THE OREGON SCOUT Has pb largo acirculntioii as any two papers in this eectici of the State uoinhinud, and is corre spondingly valuable as an adver tising medium. THE OREGON SCOUT Is independent in nil thing, ne u trnl in nothing; devoted to every cause it believes to lu right a journal for tlie people. fM Horo Will tho Press the People's Rights Maintain. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1800. NO. 19. VOL. VII. mm The Oregon Scout o An Inarj'cnaciit veeklj- Journal, issued crery Thursday morning Ijy Publisher and Proprietor. A K Jonm, Killtor. 11. Cuanckv, Foreman. KaU'O of Sillc'ci-lptliiii. One copy "no year, One copy . tn..imh. One oopy three moiith, 1 50 J. 00 .75 Invariably Cnli I" Ailvism-e. by chnm-e mtbrcrlplloni arc vol paid till end of yuir, ttco dollar will be charged. Hates of adveitlslng nude known mi application. Sit' Corns pondenco from all puts of tue country solicited. , . Address a'l communications to the Okeiiok Scof T, Union, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UXITIU) STATUS. Premdent llenjaruln Harrison of Indiana Hechetakv ok Htatk James 11. Ilia ne of Maine. Kfcrktuu or this Tins iUitv -William Wind jm of'a. . . ... Skckktauy nrWAlt- ltedflel' Proctor of ermont. Hkchetauy of Tin: N vvi UViiJaiiilu F. Tiacy of New York. Hkuiiktarv of. the Interior John w. 2 .blc of Missouri. ..... , ... Posimahteu-Oeskkal-JoIhi W aoamakir of l'enn- AttornmOkneral-W. II. II. Miller of Indiana. Selrktsrv of Aouictil.lliRK-Jeieuilah husk of Wisconsin. STATi: OF OliKC.ilX. Senators, f.I. II. Mitchell. J. N. IlOLI'H. CoigienMiiau, - lii.soni Hermann. Governor, - SvL kster l'KNNtu F.K. Secretary of Hi ate, - tlniKiiK W. MoiililDK. Htate Treasurer, - - ., , r Kttn- Supurlntendcut of Public Instruction, 11. II. Mi'l-.LIKH. Btats Pr.nter. - - Fit Mi O. Supreme Judges, . W. P. Loim. OV. W. TlIAVEIi SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTUICT. ... ( M. 11. CLIFFORD Circuit Judged, . - Jamm A. FKfc. Prosecuting Attorney - - - O. F. Hyde. COUNTY' OF UNION. I J. V. Xoiival. 1.1. II. lUi.r.v. (John MfALlhTEK. 1 J. A WitiiiHT. I. X. Saniierh. J. T. IIHLI.KS. TUItNF.R OLIVKlt. J. H. lli.i.iorr 11. O. 1IRAIN4RI1. II. H. Kthvnuk. J. L. Curtis. J. I). (luii.l). Joel Wkweii I William Ar.solu. I John McIionali. KUto Senators, Representatives, Judgo Sherlir, Clerk, Kecorder Treasurer, - -Kchcol Hupetlnteudent, Surveyor, - : .Assessor, Coroner, - - Commissioners, CITV OF UNION. Mvnr .... J W. Kennedy. Recorder, - O.I. llUKMUB. "arXh' -.- - AmM. Johnson. Street Commissioner. - I, r . r IcHLlN. COUMIL-MEN. I 11. F. Wilson. J. H. Gonitis. ' J. S. Elliott A. K. Jones, j. M. Carroll. 8. A. puiinel. LODGES. UNION LODOF., No 39, 1. O. O. F , MKKTS EVERY Friday evening at 730 o'clock Q O. S Miller, Secretary. GRANDE ROXI)k"eXOAMPMENT, No 11, 1. O. O V.. meets ou tho first and third Tuewlnv in each month. O. 8. Ml LI. 11. C. 1. J. 11. TJIOMrso.v, Scribe. GRANDE ROXDE VALLEY LODGE, Xo 56, A F. & A M . meets on the second an I fourth Saturdays every mo,.th. K. W. DAVIS, W . M. R. II. IlnoWN, Secretary. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY Oil AI'TEK, No. SO.. R. A M.. metts tirsl a it iiiiru in ' W. T. Wlv HUT, M. E. 11. V. Turner Oliver, Secretary. itl.Tir. MOUNTAIN LCDGK Xo. 2$ k. or r meets every Wednesday j.lnjj. AWF01.n 0 0 TURNER OL1VKR, K of It. 4 S. 1'RESTOX FOST. Xo. 18. (J. A R., MEETS EVERY" third Saturday iueac OeouIieHeininolr, Adjutant. CHURCHES. The Methodist Elilscopal Church holds services at 11 A m. ant 7 I". M. of eacn Sunday. A. M. ain A THOMl'SON, Acting l'astor. Services aro held at the Fresbyterlan Church at 11 A, 3,. and 7 V. M. of each Sum-ay. p PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W 8IIELTON. J- -M- CARROLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oillco two doois south of I'ostotllce, Union, Ori;oii. Special attention given to all business entrusted to us. R. EAK1N J A. EAKlX, NoUry Fubllc. R. EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, Oroitoii. 