If ' THE OREGON SCOUT Is independent in nil thin', neu- tral in nothing ; devote I to every cause it believes to ho right a journal for the people. Sftmt THE OREGON SCOUT Has B8 largo a circulation nsany two papers in this eeotinn of tho State combim-d, and is corre spondingly valuable as an ndvor tisiiu: tni.tf iiim. I Horo Will tho Press tho Pooplo's Rights Maintain. vol. vr r. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, TIIUHSDAV, XOVBMI.KH 20, 1SQ0. NO. 22. mum TheOregon Scout, Alt In ititftiilent eekly join rial, Isiiied erery Thursday morning tty J ONES & CIIAXCEV, l'nbllsbers and Pmprletors. A K J uses Kdltor. II. I'lUMBV, Foreman Itllt.'x or Slllwi rlptldii, Ouecoryone f"ar, . One c 1 1 J- s x in. imlix, . One cpjr lime month, - $150 J 00 "3 Invariably C111I1 In Ail viincc. by ehaiur ubcriitions arc tint paid till end of '' two dollars will be clutriitd. IlHtrn of aihettking miiile knomi nn application SlT Correspondence from ull p.rts uf tfae country ajllc.trd Addrewft'l coiiiiiiiiiit-a'liias to the OliFuos Sim T, t nlon, Ort'iron OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. tZXITlII) STATUS. I'HEMliKNT-IlenJjinln Harrison of Indians. Skchetaiiv UPSTATE James U. Ma ne of M ilne Skuiemiiv or tmk. TiiKAiUnY-WillUm WmdTOi of Minnr-so'a. SEtHETAitr nrWAlt UedfieM l'roctor of Vermont Swhetauv ok Tin: N'av Ilviijtmla T Tiacy of New Yoik Hecketakv or Tin: iNTEiium- John V. .V blc of Missouri l'osiMtsTER-tiENHiAl.-John Wunumaktr of Penn nylnnla ATTOKNRI Or.NEKAl.-W. 11. 11. Miller of Indiana. Si.tiiErnv or Aoikcultuhk-Je einiah ltusk of iscoiism. STATU (IF UliKOnN. Kpnaliir. . ' " MITCHELL. henators, - j j N I)liii. Coigresman, - - II mis p. Heiimann. Oovernor, ... Sylvester Ivnmiv ek. Secretin)-of Siate, - Gmikue W. McltniiiE. J State Treusnrer, - (t. W. Wriili. i Superintendeut of Public Instruction, V.. II. McKl.niiV. Stats l'r liter, - - - r'lMXK O. IIakeii. fit. K stiiaiin. Supreme Judges, - - W. 1. Limn. I.W. W. TllAVElt HIXTiI JUDKJIAI, DISTUIOT. C.rcci. Judges, . - f-U Vroseciitind Attorney - - - O. F HviK, COUNTV UF UNION. I State Senators, Ilepresentatties, Judge Sheriff, CUerk, ltecorder Treasurer, School Superintendent, Surveyor, - : Assessor, Corouer, Commissioners, I .1. W. NoltVAL. (J. II. Kalev. (John McAl.li.TEit. 1 J. A. Wkihiit I. N. SANIlEltS. .1. T ItOLI.EN. TUIINEK lll.lt Elt. J. S. Kl.LIOTT. K. O. HltAINARIl. II. 8. SrHANiiK. J. L. OnllTls. J. I. (iirii.n. Joei. Weaver j William Ahnoi.ii, (John McDonald. CITY OF UNION. Mayor, Kecurdi r. Marshal. StreH Commissioner. J W. Kennedy. 0. L. llt.tKrSI.KE. Alien Johnson. N. K. KlCKLIN. COUNCILS! EN. J. II. CORIIIN. A. K. Jones. S. A. 1'ITRNEL. 1! F Wilson. J S KLLIOTT. ,1 M. Carroll, L' DGES. I'NKlN I.ODOi:, No 39, I. O. I). K, Friday etenlug at 7:30 o clock WM. C S Miller, He-retary. MEI1TS HVKKY KAU'.Y. N. O. j rSKANDK HON OK 1 NOAMI'MKNT, No. 11, I. O. O. V meets on the Hint and third Tuedy in each mouth. O. S. MILI.LK. C. 1'. J II Thompson, Scnlw. iltANDK ItONDi: VALI.KY I,Ol)OK,No. 56, A F. i A M., meets on the second an I fourth sturda)S etery month. II. W DAVIS, W. M K. II Uiiown, Secretary C.ItANm: ItONDK VAIJ.KY Oil U'TKIl, No. 20.. It. A M , meets tlrst u d third I u "daiseach luoutli. W. T. W.. (HIT, M. K. II. P. Ti rn er Oliver Secretary. 111.1'K MOUNTAIN I.ODUK No. 28 K. OF 1 weets eery Wednesday evening. T. II. UKAWFOItD, a a. Ti rner Oliver, K. of It. & S. l'llESTON I'OST, No. 13, O. A. It., MEETS F.VEItY third Saturday iu eacn minth a. the Odd Fellows' hall JllSIIUA IlltADFOKK, I'. O. OEoiiiii: Heini.nuer, Adjutant. CHURCHES. The MethodWt Eplscopul Church holds sen Ices at 11 A M ana 7 r M. uf eac i Sunday Kev A THOMPSON. Acting Pastor. Services are held at tho Presbyterian Chinch at 11 A, M and 7 r M. of each Suni'ay. Kev J ! MonitlS, Pastor PROFESSIONAL CARDs. J W S1IEI.TON J. M. OAItltOLL. SHELT0N & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OlHce two doors south of PostoiHce, Union, OrcKon. Special a'.tention given to all business entrusted to us. K KAKIN J A. EAKIN, Notary Public. R. EAKIN & BR0., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union. On-iron. Prompt at'entlon paid to collections, DR. E. N. