.ft t! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1890. rtotlco to Debtors. Several weeks Ago we hiacwl omc ac counts In the hands of AVilson it Hackctt ,'sr collection. Some of these accounts trerc paid ninl some were not. This is to notify those who have not yet paid that the accounts have been taken from tlie hands of Wilson it Hackctt, and all pay ments that are made hereafter should be ientj direct to this oflice. We are in hopes that those who arc owing us will pay up without farther urging. AT HOME. A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen ings in and Around the City. A refreshing rain this week. County court inccis next Monday. Let us have a ho ordinance. Wo know of Fome hogs who want the earth, A larpe invoice of new millinery was re ceived by Mrs. Jtinehart this week. "Win. A. Leslie, a prominent citizen of "Wallowa county, died hist week at his homo in Joseph. A license to wed was Issued yeMerday by County Clerk Oliver to J. II.. Weaver and Cora M. Colwell. Now Is the time of year to settle up old accounts. Don't fail to call at the Cove drug store at once. Farmers can dispose of their surplus chickens at-the Centennial hotel. ?3 per dozen will be paid in cah. W. 0. Hunter and I5en Urown arc build ing a liay and grain warehouse at Island City. The building is 00x100 feet in size. The Annotntor says there will be more grain shipped from Allcel this year than from any other town and probably as much as from all the other towns in the county. The famous Georgia minstrels entertained our people most agreeably last evening at Wrights' hall. This well known organiza tion keeps up its reputation as the , best on the road. A footrace took place in this city, near the poor farm, last Sunday between James Green of Union, and Elmer Allen, of Pow der river. It was won by the formoi by about one foot. About $30 changed hands. Dr. 13. 11. Irving, of La Grande, died quite suddenly last Saturday after a drunk en spree. He attempted to cut his throat but only succeeded in inflicting a small wound. He was a member of the Pythian order. The management of the Northwestern Industrial Exposition at Spokane Falls, lias eet aside October 8th as Grand Army Day. A cordial invitation has been extended to all Grand Army men and Sons of Veterans to be present. The steam threshing outfit recently pur chased by Fred Nodine it Son, of this city, while being brought to their ranch from La Grande, met with a serious accident near Pecbler's place last Friday. Several heavy castings about the engine were de molished. In attempting to raise one of tho iron pillars in front of the Wilson block last Saturday, the immense weight became to heavy for tho men handling it and it fell with a crash. It was cracked in two places. Two of the laborers has a narrow escape from death. The Union Pacific Company's right-of-way agent, Ahlo S. Watt, was in town last Monday. Tho object of his visit was for the purpose of negotiating with Mr. Jesse Im bler for tho necessary land toestablish a de pot on his ranch near Suniniorvillo. Tho matter has not yet been settled. Tho Weston Leader pays us the following compliment: "The Oregon Scout, pub lished at Union. Oregon, is one of tho bright est and most able edited country news papers that comes to us. This week it con tained a one page article on the proceed ings of the State Auricultural college held at that place. ThcMcICanlass minstrel show gave a per formance in this city last Saturday night to a small audience, realizing barely sulH cient to pay tho hall rent. Other inferior companies will do well to noto this fact and not pester our population with their pres ence, A deserving show always meets with the best of success. Miss Jennio Thompson an accomplished milliner and dressmaker is now employed ut Mth. llinchart's millinery parlors. She is an expert trimmer and can change a very