1,'rompt at'ention paid to collections. DR E. N. NORTH, RESIDENT DENTIST, 1U. the finest nnaathetlo for eitractluj teeth without lYaUl known Tt" the profession. Will Jiractlw In all the ranch" , of modem dentistry. Silver and Kold w or k a ..ri"i.- ,f teeth always ou hand, i irst-cla&s work and saUsfaitl m cuarauteed. OflU n- Slain St., Union. r. C. H. DAY, H. D., HomcBopathic Physician and Surgeon All CulU l'romitly AtteniU-il to. ..ninlni Jones Ilroa.' store. (Jan be found nUliU at rrildence In Houthwest Union. I, N, CROMWELL, M. D DUYSIC1AN !AND SURGEON m Office one door south tt Summers I Ujut t store, Union, Oregon, TheCovcDnigStore JASPAR G. STEYEHS, Proprietor, PKAl.KU IX- RUGS, Patent fttedieines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, rrescrlnf hint Carefully Prepared. -ALSO PF.ALKU IX- SPORTING GOTO, -CONSISTIXa OF Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop in. Ililllardand pool tallies for the accommodation of customers. Gornaeopia Saloon. I William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Cigars Always in Liquors Stock, and First-class billiard talile. Drop In and bo sociable. For Information About tie South ADDRESS WITH 8TAM1 - The Official Immigration Department -OF- FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CARL ROIlINdOX. Secretary, Raleigh, X. O. DnionTonsonalParfors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing in the Lasest Style of the Art. Shon two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Give meacaii. City Meat Market 31 Hilt Street, lriiloii, Ori'Kon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KKKP CONSTANT!. V ON UANH Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. The v " Blue 7 Light SALOON. Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Or. Finft' 'WinfiR.'. iniJOrS . atld . . . uors7 Stock, Ulguia i ill i utubM Drop In and lio sociable Fine billiard table. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUGHTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Klglii, Oregon. All Us Komptly attended to day or nU WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove, Oregon. Drafts, plana and dealfni for deUlnis and brldre f urnlsbed on appllcaUon. PURE THE PACIFIC COAST. A Fine Vein of Coal Discovered Near Coquille City. Incendiaries Destroy by Fire the Trestle Ilridgc Over l'utali Creek, Near Davisville, Cal. The Gentiles of Utah have nominated ludfie C. C. Goodwin of the Salt Lake Tribune for Delegate to Congress. The American ship Eclipse bus arrived at Portland with :!0,U0U cases of tea for the East and Canada and 155,000 brick. George C. Foster, Tax Collector of Tucson, committed suicide by taking noison. 1 le was a nam urniKcr, aim bus short in bis accounts. The deciduous fruit shipments over tho Southern Pacific lines for the season no to October 7 amounted to 2.-150 cars about 100,000 pounds of fruit. Washington's State Board of Equali zation has raised Walla alia county's assessment $2,0i'0,000, and the county's taxpayers are obliged to stand it. Ernest It. Mulllv. for several months tnsr the audit of the ChlClltro, St. null and Kansas Citv railroad at 'IVcoma, has gone to Canada. He is said to be short in his accounts. Ainnnir the new banks authorized to commence misiness are uio ivmei uau commence business are uio aurt H&3S c- -- - . .1.1 iiniai lonal flOO. 000. Members of the Tacomn Chamber of Commerce have organized tlie laeoma Deve oimient Company, witli a