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST, I Us the tinest ana-stbetlo for eitracting teeth without 1.4I11 known to the profession, Will practice In all the branches of modern dentlitry. Silver and gold nork a .peclalty Kin sett of teeth always on hand. I Irst-class work uud satufattlm guaranteed. Otllce Miiln St., Union. Or. C. H. DAY, M. D HomcEopatbic Physician and Surgeon. all. rroiiutlr Atteiiilcil In. (Mice adjolnlm Jonei Itros.' s'ore. Can U fouml nijhU at residence In Southwest UiiIoil I. N. CROMWELL, H. D i PHYSICIAN ,'AND SURCEON, Aloe one door south of Hummers t Layne's store, Union, OrtL'on. The Co v c Dim Store JASPAR G. STEYENS, Proprietor, -DK.U.KU IN PURE DRUGS, Patent JWedieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. l'lT-ci-lpl Inns Carefully l'lemueil. -ALSUDKAI.r.KIN- SPORTING GOODS, -CONSISTING OK Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Cartridges. and Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If ) ou want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop In. llilliardand pool tallies for the accommodation customers. of Gornueopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and i Cigars Always in Stock. First-class billiard table. Drop In and be sociable. For Information About the South -ADDRESS WITH STAMP - Tbe Official Immigration Department -OF- FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES, CAltt, liOBINoON, Secretary-, ltaieigh, N. C. UnionTonsowal Payors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Gutting and Shampooing In the Lasest Style of the Art. Shop two doors south of the Centennial hotel. 1 ine u call. (live City Meat Market Main Street, Union, Oregon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KEEP CONHTAMLV ON UAND Beef, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. The v "Blue v Light" SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. FineVWines,',' Liquors '.'and Cigars '.' in ',' Stock. Drop Id and lie sociable Fine billiard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUCHTON, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, KIkIii, Hregoii. All lis promptly attended to day or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Buildor, Cove. Orecon. Drafts, plani and designs (or dwelling, and bridge fuiulmed on application. H-IE PACIFIC COAST. Discovery of Rich Quartz at Burner Hay, Alaska. White Caps in Xcw Mexico Sale of Mines in Idaho Montana's Total As sessed Valuation. Clipper Gup now boasts of hnvinj? Hue mineral springs. Chinatown in Carson City, New, has been burned down. The total assessed value of propertv in Montana is $1 10,707,-:4. San Mijincl and Smta Fe counties, N. M., are being terrorized by white cap. Preliminary work in building a jetty at the moutri of the Siuslaw river, iii Oregon, has begun. Material for the steel bridge across the Willamette at Sminglield, Or., has reached the ground. There has been a discovery of rich quartz at Burner's bay, in the direction of Chilcat district, Alaska. Thorne and Shiuu, the escapes, have been safely returned to their old quar ters in Saii Quentin, Cal. Two police officers at Seattle are charged with having seized a lot of opium, selling it and pocketing the money. A snecial census agent, who has been collecting statistics of the various Indian tribes in Washington, estimates their number at 5,500 in the State. San Diego has appointed a committee to pnsent to the government represent atives its claims to the establishment of the proposed Pacific Coast armament plant. The steamship Zealandia, which has just arrived at San Francisco from Aus tralia, brought !i2,000,000 in English sov ereigns, which will be received at the mint. The money is in return for Amer ican products shipped to Australia. A second lodge of tho A. O. U. W. will be established in Tacoina. An especial ell'ort is being made in Washington this year to secure 2.1U0 members, in order that they may procure a charter tor a separate' Grand Lodge within the State. A proposition will soon be submitted the voters of Port Townsend to raise to by taxation a special fire fund of $50,- 000 for the improvement of the (ire de partment, it is proposed to purchase a tire boat, propelled by steam, costing $:0,O00, to be used for tb'e protection of the business section along the water front. The German ship Reneo Ueckiner has finished loading at Astoria the largest and most