The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 30, 1890, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, OOTOHER 30. 1890
Written for The Scout.1
Twns when wr- run the old singe coach,
Acrot the hill." and dlcn;
There luird'v did tin eve iipproncli,
But what It brought the mulls.
But since tl e stiio is done nndsonc,
And r.iilrondi cros the vnle;
TIioduv fro bv mid nlyhti'otnes on,
And wu don't trot the mall.
AVe stnnd nroiind the nfllce door,
Our patience jrim to ouii I :
'v. vow 'tvwi never ho, I efoie
Wo 'ponded on the mil
Iffoipo should speak their thuu hts out
Of listeners did not enre;
I do believe we'd hour cuss words.
And iniiybc hear them swear.
I I.C. Km eh Y.
Death cf Rev. Daniel W. Elledge.
DiutN, or., Oct. 18, 1890,
Editor Ohkoon Scout:
As H was tho rccpicatof tho deceased,
and many friends, this is written. The
death of Rev. Daniel V. Elleugo, fallier
of Mrs. Meleina Bartiniess and Daniel
W. Elledge. well known residents of
La Grande, oceured on tho fith of Oct,
of tho present year 181)0, at the pau
per's homo in DonglaBH county.
Daniel W Elledgo was horn in Floyd
county Kentucky Juno G, 1813 and
was a rolativo of tho famous patriot
and pioneer Daniel Boon. Ho was
married to Cynthia Anno llicklin his
first wife in 1837 and was tho father of
11 children, 5 of whom survivo him.
In his prime ho was a man of fine per
sonal appearance, great intellect and
scholarly attainments, a natural orator
and was for many years a popular and
eloquent preacher of tho gospel, and
traveled much in pcrsuanco of his
chosen vocation. When ago and mis
fortuno had howed his stately form and
dulled tho active brain, his happiest
moments wnro those when tho few
friends that clung to him in his adver
sity would meet around his chair to
listen to his words of hope and coun
sol and join with him in fctvont praise
and prayer to tho great creator, and
giver of all good. lib lived an upright
blamelesH life ho died a christian
Mr. lCllcdgo camo to Douglas county
in 1881 and took tho pastorato of tho
liltlo Christian church in Yoncalla.
Hero ho married Mrs. Delilah Johnson,
mi aged widow, and tho two old people
spent t-omo very happy days together.
Ho brought Mimu little means with
him, and received a county support
from tho church people to whom ho
preached as long as ho had strength to
moot them, hut when failing hoalth
compelled him toabaudou the ministry,
his wants wore gradually forgotten and
his last years weio spout in absolute
dependence on tho generosity of his
uophows and tho kindness of his neigh
bors. There wero many appeals mado
to his children for assistance but they
weio deaf to his wants. For some timo
ho had been a helpless paralytic, and
agreatcaro to his feebloold wife, whoso
strength at last, utterly failed, llo
had not moans to hire a nurse, and
feeling that ho was becoming too great
a burden to his kinsmen and neighbors,
ho made a reluotautappeal to tho coun
ty authoiities asking to bo taken to
tho homo of tho indigent poor, llo
did this voluntarily, and from a sonso
of duty to tho old wife and gonoious
relatives who had cared for him so long,
but to mo his own words it "broke his
heart" when, on tho 0th day of August,
ho looked his last through streaming
tcais upon his faithful old holpmato,
and tho little homo where had boon
Bpont tho last happy lays, and per
haps tho most sorrowful ones of along
nndtblatjD.glcEs lifo. After that, dark
ness settled swiftly on body and brain,
and tho end soon came. Tho sorrow
of parting from all dear to him, tho
humiliation of being an inmato of a
pauper's home, wasted his fooblo sands
of lifo and hastened tho coming of that
long loposo fur which ho ceasolessly
prayed as tho only possible ond to Ids
misery, llo died suddenly and the
keepers of that place of wretchedness
hastily buried him without giving his
friends or relatives an opportunity to
pay a last tribute to his memory. 1 lis
kinsmen here, who wore even thou
making arrangements to move him to
a moro comfortable home, woro not
untitled of his death till after his burial.
They intend to remove his remains
from their present resting place
and gratify his wish, that ho might bo
decently luid away to Ids eternal
sleep. , Hut it is hard to think
that "Undo Dan," died neglected ami
nlono; without a loving friend to watch
tho failing pulso, or a gentle hand to
clotu tho sightlces oyes, that ho was
btirlud without a tingle mourner to
follow him to ills gtuvo in tho potters
Them xlcfpi he now ulone not one
For wlii'in iluit KunrroiM heart would crnvu
Nofrlmd. or ihuijihtur. wife, or sou.
