il BE COXVINCUU BY PItOOF 1'OSITIVK March 'Jo, 1890. Manufacturers of the Great Surra KUl' ney and Liver Cure. Gentlsmkn : I have been taking your Great Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure fji kidney troubles, and I am so much better I thought that I would drop you ai line. In fact, I feel that I am cured. I have taken four bottles, and am on my fifth now. I can truly say many thanks for your wonderful and great remedy. 1 would recommend it to all that are af flicted with any kidney trouble. Very thankfully yours, L. D HKAHNE, Seattle, Wami. Another Thiuj?. "IHrt you tell Skittles that 1 was an infamous liar?" "No, l did not. Quite the reverse iu fuct. 1 tnld you whs u famous one." " A RACE WITH DEATH!" Among the nameless heroes, none are more worthy of martyrdom than he who rode down the valley of the Conemaugh, warning the people ahead of the Johns town flood. Mounted on a powerful horse, faster and faster went the rider, but the flood was swiftly gaining, until it caught the unlucky horseman and swept on, grinding, crushing, annihila ting both weak and strong. In the same way is disease lurking near, like unto the sword of Damocles, ready to fall, without warning, on its victim, who allows his system to be come clogged up, and his blood poi soned, and thereby his health endan gered. To eradicate these poisons from the system, no matter what their name or nature, and save yourself a spell of malarial, typhoid or bilious fever, or eruption0, swellings, tumors and kin dred disfigurements, keep the liver and kidneys healthy and vigorous, by the use of Dr. Pieiec's Golden Medical Dis covery. It's the only blood-purifier sold on trial. Your money is returned if it doesn't do exactly as recommended. A concentrated vegetable extract. Sold by druggists, in large bottles, at $1.00. Some Children Grotving Too Fast become listless, fretful, without ener gy, thin and weak. But you can for tify them and build them up, by the use of SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES Or Jliiiiio and soda. J They will take It readily, for it Is al most as palatable as milk. And It should be remembered that AS A ritK YE.NTIVK Olt CUltK OK COUGHS OK COLDS, IN BOTH THE OLD AND YOUNQ, IT 13 UNEQUALLED. AvoUlauhstltutlnMofferetl. I To euro Biliousness. Sick Ilcndnclie Constipation, Malaria. Liver Complaints, take the Bale and certain leuicdy, SMITH'S Uso the SMALL SIZE (40 little beans to tho boU tlo). Thoy uro tho most convenient; suit ullages. Price of either Mzo. 23 cent-, pcrbuttls. IflQQIMP91 7 17. 70: Pholo-cravure, IVIOOIIll4 panolslioof this picture for 4 , J F. 8MITII & CO., Makers of "llllo Beans. Su i-ouls. Mo. Fabers Golden Female Pills.. ForFemalo Irregular ttles: uothluslikethem ou the market. Xever fait Successfully used uy prominent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to rnflpvn mimirf-fiKtHi menstruation, SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't bo humbugged. Save Time, Health, nnd innniwflrn Tirwith- Bent to any address, .nnaM ...nil i5tz. CCiPt of price, JiOO. Address, 1HE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch, JJ27, i'OUTLANU, OR Bold by Wihdom Iiruo Co., Portland Or. SflIiESlEN WflflTED, Local or Traveling, To sell our well-known Nunory toct. Wo want Kood. lively workers, and will pay well com-, mission or talary flood references riiiulred. i Aptdy oulck. U U MAY & CO., Nurserymen, Ht. l'atil, Minn. Ask Him! Who? JONES OF BIHGHAHTOH, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. uhnt? Whv on Scalos II vsmm 1 He Pays tne hreigni. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. (Wothout or apology.) GOT to thinkln' of hlra- sometimes a feller wlll- Of the ulght ho glvo a lec tur to tho folks In An' wo set tin ontll dnv light, as them leeterers hometluies do A-talkiu' of a hundred things that mightn't In t'rest you; I mind tho things ho rattled off that night. In noyWi glee. Recitations ho recited to a nudleneo of mo; How 1 laughed ontil tho lan'lord como an' ast us to bo still So I got to thinkln of him an that night at Shel byvillo. Then ho'd kind o' quit his nonsense an' we'd settle down a sh.11. Tell Jim 'ud turn upon mo an' begin agin "Dev" tell 'Bout the time I went to Franklin fer tho Baptist college folks," An' I'd stretch my mouth ncrost my face, all ready for tho jokes; But ho'd branch off in a story 'bout tho "Merry Workers" baud, That, 'nless you kuowed tho "Workers," you c'd hardly understaud; I c'd hear myself a-swallerin', tho room 'ud seem so still So I got to thinkin' of him nn that night at Shel byvillo. I got to thlnltiu' of him llko 'twas jest a year ago- Fer time, that Hies so fast in dreams, InaUnlnicks is slow ; Ho was workln' llko a beaver, lecturn' here an' lecturu' there, An' a writ in' on tho railroad cars. In taverns ever'where, Printin' poems in tho papers, speakin' pieces at the fairs. An' him an" mo a travelln', now an' then, around in pairs; An' ho seemed to think 'at ho was no account at ail-but still, I got to thinkin' of htm, an' that night at Shelby- ville. I got to thinkln' of him an' the happy "Days gone by," Tell the sweet "Old fashioned Roses" seemed to bloom agin and die; An' I hear him talk agin about "My bride that is to be," When ho'd como to "QrigsbyBtatlon" Jesttohavo a night weth me; I kin see him settln' down agin, to giro tho Prince a rock, When "Tho frost was on tho pumpkin an' tho corn was In tho shock;" An I hear a laughing voice I loved, with music in Its trill Eo I got to thinkln' of him, an' that night In Shelbyvillo. Bo I set hero an' I wonder ef I know jest what it means, When I seo 'em print his poetry in all tho maga zines; An' I sco him on tho platform with tho James and Howells set, An' hear tho peoplo sayin', "Uo's tho best one of 'em yet," An' I keep a winkin' back tho tears that make my fool eyes shine, Fer I couldn't feel no prouder ef he'd ben a boy of mine; Fer he's jest tho same old Riley, an' he'll bo the same Jim still, As ho was the night 'at him an me set up at Shel- byvllle. Robert J. Burdetto In Brooklyn Eagle. A fin Id or Daylight. "Do you realize, young man," ho said solemnly, "that when you lio down nt night you may bo called beforo tho morning dawns?'' "No, sir," replied tho young man, "I feel quito safo at night; but when I get up in tho morning 1 realizo that I may be called beforo tho setting sun lights up tho western sky." "Just so." "Just exactly so, sir; I'm a baseball urn oiro." New York Sun. A Weather Expert. Passenger (to stranger) So you think we aro to bavo u hot summer, sir? Stranger (pounding tho seat) Think? I don't think anything about it I know bo! Tho whole country, sir, will sizzlo until snow flics 1 Passenger You seem to bo positive. Stranger Positive? Why, I am as suroof it as I am that I run tho finest hotel iu the Dogskill Mountain I Put that card in your pocket; it may save your lifol Life. Education In Missouri. "What ore you doing now, Boozbyf "Teaching school." 