PIVtTSniTtl THUJISDAY, OOTOBEH 23. 1S00 THE J0NE3-PUTNAM DE3ATE. 8ynop3ls of tfce Argurr.onis Trjduced by Both Bides. The following account of tho reli gious debate which recently look place in Summcrvillo, is by ono of the p.ir ticipantt; Mr. Putnam and pub lished in Freethought: I found all nrrangcinuntfi mnde for the debate ut Summcrville, nnd Klder Joncp was on hand with a wliole library of book. IIo rather thought I would not put in an appearance. JIo seemed to think that I was trembling in my hoots, and when tho fctago came up Wednesday morning and I was not on board there was a kind of jubilation . among tho church people, and one man bet a sack of Hour that I would not meet my reverend opponent, lie lost liia sack of Hour. I missed the etage, but chartered a special convey ance and was there in plenty of time, and whether the Christians woro happy or not remains to bo seen. Tho debate occupied seven nights. An extra night was thrown in in order that (Jod might have a chance to ap pear in court and provo that lie creates all thing!, and therefore tho Hiblo. Elder Jones thrust this question in to the debate tho very first ovening, although when the list of questions at issue wero propounded, tho question, "Is thoro a God?" was not accepted, I hut tho (Hicstion only: "Is tho bible of divino origin?" As a matter of fact, if the Clod ouestion was not raised by mo it certainly did not come into tho debate. 1 did not intend to raise that question for tho simple rca son that timo did not permit. J wan ted to stick to tho Bible. Why my opponent "side-tracked" on tho "God question" I do not know. For tho purposed of tho dobalo on tho Hiblo origin to which tho audianco had come to listen, I granted tho existence of a divino being, after tho fashion of Thomas Payne. Ah this admission on my part was twisted into a back down, I offered to dobato tho question on a Boperato night, and so tho arrange ment proceeded. Six evenings woro devoted to tho Bible, and tho following was tho battle ground each ovening. First Evening Tho gonuinefs of tho toxt, tho credibility of tho gospels, etc. I denied the oxistanco of any origin al toxt, and iilnrtnod that tho present vorfiion was founded on MS. copies of no earlier dato than tho 10th century and that tho gospels as we now have them were not written until ono hun dred and fifty years after tho death of Jesus. Elder Jones granted my first posi tion, and said that tho faet that the presont version was a copy did not m validato its historic usefulness. He affirmed that tho Gospels, as wo now lmvothem, woro written almost inimo diatoly after tho death of Jesus. Second evening I alllrnicd and proved by such authorities as Eusbius and others of the Christian fathers, and by modern scholarship, that tliu Biblo was entirely of pagan origin ; that thoro was nothing "now or strange" in it; that the cross, thorite of baptism, and tho Lord's supper, as well as tho theology and mythology of tho Hiblo, could bo found in anterior religions. Elder Jonos endeavored to robut my position and show that tho Hiblo was a revelation, and not simply a ropub licatjon of what was in tho world be fore. " " Third evening Tho battlo ground was tho prophesies. Elder Jones had an immenso chart on tho blackboard at tho rear of tho platform, on which wh dopiotod in various colors tho im ago of Daniel, etc. This was Elder Jones' strong point. Ho had got the whole thing by heart, and ho made a pretty good display of historic know-lodge. Who but a divino being cotim have given Daniel such a wonderful amount of historio information? I replied as follows: First, there aro recorded prophesies outsido of tho Bible as marvelous as any that aro in it, to which no divino origin is oyer ascribed; Second, that there aro many falso prophesies in tho Hiblo the prophesies concerning Babylon, Tyro, Damascus, Egypt, nnd tho prophecy of Jesus concerning tho end