Jlui dropped one lour upon hU xrave, .
K. and 12.
A Sensible Article They
Will do WelltoKead.
Only by Thorough Organization Can
They Hope to Succeed.
Editou Oukqon Scout:
Tho farmors of Union and Raker
counties aro complaining bitterly be
cause they are unablo to obtain cars to
ship their immense surplus to seaboard.
The cars aro taken from this line of
railroad and sent over to tho Palouso
country where there are rival lines.
Wo need another lino of railroad here
to create opposition and cheapen trans
nortation. Unless such means arc ob
tained eoou, tho great future of the
Grande Hondo and J'owder River val
leys and surrounding country, with
their millions of acres now lying un
cultivated, yet ready for tho plow,
holds out a torry hopo for tho farmer.
Railroad companies profo33 to belioo
they aro as independent of legislative
control in respect to faro and freight
as an individual who hauls On an earth
road with his own wagon. Tho peo
ple think differently. They reason
that railway companies aro granted
special privileges by virtuo of their
public charter, principal among which
is tho right of public domain, Ly
which may bo condemned and applied
to thoir uso tho property of individuals,
or by which they may cut a man's
farm in twain. And tho question na
turally arises: What compensation
will tho public receive for conferring
such privileges on a corporation, if
it derives therefrom no rights in
the way of increased transportation
privileges? Tho lino of railroad through
Grando Rondo, instead of increaeing
their transportation facilities, takes oil
tho majority of their cars and sends
them to another country whero they
have heavy opposition, and tho farm
ers of Union and Uakor counties must
wait until tho Palouso farmers' grain
is marketed. Tho United States gov
ernment should regulate such a state
of all'airs.
Why do not tho fanners combine
and ship their grain direct to Portland
and not sell to tho middle men? In
Portland wheat is quoted at $1.20 and
in New York barley is quoted at 1.(50
and on tho rise, now that President
Harrison has signed the tariff bill, for
it keeps out Canada's barley. And
yet, in tho face of all this, tho middle
men aro putting on a long face and
say they cannot alibi d to pay but '17
cents for wheat and SO cents for barley.
Thoy aro not to blamo for buying as
cheaply Jus thoy can, hut tho farmers
aro to blame for not combining together
and shipping direct to headquarters
and saving tho thousands of dollars
tho middlo men are getting away with.
Tho Spokano Review of last week
suvs that tho Palouso farmers aro re
ceiving f8 and 00 cents for their wheat
delivered on tho cars. Hero wo aro
only oll'ored '17 cents. Tho Farmers
Alliance helps tho farmer over thero
greatly, in many ways. At tho Alli
ance store you can buy one third
cheaper than at other stores, if you
belon,.; to tho organization. Union and
Ilakcr county farmers should havo a
similar organization. That labor is
more nearly on an equality with accu
mulated wealth in this country than
in others, thero is no doubt, but that
they aro entirely equal, cannot bo
truthfully contended, and unless labor
learns to take care of itself as intelli
gently and with tho same sagacity as
does capital, as tho country grows old
er, and accumulated wealth increases,
this inequality will widen and become
more defined. To form an organiza
tion for tho purposo of asserting cer
tain rights, and to improve the condi
tion of men, requires that degreo of
intelligence which begets resolution of
will, collided with moderation and
common tense. In tho matching
column of human progress thero is a
place for, and tho want of, an alliance
among tho farmers of Union and Ha
ker counties. For years tho fooling has
boon gradually poscssing tho mind of
tho farmer that, though in his lifo ami
profession thero aro many features
po.sctsing happiness and contentment,
yet in view of tho fertility of thu, soil
ho cultivates, and tho accumulated
wealth of tho country, his lifo is not all
that it should bo. As ho has gathered
in tho fruits of his farm on each re
turning fall tho conviction has some
how come to him that from tho pro
ceeds of his yield too small a hharo will
bo distributed to himtulf and family,
and thus ho will fail to make those
improvements in his homo which aro
demanded by tastu and comfort. IIu
has been asking himself : How is it
when humanity has been taking such
long steps forward, that my profession
fails to keep pacn with tho others?
