Stmt THE OREGON SCOUT Is independent in nil things, neu tral in nothing; devoted to every cause it believes to be right a journal for the people. THE OREGON SCOUT Has ns lnrge acirculntiionasany two papers in this eection of tho State combined, nnd is corre spondingly valuable as an adver tising medium. Horo tho Press tho People's Rights Maintain. VOL. VII. UNION, UNION C0UNJ OKEGON, THURSDAY, OCTOB15U 23, 1S00. NO. 18. mm The Ore? on Scout o An Inrtf in.lent weekly journal, Issued eterjr Tuur(tav morning by JONES & CIiAXCEY, Publishers anil Proprietor. A K Jo.n F.9, Kdltor. II. Chancev, Foreman. Kiit- of Slllillilloli. One copy one year. One copy six muiioh, One copy three month?, - $1.50 t.W .75 Invariably Caili In Ailvmire. If by chance mibierlption arc not pniil till end j of year, two dollars ivill be chargid. Kates of advertising made known on application . &&" Correspondence from all parts of tne country solicited. Address n'l communications to the Ohliion Scout, Union, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, CXITKP STATUS, I'kehidknt ISenjamln Harrison of Indiana. Hkcketakv urHTATK-.Iamea (I. Ilia ne of Maine Skcketahv or Til k TiiKAiunv -William Windoin of Minnesota. Skcketakv ok Waii RedtieH I'roctorof Vermont. 8 to K eta It V OK THK Navv Henjiinla Y. Tracy of New York. Hkcketaiiv ok the Interior- John W. Noble of Missouri. roTMASTEU-OENEIiAt.-John Wauaruakir of Penn sylvania. Attoknki-Oeneral-W. II. II. Miller of Indiana. Secrbtarv or AoiticiiLTurtK-Jerenilah Husk of Wisconsin. STATU OF OUKUllN. Senators, I.I. II. Mitchell. t .1. N. Dolpii. Congressman, - - - lliMiMt Hermann'. Governor, Hvlvrstkk Pksnover. Secretary of S'ate, - Gmiiuik W. McMkiiik. Mate Treasurer, - (1, W. Webh. Suiwrtntendeut of Public Instruction. K. H. .McKlhov. State Printer, Frank C. IUkeu. ( H. H. Ktraiian. i W. P. I,nmi. (W. W. TllAVKH Supreme Judges, SIXTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICT. Circuit Judges, Prosecuting Attorney M. D. CLirroKD (.lAMts A. Fee. O. F Hvde. COUNTY OF UNION. State Senators, Representatives, Judge Sheriff, Olerk, Recorder Treasurer, Schcol Superintendent, Surveyor, - : Assessor, Coroner, Commissioners, I J. W. NoRVAL. X J. II. IUlk.v. John MoAlihter. I J. A. Wrioiit. I. N. Sanders. J. T Turner Oliver. J. s. Elliott. K. C. llRAINARI). II, H, Stranuk. J. It OlJKTIH. J. I). (JUILO. II. II UHEHH I William aknulu. (John McDonald. CITY OF UNION. Mayor, J. W. Kennedv. Recorder, O. I.. 11L a K khlke. Marshal. .... Arch Johnson. Street Commissioner, N. F, Fli'KLIN. councilmen. It. F. Wilson. J. II. Cohmn. J. H. Klliott. A.K.Jones. E. Kkmillard. H. A, Purhel. LODGES. UNION LODOK, No 39, I. O. O. F., MEETS EVERY Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock WM. HALEY, N. G. O. 8. Miller, Secretary. GRANDE RONDE ENCAMPMENT, No. 11, I. O. O. F meets on the first and third Tuesdays in each month. O. S. MILLER. C. P. J. LI. Thompson, Scribe. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY LODOE. No. 56, A F. k A. M., meets on the second and fourth Saturdays every month. E. W. DAVIb, W. M. R. II. Hiiown, Secretary. GRANDE RONDE VALLEY CHAPTER. No. 20., R. A. M., meets first ad third TiiowliitB each month. W. T. Wn.tlHT, M. E. II. P. Turner Oliver, Secretary. BLUE MOUNTAIN LODGE No. 28 K. OF P meets every Wednesday evening. T. II. CRAWFOKD. O O. Turner Oliver, K. of R. i H. PRKSTON POST, No. 18, O. A. R MEETS EVERY third Satuiday in each month at the Odd Fellows' hall. JOSHUA DRADFORD, P. 0. Or.oudR Heininoer, Adjutant. CHURCHES. The Methodist Episcopal Church holds services at 11 A. M. and 7 V. M. of eacu Sunday. Rev. A. THOMPSON, Acting Pastor. Services are held at the Presbyterian Church at 11 