valuable cargo that lias left the Columbia river for over a vear. It con sisted of 20,701 cases of salmon, 20.280 sacks of (lour and 22,n(i(5 sacks of wheat. The total valuation of the cargo is over $1:27,000. The salmon shipment is the lirst to go to a foreign port this year. A petition to the United States light houfco commissioners at San Francisco, which already bears thirty signatures, is being circulated, asking that a steam whistle bo placed on Allyn island, Itosario straits. The petition is headed by Captain W. Holmes of the Umatilla. All Puget Sound mariners consider Allyn island a dangerous spot in a fog. A trust deed, executed by the great brewery syndicate of San Francisco to the Debenture Corporatiol (limited), of London, was (lied iu the recorder's oflice one day last week. The deed is to secure th issuance of bonds to the amount of .50,000, bearing interest at (1 per cent, payable semi-annually, and running thirty" years. The name "of the syndicate is the San Francisco Brewery (limited). TheGaltGazette states that capitalists of Sun Francisco and Sacramento are now engaged in establishing a patent presscd-brick and sewer-pipe works at Carbondale, a small station on the Am ador branch railroad between Gait and lone. It is reported that they havo dis covered a largo deposit of coal of excel lent nualitvon their urounds: also a fine quality of sand suitable for glass mak ing, which they contemplate utilizing by tho erection of glass works. Action lias lieen filed at San Fran cisco on Iwhalf of a number of Boston stockholders of the Murtin White .Min ing Company against A. 15. Cooper, sec retary; II. lJ. Havens, president, and the directors of tho copipany, to cancel tho sale of 5,(500 shares of corporation stock, which, it is alleged, tho directors sold to themselves at 15 cents per share,4 without giving plaintiffs notice; alsot to enjoin the corporation from collei-ting an assessment of 25 cents per share, which assessment was illegally levied. Astoria citizens will ask tho Legisla ture to pass a law providing that one railroad shall have right of way over the track of another company upon pay ment of a fair pro rata of the earnings, to bo fixed by tho State Hoard of Rail road Commissioners. That is to say, if a road was built from Astoriu to Hunt era, tho curH of tho AHtoriu company would havo tho right of way to bo run over tho tracks of tho Northern Pacific into Portland; thence on und to any part of the State tho curH could Ijo run over any line to any oint of destination, subject, of course, to the orders of tho train dispatclierson the connecting lines. An Astoria man predicts that, if euch a law is passed, a line of railroad would be built from Astoria to Hunters within three months after tho bill hud been signed by the Governor. EASTERN ITEMS. Indians in Colorado Very Hold. Becoming Glaring Inaccuracies in the Congressional ltlcetions of Two Years Ago ln earthed in Massachusetts. The Rothschilds havo secured control of the National Hank of Mexico. Secretary Rusk has prepared regula tions governing the exportation of cattle. The report of gold discoveries in the Chicasaw Nation has been continued. It is said that the widow of Justice Miller U left without adequate means of support. The Cheyennes and Arapahoes agree to sell their reservation lands in Indian Territory. i ne unippewu Indians in Wisconsin claim that there is a conspiracy afoot to The Ch aim tha swindle them A company has leeii formed at New port, Ky., to make aluminum for 10 cents a pound. The navy's demand for nickel has stimulated the market and also revealed mines of the ore in Virginia. Corn and oats are now selling iu the Chicago market at nearly double the juices obtainable last Febiu try. Maryland's Court of Appeals has af firmed Unconstitutionality in that State of tho Australian" ballot system. The people of Blake's Mills. Ohio, are greatly agitated over the efforts of the Mormons to establish a church in their midst. A bill has been introduced into the Vermont Legislature providing for the establishment of a State Agricultural College. A movement to consolidate oil refin eries in opposition to the Standard Oil Company in Ohio is gaining substantial strength. Indians in Routt, county' Col., are In coming very bold, and immediate