Ho feels that it does not, as too of
ten, his sons when grown to manhood
revolt at the thought of working on a
farm. They want to get into town,
clerk in a store, dihe a street car,
shine up a locomotive or do anything
but what their futhers did before
A Good Crop Literary Society Orsr.nizs
Salo of Lands Personal Mention."
Oct. 25, 1890,
Beautiful weather.
Threshing is about over with.
Will Simonis has moved on to
... ., . , ... . t
liiuiui iu niu uwiuui "
"bachelor life."
Crops in general weio very good this
season, especially grain, thero being
upwards of 25,000 bushels raised on
tho creek.
Thomas O'Rryant has purchased the
2-10 acres of ground, lying east of 11.
Gorham's ranch from Thos. Wright of
Union. Prico $ 10.00 per acre.
James Simonissays his way of living
a bachelor lifo for five years, as ho has
done, is becoming monotonous, so "yo
Wolf creek girls," watch your chances.
Tho Wolf creek school is prospering
under tho good management of the
teacher, W. L. Charnes. It has a largo
attendance nnd bids fair to bo a very
prolitablo term.
Mr. John Simonis is still on tho. sick
list, llo has been sick several weeks
and is gradually growing weaker. lie
is scarcely able to sit up for a few mo
ments at a time. His daughter, Mrs.
Dale of Baker City, is visiting him
Tho youth of Wolf creek mot Friday
night October 21th and organized a
debating nnd literary lyceum. The
society will ho in full blast in a week
or two, and wo aro suro all thoso com
ing out will bo delightfully entertained
as well as profited.
Wolf Ckkkickii.
I have been troubled many years with
disease of the kidneys and have tried
many different remedies and have
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About the 15th of April
I was suffering from a very violent
nttack that almost prostrated me in
..l. ...nimnr I WQS llCIlt OVCT.
When I sat down it was almost impossible for me
to get ut alone, or to put onmy clothes, when
kind Providence sent ur. iiemey,
hotel. I immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, nnd to the aston
with the
ishment of all the guests at tlie lioiei,
in n few days.I nm happy to state,
that I wns a new man. I will!
recommend the tea to all afflicted!
as X have liccu.
g. a. TnrrUR,
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Hosa. Col.
SlIUltlFF'S SA1.H.
1.1 by virtuo of an execution and order of
salu issued out of the llnunrablo Circuit
court of the State of Oregon, for Union
county, bearing dato Mth day of October
1890, and to 1110 directed and delivered, up
on a judgement and decree of foreclosure
and sale therein entered 011 tho 2."th day
September, 1M)0, wherein the Pendleton
Savings Haul; is plaintiH' and It. J. Slater,
.las. II. Slater, K. 10. Slater and K. Gilliam
are defendants for tho sum of $070.!)2 with
Interest thereon Ironi Septemboi 25. 1MJ0
at tho rate of 8 per cent, per annum,
and $;Ti,O0 as reasonable attorney's fee
herein and his costs and disbursements
taxed at $25.70 and decreeing the sale of
tho following described heretofore mort
gaged real estate, to-wit:
I'ho H$ of Section lit in Township It
South, of llango 37 K, W. M., in Union
county. Oregon, In satisfaction of said
judgment anil decree.
ow. uieretoro, uiuior ami ny virtuo 01
tho said execution and order ot salo as
aforesaid. 1 will sell at public auction at tho
court house door at Union, Union eoitntv,
Oregon, on tho 21th day of November, 1MJ0,
at2 o'clock p. m. of said day, all tho right,
title and interest 01. in ami 10 tne sam
nroinlses that tho said K. J. Slater. Ja. H.
Slatei, K. K. Slater and 10. Gilliam, and each
and every one of thorn, and ail persons
claiming by or through them iu or to said
mortgaged' premises, to satisfy said
judgment, attorney's fees, costs and
(itsmuscmeuis ami interest as aioresam
and accruing costs.
Dated this 18th day of October, 1800.
J. T. HOhliKS,
Sheriffof Union County, Oregon.
By A. 11. (Ji4hi:wki.i Deputy. 10-:i0
Notlio ir.Sliortirs Salu Undur Clintttu
tinier to me directed by W. T, Carroll,
requiring mo to sell certain personal prop
erty under a certain chattel mortgage,
wherein .1. U. N. StansellU mortgagor and
tho sunt W. T. Carroll is mortgagee, given
to t-eetire tho payment ot a certain prouiW
cory nolo executed and delivered by satil .1.
