The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 27, 1890, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1890.
"Written for Tub Scout.1
Oh win can see through the mist of years
Whs all our hopes may bo?
Will Time's oft hand brush away our fears
And b trier us mirth for the hidden tears,
And f r sorrow trade us glee?
Oil who can traec the delicate links
Of I.tfo'i flow movinirehaiii?
Ills lma't wmiul rowsick at tho unknown
, brinks
That Its way would lead him, nnd mc
thinki , , ,
Hi.- oytn would turn back in pain I
And who can count, through tho showers
and mum
The roHs (in I rcefi in our way 7
"Whatstormi will ari-c o'er Life be done?
Shall we win or lou m the heats we run
can auyono guess, I pray 7
And is it worth while that wo strain our
Through the dim mists of today,
To catch fiiint. glimpses of Paradise,
And hopu forhomethliii,' beyond tho &kics7
For hope was horn to decay !
Is it wo-tli while that wo sow and reap
Through the chilling hours of rain?
Tor it fomus to naught, the slow years
And all of us pass to that unknown sleep
in peace, tumult or pain !
And is It wortli while that wo watch and
For our ships to come In from sca7
There arc hills to climb, and in feeble gait
Wc will mark our footsteps, soon or late;
Move on while thy step is free!
There are clouds that hang from hill to hill,
I.tku spirits lient on wrong;
Do they.bndu lor our welfare good or 1117
Js there liuht on tliehoriznn glittering still?
Do they speak for us sorrow or socgl
Shall we spend our days while tho ages
In remembering happier things?
For life, they say, Is a lilftil sleep.
Its pains ate maiiy, its sorrow deep,"
And sharp arc tho stones mid stings.
Is it worth while Unit wo lift our hand
To break another's peace?
hit us stretch a rainbow down tho land,
Lit us Irsou sivcc.t songs in Life's gold sand,
And bid all tumult cease I
lll'.IlT W. IlUITMAN.
Mattora of Interest Koportod by Ou It E
ular Corro3pon
Wakiiinuto.M). 0., Iw. 11, 1800.
Editou OitKtio.v Scout:
Mr. Ulaino is tho man to whom tho
ropublie.ins uro turning in tlioir hour
of dofoiit, mill men who ft fow months
ago iio!i-Kuhoil hia reciprocity ideas
mid uoi'iisi'il tlio Secretary of Stato of
having huuomu visionary, uro now guy
ing Unit tlioio is only ono mini who
can bring tho republican party to
gether in lighting tmiipo in 1892, and
his nu mo is lMuiuo. IJut u few of
Speaker Roed'ti friends nro trying to
Htom (lie tide by charging tho hlumo
for tho democratic victory to Mr.
Maine's opposition to tho McKinley
turiir hill. 1 1 would ho very interesting
to know just what Mr. Hlaino thinks
of the whole business, but unfortunate
ly he will not talk for publication.
AVhon u.sked his opinion of tho Mc
JCittloy bill ho replied with u Hinilo:
"Tliero win n triul down in Maine
some years ago, nnd un old fanner was
HUinmonod to testify regarding tho
uhtiruotor of tho defendant. "Do you
know tho defundiintY" nsked ono of tho
"You, Mr."
"What is his character?"
"Well sir, 1 havo known tho defen
dant forty yearn, and 1 havo boon
studying him forty years,, and my
opinion of him now is tho sanio as it
was on the lirst day 1 mot him."
