UPS AND DOWNS OF LIFE. VThy It Is Earner to Govern Thau to Kua Grocery Store. E WAS saying, when ho awoke ono morning, "I wish I were governor of a small islnnd,nnd had nothing to do but to get up mid govern." It was mi observa tion llllltn tt-nrllitr nf him, and one of general application, for there aro many men who find it very diillcult to get a living on their own resources, to whom it would bo comparatively easy to bo n very fair sort of governor. Everybody who has no olllcial iosition or routine duty on a salary knows that tho most trying mo ment in tho twenty-four hours is t hat in which ho emerges from tho oblivion of sleep and faces life. Everything iierplexing tumbles in upon him, nil the po.siblo vexations of tho day riso up beforo him, and ho is littlo less than a hero if ho gets up cheerful. It is not to bo wondered at that people crnvo olllce, sonio salaried position, in order to escape the anxieties, tho icrsoiial responsi bilities, of a single handed struggle with tho world. It must bo much easier to govern an lsiand than to carry onohnostany retail busi ness. "When tho governor wakes in tho morn ing he thinks first of his salary; ho has not tho least nnxiety about his daily bread or tho support of his tamily. His business is nil laid out for htm; ho has not to create it. Business comes to him; ho does not havo to drum for it. His day is agreeably, even if sympathetically, occupied witli tho troubles of other jieople, and nothing is 60 easy to bear as tho troubles of other people. After ho has had his breakfast, and read over tho "Con stitution," he has nothing to do but to "govern" for a few hours, that is, to decide about things on general principles, and with littlo personal application, and perhapsabout largo concerns which nobody knows anything about, and which aro much easier to dispose of than tho iiernlexing details of private Ufa no nas to vote several times n day, for giving ' a decision is really casting a vote; but that is much easier than to scratch around in all tho anxieties of a retail business. Many men who would innko very respectable presi dents of tho United States could not suc cessfully run a retail grocery store. Tho anxieties of tho grocery would wear them out. For consider tho varied ability that tho grocery requires tho foresight about tho markets, to take advantage of nn eighth per cent, oir or on hero and there: tho vigilnnco required to keep a "full lino" and not over stock, to dispoM) of goods before they gjwil or tho popular taste changes; tho suavity and integrity and duplicity and fairness and adaptability needed to get customers and keep them; tho power to bear the daily and hourly worry; tho courage to face tho ever present siieeter of "failure," which is said to conio ir-'on ninety merehnnts in n hundred; the tact ueoded to meet tho whims and tho complaints of patrons, and tho difficulty of getting the patrons who grumblo most to pay in order to satisfy tho creditors. When tho retail grocer wakens in tho morning he feels that his business is not going to como to him spontaneously; ho thinks of his rivals, of his erilous stock, of his debts and delin quent customers. Ho has no "Constitution" to go by, nothing but his wits and energy to 6et against tho world that day, and every day tho struggle and tho anxiety aro tho same. What a number of details ho has to carry in his head (consider, for instance, how many diirerent kinds of cheese there are, and how different j)eoplo hate and lovo tho samo kind), and how keen must bo his appreciation of tho popular tostol Tho complexities and annoy ances of his business are excessive, and ho cannot afford to mako many mistakes; if ho does, ho will hfco his business, and when a man fails in business (honestly), he loses his nerve, and his career is ended. It is Bimply amazing, when you consider