of tho world. Jf tho truth of a prophecy proves divino origin, then certainly tho falsehood of a prophecy dUprovcs with equal force Fourth evening Tho main question wan as to tho character of God as given in tho Biblo, I nfilrmed that tho character was that of a partial, unjust, oruel, and tyrauioul being, Elder Joneit a (firmed that God hud a right to aaurder, or to do unytbing that ho do sired with his creatures, and at the very worst the Hiblo God was n ) more atrocious than the God of nature. I answered that tho badness of nature did not justify tho badnces of a God. If God made nature ho was responsi ble for all its horrors; if he did not make nature and had, like man, to submit to the ovil of nature, then be waH no more divino than the man him self. Tho crimes of God cannot be justified by tho cruelties of nature. Fiom tho standpointof humanity both arc to be condemned. Fifth evening The chief discussion was on the immoralities of the Bible. I showed that it justified and endorsed slavery, polygamy, wars of extermina tion, etc. Elder Jones affirmed that God did not want slavery or polygamy, but on account of tho condition of tho ago was obliged to regulate until such time as he could abolish. I answered that according to this, God was not so determined a reformer as uarnson nor to powerful as. Abraham Lincoln. Sixth evening The ground of de bate was tho miracles and crucifixion of Jesus, and the scientific truthful ness of the Bible. Elder Jones af firmed that tho Bible was not at vari ance with geology or any of tho sci ences; that wo had a valid account of tho miracles, and tho cruciliction of Christ, and that such a wonderful event, so well attested and admitted, must provo tho divinity of Jesus, and thus tho divinity of tho Biblo. I answered so far as history was concerned Jesus was a myth; there was no ovidenco, that could bo accepted in court, that testified such a man over lived ; thero wae a chasm of two hun dred years from tho alleged death of Jesus wliero thoro was no account of him at all. There was not a particle of proof that ho -ever lived. IIo is liko, William Tell, a supposition of history and no more. Tho contlict. between the Biblo and seienco is irre concilable. Tho knowledgo of to-day demonstrates beyond doubt that the Bible is absolutely an untruthful book and entirely of human origin. I have ondoavorcd in this short re sume to give a fair account of tho ar guments of Elder Jonos. IIo debated well. Ho did not resort to any poi sonalities, but stood bravely to argu ment. He is about as thoroughly posted as any preacher 1 know of. Ho evidently believes in his side of the qucstiou and defends it earnestly, and in this case tho Christians chose as good a representative as could bo found in this part of tho country. Tho Christians, outsido of tho debate, adopted tactics which did not at all conduce to tho boneilt of their cause. The Itev. Parker, howovor, pitched in on tho merits of tho Presbyterian creed. Ho announced to answer mo on Sunday morning, and I announced an extra lecture on Sunday afternoon to answer him. I attended his ser vices on Sunday morning and so did other Liborals, but they novor will again, nor would I ever again notice that kind of attack. It was simply a tirade of abuso of which his own party wero thoroughly ashamed. He has in ilictcd an injury upon his church from which it will never recover. I had a crowded houto in tho after noon to my reply. 