Amos K Jones. - Emtoh. THURSDAY, NOVEMRER 20, 18!.K) KDITOKIAI. NOTI'.S. While Benny Harrison is not sup posed to feci very thnnkful for the wny things lmvc been moving recently, lu litis, nevertheless1, issued tlio fimiio old stereotyped thanksgiving, prorinma tion. The peoplo can "jino in'' with considerable unction tin's time. AccoitniNO to Speaker Jtocd'tt auto cratic riding it requires one hundred congressmen to order a call of tint house. If the democrats in the next congress were to follow in his illus trious footsteps the republican minor ity would not be heard from, as they havo less than ninety members out of A mkI'Atcii of the 13th inst. states ' that tho recent panic in Wall street lias had tho cfl'eci of placing Jlenry Villard on the verge of bankruptcy. In New York on Thursday a big sensation was created when tho statement of as sets consisted of railroad shares, stocks, bonds, etc., aggregating ifi.OOO.OOO. Tho question is what has become of it. If current reports are true Henry Vil lard is hopelessly entangled and finan cially bankrupt. Can a newspaper please everybody? It cannot. Ought everybody bo pleased? No. Why not? Well, if a newspaper pleased everybody, and if everybody were pleased, the time spent here on earth would bo so fearfully monotonous that the people would not care how soon the old globe on which they reposed went to pieces. A newspaper mitol rattle the dry bones, make everybody mad, bo boycotted, kick up Jack, loll tho truth, expose falsehood, lay bare hypocrisy, fraud and tho like, and then trust to the sober second thought of all fair minded people A Pioxkkk PitnsK, Lincoln, Nebras ka, special, says : Tho evidenco that tho Chicago, Burlington it Quineoy is headed for tho North Pacific coast is gradually accumulating. Tho new map just published shows tho Wyoming lino to B u Halo, which point will not bo reached until next year, .lust now General Manager Iloldridgp, with a number of other ollieials, is in tho Pa get sound country, with tho viow, it is supposed, of looking up terminal facil ities, ard arranging for what improve monts may yet be niado. There is a prevalent bt'Jjef that tho Burlington and Groat Northern will joji) forces in ha oxlromo West, iWniS.soit Kooii.of Berlin, has boon experimenting with tho discovery of a proventativo for consumption, fora long time, as frequent reports of his pro gressive oxporimonts havo indicated, lie now announces that thero is no longer any doubt about it, but that lie lias discovered a virus with which per sons may be inoculated, and which is n sure defense against the bacillus of consumption. It is to bo hoped that the professor has made no mistake, for tho discovery of a proventativo of con sumption, one of tho most deadly ills that alllict humanity, is an event that is scarcely second to tho discovory of provonting smallpox by vaccination. A (ii.AN'ci: at tho tax roll now in the hands of tho marshal for collection will discloso tho fact that tho publishers of Tiik Scoi'T pay a city tax of .$1(1 fit) whilo tho publishers of tho Republican pay less than 100 cents. This illustrates very forcibly tho interest these two pa pers havo in this community. It will also bo seen that soveral men who havo tho reputation of being wealthy are but littlo better oil' than paupers. Thu Ainaworth-Brazeo property, which can not bo bought for less than ton or fif teen thousand dollais, is assessed at about one-tenth that sum. Unman nature as a curious study iH only equalled by our present assessmunt laws. In anhwkk to tho request nuulo to ub by a number of tho citizens of Pii.o vulloy for information regarding tho now land laws, wo will say that a circu lar recently issuod from tho depart ment of tho interior announces some very important changes. By its tonus no pcrfeon can iilo or enter more than 320 acres of public land hereafter. For instance, if one flies on 320 acios of desert land, ho is forovur barred from entering or flling on any othur claim under the vurtotiH acts of con gress providing for tho disposal of thu public domain. This law, howovor, will not provent any ouo who acquired publiolaml previous to August 30th last from filing on 320 acres mora, pro vided ho has not exhausted his rights previously. J MIAIMM TIN liMOMTIOS. An