it, the amount of talent shown in what are called tho ordinary businesses o? life. It has often lieen remarked with how littlo wisdom tho world is governed. That is tho reason it is so easy to govern. "Uneasy lies tho head that wears a crown" does not refer to tho discomfort of wearing it, but to the danger of losing it, and of being put back upon one's nativo resources, having to run a grocery or to keep school. Nobody is in such a pitiablo plight as a monarch or politician out of business. It is very diillcult for either to get a living. A man who has once enjoyed tho blessed feeling of awaking every morning with tho thought that ho has a certain solary despises the idea of having to drum up a business by his own talents. It does not dis turb tho waking hour nt all to think that a deputation is wniting in tho next room about a postolllco in Indiana or about the codfish in Newfoundland waters the man can tako a second nap on any such affair; but if ho knows that tho living of himself and family that day depends upon his nctivity and intel ligence, uneasy lien his head. There is some thing so restful and easy about public busi ness! It is so simple! Tako tho aver ago congressman. Tho secretary of tho treasury sends in an elaborate report a budget, in fact involving a complete and harmonious scheme of revenuo and expenditure. Must tho congressman read it? No; it is not necessary to do that; ho only cares for practical measures. Or a financial bill is bro-ight in. Does ho study that bill! He hears it read, at least by title. Does he take pains to inform himself by reading and conversation with experts upon its probable effect? Or an international copyright law is proposed, a measure that will relievo tho j)coplrt of tho United States from tho world wido reputation of sneaking meanness toward foreign authors. Does ho examino tho subject, and try to understand it? That is not necessary. Or it is a ques tion of tariff. Ho is to vote "yes" or "no" on theso proposals. It is not necessary for him to master theso subjects, but it is neces sary for him to know how to vote. And how does ho find out that I In tho flrsS place, by Inquiring what effect tho measuro will have upon tho chanco of election of tho man ho thinks will bo nominated for president, and in the second place, what effect his voto will bavo on his own reelection. Thus tho prin ciples of legislation becomo very much sim plified, and thus I happens that it is com paratively so much easier to govern than it is to run a grocery store. Editor's Drawer la Harper's Mogazlre, Candid. Tramp No sugar nor milk in my coffee, mum. Sugar is bad for tho kidneys, and milk gives mo dyspepsia. Lady You aro very careful of your health. Tramp It's necessary, mum. If I didn't keey my health, I couldn't travel as a sick Bjan. Tid Bits. rrofrulonally Intent. ' TTratess ltd vounc Spriggtns, M. D.) Dr. Bprigginf, will you have some of the tonguel Dr. BpnggimnaDsentnunaeaiyj uu c kt me look at it, please. New York Sua. Natural Inequality ol Men. Thus men are certainly not born free and equal in natural qualities; when they are born tho predicates "free" and "equal" in the political sense nro not ap plicable to them, nnd ns they develop, year by year, the differences in the politi cal potentialities with which they really are born become more and tnoro obvious ly converted into actual differences tho inequality of political faculty shows it self to be n necessary consequence of the inequality of natural faculty. It is probably true that he earliest tnen were nomads. But among a body of naked, wandering savages though there may be no verbally recognized distinc tions of rank or oflice, superior strength and cunning confer authority of a more valid kind than that secured by act of parliament; there may be no property in things, but tho witless man vil bo