action on the part oi the government has been petitioned for. It is known that there is a strong feel ing in Cuba iu ollicial cire'es favorable to reciprocal trade relations with tho United States. The wives of two London bankers have been arrested in New York charged with receiving stolen goods to the amount of $150,000. The law of Missouri taxing express companies 2 per cent, of their gross re ceipts has bo n declared valid by the United States Court. The grand total of the potato crop in this country for 1890 is estimated t. bo about 122,7!M,000 bushels, as against L'lili.TOl.uUU in 1880 and L'lO.Olti.OoO in 1888. Tho Mayor of Philadelphia thinks tho city's population, according to the cnnis enumeration, was 100,000 too small, and has ordered a recount by the police. An agent of the Ontnrio government lias neon traveling through Michigan trvniL' to induce Canadian families to return to the Dominion and settle iu the Northwest. Since the passage of the Mclvinley bill an liiiiglisli syndicate has given Americans a contract to erect a steel plant at Middlesboro, Ivy., at it cost of $1,000,000. Tho Bos on Globo says glaring inaccu racies in the Congressional elections of two years ug havo been unearthed in Massachusetts, and interesting develop ments are anticipated. It is re)orted that a scheme is on foot uy a iSew iorK and tsoston syndicate to get jKjssession of the frozen herring trade and compel our fishermen to pay exorbitant prices for bait. C. M. Hello of Washington, who claims a copyright exclusiveness in tho case, has entered suit for $34,000 damages against u Cincinnati Hthographer for copying a photogruph of Mrs. Cleve land. A letter has lcen received at Wood stock, Out,, from Jackson, Mich., in which a person who signs himself "The Colonel j! " claims to have murdered IJen- well, and for convicted. which act Imrchell was The Seventh-day Baptist Council at Chicago has voted to remove a menace to the harmony of the denomination by the unification uud merging together of church nnd mission anil the tract and educational societies. The volume of water passing through New York's new uqiieduet has been in creased to 100,000,000 gallons every twenty-four hours. This, with the How through tho old aqueduct, will make n total of 105,000,000 gullons daily flowing into the Central Park reservoir. Arrangements are being made for tho laying of a double pneumatic line be tween New York and Philadelphia. Be tween theso two und all intermediate Mints it is expected that letters, news papers uud small packages will be whirled ut the rate of four miles a minute, Iowa has passed it stringent tramp law. It declares that any mule person sixteen years of uge or over, who is physically ublo to work, who is wundor ing ubout begging or idle, and who can not show reasonable efforts to secure employment, shall to deemed a tramp, sent to jail uud put to hard work. FOREIGN NEWS. The Russian Government Closes Catholic Churches. Count K'alnoky Refuses the li.vcitiatur to the New United States Consul at Hmla-Pcsth. The French authorities are very rigor ously suppressing gambling Bismarck is not wholly unappreciated. The people of Germany have raised $11K),0J0 to build him a monument. It is said that the Panorama of Nia gara now- exhibiting iu IiOiidon with an artificial roar is a roaring success. The Brazilian Naval Division is on its way to the United States to return the compliment paid to the Brazilian Hag. At thegeneral Parliamentary elections held iu Greece tho government was de feated, retaining only one-third of its seats. Count von llartcnau, who was former ly known as Prince Alexandria of Bul garia, has been gazetted Colonel in the Austrian urinv. A recent edict in Norway declares that no girl shall be eligible" to marriage unless she is proficient in spinning, knit ting and baking. The latest returns are said to show that 1X5,000 out of 07,000 men in the Knglish home army are under twenty one years of age. The Warsaw papers are full of accounts of the foundering off Cupe St. Vincent of a steamer carrying 1,000 Russian emi grants bound for Brazil. Several African villages have been burned on the Vitu coast, yet the Sultan refuses to deliver the natives implicated in the German massacre. Lieutenant, Wyse telegraphs La Franco from Bogota that