'Teaching school I Why, you can't spell a word of two syllables." "I know that, but 1 can lick any two pu pils together." Lincoln Journal. Easy to Compute. "What's my billf inquired a Chicago dolo gato of tho hotel clerk. "Number of room?'1 "I didn't havo u room. I slept on the billiard table." "Oh, sixty cents an hour, please." Time. A Wider Experience. Dumley (who has given Feathfirly a cigar from his privato bos) I'vo smoked worso pigars than these, Featherly. Featherly Ye-cs, Dumloy, I sposo you have; but you must remember that you aro an older man tliutt I am. Lifa J tint IIU I.uck, Passenger What'a wrong? Brakeman Tho train behind us can't slow up. Thero'll lo an awful collision. Passenger Atid I'll bo killell. That's just llko my luck. 1 was foolish enough to buy a return ticket. Dotroit Free Presa. A fiueitlou of Time. Young Sappy 1 was knocked senseless by t a polo ball two years ago. , Old Sappy How long beroro you expect to recover? Exchange. Easily explained. Employer Yu como ;to your work later ud later, youug man. Can you explain It? Clerk Vcs, sir. 1 go to bed later und later. Now Haven News. I SHAKEN OUT OF UKAH I Tlv TTtHlnrlnl dUm n. thn liiitnnn marhtnprv PHtl not half terforiii i office. Digestion, teitetion, evacuation are rdcrcd, the blood becomes watery, the no feeble, the countenance chastiv. jlecti din1, bod and aum-tltc ctuirli'lous, Terrible Is this ' -oa.-e, fell lis consequences. Dieie Is. howevt 1 . a known antidote In tho ml nsmfttlc poison aiM h certain i-afccuard aealtut It. In malarious regions of our Mmth and West, In South America, (iiiatcmala and on tho Isthmus of Panama, as well as Iu transmarine countries where the M-ourvo oxlits. this inimitable pre ventive mid remedy, Unfetter sStottuuh Hitters, has during the la-t thirty-the years U-ii con stantly widening the nrt of lt usefulness and ' demoiistratlm; Us sovereign value. I.lver com- plaint, dyspcpMH, constipation, Mdnev trouble, rheumatism and debility are all remedied by It. Curious. "Well, are you goln to marry Ks tclla?" "So, I went to see her father and he gavo me the refusal of her." A MOST VAU'AIU.K AGENT. H. A ltMo AitnT, M. l)., 05 Jackson St., Hiiooklyn, N. Y , writes: "liulu familiar with the stimulating, hcnlliiK and anodyne properties 'f All cock's I'ouous I'LASTKits, I couitnend them as a most valuable ng. nt in the class of dlsea-eH for which tlm are intended. Tho sttmul.tttuK action when worn over the KaHttic tog ou inntcrinily altlt In re HUrinsf wtroJiK il and ont-tg. to diuetlon, and the coni (ui:nt building up of ttsnut and; tone to the general syMem." Much More Serious. "What's the matter? You look melancholy dUnppointmcut In lo e?" 