pov-ert- stricken in ideas, the clever man will bo a capitalist in that same com modity, which in the long run buys nil other commodities; 'one will tniAs opiior amities, the others will make them; and proclaim human equality ns loudly as you like, Witless will serve his brother. So long as men aro men and society is society, human equality will !en dream; and the assumption that it does exist is as untrue in fact as it t-ets the mark of impracticability on every theory of what ought to be which starts from it. Pro fessor Huxley in Popular Science. Senator rainier' 835 l'lates. I hear that Senator Palmer has been entertaining magnificently at Madrid. Mrs. Palmer is a millionaire, and she and the senator aro the most accom plished entertainers at tho capital. Their house hero cost 85,000, and they have a china dinner service which is worth its weight in silver. Senator Palmer bought this at Paris just beforo he came here to tako his seat in the senate, and Gen. Cutcheon was present at tho house at the timo this china was opened. He saw that it was very fine and he asked Palmer how much tho plates cost. Tho senator replied: "I paid $35 apiece for them, and when I bought them in Paris Mrs. Palmer objected, saying, 'Thomas, do you think we can afford to use such expensive dishes as these?' 'O, yes, my dear,' said I. 'I want tho best thing I can get in this world. I live in hope of a hereafter, and when I get to heaven I expect to eat off of just such dishes as these every day, and 1 want as far as possible to get used to my future sur roundings.' 'O,' said she, and the result was that we bought the dishes." Wash ington Letter. Ilatclilni; Chickens In Georgia. While a man in Americus, Ga., was boiling eggs to be used on the luuch counter he heard the chirp of a. chicken. Looking, he found a young chicken, which had kicked out of its shell, in the tepid water in which he had placed the eggs. He took it nnd carefully dried it and gave it food. It now is as lively as a cricket and promises to grow to ma turity. Exchange. A man's opinion should be good for him. It should fit his conscience and make him feel comfortable. But a man with an opinion has no right to insist that others should have the same opin ion. They Were on the Collection Plate. Landlady Our new boarder is a good churchman. Daughter How do you know? Landlady There aro no buttons in h's pockots. Chatter. AVIuit They Spared. Mrs. Tangle John, tho kitchen isjust over-run with cock-roaches. Thoy've eaten up overy thing in it Mr. 1 angle What, overy thing? Mrs. Tangle Yes. Tho only thing they haven't touched, is all that Patont Deadshot Roach Food that I put all around for them. Light. More diseases are produced by using brown and perfumed soaps than by any thing else. Why run such terrible risks when ynu know Dobbins' Electric Soap Is pure and pel feet. Dobbias' prevents hands from cnapping. About the first thing Unit strikes the Hooillo Alderman who runs uwuy is the scarcity of places to run to. Out of the Fire Only thoeo who havo suflercd from salt rheum in the worst form cau know the agonies caused by this dreadful disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla has had remarkable success in curing salt rheum, us well as all atlcctioiis of the blood. I " I owe tho same gratitude to Hood's Earsapa rllla tliut one would to his rescuer from a burn ing buil'illug. I was tormented with salt rheum, and had to leave on" work altogether. My face, about the eyes, would be swollen and scabbed, my hands and a part of my body would be raw sores for a weeks at a time, my flesh would seem so rotted that I could roll jiieces from be tween my fingers as large as a pea. One physician called it type polsou, and gave me medicine ac cordingly; but salt rheum cannot be cured in that way. Finally 1 bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsapa rllla. it helped mv so much that 1 took a second and third bottle, and was entirely cured. I have not been troubled with salt rheum since." A. I), Kohmns, Hagar street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. I Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 Sold by all druggists. t, six for 15. l'rcpured only by C. I. HOOD Si CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar For a Disordered Liver Try BEECH AH'S PILLS. 