The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 06, 1890, Image 2

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    ire mj.TTar.tJ li'' -J
Sir. J. Nowman relatos Some of
rletl Experiences.
Wayne county. Iowa, Oct.M, 13!.
Editor Okkoon Scour:
Thinking that some of your many
rcadoM would like lo huar from, mo 1
will nivo you a short account of myself
and 1 ru vein.
I l.'fl, homu on tho morning of the
30th f Hrpt. and reached Suit Lnke
Cityonthu morning of Oct. 2nd. 1
layed over hero 2 J hours and took a
general round of the city. Wo made
our way to tho great Mormon
tahornnclc nnd temple, in company
with pome of the .speakers, that were to
speak on the following Sunday, which
was to be a big day among the Mor
moiiH as they were holding what they
called a conference. The speakers
wcro getting the "pitch of their voices"
to as to reach the audience. Some of
them were in the opposite end of the
taboi niudo. After a few trials they got
tho thing figured down to their
satisfaction. I will not attempt to
dcecribo the tabernacle for fear I will
not do to well as Mark Twain when
ho di'sc ibed the chipmunk us u striped
animal with tlio stripes running tho
Biuno way that it did.
Tho lorr.plo is an imposing slrticluro
8 or 0 stories high. It is not yet fin
ished. Forty years was tho timo set
to complete it in. I understand tho
timo expires in 1893. ,
I spent some time in Salt Lake City
in 1802 whon on my way to Oregon
It was only a village then.
Luft Salt L:iko Oct. .'5rd and reached
Denver on tho e'vening of tho '1th
Layed over 2-1 hours. Went to tho
Unitarian church and heard tho best
sornion I over listened to. I was in
this pluoo in Til), beforo it had a name.
Now it is tho great city of tho west
with about I.'IO.OUO inhabitants. It
was hero that Horace Greely made
that memorable speech "young man,
go west." J look him at his word and
am gainer morally, intellectually and
Arrived at Ottumwa, Iowa on tho
Gth and found the Industrial fair in
full blast. It is held in tho "Coal
raliico" to called becauso it is built of
stone cnul. It is a lino building but
will not compare with tho exposition
building at Portland. Learning that
President lliuritcn would visit (ho fair
on tho 9th, I went out to my brother's,
in Mohaska county, and returned to
Ottumwa on tho 9th, where I found
nearly all of Iowa gathered to seo tho
proi)idoni. I hud tho pleasure of tak
ing Mr. Harrison by the hand and it
was a treat to mo for ho is tho first
president ! over met,
Returning to my brother's I laid
over till Monday, giving a lecture in
tho M. E. ohtiroh on Sunday, at a lit
tle town on tho railroad. Thoy only
found two faults with my lecture. It
was too good to bo true and it was too
short. These are very good faults. 1
have) had four calls to lecture since I
have been in Iowa. That pamphlet of
nuno, and Tiik Scott with my leoturo
in, liuvo been ahead of me.
I have boon hurried to got through
with my visit in Iowa in timo to reach
tho great Liboral mass meeting which
is to bo held in Chicago on tho 28th
and !!0th. 1 understand that M. J.
Savage, tho great preacher of Boston is
to deliver tho opening address and 1
want to bo there in time to hear it.
Don't You Soo7
First Farmer What is this recipro
city business that Hlaino is writing and
talking about?
Second Farmor It is a now game
by which wo Americans can gubblo up
foreigners. It is just like this: Sup
pose you have a initio and I have a
lionio, which arc of tho same value, but
my horso would bo more useful to you
than your mulo, and your mulo would
bo more useful to mu than my horso.
Something interferes, however, no
did'eienco what, so wo can'tswapovon.
Now if you should take $10 and
put it with your mulo, and 1 should
take $10 and put it with my horso, and
then wo should swap, you taking my
horse and $10 and 1 taking your mulo
and $10 that would bo reciprocity.
First Farmor Hut suppooo that
nothing interfered so wo might swap
ovou and tho whole ten dollar business
was left out of tho transaction, what
sort of trading would that bo?
Second Furmcr Why bless your
will, man, Unit would bo out-and-out
freo trado,
First FarmerSo it would s o i t
would, GoitlwUt my oyc, why didn't
I kid It lioforuf rUooktou .Mall
A Iijuly's Experience Willi
Her Gorman Cousins.
