flow to Enjoy tlfe. To enjoy life docs not mean going or staying. If yon can watch a treo grow ing, a flower blooming or tho bluo sky deepening; if you can listen to a gooso squawking along a dusty lane, to a pul let cackling over a first egg. to a sleepy child crooning herself to sleep with a lit tle tune; if you can watch a cow licking her calf, a young mother suckling her babe, and tuko a big interest in all tlieso things, feeling in the marrow of you their meaning and that t hoy area true part of lifo'a sweetness and simplicity, why then I think you may truly answer ''Yes, oh yes," when one questions you "Do you enjoy life, good sir?" It is not a good habit to be bored of things, to cultivato ennui. Every day tho sun comes up and shines, and hearU beat and eoplo aro born, and some die and soma marry and some hato and more lovo, no who are you and what aro you to strut around like a fool of a tur key gobbler tho week before Thanksgiv ing and say you aro torcd and life is too dull for your palate? After all you fill no moro spaco than a fool takes on the eidowalk or under tho green grass; bo bo careful how you venture to draw about you a circle of cxclttsivcncss. Bo careful bow you fall into the way of thinking tho earth was made for you. Do not insist, as many selfish leoplo do, on going through tho world with an air cushion Uttnn ll'lltnll t-ll Inav nit tl ll, VI iptnlla case, while there are only stony benches lor tho rest of jwor mortality. Catharmo Colo in New Orleans Picayuno. Dlaponltlon of the Dead. Tho disposition of tho dead is attract ing much intention in England. Tho question is being agitated by tho English Burial Reform association. During lato years thcro has been moro or less dibcus slon on this topic. Tho objection to tho present modo of burial is based on two grounds. First, tho sanitary reason, and second, the financial cost. As funerals aro managed in tho present timo they aro expensive nnd fall with much weight upon tho poor, who arc as fond of mani festing their respect for tho dead by largo funerals as aro tho rich. A medical authority in London declares that tho average cost every year for burying tho dead in England and Wales alonu is $25,000,000. Tlila would mako tho averago expense of every funeral nlout f 50. In tho United States it cannot bo any less. The sanitary objection is based upon tho reports of sanitary authorities that communities living in tho neighborhood of graveyards suiter from ailments to which thoso who livo a distance from tho placo of burial aro etraDgora. Disraeli, in tho houso of lords, for this reason urged that nil tho God's acres in Great Britain should bo closed. Theso reasons aro making many converts to cremation. Tho liest ovidenco of tho growth of this idea is to bo found in tho strength of tho International Cremation congress, which -was held about a year ago in Milan. Tho roll included representatives from every part of tho civilized world. De troit Free Press, I.uck Havfxl the Train. 1 remember somo yeara ago when I 'had charge of trains on a southern road, where telegraph offices wero fow und far 'between, of giving an order to tho oper ator at n certain station to hold tho north bound iKissengcr train for orders, bo that I might help tho houMi bound passenger train to make its meeting ioint, tho latter being Bomowhat lato. Tho operator re peated tho holding ordor, for which I gavo lilm O. K. I then gavo tho south bound train an order to ttso somo of tho north bound train's time to mako tho meeting Kint. Instead of holding tho north bound train for orders tho oper ator lot it go by him. Tho road was crooked, nnd as both trains wero be tween telegraph stations 1 started to walk tho floor nnd wait until 1 should hear of their coming together. Tho suspense was terrible, almost unfitting mo for my other duties. As good luck would havo it, tho north Iwund (rain, which had undisputed Tight of tho road, was delayed boforo reaching tho meeting point. When tho first train reached a telegraph statiou I felt relieved, but tho strain had been so terrible on my nerves that I was not good tot much for several days, and tho oxm rlonco of that morning will over remain in my mind. Train Dispatcher Inaiobo Uemocrat. Origin of Strum I'owiir. Tho first records wo havo of steam being applied as a motivo power uro found in a manuscript entitled, "Spirit alia Sen Pueumatica," written about "00 yeara B. C, by Hero, a learned philoso pher of Alexandria. In it ho describes a littlo instrument which ho calla an "joolipllo" or "wind ball." It consists of a hollow ball of metal supported on trunnions, und hav ing u number of jets licnt at right angles and equally distant from