Tho political magnates of both par
tic who mo at present in Washing
ton have been gieatly disturbed by tho
report that the Farmers' Alliance
would run a l'residential ticket in
1892, and that steps nro being taken
which would piobably result in that
ticket reeeiing the Bitpport of organ
ized labor throughout tho country. If
it is possible to combine tho votes of
organized labor with thoso of tho Farin
on' Alliance, it is high timo that tho
leaders of tho old parties were getting
disturbed. It is very safe to predict
that tho republican and democratic
piirti -fc will bu represented at the an
nual convention of tho National Kami'
en.' Alliance and Industrial Union,
which is to meet at Ocalu, Florida, De
cember 2, by romo of their elotost ob
servers, as both parties, aro anxious to
know what that organization proposes
to do two yours iteuce, and something
may ho picked up by mixing with the
delegates of tho thirty-nvo States that
aro to bo ruproiiontud in that conven
Senator Spoonor has arrived here,
and a j;roit many peoplo believe that
Mr. lUrntun uetit for him to tender
him I he vacant hunt on the Supremo
Court hvueh. When nbkcil if there
was any probability of his succeeding
the latu .In. lieu Miller, Mr. Spoonor
evaded ilio iuoliou by replying that
ho had not given the mattora thought.
I (lou t know how (he nomination of
Hen.i'i' K"4jiir to this position would
stril.' country, outsido of Wash
ingt , ! ii t would certainly ho well
rcci .v. .' i,. i, t everybody.
Cm n democrats deprecate
tho undue bantu in opening tho cam
paign for tho ppcakcrship of tho next
house, and have tried in vain to stop
it by arguing that it will bo more than
a year beforo tho speaker is elected,
and that it is a wasto of time to be dis
cussing at this timo the relative merits
or demerits of gentlemen who think
themselves, or aro thought by their
frionds, to bo entitled to tho honor of
presiding over a house that will bo
more than two-thirds democratic. To
this the gentlemen interested reply by
saying that it would be folly to ignore
the fact of the chances being very de
cidedly in favor of an early spring ex
tra session of the fifty-second congress.
It is charged that smnu of tho best
known candidates uro at the bottom of
tho scheme to stop tho discussion at
this time, and that their object is to
kill oir their lees famous colleagues
who might, if kept beforo tho public,
develop strength enough to make
thorn dangerous competitors.
Whatever tho reasons, the campaign
has opened, nnd it will not bo really
ended until t'ic next president of tho
United States is nominated and elected,
for, judicious us it may appear, all of
tho democratic candidates for the
presidoiitial nomination aro being di
rectly or indirectly through their
friends dragged into tho controversy.
At present it is anybody's fight, with
tho chances in favor of tho section
that will bolidly support its candidate,
bo he from tho South West or North.
Tho necessary stops aro being taken
by tho war department to carry out
tho act of congress providing for tho
transfer of tho weather bureau to tho
agricultural department on tho first of
next July.
Tho republicans are searching for a
man to tako Senator Quay's placo at
tho head of their national committee
it being certain that ho will retire,
whether willingly or unwillingly does
not matter. Mr. Huston tho present
U. S. treasurer, sceniH to bo a favorito,
but 1 havo an idea that tho now chair
man will bo an out and out Maine
man, and that Mr. Huston certainly is
Arguments were heard this week by
Secretary Windom against a continua
tion of tho privileges enjoyed by the
Grand Trunk Railway Company, a
Canadian corporation, in tho trans
portation of freight through this coun-
ry. Tho railway was also given a Hear
ing, through its attorneys. Mr. Win
dom listened to all that both sides had
to say and then announced that ho
would make no decision nt present.
J. II. C.
Wo are in receipt of tho following
communication :
lu creek, Nov. 19, 1890.
Dkak Scout: I'leute explain tho
term "ad valorem" in turn! and oblige,
Youih Respectfully,
A Smi.soitiiiMit.
Duties nro of three kinds, ud valorem,
specific, and combined. An ud valorem
duty is a tux assettod at a certain per
cent, on tho dutiable value of mer
chandise. Tho dutiable value of nior-chaudit-o
is its maikot value at tho
port of export, but not less than its in
vo"cod cost, commission added, whether
paid or not. It is usually tho oiigimil
cost plus all charges, excepting the
consul's fee, to the vessel ou which
tho shipment is made. Theiu is no
duty on tho fioight or transportation
from tho port of ex pott.
