The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 16, 1890, Image 3

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1 oi ri3 IvI
OCTOBEH 10, 1890.
Notice to Doctors.
Several weeks ago we placed some ac
counts in tho hands of Wilson A llnekctt
for collection. Some of thtso Jacooonts
were paid and some were not. This is to
notify those who have not yet paid that
tho Recounts have been taken from the
handw of Wilson it llackett, and all pay
ments that aro made hereafter should be
ent direct to this office. Wc are in hopes
that those who are owing us will pay up
without further urgine;.
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
ings In and Around the City.
The roads aro in excellent condition.
Young Smith was taken to tho peniten
tiary last Friday by Sherill' Holies.
Arnold ia still at large, and the proba
bilities arc that he will not be captured.
Mrs. Itinehart leads in millinery, a fact
that the ladies will do well to keep in mind.
If you arc needing ?50 or more for a
month or term of months, call on A. J.
It is said that grouse and pheasants are
to be found in large numbus on thu head
waters of Powder river.
Bicycling, which was such a favorite sport
with our boys during last year, hns about
vanished from our midst.
Vincent lias just replenished his stock by
the addition of a varied assortment of rub
ber shoes for the fall and winter trade.
Another quartz mill is being taken into
Sanger. It will be put up a short distance
from the Sanger mill. Samson Hoy is tho
The residence of J, V. Shelton is being
painted from top to bottom, und i begin
ning to present a very creditable appear
ance, The work of laving brick on Jos. Wright's
new building was commenced lust Monday.
The structure will be rapidly pushed to
llcmctnber that the city board of equali
zation meets on the 17th hist. If you hao
a kick to make in regard to your assessment
make it then.
I have for sale a lot of household furni
ture, consisting of wardrobe, bureaus,
Btove3, tables, chairs, etc. Will bo sold
next week cheap for cash. J H. Cuncs.
The Hutchinson Hros, finished threshing
their immense crops in the Powder river
country last week. It consisted of some
thing over 22,000 bushels of grain.
All those indebted to me are requested to
call and settle at ance. If anyone has a
bill against mo they will please present it
and it will bo paid at once. J. 11. Ckitks.
The lame new saw mill recently erected
in Hums, Harney county, together with I
about -100,000 feet of lumber, was destroyed
by lire last week. It was the work oC an
Fred Nodlne it Son this week Rold their
entire ciop, consisting of 800 tons of hay fit
f 12 per ton on cars; 10,000 bushels oats at
$1.12 per cwt. and 12.000 bushels of barley
at $1.10 per cwt.
An indication of the near approach of
winter is the formation of ico on all the
small bodies of water in and ar ound the.
city. It makes a person think n'aat lie has
done with his sum aior's wages.
Work was commenced last T ucsday, by
County Clerk Oliver, and assist- mts, on the
tax roll, and tlic copy of the assessment
roll for tlio Secretary of State. It will take
about ten days to complete tl 4e work.
g Tho city marshal has bee j instructed to
"irictly follow tho provisiot jh of ordinance
number 10 in relation to st ;eets, alleys and
water ditches. Haker City Democrat.
What a pity it is that the Union htreet com
missioner cannot get slm nar orders.
The Union merchants fby fair and honest
dealing, aro gradually securing the trade
of the south east p art of the county.
Mr. A. J. Nicholsoi j, 0f Cornucopia, de
parted yesterday wit n a four horse load of
of gcoJs for that no ,jv promising camp.
Hon. Dunham W right of Medical Springs,
had on exhibition at tho fair recently held
at Haker City, so nicfine specimens ot fruit,
consisting of ap (jCs of different winter va
rieties, peais, prunos, tomatoes, etc.. und
it elicited mil :i praise as a choice collec
tion of Eastc ;n Oregon fruit. Mr. W. hns
ono of the b' ,st orchards in Union county
and irt a fe vears more will have a large
cronof all L-ii..l nf fruit for market. Tiik
Scout Is plowed to know that Union coun
ty proi' .notions make such favorable lm
pressio ns OIl Baker City people.
The t people of Union have bocn aillieted
tins u-lth a combination caning iiieiu-
llnna Mnrsolls Dramatic Compa
ny,. Although their audiences have been
f n.,Hn,.lr slim thevhave been cnablod to
Ket in their work for three nights owing
U) their economical living. They have a
car at tho depot where, they retire to eat
and sleep, only emerging uicreirom iunu
their alleged entertainments. After each
performance they hoof it to tho depot, a
distance of two miles, rather than patron
ize tho hotel to a cent. Whatever they got
out of tho community is a clear gain to
them. Our people should give them no en
couragement whatever.