tho points of support. Steam la admitted into tho ball through onoof tho trunnions, and as soon as it fa introduced it issues violently from tho mouth of each jot, making a noiso llko tho rushing of tho wind, and lionco ita name. On tho opposito sido of each jot it prosaea without being ublo to escape, and tills unbalanced pressure makes tho globo tovolve, giving up a form of rotary engine by which machinery con bo set in motion. Tho first really practical strum engine was invented by Thomas Newcomeu, u blacksmith of Dartmouth, England, and was put in operation in pumping out mlnea about 1711. "J. II. E." in Boston Budget. Asia's Old EfiTelo KaUoa. It will not bo long boforo wo, tho ad vanced guard of tho Aryan raco, will l in cloeo connection and intercourse with the parent stock in India. Our ideas aro there already, and our institutions aro admired and desired in Bombay and Cal cutta. Our reapers aro in uso iu their fields and our bowing machines in their houses. But of moro importance is tho fact that there is a nativo ptvss growing up with greut rapidity all through India. Their cougri of 000 deputies is loss liko ths English parliament than llko our own house of representatives. Threo and. one-thiid millions of pupils aro iu stato schools, while 80,000 young men have, within ten years, tossed university anamination. The old effete nation, or complexity of nations, has renewed its youth. Wo may look for groat went U Asia. G lobe- Damoonit, ON LIFE'S THRESHOLD. Young Tommy, n float, a Pretty Oravc. lint nd A dear, benevolent old gentloman gavo to an enfant terrible a fltio goat. This was a few Hav.o aero. The vountrstur was ti;iiira!lv do lighted with his pot. Ills gave t vaguely to his friends and enemies that ho was trail ing an animal which would boa terror to the neighborhood. Doubtless tho goat would have proved a very disturbing element In society if its youthful owner had not trained it a trifle too flno. It catno about in this wise: Tho goat and of this there Is no doubt stood badly in noed of a washing. Tommy, as its owner may bo called for tho occasion, Is not generally overfond of washing, but ns regarding goats ho was an ardent lover of cleanliness. Ho ho got a garden hoso and attached it to a hydrant. Then ho tied up tho goat securely and played upon it till tho animal's hulr was as clean as the streets of Pittsburg will bo at tho millennium. Then Tommy fell to communing with him self. "If," reasoned he, "tho goat was so dirty outside, he must bo very far from clean in sido." This seemed concluslvo to Tommy's com panions, and they consented to hold tho goat whilo ho effected the internal purification. Tommy inserted tho nozzlo of tho hoso Into tho goat's mouth. It is a painful subject. But tho goat has a very pretty grave at tho end of tho lawn between two laurel DUSUo3' Pittsburg Dispatch. RcaMouln; from Analogy A4-ycar-old miss lately created a good deal of consternation, not unmixed with amuse ment, iu a small social circlo uptown. Sbo had been ou a visit to her grandfather, and whilo thero was in tho habit of playing with him as ho lay, half asleep, on tho sofa. Ono day, as her chubby Angers glided caressingly over tho old gentleman's scant locks, ho mur mured drowsily, In reply to somo infantilo remark: "Yes, I'm your poor old bald headed grandfather." Ono evening not long afterwards, a young old bachelor was making a call on tho family, towards a certain member of which, only 18 and decidedly pretty, ho inclined with very tender feelings. Into tho pleasant circlo where tho bachelor sat flashing bright noth ings of society talk, entered tho 4-year-old. Unseen by tho gentleman sho sauntered around tho room inspecting him, and gazed with especial interest on his polished scalp which gleamed in tho light of the chandelier. Buddcnly, with a burst of ingenuous socia bility, sho throw herself at his knees and ex claimed: "Whaso poor old bald headed grand father aro you?" Philadelphia Times. Tho Foclcet in UU Night Shirt. Tho precocity of eight-year-old boys has often boon tho themo for nowspaper com ment, but I think I know of ono who is en titled to particular distinction for his bright ness. Tho other clay ho importuned bis mamma for a night thirt "just liko papa's," with a pocket in it. His mother modo him ono, and tho first night ho woro it ho wont to bed iu high glee. In tho morning, when his mother took tho robo off, sho found in tho ono pocket a couple of seed cakes, three matches, a toothpick, a small silver watch, several pieces of cough candy and tho boy's pocket handkerchief. When tho littlo fellow was questioned as to the reason for tho varied assortment hp ropjledj '! Wfjl, J thought