1 let the dirt alone and did my best to show tho "beauties" of the Christian creed. Tlio dobato on Tuesday ovening be tween Eldor Jonos and lnytolf was about God. Tho Elder is a philosopher after tho heart of Wilfred Hall, lie endeavored to show design, oto. ; that thero was a spiritual substance: that mind antedates matter, etc. Ho is a thorough anti-evolutionist, and rejects tho science of Huxley, Ty tidal, and etc., for that of Wilfred Hall. I maintained the following positions: that reason i nd experience aro tho solo source of knowledge, therefore to provo tho existence of a God, know ledgo must be infinite, which it is not. Matter and motion and the laws of matter and motion aro eternal, and thero is no need of a God to make them. Design is simply adaption, and adap tion is as much for evil as good ; as witness the cancor which is one of tho most beautiful adaptions in tho uni verse to tho oyo of scionco it is sim ply lovely hut what is it? one of tho most perfect instruments of torture conceivable. Did God make this? What is God? Inflnito wmlom and inllnato love. Therefore only a per fect universe can be tho result of God's oxistanco, perfect beuuty, perfect de light. Tho universe is ono of ovil as well as good, and therefore there can not bo a God. This ia tho drift of the arguments. Liberals who understand will know how tho mattor waa presented from evening to evening along these various lines ol debate. Of course there was really nothing now, but largo audien ces were present and the interest was maintained until tho close. 1 am am ply satisfied with tho outcome, and that Frccthonght is on tho gain. It. D. liuckman presided with genial impartiality. J. W. Cowan, rcprescn tatie of tho Chtistian church, on tho committee with J. W. Xorval was fair and honorable. Tho audiences were attentive and appreciative, and so fr as the debate was concerned each jM'akor was treated with respect and politeness. Outside of the debate, on Monday evening an attempt was made in the direction of a personal attack. But it was not well received, and as most of those who tigntd tho document didn't understand its purport nothing more will bo said about it, unless the matter bo carried further by its originators. If this is the ease then theic will bo war to the knife. With the exception of this and the uncalled-for ubuto of the Kov. Parker, I have only the most pleasant memories of this varied and interesting week. iwiAJA3Hugifii&-Jf wi'muiKWinvj.;;"" "-r -rri SIIKRIIT'S SAI.K. NOTICK is iihukiTv oivkn that by Virtuo of an exei utiun und onii-r of alu issued out of the Honorable Circuit court ol' tho Mute o! fri-gun, for Union county, bearing date 11th day oi October lti'M, and to mi- directed mid delivered, up on a judgement and decree of foreclosure and hale therein entered on tlio 2."itb day September, 1MK), wherein the Pendleton Savings Jiank is plnintid' and K. J. Slater, .las. II. Sinter, U.K. Slater and K. Gilliam aro.dcfendants for the Mini of $970.92 with interest thereon from Sentcmbci 1!."), 1800 at tlie rate of 8 per cent, per annum, and $A).00 as reasonable attorney' fee herein and his costs and disbursements taxed at !f2.".0 and decreeing the sale of the fallowing described neretoioro mort gaged real estate, to-wit: The of Section 31 in Township South, of Kango 37 U, W. M., In Union county, Oregon, in satisfaction of said judgment and decree. Now. therefore, under and by virtuo of the said execution and order of sale as aforoald, I will sell at public auction at the court bouse door at Union, Union county, Oregon, on the 21th day of November, lbOO, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, all tlie right, title and interest of, In and to tlie said premises that the said It. J. Slater, Ja. It. Hlatei, 10. K. Slater and K. Gilliam or cither of them lias to said real estate, to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees, costs and disbursements and interest as aforesaid and accruing costs. uated tins istn nay ot uctoner, rsuo. J. T. HOhhICS, Sberiirof Union County, Oregon, lly A. II. Gi.inmvKU.. Deputy. 