'No, marriage." A soap that I- soft is full of icat?r, half or two-thlnW Its weight, prnii.tbiy; thus miu pay 7 it 8 cent per pound fur -ater. Dobbins' Hiectric So.i,-i i all muu nnil no adulU'ra'io'irtbon'fore the cheu)ictl and Try Dobbins'. Kveryone lit this world has a mission. The henpecked husband s mUsIou Is MibinUsIon. A continuation ot a co'gh for any leng'h of time causes irritation nf the lungs, or home rhruntc throat dlhcasc. ' Ur men's Bronchia Troches" ae an ef fective; cough remedy, l-'rice Z't cents, Sold only in boxes. Dubois "Will you love me thou as now?" "Yes, I'll love you now and then." HUMOROUS. Elderly Suitor "I havo spokon to your mother llolon and " "Ilolon "Oh, I'm so glad. Dldsbo accept you?" -N. Sun. First Miss (undecided about polnR inbathinsj) "How is tho water to-day?" Second Miss (spluttoriug aftor hor lirst plunffo) "It's aw awful wo wot." Good News. Mr. Souro (looking1 at his watch) "Why, your clock is slow, Miss Uoodo." Tommy "Yes, Susio put it back. Sho expected Mr. Sweoto to-night instead of you." Jostor. First Duilo "Why Chawplo! What's tho mattah? You look unstwung." Socond Dttdo "So I am. My shoo stwings bavo como untiod." Hurling ton Freo Pross. ".Mamma," said Miss Gilton, "I havo noticed a peculiar ring in Her bert's voico wbon ho speaks to mo." "Indeed! Obsorvo carofully and seo whether it boars any rosomblanco to an engagement ring." Washington Post. "Havo you boarded long at this house?" inquired tho now boarder of tho sour, dejectod man sitting next to him." "About ton yoars." "I don't soo how you can stand it. Why haven't you loft long ago?" ".No other placo to go," said tho othor dismally, "Tho landlady's my wife." Chicago Tribune Successful I.lteniry Venture. nicks How did you got along with that stuil you wore writing for tho papor tho othor day? Wicks I sont it to half a dozen pa pors, and thoy rojected it, ovcry ono of thorn. I licks That was rathor discouraging, oh? Wicks Not a bit of it I just wont to work and spoiled ovory othor word wrong, mado a dozen copies and sont thorn to its many magazines as a piece of dialect writing. Hicks And thoy rejected it, too? Wicks You'ro on thoro. Thoy all ac cepted it, and I got a chock from each. Ilicks Hut when thoy como to publish it you'll bo in a pretty scrapo. Wicks Oh, that'll bo all right. Ily tho timo it is published I shall havo boon dead year and years ago. lloston Transcript. Tho ltlelit Man for the Place. Tho Princo of Wales, Justin McCarthy says in tho North Amorlcan Itoviow, is undurstood "to bo a groat stlcklor for court otiquotte. No ono knows bottor tho oxact way in which ovory band and ordor and modal should bo worn. Ho is very particular about good mannors in Princes and Princesses, and I havo heard that thoro is a noar connection of his by marriago who is ofton lectured sovoroly on tho impropriety of losing his tompor whon giving directions to servants. Tho Princo is a social umpire of tho utmost authority, and no ond of porsonal disputos aro settled satisfac torily by a roferonco tohisgood-naturod and gonial, but Arm, counsel." Mr. McCarthy sums up his subject by say ing: "I am not, raysolf, a great enthusi ast about royalty or royal personages, but I must say that, so long as we aro to havo an holr to tho throno, I do not think wo could And any ono bottor ablo to conduct tho business of tho position than tho Princo of Wales has shown himself of lato years." A Costly Luxury. Irato Father I tell you this oxtrav uganco has got to stop! Young Hopeful Now, father, do 1m reasonable. You know It's all tho styla to havo a dlssipatod son, and you can't bavo ono without paying for the privi lege. Munsoy'a Weekly. A pack of hyenas Is roportod by the Indian papors to havo appeared noar