capiiai stock of $1,000,000, for the purine of encouraging the establishment of manu factories and wholesale nouses. The recent prairie fires in North Da kota were the most destructive ever L-nnu-ii west of the Missouri river, ami the losses will aggregate several luindred thousand dollars. The Riverside Ranch Company lost 1500 head of stock. a ilnnhli. u-eddiiiL' took nltico at the exposition in Portland last week in the presence ol over iu,uuu spuciaiuia. contracting parties were Miss neiena Sturnv and Wilhelm Recker and Miss Ixju 1. Shanahan and i.. ta. rigm, an of Portland. .inlin T. f!nrev. who recciitlv resicned his nosition as district Attorney for the Northern District of California, gives as his reasons that the olllce is not sum eiently reniiineratie, and that he has diflicu'ltv in securing back pay duo him from the government. At a consultation ot tlie rcpreeenuf Hv..s nf the coa siiPDiv and tlie coal upp luniiiL' companies neui iiiTacoma it was ouiiiimieo nun ine u i uj imnv,n. . . i .1. -1 il.. tl.u iiMiitnt t ...ill full '.", nr :) nor cent, below the de maud. The ell'cct of the shortage will Ix'i'in to be felt about tho 1st of next January. The Central street railway at Sacra mento, Cal., has been pureiiaseu oy.i. II llenrvot San . lose, iiii'tuiiu lsmiuiu four miles in lenuth. Henry will at once introduce an overhead electric motor power. He will also extend and equip tracks on other streets, for which fran chises have been granted. Vim- ATnvipn lms voted on the State constitution. The American cities and "rr;S iv.i.i ......... . - . iifniStiHt. if. beinir oiiDOsed on account ot tllO prOVlSlOIlS for pUDIlC SCIIOOIB. HIS tliniiL-ht that tho constitution lias been carried by u small majority. riimn thousand men aro employed on the branch of tho Union Pacilie railroad between Portland and Seattle, aim z.uuu mnni nn wiuitod. Agents are now in Kansas looking for men, l'.verv eiiori will be made to get the road finished ross the low lands along tno i,oiuniuia before high water next spring A finovein of coal haH been discovered r.. i uininrl, m!ir fonuille Citv. and blacksmiths who iimvo tested it kny it is superior to that imported for their use The vein is a large one, and can beeasilj worked. There is talk ot cnnrtenrig i unhnrmor mill loiidni'' it tor San l' ran Mum in nrder to interest capital in the develoimtentot tho mine Tl. trestle bridne over Putnh creek, two miles south ot lwvisvuio, wuh destroved bv fire the other night. I ho . . . -W-v I 1 ft 1 iir. U'iiu nn doubt lncendiarv. aim seems to be tho work of parties who havo here tofore made several attempts to wreck flu. I irrxmn irnm. which linn" J i"-" J travel. The burned bridge was over 800 TelpLTanhic communication wni4 badly interrupted, as uuin me ura nf the WOBieril iJliiuii aim nusni. i iBisi Companies were all destroyed. T.vtimn E. Knaim. Governor of Alaskn in h'is iinnual roport to tho Secretary of the Interior states that during tho yoar iiimiit 10(1.000 fu -sized sealsittns were i.ibnn liv 1110 Alaska uoiiimerciai com ........ ,i.r ilin iniitrui!t with the uov- ..,ii.ii.nt mid that nrobablv half as many more woro captured at sen ami sioien uy poaching vessels, iiio vnnic m me w !.,.