ordinary hat into a symphony of harmon ious shades and make it a joy forevor. Mrs. Itinehart employs none but first class artists and is always the first to intro duce the latest fashions. The ladles shoulu bear this In mind. Tarties arriving from Cornucopia tato that there is not an idle man in that camp. The Eastern Oregon Gold Mining company under Its new management aro employing miners as fast as they arrive and the camp is taking on for the tlrst time a permanent activity. The company's 20-stamp mill will soon bo started up on ore from tho Jlcd Jacket mine and will be kept running for months to come. An effort ljc'"8 Intul iy tho citizens of ;Sparta and vicinity to open up a wagon a-oad from Sparta to the bridge on main Ea"lc where tbo Union and Cornucopia iroad crosses. This road runs by Langreirs saw and plaining mills and as the road has mlready been built within threo mile of tho bridge by privato enterprise tho county courtHhould investigate and, If deorvIn, Tend&Nome assistance in the matter. News is received hero of a moit horrible accident that befell MUh Hontoon at the residence ol M. Andros at Jtlatid (Ity last Monday evening. She was ritting by a ta ble on whiou was a lighted ooal oil laiup, and in setting up slio accidentally tip,., d the table causing tho lamp to nil to ihe floor. It broVe ami tho 611 hriutin..' . t h. r clothes on liro and befoie th. :!.. u ' ' bo extlnguUhid the wc honli. v ...in.. .1 , ,oit"h it l Jmpe'l not tatallv. Attorney 6heJton is haviii.s a porch and bay window added to his residence, ami the buiidlng repainted. Others shoukl do like wise. Mr. R. V. Davis, of High valley, who has had an afl'eciion of the eyes for sonio time past, is now In Baker City having them dv(?rtd, lie WWttt to Portiaml recently but ihe ph.. siciau there afforded him but little relief. A thKf enterci the residence of Wm. James, in South t'nioii, Inst Friday, in the early morning, and ucceodttl In Retting away with $120 in gold coin, which had been carefully deposited behind a burefltt for safekeeping;. A party here in town Is suspected of the crime, but no conclusive cvldonco agaicst him is yet at hand. From a private letter received from Prof. J. D. Letcher, of the State Agricultural Col lege, we taKe tho following: "Tho college has had a splendid opening, KtO already enrolled, whilst out boarding hall has al ready overflowed. We have fivo student front Union county. Please remember me most kindly to our Union friends, who?o kindness, e.-pecially that of the pce&s, I recall with a great deal of pleasure.'' Alex .Jones is informed by tho eiiy au thorities of Kairliaveii, Wash., that an as sessment of nearly one thousand dollars has been made agaiint his property there for street improvements in front of the same, and unless paid the property will bo held lor it. Mr. Cntos also is assessed about four hundred dollars on the same lay out. Now these gentlemen iiuvo lived in Union for some time where such improe nionts are made at the expense of the city, and 'hey naturally don't like this move on the part of the dodgastcd niofebarks of Fairhaven and refer with much pride to the piogre-sivecitv council of Union. At Last! The long expected illiutrnted History of Utah by the eminent historian, Hubert II. Bancroft, has at last appeared. It is abso lutely a revelation. After visiting the Held in person, taking testimony impartially from all sides, eertilloally reviewing the enormous number of 1000 ditlerent authori ties, and searching many of the secret ar ehhcsof the Mormon church, Mr. Itanoroft now gives to the world this wonderful and remarkable work, the only- true history of Mornionisni, published. Tho work reads like a romance tho won derful adventures of trappers and travel lers, tho bloody Indian wars, the thrilling accounts of massacres and miraculous es capes, the famous Dante Association or Destroying