H. N. Stansoll to said W.T. Carroll boarliig
date January 21, 1MK), for the sum of $ J.s.J.00
with interest from dato at the rate 10 per
cent, per annum., I will, on Saturday, Nov.
the 8, INK), at 2 o'clock p. in. of ant day.
at the KlUhora livery stable, Main stnvt, in
Union, 111 huid county and State, in pursu
ance ot the terms of said mortgage, proetod
to sell to thu highest bidder for e:ib, . tho
properly doenbed therein, to-wit:
One bay mure, about U years old branded
St) on left hip. also A on left klioulder;
onebaj mare, it years old, branded SO on
left hip; one gray mare, I years old, bniud.Mt
S U on left hip; one bay mire t) yrs old,
branded Sb un lett hip; tint) Imy man'. 6
year old. branded 0 on left hip; one cruy
inaru. i yenn uld.WamUd S U uu loft Tilp;
In MtWfiictliiu of Mild nolo anil expense of
thU proecudiug,
J. T. HOT 1 P.s,
n r ff.
Ily W. It, IhiiKit, deputy. iu :.U vo
giiKKirr's kali:
by virtue of an execution ami order of
sale is.Mied out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State oi Oregon, for Union
county, beuring dato the Mth tiny of Octo
ber, lk)0, and to ino directed and delivered,
upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure
and sole therein entered on! day of
September, l.M), wherein August Klos'tcr
inun is plaintiff nnd .lames Welch. Sarah
Welch. M. M. Marshall, O. N. Ramsey.
Thomas F. Hall. H. 11. Spencer. David
Ecclcs, and J. O. Harrison, und H. It. Heed,
Trusties O. R. & N. Co.. John Craig, 0. 1).
Thomlii.son, Annie M. llrown. W. 1). Smith,
Mr?. Mei urry, V. O. Love! I. O. JI. Bolder.
Jauob Newman, Itichard l'tiiuli. Dave
Iieverldgo. 15. .i. Simonis, Oetavius Parker,
Thomas O'ISrvant, Jatne Gllkinsnn, II. O.
(iorhatu. Herman llothehild, I). W. C.
Nelson, A. Lun and J. M. Carroll are de
fendants, for the sum of $0,700.23 and the
further sum of $500.00 attorney's fees, and
or the eos-ts and disbursements taxed at
$18o.4S. together with interest thereon at
tint into of ten per cunt, per annum from
the said 23th day of Semptcmber, 1890, and
decreeing thcsalcof the following described
renl estate, to wit:
The east haif of the southwest quarter
and the wt half of tho southeast quarter
t ii si'iiii", j, uim uiu ii'ii i ii n vsi uuui n'l in
..r.,... ii 1.1 .1 . , ...
'section U7, nil in township U south, ot range
oOoat, of the Willamette meridian, and
situated in Union and linker counties,
Oregon, les four acres out of the southeast
corner of northwest quarter of said section
27, iu i-aiij. action of said judgment and
Now, therefore, under nnd by virtue of
said execution nnd order of sale as afore
said, I will sell at public auction at the
court house door at union, Union county.
Oregon, on lltu 3-ttlt dav of November, 1800,
at 2 o'clock p. 111. of said day, all the right,
title and Interest of, in and to tho said
premises that the said James Welch and
Sarah Welch or either of them had therein
on the 17th day of October, 1831, or havo
since acquired thereto, or sufllcicnt thereof
to satisfy the said judgment, attorney fees,
costs and disbursements and interest us
aforesaid and accruing costs.
Dated this Oct. 14, 1S90.
.1. T. HOLLHS,
Sheriff-of Union County, Oregon.
By W. It. Usiir.u. Deputy. lO-lO.Gt.
SI I Kit I l'I"S SAI,K.
Jacob Newman
C. M. KelltiL'L' and Fred W. Tun
vj order of sale and decree of foreclosure
and sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for Union
county, on the 27th day of September. 18.S0,
In the" above entitled suit, wherein Jacob
Newman the above named nlaintiil obtained
a judgment and decree of foreclosure and
sale ntra lint. U. M. Kellogg, frcd w. l'uncn
.M K. Kelloiig. I. It. Dawson and Dawson
defendants. 011 the 27th dav of September,
1800, for the sum of ifOll.OOand tho further
sum 01 Jfriuu.iKJ as attorney s tees, aim 1110
costs ami disbursements of this suit taxed
nt$12.78 nnd accruing costs, and costs of
this writ, 1 am commanded to sell the land
situated in Union county, Oregon and de
scribed in said decree as "follows, to-wit:
Lots 0. 10, 11. 12, I.'!. M. 15 and 10 in bloeic
10 of the town of North Powder, Union
county, State of Oregon, and the appurte
nances thereunto belonging, thcetore I
will sell on Saturday, the 15th day of No
vember, 1880. at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day,
ut public' auction, at the court house door
In tho citv of Union. Union county. Oregon.
all the right, title and interest which the
said defendants had in and to the above de
scribed real nropertv on the 2!th day of
September, 1890, or has since acquired.