25cts. a Box. ov AJ-ifj Dnuaoierrs. to tar BIUombm. tick BM4cta. ConttptUoa, MalvU. JJrar Caajplalnia. Ua tba aala u4 oaruto mMr, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Cm Ika SMALL ILZB (40 Uttkt Mui to the tU). Tbr v Lt matt mrulMi! mU all ua trie of tUr (1m, 2$ mU par hotu KISSING . i. r. smith oa. Mkn AND STILL THEY COMK. San Fbam irco, January 29, 1800. Sierra Chcmica' 'o. Gentlemen: 1 have been a sufferer from kidney complaints for several yean, and have used all kinds of medicine without any apparent results or relief until my friend advised me and told me of the won tlei fill cures ThcGreat Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure wa- accomplishing. I was In tduccd to buy one bottle, but without much faith, and to my nurptlse after using that I loUle I noticed such a great improvement ! that I kept on until I have now used three I bott'es, and can safely say that I am en tirely cured and never felt brt'er In my life. I wUh to recommend this remedy to all sufferers from kidney and liver disor ders, for it will positively do Iho work. Very truly yours, L. 11. Cohn, Atlantic & Pacific Pub. Co., room 52 St. Anne's buildii g. Sail Francisco, Cal. . First Citlzen-Do you think ConcrcsMiinn Hilly Mason will liecoine a United t-tntos sewitor Sec ond Do. Is ho worth u million? IM'T ON T1IK ItKAKKS If yon find you are going downhill In point of health. Fulling Mrength, Impaired digestion I and assimilation are the marks of decline I Cheek tliec mid other lndirattous of prcmaturu decay with the grand vltalizer and restraining I Umlc, llo-tctter's stomach Hitters'. Ileglnnliig 'at the fountain head, the stomach, the Hitter , remedies Its liietlleleney, corrects ll emits and sets It vigorously at work. The digestive organ I is thus enabled to thoroughly separate from the I food its nutritive principle, w hlch the blood i a'slmllatlug. Is enriched. Thu Is the system nourished, iiuu ocltig nourished, strcngtiicucu, anil abnormal waste of Its tissues slaved. Appe tite the power to rest well.n regular habit are also re-established, and the various functions move once more In their natural and healthful groove. The Hitters, moreover, Is a specific for and pre ventive of malarial complaints, rheumatism, biliousness and kidney troubles. Accommodating." I hope you don't object to my smoking." " Not in the least. That Is if you dou't object to my being sick." GAVE THEM A TIIOKOIHIH THIAI.. Hon. E A. Moore, member of Assembly, Itlchlnnd.count.v. N. Y write: "I have two allllctions which sometimes mako life a burden. One is dyspepsia; the other Is rheumatism. I heard that Bkandheth's Pills, taken one or two at night on an empty stomach, would cure rheumatic pains. I gave them a tho ough trial for three weeks, taking one r two every night. To my delight not only was I cured of rheumatism, but, dyspepsia, costiveness and biliousness. They did not interfere with my diet or business, and I really think them an Incomparable blood purifier and cathartic." An intercepted Telegram " Newport. August 5, 18110 Please look up the standing of A. do Klclio In Hradstreet's. He proposed last nlgit." The Thkoat. " Brown's Bronchial Troches" act directly on the organs of the voice. They havo an extraordinary ellect in all disorder! of tho throat. Speakers and sinucrs find the Troches useful. I.Ike Others. Mrs. Hunting What does your