Angels, the story of Urigham Young all this fresh jfroin the pen of the brilliant and gifted author forms a nara tive of exciting interest, as fascinating as a noyel yet true to tho letter. Above all in surpassing Interest is tho unfolding of the great Mormon question and the mysteries of Polygamy which will be read witli eager interest by all classes of people throughout the English speaking world. The work is published in one large volume of over bOO pages, bound in red and gold, and grandly illustrated with steol-plato portraits of tho gieat Mormon leadurs, exquisite half-tone engravings and dazzling colored plates. It is issued by the great publishing house of tho Pacific coast, The History Company of San Francisco, and can only be procured through thoir authorized agents. We call attention to tho advertisement in another column, under heading of $25. Howard. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho po.-toflico at Union, Oregon, for the month ending Sept. .".0, lS'JO: Allen John llanton Itobt Poll J X liryant Charley llerland Ilert Bo ton E S (2) Barnes Mrs Mary J Chaw Gerd Couipton G G Dopuo T A Drake Warren Flood Henry (2) Henry Miss Lcttio Johson U J Kenedy J J ' Logan J P Mills Mrs Mary Manning Mrs G 11. Myers James Mummy Wro'd to wr Nelson Win Parker.Jolm Sheridan W S Thornton S J Warren Mrs Sarah Wright Miss Phoby Whitney Wm Yautis M B 1'ort.oiis calling, for any of Iho above let ters, will ploaso say "adverti.-od.'' Mas. E. A. Ai.gku. P. M. KOTICS. God's Blessing to Humanity So Says an Orogon Pioneer, Ninety Years Old. Fokkst Guovn. Or., March 19. I have used tho OKEGON KIDNEY TEA and obtained immediate reliof. It is God's blessing to humanity. 1 take pleasure in rocominonding it to the afllieted. I .am now nearly niuoty years old, tamo to Oro gon in 1812 in tho employ of tho Hudson Bay Company, and since I began using tho OUKGON KIDNEY TEA I enjoy good health. DAVID MUNItOK. Behind the Bars. An individual bearing tho cognomen of John "McDonald, a native of Ireland, was brought over from La Grande yesterday by the constable of that product, clwgod with larceny from aporson. lie had an exami nation beforo Justice Knowlos and was bound ovor to await the action of tho grand jury. A spocial grand jury will bo drawn this morning to dispose of the case, so that he will not bo compelled to lay in jail until tho spring tonn of circuit court, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Thk Bst Salvh in tho world for Cuts, Brttiaes, Sore, Ulcors, Salt Ithoum, Fover Sorea, Tettor, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and post aively cure Pilos, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo . perfect satisfaction, or money wfnnded. I'rh-e 25 cents per box. Fui -a'.i- at Brown's dpi,; "tore. Not.-e. The la !ie- of the Union Cemetery Society, through the supi-rinteitdeiit, Geo. Wright, 1 , f !! i niii'ed Mr. 1 ( e J'ull'ip- s-iton of i , ! on ' .'ine rrv All p"T-. i irtwh , i. i. 11 p!. ( i !' H n M i i i , r ii v i i.'lo v 1 mi ir .,r, i I Ii.. ni-itlv iiihIi rotn'iU- ''?. . 1 1 OUR SOCIAI. 'WORLD. 8rUf Personal Mention SpltoMt of the Waak's Amusements. Mr. Seig Baer vi.'itcd Union this week. Mr. A. T. Ncill visited Union this weflt. C. A. John?, a llakir Citr attorney, Is at tending court. Mr. Ferd Bloch ic now day clerk at the Centennial hotel, Mr. 8, M. Harrell, of Ulgin, was in the city a few days ago. Mr. H. M. S mth, of tho ltirk, nmdo us a pleasant visit, Friday. ! J. A. Myers, of Sanger, was in town Tu'yj'.'ayott Inttfness. Mr. and Mrs. VVaURfo Harris visited friends in K'?