A, SI. aud 7 r. M, of each Sunday. Rev. , Pastor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J W. SIIELTON. J. M. CARROLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OIHce two doors south of Postofflce, Union, dragon. Special attention given to all business entrusted to us. B. EAK1N. J A. EAKIN. Notary Public. R. EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, Oregon, Prompt at'entton paid to collections. n. F. WILSON. Notary Public. A.J. IIACKETT. Notary Public. WILSON & HACKETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, OreRon. Collections and sll other business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. . , A oonipleU) abitract of the laud of Union county In Mars of the UNION REAL ESTATE ASSOCIA TION C. H. DAY, M. D., om(Bopatlilc Physician and Surgeon. All Cull rromptly Attended to. Office adjoining Jones Ilros." store. Can be (ouud nijut at residence in noumwen um. I. N. CROMWELL, M. D .PHYSICIAN, 'AND SURGEON, Office one door south U Hummers 1 Layne's store, Uulou, Oretjou. The Co ve Drill!: Store JASPAR G. STEYENS, ' Proprietor, DEALER IN- PURE DRUGS, Patent JWedicines, Perfumery, Paints and Oils. rracrlitlnn Cnrefully l'riir-I. -ALSO DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, -CONSISTINO OF- Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Cartridges. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Etc. Montreal Saloon Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If you want a refreshing drink or a good cigar, drop in. ltllllard and pool tables for the accommodation of customers. Gornaeopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always in Stock. First-class billiard table. Drop In and tie sociable. For Information About the South ADDRESS WITH STAMP. - The Official Immigration Department -OF- FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CARL ROIUNBON, Secretary, llalelgh, N. 0. DR. E. N. NORTH, Resident Dentist Has tho finest anesthetic for extracting teeth without imlu known to the profession, Will practice in all the brunches of modern den tl.try. Silver and gold v. ork u socially. Fine sets of teeth always on hand, First-class work una satisfaction guaranteed. Oitlrtt-Maln St., Union, Or. UnionTonsorialPariors GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Cutting and Shampooing in the Lasest Style of the Art. Shon two doors south of the Centennial hotel. Gtv me a tall City Meat Market Main Street, Union, OreKon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KKEI' CONSTANTLY ON UAND Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T. McNAUGHTOK, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kit-Ill, OreKon. All lis promptly attended to day or nig WILLIAM KOENIG, Architect and Builder, Cove, Oregon. Drafts, plans and designs lor dwellings sad bridge furnished mi application. THE PACIFIC COAST. Work to be Resumed on the Astoria and South Coast Railway. The Oakland Saloonkeepers Contemplate Starting an Opposition Brewery to the Syndicate. Work on the jetties at Yiiqiiina hiy has boon resinned. Ground is broken at Sacramento for the new Federal building. The cry for more ears to move IuhiIkt at Portland is still heard, and Union Pa cific officials promise early relief. People in Southern New Mexico threaten to organize and kill Indians if the renegades io not cease tneir raids. Olympic mountain explorers report an unlimited quantity of tho finest of tim ber, indications of" coal and auriferous minerals and swarms of fish in the streams. .Initio Onim mill Clinrvn ATnrtlti i-lin U'ilrii onllfii'tnr mill 1 biiLrlfiii mr ill tin. nirrtii, rf tin Qdiitii lin fViii i.