The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 20, 1890, Image 8

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Tho round of a host advancing,
Tramp tramp' tramp'
Under llio windy flicker
And Ibrvnf tbp uvcnlns lamp.
Coder the steady wliltono-s
Of the clear electric light.
' The sound of no unny marching
Is la ttie streets lo-uighu
Not to the clamor of biicles.
Nor tii the htnriny l"at of drums,
Kot to the hattlo's toodn.
The Julillaiit nrmy comes.
JL sweeter uiiMlc Kiiintiious
And thrills along tho line.
Though ench Ui himself may hear It,
Ami makH to thu next tiu sign.
Tho patter of tiny footfalls
That run to an open door,
Tho mother's lender dinging,
HerMepon tho nursery lloor;
3Ti boyish shout of welcome.
Tho girlish rlpplo of glee,
At the click In tho guarded jmrtal
Of the homebound fathcr'H key
Thu Is tho army's music:
Cheerily calls good-nlgbt
Tho merry volco of tho comrado
As ho possw out of sight
Into tho heart of tho household
U'heu the day's long nork Is done,
And ivlfo and bairns nro waiting
With a kU.i for their dearest ono.
Under tho windy flicker
And (laro of tho evening lamp
I hear a host advancing
With stonily and rcsoluto tramp
A host of tho strong and gcntlo,
A throng of tho liravo and truo,
Dear llttlo wives and mothers,
HaKteuing homo to you I
Margaret 12. Satigster iu Hnrpnr's Bazar
Tim .Salmon's feeding Ground.
"Where tho sea salmon go '9 il8 much n
mystery today its it has over been. After
leaving tho coast they disappear. Stray
llsh have lKen found in very deep water
hundreds of miles from any salmon river,
but their marine feeding grounds are still
undiscovered. In the spring they sud
denly reappear at tho mouths of rivers.
"Whilo in halt water thoy never jump at
a fly; thu moment they strike fresh they
riso freely. When going up stream they
frequently stop in pools as though to rest,
mid when descending go most of tho
limo tail lirst, letting the current cany
them and keeping head up tho river.
"Kino Curo" Tor Consumptive.
Tho odor of cows and cow stables ia
thought to have a curative effect upon
consumptives. A hospital for this "kino
curo" is alout to bu oxncd nt lleinick
endorf, near Berlin. Tho sanatorium
proper consists of a vast circular build
ing, in tho iMisement of which sevoral
hundred cows will bo kept, and tho odor
of the stables bo conducted to tho rooms
in tho upper stories. In tho center of
tho building is a largo yard, for which a
whey cure, bathing establishments, etc.,
nro planned. Tho surplus of tho dairy
products is to Imj disposed of to tho public
under proper precautious. Homo Jour
nal. Curious Treatment of Hydrophobia.
I recently met a gentleman of high ed
ucational attainments, who stated that,
in bIx years' resilience in tho East Indies,
ho had known of threo severe cases of
hydrophobia, and that each case was
permanently cured. Tho means used
was to take thu patient to a pool or
t ream of water, plunge him in and al
low him to just about drown and then
resmcitato him him. In each caso, as
before stated, a permanent curo was
effected. - "W. T. G." in Scientific
How Clowns "Miihn Up."
How do clowns make up their faceal
I will tell you. They take oxide-chloride
of bismuth, which they mix with greafie,
rub upon their hands mill tho composl
tion is thorough, when it is put upon tho
facu like the burned cork of tho negro
minstrel. After that, comnon chalk,
carefully dried, is laid on a second coat.
Tho chalk adheres to tho greasy skin, and
tho face is soon very thoroughly whitened.
Clown in (ilobo-Di.moorut. "
She Kootucil to I'orgnt.
Mr. Iienedict (to bportsman friend)
Yes, wo paddled that day over fifty miles
against head winds. Made n splendid
Mrs. Benedict John, pleaso hold tho
babv for a little while. My arms nro bo
Mr. I). You seem to forget, dear, that
that infant weighs fifteen xumds ami
that my arms aro also tired. Pittsburg
Our Consumption of ItuUlus.
Tho United States is tho largest rnisin
consuming country in tho world,, and
trustworthy authorities estimnto tho con
sumption at nlKtut 2,000.000 Itoxcs of
twenty-two ounds each, which, at an
average of $'i per Ikjx, shows an expen
H tin oof $1,000,000 per annum for ono
dried fruit. Oncoa Week.