iht..rul in tb"'' Or'gotiian ex plaining l lie ran-'- of (he recent defeat of tho repuhhin party, which has been copied by a uinilr oi tho small fry papers, cun'Miiis tin following: llooy d!iwt:ili- pains during "ofT yi ars" i-tin-inli-rather than tho ex ception and dK not portend republi can Iosm s at Ihe succeeding presiden tial year, as our political history dom (inMr.ite. Our political history demonstrates just the reverse. Thero was a demo cratic tidal wave which swept the coun try in 1874, and jn-esaged the election of Tilden two years Inter. It was the popular "protest against tho corruption and tyranny of the republican party un der Grant's second administration, but it com pared to the recent manifesta tion of popular disfavor only us the pawing of the unttimn gsle compares to tho mad rush of tho whirlwind. Tho recent result was confined to no section. It came friin tho oast, west, north and south. It was universal. Everywhere that American citizens cast their lullots there was a protest against the further existence of the re publican party. The republican ma jority in the pro-cut hou-o is twenty eight. In tho next that party will'not havo n hundred members. There is no record of a change like that in the history of the country. The republicans have never recover ed from tfw defeat of 1871. That was really its death stroke. It has been in a moribund condition since that time with occasional resuscitations brought about by blunders of Us opponents. The party itself recognized this fact, and when it come wholly into the con trol of the government in 1888, for the flrtt time in fourteen years, itset about devising means to intrench itself in pown It hud no confidence of its hold popular elotm. It did not trust its ability to live by tho natural means which give hfo to political or ganizations, but FOirght by tho creation of rotten borough states, by an allianeo with tho trusts and combines, and by an unconstitutional election law which would subvert the freedom of tho bal lot, to place itself in perpetual power. To this action tho people havo given a prompt and overpowering protest. The republican party will never again como into the control ol the country, unless some democratic folly enables it to rise. There will always be two parties, but republicanism has had its day. Thero has never been any political revolution in this country bBforo like that of this month. Tho coming of tho republican party into power in 1800 is the only thing that can compare with it, and that was more gradual and more an ticipated. iiuai: it km: at, Tho poor lamb (black ono) that pre sides over tho Whangdoodlo has had its "foolinks" hurt. Hear it bleat: Tho Scout continues to clip items from tho Hcpubliean and give other papers credit for thoin. Last week it took an article that we published two weeks ago and credits it to the Athena Hopublican. Bat this purloining is of such frequent occurrence that wo mo getting need to it; we suppose tho "buzz saw" has a right to buzz no matter what comes in its way. Ono would naturally suppose that tho clipping loforred to, which wo cred ited to tho Athena paper, was some thing of great import ami contained original iderts worthy of investigation and creditable to tho author. Wo thought so at first and took the trouble lo look it up. Hero it is: The Athena Hopublican says: "The Inland Telephone Company, whoso lines now extend to Pendleton, expect to string wires to Union and Baker City during tho coining winter." Inunense, und very original, isn't it? The fact is we took the above item from tho Athena paper because we thought it was in a pui-ition to know what it was talking about. Had wo known that it appeared in the Whangdoodlo first wo should havo paid no attention to it as wo would have known its uttor unrelial ility. That it did appear there we are by no moans certain because Davis says so. Davis' whole paper, tho alleged editorials and all, are mostly stolon from other papers, and if ho over advanced an original idea, or wrote anything with his little pencil that was worthy of being copied, wo have never seen it, and the idea that wo ever dipped anything from his pa per is simply itbutml. His etatomonts do not annoy, they only annuo us, al though we have known smaller things than ho is (o annoy people. A gray back walking down the spinal column of the granUnt man living would doubt loss make him foot iuit'iuy. The old Miyiug that the walk ibings or this world Nrtt chosen to confound tho wiso, ever proves itwtlf true. Hah 11 u : i ii.i. Imn built to Union (hi kumiuer it would have benefitted the funiH r of I'uioii county $100,000. 