A specific duty is a tax tu-fcoj-sed at a
certain sum per ton, pound, foot,
yaid, gallon, or other weight or meas
ure, without reference to tho value
Before cpooillo duties aro calculated,
allowances aro made for tare, leakage
and breakage. On certain goods there
is both a specific and an ad valorem
duty, and this is termed a "combined
duty "
In our forefathers' din s, pltnplos wero otrrtbu
ted to diseased blood. Hut modern tuedlcluo hiJ
demonstrated that rich f ood does not create eruj
tlons by foullug tho blood, but retards dlsrstloa
which makes thostoamch torpid, and thoclrou
latloa ilusshdi, nd In turn causes an cufecblec
npitiiu of tho iioros which coiiKCut or becomo rlm
ply. Tho modem theory thereforo Is not to trcal
tho blood, but tho stomach awl liver, anil It II
under this uow Idea, that Joy's Vcretablo bona
parllla was conceived. It ban wiped out the
"blood disease" theory of pimples, of thooldsar
sanarlllas. A iao lu point " I havo bad for yean
spells of Indigestion and dysjieiulU and tried
nearly everything, rinally I tools ono oi mi
Icadluj sariaparlllai. It did not help me, but
caused pimples to breas. out ou my face, which I
was Inlil was rallied by thtf UOtustl It Contained.
lWrlni that Jar's Verotaiilo Sarsanarllla did not
routalu ulueral nud might net differently, I sent
for It. Tho plr pies disappeared Immeillrulelyauil
I bavo uow at to. months bad no return of t ho otd
spells. 11 it a euro for ludlgostlou and dyspepsia
and tho ottcudaut larocruptions."
in MUstou strujU B. F,
Suoklou'i Arnica Salvo.
Tint Ukst Balyk la tho world for Uul,
IlruUcx. 8or, Ulcers, Salt Ubeiun, Fever
tjonw. Ti tter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains,
ruru. and nil Kklu Kruntloiit, and pol
,iIm- nmx Tiles or no pay rtipilri'd. It
in u(i irantoetl to tsive perfect rtttfiu,tlon,
orTniiiney refunded. I'rleo '.! cunta per
boi, I'orwilml Hrownw ilruu store.
Valual)lb Library at Ascen
sion School,
Local Sportsmen Tho Cclobr&ted Water
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Josio Doney, also Mr. and Mrs.
James Masteraon, of Wallowa county,
paid our burg a call this week.
Sir. Clarence Austin, formerly of tiio
Cove, was married at Alder recently to
a Mies Conley.
Thanksgiving tcrvices will bo held
at tho Episcopal church Thursday at
11 a. m. A discourse will bo reud by
Mrs. Lam me.
Testimony in the much written and
talked about water case, French vs.
Bloom, will bo resumed this morning
before Refeieo Slater.
Tho farnieiB arc longing for a good
soaking rain. At present the ground
is entirely too dry to be stirred advan
tageously with tho plow.
Bishop Morris and wifo started for
their homo in Portland, Wednesday.
Tho bishop will hold Thanksgiving ser
vices in Pendleton on his way.
Mr. Georgo Steward started for a vis
it to his old homo in Ohio last Thurs
day. Ho left his family in Covo and
expects to return beforo spring.
Several of our local sports wero out
Monday iu quest of Thanksgiving
fowls. They made a good hag of mal
lards, geeso and prairio chickens.
Mr. 3. A. Bridges, of Ft. Atkinson,
Wis., is in Cove on a visit to his son
Guy Bridges and other relatives. Ho
will probably remain until after tho
Tho revival at tho Morrison church
is being carried on by tho ltev. Mr.
Trumbley. Much interest is being
manifested and not a few aro made to
see the error of their way.
Students are entering Ascension
school almost daily audit is likely that
an additional teacher will havo to be
engaged soon. Ono of tho advantages
of the institution is its valuable library
of books of lcfercnceand miscellaneous
litoraturo, which Bishop Morris secured
at the beginning of the school, and the
same still remains for tho bonefit of
tho pupils. Among these aro :
Apploton's New American Cyclopae
dia. 1G vols.