If got hungryTn tho night time I would need tho seed eakos, and of courso I'd want the idotbpick afterward. If wanted to see what tlmo ll was by my "watch I would have to have a match, and I was afraid of cough ing, so I put tho candy thcro." Ills excuses wero equal to his preparations at uuy rate. If iuneapolis Tribune, Hotter to Kecolvo Than aire. In a St. Albans church on a recent Sunday a littlo lad looked on with surpriso us the contribution boxes wero passed around. lie Bad an idea that tho cash was being distri buted gratis, and so, just as tho box was leaving tho pow iu which ho sat, bo put his chubby littlo hand in among tho change, and brought out a fistful, ami was quite disgusted when his mamma mado him disgorge. St. Albans Alus-iongcr. , A Question About 1'lillllp Ttrooki. When Phillips Drooks roso lust Sunday to give out his text, "I was iu prisou, and ye canio unto me," a littlo fellow, 6 or 0 years old, looked up anxiously into his grandma's face, as ho exclaimed iu a hourso whisper, plainly audible to those in tho adjacent seats, "Grandma, was Mr. Drooks over really in prisou I" Boston Gazette. Ailulntlon. This represents tho prevailing amusement Ut village circles Just at present- Tho young gentloiiinii in tho center Is a recently gradu ated cadet from AmmpolU aud is being wel comed home. Judge. Ttflnn. The following notice was posted ou the Brunswick and Western bulletin board Fri day inoruing by tho agent to keep from an swering the thousand and one questions about tho trains "All trains delayed on ac count of lire utTifton. Tift's planing mill burned. This is all we know." A mischiev ous chup canio ulong and road it, and forth with begun to study up some way to catch the ageut, so poked his head iu at tho door and soldi "Mister, when did this thing oo curl" Forthwith another lino was added to the bulletin: "ilapxmodlat uight." Bruns wick (Oa.) Advertiser. Too Much Lcurnluf, Qui Do Smith What did you do with that Utter that was ou my tablet Colored Boy I tuck it to d pce'oOls, tah, ud put It into do hole. Out Do fchnlUi-Dtd you uot see there was bo addres ou ouvelopel Colotud Hoy 1 wiw dar was no writln' bn & 'vclopo, Lull 'lowed yerdid Outer on puMpow, so 1 coulJut tell who yer was a-writ hi' to I'm uu eddfeated uiggab, I is, and I t'peued j wu tuowvi hit. Texas Sift ing, Kuuuult to Mix A-uj Ou Up. w8txt to-morrow uu your vacation, eh! Wnere are you going I" MOU, Juit djw u to Uocky Beach," "Alwl iloiv do you go to git there P 'Blamed If 1 know I I thought 1 did, but I have beu studying a railroad guide to saaks sure, aud 1 cau't tell auytula about K.--Lowell Citlseu. CTnrn Our Latest and Greatest Premium Offer ! THE MAMMOTH 1IISTOKY. ThbMsmuotn CrcMexDti eonttlnt aeomplelt nl amhfntto Msforr f Iht artnt American Clfll War, pro fuie1j tuirifJ( wlilj iiumtroiii Anecdotes of the Itclielllon f a enmplfte History Antrlci, from In dlscorery tr Columbus tr tl.i ,rpsenl tlmej tripMo deiorlptloua cf famous; bittlta and tmiortnnt etent In Ida Malory f all nations, chronological tilsiorj,eto.,etc. UtOflUAPII V. Tlds Treat wftrk contain the Mvea of all tlif I'mMnit of (lie Hiillft 8tsls, from Waiblnton to llarriaoti, villi -riralti nitf oilier Illustration!, alio Htm and tot traits nf NnfOnu llonar-irie, 9liftkeitare, Hyron, William Trim, llenjimlii rranklln. Ittiirr Clay, Daniel Wehiter, and fatuous, etatesineii, aotliore, pneti, (enerali, clerfymen, ato. duwn to thei-rteetitda;. A(Jltl'UI.'riIIM ValuiMe hlnti and uaeful nifnestlone tu l'ruiert, treaiiuit of field cro-t, files and fencee, ferttllteri, firm linpletneiits i livestock ralslna. Iitclultnc the treatment of diieasennf doineatlo aiilmle i poultry keeplna, and how mado uccessfuland profltaltli; lieekeeplnf.diilry ftrnilm, etc. Tho treatment of tlieae mitijecti ! eompteta and cihuettve, and renders Ibe work of gieatpracllcal use to fannoriatidituokmen IlOltTlCCMTItn. Ilftelnli siren ttiemoit useful Mnte losjrowereor oil kinds nt e(etttlea atti frulte, aa fathered rrom tLo tiptrlence of tlit luost lueceaiful tiortlculturUu. AUOIIITICCTDUG. reilgnaandplanerorhouiei,eottiff tarm and other ouibulldluia, ttb valuablt eufgeitlotn to those lutendluf to build. !lorHKIIOl,I. Ttili work oontalna tried and teated reelpat rur altnoat orery linifluablodlilifor treakfsit, dinner and tea. thla department alone bln( worth mora than nlne-tentha of tho cook bookaioldt almost Innumerable hlnte, lielpaand af gettlona toliouaekeeperaf deilfnaand auffttttona for maklnf many btnutlful thluia for tho adornment of home. In needle work,amtroMeryto, J hlnte on floriculture, telllns how to bt aueceieful with all tbevarloue lantaf toilet hints, tellllng how to preierta and