Ttio Tooth tli-mli Tor Children.
In many homes a tooth brush would
bo a curiosity, and yet every child should
bo provided with one and made to uso it.
This is a duty which cannot bo too
utrougly insisted ii;oii. Unless tho teeth
aro kept clean titer will decav, nnd with
out good teeth perfect health Is absolutely i
impossible. Boton Herald.
i".eiue of tho I'ulin.
A tribo ill tho jwltn region of tho Ama
zon cradles tho young iu (xilm leaves. A
single lenf turned up round tho edges by
iomo native process makes an excellent
cradle, nnd now and then it in mndo to
do service as a bath tub, Brooklyn
Jiut it Had.
Jinny who would not for tho world
titter a falsehood nro yet eternally 6chom
ing to prcxluco false Imprcosious on tho
initids of others respecting facta, char
actors uud opinions.
Norway has moro earthquakes than Is
generally supjxwed. Dr. Hans Rousch
records tweiity-tlireo for 1887, all but
threo, however, being very slight.
An "Inch of rain" menus n gallon of
water spread overuBtirfucoof nearly two
square feel, or a fall of about 100 tons on
tin acre of ground.
What we ought not to do, we should
not ever think of doing. Uplctctua.
Six hundred thousand Frenchmen own
hares in the Panama canal
A Vicious Slonstcr, Ilolnr; Wounded
I'lerces n Itlock Inland Host.
A man stands on a little platform in
front of tho bow armed with n harpoon
having a sharply nnd deeply barbed
point, so that in piercing tho fish, if it
goes in far enough, it cannot bo easily
got out, let the fish be as ugly as ho may.
Tho iron is so arranged, in connection
witli n ole and cord, that tho cord can
le detached from the linitKxm, the polo
pulled back, and the harwon left firmly
fixed in the now maddened fish tho
line, a very strong rope, UOO feet long,
being fast to the iron and the other end
secure on tlio vessel. This end is imme
diately fastened securely to an empty
barrel, which is then thrown overboard,
and it marks tho course and position of
tho enraged fish.
It also enables tho vessel to send out a
life boat to haul iu, tire out and, if pos
sible, capture the ugly fellow. And ugly
ho is. if he is a young fish. If ho is old
and heavy, ho is much quieter even
wiili a harpoon in him. It is tho
younger, livelier fellows that are so full
of ugly courage that attack and kill
whales, and attack, indeed, pretty much
everything in the ocean, unless it may
bo the sea serpent and the devil fish.
That they will attack a man, even a
bather, who is in water not over his head,
and kill him, too. uuIcms he can inalco
wonderful time in getting into shallower
water, was proved a few years ago in tho
case of a young Catholic priest who was
attacked w hilo bathing on the California
shore, in water just above his hips; ho
was fearfully gashed and nearly killed
lx;fore he could get ashore. Sometimes,
iu its fury at being harjiooned. it rushes
at the small boat and thrusts its ugly
sword up through tho Iwat's bottom.
Woo to the man it hits!
Our hnrpooner fastened to a fish that
was secured, ns it happened, with littlo
trouble, though the harpoon only pene
trated a llttlo way into his big carcass.
Ho proved to be 10 feet 5 inches long,
and weighed undoubtedly -liO pounds.
Much larger ones have been caught, but
rarely. Wo also secured two others, not
bo large. And it was with tho second
ono that there was an exciting time. Il6
proved to bo "a young man" among his
fellows, and an ugly young fellow, too.
Having him well harpooned, and tho
barrel going dancing at n great rato
against the wind for it is a curious and
hitherto unrelated fact that a swordfish,
when harpooned, always rushes off to
windward the life lxat put out to securo
him after duly "playing" him. In it
went a Block Islander lelonging to tho
vessel, nnd two courageous passengers.
By tho time they reached tho barrel, they
were a mile from tho vessel, and could
bo seen, with a glass, pulling in on tho
They worked tho fish a good while.
When a swordfish, finding himself har
pooned and hopelessly held, really gives
up tho fight, ho suddenly turns and goes
to leeward. The men at tho lino under
stand what that movement means. They
were still "playing" this fellow, nnd ex
hausting him, when, having several
times had him hauled iu close to tho
, boat, so that his blue llguro was dis
, tinctly visible, and as often permitted
him lo go 100 feet off or more, some;
, tiling happened which caused the captain
of tho steam yacht a nulo off, looking
through his glass! to exclaim: "They're
iu troublol ho has struck tho boat!"
and to order an instant start for them.