10-2,'i SlII51lin"S SAI.H JamcH II. & W. It. Hutchinson, Pill's.) vs. James Welch ct a). Defendants. ) UNDKR AND BY VI11TUK OKA DK crec of foreclosure and order of sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union county, on tlio 2!Itl day of September, 18'J0, in the above entitled suit, wherein Jus. II. and It. Hutchinson the above named plain tills obtained a judgment and a decree of foreclosure and sale against James Welch, Sarah Welch, 10. C. Hughes, M. M. Mar shall, O. N. ltamsey, Thomas V, Hall, Da vid Kccles, II. H. Spencer and W. A. Coiigbaiiour defendants, on the 2;jd dnv of September, 181.0, for the sum of $1,010 83 with interest from said 2.'lil day of Sep tember, 1S!0, at tho rate of 10 per cent, per annum, ami the further sum of $101 at torney's fee and the costs and disburse ments of this suit and accruing costs and costs of this ivrlt, I am commanded to sell the lauds, tho same being situated in Union county, and described in said decree in follows, to-wit: Tho SJi of X"A and N'i of SW'X of Sec. 22, and NWK of Sec. 1(1, and SKJ4 of SHJi Sec. 8, and V)lA of NH'4, and NKK of 8 15 '4 Sec 17, Township (ISoiith, of ItangelW East, of Willamette meridian, also tho NWJi ol SW'M See 1(1 in said Township and Kango Therefore I will sell on Friday, tho 21st day ol November. lhOO, at 2 o'clock p.m. of said (lav at public auction at the court house door in the city of Union. Union esunty, Oregon, all thu right, title, claim and interest which tho said defendants had, in and to tho above described real property on tho ,'lOlh day of October, IM, or since aei;ulred. Terms of sale, cash to nieiii hand. Dated this 17th day of October. 1890, J. T. HOLLI5S, SherllFof Union County, Oregon, lly W. 11. UsitKK, Deputy. 10-23. jVTOTICK IS IIKRKIIY GIVKN THAT X i bv virtuo of an execution and order of sale issued out of thu Uonorablu Circuit Court of tlio State of Oregon, for Union county, bearing dato the 8th day of Octo ber, lk)0, and to ino directed and delivered upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale of heretofore attached property, entered on the 2.Vh dav of September, 18!H), wherein A. B. Swift is philntilV and O. 51. Houghton is defendant, for tho sum of $73.MS, with Interest at 10 per cent, per annum, from September 23, I8fx, and ihe further sum of $70 attorney's fees, anil W.37 for costs and disbursements of this action, and decreeing tho sale of tho fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: All tho right, title and Interest that the de fendant C. 51. Houghton had, on the 7th day of April. 181K). or after acquired in or to the following described real estate, viz: an undivided oik -third interest therein, vi. : Tho HJ of SK4 See. 31, Tp. 7 S. Range 12 K, andNKk of SKU and KJf of NKJi of Sec. (land NV( of SW'H and SWU of NWj; See. ft.Tp. s-s- B, 12 K.and NKy,' of NKW See. ".andNW'U of NV'4 See. 8, and SKXofSKU See. II ami SWtf of SWJi Sec, fi, Tp. 8 S. It. 12 K, situated in Union county, Oregon. Now, theiefore, under; and by virtuo of said execution anil order of sale as afore said, 1 wilt soil at publlo auction, at tho court house door at Union. Union county, Oregon, on Saturday tho 22nd day of No vember, 18SK), at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, all tho right, title and interest of, in and to tho said promises Unit C. M. Houghton, said defendant hail on tho 7th day of April, 1890, or after acquired hi or to the above described real estate, to satisfy said judg ment, attorney fees, costs, disbursements and interest, as aforesaid mid acerueing costs. Terms of sale cash to me in hand. Dated thU 20th day of October INK). J, T. ROU.KS, Sheriff ot Union Comity, Oregon. By W. K. Usiimt, Deputy. 10-23. notick or roui'ianmit. To John N'oi.kx: You are hereby untitled that I huve ex pended lUteon hundred dollars in labor and improvements on the Flying Dutchman" qtiartx mine In order to hold (ho said mine, as provided hi section 23i I revised statutes of the United States, nnd if within ninety days from service of th s notice you fall or refute to pay your prOortl in of such ex penditure as co-owner, your Intorost In suld claim will become the proper v of tho sub scriber under .ild section CS2i, Sparta, Oregon. Oet. Id, 1x90. 