The ducks and geese aro gradually bo
coming aware of tho fact that shot comes
pretty high in this country. It Is also
dawning upon their simple minds that it is
fall time. Along the banks of tho creeks
and in the tutes thoy aro continually hear
ing reports, giving additional ussuranco of
tbesokwo facts, viz.: shot comos high and
the fall of the leaf and feather has come.
The Unit flocks of these welcome Urdu are
in line condition and now is the time for
the gallant sports of Union, Cove and other
valley towns to arrange a fowling matob.
a duck supper and a dance. The ladlos
don't want to be moping at home all this
blessed nntuuin.
At tin- H .ir I i Trade nu-iiim: O.t. 0th
the special emnmittec appointed to reviso
the conl' . ; I .a-i that thoy
would con: iin t tli i-on- u i i.ui ami by
laws adorn 1 in h -tafe B -a J, reported
some inij." :.i:r. ehaic" -, The rvgnlar
annual moeling hereaaer. will bo on the
first Monday in November. Delegates to
the State Hoard from this Hoard will ba
elected at the proceeding meeting next tho
annual meeting of the State Hoard.
Honorary members will be received from
each precinct in the county. L. J. Davis.
K. S. McComas and Geo. P. Hall were ap
pointed on a special committee to corros
Kind with leading citiisens of each precinct
or town not having an organization, to lend
tln ir infinencj to tho Board by naming a
committee of three, fsom their respective
precincts who will adslse this Hoard of
their needs etc. The liabilities of tho board
at any time shall not exceed the sum of
$50. The constitution and bv-laws wore
adopted and revised. The secretary au
thorized to purchase the books necessary
for use in his office and to properly trans
cribe the constitution and by-laws into Ills
record book, also to wait upon the mem
burs, and cet their Humes subscribed, and
to collect $1.00 the first quarters dues from
each member at the time of signing. The
dues for membership were fixed at one
dollar a quarter payable in advance. K. S.
McCoinas, A. Levy and J. W. Shelton
were appointed as a committee to sco what
arrangements can be made towards secur
ing a suitable room as a permanent place
of meeting for tlio Hoard, to report at the
next regular meeting. The meeting was
wctl attended and all present were earnest
and determined to make the Union Board
of Trade a success. The next meeting will
be held at the court house the 1st Monday
in November, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. It is to
bo hoped that every citizen of Union who
feels an interest in the welfare of Union
and Union county wi'l be there and if thoy
do not enroll thcmelves lefore that lime
will do so then. The oust of mumbership
is light. There are many important things
to be done throughout the State, and we
must do our patt or wc will be left out in
the cokl.
Come out at (ho noxt mcoting and bring
your wives. The annual election will be
held and that is an important part of the
Brief Personal Mention Epitome of the
Week's Amusements.
Ah Increase Valil.11 of $37S,G95 Over
That of La5' Year.
Tho assessment roll for 1800 was turned
over by Asscisor Guild to Clerk Oliver yes
terday. It shows a marked gain in vali'.a.
tlon of all the taxable property In tl'o coun
ty, aggregating in all the sum of $."iT3,(ori.
The revenue to be derived by the county
will bo correspondingly increased. Not
withstanding thu hard winter since tho last
assessment, :v considerable gain in the
numbor ot all kinds of stock is noted. The
summary; taken from the roll of 1S90 is as
Fuimingland ?2 010 SS5
J Wises and lots . 701 070
f ,.iiii-(i-ami-iilM nn land 6!! 22i)
Merchandise, etc 103 fc'JO
Monuv, notes account.-', county
orders, shares of stock, etc. ... . 1 102 02.)
Household goods, etc 1W 0(0
Horses. .mules, etc jf5T 110
Cattle 2u oj
Sheep and goats o- hoo
Swine lo 100
n $6 6M 2C3
Exemption ? !151 000
Indebtedness i no aw
$2 001 S10
Total taxablo property $3 111 I5,'
The total number of polls for the year is
1003 'against 1102 last year, showing that
Union county is growing in population as
well as in woalth. The Scout is pleased
to noto those indications of prosperity, and
looks forward to no distant day when our
inviting county will rank among the fore
most in tho Stato in the points of popula
tion and wealth.
Lively Tlinss at Cornucopia.