Ho was none too soon. Tho enraged
llsh, withdrawing bonio sixty feet, had
made ono of those arrowliko rushes upon
the boat, which can be equaled iu its
j velocity by no other llsh in tho sea. The
sword pierced the bottom of tho boat a
littlo one side of the keel, near tho center
j coining up nearly two feet. Fortu
nately men havo learned ero now not to
sit down in a boat engaged in hauling in
a swordtlsh. By standing (as well ns
they can) their feet present a smaller
' surface, nnd hence a diminished chaneo
' of being hit. Last year ono man's loot
heel was partly hit, knocking him head
long. i In tho present instance ono of tho men
had a narrow escape of hardly ten inches.
But tho men wore saved. Indeed, the
' boat, Iwing a shell lifeboat, would hardly
havo sunk, although it was already half
full of water and tho men hard at work
baling when tho steam yacht reached
them. The vicious llsh was repeatedly
lanced through tho head and neck till ho
got comparatively quiet, when, in haul
ing him up (lie side, with tho harpoon
' purchase at tho shoulder and thu long
1 grappling hook at the tail, a slipknot was
successfully got over his wide forked tail
I nnd then wo had him. But for this
last grip ho would havo turned tho boat
over. But tho way ho lashed tho sea
1 with that tail was a caution. Hartford
Another Curo for liuoimiliv.
"So many cures for have Ihmjii advo
cated for sleeplessness that I am
tempted," writes a correspondent, "to
propound my own recijx?, which, if it
may appear bomowhat impracticable and
far fetched, has nt least tho advantage of
simplicity. It is merely this: When you
havo tumbled and tossed nbout one bed
until your pillow seems to bo on
your bheels red hot, turn into in:
tiro and
your blieels rw I hot, turn tnto another i
mean another IhhI. You will find tho
Bheets and tho pillow refreshingly cool,
and it is probable at all events that you
, will go to sleep. Tho recipe is not in
i fallible, nnd it is of course necessary to
. havo another bed to turn into, which is
. not nlways ixsible. But when practica
ble it is worth trying: and if it fails ono
can always fnll hack on tho undoubted
fact that there is no universal curo for
bleeplessness. What ia ono man's meat
is another man's poison." Pall Mall
lining tho I'lnger Null.
The wife of a well known Iron operator
in lVnnsyhania is beautiful, witty nnd
accomplished, but she bites her linger
nails. She says she cannot help it. She
acquired the habit iu childhood, and has
tried every means to break it up, but
without success. At times she has suc
ceeded in resisting tho inclination until
all her linger nails nro triumphantly
long, but invariably they disappear as if
by tuagio tho first time bho is disturbed,
annoyed or rendered nervous. She does
not know when bho bites them. She
suddenly finds them all gone. Her doc
tors tell her tho habit is incurable except
for very strong willed phlegtuatio per-worn,
Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer !
13 ISftl Wm IU Volume L yf
T. ll.uunTH P.fioeiniieonUlnt ammpleta
in - v '. in.,......- "'--
Crt,lllM..flf4 -III Ninon AMdotn f Ih. a
Mitiflrto IILitj ft Ainorlu, fromlu .Il.corfr; br Colombu. to
i t.fe.ent lime. crnHiltl fleeertMleliii of ftraoil. httllet H1
Itiiffitniit event Iu Ilia lililory or all natloni, chroiioloflcal
IIIIKIKAI'II V. Thl" preat work eonlalin Hie I.lten "f all
the I'rv.i Iriila nf ll,e b'nlte l Klnle, frnlii Wi.blliltton lo
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I'eiiu. Ileiijatniil r ranklln. Hem; t'laj, llaolel Web.ter, anl
I ntioii. atMta-alrten, antlior. poetl, licnerala, clerfjmell, I0.
fluwii tn Ibe rtptiitdnr.
Alllllt'UI.'i rili:. Vnlual.le I, InHitil iiaefiil an(eallena
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firm Implement t ltet'k ralilnit, liieluliim tlie. treatment of
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Biifce.nfill on 1 profltaMjj Wiikeenliiv.rlnlrr raimlnt; , etc. 'flio
In allnent of theie n,ilJeel U complete and exliauitlve, ami
reiiileritlie work of great ra-tlcal uio to f.iruieri aiiilitookmeii.