$tl this week. Mr. JenTon JVtvis. of High valley, called on u a few day f5o. Mr. J. T. VAcxlsH, of Sumffltttille, made us a substantial" visit rcceutrv.' t L. .1. Uouse, county clerk of Wallowa county, called on us this week. Mr. Auots Shaw and wife of Siinun'r Ville, were in tho city this Week. Mrs. L. B. TMnehart vt-dted linker City this week to see liar slter who la siek, Mr. .John Fine and Miss Uomi .Bell," of Wallowa l ounty. were married Sept 24th. Mr. Peter Mehano. of KLiiu. called on us Saturday and subaefibed for Thk Srorr. Mr, fVias. F. Hyde, our ofllcient prose cuting attorney, subscribed for The SoofT this week. C. II, Craig and C. II. Cilvis. two of Ea gle valley's prosperous r.inohers, wore in Union this week. Mr.-S. C. Christiansen, of Elgin, who is here attending court, made us a pleas ant visit this week. A.N. Hamilton, of Snake 'river,. was in Union yesterday, looking over the fruit market in this section. Attorney Knux, of Weston, Umatilla county, who was here attending court, last week, called on us-Saturday. Mr. J. Newman, of Ladd canyon, left Tuesday for a visit to the eastern States. He will begone about livononths. Mrs. Wilbur, of Menclioni, subscribed this week for 'I'm; Scour to be sent to .Miss Emma Blanchard, Brownsville, Or. Mrs. Allie Denney, of Pino valley, came down last week and is now visiting"among relalivos and her many friends in this city. Mr. Byrou Mathews called on us" this week and subscribed for Thk Scout and took advantage of our liberal premium offjr. Fred. Pnnbstel, Henry Anson and W. II, McDonald, ollieers of tho La Grande Xa tional Bank, were .attending court this week. Mrs. J. P. Kennison, of Baker City sub scribed for Tin: Scout this week to bo sent to her daughter, Miss Anna Hannah, Cor vallis, Oregon Mrs. Vina Duncan, of the Cove has been in Union for several days attending to Miss Clirisman who has beon quite sick. Miss Clirisman, we aro pleased to note is rapidly improving. Mr. W. B Eastwood advanco agent of tho Ilcna Marsells Dramatic company, called on us this weeic. This troupe will arrive hero on tho l.'ltli inst., and play six nights. Mr. Frank Bradford, son of Joshua Bradford, of Wolf creek, arrived hero from Nebraska last Friday ami will make this Ids future home. He called ouusandsub sciibed for Tub Scout. Mr. Denipsey McDaniel, of tho Cove, culled on us a low days ago and subsorilicd for another copy of I'm; Scoct, to bo sent to his son, Charles, who is attending tho State University at Eugene. Mr, 11. Ward, of Tho Dalles, made us a pleasant visit this week. Mr. Ward taught about the first school wo over attended and, wo remember distinctly, could dust off a boy's back In the most approved stylo. At this date wo are free to nay that ho nev er warmed us up when we didn't need it. Itov. Alfred Thompson formerly of Sum merville, is now atlendiiiK the North Wes tern University at Evanston, III. Ho writes to have tho address of his Scout changed and says "I have always found it tho most newsy paper in Union county and desiro it forwarded to l.'KJJ Kidgo Ave., Evanston III., Instead of Salem as heretofore." Attorney J. W. Shelton. delegate from the Union Board of Trade to tho conven tion held at Portland last Monday for tho purpose of organizing a State Board of Trade, returned homo Tuesday. His wife accompanied him on tho trip. Tho dele gates weroontertained in a rupcrb manner, freo of charge, at the Hotel Portland, du ring their stay. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Tho Dooket Being Rapidly Disposed of by Judgo CUlTord. Tho citizens of the sixth judicial district who, by their suffrage, olovatod Morton D. Clifford to the judgeship of their district, may well feel justly proud of their thoico for that dignified position. Tho Judge, by his good knowledge of the law, his indcfatl gablo energy. Ids honesty and fairness In all things and his pleasing address, has not only gained the goodwill nud best wishes of hie Constituents, hut also of tho citizens in general who aro compelled to resort to liti gation In the courts to ecttlo their disputes. Tho businosH of tho court is greatly expedi ted by tho efllciont manner In which Tur ner Ollvor, our county olerk, performs his important dutios. There Is never a hitch in Ids department. The docket is being rapidly cleared and the September term itlvos-promlso of com ing to a spody termination. Tho grand Jury finished its work last Friday. Thoy tf t-d from their u-ual custom of presen ii! t. in- ' :m a lengthy and rorinwe re puii. but .u u plain and oonoiiw manner submitted what was done. TJila ',Kl I ( HV HfcfOHT dtould h- m-idu an euiup! by future or- " i it. oil- of 'ln kind It is us follows , 1 1, i' ,. , I,'.