Cornucopia is fast recovering- from its
dull state during the past few months and
is on the eve of a prosperous era. A Scout
roporter, in conversation with a recent ar
rival from that place, learned that tho Ore
gon Gold Mining Company, under its new
management, is pushing things in a man
ner that indicates ihat there is money bo
hind that company, and that they intend
to use it in developing that country of hid
den treasures, and demonstrate to the min
ing world that Cornucopia is what her dis
coverers claim she is a land of burled
gold. The company is employing miners
as fat as they arrive in tho town, and this
heretofore -oinfWhat dormant oamp is tak
ing on itself for thb first time u form of
permanent activity. The company's 20
stamp mill i now crushing ore from tho
Bed Jacket mine and will bo kept running
for months to come.
The First Step.
Porhaps you are run down, can't eat,
can't sleep, eon't think, can't do anything
to your satisfaction, and you wonder what
alls you. You should heed tho warning,
you aretaklng the first ttp into Nervous
Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and
in Electric Hitters you will unci mo oxaci
remedy for restoring your nervous system
to Its normal, healthy condition. Surpris
ing results follow tho uso of thU great
Nervo Tonic and Alternative. Your appo
tlto returns, good digestion Is restored, and
tho Liver and Kidneys resume healthy ac
tion. Try a bottle. Prico T.Oc. at Urown's
drugstore. Union. Oregon.
llov. Drivor has returned.
Mr. John Denncy, of Pino valley is in the
Mr. Chas. S. Miller left for Portland yes
terday. Mr. Win, Small made us a pleasant visit
Hon. L. H. Itinehart left for Portland
Attorney J. W. Shelton and family arc in
Mr. K. F. Springer visited H.ikcr City a
few days ago.
Judd Georand wife, of Cove, were in the
city Saturday.
Mr. J.S. Vanilorfy made us a substan
tial visit Saturday.
Mr, Whit Hall and wife are in Portland
attending tho exposition.
Prof. II. S. Strange sent in this week and
Subscribed for Tin: Scout.
Mr. Albort Crow, of Paradise, Wnllow.i
county, called on us Friday.
Mr. Al.Mtnniek. of High valley, called on
us the fore part of the week.
Mr. Ed. Morelock and wife, of Summ'r
villo, were In the city this week.
Mr. Wm. Sherdon culled on us and sub
scribed for This Scout this week.
Mr. Frank Mitchell, of the Cove, was in
the city tho fore part of the week.
Dr. Day is in The Dalles attending the
Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias.
Mr. Mark D. Scott, of La Grande, sent
over this woek and subscribed for The
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Jones left Mon
day for Portland and will take in the ex
position. Miss Ida Campbell, who is now in Athe
na, Umatilla comity, is recovering from
her recent illness.
Mr. Jesseo Alborson, of Cornucopia
passed through the city, yesterday, en
route for Portland.
Mrs Eva Newberry took her departure
yesterday for East Portland. Sho will bo
gone several months.
Mr. John Welling, of High valley, called
on us Mondav and invested in one of tho
Scout's elegant premiums.
Louie Fordney, formerly of this place, is
running a chop house and lunch counter in
Athena, Umatilla county.
Mr. S. H Burroughs, of tho Cove, called
Ot) is Monday. Ho intends taking in the
Portland fair in a few days.
Mr. Sam'l G.White writes to us to have
the address of his Scout changed from the
Cove to Sequin Prairie, Wash.
T. T. Gecr, of Marion county, who has
been visiting relatives in this section, left
for his home tu the Willamette valley last
General and Mrs. Stevens and Jap Ste
vens and family, of Clover creek, says tho
Gazette, will make their homo in La Grande
this winter.
Mr. Wilbur Davis, caino down from Cor
nucopia yesterday. He says the O. G. M.
Co's mill has been started up ami Is now
running night and day.
Mr. Castle, of the firm of Castle & Lind
say, marble cutters. La Grande, was in the
city last week. While here he called on us
and subscribed for The Scout.
Miss Jennie EIwclI, of Pendleton, has
been engaged to teach the first intermediate
department of the Union public school.
in place of Miss Chrisinan, resigned.
W. J. Townlcv and wife, of Sanger, also
Isaac Gale and wife, of Wankesha, Wiscon
sin. narontsoiMrs. Townley, were stopping
at tho Centennial hotel the fore part of the
Miss Mnczic Hutchinson, ono of Unions
mnt. pfctimablo voumr ladies, left last
Tuosdav for Portland, where sho will spend
thu winter in attendance at tho Portland
Business College.
Mr. J.E. Devino called on us the fore
nartoftho week. He and a gentleman by
I lm Tiamn of Newton will start another
nrnvsnaner in La Grande. The first issue
will appear next week.