the Panama canal ne gotiations are certain to bo protracted and besot with dillleulties. Tho Russian government has closed the Catholic churches in the govern ments of Volhyn and Podoha and the Dominican monastery iu Ostrog. Thero is likely to bo a serious falling oil' in the supply of gutta percha on the Malaviin peninsula, owing to the reck less destruction of tho trees by the na tives. It is announced that a railroad is to be constructed from the mouth of tho Congo to the copper mines of Catanga, which were recently discovered by Do Brazza. Advices from Mozambique say it is re ported that Matabeles attacked a British South African expedition in Mashona land and killed 2J0 men. The report is not confirmed. The silk merchants of Lyons do not like tho new- tanlf, but they havo come to a conclusion that a policy of retalia tion would hurt Franco far more than the United States. A mutiny of Siberian convicts occurred on lroard a steamer on tho Lena river. The inhabitants of a neighboring village gave the convicts assistance, and helped to securo the guard. It is b-lieved at St. Petersburg that General Obruschelf, who is now in Paris, is authorized to formulate tho military conditions for a regular alliance between France and Russia. Gladstone in a speech at Kdinburg urged tho people to closely watch the naval and military expenditures, which ho declared had gone boyond all bounds oi prudence and propriety. The result of tho Bolgian municipal elections is regarded us highly favorable 10 mo cause oi universal sullrage, can didates advocating that princiiilo hav ing, in most instances, been successful. Thirty-two Bishops who assisted in the recent Catholic Congress at Sara gossa have sent a petition to tho Queen of Spain, asking her to interfere iu tho matter of the unjust treatment of the Pope. Tho production of Rhino wine from tho famous vineyards in tho vicinity of Worms will bo greatly curtailed by the changes necessary to tho construction of a new harbor at that undent city. Many large vineyards will bo destroyed to make room for commercial activity. The Parnellito business cost the Lon don Times . 180,000. That is tho exact figure, everything included, und it has been paid by tho shareholders of tho pa per foregoing thelrdividond for last yeur uud for the first six months of this year. In tho seven years from 1882 to 1880 tho New South Wales government spout X7;i2,2:;i on experiments to determine the Ix.'st remedy for the rabbit pest, but without effect. The Commissioners hav ing the matter iu chanre look for a rem edy only to the invention of a disease. Count Kalnoky refuses tho exequatur to the new United States Consul at Buda pest h, Joseph Black, a Hungarian He brew, who lived some time in Philadel phia. He was recalled from the jmmo josiUon in 1885, owing to representa tions made to the forcitrn oflice. and his reupjrointment cuused great indignation in Austria, Tho bill for the creation of Greater Vienna will extend tho boundaries of thu city from their present area of ubout twenty square miles, with a population of 700,000, to an ureu of sixty-five miles, with a opti!ution of 1,:100,(HX). Thu ureu will include many suburban villages uud summer resorts. Tho bill is to tuke ef fect in 1802. PORTLAND MARKET. Wiikat The local market presents no new features. The demand both for ex port and milling purposes is light, and llerings are only moderate. Quote: alley, $122; Walla Walla, $1.17. oioign markets continue linn. Fi-m-it Quote: Standard, $3.904.00; alia Walla, $:Ui0(fr:t.MJ per barrel. O.vis The market is linn. Quoto: V lute, ; 2(.i 54c ; gray, 50(tf 52e por bushel. Mii.i.sri'FKs The market is linn. Mote: Bran. 17.50(irlS; Shorts, $21(.r 2; Ground Barley, $152.50; Chop Feed, 2o per ton. Hay Tin" market is steady. Quoto: lt5((?18 per ton. Hun-Kit The market is firm. Quote: M-egon fancy creainery,42 V;c; lancy dairy i g'Hxi 10 nur, 2 1 (it.nc; common. 225c choice California, 37c per pound. Ki.os Tho market is firm. Quoto: Oregon, 30. ; ICastern, 25c cr dozen. I'oui.riiv Quoto: Old Chickens, $4.50; voung, 2.50 .14.00; old Ducks. OOiO.fiO; large young. 7(i7.50: Geese, $0 per dozen; Turkove, I3c per pound. Vkoktaiii.ks Tho market is firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.50(1? 