husband think of the warm weather? Mrs. bar kin He often applies a heated term to it. Beware of Imitations f the celebrated Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. ! If yon hare a COLD or COUGH, I ncute or lending to CONSUMPTION, i SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PUKE COO I.IVEIC Oil, i AND HYPOPHOSPHITES OF LIME AND SODA IS SUIU3 OUXU1 FOR IT. This preparation contains the Btlmula- ting proporllea ot the llmtouhotphltet nnd flno Knrtcegtan Vod Uvrr Oil. Used by physlcluns nil tho world over. It la a palatable an tnlllc. Three times as cfllcti clous as plain Cod Liver Oil. A perfect Emulsion, butter than nil others made. For all forms ofMnirlii( Vlneatet, jtronemti; CONSUMPTION, ' Scrofula, alld as a Flesh Producer thero la nothing like SCOTT'S EMULSION. It Is sold by all Druggists. Let no one by profuse explanation or Impudent ontroaty luduco you to accopi a suutmiuio. DR. LIEBIG'S "WONDERFUL ban Imptor To Prove Its Wonderful Tower and Superiority, A 81 Jlnttlu Every ono knows that Hrown-Sequard'a Veritable Kllxlr of Llfo was a failure and that Dr. Llrlilg's liivlg orntor is tlio original and only genuine Vital Kllxlr. trill bo given or Sent "ree on l application, per nnlly or by letter. BO THE 11EASON TUOrSAXPS 0ANJT0T OET CURED of Chronic, rriritl, E-cUI CuluUluU, Ktriotil DcMlll, t'u Btturml Wute, Lom of Manor ftud lUuboud, l.lrtr, l.uug. lll.l It r. KMoty hi) Hujuic1 Truulln, Impurlllci of th Wood, rlmiilei, Sorti til otlirr Rltln Plwa"--, li owUc la compllcfttlua calM rroaiatorrlitKA with llj iri-BUitU, which rciutrei irHUl trealmcDL Pit. LIKIIIU'a J.NVIOOnATORXallltWntjpn'ttlTteuM ioi abora dltt-awi iitiouiui'Mcaud with I'rotlauirrUu'a. No. 1 cum l'roiulorrri'f a. ITIca of Imlcoralor, fi caw of alt tolllei. 10, tialf ! tallica, hair frier. Hooka la luca frw, pit. LlElltn k CO. for ui-arlr a quarter of a crulur tan raids a ipcrlaltj of Plarwa of Hen. pliuaw, however In. duoex), (Mfollly. ihornuRtil aretl rercnl caa In a fvw daaj Ibtrttratocaiea iklltfullr treated! etiargea moderate. Conaultatloo tatloo Free. Call or ad Ire", M) I, ear; hired, Baa FraacUcv, Cat l'rlrato cotraoce, iQi Xlaaon Htri-tt, CAUTION. sSS package! of jioltnnotif fioa. itae inane ra arti aa uurtu miklllful a iher are ud- aeru; boo puloui, cuarattteelov turea for ft, or nffrrtuc t" rifuLd. flUdxlen-tl lilt. I.IEUKJ S INVHjUKaTOK. PENSIONS OLD CLAIMS 8ETT1.KI) under NEW Law Soldiers, Willows, 1'arentK, send for blank ap plications and Information. I'atrlck O'Farrell, reunion Agent, VYaidilnKtou, I), O, STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos Meaning the IIeht I'jano Maijk, ami the farorltu cbraier l'lauoa, all M uilcal liialruinnita; llanda Hui piled, lark-o aUk of Hbwt Mualc. HTKJNWAY Hall. fcfiand 203 Poet Htrrt; Mattiiiah (Jiiav Co, Call and aoe our new rooms and new atock. PENSIONS! NiAW Applv to MIlO II. STKl'HKNB A CO., Attorneys, 11 11 V street, Washington, I). C. branch otllccs Cleveland, Uctrolt, Chicago. LADIES, Send Stamp for Our Pamphlets. We have komethlne new which will save you trouble. KIRKWOOD HARD RUBBER COMPANY, Cor. Market ft Jones' Hta., 4th floor, room 1M MAN rKAKClBCO. Price, $6. Lady Agents Wanted. (frlm WHO CAN IlliritT When So Mnr Tratlfjr to the llrmiark nlile Cure KM'rctt'd by lira. Ilnrrln, WiiHlitiiKton HultdliiK, rortlnnd, dr.? T.ouN Holland, Portland ftranulrtted nnd inllained eye; perfectly cured. AIr. F. Heck, Aurora, Or. Severe pain In 'lie lRck nnd head: restored to lunltli. Mrs. J..T. Youiifj, H00 Third street, Port land Djspepsla, constipation, liver com plaint ami t-eveie pain In the stomach; cured. Homer TntHliiBer, Mollnlln, Or. Pain In his Htomnch nine years, cured in live ck. William Hohr, New York hotel, Port landNasal and throat catarrh: restored. Lester M. l.e'and, Oregon City, Or. Olnrrh six years; cured. Olllce hours; H to ft daily, nnd 0 to P evening'. Chronic diseases of all kinds successfully treated. Cures in private diseases nf whatever nature guarateed. Poor treated free from 0 to 10 a. m. dally. It Is remarkable how dltgitstlng a persou at breakfast can be with a single peach AN KIiKOANT I'ACKAOK OK FINK I CAltDS. Including 15 rare novelties, shapes and artistic imported oleogrnphlc and chro matic cards. This large and beautiful col lection sent by mall to any one who will do tills: Buy a box of the genuine Or. 0. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills from any druggist, price 2o cents, and mail us the outside wrapper with your nddress, plain ly written, nnd 4 cents in stamps. The genuine McLane's Pills are prepared only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., and have been In constant use for over sixty years. They are superior to all others In vurity and effectiveness. A certain cure for indigestion and sick headache. Ad dress, Fleming Bros.. Pittsburgh, Pa. "She is not pretty. You said she was s pretty a a picture." "Oh, well, 1 meant an amateur photograph." C0NSU.M1'T10N SUUKI.Y CUIIKI). To Tim Editor: i'leaoo inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named dliease. II Its timely use thousands of hopeless eai-es have bee'J permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tinn If they will send me their express and post ofllce address. Kespectfully, T. A. SI.OCVM, M. C, 181 l'earl street, New York. Tky Okkmka for breakfast. Giticura Hl'MOUSOKTHK HI.OOD.BKIN AND SCAM', whether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, blotchy or copjier-eolored, with loss of hair, either simple, scrofulous, hereditary or contagious, are speedily, permanently, eco nomically and infallibly cured by tho C ticuha Hemkdiks, consisting of t'UTicuiu, the great skin cure, Outicuiia Soap, an exquisite skin pu ritlernnd benutlfler. and Cuticuiia Uksolvknt, the new blood mid skIii purifier and greatest of humor remedies, when the best physicians anil all other remedies fall. CliTlcitltA KKMRiiiKsaru the only Infallible blood and skin purl dors, and dally effect more great cures of blood and skin diseases than all other remedies combined. Sold everywhere. I'rlce, Ci'ticuka, fiOc; Soap. 25e; liesolvent, II. Prepared by Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, lloston, Mass. Send for " llow to Cure Mood and Skin Dis eases." tiT I'lmples, blackheads, chapped and olTy H-X tar skin prevented by Cuticuha Soap. TKt llRckaehe. kidney luilns, wenkucss and rlieumatlsm relieved in one minute by tho celebrated Cuticuha Anti-pain ly.AKTEii.'J.'ie Faber's Golden Female Pills. For Female Irregnlai Ittct: nothliiKllkethen on the market. Hew fail HnccessfullTUsrv; by prominent i ad let monthly. Uuaraatooi to rellere suppresses menstruation. SURE18AFEI CERTAIN) Don't bs hnmbnggad Bavo Time, Health and money ;taxe no otb er. Bent to any addresa secure by mall on rt ceipi or price, iuu. Address. THE 1PHRQ MEDICINE COIPANY. Weatern Branch, Box 27. V OBTtAKD, OB sob! by Wianou IJauo Co.. Portland. Or CASPAR NURSERY CHOICE BTUAW I1KHIIY 1'IiANTS a specialty. Im mense stock of all leading varieties at the very lowest market rates. Send for price list, and I will please you. Address K. K. JONKH, Oijir Xunrri, Ft. Hiiaiiu, Mendocino county, Call- lorniii. HORSE NAILS. We offer to close out stock of 1.200 boxes Horso Nails as follows! fis. Hs, lis, 10s at 11 rents pound to the trade or to horseshoers; lis and 7s (few boxes only), 12k cents. They are the Judson make, the best in the world, and no more will bo manufactured. Order from your Jobber or from Nmltli'N CiimIi Store, 4 18 front Ntreel, Nun Fmiinlaico, !ul. Send cash or best city reference, payable on receipt of goods. Name this paper. JHE SMOKER Will have ro other Jobacco Who tries SELi OF JORT