beautify tua corapleilou, baudi, tee lb, hair, etc., etc. ME1HOAT. Ifanydollira In doe tori bllla will be aaved annually to arery poaeeaaor of thla hook Ihroufli the valuable Information liercln contained. It telle how to cure, by almpla yet reliable homo remedies, at all able In every homehold, erery dlaeaae nd ailment that le curable, this department forming a complete medical book, the Talue of which In any home can hardly be computed la dot! are and cents. INVENTION ANIr IUHCOVKUV. Remarkably Inter eitlof deacrlptlona of great Inventlona, Including tbe Steam Engine, theTeletrapb, the Printing 1'reaa, the Rlectrlo Ucht. iheNawIng Wachloe, the Telephone, tho Typewriter, the Type Setting Machine, the Cotton Qtn, eto. THE IVOHLD'f) WONDEHS. Graphic description, beautifully llluetrated, oftlio Yellow atone Park, Totemlte Valley, Niagara Kalla, tho Alps, Parle, Vesuvius, Venice, Vienna, the Canon of Colorado, Uammoth Cave, Natural UMdg o, Watkloa OIsq, the White llouotalua, etc, ate. Tit A VELA. Deserlptlona, profusely Illustrated, of the life, mauneri, oustoms, peculiar forms, rltea and ceremonies of the From the aboTa brief summary of Ua contents some Idea of what t remarkably Interesting; Instructive and Tftluablework the Mammoth Cyclopedia is may be calned. yet nut ft fractional part of the topics treated In this great work hare been named. It la a vast storehouse of useful and entertaining knowledge unquestlon. ably titm of the best and moat Taluable works ever published In any land or language. No home ahould be with out It. It Is a work to be conaultedefary day with regard to the tarlous perplexing queatlona that constantly arise In writing and conversation, by the farmer and housewife In their dally duties sad pursuits, aua I or con tinuous reading no work Is more entertaining or Instructive. Grand Premium Offer to By Hpcclnl arrangement with the puhllshcr o( tho Mammoth Cyclop-kuia we ar cnablud to make our Hubhcrlhern and icaderH the folluwiii exrrannuiiui oil i: ive will send the Mammoth Cycloivkdia. comvlcte in four volumes, aa above described all postage prepaid, also Tun Okkoon Scout for osk yeah, upon receipt of only mv koi wucn is out iu cents more, than our rcifuiar subscription price, so tnut you practically get this large ami valuable, work for the trijling sum of 75 cents. This is a great oiler, a wonderful bargain, aud it is a pleasure tu iih to be enabled to allbnl our reader ho remarkable an opportunity. Through this extraordinary oflVr we hope lo largely increase our circulation. Please tell all your friends hat they run uet the Mammoth Cyci.oimjdia In four volumes with a year's hubscrlplion to our paper, for only 8.8fi. Perfect sath faction is guaranteed to all who take advantage of this great premium oner, i hose viwe suo'crtptions receive the Mammoth Cyci.oimuha at once, ono year from date of expiration. The Mammoth Oycloivwha will also be given free to any one sending us a club of three yearly subicritjurs tu our paper, accom punted with Wl.50 in cash. Address all letters: The Oregon Scout, Union, Or. GRAND PREMIUM OFFER! A. SET OF THE WOIS OF CHARLES DICKENS In Which C1IAULES HICK HNS. iiroinhmi In our Biilmuillmis is haiidsoiiioly printed from enthely now plates, wi h now type. The twelve volumes cont.tin the following world-f.unous works, each oue of which ia pub liahod ciwiWc, unchaiigitl, ami absolutely unabrhlgeil DAVID COPPERFIELD, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, NICHOLAS NICKELBY, DOMBEY AND SON, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, PICKWICK PAPERS, w Tho above are without question the most imnuiiH novola that woro ever written. For & ipiarter of a eontiiry they have been eolobrated hi every nook and comer of tho civilized world. Yet there uro thousand ol homes in America not yet supplied with a set of Dickens, the usual high cost of the Issiks preventing people in modurate cirymuatancos Irom enjoying this luxury. Hot now, owing to the use of modern improved printing, folding and stitching machinery, the extremely low price of white paper, and the great couietltion iu tho book trade, we are enabled to olTur to our subscribers and read ore a set of Dickens' works at a prico which all can afford to pay. Every heme in the laud way now bo supplied with a eel of tho great author's wotks. Our Great Offer to Subscribers to tbe Scout. We will semi the Kntikk Bkt ok Dickkns' described, all postage prepaid by ourselves, ni'iiii himpi ii kiiiiii ij imiy ' icm.i inurr irimi me regular suuscnpi ion price of this paper. Our readers, therefore, practically j?et a set of Dickens' works In twelve volumes for only 50 cents. This is the grandest premium ever