-i 11 v 11 1 I Angeles, are missing, and so also is about $5,000 in their accounts. Citizens of Modoc countv, Cal. : Lake county, Or., and Washoe countv, Nov., have petitioned Congress against tho proiwsed abandonment of Fort Uidwell as a military reservation. It is estimated that wheat and hops will bring into tho State of Washington this season about 12,000,000, lumler and coal about $15,000,000, and that rail way construction will bring in $20,000.- 000 more within eighteen months. A site has been given Whatcom coun ty, Wash., for the erection of a county hosnitnl or infirmary, and the Commis sioners have ordered a vote to bo taken at the general election in November on tho proiwsition to exiend $20,000 in erecting an adequate building. The gross earnings of tho Southern Pacific system for August were $4,483, 709: and the gross earnings for tho year up to date wore $80,1150,000, against $20, 407,500 last year. The total operating expenses to date for 1890 were $20,396,- 000, against $20,117,000 last year. Thomas Nolan, second mate of tho ship Yorktown, has been acquitted at San Francisco by Commissioner Sawyer of the chargo ot cutting adrift a boat containing Boatswain James 'Weston during a recent voyage. The testimony went to snow mat, ioian risKea nis mo to save Weston. Work is to be resumed at once on the construction of the Astoria and South Coast railway, and the contract has been let to Chinese from Portland for grading seven miles out from Hillsboro, and at Astoria to another Chineso firm for grading several miles up the Lewis and Clarke rivers. One dav last week ten masked men took a land lawyer, James Herrington, from the jail at Isakerslleld, Ual., gagged him. conveyed him to a lonely siot, stripped him and applied a coat of tar and feathers to him. Ho had been ar rested on complaint of a settler, whom, it is charged, ho had engaged in a con test of perjury. Sturgeon are retwrted as very scarco in tho Columbia alove Astoria. Tho reason assigned for their scarcity is tho invriads of sardines that are at present being caught at the mouth of tho river. This is tho spawning season with tho sardines, and the sturgeon, living prin cipally on small fish, will not ascend up . i!l .1... !!.... .1! Hie river uniu iiiu nuiuuii-a uiBuipuiu. A scheme is on foot among saloon keepers of Oakland to start a new brew ery in opposition to tho English syndi cate, which owns all tho breweries in that city except one small one. Some of the former employes of tho Oakland brewery aro in tho movement, andalwut one-third of the money needed has al ready been subscribed, largely by sa loonkeepers. Tho bill for the exploration of the in terior of Alaska, to which the Houeo Committee on Military Affairs has de voted cfrnsiderablo time, has been re ported to the House with a recommend ation fnvoralMo to its passage. The re port was made by Mr. Rockwell ot Massachusetts, who briefly reviews tho object aimed at by tho bill. Ho says that while the coast, oi aiiiskii nas ueen followed aud mapped almost nothing is known of tho interior. In the Superior Court tho jury in tho case of Mrs. W. 1j. Uoeneno against tho Los Angeles Cable Railway Company found a verdict for tho plaintiff and awarded her sfio.uiw damages, in ino vember, 1888, tho plaintiff and her hus band were riding in a wagon in r.asi Iah Atiimli.a A (lnnbln hnrHH enr of the . . . . . - - cable company collided with tho wagon, and iwrs. ijoeneno was wirowii to wiu ground. As a result sho sustained ser- r. !- ;. .. i ; 1. .l-l.l.l ... 