1023181 GKOBGE W. TERKIN6. I II llll 1 1 1 I I III I I Mil II III! I IIIMIII m 1111 I'll HI II siiKitirr's ham:. TVfOTICK IS I IKK Kin" GIVEN THAT J.1 by virtue of tin exeeiithm m.d nrili-r ' sale is.-ued out oi the Honor!''- fire..! Court of the State ol Orey..n, f. r Union county, bearing date the 14th dnv of Octo ber, lsix), and to nie directed and d livered, upon a judgment and decree of fore closure and sale therein entered on the-'Mh dav if September, IMA), wherein August Ki".-ter-miili is plaintill nnd Jnnics. VkIi. .S.irnii Wmch. 51. 51. 5Iur-l:all, O. N. H.u.i-ey. Thomas P. Hall. II. H. Spt-nctT. David Kccles, and. 1.(1. Ila-risoii. and 11. K llccd. Trustte O. It. & N. Co., John rn.ii:, . D. Thomlinson, Annie 51. Brown, W. D MnUli, .Mrs. 5Ic' urry, W G. Lovrll. . H. Huhier. Jacob Newinan, Kir-hard Punch Duve Iicvcridge. K. . Simonis, Octavius 1'niker, Thomas O'llrvnnt, J.-ime Gilklnsuii, H. O. Gorlmtn. Herman K dhehltd, D. W. C. Nelson, A. Kun and J. 51. Carroll are de fendants, for the sum of $,700.2 and the further sum of $.VJ0.00 attorney's fees, and mr the cots and disbursements taxid at .l.r).lS. together with intciist thereon at the tate of ten per cent, per annum from tho said 23th ilav of Seinpicmber, IrtW, and decnoiiig the sale of tholollowlng de&cribed real estate, to wit: The east half of the southwest fjui.rtrr and the wct half of the southeast quarter of section 22, and tlie north .'et qit'iru-ruf section 27, all in township (! south, of raugrc 39 east, of the Willamette meridian, nnd situated in Union and Baker counties, Oregon, less four acres out of the southeast corner ot northwest quarter oi sum section 27, in satisfaction of suld judgmoiit and decree. Now, therefore, under and by virtue of said execution and order of sale as afore said, I will sell at public auction at the court house door at Union, Union county, Oregon, on the 1 1th due of Nowuiher. 100, at 2 o'clock p. in. of s:dd day. all the right,' title and Intcro-it of, in and to the said premises that tho said James Welch and Sarah Welch or either of tln.ni had therein on the 17th day of October, Wttl, or have since acquired" thereto, or siitlieiout thereof to satisfy the said judgment, attorney fees, costs aiid disbursements and interest as aforesaid and accruing costs. Dated this Oct. 11, lk90. J. T. 110LM5S, Sheriff of Union County, Oregon. By W. It. Usunit, Deputy. lO-lO.Gt. SIIHK11''I'".S SAfiK. Jacob Newman vs. icil C. 51. KcIIol'L' and Fred W. Tunc TTNDKK AND BY VIKTUK OF AN U order of sale and decreo of foreclosure and sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Union comity, on tlio 27th day of September. 18W, in the" above entitled suit, wherein Jacob Newman theabove niuiied jilaintifl obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure ami sale againt U. 51. Kellogir, Fred W. Punch, 51 15. Kellogg, I. K. D.iwoi) and Dawvm defendants, on the 27th dnv of Septi'inbc-, 1890, fortbc sum of $011.00 "and the further sum of $100.00 as att irnoy's foes, and the costs and disbursements of this suit taxed at$12.78 and accruing costs, and cost of this writ, I am commanded to soli tlio land situated in Union county, Oregon and de scribed in said dcreo as follows, to-wit : Lots 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 1 1. 13 and l(i in Mock 10 of the town of North Powder, Union county, State of Oregon, nnd tho nppurio nances thereunto belonging, tluvelore I will sell on Saturday, the 15th day of No vember. 1880. at 'Z o'c oru n. m. ot saul (lay, at public auction, at tho court bouse door in the city of Union, Union county. Oregon, all the right, title and interest which the said defendants had in and to tho above de scribed real property on the !)th day of September, lriOO, or has since acquired. Terms of sale: Cah to mo in hand. Dated this 0th day of October. 