offered. Up to this timo a set of Dickens' works has usually been $10 or more. Tell all your friends that they can et a set of Dickens' works In twelve volumes, with a year subscription to Tiik Okkoon Scout, for only .oo. Subscribe now and get this Kreat premium. If your subscription has not yet expired. It will make no dllleren-e, for It will bo extended one year Irom date of expiration. Wu will also nivo a et of Dickens, as above, free aud postpaid, to any ono seudlnK us a club of two yearly subscribers, accompanied with wu.oo in cash. Address THE OREGON SCOUT, Union, Or. rapiiA IN FOUR VOLUMES. A Great and Wonderful Work ooifTAticnro 2,176 Pages 620 Beautiful Illustrations ! Tns Mammoth Ctciatmoia. hu been pub I lulled tu meet the wanti of the rotssei for i unltf rl comre ndlum of knowlrdce. practical. useful, ncitntifloand general. The work la pub- iianea compieio m tour large una nanasorae volumrn, comprlnlnira total of 2,176 PfEa, ant la prof uaely Illustrated with 620 beautiful enjrraT. Inst a. Thousand, of dollar hate been expended to make till the mot complete. Taluable and useful work for the massed ererpubllahed. It la at work for ere rybody man, woman and alilld, In UTtrr occur-Mlon or walk In life. The nub stance and practical utility nf twenty ordinary YolumeA are comprlaed In thene four, and to replete la the work with knowledge of every kind, no filled la It with u-ettil hint nnd helpful u Titration i, that we fully bellere that In every home to which It ahall And Ita way It will soon com to be regarded aa worth Ita welehtin gold For want of apace we can only briefly eummar !za a amall portion of thocontentaof I work, aa follows Chlneie, Japaneae, the people of India, Africa, Madafaiear, Palestine, Iceland, Ilorneo, llurmali, the Sandwich lelajida, Hervla, KafTraria, Tartary, Caihmere and Tunis, the Araba, Turka, Meilcane,outh Amerlcaua, American Indiana, Karp tlana, Slameae, Abvaalnlaua, Norweglana, Bpanlarda, 8 wise. Italian, flreeke. ttu"lant, Hlberlana, Afghans, reralaue, lloalema, AuatraKaua, tuIgarlana,Slclltana,eto.,ete, MANUFACTUHEH. In tide great work la alio deaerlhed and lliuatrated the art and processes or i rlntlng, atereotvplng lionkhlndlnff. wood antra In a, llthocrathr.photographT.callcc 'holography, calico printing, piano snaking, vateh making, rarer making, the manufacture of silk. Iron, steel, class, china. ierfumerr. soap, leather, starch, wall paper, turpentine, postal cards, postage stamps. en veto res. ren. renclls. needle, and minr other in, things, all of which will be found peculiarly Interesting and instructive. FOUI. WN IMtOllTJOTfi. Interesting descriptions, Illn trated. ofthe culture aud orenaratlon for Market of tea, coffee, chocolate, cotton, flax, hemp, sugar rice, niitniegi, clover, ctnssr. elunamon. al anlee. nerner. coeoauuts. Plnearpie. nen anas, prunes, dates, raisins, fl;, olives, Indls-rubber, gutta percha, cork, camphor, castor oil, tapioca, etc., etc. NATITItAI 1IISTOHV. Interesting and Instrnetlva dficrlptioui, accompanied by Illustrations, or numerous beasts. niras, nines ana inssois, wim muou cunvu luiuiuiatwu icgaiu lug their life aud habits. I, AW. Ths Mjmuoth Crciomnuli also a complete law book, telling every man how he maybe hla own lawyer, and aoniatntns? full and concise eitdanatlone of tbe aeneral lawa andthelawaoftheaeveralfitatei upon all mattera which are subject to litigation, with numerous forms orjegai aoeumenis. MINING. Deacrlptlona and llluatratlona of the mining of gold, silver, diamonds, coai, aan, copper, ieaa, sine, uu inn quicksilver. WONllEKft OF THE SEA. nereln are described and Illustrated the many wonderful and beautlfnl things found at the botton oftne ocean, tne plants, noweri, incus, usoci, eio., in wise pearl diving, coral fishing, etc., eto. ATATIBTICATs ANIa MISCELLANEOUS, nereln (i.innatiit amouut of useful and Inlerestlua Information, aomeof which Is the population of American cities, area and population of theeontlnents. of the States and Territories, and or the principal countries of the world, length or the principal rlvera. Presidential vote for sixty yeara, Presidential atetUtlcs, area and depth of esse, lakes and oceana, height or mountains. inaotnotlAn or animals and velocity or bodies, neicni or tnonu raents. towora and structures, distances from Washington, also rrom Nv York, to Imnortant points, ehronolos leal hlstorv of dis covery and progress, popular sobriquets of American States, cities, etc, common grammatical errors, rules for spelling, pro tMinAiatlon and use of eaoltala. Wall Street phrases, commerce of the world, curious ficti In natural blatory,loogevtty of animals, origin oftho namesef States, andof