Johnson's Now Universal Encyclo
paedia, 25 vols.
Kidpalh's history of tho World, '.i
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
Paris Universal Exposition, 5 vols.
Works of Josephus, -1 vols.
Tho Living Ago, -10 bound vols.
Soribner's Monthly, 17 bound vols.
Miss Young's Monthly Packet, 511
Bayard TaylorWorks, 15 vols.
Chamber's Miscellany, 10 vols.
Dr. liichard Newton's Works, 18 vols.
McCauloy's History of England, -l
Gibbon's Roman History, -1 vols.
Addison's Spectator, 4 vols.
McCaulov's Essays, 3 vols.
Phillip's English Literature, 2 vols.
Hannah Moore s Works, 1 vols.
Valuable Congressional Records, 20
Tho lust mentioned being tho gift of
lion. James H. Slater, of La Grande
Besides tho foregoing thoro aro sovcral
hundred volumes of well selected fie
tion, poetry, history, general litoraturo,
devotional and theological works. Wo
think there aro few schools in this now
country that can provide their pupils
with a larger or bettor selected library.
A NKiaiiiiouiNn exchange wants to
know what makes ono town grow into
a city while others with good locations
remain villagos. It is because in the
one case there aro men of push and
onorgy who aro not afraid to spend
their time and monov to boom their
town. They erect substantial build
ings, organixo stock companies and
establish factories nnd secure railroads,
work for public improvements and use
overy means in their powor to induco
peoplo to locato in thoir city; they
eond newspapers and circulars to overy
acquaintance whom they think can bo
induced to visit thoir place; then tho
attractions aro shown to him, and ho is
treated with so much kindne3 that ho
falls in love with tho city at onco. A
town only succeeds when it begins to
work for itself.
Attention la colled to Mm. L. H. Itlne
burt's now advertisement in this issue. Her
stock of millinery U being received and is
more varied than any beforo. Dressmaking
nnd trimmim: done promptly and perfect
work guaranteed, tallies call and see tho
new goods, ll-.M ta
Visiting curds, wedding cards and hall
progr-immes, ncutly executed at the Scott
job ulliee.
Cs-.r.ot sue: .v.W Sw'.ti ir.ta
out rood fcsa!'.!;. To ic;t!i cs!th or aw
coveted pc:!Ubr. in !"o rsq-Jrcs the (ail
psicec:.:'1 v s cp",?.;!E". ci c ua im
plttts'i r iNrt m vr,i.;ia will.
The:o co1".'" iT. iv.r.-ot --r.Icesfw
P'.i):!mI S.-'rvc !i ':i 3fr";:i oo.-tslsjj
crier, and i'.;U U l:r.pj;:i'.;o v.h: ft
Ir.g tha sscvcl'.ar.s, vzvc'.if tafjlctrllen
crd te-:';?, v.-;! nil of l.'.eir MMm-
ewrte a apccif.c Inlluonca over th 'mt,
excites It to healthy cellar,, recotws its
clitonlc, tr.d promotes ho
rt rrrtlans ! CLTCS IndlcCCtlcfi S.ld CORlti-
natlon. shcrntr.s i!io ariieillo. tonca un
th3 entire sjstsrn, ar.J nukes life .orih
& Ihlng.
Will givo a grand ball at Wright's hull
in this city, on tho evening of
k 311
The best of music has been obtained for
the occasion, and an excellent supper will
be served.
Tickets, f S2.50.
Physician & Surgeon,
rfltr-Proiiint attention aiven to nil pro
fessional calls, day or night. 1 l-Mf
-yy H. JJUOWXKhh, M. v.,
Physician & Surgeon,
Ofllcc at city drug store. 11-1." tf
jy.j U1TTEUKAXDT. M. U.,
Physscian & Surgeon,
All call, promptly responded to, day or
night. ll-llt-tf.