Tho Palm Gardens of Frankfurt German
Home Life Customs.
IThc following interesting extracts nrc
taken from a nrivntc letter written by a
S'ep-si.xler of the editor, who is now travel
ing In Europe
KltANKFintT, Ocrtnany. Feb. 0, 1609,
In our wanderings tho other day we
got into an old part of the town and
came to tho hotiro in which Martin
Luther stayed on his return from
Wurms on the 15th of April, 1521. I
do not know how old tho building is.
If the old walls could speak they could
tell somo strange stories. Tho houso
was rcpared in 1887, but on tho out
tide is a picture of an ostrich that has
been there since 157-1.
Some of the streets hero nro so nar
row that if a wagon came along it
would bo almost impossible to get by.
They aro just now tearing down a
house that was built about 000 years
ago and has been in constant use over
since. There is no regularity in the
streets and it behooves a pedestrian to
keep his eyes open. There are four
or five stone bridges crossing tho river,
ono for fool passengers.
Thero is a city named Saehenhoiuen
just across tho river. Have not
been thero yet but will go soon. There
is hardly a day that we do not go
tramping od' somewhere. Iam going
to make good uso of myoyes and time.
Tho weather has been quite cold with
just a sprinkle of snow. In ono of tho
parks "that sweet little Jlower, tho
snow drop, is in full bloom, also anoth
or flower' I do not know tho nainu of.
It is a golden yellow and very small.
Tho buds aro out and thero is every
prospect of an early spring.
Wo went over tho river today and
thero wo paw somo ruins of old walls
and towers used in times of war. I
am (piite sure thero aro but very few
buildings now-a-days that are built
one-half so strong. In ono of tho tow
ers wo counted somo twenty holes
shot in there. I think it must have
been done many years ago. Wo also
saw a huge cannon ball in a house on
ono of tho narrow streets, that Was
shot in thero by tho French during
ono of their many lights. Tho bridges
across tho river aro all freo. Thoy are
built of stone and iron. It will bo
long years boforo thero is such a
bridgo across tho Willamette at I'ort
land. Most all tlio rivers aro walled
up on both sides with stone, and a
dredger is at work ono plaeo or an
other all the time.
Wo wont to ono of tho Catholic
cemeteries. Thero aro some very old
graves and in such numbers that ono
must stand and wonder, Such an im
mense city of tho dead gives ono much
to think of. Thero aro somo very lino
monumouts. One long stone building
that they call a croft here is just full
of bodies. In ono of tho graves theio
must be nearly a doen. All of tho
graves aro underground and some of
them aro cemented over. Others aro
fastened with iron bars.
With strangers you must do as thoy
do and not as you liko, Wo aro board-
ng with a family and 1 must say that
I would just liko to get into the kitchen
and cook a meal to suit myself and tho
children. Nothing tastes so good hero
as it does at homo. Bread, and every
thing else in that lino, is bought at
tho bakory. They don't soom to know
low to bako a cako or anything else.
Tho people on this side of tho
big world aro far behind those in
America. They live from hand to
mouth. I think it is mostly their own
fault that thoy don't get along. It is
enough to give anybody the chills just
to watch them poke around. Whon
thoy start to do anything it takes a half
a dozen mon lo do tho work of two at
homo. They all seem to think what
can't bo done today can wait till somo
other timo. It is no wonder that so
many got homesick whon thoy como
to our land of tho freo whoro every
thing goes with a rush. Thoy haven't
tho grit of tho Americans. The cli
mate is colder, as a general thing,
here, than at homo, Wo haven't had
rain enough hero to clean oil' tho stone
streets, but plenty of fog. la tho
morning tho trees and everything is
covered with a thick frost, There does
not 8com to bo much wind hero. All
tho fires aro made from coal. I would
not give one lire of Oregon II r knots for
all their coal. Thero is nothing liko
wood for pleasant tires. Dress goods,
and nil such things aro much ohi'iixir
than at homo. Everything is hold by
tho motor. A muter is as much m a,
yard and a iiur(ur. You van get a
very good drcjs here for 75 cents and
upwards. For $1.25 a yard you can
get goods that sell lor $2.50 at home.
The dearest thing hero is tho meat.
Meat we get at homo for five cents a
pound, fells here for eighteen cents.