1 lie ie- ut . taie of ulUiis cannot last long. Tiik Jaektonvillo Times puts it in tins way, and nothing could be plainer: "If you arc affected by tho increased tariff of McKinley you are entitled to an increase of wages. If you have not received it, the republican party has deceived you. It has niado you pay more for the necessaries of life on the pretext that, in that way, your wages would be raised. It has not waited for you to get the higher wages before as sessing you in tho matter of higher prices. You have to py inoro for your clothes and your hats and your tin ware and your crockery. Unless you get more money to buy these things with, your wages have been practically reduced. If you get just enough more to buy the same amount of goods you could buy before, you get no share of the increased protection, that has been divided all around among the capial ists. To give you your fair proportion of thu raitc your wages should bo high er by about u third than they have been heretofore. Have you had such a raise? If not, tho McKinley bill, so far as you are concerned, is a fraud, and you arc being robbed for the ben efit of tho trusts of Pennsylvania." Tin: St. Louis Globe-Democrat (rep) takes its medicine with the best grace possible. Among a score or more of witty paragraphs in the Thurtdny's is sue of that paper is tho following : "The chastening rod of defeat may occasion ally be applied with advantage to a political organization, but wearing out a hickory stick on the soft parts is a little too much of a good thing." The Globe-Democrat opposed the Force bill and contended that the raising of tar iff duties was a mistake. It is there fore in a very good position to say to its party, ''I told you so." EAGLE VALLEY. Itomo of Interest From Our Regular Cor respondent. Dances arc frequent. Board fences arc coming in fashion. Albert Barnard has gone to tho Wil lamette Tho stago has moved its stopping place to Sparta again. Mr. A. C. Cox has returned from tho Willamette valloy. Mr. Peter Sass is on tho sick list. Ho is afilctcd with a fever. Mrs. Frank P. Lee has returned from a visit to her mother in Michigan. Mr. Ben Longloy says ho is going to feed four hundred head of beef cattlo this winter. Mr. A. T. Ncill has been in the val ley for about two weeks looking after his interests here. A largo number of fruit trees havo been shipped in hero recently We haven't enough fruit yet. Mr. T. J. Lloyd, tho voterinary sur geon, of North Powder, was in tho valley recently, on business. Messrs. Jos. llitnor, John Bcnnchoff Al. Cox and Mr. Ilindinan, have each built a new houso in this valloy. Hoed it Beasly the famous cattlo men of Snake river intend to winter about 1000 head of stock cattlo in this valloy. Prank Lee and Thos. Bashaw havo been engaged in building a stock shed for A. T. Ncill. It is 100 feet long and 11 feet wide. Mrs. Mollio Vale whilo going from this valley to Powder river, on horse back, a few days ago was thrown off and sustained some sovoro injuries, but they are not dangerous. Mr. George McGowon arrived in this valley a few days ago with about f)00 head of beef cattle, from Idaho, which ho will fatten on our hay, or as the out siders call it "feeding fog." Cattle will not fatten on tho best of hay if you put it whero they cannot got at it. Nkwton BllADKOllD. Tlin OREQON EXHIBIT. A Board of Commissioners For the Cam Ins World's Fair. . The Stato Board of Commerce held an important meeting in Portland last weok for tho purpose of perfecting arrangements to effect a magnificent exhibit for Oregon at tho World's Pair. A plan was adopted that each county shall have a local committee with the following gentlemen acting as chair men: E. Hardy, of Baker City; W. J. Snodgrass, of La Grande ;C.S. Jack son, of Pendleton ; Geo. W. Wright, of Albany ; W. T. Shurtlitf, of McMin villo ; E. W. Allen of Portland ; 1). S. K. Buick, of