GA0LIN, Plug Gut. Jh!s is the secret of its Immense sale. Puget Sound Business College a NO SEATTLE SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. A school for young men ami women. Largest and best In tho Stale. Kali term commences Au giibt It). Kor particulars address for catalogue, Seattle, Wash., Seattle Illoek, Koom i'0. V. O. llox 12)3. New Pension Law. (Hies all widows and disabled sulillers ami sailors a lonalmit no trWenoe to funilih; no iUac)iar-e paiwra rx'iulrtili kililco trtt; uu ad nciuaor fat, Autborluxl riKiatcr d V H. l'ciul'iii Attorney I'AJ jt.ara'lkric), Cait J II HIIKPAItl) ana Maj. W. K. NOKItlH, S1V 1'lue Htrttt, Koom 47, atlJolnloK U H, Tuition A Keiicir, Hi frandaoo, Cal. Hefereuoi-a. A J. lluctlta, ComUiander (1, A. H. I)t.t, of C'allforula, and other (Upartwcut ofllctaJa. and alliFSf'!.??! obtained. Feci mod erate. Information .ittkll.opp. I'auiiitOI- flee, n ull ut on, li, C. (McntUin thli paper). N. P. N. V, No. 8638. F. N. U. No. 430 VrslJ rVJt . V HITKK I'UHK rUll PIMCM. Sure enre for blind, bleeding and Itching Pllea. One box h cured the worm canes ol ten yearn' standing. No one need miflei ten minute, after ihHir Kirk's German Hlo Ointment. It abaorbs tumors, allays the Itching, acts as a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's German I'llo Ointment is prepared ouly for PlWa and Itching of the private parts, and nothing else- Every box Is warranted . Sold by Druggists and sent by mall on receipt of price, 11.00 per box. J. J. Mack A Co., Whole sale Agents, Ban Francisco. ULTTiritK A Nil fll.KS CUUKII. We positively cure rupture and all rectal dis eases without pain? or detention from business. No cure, no pay; and no pay until cured. Ad dress for pamphlet lrs. I'ortertleld A I.sey, Sis Market street, Sun Francisco. Both tho method nml results when Syrup of Figs 13 tnken; it is plensimt and rofreshing to tho taste, and acta gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem eflectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitu.-J constipation permanently. For salo in 50c and SI bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kf. NEW YORK, N.Y. Tit Olditt Mtdicine in the M'crldit frotatly UK. ISAAC TlIOIUl'SON'N . CELEBRATED EYE-WATER.' This article Is a enretuily prepared physlcTnu'a pro scription, anil liai teen In constant use for nearly a century. There aru few disease to which mankluit aro tubjeot laioro distressing than sore, eyes, anil none, perhaps, for which moro remedies havo been trlMwlthoutsiicccsa. Korall external Inflammation of thoeyeH It Is nil Infallible, remedy. If tho direc tions aro followed It will never fall. Woparttaularly Invlto tho nttrntton of phvslclans to Ita nrrlts. Kor aHbynllilniEKlata. SolIN ).. THOMPSON, SONS 4.C.NicliolsXCo.LSrK!J,';r tot Kitttery St., Mini f-'ruuclkco. Highest market price paid for Hides, I'elts and Tallow. Diamond Drill Work. The Pacific Prospecting Co. ySKSg with Diamond Core Drill for oil, mineral or wa ter. Holes laired for ventilation or drainage. Agents for Diamond Drill Machinery and Sup plies. Correspondence solicited. 213 Suii-noiiii- Street, San Francisco, CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS RtD CROSS DIAMOND BRAND, hurt' iy riiUhiQ. iiiiicia, h lrurKlat for IHamond Jiranii, In rt'tT. inrtHiuo iMitu, hnirHt witn Mue rltiiMiu, Tke ru nth r. Alt tIU (tamii) fur t'trtlcui'isrii, textlmoulati ni Icrilvrrur rMiMi," in ittttr, by return mull. flam4 itiprf, l2m PORTLAND'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OPENS SEPTEMBER 26. 1890. Slifiior Liberntl'H MllitryHand of Fifty Selected Altislcians will furnish the nnmfc. Six nnd one-half acreH of lloor Himcu lllled to oveillowlng with the wonden of this wonderful ni;e. A world of McchaufcH In Miniature. Not to visit iIiIh limit Kxposl lion and view ItH wondern In overy denartinuut of art and hdenro will bo to niinn an opportunity hiicIi ns han never been preHented THE FAT AND DOMESTIC STOCK DEPARTMENT Will open September 25 and clone October 2. 