10 us injuries mm is nu iajui uuiuii. The Southern Pacifle passenger de partment will shortly send some of its employes to make sketches or photo graphs of tho Sequoia National Park tract of land, about forty-fivo miles east of Fresno, Cal., containing tho forest of big treeH which (kingress recently re served for iiarkpurK)ses. Photographers aro also to lo sent to Crater lake, fifty or sixtv miles northeast of Ashland, Or. Iiut'littlo is known of this lake, which is described as being a largo sheet of water in tho crater of an extinct volcano. A person standing on tho edge of tho crater is said to look down upon a lake 2,000 feet below him. EASTERN ITEMS. An Iowa Prophet Augurs a Uiig, Cold, Snowy Winter. An Appeal for Aid Made by the American Committee for the Relief of Famine in Ireland. Over 12,tXX),000 bananas are distribut ed in Chicago every week. Saratoga rs to have a new bathing; es tablishment to cost $100,000. An opposition water works company has been organized at Topeka, iCan. A colored evangelist of Hrockwayville, Pa., is said to be a second Sam Jones. There is talk of spanning tho Missis sippi at Burlington with a outoou bridge. .The census bureau has announced the population of the Territory of Oklahoma as 01,701. There are fifty-one different postmas ters within the corporate limits of tho city of Chicago. It is reported that one of the largest banks in Great Britain is to establish a branch at Chicago. The ship yards of tho lakes will this year turn out 125,000 tons of excellent cargo-carrying vessels. Jones, the Iowa weather prophet, pre dicts a long, cold, snowy winter, starting in early and continuing" late. Hutfalo Bill's ill treatment of his In dians is to be investigated by the Indian Department at Washington. All tho little towns in Oklahoma are presenting their claims to the legisla ture for the Territorial capitol site. A monument is to be erected at ington, Mo., in memory of the dead sol diers of the Union and Confederate ar mies. The President has approved the river and lmrlxir bill and the joint resolution for tho purchase of nickel ore for the navy. A just retribution has overtaken tho inventor of the pigs-in-olover puzzle. Ho has been sent to an asylum in St. Ionis. Washington authorities deny that or ders have been sent to the revenue cut ter Wolcott to proceed to Behring sea and make seizures. The postofliee authorities have seized the entire weekly edition of the Cincin nati Volksfreund because it contained lottery advertisements. Jersey City has a law under which fines of $100 each are to be imposed iion persons detected drinking malt or alco holic liquors in her new parks. The report of the Statistician of Kan sas shows that mortgages in that State are being lifted at the rate of It4 per cent, and $10,000,000 for tho year. Representative Vandover's bill con verting the Yosemito Valley region into a grand national park has been signed by the President and is now a law. The work of classifying the sections in the World's-Fair will Ihj completed by November. The whole exhibition will occupy nine buildings. Houbo Committee on Public. Build ings and Grounds has cut down tho ap priations for buildings at Bono, Nov., and Oakland, Cal., to $-10,000 and $225, 000 respectively. Secretary Noble has christened the Big Tree reservation "Tho Sequoia National Park" and promulgated rules and regu lations similar to those now governing Yellowstone Park. Tho Constitutional Convention of Mis sissippi has adopted a section which for bids tho Legislature authorizing any lot tery, nor shall the sale of any lottery tickets bo allowed in the State. In the suit for a limited divorce brought by the wife of McKce Itaukin at Now York the latter pleads compara tive impecuniositv. Ho owes much money to Joseph jefforson, Stuart Hob son and others. As a result, it is alleged, of inordinate greed on tho part of the gas trust, Chi cago's City Council by unanimous