Hoseburg. Chairman Yoran read the special re port, which was quite lengthy, and af ter the reading it it was adopted. Coiuidorablo discussion aroso regard ing a bill promised to bo presented to the legislature, authoming tho estab 11s anient of a World's Pair Commission and appropriate it sum sufficient (ode- Kra.nk Bro'vS. Implement Co., LA GRANDE and ISLAND CITY. HAVANA PRESS DRILLS GANG, SULKY and WALKING PLOWS, STODDARD HARROWS, 'nm MM I 1 I B I 1 1 K &i Kmsxiy All late improved farm implements and machinery, barb wire and feed mills. Every implement warranted, and prices to suit the times. CALL OX US Oil OUlt AGENTS BEFOltE PURCHASING. I II If E El Da ExFosirioribrr MYER5ELLE, PARIS, 1339 Th3 Highest Po3siblo Premium, THE ONLY GRAND PRIZE FOR SEWING MACHINES, WAS AWARDED TO PEELER & WILSON MFG. CO.1 -AND THE- 4GR0SS 0F THE imion or honor, WAS CONFERRED UPON NATHANIEL WHEELER, The President of the Company. &m mm mm fray all cxpcMiccs. Some thought tho amount should bo written in tho bill at once. Mr. II. W. Scott settled all discussion by ofl'ering tho following resolutions which were adopted : Kesolved, That it is tho sense of the World's Fair conference committee of tho Oregon Press Association that we favor the plan of appointing a state commission to prepare an Oregon ex hibit for tho Columbia exposition to be held in Chicago, and that wo favor an appropriation by the legislature of $250,000. Tho following resolutions wero then unanimously adopted. Kcsolved, That wo favor the organi zation of a permanent World's Fair as sociation, composed of a commissioner appointed by each county, and in addi tion thereto, live commitsionors from tho city of Portland, to havo charge of creating an exhibit from and for the purpose- of securing an expending such an appropriation as tho Stato or the several counties shall make. Mr. Scott was also requested by tho committeo to represent tho members at tho Chambers of Commerce, to pre sent the above resolutions. After transacting iomo further busi ness of minor importance) tho com mittee adjourned subject to onll. Dlvino 3erv!ces. Next Samlny inoniinjj I shall preach to the children and young peoplo at the l'res byte.rian church as an Introduotlon to a so rie.s of meetings. There will be service hold every evening nt 7 o'clock through tho week, and a prayer meeting at 2:30 p. in., beL'iiinint; on TuoMlav. AH are cordially o ci ( invited to attunil these meeting. Let ev- 1 cry Christian that can, 'attend and take part in the pray or meotlngi. J. lll'OHES, 1'iwtor. NOTIOS. (lod's Hlcosint: to Huninlty-tk) Sy an Oregon Pionoer. Ninety Year OW. FoittwT (iuovk. Or., ilaruh 10. I have uted tho OltEUON KIDNEY TEA and obtained Immediate relief. It U God' lilesiiiit; to humatdty. 1 take plviure i.. recommeudiuK it to the afflicted. I um now nearly ninety year old, mine to ttv. , K011 in KSl'J in tho eiuplo- of the llnd-.ui 1 Hay Comitany, and Ujce I bean umik the 1 OltUOON KIDNEY TEA 1 u . , d health. DAVID Ml M'.'t: Job work artistically and eorreiy execu ted, plain or In color, at the foi t jab ottlce. Hate very reasonable 50 V S nfc inr lit m da i l I IIIIRJ u Sat-i i 1 1 . 1.X I I M Kin U8fl ' 'RAHA kWAHW T B B!sn www smmv em f say muz&mt Machine Stands at the Head. -o- Most Perfect Machine in the Market for Family Use. o- Elegant inw orkiiian ship and Design. Look at them before Purchasing. 368 Market St., 'San Fancisco, Cal. llfmjI.7Vi1 1' 'HTTi7T1 0 loai to mm Car.not be successful! iravsted with out cood'.h. To roach wealth or any coveted pos:.b.i i.i l!,"e requires the full potsecclsn er.d cporailcn cf ell tho fac ulties kind ca'cre tcs endowed us Kith. Ttietse conditions cannot exist unless tho physical being i: In pcrfost working oti:, and this Is ipoacisle when tho IWcr tnd splscn faro or;!d, t'.-.iis obstruct inn ihe serr;;.'or.s, causing Indigestion end dyspepsia, vt'Mi ail of their accom panying horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English DaRdsSicii Tonic oxerU a specific Influence over the liver, excite It to healthy action, resolves lt3 chronic engorgement:, end prcir.otas the secretions ; cures Indirection and consti pation, sharpens the appetite, tones up the entire system, and makes life worth IMng. jfOTici: to iui:toi:s. As 1 expect to spend the coming winter iu the cant, lakull those Indebted to me 10 cull and Mettle within thirtr dttys f rn-cti thiH date (Nov. 13th.) otherwise their ac counts wilt be placed in tho hands of an attorney for immedia o collection. 