Turner Oliver, our county clerk, has been
on tho sick list for several days past caused
by over exertion during court wcck. jut,
Oliver snent a few days of this week visit
ing his parents atSummervlllo, and is now
feeling much better.
Georgo Baird, ono of our genial tonsorial
artists, visitod Portland and the exposition
this week. While leisurely standing on tho
comer of Second and Washington streets in
that city, looking eastward, ho observed tho
masts and soars of a largo sea going vessel
toworiug far abnvo tho massive buildings
that obstructed the lower part of tho craft
from view. Georuo mistook tnem lor
dead and niossovored remnant of a forest,
nd innocently remarked to a bystander
that he thought building room was too val
liiil.Ie in that citv to allow a part of a forest
to remain unoccupied in the heart of town.
The strancer. without cracking a smile, in
formed George of his mistake, and the latter
immediately "set'um up," took a sneak,
and made a firm resolve not to make au
other break.
WnunEAS; Wo the undersigned, as rep
resentatives of the ladies of Siimmcrvllle,
Union county, Oregon, after carefully
listening to the debate between Samuel P.
Putnam nnd Elder Jones on the divinity of
the bible, have
Ke.-olved. That Elder Jones has our
heartfelt thanks for his grand defense of
the truth. .
Hesolvod. Wc feel that through the efforts
of Elder Jones the Cros of Christ has been
upheld, and the sacrednoss of our homos
has been protected,
Hesolved. Wc do herein extend to Elder
Jones our wannest sympathy and tineerc
Hesolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to tho different newspapers
of Union county, Oregon.
Mrs, E. Hercsfold Mrs A. E. Corpo
" S. A. Ftigato " H. N. Williams
" Jennie Gllh.un " Minnie Gilliam
Jennie McCleod " Ella McKlnzie
" Lena Hoss
" Piobt. Parker
" L. Logan
" A. Shaw
Miss McLean
Hello McKenzio
" Ida Woodell
' S. M. McGuire
" N. A. James
Miss Elletlm James
Tho Centennial Hotel.
Nearly three years ago tho management
of this now well known and popular cara
vansary was assumed by Mr. A. J. Good
brod, a gentleman qualified in every re
spect to properly conduct an establishment
of the kind. Hy tho employment of com
petent and obliging help, and by his per
sonal supervision of all the different de
partments of the house, the nanio of tho
Centennial was soon a household word
with tho traveling pulic, and especially
with the commercial men, tho latter class
often spending several days in recreation
and rest, enjoying the hospitalities of this
favorite abode. Tho dining room is a
model of neatness and cleanliness and is
presided over by three charming and at
tentive waitresses. The table is furnished
with all tho luxuries tho market atrbrds.
Considerable patronage is given the hotel
by our own citizens who take a pardonable
pride in tho institution and lend all In
their power to keep the house up to tho
highest standard of excellence. May the
Centennial, in the future as In tho past,
retain the name of tho best hotel in Eastern
T i
Educational Meeting.
Following is the prograiumo for the edu
cational meeting to bo held at Island City
to-morrow evening:
Music String band.
Address of Welcome T. A, Itinehart.
Song Island City School.
Bccitatlon Lclia MoCall.
Music String Hand.
Recitation Gertrude Cox.
Song Island City 'School.
Music String Hand.
Address H. S. Strange,
Music String Hand.
Addross Hev. Haird.
Discussion, School Organization, Geog
Discussion, Reading.
A permanent organization of a county
educational association will be effected at
this meeting
Take It Before Breakfast.
Tho great appetizer, tonio and llvor regu
lator. ' In uie for more than 60 years in
England. Positive specific for liver com
plaint. Had tasto in the mouth on aris.
lug iii tho nioriiint', dull ivains In tho head
and back of the oyea, tired feeling, dizzi
ness, langour-Htymptoms of liver com.
plaint. Itemedy-Dr. Henley's KnglUh
Dandelion Tonic Relieves constipation,
-hurpens the apatite and tones up the en
tire system. Get tho genuine from yog
dniifglstforjl. and take according to di
rection. 7-3-yl
net Your Picture Taken.
Mnnknv. tho celebrated photographer,
from Portland, has pitched his tent at tho
rinvp and will tako cabinet pnotos at re
tes S3 50 and $100 per dozen. Ho
will remain till Nov. 1st. All wlshiug pho
tographs taken will do well to give him a
mil. Ho tin Hhos all work at tiio pnoio
tent, which insures that tho very best of
work will bo done. II. U. Mackey, aiana
gor) 10-10-tl.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tun Best Saia'K In tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, UiilUlsins,
f tarns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl
iils. nr no tiav reuulrcd. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 2T cents per
box. For sale at Brown's drug store.