1890. ,1. T. UOhLKS. Sherill' of Union County. By W. It. Ufiiir.it, Deputy. 10-ll!-5t. NOTICH TO CllKDITOKS. "VTOTICKIS 1IKKKKV G1VKX THAT i. 1 the undersigned has boon duly appoin ted assignee of the estate of Charlos M. Houghton, an insolvent debtor. All per sons having claims against tho said C. M. Houghton are hereby untitled to presont tho same, under oath, to the undoridgued within three months from date. T1I05IAS 51. B. PUR 11 Y. Dated at Keating, Union county, Oregon, this 27th day of.Septemher, 1800. Hvni!, Johns & OI.jistiiau. 10-10-5t Attorneys for Assignee. ADMINISTIIATOKS NOTlCi:, NOTICK IS 1IKKKBY GIVKN TO ALB whom it may concern, that G. W. Kuckntan and Clara G. Jones have been by tho county court of Union county, Ore gon, appointed administrators of tho es tato of Thomas K. Jones deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby nntiliod to presont tlie same, with proper vouchors, to the said administra tors at Island City, Oregon, within six mouths from this date. Dated this Sept. 11, 1S90. CbAKA G. JONKS, G. W. KUCK5IAN, 9-ll-vf Administrators. AD.MINI STKATOIt'S NOTICK, K IS IIKKKHY GIVKN TO ALL Persons concerned that the undor- signed has been regularly appointed ad ministrator of tho ostnto ot .lunette 5Ie Conias, deceusod. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, to the un dersigned administrator within six months from the date of this notice, at his resi dence in Union, Union county. Oregon. Dated this 1st day of October. IsOO. S. A. l'UKSKL. 10-2-wT. Administrator. AllMINISTltATOKVS NOTICK. "VfOTICK IS 1IKRKUY GIVKN TO .fl.I. persons concerned, that tht under signed havo been regularly appointed ad ministrators of the osiato of Juhn O. 1.HU1 bert deceased. All persons inning eUiins against said esta'o are not i tied to present tho same, duly voriuVd, to the underdgned administrators within six months from the dato of this notice, at their home in Indian valley, Union county. Oregon. Dated this 30th dav of August. 1800. T..I. CHANDLER, ,IOKB WUAVKB, !M-w5 Administrators. AllMIMSTKATOlt'S NOTICK, "VrOTICK IS HKKKBY OIVKN TO ALL li persons concerned, that the under signed has been regularly appointed admin istrator of tho estate of John II.-Jonos de ceased. All persons having cluiim atrnhist salt) estate are untitled to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned adminis trator within six mouths from the Unto of this notice, at his homo near Klgln, Uutou county, Oregon. Dated this SOth day of August. 1SB0. KVAN tt. JONRS, 0 4-wf) Admin itiit-toi. DISSOLUTION NOTICK. -VTOTICK IS HKKKBY GIVEN THAT 1 the undersigned hnvethla uav, by mu tual consent, dissolved the imi in.-. -hip heretofore existing botwoeii tbiu I'mn, nique Soldud retiring friMii tb- I.'.-:ih". K. listuc will continue tliu hiirin' , contn-t all debts due tho firm mid ku ut I. .'"lines. Dated at Cornucil this ft'H U.y i Oc tober. IWX). D05UN1QUE sol W'. 10-1G K. KSTES. n:i.u.iT:tiV. A' p'i :iti 11 1 t a C, ,. l'nf-ii Ml .)- No. !i. i 'i: N. 30, Mlfral npplicut:-"! N"i. o7. I . I.ap Orrti-K, La Oit wM: i runs, ) Amru-t2i 1.1)1. f NOTICK 18 HSKEBY. GIVKN; THAT K. K. CloitKh nnd C. H. iui ci:i. whose postofiSce uddre.-s i. Sparta, Union rounty. Oregon, hay this day filed Wielr iij-phcV.-tlutiforH patmtfor fh Koisnt" quartz mine, -im it d in !b -trb mineral district in Townbip 7 Hoilrh. lUair iUi A3 K. W. 51. and dtr-cril'tsl by ihf ofllfli! olats niul field notes' on the in thi ulllc-: as fnloWi. to-wit: Hi ginning al the NK corner "o-t at the "UoltU-ii Eagle" qunrtz n.lnc, post"ciiig marked ''Cor. N. 1, K. M. C. survpy No. 0," on northwest fuce, from which corner to Sections 2, 3. 10 and It. Township 7 H, Kangu 43 K W 41., bears Miutli 1 degrees 10 minutes W feet distant; thence N. 82 degrees W. 1500 feet to a post marked "Cor. No. 2, K. 51. C. a No. 0:" tlwiio north 8 degrees east 000 feet, to a int marked "tor. No. 3K. 5t. U.K. No. 9:'1 thence so tufa f2 degri-e-s cast IfiOO feet, to the NW corner of th; "Mimm.i'' qiuitz nuup, which corner pot Is ninrkfd "Cor. No. 4, K. M. C. survey No. 0" on southwe-t fufp of post: thi-tice fOtlth 8 degrees west COO fret to thu'plnccof beginning, contain ing 20.