IIIIKTIC'tHI'DKi:. Herein I. gle-n the moat meful l.lnli
loeioweraornll klml nf teitetablei an-1 frnll", aa gathered
from tbe experience of tbe ruont luoce.ifnl liortlculturliti.
AltOliri'i:OTITIti:. Ieilnaani1lntforliouiei,eottne,
l.rt.a ant oilier outbulltlilika, with valuable augKCltloiia to
tlio.eliitetidliig to bulM.
IIIHIMr,IIOI,l. Tide woik eonlalna tiled end teited recipe'
fur aluioit ever; lineglnabledlilifer lueakfait, dinner and tea.
tbl department atono being vrorlli nioio than nine tenth of
tbeeook bookeaoldi alnio.t Innumerable lilnt, lielrannd augi
gefttion loliouickeepera; deilgninnd luggeatlon for making
many beautiful thing for llio adornment of home, In needle
work.etnbroilerr.elo. J hint on flnrioulture. telling horrto be
aneee.irul a Itti all the varlou plant t lotlet lilnt, tellltng lioir
lo prcaerra and beautlf; the coinf leiloii, liaudl, teeth, lull,
etc, etc.
Str.llIOA I., tlanydollir In dootori' bill will be laved
atunially to every poa.enor oflhl book throngli the valuable
Information herein contained. It tell how to cure, hrilmple
yet reliable home remedlef, available ill every liouathold, every
dlaeaaa and ailment lliatl curable, till department forming a
complete medical book, tho value of which Iu any home can
hardly ba computed In dollar and cent.
eating deacrililloua of great Invention, Including the Steam
Knglne, IheTelegreili, the I'rlotlng Pre, the I'.leclrlo l.lrl.t.
tha Having Uachine, the Telephone, tho Typewriter, the Type
Netting Machine, the Cotton Glo, etc.
TIIK WOlir.D'H WOMII'ltS. nraphlo deierlptlone,
beautifully IlluatrateJ, of the Yellowatona rark, Yoaemlte
Valley, Niagara Fall, the Alp, I'arie, Veiiivlua, Venice,
Vienna, the Canon of fotorado, Mammoth Cave, Natural
llrldge, Watklni Qlen, the While Mountaloe, etc, elo.
TltAVr.I.H. Deaerlplloii, profuiely tlluatrated, of tho life,
mauuera, cuatonia, peculiar form, rite and ceremonle of the
From the above brief mirrimary of llaeontenta nome Idea nf what & remarkably Intereatlnp;, Instructive arid
vnluahlnwnrktlioMiUMOTi! Ctci.op.kdia la may be Rained, yet but ft fractional rart of the tppica treated In
llilatrrcat work havo been named. It la a vast atorehoute of useful and entertaining knowledge unqneatlon
ably of the heat and moat valuable worka ever publlahed In any land or lancuafte. No home k bould be with
out II eitlaa work to ho comulted every day with renard to the varlotia perplexlnst qtientlonn thatcpnntantly
arlao l,i wrltlnit and cnnveraatlon, by the. farmer and houaewlfa In their dally tlutlc and purult, and Tor co
Unuout reading no work la moro entertalnlDg or Instructive.