-u lout vKiir was nearlv 10.000.000, Of this ninount ninong other items was 1 arm nm inresontini' tno vauio ox whaleUne, ,000,000 worth of seal fu and ,00,(KH) worm 01 gom nuiiion T slnnvlno fl rC.i!OUnt of OrCUOIl'H POPU lation Secretiry Noblo says tho groundH presented by Senators Mitchell and linlnli and ReiiresenUitivo Ilerinonn vpr(! not sufficient to warrant a recount r,f iim u'linle Kbito. He haH even' reason flmf dm census omissions are ) fullvcomiKmsated by tjio nnines enrolled WHICH HIIOUIU 1101 I1UVU ijvv ss. EASTERN ITEMS. Milwaukee's Public School Princi pals About to Strike. The Widow of Colonel Mulligan, the Hero of the Ilattle of Lexington, He ceives a Nomination. Georijia has !!00 life-time prisoners in the penitentiary. A Mormon colonvis trying to buy land from Mexico on the frontier. The Mississippi Constitutional Con vention still lias a mount s worn aneiiu of it. The Chinese gamb'ers in New York aro tuxtd $1,000 a week for police pro tection. The report of the Pittsburg police de partment shows a remarkable decrease in crime. Captain Pab-t of Milwaukee is to put upon the lakes a tleet of handsome pas senger boats. The factional war over the Territorial seat of the Oklahoma government grows in bitterness. It is said that the "docking" of our new steel cruisers will cost nearly 000,000 u year. The cog-wheel railway to the summit of Pike's Peak has been completed, and is now in operation. Milwaukee's public-school principals have given notice that, if they do not get increased salaries, they will strike. A large shortage in tho cranberry crop is announced bv A. Rider, Secretary of the American Cranberry-Growers' Asso ciation. It seems to hi definitely settled that the San Francisco will bo assigned to the Asiatic station as Rear-Admiral Bel knap's flag ship. The widow of Colonel Mulligan, tlie hero of the battle of Loxington, Mo., has been nominated for Superintendent of School at Chicago. The Kansas Legislature will have to pass a new prohibitory enactment to make tho Wilson orieiiial-package law elleetive in the State. The pearl fisheries of tho Miami river still continue to bo profitable. The pearl hunters have boon busy all siuiuitcr, and some of thepi ha-e been very succesbiui. The Presidont has appointed Charles K. DoiiL'hertv of Pennsylvania s fcecre tary of Legation in Mexico and II. Rein son Whitehouso as Secretary of Lega tion in Italy About 2,500 millers are on a strike at Ishpominu', Alien., lor increased wages In. ni! tut ion mav extend to other points rhere are lio.OOO miners employed in tho ake Superior region. Almost all Western roads havo been ealing with scalpers, and it is said in Uiicago that almost any point in the West, competitive or not, could be cached bv a cut rate 01 irom to iu per cent. In tho opinion of real-estatO' men tlie went cyclone of South Lawrence, Mass., , 1.1 j,.. ..r ilw. .Ku- IIIS 1111(1 1110 eilfCl Ul 1 111)11 LH lllg inu yim- rict nearly 10 per cent, in value by rea- i. . : ....... ...1.1..I. SOU Ot UlUKUIlg llliprovuuiuiiio nuiui followed. According to the law of New York a mrrel of potatoes contains 172 and tt bushel of potatoes GO pounds respective- (.. i ... ... i.. . i ly. All eiiori IB ueillg ininn; iu iiuvu ii fruit and vegetables sold iu that State by weight. The United States dynamite cruiser Vesuvius has made two trial runs over a measured mile courso at full speed with a forced draft and all her boilers work ing, and has made twenty knots an hour under theeo conditions. Tim New York Mail and Express hns n Washington special saying: It is stated on good authority tlmf, President Harri son will not call an extra session of Con gress November 11 to consider and pass tho f ederal election dim. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry C Corbin . I 1 ,!.... ins been reneveii iruiu muy ui nuai- quarters, Division of tho .Missouri, ami ordered to the Department of Arizona, ii-lir.r. t is urn ersloou. no win net bh ,ssistant Adjutiuifuenerai. Health Commissioner Wickersham at Chicago has given orders that no more vaccinations ou tno icgwui im puiuhuuu in tho public-health office. If girls per sist in being vaccinated in unit way, they will havo to go to some private phy sician. Rarbers on tho French steamers arnv ng nt New York aro said to hnvo regular patrons among tneir compainois, who visit tho steamers upon their arrival, lient liixm having their beards kept trimmed in tho ultra fashion of tho lioti- evards. Miss Mnrv Franz of New York lias hrnni'lit Hlllt IlL'll USt 11 Pll VSIfIIlll for making an unfavorable roport on her case to n beneficial society, of which she u-nu es ions of becoiuinit it member. Several doctors have certified that her health in good, and it ih expceicu mat tho suit will develop interesting logul points. Tho annual report ol .Tension uoin mlstiioiier Rattm hIiowh thtrowero at tho end of tho last fiscal year iwah i pen slonors niton tho rolls, classified as fol ir,ua Armv invalid peiiHioners. ;i!2, HTKi. firmv widows. 10-1.-15U s navy invalid ru.titdoners. 5.274 ; navy widowH, minor ,.iiii,lrfii and dependent relatives. .'1.400: Btiisivor-? of tho war of 1812, 'IKS; wid ows of soldletH of tho war of 1812, 8,010 unrvIvnrH of tho Mexican war. 17.158 widows of soldiers of tho Mexican war, 0,701. FOREIGN NEWS. The Italian Police Ordered to Raid Catholic Nunneries. A Rumor That Germany Contemplates In tending the Pork Restrictions to American liecf. Railway accidents have been unusually frequent in Germany of late. There is no revolution in 1 lay ti. The country is reported to be prosperous. A munlier of Armenians have been killed and crops destroyed at Alashgerd. A new Russian frigate, named the Twelve Apostles, has been launched at Nicolaiell. The influenza is said to have again ap peared in Ireland at Uelfust anil in Her lin, Germany. It is rumored that Germany contem plates extending the pork restrictions to Anicrcan beef. Dom Pedro is renorted to bo looking unhappy and broken down. His mind is thought to be weakening. Severe sentences have been passed on sixteen Gtrniaii soldiers stationed at Oldenburg for mutinous conduct. Grand Duke Nicholas, the undo of the Czar, is in a critical condition. A can cerous direction has attacked his brain. General distress, but mo famine, is looked for in the sections of Ireland where a laihue of the potato crop is re ported. The appointment of General von ICat tenborn Strnehan as Minister of War, succeeding General Verdy du Vernow, is omcuillv announced at iSerlin. The breaking of 'cycling ricords con tinues in England, unduly owing to the increased power got out ol tho machines built with the pneumatic tire There are rumors that the Guatema lans and Salvudoriaus hnvo had a tight on the frontier, which act will precipi tate war between tho two countries. The central telegraph oflico at iVerJin has discontinued the use of batteries, and will in future obtnin tho power re quired from nn accumulator supplied by tho Rerlin electric-light works. is stated that arrests of Armenians at 'Constantinople continue, and that sixty of tho prisoners have already en dured torture for tho purpose of extort ing evidence from them fnvoruble to the Turkish cnuse. Members of tho police force nt Nuplcs have been ordered to make raids on all South Italian nunneries thnt aro closed to the public, This is owing to discov eries in an establishment known as tho "Nunnery of the Ruried Alive." Dispatches from Pondicherry, tho cap ital of tho French settlement in India, state that a serious election conflict took place there between a mob and the po lice. Several were wounded on both sides. Tins military were ordered out. Russia has recently adopted more lib eral and vigorous policy than heretofore in respect to encouraging tho develop ment of tho mineral resources of tho empire. Numerous special grants and tonuses to work coal mines are being is sued to companies, most of which tiro principally composed of foreign capital ists The movement for