Zdongbyr. Tho animals are making groat doprcdatiens. Ono night a child of about two years of ago was carried away. In tho morning tho head and two hands were found. S75 tO.S2H0 S2 AMOKTIlenUmid. fri-ferrfd who cm furnltbft horse nd rim their whole iiDMloti e rmuiiMS. Hpsre moments tosjr b rfiulljr einnlftixfl sltn. A few Tseinci-s In I' wne sti'l Hits It K JOHNSON'. CO. lftotf Msm Ht Hinhmnml V A.G.Ni Leather Manufacturers (ilU. ;imcI Dcalors. I 4 t w m. . . )H?)jutt market U jmIJ for Hides, 1'clti und Tallow, Sl'KCIAI. XOTICU. Cro Kyre, Crim Kyre. Slndc StrnlKlit. Dr. Darrln. having just returned from Kin-opt, will treat from October il to Octolier 8 only. All those who are tbun alllicted, take notice. A IV w Itoferriirox Niunes if Caoi'R Cured of t'riH ljj ex. MUs Kula GrcgK, beat tie. Wash. MNh Li he Quental, Tatoma, Vah. Mls Luc Alorgan. Monmouth, Or. .1. 11 TIcIrmioi-'m girl. Salem. Or. Mli Fannie Kennrdy, Walla Wa'la, Wash. Mrs. Shea's girl, I IS Co'umlila street, Portland. Mrs. M. Hebcd' son, 1 13 Water street, Portland. K. Ahlf, ICO North Fourteenth street, Portland. Mis-. Sophia Gilck, 111 Market street, Portland Oro.eyed since birth. Andrew Andert-on, Port Towncnd, Waxli. Crosst-et O'l fr nn paralysin of the outer muscles of the eye; cured by one op era' ion. Tho above are only a few names selected from a list of hundreds who havo been Hiiceoxsfully treated by Ur. Darrln. No charge U made unless the cure N perfect, and the treatment is almost pilules. Dm, Ilnrrln'o I'laro of HtiKltii'De. Tire. Darrln can be consulted daily at the Wash!" gton building, corner Kouith and Washington streeta, Portlaiid. Hours, HI to fl; evenings, 7 to S; bundays, 10 to IZ All chronic diseases, blood taints. Irregularities of women, loss of vita, power and earlv indiscretions perma nently cti'ed, though no referenc are ever made in the press concerning such cases, owing to th- deltcaey of thepattents. Kxatiiinatious free toall, and circulars will !im siuit free to anv address Changes for treatment according to patient's ability to pay. All private diseases conll dentiafly treated, and cures guaranteed. Patients at a disianco can be cured by home treatment. Medicines and letters sent without the doctir' iiaino appearing. " Do you hear nnythtuK from 'No; Delaware Is jieiiehle-s." Delaware?" AN KLKflANT 1'AC'ICAOU OK KINK CAKDS, Including 15 rare noveitlen, shapes and artlt'tic lmj)orted oleographlc and chro matic cards. This large and beautiful col lection sort by mail to any one who will do this: Bnv a box of the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills from any druggist, price '.'5 cents, and mall us the outside wrapper with your address, plain ly written and -I c;nt in stamps. The genuine McLane's Pills are prepated only by Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh, Pa., and have been in constant uso for over sixty years. They are superior to all others In purity and eilectiveness. A certain cure for indigestion and sick headache. Ad dress. Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh, Ta. "Tat you muet bo older than you look to Ik1. Ilow Ioiik have you been ntlnu?" "Iver Mnee the pools opened this mornlnt;, bo gotud" KUI'TUItK AND IMI.KS Cl'ltKI). Wo positively cure rupture and all rectal dis eases without pain or detention from business. No cure, no pay: and no pay until cured. Ad dress for pamphlet Drs. Porterlleld it l.osey, 8iW Market btreet, Sun Francisco. ONE) ENJOYS Both tho method ami results wlicn Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasnnt and refreshing to tho taste, and acta gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and JJowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head telies atK-1 fevers and cures hahitiuM constipation permanently. For sale in 50c and SI hottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN MANCISC0, CAL, LOUISVILLE, KY. fCW YORK, N.Y. H. T. HUDSON, IMI'OIITKK AND DKALKU IN Guns, Ammunition, riNiiiMi taciii.i:, i:to., !)3 I'lrst Htrent, I'ortlnnd, Oregon. Get one of the celebrated V, A. I-onmU' Double llarrel, llreeeli-loadliin. hliotuuiiB, Top Siuiti, liar Uicks, DatuHkcus Ilarrels, 1'aney Stocks, l'lstol Grip and Cireener Trcbl Wedge Fust, IU Gauge. forWtfn. Hent by express with 2.'i llrass Sliellii and Ito loading' Tools upon receipt of price. PENSION ItATINfiS AND SYNOPSIS OK l'KNSION ANt llOUNTV I.AWH, lllnnk and Information free t any address, .atlutii lllt-kf uril, WashliiK ton, D. C late of Co. II, Ctli N, II. Infantry. PENSIONS tiodelay. Circular freii, W.K.llouUtr, Waililimton, D.C. FOR MEN MUX ".For LOST orPAIlINO MAWn00D 'HOeneral andNEUVOUB UtlfIUXY IWtinanr XinAv and M ind. I'tffCli Ullof Errori c-r Excf ( in OliorYounr. HsLu.t. hlflMAMIUtllirullr li.tlorra. iiw 10 rmirK htr,"lk.;i1WI(;KIIKMifr ibxiHitit driil HOBit iiimrntM-lifMBii ur. Mb llf Iroai il) bt.tlt 4 frtl Uimtrln. llrjlUhjau lewrlitl BMk, ipliilloiiod irecfaiilUd(ileilrrt. ERIE MrUICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V. STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Palnos MranliiK the IlKkT 1'lANo MAHK, mid Die fmorito tlieiilior I'taima; bll Muilcal liitiutm-llt; titi(ti Hu iilltxl; Urio muck of HIiim t Jlu!c. Htkin wa V II ali, 'iA anil 2ub l'ont l-trnt Mattiiiah Ubav Do. Cull ami n ou' row rouuu null new tUKk. lnpMrrq Heml for clrrulurn, etc, o( Now Hook) rlumi 1 u nme otUrr like It, rare opportunity. Ail-(Irt-nit Oko. W KliAjvc :,7 Now C'liainbcri nt ,N. Y, I CURE FITS ! Wlifj 1 mt cure I doiuiimn dmi to stop iha fortlliiieuJtlia I UlAAII iHci euro, I nT mi l'iT8. KVIU Mi blOKNKSlio-longHud. wtiTAnt mrrtimodr loclirs tli wort cm. Ittrtam 1'A 1.1,1 outer! Iji f tUl ) no tuuna for nut now i till., nr.g.vuim iui o iiivi , . " -... of nf lnlJil)l rtmitxlr, (lino l',iprnJ lt Offic-o, II. 6. UOOT, 31, C., IH'ii l'vurl tu Hew York. suitK rritK fou ru.Ks. Huro cure for lit nd. bh tdlnif and Itehln.x IIcb. One 1mi 1ms cured the worst cae ol ten yearn' tniiclli:u No oin- need sulfer ten min utes after UhltiH' Kirk's (.erinan I'lieOlutnicut It absorbs uniff. hIIi.xs the itrliinif, iiotH us a poulttcn, Klvt-s relief. Dr. Kirk's Cerinatil'ilu Ointni' iit Is pr panil nn:y for I'iles and ltrbiiiK of tho prltatu pints, and lOtbiiiK else. Kvery box U warninted. ... Sold by ImuKlstsniid sent by mull on receipt of price, $1.U) ier oux. J. J. Stack & Co., Wholesale Aucnts, Han Krnncisco, Try (Ikr.mka for brvnkfsst. Pcware of Imitations of the celebrated Seal of North Carolina Pluu Cut Tobpcco. All persons rntdilly and safely reduced bv Dtt Pols Antl oK'sIty Tea. A. II. Multh itCo.,ngents, Orant avenue and tieary streets. ' j .Clirotl b yuicura T7VVKHY SKIN AND SCALP DISKASK Vj