Grand Premium Offer to
My Hpecinl nrrnngemcnt with the jmbllwher of tlio Mammoth ( Yt i.oi'.nniA wo aro
enalili'd lo iniikit our lll)scrlKrH mid roxltTrt th Inilwwinu exirti' rilnuii k Hit: We
will ncnd the Mammoth C'yi i.op iuii.v. cumulate in four volume. ik ahoee tUxeribed,
all posliiiie prepaid, aixo'Yiu: OitKdON Scour for iim: yhai, upon receipt of only
H'l.'iU, which in lad 75 vents more thin our rea'idar snbscriitain price, no that you
vruc.tiealhi net this lame mat raluahle work for the tr'tlimi .sum of 7,1 ends. This Is
it Kri'itl. oll'or. n wtindi'i fill bnrpiln, mid it in
rcnilors ho iiMimrkiihlo mi opporlunry. IhrmiKli Hits cxIrnoKliiiHry oil. r w t hope lo
liirmdy Incrt'iiMt! our rlrciilailon. l'lcitNt) lull nil yo'ir int'inln Mini iiihv cnii wi me
Mammoth Uyci.oimiiiia in four volumes, wiili tiyenrV Mili-i iii lion lo tm pupir, for
only l'crft-ct witifiiction in imih iitit't:d to nil who iiikti itdvimlugt; t'f ilii-' groat
pruiiuuiii oner. I homo wnoeo hud'ciiiiioiw iihvo not jut expired v no r'iiw n- w win
recolvi! tin; Mammoth (.'yci.oi'.iuha r. oiipu, nnd tlitdr -uIihc iptions w II le cxleiulod
ono yt'itr fioni iintf of expiration. The Mammoth i'yci.oi'.udia will nl o Imj uiv n
free to uny ono hoi tllng us a cluh of lline y curly milncrlijeiB it our i.uj,er, nccoin
iitiilt!ii with w !..")( in cusli. Addre Hull Il'Hcih:
The Oregon Scout, Union, Or.
premium to our Hulmorlhoin in haiiilnoinoly priutoil from tutiioly nuvv platen, wi h now typo.
Tho twolvo voIuiiioh 1'ont.illi tho following woilil-finiouu woiks, each ouo of which la ptih.
HbIioiI complete, ww'ia 'iin I, tvl nbnhtlely MtaMdgel
Tho abovo aro without ipicHtimt the moat Uiiious uovoU that worn over written, Tor a
quarter of a century they havo Ivoon colohrutoil in every nook and corner of llio civilized
world. Yot there aro thousaudis of humeri in America not yot auppliod with a Hot of Dickens,
thoiiMiial high coat of tho hoiiKs preventing people in mode into circumstanced Irom enjoying
thin luxury. Hut now, owing to tlio uso of modern improved printing, folding and stitchiiu;
machinery, tho extremely low prioo of white paper, and tho groat competition iu thu book
trade, wo aro enabled to otTor to our niilnonloin and readers a set of Dickens' worka at a
price w hich all can afford to pay. livery homo iu the laud may uow bo uupplicd with a not
of the gioat author's winks.
Our Great Offer to Subscribers to the Scout
117 trill xend the Entiiuj Si.t or Dickkns' W'oiiks. ii vouwiks, an abote
dr.icribed, all mstatie prrpaitl by oitrneltxn Tiik Om.iiox Si uvr for oni: ykah.
uvoh receipt of ! irurA ia only'' ceid.H more than the trytdar subscription
yrtce or this pajx'r. Our render, tliereforn, prttvtlcally Ket a net of Dickens' works
iu twelve volumes for ouly 50 cents. This is the grandest premium ever ottered. Up
to this time a set of Dickens' works )ms usually been $10 or more. Tell all your
friends that they can koL a set of Dickens' works In twelve volumes, with a year's
subscription to Tiik Oiu:uox Si out for ouly iS.mi. SulHrribinow ami K't this great
premium. If your subscript Ion has not yot expired. It will mako no dlllereire, toi It
will he extended one year from date of explnul oil. Wo will also give a set of l)leken,
as hIhjvi', five and tmstpald, to any one sending us a club of two yearly subscribers,
accompanied with 3.tK In cash, Address
A Great and Wonderful Work,
2,176 Pages
620 Beautiful Illustrations !
Tnc Mammoth CTCl.or.BDlA hu been rmb
Untied tn inert tli wmiti of the miFH (or
unlTrrralconipcnilluiri of knonl'iJtro, practlcnl,
UKtful, Kclcntlflcaml qftif rl. The irork la puln
Uahed complete In lour largp nnil lundaomn
tolumea, eomiTl.lne n total nt 2.170 rpf. and
la profuMy IIIu,tratedttlth(i20lK'aullliili'nraT
Ihkk. TliouanM of dollars have brcn expended
to trakc thU the mot complete, valuable and
ueeful work for theinae ever published. It la
(i work forereribodr man, and alilld,
in erery occupation or walk In life. The ub '
stance and practical ulllliyof tnenty ordinary
Tolumea are comprised In these four, and bo
replete la the work with knowledco of every
klud, an filled la It with urelul lilnta nnd helpful
aiiltcrntloti", that we fully believe that In every ,
home to which It rhall find It way It will loon
come to be regarded aa worth llawelchtln (told.