Machinery For Sale,
1 will sell or trade on good terms tho fol
lowing dehcribed machinery :
One Shingle Machine,
Ode Uniting .Machinu.
Olio iJrntr baw.
One MoiUditii M:."iliii-.
Shafting. I'u. . Melts.
Moliidilig iv.lliVi-s, etc,
Callonoriiddie.vs ii. V. nflTK.
7-ai-in(i t ove. Or.
tit the High Vulley
Saw Mill.
Ail kind of lumber ciitaiul.v on band
or furnished ou short notice. Pried cheap
as the cheapest.
Patronage - Solicited.
5-30tf WJI . W 1 l-K 1 N ON ,V N .
IOSaniplo Pens, different patterns, In
n Mrkel lMnted ASntrli liox,
sent post-paid, on receipt ot 10 eliNXS.
PERRY & CO., London, e.1824.
U. S. Offlcs. 010 Broadai, Ntw York.
11 PVVl!'.
Mlndwiin'-tip"!"!. IV. l-n.
in rci- r T..i'.'" i -
rr. out -t oVali.'U t. liwt.
A, dU, 2.1 Villh At. .N Jlork.
Itaria i
XS by vlrtito t f nn oxi-cutloit iu -tl of
iho IIoinr.-blo liri'iiii CinKtft tlie Sts fit
Ul't;oU, for flii'in rolliiiv. In Ariiii n- the
0 IhIhv of Nouinier, 1830. i n.e d r.-e'wl
nl dellverl. 110011 jud "inMit entered
Uierpiu 011 the J3d day of Sis-lvmb -r, l."iM.
wlMTcin I. A l'Mkov;u i ninliff ami .1
C Ki'klin l i1f nit.nii, for tl'e sum of
i:4".G with um rt!'. then on t fbernteol
ten H-r wit. per aomco miioc fatd t
iIhv oi .SfotemWr. ItN, and ir :h- furtlu-r
cuiii of ;.T.1 wis Htfi d' 'ir'm'iii, I
JiaVH Icviu uwn iha IuI.o.uiik ..ocrilifHl
lval cKtitv. rdiutediii rnl.m couniv. Oro
gon. tii-wit:
An iiiiillridfil onc-cllith tiitiret In nnd
fo tbeNU'Hnf MWn S( ;ind of
MVV.' oi Hec. la, in Ti.u-bl i South, of
Kinue40K. W. M.. mil tin-8.. ijr. nf H h
qr. 22. in Townshio 4 oU!h, of 15iiiii'
30 F., W. M., and by viriuo f oaKI i-.ti i u
tion and Ipvv. I will -pll (it public ;n'c i 'ii
nt thn court" IniiiM rtnr in t nion. Union
county, ur'ion, mi flic .hpl'itb day f l'e
oclitbt'r, 189t), at 2 o'clock p. 111. of -aid d
all th-; rijtht. title and in.cie-t 111 .iid
prcwiees ttnt the said ba I mi
ibc Si I day of September. 10 or ht:s nn c
acquired tberpin. or Mitticicnt tbcreof to
-ntisfy said judgment, lu.piet, eits, di
bur!einenti and acnrulnscoits.
Dated this 11th dnv of N.-vemlr, ISfiO.
J. T. 150LLBS.
By V. II. Uwinn. deputy. 11-23-wfi
State of Oregon, county of ITnibn, )
Xovcmbor 10. 18U0.f
To John Xolkn :
You are hereby notified that 1 have ex
pended one hundred d l'ars In 1 ibor and
uiiproveirients 011 the Flyinir Diitcbinan''
qunrtz 1mIo, situatcil in liianiie niitiiiig
district, Union emiity.ori'gnn. n will ai
K'urbv conitioatf tiled November 10, 1S!K).
and recorded in Hook 12 of qnaitz elaiiim,
pngc i2f, in tlie otflea of the recorder of
said county, in order 10 led i said treinlMs
under the provision of c'ion 23.14 revised
stntute.i of the Ui.iied being the
amount required to bold tin- vanir- for the
vear ending Dcecmber ill. l.-flO. nnd if with
in uinctv davs after tlit n.tno by publica
tion voli tini or reftme to cnliti ihnte your
portion of such expenditure, and of other
c.- ondilures for which you aro legailv
bound as co-owner, your Interest in huid
etaiin w id become the properly of the btib
rlUcl under uid ?pciiin 20J4.