Fork tolls at 20 cents a pound. Fruit
is very scarce nnd high and I miss it
the most of anything.
We have a family ticket for tho sea
son lo the Palm Garden. This is a
most beautiful place and it is very
pleasant to pass tho time thero. Thero
are palm trees and plants in profusion,
from the largest down lo the tinyest
fern.s. In two gtvut rooms you can
see most any kind of a flower you think
of, roses, pinks, lillies, tulips, hyacinths,
crocus, snow drop , lillies of the valley,
and a flower that looks very much liko
tho oleander but on a short and more
bunchy fitcm. They arc most lovely.
Tho number of cnmclias is just won
derful. They arc red, pink, while,
mixed, double and single and ns tall
as trees. When you get above a wa
ter fall you can look clear through tho
Palm House. The ground is covered
with fine little ferns. Everything h ro
arranged that the loom presents the
appearance of a little valley. It is
lighted by clcctricty. Everything is
fresh and clean and pleasant. An ex
cellent band is discoursing choice mu
sic most all the lime. L.
Oregon Has It all.
Oregon has tho climate, tho timber,
tho water, tho mineral, the grazing
lands, tho fruit in endless variety, com
munication with every country under
heaven, and the most contented popu
lation in the civilized world; and what
inoro doyouwant? Everything that is
really desirable is to be found in this
State, and the conditions upon which
they may be possessed aro within easy
reach of tho industrious and frugal. It
will support a population fivo times as
great as that which now finds a home
upon its soil, with nothing like impo
verishment of its resources. If only
eastern peoplo could bo convinced that
tho savage no longer roams tho country
in war paint and feat horn, but that ho
is cooped up on his reservation and is
engaged in rural occupations; that our
educational facilities aro in advance of
the log cabin with its rough-hewed seats
and Webster's speller as a text book;
that we aro in a measure civilized, per
haps more of them would vonturo on
an exploring expedition to tho North
west coast. Friends, if you havo this
opinion of our country and Unclt. Sam
will not engage to escort you, tako a
pullman car and ride through in com
parative safety. If onco you seo our
country you will bo loth to leavo it.
Lebanon Express.
Tiio First Step.
Porliaps you aro run down, can't eat,
can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything
to your satisfaction, and you wonder what
ails you. You should heed the warning,
you arc taking tho llrst step into Nervous
Prostration. You need a Ncrvo Tonic and
in Kleetrie Hitters you will ilnd tlio exact
remedy for restoring your nervous system
to its normal, healthy condition. Surpris
ing results follow tlio uso of this great
Nerve Tonic and Alternative.. Your appe
tite returns, good digestion is restored, and
the Liver and Kidneys resunio healthy ac
tion. Try a bottle. Prlco 50c. at Hrown's
drugstore, Union. Oregon.
Tie Mi to Wealth
j Cannot bo successfully traveled with
outQocd hsal'.h. To roach wealth or any
I coveted pcsMori In ll'c requires tho full
j possession nrj c;;ratlon cf nil the fsc
J ultlas kind rcturo has or.ilcwed us with.
J These conilttona cannot oxlct unless tho
physical being Is In perfect working
crier, nnd this Is i.-npossttilo when tho
lUcrend spleenaro torpid, thusobstruct
Ir.n tho secretions, causing Indigestion
end dyspepsia, with oil ol tholr accom
panying hcrrcrs.
English Dandelion Tonic
exerts a specific Influenco over the liver,
excites It to healthy action, resolves Its
clironloengorgsmonts, end promotes tho
secretions; cures Indigestion and constl-
appetite, tones up
a roakos
: "Blue : Liilif
W.M. Jamt.h, - - I'ropriutor.
Pine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
in Stock.
To Whom it M ay Conckk.n:
Notice is hereby given that tho under
signed, V. S. Kioll, has been appointed by
tho County court of tho Stato of Oregon,
for Union county, administrator of tho id
tale of W. U. H.oll, deceased, and that all
claims against the said estate must he pro
senteil to tho uld administrator tit his resi
dence, at KInIh, Oruooii, within nix months
from tho ditto of this notice, properly verl
lied, mill nit otalm du to tho said etate
uint be iwkl at once.
Iflgla, Uiutfou, Ol. 31. laco.