whether, torturltur.dlsllKiirlng, humtllatlni; ltelilnu, burnlii);, bleedlm;. senly, crusted, pim ply or blotchy, with loss nf hair, from pimples to tho most distressing eczemas, and eery hu mor of the blood, whether simple, scrofulous or hereditary, Is speedily, permnnelitly and ceo nomlcullv cured by the hthtuv Uhmkhiks, couslstlui; of Ci'Ttci-ttA. the great skin cure, Cu ll' rut sou-, nn cxipilslle skin MirlHcr and bentitltler. and CfTiceitA Uksoi.vk.nt, the now blisiil and skin purlMer and greatest of humor remedies, when the best physlcliu-.s and nil other remedies 'all. This is strong hingunge, Lut true. Thousands of grateful testimonials from Infancy to age attest their xsouderful, utifulllug and In ounii ruble efficacy. Sold every 'vhere. Price, Ct-TlctitM.f'Oe: So.vf, i've: UksOi.vknt, il. Prepared bv Potter Drug unci Chemical Coriorntlon, Huston, Mass. Send for " How lo Cure Skin and mood Dig- casus." nfr pimples, blaekheais, i liai'l' it nnil oily ici nfr skin preventisl liy CtTUl ka 'trS V Ubeumiitism.klitney pntuaiid imiculiir jL weakness relieved In one initiate by tho jJt'l TllTltA AMI I'Al.N I'. AS1KI!. JSC. I.) nail In.uirpr.r.. llr It SI 1U1KJI AN, Kl TP PALESS. griSI! SW-WORTH A GUINEA A BCX. mm$ k mmmi$ mmmim Such as Wind and Pain in tho Stomach, Fullness and Swelling after Mealo, Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurfy, Blotches on tho Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. THE FIRST DO0E WILL CIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. DEECHAM'S PILLS TAKEN AS DIRECTED RESTORE FEMALES TO COMPLETE Hr'ALTH. Fop Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.. thoy ACT LIKE MA0IC, Strcngtltenhij tho uiuneiilnr System, restoring long-lost Com plexion, bringing Imck tho Aeeii age ofuppetltc, anil nrouHlng with tho ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tho whole pluslcal energy ut tho human frnnui. Ono of tho bout guarantees to tho Nervous ait) Debilitated I.t Hint BFEMUM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PROPRIETARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. lV)iii il onlv V TIKIS. ll!:i:('ll.M. Ht. Ilrtoi.. I.iinriililee. riucliiinl. Sold hit lriitnttstirenrnttt!i. D. F. ALLEN CO., 36G and 367 Canal St.. New fork. Sole Asrnts for the Unitrit Slntps rh (( m,r dnipni't does lint kini tlii'in) WII.I, MAIL itniwiiAM it rii.i..-) on in. in. ti l ot ALWAYS IN looked up tho record of tho "Advanck," nn it is tho only machine in tho market that will give absoluto satisfaction. Sond for descriptive cata logue to 2.. T. Wright, General Agent, Foot of Morrison Stroot, Portland, Oregon. Also dealer in General Machinery and Supplios. ographers of both sexes, nttribute their sucoess to n course nt the Portland Busi ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital BuslnOSS CollogO, Salctn, Oregon. Doth are tinder the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses of study, same rntcs of tuition, business, ShorthnndtTypcwrititig, Penmanship ami Eng lish Departments. Write to either for joint Catalogue nnd specimens of penmanship. Before you buy nyhhing.