11-13-131 OKOltOK W. PEItKIX .
x for the purpose of making an exami
nation of all persons who may otter them
selves as candidates for teachers of the
schools of this county, the county school
supeiinte.ndunt thoreof will hold a public
examination at Union. Oregon, com
mencing at noon. Wednesday, Nov. i!0,
Dated this lOth (lav of Xow. 1S00.
County School Superintendent, Union
Jacob Xcwtnan
M K'nllni.,. .mil Wroil W . l'lllld
B I .it .lo.u-iio 1.1 t'itriil(wiirr
ami sale issued outot the llniio ableCin'Uit
Court of the Stte of Oregon, for Union
county, on the :27th day of September. ISM),
x.. .1...' ..t.,.1.1. ki.i: vluri1ti .T.'tcfill
111 lilU t,IM,V VI,.!,.'.. .. ...
Xewman the above mimed pbiiuttll nbuuiied
a utuiriiioin aim u"crce 01 idicimu-uic mm
sale again-t C. M. Ktllog-.', Fred W. l'unch,
l 1 l' I 1 Ii.itr,tts illi.l llnvvfiti
(lpfcMidntiiH, on the 27t.i 1hv ol Soptt'inbor,
ltftX), fur tho sum of .'JOil.GO nn.l tlie fu'ther
ul.m ,,f Cmn fid i f r irnnv' frt i. .Mild tlto
costs niul jiUbui-M'inoiUj of thU ux taxed
ut$12.7H and aecrnin oasts, and costs of
this writ, l am vonunantieo wi avn uiu iuu
. '. 1 . . .......1.1,.
situated in union county, wregou aim uu
scribed in snid d-cree us tolluw, to-wit:
hots 9. 10, 11 VI. 1.5. 14. 1.) ana Hi 111 ihock
in..f tl... i.inn .f Nm-tli Powiler. Union
county, State of Oregon, and the appurte-
nances iuercu..n oe .iuui"h. ''
will si 11 011 Saturday the 1.1th day of De
cember, MX), at 2 o'clock p. in. ol s lid (lav,
nt public auction, at the court house door
in the city of Union. Union county. Oregon,
.1.1.. .....I iniopiiiit viirli tin.
ail tiiu rtgui. iiiiu in t,..v.i-i v.. ...
said defendants had in ami to the above de
scribed real property ou 1110 .11111 nay i
1 1 t
sopteinuer, i.-uu, or iiiim muuc m-ipuiDM.
Tonus of salo: Cash, to mo in hand.
Dated this Utit dnv of October. 1890.
. ' J. T. HOhiJiS.
Sheriff of Union County.
By W. It. UsiuiR. Weputv. 11-13-51.
A 1)31 1 M 8TK A TO U'S NOTICH.
To Whom it May Cocunx:
iNotlce is nereny given "mi mo uiiufi
fUKned, W. H. Kzell, lias been appointed by
the County court of thn State of Oregon,
for Union countv, administrator of thu es
tate of W. U. l'o!l, decen-ed, and that all
claims iiRttinst 1 ho said (state must bo pre
sented to the said administrator at his resi
dence, at Wirin. Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice, pro(er!y ven
ded, and all claims due to the said cutute
must bo paid at oner,
Khrin, Oregon, Oct. 81.
11-0-W5 Administrator.