W. H. K'.V.lh,
nit-'l-wS Admliil.lrator.
li by virtue of an execution anil order of
sale lulled out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for Union
county, hearing date the 1 Ith day of Octo
ber, 1&O0. and to mo directed nnd delivered,
upon a judgment nnd decree of foreclosure
and sale therein entered on the 2.'th day of
September, 1WX), wherein August Klostcr
ninn is plain tl II' nnd James Welch. Sarah
Welch. M. M. Marshall, O. N. Itamscy.
Thomas F. Hall. II. 11. Spencer, David
Ke.clw, and .1. (i. Harrison, nnd H. 11. lEced,
Trustees O. It. & X. Co.. John Craig, O. D.
Thonili'ison, Annie M. Drown, W. I). Smith,
Mrs. McCurry, V. G. Lovcll, G. II. Holder.
.In cob Newman, Uichard Punch. Dave
lleveridgo. E. -. Sinionis, Oetavius Parker,
Thomas O'llrvant, Janice Oilkiiison, 11. O,
uoiham. Herman ltotl.eblld, D. W. C.
Kelon, A. Lun aud J. M. Carroll aro de
fendant, for the sum of $f,70(J.2j and the
further nun of $500.00 attorney's fees, and
'or the costs and disbursements taxed at
$18f.lS, together with interest thereon at
tho late of ten per cent, per annum, from
the said 2.5th dav of Semplcinbcr, 1600, and
decreeing the sale of tho tollowing described
real estate, to wit;
The ca3t half of tho southwest quarter
nr.:! the we t half of the southeast quarter
of section 22, and the northwest quarter of
section 27, all in township 0 south, of range
39 cast, of the Willamette meridian, aud
situated in Union and linker counties,
Oregon, less four acres out of tlio southeast
corner of northwest quarter of said section
27, in satisfaction of said judgment and
Now, therefore, under and by virtue of
snid execution and order of sale as afore
said, I will sell at public auction at the
court house door at Union, Union county,
Oregon, on the 1-ltli dav of November. lfeOO,
at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day. all the right,
titlo and Interest of, in and to the said
premise that the said James AVcleh and
Sarah Welch or either of them hud therein
on the 17th day of October, 18.S1, or have
since acquired" thereto, orsullicicnt thereof
to satisfy the said judgment, attorney fees,
costs and disbursements mid interest as
aforesaid and accruing ccsts.
Dated this Oct. 11. 1M0.
J. T. J50LLE3.
Sherilfof Union Countv, Oregon.
Ky W. It. Usiinit. Deputy. "
Jacob Newman
C. M. KelloiiK and Fred W. Panel
KJ order of sale and decree of foreclosure
and sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for Union
county, on the 27th day of September, 1880,
in the" above entitled suit, wherein Jacob
Newman the above named plaintiti obtained
a judgment and decree on foreclosure and
sale against C. M. Kellogg, Fred W. Punch,
M E. Kellogg, I. It. Dawson and Dawson
defendants, on the 27th dav of September,
1800, for the sum of $1)11.00 and the further
sum of -100.00 as attorney's fees, and tlio
costs and disbursements of this suit taxed
at?42.78 and accruing costs, and costs of
this writ, 1 am conimaiidcd to sell the laud
situnted in Union county, Oregon anil de
scribed in soul decree as follows, to-wit:
Lots 0. 10, 11. 12. 1.1. 11. 15 and Hi in bloci:
10 of the town of North Powder, Union
county, State of Oregon, and the appurte
nances thereunto belonging, therefore I
will sell on Saturday, the 15th day of No
vember, 1880. at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day,
tit publio auction, at the court house door
in the city of Union, Union county. Oregon,
all tho right, title and interest which tho
said dcicudaiitH had in and to the above de
scribed real property on the 20th day of
September. lhiK), or has since acquired.
Terms or sale: Ca-di to mo in hand.
Dated this 9th day of October. 1890.
Sheriff of Union County.
Uy W. p.. UsiiKB. Deputy. 10-10-5t.
James JI. it W. 11. Hutchinson, Pills.)
James AVelch et nl. Defi-ndants. )
crce of foreclosure nnd order of sale
issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Union countv.
on tlio 2:id day of September, 1800, in the
above entitled suit, wherein Jas. H. and
W. It. Hutchinson the above named plain
till's obtained a judgment and a decree of
foreclosure and sale against James Welch,
Sarah Welch, K. C. Hughes, M. M. Mar
shall, O. N. llamsey, Thomas F, Hall, Da
vid Kccle, 11. H. Spencer and W. A.