(jT aert-i. Iocation bting recorded in Vol D. page 310, ree n-ils ot ciiiHrU leca- j tion, Union county, Oregon. Adjoining claims "are the "Golden Kasle" I quartz lode on the south and the "Summit'' I quui iz lode on the cast. Any and all per j sons c'aiiiiinfr adversely any portion of said "lungnt quariz iouo a novo ucscrioeu, aro required to tile their adverse claims with the register of the U. 8. landonVe at La Grande, Union county, Oregon, during the sixty day's period of pubuVatlon hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. A, CLHAVKH, Register. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice of application for a U. b. patent te published for a period of sixty davs (ten consecutive weeks) in The OhsiOon rsccifT, a weekly nevspuxr published at Union. Union county, Oregon. A. CLEAVER, 0-t-wl0 Register. NOTICK Olf FIN Al SKTTLKMBNT. In the County courf of Union county, state of Oregon. In the mattor of the" estate of D. B. Hilt-, dec 'used. To A Mi Whom rr May roxewtx : Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of" the above named estate has this day filed his final account of his administration of the ostato of 1). 15. Hilts, deceased, in the county court of Union county, state of Oregon, and 51oiul.iy, the 3d day of November, lnoO, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the same being a day oi tho regular term of the above court, has been appointed as the time and the court house in Union, Union county, state of Oregon, as tlie place, by said county court, for hearing objections, if any, to said account, and for the showing of cause, .if any there be, why an order be not made, settling said account, and mak ing distribution of said estate, and dis charging tho said pxecutor from furtlur duty as such executor and of releasing his sureties irom luttber liability in this un dertaking. Dated this 15th dav of S'opt.. 18r0, nt Un ion, Oregon. JOHN it. CIUTKS, 9-18 wo Executor. ADMIMSTBATORS' SAM'.. 7COTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT 1 on Saturday, the 1 It It day of October, no-it, between Die hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and I) o'clock in the afternoon of said day. at thrf Into residence of N. Sw liter deceased, the personal property of said do cedent, consisLinar of horses, cattle, hogs, farm implements and other articles will bo sold at public sale. Terms of sale: Purchases of less tlmii five dollars to be paid in hand; for that amount and over, on a credit, of not lees than three or over twelve mouths, the pur chaser giving note with approved security. POLLY BWIOKR. Administratrix. ANDREW "WILKINSON, 0-26. Administrator. NOT1CJ3 OST FORFEITURE. To tho heirs of the late K. A. Warner: Yu are her'-hv notified thut I have ex pended forty dollars iu labor and improve ment on tho ''May Flower'' mine in order to hold the said mine, as provided iu sec tion 2324 revised statutes of the United Statos, being the amount required to hold ono-third ot said mine fortbe venr lsgo, and if within ninety days from servi -o of this notice you iaii or refuse to pay your pro portion of such expenditure as co-owner, your interest in 9iUn rlaim will become the properiy of the snbscrtner under said sec tion 2i;24. Cornucopia, Oregon, July 15. U!)0. 7-17-wlS, O.J. DUFFKY. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. To Au Whom it 5Uv Conckrs: Notice is hereby given that tho under signed has been appointed executor of the last will and testament of Daniel II. Lee, deceased, and of his estate., by the county court of Union county, stato of Oregon, MA all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at my residence on Lower Powder, Union county, Oregon, or at the residence of Win. Martin at the Park in Union county, state of Oregon, within six tnuuilivfrom the date herooi. Duted at Union. Oregon. Sept. 17. 