'kesases'call economy' te
TKeTs urest road. t'o.'.wealtKv g
porraslwitK . them: the;j iiices
Jjjgjj Remain: within the meat
EH More foodv and much the better
Is left Fop xjls to ea.b.
OP" We aro sole ageins for these well known Stoves and Kangei. In BAKING,
aro superior to anv other so called first-class stove made in America, and wo aro now
selling them FAR' CHEAPER than any so-called first-class stove has over been sold In
Eastern Oiegon.
They are Fully Warranted in Every Particular,
Till-1 is- not an Idle and valuless assertion, but a warranteo backed by tho well known
integrity and reliability of the Charter Oak Manufacturing Co. OTWo arc also car
rying a complete assortment of
All of tho above reliablo manufacture.
"TtT rPTATCTTAT) Is in chargo of a first-class workman, and nil kinds
U U JLv 1 LIN Ol'XvJ L of rcparing and job work done at reasonable rates,
nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Call nnd cxainlno our goods and prices.
SUMMERS & LAYNE, Union, Oregon
The Hew Discovery.
You have heard your friends and neigh
bors talking about it. You may yourself
bo one of tho many who know from person
al experience just how good a tiling it is.
If you havo ever tried it, you arc ono ot its
staunch friends, because the wonderful
thing about it is, that when onco given a
trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after
holds a place in tho house. If you havo
nover used it and should bo alllictcil witn a
cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a botUo at once nnd give it
a fair triaL It is guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial bottles free at
Brown's drugstore, Union, Oregon.
1 am overstocked in
Clothing, Dry Goods, and all kinds of Dress
Goods, which must be sold
Call Early and Secure
SJtTlicse goods are of the latest styles
and importations, but must and will he sold
at a sacrifice.
To the North Pacific Industrial Exposition,
Tortlanfl, from 8eptomber220th to Octo
ber 26th., and Northwest Imtuutrial Ex
position, Spokane Falls, Oct. 1st to Oct.
31, 1809.
For the Ncrth Pacific Industrial Exposi
tion to be held at Portland, tho Union Pa
cific wl'l sell tlckots from all ticket stations
on rail lines of the Pacific Division, from
September 25th to October 2ith, on Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays at the low
rateof ono and one-fifth fare for tho round
trip, with fifty cents added for admission
to the Exposition. Call on any agent of the
Union Pacific System for detailed informa
tion. Forthe Northwest Industrial Exposition
to be held at Spokane Falls. October 1st to
Oct. 31, 1890, tho U. P. Ity. will sell excur
sion tickets at ono and one-fifth faro for
the round trip with fift cents added to
such rate to cover admission coupon to
Exposition. Sale of tickets will bo com
menced Wednesday, Oct, 1st. Tickets will
bo sold for regular trains leaving Ucion
(station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days of each week. Sale of tickets will
close Oct. 31, 1890.
Agent, Union. Oen'l Pass. Agent.
a b " ' '
E. E. I.
These arelnltlal Letters of Words Form
ing a Sentence.
A Charter Oak range with wire gauze
oven door, will be given to the adult person
first gupsslng It correctly. And to the
young girl a toy Charter Oak stove,
Answer by mail to Excelsior Manufactur
ing Co.. CO North Front St., Portland, Or,
Bummers & Layne aro solo agents in this
city for theso celebrated itovcs,
WEAVER CO LWELL, At Ehsin, Oct. fi,
1890. Mr. J. H. SVeavcr and Miss Cora M.
Colwell, Uev. J. T. Moore officiating.
All Kinds.
ty- SHOES,
Just Received, Direct from the East, a Largo Invoico of LADIES' itnd
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Best Ever brought to this Market.
-Also a Fine Assortment of-
My Prices will suit tlio times. Drop in and soo mo.
O. VINCENT, Main Strcot, Union, Or.
Dealer In
Bedding and Lounges,
Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Mirror Plates, Picture Frames,
Oil paintings, Window shades,
Ms Sold oil the Installment Flan.
Constantly on hand a full line of
Sash, Doors and Mouldings.
'Picture Frames Made to Order.
'All kindfl of Job Work Dono to Order. Shop and Waro Room on Main
mroci, ujsum, vruguu.