Terms of sale: Cnsh to me In hand.
Dated this !)th dny of October. 1890.
.1. T. HOLhHS.
Shcriir of Union County.
By W. 11. Usiikii, Deputy. 10-lG-5t.
SII131tlFl"S SAI.1C.
James II. & W. B. Hutchinson, Bill's.)
vs. y
James Welch et a.'. Defendants. )
cree of foreclosure and order of sale
issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court
of the State ot Oregon for Union county,
on tho2lidday of September, 1890, 111 the
above entitled suit, wherein .Fas. H. and
W. It. Hutchinson the above mimed plain
tills obtained a judgment and a decree of
foreclosure and sale against Janus Welch.
Sarah Welch, U. C. Hughes, M. M. Mar
shall, O. N. Bamsey, Thomas V, Hall, Da
vid Kecle-', II. II. Spencer and W. A.
Coughanour defendants, on the Slid day of
September. 1890, for the sum of $1.01(1 So
with interest from said 2od day of Sep
tember, 1S90, at tho rate of 10 per cent, per
annum, and tho further sum of $10! at
torney's fee and tho costs and disburse
ments of this suit and accruing costs nnd
coats of this writ. I am commanded to sell
the lands, the same being situated in Union
county, and described iu baid decree as
follows, to-wit :
Tho iiy, of NWK and NM of SW'M of Sec.
22, and NWK ot See. 10. and SKK of SKJ4
Sec. 8, and KH of NKfcf. and NK;4 of SKK
Sec 17. Township OSotith, of Bange.lS Kast,
of Willamette meridian, also the NWK of
SWK See Hi iu said Township nnd Bango
Therefore I will sell on Friday, tho 21st
day ot November, 1M)0, at 2 o'clock p. in.
of said day at public auction at the court
house door in tho city of Union, Union
county, Oregon, all the right, titlo, claim
and interest which the said defendants had.
iu and to U10 abovo described real property
outhooOth day of October, lSXi, or since
Terms of sale, cash to mo in hand.
Dated this 17th dav of October, 1M)D,
J. T. 110 L MiS,
tiheriirof Union County, Oregon.
By W. B Usiinn, Deputy. 10-2;.
siiKuiFr'.s sam:
ll by virtuo of an execution
uid order of
salo issued out of the Honorable Circu t
Court of tho State of Oregon, for Union
county, bi-aring dato tho 8tli day of Octo
ber, lhOO, and to 1110 directed and delivered
upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure
and sale of heretofore attached property,
entered on the 25th day of September, 18M,
wherein A. 11. Swift is plaintiff and C. M.
Houghton is defendant, for tho sum of
$7it-'.-18, with interest at 10 per cent, per
annum, from September 25, 1H;j, and the
further sum of $70 attorney's fees, nnd
$3!).57 for eosts and di-bursc mcnts of this
action, and decreeing the sale of the fol
lowing described real otato, to-wit: All
tho right, title and Interest that tho de
fendant C. M. HotiKhton had, on tho 7th
day of April. 1800. or after acquired in or
to "the following described real estate, viss:
an uiullvulod one-thud interest therein,
Tho HX of SKK Sw. 81. Tp. 7 S. Bango
12 K, andNKK of SKK and KJ of NK'j
of Soe. 0 and NWK of tiWK and SW'j of
NWK Sec. fi.Tp SS. It. 42 K, and NKl4 of
N UK See. 7. and N VK of N WU See 8, and
SKK of SKK Soe, t and SW'K l MV4
see. 0. 1 p. a a. u. k n.
situated iu Union
county, Oregon.
Now. therefore, under nnd bv virtue of
said execution and order of sale as afore
said, 1 will toll at public auction, at the
court hoiuo door at Union. Union count', .