Korwantof paco wecan only brleftv aiimmar-
lie a unall portion of tliocontentaor t til a great
work, aa followa ;
I CMnel. Jipinfw, Ihe penile t fndli, Afilci, Maluuear,
. ...'. , .. u..i.i,.h i.i.r,,i.
' Hrl, Kiff.trln, TmImj. Climcr li'l Tol.l, the tb,,
I Turn, Heiloni, South Aiutrleani. ""' '"?''!';' JJ
Italia.. Oreeke, Itii'ilan, Plhtrian, Afghani, rerilan,
Moilem, Auttrallih, Dulgarlan, Sicilian, etc., etc.
MAMII'ATTIIIinf. In thla great work I alao deicrlbeil
and lliualraled the art and procea.e or printing, alereotyplng,
liookbiiidlug, ool engratlng, lllhegr by, photography, calico
trlnting, piano making, rfatch luaking. paper making, the
riianufactuio or llk, iron, ateel, gla, china, t'erfnmery, aoap,
leather, starch, wall paper, turpentine, poatsl card, postage
alampi, envelopes, pen, pencils, needles, and many other
thing, all or which will bo found peculiarly Intereitlng and
I'Oltl'.ION rilOIBOTC. Intereailngde'crlpllon, lllu
Irated.oftbecultuteund preparation for market of tea, coffee,
chocolnte, cotton, flai, hemp, sugar, rice, riulmega, clover,
ginger, cinnamon, nllaplce, pepper, coenanuta, pineapple, ban.
ana, prune, date, raiaiu, Uga, olivea, India-rubber, gutta
percha, cork, camphor, castor oil, tapioca, etc., etc.
NATIlllAI. HIBTOHV. Interesting and Inslrnclho
descriptions, accompanied by lltutratlons, oflmmerous beast,
birds, flalie and Insect, with much curious lulormatlou regard
ing their life and habits.
I.AVi'. Tii MiUMorn Cvcicrnul also a complete law
book, telllnir every man bow he mny be hi own lawyer, and
conlalnlug bill and concise. ei l""tlon of tho general laws
and the lawaof tbe eeveral State upon all mailer which ate
subject to litigation, with numerous rorms of legal documents.
.MINIM). Pecrlpllone an 1 llluitrallon or the mining of
gnld, sllter, diamonds, coal, salt, copper, lead, iluc, llu and
H'OMM'.ltS lir TIIH SHA. Herein are deacrlbed and
Illustrate I tho tnanr wonderful and beaulifnl things found at the
button of the ocean, the plants, rioweie, shells, fishes, etc, like- ;
wise peall diving, coral fishing, etc., etc.
Is given a vast amount of useTui and interesting Information,
some of which Is the population of American citle, area and
population of the continents, of Hie State and Territories and
of tho principal countries or the world, length of the principal
rivers, Presidential vote for lity jeor, Presidential atallstice, ,
nrea and depth of seas, takes and oceans, height or mountains, i
locomotion of animals and velocity of bodies, height ol monu- 1
nients, towers anC structure, uistances from Waahlngton, also
from New York, to Important points, chronological history of dis
covery and progress, popular sobriquets of American 8tates,
cities, etc., common grammatical errors, rule for spelling, pro
nunciation und use of capitals, Wall Street phrase, commerce
of tlio world, curious facts In natural history, longevity ot
animals, origin orthe name of State, and of countrle, of great
works, popular fables, familiar quotations, of genius and of
plants, dying words of ramous persons, fate of the Apostles,
statlstlcsof the globe, leading government! or the world, etc.,
Subscribers to the Scout.
it jili-usui lo us to h- fimlilt'il loiill'ord our
In Twelve Large Volumes,
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wlu'H'bv wo mo ointlili'tl tn I'lVor iih ii pri'iiiiiun to nnr
biiliHCi ilii'is ii "", 'uk nl' CIiiii'Iim l)l k-
iiih, iu 'I'tlt'llO l.llllC llllll IIiiiiiImiiiio
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S.. i"0.
N . 'i7.
No. V7
No. ifi.
N .'"I.
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v.. all.
v., .
so nt.
Her Moiilfr! llealliir. Hr AuiitD H, Dottm
tilt iiiplii. rl I t'.liioH.
I Inl
A llrii.rCiitTunl. Hy II I. ritrpcroow,
A TroiildeiunHi tir Mr " Tht hi'tHfti.