5,500 1h offered in cash premiums in thin department. Stock Department open to vlsltora from 0 A. M. until 5 v. M. Expo Hltion from 1 i. m. until lu i. m. One ndmlHHion ticket admits to b ith. Price, adults. 50 centn; children, 25 cents, lied need rales 1'ortland. For information address ALWAYS IN If you want a iirst-cliiBS machine, do not purchase until you have looked up tho record of tho "Advance," as it iB tho only machine in tho market that will give ahsoluto satisfaction. Send for descriptive cata logue to Z. T. Wright, General Agent, Foot of Morrison Street. Portland. Oregon, Also dealer in General Machinery and Supplies. ographers of both sexes, attribute their success to n course nt the Portland Busi- ness (JOllOgO, I'ortianu, uregon, orine capital ouamoaa ouuuyu, ouicm, Oregon. Hoth are under the management of A. P Armstrong, have same courses of study, same rates of tuition. nusiiicss,SIiorthniui,Tyjwvritiiifr, Penmanship nml Eng lish Departments. Write to cither for joint Catalogue and specimens of peiituauship. vTl5)lavin d.ddcd 'bo things ctca.n.e.d!bjf This a solid CBake of scourindvsoo.Ti Try il lnyournexbhous9-cleojiins Even the little pig in the picture is a more agreeable companion than a man with a dirty collar or a woman who presides over a tawdry house. But nobody wants the reputation of being a pis under any circumstances. SURE Jlijrap CURE. A CLEAN AN0 PERFECT CURE OF Hurts and Bruises. A Doctor Saw It. I-awrcnce. Kntna. Aug u. 18. George rntterson fell from a I'd-story window, striking u fence. 1 found hlin using st Jacobs Oil freely all over his hurts, I saw him next morning nt work ; nil the blue spots had gone. Icavlug neither pain, sc ar nor swelling. C K. n Kl'MANN, M. D. ,Kr Hnrr.i.l'K M Dr.At.EI! THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Mtf. 7 The Best TvDewriter. ;jKY P"'1 lor Catalogue, Wiley B. Allen &. Co. J General Agents, 311 1st St. .rortlnnd. Or. Men's Suits to Order $20 to S40. Men's Pants to Order, $5 to $ I O. Kit guaranteed. Send I cents In stamps for samples and rules lor self measurement. ARTHUR KOHN, CLOTHIER, HATTER, TAILOR, or Second ami .Morrison Sts., 1MUT1.AM, OK. DOBBINS' EUPJCJOAP The Best Family Soap, in the World. PobhniV r.lectric Soap is chrajxr foryoru to use, if you follow directions, than any other soaps would be If otven to you, for by Its uso clothes arc mm, Clothes cost more; than soap. Don't you icirit to nre monc;, clothes, time, lalior, flic!, nnd health? All there catr bo saved if you will try Dobbins' Klectrio Soap. Wo say " try," knowing if you try It once, you will nlwnys uso It." Have youl grocer order It. H. M. BISSELL & CO. 219 Front St. ,s an Francisco, cau GENERAL ACENTS. OPIUM AND MOIll'H NF, HABIT cured. Trial free. Confldcn tlslly address INDIANA MINK It A I. Kl'ltlNGH CO.. I.A FaYKTTK. IND. llox 13. FOR MEN ONLY! For LOST or FAIXINO MANH00D Oeneral and NERVOUS DBILITY Weaknesiof Bodv and Mind. Effaotm IllliUiUllilof ErroraorEiccaaealnOldor Young-, lloliml, Nohla BtMinolirnllr llralorrit.. Hew lo enlaraa-aa CllrtnttarnrlKAa,l.nirKVHlAirEiiuittaaaraKiauriiuDi Dralllnt IIOSK TIHUTBKNT-llraaBIa la a itj. Ktn laalllj rrtin to Slalra and Karl(a looalrln. Wrila latav. DrarrlptP llaol, aiplanatloaaad ttrooraatallrdriralrdlfr Atfartas ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. CLOSES OCTOBER 25. to the people of thin Count before. on all transportation lines leading to K, V. AIjIjKN, Bupt. ami bec y. THE LEAD, THE HDVflHCE THRESHERS, Engines, Horso Powes, Self-Feeders and Strawstackers. THAT CAN UK UH HV15RV 1JA V is the kind that pays. Scores of young business men, niul hun dreds of book-kcencrs and sten haa,chiTnn!is i