- I1,, ( 1','irt ! th, , i . ., r. i , , W our r in I mrv forilic present term ' of this court rcpt ct fully beg leave to re port : That we have boon been in sesstou tire days; that wo have found and returned seven true bills and live not true bills ofjin dictnient; that we have visited and exam ined the county poor farm and the. county jail, the former we found to Ire in splendid Condition In every respect and the county poor well treated and provided for. We found the jail well kept but with tho exception of the vault imecnro for the safe keeping of prisoners, anil recommend that the jail bo made more secure, and that some suitable system of cleansing the closets be made. We have also visited and examined tho offices and books, of the sheriff, clerk, ro i order, treasurer and assessor, and found JJ;ni all properly and nontjy kopt. Wo find a laiReamuiitllOfdellpqUeiiltaXi? due tho county and earnestly" recommend that seedy action may be taken fi.'l' their collection. Wo extend our thanks to ,'he court for uniform courteous treatment and to the district attorney and bail.ff for atten tion and ussiftanee at all time. Dated. Union, September 2S, l-!H). 1.0KEN.0 S KELXAY, Foreman. The attorneys In attendance are constant ly on tho move attending to the interests of their ;e.pectivc clients. Up to the time of goinir to pros the following caos have been disposed of: Pendleton Savings Bank vs It ,1 Slater ot al; default and judgment. Swift vs Houghton; same; attached prop erty ordered sold. A Mummer vs Irwin; continued on stipu lation for the term, .1 M Mitchell Admr. vs Jasper N. Mitch ell; verdict for defendant. O ,fc W T U U vs J Hit W It Hutchinson ; continued for tho term. Johnson vs Long; judgment for plaintill' for $25.50. Androssvs Antonello ,t Doe; judgment for plaintill'. llaistv.s Predmore; dismissed at plain fill's costs. " Meachani vs Grimmett; same. Stewart it Bidwoll vs A N Hamilton; continued for tho term. Hackctt vs Strange; dismissed? at plain tilPs costs. Langvs Arnold; same. Kimbrell vs Curtis; same. llichardson vs Brooks; continued for tho term. State ys Ilaller estate; (equity) order made for publication of summons and con tinued for the term. Haslet vs Haslet; judgment entered giv ing plaintiff possession of minor children. Marx vs Bloch; judgment for dismissal and for costs. Crandall vs Bloch Admr; verdict for de fendant. llcxterit May vs Glover; confirmation. Caviness vs Deal; continued for term, Spcrry vs Lewis; same. La Grande National Bank vs Wm Shaw Sr; jury disagreed and case continued for the term. Wade vs O II Ex Co; continued for term. Ivingvs Ames; same. Biggers vs Hill; continued and set for first day of next regular term. Cliadbourne vs MoKinney; continued for tho term. mvoncK iiocki:t. Fewell vsFowoll; divorce granted. Wise vs Wiso ; same. Johnson vs Johnson; same, Fresh vs Fresh; continued for term. Banks vs Banks; divorce granted. MeShane vs McSliano; decree in accor dance with stipulation tiled. Bochester vs Hochosier: divorce granted. Bates vs Bates; same. Hansen vs Hansen; same. Jones vs Jones;, same Hunt vs Hunt; continued for term. Trout vs Trout; divorce granted. htati: OASUS. State vs It J McWilllams; dismissed on motion ot district attorney. State vs Smith; plead guilty; sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. E. E. I. TheEO areInltlal