Coiighanour defendants, on the 23d dav of
September, 1890, for the sum of if 1,010 80
with Interest from said 23d day of Sep
tember, 1S90, tit tho rate of 10 per cent, per
annum, nnd tho further sum of $101 at
torney's fee and tho costs and disburse
ments of this suit and accruing costs and
costs of tills writ. 1 mu coiiiinnndcd to sell
the lands, the same being situated in Union
county, and described in said decree as
follows, to-wit:
Tho S4 of NW'f and NM of SWK of Pec.
22, and N';4 of So . l(i. nnd SUJ4 of SUM
Sec. 8. and Mi of NK14. and NKM of SMl
See 1". Township (ISouth. of ltangellS East,
of AVillainctte meridian, also tho NW' ot
SWM See 1(1 in said Township and ltango
Therefore I will sell on Friday, the 21st
day of November. lbDO, at 2 o'clock p. 111.
of 'said day at publio auction at tho court
house door in tlio city of Union, Union
county, Oregon, all the right, titlo, claim
and interest which the said defendants had.
in and to tlio above described real property
on tho 30th day of October, 1SS3, or since
Terms ot sale, cash to 1110 in hand.
Dated this 17th day of October. lhOO,
ShcrifTof Union County, Oregon.
Uy W. It, Usiinit, Deputy. 10-23.
shi:kii,i''s sai.i:.
by virtue of an execution and order of
sale is'sued out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of tlio Stato of Oregon, for Union
county, bearing date the 8th day of Octo
bor, 1890, and to 1110 directed and delivered
upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure
and sale of heretofore attached property,
entered on the 2,'itlt day of September, 18!H1,
wherein A. U. Swift is plaintiff and C. M.
Houghton is defendant, for the sum of
?732.I8, with Interest at 10 per cent, per
annum, from September 25, 1890, and tho
further sum of $70 attorney's fees, and
$30.r7 for costs and disbursements of this
action, and decreeing the sale of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit; All
the right, title and interest that the de
fendant C, M. Houghton had, on tho 7th
day of April. 1890. or after acquired in or
to tho following described real estate, viz:
an undivided one-third interest therein,
(Jl-M r ULM U.w. ft .,...1 nl Jli
V.1 uvi
J4?4 in i4 4 l'uj, u uiu o n y ut t n y
Sec, H, T11. 8 S, U. 12 K, situated in Union
county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, undor nnd by virtuo of
said execution and order of iale as uforo
said, l will sell at public auction, at the
court house door at Union. Union county,
Oregon, on Saturday tho 22nd day of No
vember. IStK), ut 2 o'oloel; p. m. of said day,
all the right, titlo and interofct of, in and
to tho said premises that C. M. Houghton,
said defendant had on the 7th day of April,
ISM.), or after nnpilrod In or to tho above
described real oatatu. to vntttfy aid judg
ment, attorney fee, ctwts. dUhiiriuenu
and lutorent tu niormild and ncoruuing
Terim of nl. rash t me n ban I
l)n(d Mil Aiti, ,iuv of 11, in, r. l-.
1 T III it 1
Khinirif IFnlikH fViimti flnu.ui
Uy W. It I Miitit. Deputy. -:vi.
Tlio KM of BUM Sec. 31, Tp. 7 S. Uaiige
12 K, nndNKW of SKU and KM of NKtf
of Sec. (I nnd N W of 8VW and SWH of
NW Sec. ft.Tp. 8S. It. 12 K, and NKtf of
N'KW Sec. 7.nndNWU of SlVW See. 8. and
Application tor a U. S. Patent. Survey No.
9. Lot No. 30, Mineral application No. 87.
U. S. Land OrncE, La GhaNDe. Oitr.oo.v, I
AugU"t 20. 1S90. f
1.1 E. E. Clougli and C. II. Duncan, whose
postotlice address is Sparta, Union county,
Oregon, have this day tiled their applica
tion for a patent for the '"Knight" quartz
mine, situated in the -ith mineral district in
Township 7 South, iintigc No -13 E. W. M.
and described by the official plats and Held
notes on tile in this uillee as follows, to-wit:
Ucgihiiiug nt tho NE corner po-t of the
"Goldui Eagle" quart, mine, post being
marked "Cor. No. 1, Iv. M. C. survey No.