IJnlllToriiol Guilty MrAMNHM. tiff
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A ruin-Scent. Hr Mr. A i cx BMt tt
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liiitMi ItcrrtcU' IfitittflitiT Hy M. T. CAimm
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lliittictrrnii Wiiinhii. My Mr Ann S. TKriiKt.
itcUIlrl lllll My Kirnrn SrntK Krhnkth.
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Hi I'rtmi tlte I'nrlli l llio .Mtion, ny Juiri VrntR
.'li Tli (Jiinrtllittr I'lut. Mr Dr. J II. ItiiirtuM.
'I'hu Itiiron W III. My S?ku Vv,Jr.
I'1iiray ritlcnn. My )f. T CtruH.
"J he rtrrw of ii Stporvt. My Uiir (Veil Uv.
I 'a rfV llllll I lie I rtlllll t"( . II t XV It It IK l'(ll I I MM.
N- .I'l
Ni .'17
'I'lif flrr T ii Wrtlillnif ICIiig. M tlic atttlior
Murlyti N lire I rmptiitlttn. Mr Sir II VTaot
No .1'
.itMicm iiMicreiiii iiv auii.or iioin moniv.
The IiIhihI Itotitf. Mr XI. T ('AtDiit,
l he I'iiImI Hln i Mr Vlahk Avvt.
Mill .lrl r Tj ml. Mr l. T Cipon
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It nl h llci-rlcl.. My tt'it i mm If, MuinsKi i .
ICi( It ! nrl. My I'l ihiknck Mahut at.
'I mi Klifi. Mr l tie miihor of ' Morn Tliorn '
('(mhI mill iiti-ililiip. My Chahi k Hkadk.
A hiciiIiiiimI llcrulnr. My Mr. A. KnwRn.
'I'liitriiy inn IJriititfc, My llrir Wisnoun.
riiritiHcl Collnixt'. My Jlr IlKNnr Woon.
Tlic Itreiini W tHiiuit. My Wir kik f'oi I !
'I'li I'mianrvof 1 rnncltnnl. 11 It. I, flrcr
a I
No illi
No -It.
v. vn
n .it
o .11
V. M1
Nu .w
No 'i, Tlin .Ilatiul i rnlnrcat f John INIiIioIoim Pj
lllltrlTMr I.IIUI SllCKM"il'
N llrfiul I'Millif Vnler. My MIm Mlmock. ni'tt.
No i'U
No Wl
so m
No ftt)
Nil H
No m.
No l-(.
N . IhH
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nt) riowcr. Mr Maiiion Mam.anp. ItC,tt
Tlic lt rrhiinr rlnip. My HoNAtm Aiokm, ,Tr.
1Jfiri( 'Mtil1U'lr Jititriie). MMIm iHiiirni.
llr UtcrUnlt. Mr umlior purnlhorne."
Ilctcrln. Mr M TfAtnon,
nii tlit'cri. Mr Hvi rANi'n Com, Jr.
A I'arl, liitiorthiticr. Mr Mnr (Vcir, Hat.
'I'll 11 1 Winter Mtflit Mr It-'imtr Mucuanan,
'I Ik Hcil Vo. Mr M T 'AiiKn.
I'ur l.inv or Itlclic". My umhor ''A Qttnl
Nu i't.
N 11 Tin Wluinl of (.rntinilii. My M. T riiimn
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)KNI'1N Hlttltintf't.
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No I SI, Mont UrHiitfo. Mr Mr. llRNiir U"ooi.
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Nu 151 I'ltriclniE llu I'Vller. Mr lr. At kx indkh.
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CnwAHim tlhttrnti
No H'J. Ilolliiw Aali Hull. Mr M ARl aukt Ml oiift. IW'I,
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No 147
No. 146.
No 145,
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Hurt r.rtmie. Iy I inttKNrr rAiinKy.
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l.ntly nl if urlli JMitiiiuntl. My " Tmr
No 144
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Ni lit. The oiiiiin lliiter. My Dr. J, II. IlitnttMoN, I'd.
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f Kf It KNO.
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tin, 100. Out oflhc Ieplh Rf Itftin Cnnmtt .
ltftrllMilltiii. My MAHoinKr Iticrwr.
ATiilonrlii Mr Mr MRiRr Wnnn.