Oregon, on Saturday the 22ml day of No
vomhor, I UK), at 2 )'e!oi-k p. in. of siiid day.
all tho right, tltln ami iutf.rmt of, in and
to the nid premises Unit CM. Houghton,
said defendant had on thu 7th dny of April,
IHQ, or after mv pi I red In or to the above
denerlbod ronl ette. to natlfy id judir
meat, attorney fe, cost. oiibureuitiii
and interoit. as RtuirKiid and nicruciug
Term1" of sale rash to tne in hand.
Dated lii -Villi .l.n of O.m ,. r 1S1K).
J. T. lioU.Ktf,
Sheritrof Vn.o.i t'otiuiv, Or.soii.
By W. It, Usiiim, Deputy. ' 10-!.
jfoTici: ron ruiiLiCATioN. ;
Application lor a U. S. Patent. Survey No. ,
0. Lot No. 39, Mineral application No. 87.
V. S. Office, La Uhandk. Orf.oon, I .
August 20. 1MX). 1 '
ll E. E. Clough nnd C. II. Duncan, whoso
postoiV.i e address Is Sparta, Union county,
Orejon, have this dav nd their appliea- (
tionfora patent for ihe "Knight" ipiartz
mine, situated in the 4th mineral district in
Townhip 7 South. Bange No 48 E. W. M, 1
ami described bv the oilleinl plats and field .
notes on lile in thN ul!!e' as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the NK comer post of the
"Golden Eagle" quartz mine, post being
marked "Cor. No. 1, IC. M. 0. survey No.
0," on northwe.'t face, from which comer to
Sections 2. 3, 10 and 11. Township 7 S,
Bango 13 K W M., benrs south 19 degrees
40 minutes W 232.'! feet distiint; thence
N. 82 degrees W. 1500 feet to n post marked
"Cor. No. 2, K. M. C. S. No. I);" thence
north degrees east COJ feet to a post
marked "Cor. No. 3 IC. M. C. S. No. 9;"
thence south 82 degrees t'a"t 1500 feet, to
the NW corner of the "Summit'' qimlz
mine, which corner pint is marked 'Cor.
No. 4, K. M. C. survey No. 9" on southwest
face of post; thence south 8 degrees west
COO feet to thoplaccof beginning, contain
Jug 20.05 acres. Location being recorded
in Vol I). page 319, records of piartz location-",
Union county, Oregon.
Adjoining claimsare tho "Golden Eagle"
quartz lode on the south and the "Summit"
quartz lode on the east. Any and all per
sons claiming adversely any portion of said
"Knight'' quart lode above described, are
required to lile their adverse claims with the
register or tno U.S. landollicent ljaurnnde,
Union county, Oregon, during the sixty
dnv's period of mibiication hereof, or tbcv
will bo barred by virtue of the provisions of
ttic statute.
A, CLEAVER, Register.
It is hereby ordered that the foregoing
notice of application for a U. S. patent bo
puuusncd ior a period ot sixty days (ten
consecutive weeks) in Tun Oukoon Scout,
a weekly newspaper published at Union,
union county, uregon.
0-1-wlO Register.
1.1 on Saturday, the 11th day of October,
next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. at the late residence of N. Swlger
ucceaseit, tho personal property ot said de
cedent, consisting of liorncs, cattle, hogs,
farm implements and other articles will bo
sold at public sale.
Terms of sale: Purchases of less than
five dollars to lie paid in hand; for that
amount and over, on a credit of not less
than three or over twelve mouths, tho pur
chaser giving nolo with approved securitv.
9-25. Administrator.
NOTicii or routfuiTUitu.
To John Nolkn :
You are herebv notlflpd that I have ex
pended fifteen hundred dollars in labor and
improvements on the "1 lying Dutchman"
quartz mine in order to bold the said mine,
as provided in section 232! revised statutes
of the United States, and if within ninety
dnvs from service of this notice you fail or
reiusc to pay your proportion ot such ex
penditure ns co-owner, your Interest In said
claim will become the property of the sub
scriber under said seciion 2324. '
Sparta, Oregon, Oct. l(i, 1S90.
10-23-l.'tt GEORGE W. PERKINS.
JLi Persons concerned that the under
signed has been regularly appointed ad
ministrator of tho estate of .lanette Mc
Cotnas, deceased. All persons having
claims neainst aid estate are notified to
present the name, duly verified, to the un
dersigned administrator within six months
from tho date of this notico. at his resi
dence in Union, Union county. Oregon.