IN the uudorsiK'n-d has been duly appoin
ted asU;neti of tho estate of Cbarlcis M.
lloujrlitun, an Insolwni debtor. All pcr
vons hnviiiK elainis against the said ('. M.
Houghton are hereby notified to present
the same, under imth, to the undursiKUcd
within three moiuhs from date.
Hated at KcuMnur, tTnion county, Oregon,
U. 2"tli dav of bepteuibei , 18.10.
llYPK, Joll.vs & UIJi.STKAtl.
10-1(1 5t Attorneys for Assijjnce.
i the iindurkiiriitHl have iln iay, by niu
tual eoi.sent. dissolved the iaitnorsbin
heretofore existing beti' n them, Domf
nioiie if'oldltll relirinit tiom the business.
K. I'tcf will continue the business, collect
all dtbtsduethe firm and pay all liabilities
Unied at Ooruueopia this 'h day of()c
tober. 1 m. DOM IX Kit" K SO I .PI NI.
10-1(1 K. KSTES.
Obtained. nd nil I'm cut i'u:iu- Mendil
to Iruaipll)' and for Moderate rec.v
Ourortlce is the U . Putent
Oflice, and we ran ubt iiu Pa'-'iiis liibs.
tituc than those remote ir.'iu W .Nou.gtuu.
. !:.! MitPKI.or :t; IMi V
in paiitci l.i i ! ni i
i.i t ... su i .1 ''
. i it;..-
...I we
I Mi NT If
in a inul i !i
n . v i : - n
vV Co..
i ..i .
I Hlv
tf '!1IS .1 .'
Every nninul fa!!y W.r-y t ! . Vc
m Catalogue. Atl.'--
Dealer in
Druss anfllBfliciiies
A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall
Paper on hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
A full supply of school books con
stantly on hutul.
1 .paves ITninndailv at 2 n. in. arrives at
Covo at 3:80 p. in.
haavos Cove at 8 a. ni., arrives at Uniom
at 0:30 a. m.
Connections made with Klliott's coachei
running to tho depot, carrying passenger
'or cast anu west oounu trains.
IlOlilXSOX & LiAYNE. Proprietors
COpposite the Court House,)
L, J, Boothe,
Having rclittcd the same and added a
large new dining room, I am now bet
ter prepared than ever to accomodate my
Rfieals 25 Cents.
Beds 25 Cents.
Give mo a call.
Union and Cornucopia
Stage - Line !
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to tlie Pino Creek
Mines. 1
$1 60 c
- 3 00 lc
- t! 00 20
nion to Park
" " Sautter
" " Cornucopia
Ucalor in nil kinds of
Farm Machinery,
For rcasonablo terms and low prices
call on nio and I will satisfy you.
Thomson fc Turpcl nro ajrents for
line lo Cove.
tho celohrateil Cyclone WindMill. and t
as tho jn-iccs on them havo hcon great- (
iv roituccu tnoy aro now wmun un i
roaoh of all. Snniplo mill to ho eee
at their planer in North Uniou. Call
ami examino it.
Suit Cure rti Sine HcmcHt.
ui til UoabiM arltlss frooi
Indlff icm or ConstipitUo.
iKiproT.. ids iiapia
, br ruridlnc IU. UlM,t.
ict4 la tail tho mm. M
Tn.dM.fiB tM Dir. r mcitM la mit Ih.uu.
on Mil c.n ntex l tM lut. m doM. Ewj ta Uka
mm m uavh ucr 4ttpilUpt op In ft itdds' vUl
wbiciiraj) brrrlM in tr.t rockut iCftMtMM
Wat I. TrBf.ln-. aj B.Um il. I.a. C.a.U. vlah.
i"frorlTr4. .ri. rw!4 r;l,,,,IUiUUM
MAtf i v,.. a. tfrtw lor so. la .loaioo.
4 t.a I.YS.a4 SKSTuUkklt. liKRIUTATKO
I I. UKai .Ilu4 VIOUkOl-SSTkCNaitlofYuvra