11-13-14 nil. C. II. DAY. ANDOKTYOITFOKUKTIT. Notiee 1 hereby triven to those knowing theru-elvt h Indebted to me tocouie forward without delny and settle the tmin', u-I need the money due me. and must have it. Let thi be u sufficient fnv 'atlon. ll-CtS W. It. HMHLEMAN. JiOTlCH. T will offer for sale at tho Collin ranch for tho next twenty dtivs, 0 milch cows, hoi-sen of ll deooription. one wagon, one hack, one urtand nenend fnruiin- utensils, I will take u pa good merchuntablu wheat. 011U. burl- y, or icihkI potatoes at ono cent ler pound! or make u liberal discount for ouh. Union, Oregon, Out. 30. 1H00, ADMIN lgTRATOt'.'.S .VOTIOU, VJOTICK IS HEUEliV CtVEN TO ALL xS erMtis eot.ceined that the ttndor klzned has been H i.'ularlv appointed a I Hiliustralor ut the estate of Churles Mo lau, de.Ml All peimis huv.niiclaiins a!"ti)8t --aid tute arc 'notilled to present theaiue, duly ventkd, to (ho undor-ttrneil udnitinstraror ttliin six umntlis front the iin.1- ot thh not 11 e. at hi residence rn North I'owd'T, Union county, Orcumi. Dated tbts .V h duv of Novt tutor, 1S00. VM. HONTON. lt-u-w.") Administrator. Mm 11 COVK, OUlitiON. Mi - IJi.i . il I'.H'ot'ic, ok Virginia, . '1 i.u :p 11. t'In-:miaa Tornt bogrius Monday, Nov. 17, 1800. II -J0 An RUSHFORD and FISH BRO'S. WAGONS, HACKS, CARRIAGES and BUGGIES, t "ELI" SULKY PL0WSr au iii 4 ri IT! IJfmM .Limn ' ON SALE PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH UNION, 01tEGONr A. K. ELLIS, Tlcltct Agi'iit. TIME TABLE. Trains depart from Union daily as follows: WEST I10U.N1. IfftfitMail, No 1 .r):a) 1ML Express No 7 4:35 A.M. EAbT IlOUSl). East Mail. No 2 "HO P. M. Express. No 8 11:4ft A.M. Main Line, Nos. 1 and 2. "The Overland Flyer,'' carry through l'ullmau SlceperB. Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Conches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul er Chicago. Main Line, Nos, .1 and 4. "The Limited Fast Mail," carry Pullman Dining and. Sleeping; Cars between Portlund and Chi cago. OCEAN DIVISION. Tito Union rcin will dispatch Steamers between San Francisco and Port land, as follows. W0 I.ANll. I KltOM HAS KI.AISOISCO. m. I At 10 it. 111. Nov State Nov 4 " 5 Oregon g. " !) Columbia... " 12 . " Hi State 16 " 17 Oregon.. . " 20 . " 21 Columbia... " 2t- 2.) Stte . . " 28 '' 2!) Oregon Columbia.. State . . . , Oregon Columbia. State . . Oregon .... Columbia. The company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing dav KATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin, - - ?1(.00 Steerage - - $8,00 Hound Trip Tickets, Unlimited - ?30.00 Children, under 12 years - - Half Fare 1 5 vears ... Free- Including Meals und Bertht. C. S. MULLEN, I T. W. LEE. fien'l Trallic Manager. Gen'l. Ticket Agt, A. E. ELLIS, Agent. Union. 0.&WT.R.R. "The Hunt Line." In Connection with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILR'D Forms the Quickest and Best Route Hetween Eastern Oregon and "v7ashtn;ton and Pitgct Sound points, as well at the Popular and Direct Line to all POINTS HAST and SOUTHEAST PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, SUPERB DINING CARS, and FREE SECOND CLASS SLEEPERS JfOTlCK. " ' To A1.1. Whom It May Coxcekx: .My notes are in the hands ... O. F. Bell for collection, and those knowing them selves indebted to me aro requested to Im mediately call and settle, my inttructlons aro to entorce collection at onee. Give at tention and save expense. 10-DO-tr E.J. COUPEK. CAST YOUlt Ul'TlC's ON THIS. All thosoknowitu Hiemselveslnd'bted to me either by note or book account at 0 here by notified to settle the same on or before the lt day ol December, or the Mime will be collected and costs added. I must have the money. WM. WIltiuN. 1 ao-t-i Union, Or. WOOD WANTED. Parties desiring to pay their Indobteduess to this paper. In wood, oun now do so. 7-17-tf.f ' RlUlN,?.uFn "ooms von hen r, o.' tt'V "H,,c y.tornji Second and H St. Union. Or-tn, 17-tf, BIFYPV1!S,,'0U HALE.-Ono AO inch, full uii-K.I. and one 43 iimh standard ttttuii. Lmpnreat thu ollice. 7-17-tf, o