1S00. HANKll W. I.K1' 0-lS-w.V Executor. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. VIOTICK IS IIKREBY GIVKN TO THE it taxp ivcrs ot Union ct.iiuty, Oregon, that the Hoard of Equalization of As-oss-lllents will meet ou !hn 21th duy of ISeptrni her, liSOO. at the court house in" Uiumh. Un ion exiii'.ty, Oregon. All parties teelmg iheiiiselve-i agrieved. will appear bef ire said board with their grietanccs, otherwise all ase6m.'llts will be collected for the voar 1800. J. I). GUILD. 8-28 Assoaiorfor Union County, Or. EXECUTRIX'. NOTICE. VTOTICK IS Hi:iIKi:Y GIVUXTO ALL whom tt ins concern, th u Latimu Outhouse, Executrix ol tho cst- leof John T. Outhouse, di-et asfd. h ,s ilLd In tijc county court of Union c u k , Or. go,, her final account us such aommistra' i and the said court has set 'lu.-iiiv, I. IsHll, at one o'clock p. I I. for the he.inn: of said report. LAVINIA OUTIIOU.-E 10-2-wfi Executrix. C. C. COFFSBERRY, DiQer In all Idtulu of Farm Machinery, UNION, QRHOON. For reason. iHe terms and low prioos tall on nio and I w til eatibfy you. 3-27-tf. vol iv v. rois I R.H. BROWN, . Dealer in DnippMIudiGies, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, FAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc. A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall Paper on hand. Proscriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. A full supply of eliool hooks con stantly on hum!. The State Opens Scptomljcr 12, 1S90. CtOUHSE OF STUDY arranged cxprcss I lv to meet the needs of the Fanning nnd Meclumiual interests of the State. Lnrpc, commodious and well-ventilated buildings. The college is located in a cul tivated and Christian community, and one of the healthiest iu the state. MILITARY TRAINING. KxiionxcH ;od not KxccimI .'3150 for tho Kntiro .Session, Two or more free scholarships from every County. Write for catalogue to H-7-2IH 1J. L. AHNOLD, Pres., Corvallis, Oregon. Lino fa Con. Leaves Union dnilv at 2 p. in, nrrives at Cove at 3:30 p. in. Leaves Cove at S a. m., arrives at Union nt 0:30 a. m. Connections made with Elliott's eoachev running to the depot, carrying passenger for east and west bound trains. K AT ICS for IA SSHNOintS, LUOOAOE and FIlKKiHT, ItK ASOSAltLK. UOUINSON .fe LAYNE. Proprietors iBStanrant. C. H. COOVEIt, Proprietor. Board and Lodging at Reasonable Rates. Meals O pT Cents. Beds S O Cents. Fresh Bread. Pies, Cakes and Confectionery u-lwavs on hand. S-21-tf. Union and Cornucopiu Stage Line ! Quickest and Cheapest Route to the Pine Creek Mines. KATES : FAltn. KUEICillT, ?1 60 X a 3 0(1 ljc ti 0U 2U e nion to Park ' " Sanger " " Cornucopia LUMBER for SALE at the High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnWied on khort notice. Prices cheap us the cheapest. PatronacTG - Solicited. 5-30tf WM. WILKINSON & SON. Thomson & Pursel nio nironts for tho celebrated Cyclono WhulJIill, nnd as tho prices on them have been great ly reduced tlicv nro now within tho teach of all. Sample mill to bo Been at their planer in North Union. Call and examine it. tL ErJiLw raj VC:il rv'tj t, CI4 psnltatha Llirr ana KIJI Bllil I!rlr th Vi,,t of Aptit, Isdiiexlan, i v.v ni cininirn ni una J i iaat.ialula:0'iiJ.UonH, .. . . . i i ... i . Akt.4 mptilie Brain Puwtr. m RkDpai i..criB irom rompuiaif 1 D BfM poaliriQiheiriiiillfll ImlXJJ Jn II A RISK'S IKOW ONiaMt(iii.liijtJrc m Olv-ranclonr. bU thlcoKiiJu'.ou. fro-iatut Ktc3i.tt rounurttlt lDonlxada to ti trub,itjnl tho arUlnal ii uv,Mini Wb-H IM Ui.ll.IA41. ft4 llftst Dr.HARTCK'W LITTLE LIUER PILLSV CirCiii.L i.-u. tlt Lua:..altit nd hickk Dr. I llcch. I lHe ud 1 I'ruia Jlnokl ruftilmt o.i rr- r wjiC.t;ci CO., UutoiAt, Ma. In sift urn. Mm JgpTIIE OIIY TBK f I II O N