&sktwo questions Do I rea.llyVrtd mi Vhese quesHons? burl-hey will buying 5APOLI CD ,J Its uses are many and so are Us friends? for where it is once used it is always usetf. To clean Iwuse without it is sheer folly, since it does the worh twice as fast and twice as well. HORSE NASLS. Wo offer to cloto out utofk of Ikixoii Iforno KulU iiN follow: fid, Kit, tiii; 10h nt 11 contu iiiiiul totlio trmln or to liom-fcfiocm: Oh mid 7 (fow Ikixob itil-), 12U contu. Tlioy uro tho JtnUon iniiko, tlio ix'ft in tho world, nnd no moro will lio inutiiifacttircil. Order from vour JoWkt or from MiiIIIi'n ' Store. I IN IVint Strci't, Nun Kriiiiclrn, On I. Henil cimli or Ix'Kt city refcreiico, payublo an revolpt of kooiIk. Kittiio thin 'Hper. Diamond Drill Work. The Pacific Prospecting CooTn'S with Diamond Corn Drill for oil, mineral or wa ter. Iloleii ixired for venillntloii or drainage. AeentH for Dlnmond Drill Mm-hltiery and Hup Illicit. ('orretiHiiidoiiPu tolloltoU. 'JtU Nun noiiio Ntrc-clfKun Kmncluco. T. DE WITT TALMAGE. Tlio inanttrwnik i,f Mi life rntltlrd ' Kroiii MllllKtir to Tliriilio" Juitlul; 403 lit- nil en tta,lng; noiani. f .Hrmalmi. Ily nf Cruclfiitor, In ill ftiilorM. inoutttnl mi llnrn, unf. Mln 10 fi-t In Iti'KtliiiKxItlsfljf flanillnitlii in,itlflnc, I'rlglit men mil Uillc. In ntry town Ui u rrdcra; 9100 -r i th irurtiUil: wUijf rr (wniimi mloni molutHo lerrlturr; write for timiUn tnl lllnttratnl rirt-uUrti. Aib dre I'ACIl'IC l'UH.C'O., 1X0 lU.Ut .trtU, Hui l'rnclMyj, 01. m IfUN Cures PnostrrLY Pehmanently RHEUMATISM, I.tiiiibagn, IIradnc1ic,Tootlinclic, NEURALGIA, Soro Thront, Swellings, rrost-liltrs, SCIATICA, Sprains, Bruises, Iturns, Scalds. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. LieMg World BiSDBnsait, 400 Geary Slreo', ff San Franclscc, Cal. CHRONIC DISEASES. SURGICAL OPEP.ATIOHS. kyi!, mxr mtt. X rnilties, TIIKOAT J0tQP Hons. Licliirj Inbrnnilonal Surnicrtl Institute. !.., k. Am 1 1 n rii Tlirottsitisn, T llMt l'.iltli tti'f!' KS'il 11' imslt.-i f..r S - ut Ttrt lu,ulo( l:,i'ry t rrincf 1)1- -o II- nulrlu Mi tiiat or ir -lent Tr atm lit, WHITE VOU ( (Tit CI.U1.S ON III 1011 lirTlFS, .IS II DIS I tSfS Of HI M AMI lll Or.l.T Itfllni'lc AMIi ill Iii-tltn'-co tlia ColMnltn PRIVATE AND SPEC JAL DISEASES. Irsnchr, Kna llf. Itnltl iUr, lalll p Hf Mt till tU1 utt rfttto CiMnl, quarlrl) ihrv dj h PENSIONS OLD CLAIMS SKTTI.KD under NEW Law Soldiers, blows, Piiretils, send for blnnk ap plications and information. Patrick O'Farrul) Pension Agent. Washington, 1). C. m w CFFECTUALT riitui.,ct". a isu.v. imkntion this 1-ArF.n.i THE LEAD, THE ADVANCE THRESHERS, linRlnos, Horso'Powors, Solf-Feedors and Strawstackers. If you want a firHt-class machine, do not nurchaso until you have 111 ii'.Arl jjiv OSl.i Mvl'.HV UAX is the kind that, pays. Scort-3 of yontij; business men, nnil hun dreds of book-keeners nnd sten Can 1 do without IKr mrw ma,"ke you rich; mm I It' J "J neverToe-.rfrprevcnb you from Men's Suits to Order $20 to S40. Men's Pants to Order. $5 to $ I O. Fit Rttarantcotl. Bond 4 cent Im tuuii for tamplcs and rule lot tolf-iueuturcmont. ARTHUR KOHN, CLOTHIER, HATTER, TAILOR, co it nb ii or flecmitl uuil Slorrlaon St., l'OUTLAM), Olt. The Wiley B. Allen Mnsic Store. The olden t and largokt in tho North wwt. Kunlx), Block and Jlchr llroi. 1'ianoi. Kafhnff Moiuo-iiroof OrKniin. 1'ubllnheraof TteMutitnt attime, a Journal of uinilo (Hi nKet rradfiitr matter and Ki piikpii mnilc), ImikiI inouthlri7fi) ior year; amplonotiy, lfKi. Hcnd f ir rntalovuM. WU.Ky 11. Al.LUU. ill Klmt it, l'ortlaud, Or. N. P. N. U. Nn, 850--S. F. N. V, No. 435 rtf if (J