9," on northwest face, from which corner to
Sections 2. 3, 10 nnd 11, Township 7 S,
Itaiigc 13 K W M , bears south 10 degrees
iO minutes W 23i'J feet distant; thence
N. 82 decrees W. 1500 feet to n post marked
1. "I'n- W 'I k M. (!. S. Vv ()"' tlinni-n
north 8 degrees east 003 feet to a post
marked "Cor. No. 3 K. M. C. S. No. 0;"
thence south 82 degrees east 1500 feet, to
the MY corn?r of the "Sfuiutmt' quattz
mine, which conK-r pot is marked "Cor.
No. 4, K. M. C. survey No. 9" on southwest
face of post; thence south 8 degrees west
C00 feet to thoplaceof beuinniiu;, contain
ing" acres. Location being recorded
in Vol D. page 319, rcords of quartz loca
tion". Union county, Oregon.
Adjoining claims "are the "Golden Eagle"
quartz lode on the south and the "Summit"
tpiartz lode on the east. Any and all per
sons claiming adversely any portion of said
"Knight" quartz lode above described, tire
required to file their adverse claims with the
register of the U. S. hiudollice at La Grande,
Union county, Oregon, during the sixty
day's period of publication hereof, or they
will be barred by virtue of the provisions o'f
the statute.
A, CLEAVEIt, Register.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. patent he
published for a.period of sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) in The Onfiaojf 'Scout,
n weekly newspaper published at Union,
Union county, Oregon.
9-1-wlO Register.
by irtuc of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit
court of the State of Oregon, for Union
county, bearing date 11th day of October
1800. and to me directed and delivered, up
on a judgement and decree of foreclosure
and sale therein entered on tho 25th day
September, lbOO, wherein the Pendleton
Savings Bank is plaintilf and R. J. Slater,
Jas. II. Slater, E.E. Slater and E. Gilliam
arc defendants for the sum of $970.92 with
interest thereon from Septembei 25, 1H)0
at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum,
and $5.00 as reasonable attorney's fee
herein and his costs and disbursements
taxed fit $2j.70 and decreeing the sale of
the following described heretofore mort
gaged real estate, to-wit:
Tho MA of Section 31 in Township 3
South, of Range 37 E, W. M., in Union
county, Oregon, in satisfaction of said
judgment and decree.
Now. therefore, under and by virtue of
tho said execution and order of sale as
nforc.-nid. 1 will sell tit public auction nt the
court house door at Union, Union countv.
Oregon, on the 21th day of November, lf-!)0,
tit 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, all the right,
title and interest of, in and to the said
premise" that the said R. J. Slater, Jas. H.
Slatei. E. E. Slater and K. Gilliam, and each
and every one of them, and all persons
olaiiuing'by or through them in or to said
mortgaged" premises, to satisfy said
judgment, attorney's fees, costs and
disbursements and interest ns aforesaid
and accruing costs.
Dated this IStli dav of October, 1890.
SherifTof Union County, Oregon.
By A. II. Gi.iin:wi:i.t.. Deputy. 10-30
1.1 on Saturday, the 11th day of October,
next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. at the late residence of N. Swiger
deceased, tho personal property of said de
cedent, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs,
farm implements mid other articles will be
sold at public sale.
Terms of sale: Purchases of less than
live dollars to be paid in hand; for that
amount, and over, on a credit of not less
than three or over twelve months, the pur
chaser giving nolo with approved sccuritv.
9-25. Administrator.
To John Noi.i:.v: ,
You are hereby notified that 1 have ex
pended fifteen hundred dollars in labor and
improvements on the "Flying Dutchman'-'
quartz mine in order to hold the said mine,
as provided in section 2321 revised statutes
of the United States, and if within ninety
days from service of this notice you fail or
rctii'-e to pay your proportion of such ex
penditure as co-owner, your interest in said
claim will becdnio the property of tho sub
scriber under said seciiou 232-i.
Sparta, Oregon. Oct. 10, 1.S00.
10-23-13t GEORGE W. PERKINS.
Xl Persons concerned that the under
signed hns been regularly appointed ad
ministrator of tlio estate of Janetto Mc
Coinas, deceased. All persons hnvlng
claims against said estato aro notified to
present the name, duly verified, to the un
dersigned administrator within six months
from tho date of this notice, at his resi
dence in Union, Union county, Oregon.