Lotters of Words Form ing a Sentence. A Charter Oak range with wire gauzo oven door, will bo given to tho adult person first guessing it correctly. And to tho young girl a toy Charter Oak stove, Answer by mail to Excelsior Manufactur ing Co., m North Front St., Portland, Or, Summers ,fc Layno aro solo agents in this city for thoso celebrated Itoves, KOIIN. MITCHELL At Cove, September Ltlth, to the wife of Frank Mitchell, a daughter. MITCHELL In Union, September i!.'id, to tho wife of Kwnrdd Mitchell, a daughter. MAKltf Kl. MOSS SIMM At the Union Citv hotel, Sept. til, WOO. Rev. Bootho olllcititlng, Willis A Moss and Mary E. Sims, both of Island City. LAI)I)-TOMLlNSON -At tho Union City hotel. Sept. 21. 1H0O, by Hev. L.J. Bootho, Mr." W. It. Ladd and Miss Delia Tomlln hon, both of La Grande, Dii:i). LLOYD. At North Powder, Sept. 20, 1H)(), Robert A., Infant sou of Mr. and .Mrs. Thus J. Lloyd. BRADFORD At his homo near Union, Joshua Bradford, aged 6!i years and four mouths. Doceancd was an old and highly respect ed citizen of this community and a promi nent personage in G. A. R. circles. Ho was buried in Union cemetery last Monday aftomoon under tho auspices of Preston rout of this city. AIMIINJHTUATOIl'H NOTIOI5, "VfC-TITE I a HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL N lVrsons concerned that tho under ngnol has beMi regularly upijolntud ad uunistrutor of the etMte of .laiiett Mo Comas, lecesd. All twrsoni having claim utfitint -jid estate ur notinwl to in ...... ot iIh .lime, dulv v-.P'tt'd. to the un- .ler-i ro. d a Imlnistrutor w it I. in X mORlIM from i be d.tte of this noiite. at Ida roil den. f in I i. .on Union (-..iiiitv, iiievoll. iJuti dthi- li'.ljyol " toU-r lifii. rt I'l l: 'EL, 0 2w. Administrator. wji I A Large Invoice of FALL and WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED, ; Tlie it est, Latest ani Best. : Original Designs! Unique Styles! I Latest Novelties! Neatest Costumes! i j Everything in the Millinery Lino Constantly on Hand. Also a Choice Assortment of Ladies' Rflisses' and Childrens' Shoes. ' Prices Cheaper than any other house in the county. Call and bo Convinced. ! Mrs. L. B. Rinehart, i jfCF-F.ggs, Butter and Wood taken in trade. Main Street, Union, Or. If?, in i a I SBii M "- .DB.VLEUs. Genera! :-: Merchandise, CO OKKGON. A Complete Stock Always on Hand. Wi not be undersold, by any house in the county, for cash. jF" Highest l'rico Paid for Country Produce in Exchange for Goods. S. C. MILLER, Dealer In Bedding and Lounges, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Mirror Plates, Picture Frames, Oil paintings, Windov shades,, HAT HACKS, WALL POCKETS, and J1RACKIGTS of all DESCRIPTIONS, Ms Si oi tie Installment Plan. Constantly on hand a full line of Sasli, Doors and Mouldings. Picture Frames Made to Order. All kinds of Job Work Dono to Order. Shop and Waro Room on Main Street, Union, Oregon. TO CARRY AWAY BARGAINS, at IDOIDIFIEa: LEYTS STORE. -1 am overstocked in- Clothing, Dry Goods, and all kinds of Dress Goods, which must be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. CaBS Early and Secure BIG BARGAINS ! EEdgKTJicso goods arc of the latest styles and importations, but must and will be sold at a sacrifice. -DEALER IN- Latest Styles. JtiHt Received, Direct from the East, a Largo Invoice of LADIES' and MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Rest Ever brought to this Murkot. Alao a Pino AHsortment of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -.- GOODS. My PriccB -will suit tlie times. Drop. In ami soo mo. 0. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or. The Centennial Hotel, Union, ', ltccognUod by all as the V Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon! VIM! I.A1U1K S,Mi4.IC KOO.HK 1'or tho .toQiimotlntlnu of Commercial'! TrAVtteri OlIAUOHS RHASONAHLK. lb tail All Kinds. SHOES, Oregon. Proprietor.