1.75 percental; Cauliflower, $1.25 por dozen; Onions, 2c per pound; Carrots, $1 per sack; Beets, $1.50 per sack; Turnips, $1 per sack ; Tomatoes, 50c per box ; Potatoes, 80c((e$l per cental; Sweet Potatoes, 2c per pound. Fituirs Tahiti Oranges, $1.50 per box; Sicily Lemons, $8.50ui0 per case; Pears, 1!jC per pound ; Applos, (50085c per box ; Grapes, 75c(i$l per Iwx ; Pineapples, $3.50 04.00 perdozen; Bananas, $4 per bunch; double, $0; Peaches, l0c$1.25 per box ; Watermelons, $1.502 per dozen; Quinces, $1.25 per box. CiiKKsit Quoto: Oregon, ll12)c; California, jiB10c; Young America, 14 !5c per pound. DitiKi) Fiiurrs Tho market is firm. Quoto: Italian Prunes, 12514c; Pe tite and German Prunes, 10c per pound; Raisins, $2.75 per Iwx: Plummer-dried Pears, 11 12jc; sun-dried and factory Plums, ll12c: evaporated Peaches, 24c; Smyrna Fists, 14lGc; California Figs, 0c per pound. Bkaks The market is finn. Quote: Small Whites, 34o; Pink, 3L'c; Bayos, 4?'c; Butter, 3Jvc; Urn as, 5c per pound. Th MerolimiilUe Market. SuoAits Tho market is firm. Quoto: GoldenC, 5'-jc: oximC. 5kc: dry gran- ulated, (5J,jc ; culo crushed and dured, (5nc per pound. pow- Cannkd Goons Market is firm. Quote: Table fruits, $2.25, 2!s; Peaches, $2.5J; Bartlett Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.(55; Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $2; Black berries, $2; Hasplierries, $2,55; Pineap ple's, $2.75 ; Apricots, $1.85. Pie fruit: Assorted, $3.75 per dozen; Peaches, $1.42)ij ; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.(55 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.20 ('"1.50, according to quality; Tomatoes. $1.2003.50; Sugar Peas, $l.40l.(Hi String Beans, $1 pordozen. Fish: Salmon, $1.2501.50; sardines. 80cOi$1.40; lol sters, $.'03; oysters, $20f2.75 per dozen. Condensed milk: Eagle brand, $8.25; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75; Champion, $(5 per case. Hoes Tho market is firm. Quote: 30035c per pound. llimss ijuoto: Ury Hides, solectcd prime, SutUe, Ke less for culls; green, selected, over 55 j blinds, 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; Sheep Pelts, short wool, SO 050c; medium, (50080c; long, t)0c$ 1.25; shearlings. 1020o; Tallow, good to choice, 303WjC. Wooii Quote : liastem Oregon, 100 10c; Valloy, 10018c per pound. Nurs Quote: California Walnuts, 17Jjo; other varieties, 13c; teaniitH, green, 12c; Almonds, 17c; Filberts, 14 15c; Brazils, 13014c per pound; Cocoa nuts, $1 per dozen. CttANiimtitiHs Quoto: Wisconsin, fO.50; Capo Cod, $12 per Imrrol. Cofi'ki! Quoto : Costa Hica, 22Jc; Rio, 25v.c; Arbucklo's, roasted, 204U per pound. Picki.ks Quoto : $1.15o 3s; $1.25 5s. S.ir Quoto: Liverpool, $17, $18, $10; stock, $11012 per ton in carload lots. Coai. Oiii Quote : $2.23 por case. Rick Quote: Dijo per pound. Nails Base quotations: Iron, $3.20; Steel, $3.30; Wiro, $3.00 per keg. Shot Quoto: $1.85 per sack. The Meat Marknr. Tho meat market is firm. Quoto: Beef Live, 2J3c; dressed, 6c. Mutton Live, 33Jc; dressed, flc. Hogs Live, 4,Hj05qc; dressed, Go. Veal 508c per pound. Lambs $2.50 each. SMOKKU MKATB AND LARD. The market is firm. Quotations: East ern Hams, 13014c; Breakfast Uu con, Ullc; Sides, 010c; Lard, 8) lOic per pound. A half interest in the Union mine in Bourke, Idaho, has been Iwugbt by J. B. Grunt of tho Omaha nnd Denver smelter for $100,000, and a half interest in tho Holland mino was sold to S. Sloberlinir of Akron, O., for $75,000, Both proper ties are undeveloped, out adjoin paying mines. Jtlduo Coffey lias made an order al lowing Florence Blvthe. ono of tho claimants to tho Blvthe estate, $300 tier iiiouiii irom mo ix'ginning oi ine con test until thu present time, or a total of over $27,000, and nn increused allowance to $(500 a month from tho present timo until the final determination of litiga tion. Tho first shipment of bituminous coal ever mado from this country to KiiLduml on an order from tho British Admiralty for experimental use on tho government cruisers was made last week. The Eurl of Fcversham, tho father of the Duchess of Lcinstor and of the Lady Helen Duncombo, who was married re cently to Sir Edgar Vincent, is a noble man whoso idiosyncrasy consists iu not paying his servants or tradesmen untie he is forced to do so by a general strlko or refusal to do service or furnish goods 1