universal sudrago is attaining tremendous strength iu Bel- ilium, and much indii:nution hns been aroused bv the announcement thnt tho Ministry did not intend to submit to the Belgian Parliament a proposition em liodying that reform. It was a result of this feeling that Minister of Public Works Do Bruvn was mobbed and nearly killed at Modiues while taking official pnrt in u civic ceremony. It is reported Hint tho Turkish Minis tor. Iloussein Pasha, has been informed tho Czar regards in the most gracious spirit tho invitation to tho Uznrowitz to visit CoiiBtnntinoplo. The Czar, how ever, fours thnt n visit to that city might nt tho present time give rise to a delicate and embarrassing situation, owing to the ,.i ..i i:ii ... .1 .1. ......!.. i,.. 1 nfi'airs. It is said that fears of cholera IIIISUUICU CUIUWUUII Ul mil III! till" most strongly operate against the pro posed visit. Horrible accounts conio from the Red Sen Coast of tho condition of cholera victims. Arabs and strangers in that region aro dying by scores. Persons are seized with cholera and die within an hour, with clenched teeth ami thei liodies terribly drawn up. Birds and logs feed on the corpses, which people are afraid to touch. From tho Interior of Arabia the accounts aro fully as heart rendlntr. and tho victims nro sum to do iiiiiiibered'ainong the thousands. The newspaper Lo Matin and LoJour, the new paper which has lust been es tiiblished bv M. Laurent, are out witl accusations against M. Rouvior, Minister of Financo, whom they charge witl makiiii! use of his position in tho gov eminent to conduct successful speculn- Hons on tho Bourse. M. Rouvior has not yet replied to these accusations, but tho general Impression among tho pub lic is that a repetition of tho Wilson scandals, which wrecked tho Grovy re gime through tho operations of tho President's son-in-law, is aiwiii to no sprung upon tho French jieoplo. A rich find of silver Is ro'Kirted to have ljeen initdo in Calhoun county, Ala., in what anneurs to bo a mine form erly worked by Indians. Tho ore Is said to assay GO per cent, of pure silver, PORTLAND MARKET. Wiirat The market continues dull and weak. Snippers' present wants nro well supplied.nnd there is little deuinnd for oxjHjrt. Offerings nro small. Open quotations nro $l.l7lfe for Wnlln Wallu and H 'J2V, for Valley. Flour Quoto: Stnndnrd, $3.00-1.00; Wnlln Wnlln, $a.00(tf!;!.h0 per barrel. Oats Quote: 44ic48e VQr bushel. Miixstuffs Quote: Rrnn, $l".50u?18; Shorts, $2o.50(ji2t; Ground Barley, :!.'.r)0 : Chop Feed, $25 per ton. hay Quote: loams per ton. Vkoetaiilks Tho market is firm. Quote: Cabbage, $1.50(f 1.75 percental; t'aulitlower, if 1.25 per dozen; Onions. 2c per pound ; Cuciiinlcrs, 10c per dozen ; Carrots,$l per sack ; Beets, $1.50 per sack ; Turnips, $1.25 per pack; Toinntoes, f.Ou per K)x; l'otntocs, SUcfiC$l per cental ; Sweet Potntoes, 2c per pound. FittMT Quoto: Tahiti Ornnges, 4.f)U perltoxj Sicily Lemons, $8J0 ill per case; Tears, l'sc per pound; apples, ouk.onh: tier box : Grnpes.75ct l .20 per !xx ; Pine apples, $:?.50(?4.00 per dozen; Bnnnnas, .vt per bunch; double, ?(; reaches, swiq $1.25 ptr box; Watermelons, $l.b0oil2 per dozen; Cantaloupes, $1.50fitJ per dozen; California Quinces, $1 ; Oregon, $1.25 per box. Cukksi: Quote: Oregon, ll12!e; California, il'iji'iflOc; Voung America, 14 OS 15c per pound. Burma The mnrket is firm. Quote: Oregon fancy ci enniery,:7,ltc ; ntney dairy o2'ye, uood'to fair. 27. m I! Jo ; common, J2,'ijtn25c; choice California, 28;,.0c pr pound. LotiH Quoto: Quote: Oregon, 25c per d 7on. l'oui.TKY Quoto: Old Chickens, $1.50 j young, 2.5'J'i 15.50; old Ducks, G((i.fu, large young. 