Dated this 1st day of October, 1890.
10-2-wo. Administrator.
1 1 the undersigned has been duly appoin
ted as-signeo of the estate of Charles M.
Houghton, an insolvent debtor. All per
sons having claims against tho said C. M.
Houghton are hereby notified to present
the same, under oath, to tho undersigned
within three months from date.
Dated at Keating, Union county, Oregon,
this 27th day of September, 1890.
Hyijk, Johns & Olmstead,
10-lC-5t Attorneys for Assignee.
the undersigned have this nay, by mu
tual consent, dissolved tho partnership
heretofore existing between them, Domi
nique Soldinl retiring tiom the business.
E. Kste." will continue the business, collect
all debts due the linn and pay all liabilities.
Dated at Cornucopia this (Ith dav of Oc
10-10 E. ESTES.
ll whom it may concern, that Lavinia
Outhouse, Executrix of tho estate of John
T. Outhouse, deceased, has tiled In tho
county court of Union county, Oregon,
her linn! account ns such administratrix,
and the said court has sot Tuesday, Nov.
4. 1890, at 0110 o'clock p. 111. for thu hearing
of said report.
liAViilA uu Tiiuusi;.
10-2-wo Executrix.
(Opposite tho Court House,)
L, J, Boothe, - - Proprietor.
Having rclltted tho same nnd added n
large new dining room, I am now bet
ter prepared than over to accomodate my
Rfteals 25 Cents.
E3eds 25 Cents.
Give me a call 0-11-hn
Mind wanderinir mml. Bnik Irarowl
In nna ruaing, from .11
uri. of tho globa. Pnapectu rorr
rare, nl on application to lrof.
A. tuliotto, 17 VUlb Ate. New York.
WfOOD WANTED. Parties desiring to
lii wood, can now do so. 7-17-tf. '
A Mr M. J. Chuneey, CornorSueond nnd
Ii St. I'nion. Oregon. 7-17-tf.
BI0Y0LI4S I' Oil 8AI.H.-O110 M inch,
full nlokil. und one 4H inch t tnmlnnl
linUh. Enquire at this ollice. 7-17-tf.
I r I T T T T
ana icgisterca
Glvdc, Shire, Per.
1 T-l . .
chcron & Nornian
For Shlo from ? t00 to
?!)00 viMi.
Tnis i ihe time to buy !a order 1
10 have them perfecdj" accli- !
rn.ilcd for next season, and we j
must sell in order to nuie
0 jfo
room for new importation-The
ireignt on a horse to Portland,
Oregon is only SCO.
Warranted. Terms Easy. Send
Dr. Valerius & Co..
Everj- ar.1ir.1I fully
fjr Calalosuc.
W.tertown, Wis,
Dcnlcr iu
A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall
Paper on hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded
Day or Night.
A full supply of school books con
stantly on hand.
Line to Cove,
Loaves Union daily at 2 p. m, arrives at
Cove at 3:30 p. m.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. m., arrives at Union
at 9:30 a. 111.
Connections made with Elliott's concha
running to tho depot, carrying passenger
for cast and west bound trains.
ROBINSON & LAYNE. - - - Proprietors
Bakery Restaurant.
C. H. COOVER, Proprietor.
Board and Lodging at Reasonable Rates
Fresh Bread. Tics, Cakes and Confectionery!
always on nana.
. 8-21-tf,
Union and Cornucopia
Stage - Line !
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to the Pine Creek
niontoPark - - $150
" " Saucer - - 3 00 4) c
" "Cornucopia - - 0 00' 2o
Dealer in nil kinds of 1
Farm Machinery,
For reasonable- torms and low price;
call on mo and I will satisfy you.
Thomson & Pursol aro agents fo;
tho celebrated Cyclone WindMiJJ ant
ns tho prices on them havo been jreat'
ly reduced thoy aro now within tl
reach of all. Samplo mill to bo see?
at their planer in North Uniou. Cal
aud oxamino it. i
Ihi Cuk rot Siex HiuMMt
ui all trabl irUUf tni.
wt pui cn unr o in urg do. Kn U lb
u iomaeb ir 42 pill pat up 1b ilnuih;
b bru bcrrid li mtW.! 1 ..2r21!!S
! I TraxUr. u4 ! In, u fiMfc vatt '
Ml "O.....I" 1r4, Mirk. Uli (.rik.n.i.I2
Dms andMedicines
w m a.