countries, of great works, popular fables, familiar quotations, of genius and of plants, QVing worai or famous pcragos, iat vi iiiv statistics of the globe, leading govsrominti of the world, etc. eto. Subscribers to the Scout. nave not. yet nxp'ren who renew now win and their subctlptions will be extended Twelve Large Volumes, we Offer with a Year's Subscription to this Papor for a TrlHo moro than Our Regular Subscription Frico. Wlahiiif! to liirRi'ly incronso tho circulation of this paper riming tliu next hix imintlis, wo liuvo tnailu arriiiiKt'inriiti) with si New Yolk publishing Iiouho u'linriiv wo mo rn.ilili'd to oflVr ns a nrciiillltn to our BUbaeril'Ors n "r Work of rimrl Dlck- fiiM, Iu 'In t'Un i.iiiuo ml iiiuHiafliiie Volimii'N, Willi ii vt.'lll'n HIlliHCI'iptioil to tllis pnper, lor iitiille ii'ioio than vwr rtuhir ault tuTiption prico. OnrKrentolTor to sulwcriliors eolipscH any ever In retofoie iiindt. C'luii len Diolu'iis wiis the ciOHtcst novelidt -who ever livid. No uuilior liefore or hiiicu his timu Iiiih won the fiiino that lie ucliiovcil, hiiiI liia worl.a tiiu more popular to-day tlian iliuin his lifetime. Tliey nliound In wit. liiunor, ntlii, nuistcrly delifiention of elninictcr, vi jit (U'Huriptloim ol pin cow and iihm(1iiIh, tliiilliu anil skillfully vuounht plots. Kacli Isutk is iiittiiHt'l.v iuu reHtiiiK. No fioiueul ould bo without a vet of tlitoe great ami i omul li able works. Not to have rend them is to be far behind tliu age in which we live. The tat of DirLfii.1 Ullrku U'lii.Oi n ntl'.ir ha t. BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRISTMAS STORIES, OLIVER TWIST AND GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AND THE UNCOMMERCIAL TRAWLER, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES AND THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD. Whhks, in twri.vk vot.i'MKfl, as above dso Thk OittnoN Srorr for onk ykak. STILL ANOTHER. 25 COMPLETE NOVELS FREE TO EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER! Wo want to Increase our circulation very largely during tho noit six months to double It, If pos alble. To accomplish this we need tho co-operation of our present subscribers and readers. If each one of our present readers would secure for us on' ti'ie tubtcrtbr, our circulation would be doubled, or course. Hut we know that It will take an extraordinary Inducement to brine out the united efforts of erery onoof our present subscribers we shall have to mnko a high bid. Well, we are ambitious aud anxious to double our circulation, and, by special arrangement with one of the lead ing publishing houses we are enabled to make you An Offer Remarkable for its Liberality. Head it: 3b any one teho will tend uu O no Subscriber to lit paper for Ono Year at the reqnlnr iubieription price, rerill give Absolutoly Froo, n' rend by mail, post paid Twenty-fivo Completo Novols-ony twtnty-jlceyoittnay select from the follow ing Hill Ni. )U. No. JSJ. No. 21. No. !. No. IT. No. 11 N. lit. No. 3711. o. M. So No. m. No. 111. No. IV). No 311. Her MnnlrV.t HmIIiij. K Iv.kdi u. D0011 MIJinplN. UT I 4 ALDO.. Ilolorv.. II Mr Ji.k U. Auotii. A llriive 'owrl. Iir It. t. St., .mo., A 'l'rnnhl..utii filrl ilr "Thk Duchhm. Until, ornol (inlllr rlKi. l. Ilovali nfd 'I he I'eHrlur ItieOrlrnl. Srtv. doCo., Jr. Hlinnn Irrrrlpk. Ili(ulitrr. Ilr M. T. Ctbo.. The t.liMten Fiirm llrlile. II, V A.qi.KTlUou.T' A IhuiKcrou. Wuinun. IT A.NS.HfKrHKfto. Illiipkulr.l Hill Hr KnriiKit HxniK kxnnrth. Thrri-rllvrillclinrd I'linluii. ilr R. U Piu.nx I hp l.lllle Old Mum or the lluUanolIf a. Hr No W. f',MII Ot.oKi.tr. No. Ill I rom tlieFnrlli lollie .Moon, nj Join V,i. No IU No. 313. No 311 No 310. N11 319. No 317. or 1 No. No m. No 3 It. No 313. No 3', No 7li. No. til. No 315 No. til. No 11V No, 313, No. 311. No. 3ID. No VIW. No. 301. KNMO I lie liiurillHir. I'liil. iijur. j 11. noii.to.. The Huron'. III. II; Sil.u ('... Jr. The IJroy I'steon. 11 II. T Ciidoh. 'I'he Sorrow oro Hrcrrt. ! Xahy C.cil ttr. I'rrrr nml Ihe Prophet. H, Wu nik rtnitK,. ThrMlorj oT uWcdillns lii(. hf llio author Horn Thorn,." MnrtTn Wre. Templnllrtll. Ttj If ro. 11. TTrton A Unilern C'lmlerellii Hr .tiihor"lor. Thornt." 'Ilie l.tttliil Home. ItjrM.T Oaidoh. The Kill h I Uluvr Hr Ct Auou.ti. The MIIMJIrlor Tjnil. Hr H.T.Ciino.. MiiIwii'o llevenatv H It. IIidkh lUoottio. II11II1 llcrrli'k. 11 WmiiamII. IIu.mkhi. IIiiIImi'ii'. Waril. My KioMRNr. MAnnytr. 'I'ho Kl.oe.. 11 th author of" Dor. lliorti, " Cliinil. unit Hnnoliliie. 11 Cmhi r, Rkadk. A VntTHhoiiil Heroine. 11 lira. A. Howard,. Tliornjerort Urmia!. l Krtt Winwooo. ('uriitiK'l roHHicc 11 lira. llR.Hr Wood. The llremii Woinmi. 11 Timrc Col.ti-ia. TheTreitanreor r'rHneliitril. 