vote has declared in favor of municipal own ership nnd operation of all the gas and electric light plants of tho town. Tho Manhattan Club of New York City lias at last taken jwssession of the old A. T. Stewart mansion, which is to lxj its future home. Iscarly all the fur niture and carpeting owned by Mr. Stewart was bought by tho club. Tim riiinimifii of New York have given to their Joss at 10 Mott street a now umbrella, which they had brought over from China. It is covered with dragons and other monsters with glitter ing eyes, and is said to havo cost $400. An iiiuuml in (tin ticnrilit of A nii'rii-ii from the American committee for the relief of lamliie in Ireland is published I., K! Vnrlr It hiivm flu nritilf lit ill- tual suffering from hunger is not yet .1... .i...... ,.r ..... reaciieu, nut u: uuvn ui nun iiuijii, un less help comes, aro not far off. The Board of BureaN Chiefs huve gone over tho figures of tho Wan Francisco'H trial and decline to designate tho speed definitely. It is understood that the final decision will bo that tho San Fran cisco hau stood a test of 10.72 knots, which will menu that the contractors will receive less than $100,000 in pre miums. They will probably appeal to Congress for relief. FOREIGN NEWS. Russia Making New Laws Agains the Hebrews. The Pojve Rejwrted to be Adrerse lo Crema tion, and Prohibits Catholics lo Attend Them. IvngSfrdi opinion indorses-thu Bun-hell verdict. NaiKiletin III 's librnrv i wxm tit li fold at auction. Michael Ihivitt sav ParnelPs ixwilimi is stronger titan ever. The riwrtiifiM for tins Xiivi.mli,., nhtrlna to the (lenuiuiy army number 215,000. The last pe rmriiuince of the "Passion 'lav" at Oberauiineriritii'rMvtMirreil Sirv temlSor 28. The Socialists of Germany are grentlv eioieillr over tint i-i)ir;itinti.iifl tlu nnll. Socialtot law. Kmin Pasha has- not vet received the CfnOOO arrears due to' him from the k'gvp- tian government. The Pope tines not believe in crema tion, and has forbidden Catholics to-go ... .1... 1! f. ui uu: nery luriiiicc. Cyprus is sulferinir from a soaveitvof silver coin. The govrnmeiit prohibits the importation of silver. It is reiwrted at Buenos Avres that; Dr. Column,. the lato President! hita 10.- 000,000 invested in London. Russia has ordered six tornedo vessels and 200,000 rifles of tho latest, pattern iroin rrenon maiiuiacturei'S. The new Austrian tornedo ram. whih has just been launched at. Polar, m con sidered a match' for any ironclad. Every night. 2.'1.000 houseless and homeless people sleep by the Thames! in what they call the Port "of London. England has formally notified King leorge of the Tongo l'shvndH that his country is under British protection. It is reported from Ceylon than an at tempt is to be made to introduce Coy loneso cigars to tho American' market. It has been arranged to convert, the Cuban debt at tho end of tho year through tho French and Spanish banks. It is reiwrted that the Frenrii forces have subdued the natives of tho Society islamls and established protectorates over them. Prominent French Socialists dedaro that Poulanger promised to cast his lot with the revolutionaries in the first civic commotion. A TiOtiilon dispatch from Algiers says that a cyclone lias swept over a largo iwrtion of Algeria, doing an immense amount of damage. Scarlet fever is cnidemic in many places in Silesia. It has been found ad visable to eloso schools. Numerous leaths have occurred. It is a matter of public congratulation. but no more than was to lw expected, that the popular elections in Brazil havo fully sustained the Republic. Tho English Admiralty is engaged in constructing an armored battle ship, tho isaitour, intended to bo more powerful