7tiij7.50; Geese, $!) pel dozen "Turkeys, ll(ifl5c per pound. isuis Quoto: Walnuts, Rlcj Peanuts, green, 12c; Almonds, 17c; Filberts, 14 iu 15c; Brazils, i;)14c per pound; Cocoa nuts, $1 per dozen. llo.NKY Fancy White, 1-pound car toons, 18c per pound. N.mi. Base quotntions: Iron, $11.20; Steel, $;!.:!(); Wire, $11.00 por-keir. Iloi-s Tho mnrket. is firm, with nomi nal prices. Quote: MoflWo per pound . limns The mnrket Is weak. Quota tions: Dry Hides, selected prime, 8(5 0c, He less for culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds, So; Sheep Pelts, short wool. :!0(iT50c; me dium, C080c; long, 00c$1.25: shear lines. 1020c ; Tallow, good to choice, 3 Wool Quote: Eastern Oregon, 10 10c; Valley, 1018c per pound. CllANllKIUtlKB UUOIO: sv loCUUaiu, $9.50; Capo Cod, $12 per barrel. Tho Morohnndlao Market. Sua aus Quote: Golden 0,5gc; extra 0, 53fic: dry granulated, owe; cuuo crushed and powdered, 0u per pound. Duikd lauiT8 The market ib urni. Quoto: Italian Prunes, 12$I4c; re nte and Gorman rrunes, iuc per poumi: Raisins. $2.76 per box: Plummer-arieu Pears, 11 2l4c sun-dried and factory Plums, 10llc: evaporated J'cnchca, 24c; Smyrna Figs, 1410c; ualiiornia Figs, l)c per pound. n kan's Tho market is nrm, vjinii"-. Small Whites, 3,:J?.c; Pink, 3?.(c; Bnvi s, 4'..c, Butter, Uc; Limns, 5c per pound. UANNKPUOons AinrKcus urm. Table fruits, $2.25, 2's; Penchcs, $2.50; Bartlctt Pears, $:i.n;; minis, ji.w. Strawberries, $2.50; Cherries, $2; Black berries, $2; Raspberries, if'.oo; rincap- , pies, $2.75; Apricots, $1.85. l'io fruit: Assorted, $3.75 per dozen; Peaches. $1.40; Plums, $1.25; Blackberries, $1.05 per dozen, vegetables: uorn, ii.izft ((Dl. 40, according to quality ; Tomatoes, $1.20013.50; Sugar Peaa, $1.401.60; String Beans, $1 per dozen. Fish: Salmon, $1.25; snrdincs, 80c$1.40; lob sters, $-'(2i3 ; oystcrP, $2(i2.75 per dozen. UoiKienscu nniK: jvagie urunu, Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75; Champion, sO per case. Goffhk Quoto: dostn ivica, xac; Rio. 25c, Arbticklo's, roasted, 20c per pound. I ka Quoto: ucijioc per pounu. J' Quote: $1.15c 3s; $1.25 5i. Salt Quote: Liverpool, $17, $18, $10; Btoek, $11(312 per ton in carload lots. Coal Oil Quote : per caao. Itiuu Quote: 6?c per pound. , The Bloat Murkat. Tho meat tnnrkot la firm. Quoto: Beef Live, 23c; dresseti, 0c. Mutton Live, 33o; dressed, 6c. Hogs Live, 4fs5o; dressed, 6c. Veul 58c per pound. Spring Lambs $2.50 each. BUOKUD MEATS AMD LAUD, The markot Is firm. Quotntions: East ern Hums, i.)(j5mc; nrenkinst uu con, 1313oj Sides, 010c; Lard, 8i 10c per pound. The French Minister of War has do cided in case of war that tho men em ployed in tho coal mines shall bo dis pensed from military service for a period of forty days in order thnt a sufficient stock of coal may bo secured to insure proper railway servieo during tho whole of tho campaign. Tho l)iidon Tunes says: "Thero Is no rensoti to quurrcl with tho United Stutes over tho Mclvinloy bill, but tho less said about friendliness and kinship Iwtweon the two coiintr'oj tho better." The article urges Canada to adopt' freo trade, as she will then bo able to practl- a 1 t. All.. cally exclude Ainencu irom competition. John Schmidt, tho countorlolior re cently arriHted at Louisville, Ivy., Iiiih conf-fsed to tho police that l:o has coun terfeited $2 certillcntes, having mtuia $4,000 worth. lie cltilins to havo Ikjh assisted by Miles Ogle, known as "I In King of (Jounterleltors." Tho Chicago Times sayj articles havo been signed there for a match bctwwn Jack MeAulHIo and Billy Moyer for VJr 500 a sldo and a purse of $5,000 a side oHercd by the Metropolitan Club o Nesv Orleans". Kach man Is to pay his own exnotiBCs. The fight will bo with fivc ou nco gloves, to tako placo In New Or leans din lug tho early part of February.