65
pounds, Ho; Sheep" Pelts, short wool. 30
0D5Oc; medium, (10(Ji80c; long, ttOe
$1.25; shearlings, 1020c; Tallow, good
to choice, 153c.
Wool Quoto : Eastern Oregon, 10
lCc; Vallev, 1020o per pound.
Nails Rase quotations: Iron, $3.20;
Steel, $3.30; Wiro, $3.00 per kog.
Shot Quote : $1.85 per sack.
Tho srrclniiiillfte Market.
1 ho markets continue firm, and busi
ness is verv good. Sugars have fallen.
Coal Oil lias advanced, and Cape Cod
Cranberries have fallen.
Suuaus The market is firm. Quoto:
Golden C,5?ie; extra 0, 6c; dry gran
ulated, (llc; cube crushed and pow
dered, (JU.c per pound. ,
Damn Knurrs Tho market is firm.
Quote: Italian Prunes. 1214c; Pe
tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound;
Raisins, $2.75 per box: Phiininer-dried
Pears, 11 V2y,a; Bun-dried and factory
Plums, ll12c: evaporated Peaches
24c; Smyrna Figs, 1410c; California
Figs, 0c per pound. .
Hkanb Tho murkot is firm. Quote:
Smull Whites, 34c; Pink, Hc;
Hayos, 4fc; Rutter, 3$c; Limas, 6)e
per pound. .
Oannkii Goons Market is firm. Quote l
Table fruits. $2.25, 2Jsj Peaches, 2.60;
Hartlott Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.65;.
Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $22.50;
Hlac.k berries, W, uaspoernes, t-.oo-,
Pineapples, $2.75; Apricots, $1.85. lie
fruit : Assorted, $3.76 per dozen ; Peaches,
$1.421 ; Plums, $1.25; Hlackberrles,$l.U
pur dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.20
1.60. according to finality; Tomatoes,
$i.l63.60; Sugar Peas, $1.101.0;
String Heans,$lperdozen. Fish: Salmon,
$1.25K50; sardines. 80c$1.60; lob
sters. $23 j oysters, $22.76 per dozen.
Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.25;
Crown, $7; Highland, $0.76; ChampioD,
$0 per case. ,
Picklkb Quote : $1.18o 3s; $1.25 5s.
Salt Quoto: Liverpool, $17, $18, $10;
stock, $1112 per ton in carload lots.
Coal Oil Quoto : $2.36 por case.
CiiANiiKUiiiKH Quoto: Wisconsin,
$0.50 ; Cape Cod, $10.60 ior barrel.
Cokkkk Quoto: Costa Rica. 22c;
Rio, 25:e; Arbucklo's, roasted, 2o4c
per pound.
Rich Quoto: $0.25 por sack or 100
The Mont Murket.
The meat market Is firm. Quote:
Reof Live. 23c; dressed, Oc.
Mutton Live, 3Mc; dressed, 0c
Hogs Live, 4((5.o; dressod, 5c
Vottl G8e per pound.
Lambs $2.60 each.
Tho market is firm. Quotations: Kaai
rrn Hams, 1314o; Rroakfaat Ha
con, llll.o Hides, 0210c; Lard,8)t
10Ko per pound.