than any of its class yet constructed. Kiiiim-iintM iirft rpl.iimim' in 1Tnrmit in largo nuinlwrs from the Argentine Revj jMIIJIll., milling tllU LUIIIIUT lit I'lUDUIIb in too chaotic a condition to settle in it. ....i.i.,. ii. 1,11..,. ii, .. i .... ... . According to tho recent census of Switzerland tho Republic contains 1 ,700,- 000 Protestants, l,200,0()OCatholics,8,:tOO lows and iu,uu() nou-reiigious persons. Tho Emperor of Austria has decided that the electric light shall bo iutro- luced into his palace at Vienna. Light thousand incandescent lights will Ihj re- pilred. President Reichs of tho Icheralbach Orphan Asylum at Nuremburg, Bavaria, has Ix'on arrested on a chargo of selling orphan girls to a life of shame. Tho government will close the institution. New Zealand has agreed to bo repre sented in the Australian Federation Convention, although the feeling is strongly against a union with tho Aus tralian colonies. A convention of 000 midwives is now n session in Berlin. They renrcMi'iit nil sections of Germany anil Austria, and aro engaged in listening to lectures by eminent specialists. Prince Bismarck and his Secretary, Herr Burcher, are engaged at Varzin In compiling the memoirs of the events in which tho rnnce figured whtlo in the af fairs of Mate. Tho proposal to raiso funds for tho construction of a steamer for Lake Vic toria Nyanza, which took shape at tho banquet to Major von Wissman at Ham burg, is practically accomplished, a sum of 75,000 having been subscribed. It is said that the Russian Czarowitz, who is about to start on a tour to India, China and Japan, terminating at San Francisco, will return to Kuropo through tho United States. It Ih expected that the Russian squadron will meet him at Now York. A dispatch from Krzeroum says tho situation in Armenia is serious. The Russian government has massed 7,200 troops on tho frontier, The Turks aro expecting attack, and are rapidly sup- nyiiiK iviiinn null lilinn nun uiiimiiiii- tion and making other preparations to resist the Russian forces. Russia U also increasing her frontier guards on tho Iwuudary of Austria, Turkey and Persia to provide for more effective suppression of smuggling. PORTLAND MARKET. WunAT Foreign rn lrkets aro etecdy. but the demand for eargoes slow, lo cally there is no change. Shippers still quote $ .25 for Valley (ml $1.171.0' for Walla Walla. ,,.FnOU.,.,r.Q"oto: Standard, $.t.f)0f4.00; nulla Walla, a.UlocJt.Hil p,r Ntrrel. Oats Ojioto: 44r,t S p-r bushel. MIU.HTUKKS Oji. tr: Bum, $17.50(iM8; 2;!-5,W-; around Barley, tJ2.50 ; Chop Feed, $25 per ton. II vy (Junto : jMotn lt per ton. KUETAlll.HM Tlin ,,.i,L' n. . - ------ ...... nv,,, ,n in in. tiuote: Cabbage, $1.50(iif.75' per rental; Cauliflower. imp -V per pound ; CucuiuIhts, 10c per dozen ; Larrots,$l per sack ; Beets, $1 .50 per sack ; turnips, ?1.25 per Mick; Tomatoes, 60c L . ,V;. KUCC$1 per cental; i niaioes, L'c per pound. CiiKi:sK tJimt California, iB010e; Young America. 14 (flbe per pound. HUTTKU Till! mnrkot ia fir,,-. r, ...... Oregon fancy creamery, S5c; laiicv dairy" '2,e; good to fnir. 7 r Hiir. . ...... 'aOi-'Se; choice California, 2S30o per Loos Qnote: Quoto: Oregon, 25c .astern, 25c per dozen. PotMritv ijuoto: Old Chickens, $5- oung,gt3..J; old Ducks, 0(ii0.50; iargo og. 7$7.60; Geese, $9 per dozen; lurkeys, l l(i?15c per pound. FRUIT Onn!i- Tnliirl n,r,,...o rn. per box ; Sicily Lemons, $910 per case;. 1 ears. H,.l' iwr nnmiil. n,il,.u i-.l1.Aur: per box; Grapes, 75c$l per box; Pine nwi es. :tJM)rieJ.on $4 jHvr bunch ; double, $0; Peaches, l)0c(9 iter oox; watermelons, $1.602: ler dozen: (!iintiUin,i.. i rjiao dozen; California Quinces, $1; Oregon, $1.50 per box. Mns Quote: Walnuts. Rlc: Peanub.. greon, 12c; Almonds, 17c; Filberts, 14. 