A f nrlinie Hiinler. ny annik imoma.
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Idioe I.imIjcc. M Mr llRtnr Wonn,
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i. A tjnerii Atiioiitf-i w out en. uy lur uttior or
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No. ft.
I he t nri urLiirctr it nutlior lor Tito rut.
A hiitlti iithfThreliiilil. Mr Mnv Crcm, Hat
The Tiitiil I. Hie. fMy Rottior Dor 1 her tie. '
'nrrltitiis Uirt. Mr Hi'ihConwav JUt,
Moro Jlllter thmi Uciilh. My Rtiiborcf' Dort
No. P1
No. ft. Ml or Mr. I My VTn rir Cm it ntmttattd.
No. fl In Ihe If olhlny. Mr Mhy Oni. IUv
No, Pf The Itoimiiitlv Ailtenture uf n MIILimiltl.
lr Timimar llAitnr
No, 7t. A lleiiil llenrt. Mr tntlmr of Dora Ttiornt.'
No. 77 lliirk Pay. Mr Uvnn Onwat
No. 7fi.
Nc. 75.
P ll IIIMIll OH I tl It II IT. II II I. r ATtlRtlM,
At the WtirM'H 1lern. My Pioricncr IVarlrw,
Ciillctl Unci.. (It lli'iin Oonwat
Tilllilrc'l Tret nnlitu. My " Tiik DrcHiri." 0
In t'npltl el. My mttlmrof lor Thorn.'
The re j Woiiinn. My Mr (kkii.. IWd.
Tho .MjRlrrj of the Holly Tree. Hy tho
No. 74,
No. 71.
No. 77.
No. 71
No. 70
nutlior of I.t Tliftrri Hhfttnt
No, (W. tlntirtcl Mitrrlnire. Mr Wn kirCoi t tui. J7M.
No. t-S. John Houerhiuik1 Wife, "y Ml-Mfi rcic. Itt.
No. f7 ,t M"pcr Hntie'a Meeret. MyMliaM R IIhaliion.
No, ftf I.ellne. M SlARr CrciI. lUr HUetratfl.
No. 153. l.mly ( ireiMlullneR Hreiim. My tbe author of
' Morn 1 Imrii. ' Vhti nttl.
No. P4. Itetl Tonrt I'lirm. M Sir. IIrhry TTooti. MM.
No. fl.
No. 62.
No. 61.
No; 60.
No. 49.
No. 45.
I he I nut en Hern. II r vu kik Col t is Ht't.
llnrh tothelllil llo Hr Mart t'rcit. IU. fit.
The Kot Hunk Nol-. Mr Mt. IIksju Wovv. a.
lleter. "r Mf atmicr M IIci i IthcUntfi.
A ItrMe from the Hen, Mrauihor Moral home.'
The I'rlt'Let on the llenrth. A Cbrfiluia biorr.
IIJ V.IIAHI F I'lfrlRMI, ((IllirUlelil
N'o. 41. The Vellow Alnk. My VVn kir Toi t im,
No. 41.
No. .IA.
No. as.
No. 32.
No. 31.
No. 29.
Hell llmiHloii. My I'- Kamiliun AIvkk. IWit.
Mllnir. Mr Mart Okcii. IUr.
Anne. My Mr. Hknkt Wooii.
HUter ltoe. My Wn kik Coi i in.
Vnlerle Tnte. My Mr. Ai lummi.
A 4ioltlen lhuvn. My nutlior Morn Thorn." Itt.
Kaalritt or. the .MvnterT of the lleudlando.
No. 27
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No. 25. Dudley 4'nrlenn. MMliM. R. T.nAiioii
No. 23.
DmvMI limit Mr Mr-. Ann S. Strpiikn.
The Heir to A filer. Mr Mr. Hknhv Wood.
Hfimhiirthe Whirls In.l. My Mart Crcii. Hat.
A lilltlcit Hln. Mr tl e author of Dora Thorn.'
The l.mirel lluaii. My Mil Mcldck.
Ileiir Arkell. My Mr. Hrnr .loop.
Aiiior tlurton. Mr Orokk Hi iot.
Illnl!jeifiiiil olden Hair. My A nnirTrom n,
t'liptiiln AItcV Leslie. My 31. 'I Caiiioh.
Ainonir the HiiIiir. M Mart Crcii. Hat. IWJ.
No. 71,
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