Dated this 1st day of October. Is90.
10-2-w.'). Administrator.
NOTIC'H TO CltinilTOllS.
li the undersigned has been duly appoin
ted assigneo of the estate of Charles M.
Houghton, 1111 insolvent debtor. All per
sons having claims against tho said C. M.
Houghton aro hereby notified to present
tho same, under oath, to tho undersigned
within three months from date.
Dated at Keating, Union countv, Oregon,
this 27th day of September, 1800."
Hydi:, Johns it O lmstkao.
Attorneys for Assignee.
1 1 tho undersigned have this uny, by mu-,
iuai consent, uissoivcu ttie partnership
heretofore existing between them Doini
nique Soldinl retiring from the bu-iness.
K. Kstos will continue tho business, collect
all debts due the llrm and pay nil liabilities
Dated at Cornucopia this ()ih dav of Oc
tobor. 1890. DOMINIQUE SOLDI. SI.
10-10 K. KSTKS.
Li whom tt may concern, that Lavinia
Outlion. Exwutrix of tho outo of Jqhn
T. Outhutue, davtMUwl, lias tiled in Die
countv court of Union ootinty. Oregon,
h wee .unt it uiH liminittntrix.
and ill! N.iiU.,.nr' has m! Tunwiuv, No".
1 l-:i i ,., t . .. iv p in fr tit Inuring
f Id i p 1 :.
100 to
in order
la ic llicm iierfccily nccli-
m:itcd for next scnion, and wo.
rij-t c!l in order to mnko
room fur new importalion-Tho.
freight O". a horse to Portland,
ia Urcgon is only ijfcu.
S." - y animal fully Warranted. Terms Easy. Send
C.l . 'I'C'Je. Address
Dr. Valerius & Co.,
Watertown, Wis.
Dealer in
Druss aflflMiciiies
A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall
Paper 011 hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
A full supply of school books con
stantly on hand.
Leaves Union daily at 2 p. 111, arrives at
Cove at 3:30 p. in.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. 111., arrives at Union
at 9:30 a. m.
Connections made with Elliott's coachei
running to the depot, carrying passengers
'or cast and west bound trains.
ROBINSON .t LAYNE. Proprietors
(Opposite tho Court House,)
L, J, Boothe,
Hnvinjr rcllttcd the same and added a
lare new dining room, I uni now bet
ter prepared than ever to accomodate my
R2ea!s 25 Cents.
Beds 25 Gents.
Give me a call.
Union and Cornucopia
Stage - Line !
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to the Pine Creek
$1 50 c
- 3 00 lo
- 0 00 2o
nion to Park
" " Stumer
" " Cornucopia
Dealer in all kinds of-
For reasonable terms nnd low prices
call on mo nnd I will satisfy you.
Thomson & Purscl nro agents for
tho colobrated Cyclone "Wind Mill, nnd
ns tho prices on them havo been great
ly reduced they nro now within tho
reach of nil. Sample mill to bo seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
and cxnmino it.
Will ra-tr? U. BImJi rriraUUth
Li'tr mill XMarja and K.Ur th
Hun mil Tittrrrvuih, pj,ppt.
i. nut ui Ariiiir. lauictwieoy
Iick n( htreugth and Tlr4
1 tK.iingaujCAuuijcureJ.lJanaa,
tuuKi: unl nurrei recirf
k & .7tir- .'.ulvrDtthmlol
uinj diii Ilraln i'owtr.
TOtIOaM(.,u l hx ly.- k 1,1,. acltsr.haik
tbrcomrleiloa I runu-i j attempt at countarUU
Iniioalraja t.. tiio i-u.h.1 nt; nf Ilia original
ooBotur ui-v.-t'!.. cuiomi, urir.
NUtofiUeh" K. p, an 4 Oima Unokl
JmII.Jon rmx. 1 1 . lw , . nl. In W
Or. tIARTCJ! r.. CO., SiULudi, Kt,
V. and
mm Clyde, Shire,
rJZ'-mMiiMS ciieron f
mmSBm Stallions
Fmm For Silo from.?.
" $000 inch.
L.'-. '"'iiiJv Thiiii the time to Luv
1 ii Cove
! If YOU!