11 It. I.. 8rKr- No. 317 The Mfaniltetiliirea or John INTcliol.on. n Hua.Rr I.HUia ST.VRaoN. No, 30fi. Ilrrml ITnoi, Ihe Witter..!', MUa Itulor.. fil'd. No 21)5. A Tltlo orThrre l.lon.. Mr 11. IIidrr IIao.ard. No 201, I'lixe MmcI.Hio. Iit Uaii, Crcm. 11a,. No 301. Miirr lliirilnlek'a 111 lit. 11 lira. II roi. No. VOL nil Klowera. 11 IIa.ion Hahi.ahd. 71V, No 201, The Alerehnnt'al'rline. MIIunatiii Aiofr, Jr. No 900. Ileiirrce C'liillllelil'a Joiirne. 11 MUa Ii.addom. No II". My SUIvrlAHte. Ilr.nilior " IloraThoru,." Hi d. No. Il7. HraprrlH. 11 M, T, Cai dor. No. IMI. 1,1111 llio Serf. 11 Sri AM'a Coat, Jr. No. Ilfi. A llnrk Inherltniier. Ilr JIar, Cecil. Ha,. No int. 'I I111I Winter MkIiI Ilr R.ia.Rr IIuciiakan. No IU. The Heil Croaa. 11 SI. T. t!i noa. No. 12. for l.o, e or lllelii-a. 11 author "A Oiaat Hiatal' ' No I R The Wlmril of (IrnnailH. 11 M. T Cai dor. No. IW. A M oiniin'a Secret. 11 Ci.ara Anauara. No I5.. Th Unlit; Itlver. Hr IVn i. Col 1 No. I5.V Klorenee Ivlnslon' Outh. 11 ilra. Uiki a. IIR.iaoN. llluttiatfl. No. 151. I.nneiialrr'. C'nhln. H Mra. M. V. Victor. HVd, No 151. .Mont llrmi-e. II Mia. Hrnh, Wood. No. 152 The I'ol.oii of A. p.. Hr Fl oRrwcR Marrtat. Nu 151. KorAtlnaj Ihe Krttvra. II, Ilra. Alriandir. No. 150. A IMh nrlglit'a lliiuirhtrr. H ilra. ankir Kdwahi... Itlnitratcl No. uu: lliillow Aah Hull. 11 Maroatipt Mi niinr. J7IM. Nolle. A llnrlereil Life. Hr Maiiiom Hari and. No. 117. Sir Noel'a Heir. Ilr lra. Mat AoHia Fl tulNa. No. 149. Ilorla'a Furl line, ft FloH,Ncr U'ahdrn. No. I5. The Mnvor llenrla. Ilr It. I.. Farjkan. No. 144. I.iuty Vitlworlh'a lIlMlnomla. 11 iThe IHfC.aaa " No. 145. Knlr but Fnlae. 11 author at "Dora Thorna." IWd. No 142. The Wommi llHlrr. H Pr. J. II. Ilo.i.o. No. Ill, lletween Tno Mini. B tb author of " bora Thorn " liianatfil. No. 140. The l.tiwrr Heerel. n, Ulaa M. P.. ItaADDOH. No. IW. The Slrnnce Vaae or Ilr. Jekll iiiiil Mr. Illle. H It. I.. HTRrRNBOH. No. 114 Aii IHil Man' Sucrlice. n Mr,. A 8. SrRrM.NB. No. 1ST L'mlerllie I.llnca. 11 author of" Dora Thorn,.' Jutt think of It I We will give you twenty-fire only one yearly subacrlber. The novels nre splendid oues, nnd they nre published complete In nent pamphlet rorm. note me names ortlie nutnors tney aro me most celebrated writers, botb of America and Europe. Note also the long and attractive lint frcm which you are privileged to select No matter which of the novels you choose, you will be perfectly delighted with them. Mnatnf the novels In this list sell for ascents each In tho Seatidt and other libraries. You can get tiwrtly-.lreoMem-any twenty-flveyott may choose-frre, for getting us only one yearly subacrlber. Can you doubt that this Is a tconderul opportunity such a one as you never bad before ? Now let every reader of this paper consider this odor as addreased to himself or herself Individ nally Make up your mind that you will have twenty-five of these charming complete novels. Aud how easily you can do Itl What Is It to get one yearly subscriber tothliipaper? There Is not one single one of our preaent subscribers nnd readers but can do It, It they will try. Itemember, you are not asked to get up a club or to do any canvassing, but merely to uro your influence to Induce our of your neighbors or friends to take our paper for a year Anybody can do this. Among your neighbors and friends there Is certainly one who will subscribe for our papor nt your solicitation. Do not put It off, or stop to think It over, but go right out at once ami get your sub scriber. You yourself will be surprised to And how easy a thing It Is to do, and when you lecetve your twenty-five complete novels and commence reading them, you will be delighted to think you to. k advantage of our great and very llbernl offer. t 'We will give fifty of the novels fortwo yearly subscribers, seventy-five for three subscribers, nnd so on for any number. Oet more than one subacrlber It you can without too much trouble, but do nut full to get at least one, and secure for yotiiselt twenty-rive charming complete novels free. You will nils a grand thanie a great opportunity -It you pass this offer by unheeded. Order your novels by the numbers as given. Address all letters: THE OREGON SGOUT, Union, Of. - GET UP We will jzivo this excellent nnd moat valuable book and I ho Oregon v Scout For one year for ONLY $4.50. The usual nrico for this book Is from $8 to 912. er s uiialinilpil Dictionary . weis ITHE OREGON SGOUT, UNION, OR.I THE OREGON SCOUT -IS THK Most Popular Paper Published in Eastern Oregon. This is attested by Its immense and rapidly Increasing subscription list. It is independent in all things, neutral in nothing; replete with AllI.K AND WeI.I.