15o; Brazils. 13r14r nor tniitwl i nuts, $l per dozen. noNKY hancy White, 1-pound car toons, 18c per jwund. Nails Bnso nunlnHnno. Tmn tion. Steel, $;i.!K); Wire, $UX) por keg.' ' ijurw uote: sue por pound; nomi nal pneep. HlDKH -Tllft lllllrlrnf I a n-nnlr -..w ...... .. . ii . i , iuuur- tions: Dry Hides. solectel prime, 8a !)!. ItP lloa frvr nulla flAlnAiJ oyer 55 pounds, 4c; under 55 pounds, 3c; Sheet) Pcltri. nhnrr urwil MMrj,. diuui, Ctt80c; long, IK)c$1.25; ahear- lllH'H IIICiL-'Oi- Tullnu-. ti i-lliili-n 'A Q.'J'C. 10c; alloy. 10 18c per pound. UitAMiKHiUKs ijuote: Wi8conaint r.lO; Capo Col, 12 por barrel. The MuruhuiKliHH Market crushed and powdered, i)c per pound. uitiKu riiuiT?, tne marKOt is iirin. Quoto: Lallan Prunoa, 12514c; Pe tite and (.lornian Prim s, 10c. per pound; If ) 7r. .,, 1. T),.,,,w.,.,l,i.ui Pears, U((i 12 c; sun-dried and factory 111 in..' . m i i luma, iuiu,nc: evaporated reacnea, 24c: Smvrnii KIits 14ii;l5n! f!nlifnrnia Figs, 0c per jwund. ijkans ino inarKot is hrm. (jnote: Small Whites, $3.25; Pink, $3.75; Hayos, $4.50: Butter. 3.50: Limits. tA.50 net cental. Cannkd Goons Market Is firm. Quoto:. Tilliln frilitH '. or, 9.1 a. Pnm.lw.o 'Rfl- Bartlott Pears, $2.25; Plums. $1.05; Assorted. $3.75 per dozen; Poaches, $1.40; Plums, $1.25; Blacklwrries, $1.5 per dozen. Vegetables: Corn, $1.12)4 01.40, according to quality; Tomatoes, $1.203.50; Sugar Peas, $l.40l.O; Hfri ii if Hon no K 1 nnr ilrtTnn PiaK Salmon, $1.i5; sardines, 80c$1.40; lob sters, $-'3 ; oysters, $2C2.75 por dozen. L-oniienseo miiK: iagio oranu, fH.o; Crown, $7; Highland, $0.75; Champion, o jier ease. Cokpkk Quoto : Costa Itica. 22: Rio. L'5'.f,c: Arbuckle's. roiiHtiwt. n'X pur pound. tka iiioto : xucsS'inc nor pound. Picklks (Juoto: $1.15c 3s ; $1.25 5a. Kl.T Oliotn. I.iui.rrinnl '7 1U tin. ',.U(T,B, stock, $1112 por ton in carload lots. l;oai, uil iiioto: fa.-ju per case. Rick Quoto: 5o per pound. The Mont AInrkot. The meat market Is firm. Quoto: Beef Live, 23c; drossod, 0c. Mutton Live, 33c: dressed, (kv Hogs Live, 55Xc; uressod, 7c Veal 08c per pound. Spring Lambs $2,50 each. HMOKKI) MKATS AND LARD. The market is (inn. Quotations: Eat- ern Hams. I3l4c: Breakfast In- con, UlSa; Sides, 0010c; Lard, 8), (J iut per pound. A Russian law is being prepared to au thorize deportation to Siberia, without trial, of all foreigners who havo been ex pellc from their own countries and whose governments refuse to reeognizo them. This law is directed against Rou manian Jews who come to Russia. Tho Executive Board of tho Spanish, party in Cuba at a recent meeting de cided to send a telegram to Swiin; point ing out the heavy damages which man ufacturers will suffer from the new tarilt bill adopted by tho United States, nnd asking as an immediate remedy reform of the Spanish tariff and negotiations ot a treaty with the United States. House Committee on Public Build ings and Grounds has ordered a favora ble report on the Somite bill for a public; building at Oakland, Cal. Tho bill is rc jMirted with an amendment reducing tho appropriation from $I!00,000 to $250,000. Tho report itccomanyiiig the bill rec ommending its passage says that Oak Birawnerrios, a.oj; Linorries, fa; iwacK berries, $2; Raspberries, $2.55; Pineap ples, $2.75 ; Apricots, $1.85. Pio fruit: land ih a very prosperous and growing; city and needs it properly located, com modious and suitable building for ins till purposes. The business of the olllcek it says, Ih rapidly .increasing with tho. rapid Increase of imputation. Tho grosH receipts of the oflice for tho year ending June 30, 1880, wero $70,243, and tho rov-t euuo, above all expenses, $111,430.