-TIMKI) ElltTOItl ALS, Cohuksponihijcck FitoM EyiniY Section, ClIOICK OltKlINAI, IilTEHAHY MATTKP., Spicy Locals and Miscei j.any. Subsoribe for It Now and Secure Premiums. ONLY S1.50 PER ANNUM. A8 AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM IT v STANDS '.' AT'.' THE 7 HEAD Among Interior Newspapers. IV Advertising rates made known on application. JONES It CHANCEY, Publishers and Proprietor, O 8TKEET, UNION, OIIKGOW. No.lS. A t.ow Mnrrlliae. Ilr Mia, Meinea 77mrr.lM: No. 115. A Wlekeil I'lrl. 11 Mart r.ril. IIa,. No, 111. The I'enrl oflhe Oeenn. rtr Cl ara ArararA. No. 151. 'I he (Mil llnkril i'heal. 11 Hrl fAxita Co,., Jr. No. 111. The Ciilirirnlii'iililii. lltll.T I'llwa No. 1JI. The Koreelllnl lliihlea. 11 M. T. Dai dor. No. 139. The IMiiiiioinl llrneelrl. 11 Mia. II VTooa. No. I2. CIIITi' llnuoe. H, KrrA tv ri.arr. No. 121. Aanlhn'a lllator. II Maiioarkt III oumt No.122. Hut oTIlic ten. Hr Ci.ara Afnr.TA. N0.I2I. TheSlor oriiHIonu. Il Mra. J.nrO. Aiuti". No. I20. The F.tll IJrulua. Ilr M. T Cai ni... No. IU. The .lly.lery lit lllucltnooil llrnntxe. R Mra. Mat aoma H i-mi.., No. 101 The l.nat nr Ihe Itiithrrna. R.r Mill MUI OCR. No. 101. The .llortrli'L: i'lirni 3lalerj. D Wuaia Colli... tlhtiti ittnl. No. 100. Out oflhe llrplha ft llcaii Ciinwat. No. m. Itetrlhiitlon. H MARoAR.r Hi ni nt. No. ). No. 97. No. M. No. 5. No. 91. No. 91. No. 92. No. VI. No. 00. No. fS. A nle or win h 11 ra. iiknrt u aon. A Fortune lluiiler H Arnir Tniiua, It'd, 11 eilileil nun I'nrten. H auincr "linra Thorn,. ' The Iiliit8htabrliliic.i1.ler. 11 Cua.. Rraiib. lualeitetT llnuoe. Hr amhor or" lora Thoro,. ' A Tuaalve Ollne 11 TmkIIi CHKi,.' Itnii LoiIaci. 11 Mra IIrkht roon A HrlilKe of Love. R author bora Thorna." TheFntiil tliirrtuct. 11 Mia M. K Hrahdor. A Uiieeii Anionaat Women R th, author af Dora Thorno, No. P. The lllnlrliforil llrqnrat. R, llMCnir. III. No. H7. I lie ,'ur.o orenrew. H, .uthor Dora Thome, A SIiiiiIiiit "ii tho Th read otil. 11 Mar, Cai ll. Hat The Kill ail l.lllea. H auttior ' Dora thorn. " I'lirrlatoii'. (lin. 11 IIiohCii4wat illif. .More Jllttcr thnu lleitlh. H author of " Dora No. M. No, 05. No. fl, No. 11. Thorn. No, (2. Mlaa nr Mra. t Itr Wu am Col t Itia nilitlialld. No. SI. In Ihe llolliliia. 11 Mart Crcii. 11a, . No. 0. The Itninuntlo Ail I riiturea uf a MIILinald. Ilr TimMAa Hariit. No. 7tt. A llenit Henri. H, author of Dora Thorn, .' No. 77, Irnrlt llna. n HituM Comwat, MihiIou a on Ihe Snow. 11 II. I.. Karjion. Al the WorliV. tlerey. It Piorrnck ITardrm, 'iitleil lliicb. Hr llitau Conwat. .Mltilreil Treviiiilon. II, ' Thr nlCMRa,l,, " In C'liplil'a cl. H authorofM Dora Thorn.." Thellrey IVomiin, 11 Mra (liaiRii., jwd. The Malerr of Ihe llollr Tree. Br tha No, 7. No. 75. No. 71, No. 71. No, 12. No. II. No. 70 author of " bora Thome ' Itlmtt ureif. No. 6. Clnhrlera Miirrlnfire. 11 IVii RiRTnlf iri, J7M. No. M. John llowerlinnl?. H ife. H, lll.a Mtt oca. HL No. fi7. Juaner llmie'a Meerct. H5II.I5I R. IIraddom. No, M l.eollne. HMartCrch. Hat. Ilhftrot!. No. Hi. I.nily llneniliillne'a Ilrcmn. 11 tb, author ol '' Dora Thome." Phtttialtd. No. 64. licit Court Tumi. 11 lira. Hrrrt Wooh. fll d. No. (13, No. 62. No. SI. No: 50. No, 19. I he I' ronen lleep. 11 wii.kir Coti inc. H'rf. lluclt lo Ihe (Mil Home. H, Mart Ckcii Hat. 111. The l.oat Hunk INol. 11 Mra. IIrnht Woou. II. Heater. Hr IIatricr M. Iti'Tr. Ittnttratrd. A llrlile from the Sen. 11 author ' Dora Thorna." TheCrlcketon the lleurlh. A Ohrlitmaa fitorr. No. 45. Ilr Chari r, Dicrrhb. iltmrtaraJ No. II. The Vellow Miiak. H Wll an Coii ikb. No. 45. Hell llrumlon. 11 P. Hamiliuh Mtkri. IV i. No. 95. Mlaalntj. H, Mart i'rcii. Hat. No. .15. Anne. 11 Mra. Hrnrt Woon. No. 52. 8later ttoae. 11 WiirirCoimhi: No. 51. Vnlerle'aKulr. It Mia, Al kakiiir! No. 29. A (Joldiii IIiiuii. It author "Dora Thorna." (. No. 27. Kaalcnl or. the Myaterr of the lleaiilande. II, KrTA . PIkrck. Ifuirrafiit. No. 25. lludler C'nrleon. 11 Sliiaftl. R. Rraddoni No. 25. No. 32, IImvIiI Hunt. 11 Mra. Ank S. Strrhih.. The Heir lo A.hler. It, Xlrs. Hrnrt Toor: IlenplnB the htrlrr hid. R Mart Crcii. Hat. A tJllikcl Slu. Ilr the author of" Dora Tborua." The l.uurrl lliiali. 11 Mill Mclocr: llenrj Arketl. 11 5ln. Hrnrt Wood. Atuoa llnrton. Br flcoaoK Kl iot. IlluelCye.nnil Uolilen llatr. R AhnitcThomab. No. 21. No. 10. upturn aiicr'. i.egney. nai. i uaidor. Amonir the Kulna. H, Mart Cacit Hat. Tiro. charming complete novels fite If you will get us A CLUB. & This book will also bo given FREE To any ono sending a club of TEN Yearlv subscribers, Accompa nied by the subscription price of the OREGON ',' SCOUT, Which is 1.50. Address - One of the Above-mentioned X